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MOTHERS FRIEND A LINIMENT FOR EXTERNAL USE. Ona of the most valuable qualities of Mother’s Friend is that it safe-guards the future health of the mother. It is a liniment to be applied externally to the body, the use of ■which lubricates the muscles and tendons, softens the glands and ducts, prevents lumps forming in the breasts, and relieves the pain, nervous ness, nausea, and other troubles from which so many expectant mothers suffer. When Mother’s Friend is used regularly it fits and prepares the system for an easy and natural consummation of the term. Women who massage with this great liniment are always saved much suffering when baby comes, and recover more quickly, and without ill effects. Mother's Friend is sold at drug stores. Write for our free book for expectant mothers. THE BRADFIELD CO., ATLANTA, DA, ROBBED WHILE HE TALKS TO SHERIFF? Anyway, Officers Notice Queer Actions of Men and Purse Is Missed Soon Afterward. < «!. John Lockwood, a cattleman of Somerset. Atascosa county, who left 8::n Antonio Wednesday afternoon, ac companied by his niece, Miss Hill, whom lie was taking to Waco to school was robbed that afternoon nt the interna tion Jt Great Northern passenger de pot of his purse containing $2OO. The theft was not discovered until the train was well on its wav out of the city. According to information given the Austin police authorities, to whom the matter was reported upon the train ar riving there. Colonel Lockwood, Sheriff W, L. Wright of Wilson county and Captain Frank Johnson of the state ranger force met in San Antonio nt the depot, the station being crowded at the time. Sheriff Wright noticed ‘he actions of two men at the time which he regarded as suspicious and called the attention of the others to the fact. The men quickly disappeared in the crowd. It was not until Colonel Lockwood reached for his purse in order to get his railroad t : eket, that he discovered that his purse and money were missing. marriagTucenses. Edgar H. Koehler and Emma A. Hart imp. Ben Corhe and C. Qarnavale. Harry Endow and Surk* Goldstein. Ralph G. Ford and Lillian Beversdorf. AYER’S MAIR VIGOR Stops Fallins Hair An Elegant Dressins Destroys Dandruff Makes Hair Grow Does not Color the Hair Composed nf Sulphur. Glycerin, Quinin. Sodium Chlorid. Capsicum. Sage. Alcohol. Water, Perfume. Ask your doctor his opinion of such a hair preparation. J C. ATT.n Comcast. LqwcU. Mw Water, Perfume. Ask your doctor his opinion of such a hair preparation. ■ The Light and ’ Gazette's nJ I Free | Theatre Tickets] EMPIRE THEATRE Trahern Stock Company * - With - Jessie Mae Hall Take This Ticket With You *•* ‘ ’ ’ PR’SENT THIS AT BOX OFFICE ONE EMPIRE THEATRE ADMIT ONE 11 L3Lfllf L LZ . A » J • n When Accompanied by Escort or Chaperon SEAT ANY PERFORMANCE EXCEPT MAT INEES OR SUNDAY. I SAN ANTONIO 'ZT' —— KE R R VIL L E SATURDAY. j.d. strmis, head OF BIG CO. DEAD President of L. Frank Saddlery Company Dies; Will Be Buried Here Sunday Morning. Word has been received here of the death of J. D. Straus, president of the Straus Saddlery company of St. Louis and the L. Frank Saddlery com pany of San Antonio, which occurred nt St. Louis Thursday afternoon at 1:30 o’clock. He had been ill during the past year, Mr. Straus at the time of his death was 53 years old and besides his wife, ho is survived by two sisters. Mrs. L Bodenhcimer and Mrs. Max Piccard, of this ‘ ity. His body will be brought to San Antonio over the Katy and will ar rive here Sunday morning at 7:30 o’clock and taken to the home of his sister, Mrs. T. Bodeuheimer. 416 West Magnolia avenue. The funeral will take place from the home of /bis sister at 3 o’clock Sunday afternoon and interment will l.e made in the Jewish: cemetery. Rabbi Marks will conduct the services nt the home and grave. Mr. Straus was a native of Germany and came to this country when a young man. He made San Antonio his homo for a period of seventeen years an 1 went to St. Louis in 1900 to establish the Straus Saddlery company in that city. BIRTH*RECORD. To Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cramer. Jan uary 12. 221 Spofford avenue, a girl. To Mr. and Mrs. F. Reina. January 9. 612 U South Pens street, a girl. STANDING OF CONTESTANTS IN CONTEST AT 6P.M. JAN. 14 ... . DISTRICT NO. I—SAN ANTONIO. , „! ss ""srphiiie Forestello. 1103 Guadalupe street 30,463 j, 15 ’ Hilda Lee. 645 South Flores street 21,064 Daisy A. Woodman, 2004 Monterey street 14.744 Miss Aellie Lowday. 2320 West Commerce street 6.000 । Miss Amy Baker. ]fl32 Monterey street 3.280 faints Koch, 2203 Buena Vista 1,000 _ DISTRICT NO. 2—SAN ANTONIO, lorn Kerr Jr., 311 Cincinnati avenue 12,072 ilmmas < hindo. 310 Chavez street 8.702 - Mrs. Lina Braden. 802 West French Place 7,068 Miss Katherine Hill, 708 West Marshall street 0.038 Miss Pearl Lentz, 315 West Romana street 4.172 Master John Hankla. 214 Warren street 3.352 Miss Gertrude Schraut. 402 North San Mareos street 2,538 Miss Frieda Deny'a. 1312 Morales street 2.228 Mrs. J*. B. Thomasson, 3213 West Houston street 1,464 Miss Genevieve Nelson, 119 Upson street 1.198 Miss Loretta Piggott. 506 North Laredo street ’ 1.100 1 Miss Annie Dodie. 300 Boivin street 1.041 Mrs. J. J. Owens. 114 West Poplar street 1,036 , Miss Fern Francis Hirsch, West End 1,001 Miss Charlotte Cleary, 712 Cameron street 1,001 Miss Rebeca Melendez. 110 Upson street 1,002 John A. Smith, West End 1.002 Alfred 1,. Richey, 353 Castro street 1,000 Mrs. Lena De Leon, 913 West Ban Pedro Place 1,000 DISTRICT NO. 3 - SAN ANTONIO. Miss Ruth Hunter, 1221 North Pine street 14.324 Mrs. G. W. Gazlay. 910 Avenue 9.616 । H. 1. Milliams. 303 Oakland street 6.000 Miss Odelia Miller. 1125 Hackberry street 3.470 I Mrs. M. D. Ashmore. 828 Avenue D 2,288 'Miss Annie Aylmer. 421 Burleson street 1,634 Miss Jennie Hughes. 141:: North Olive street 1,356 ; Mrs. A. Luckett, 507 Burnett street 1,346 Mrs. George Stillson, 309 Blum street 1.340 Miss Agnes Booth. 231 Burleson street 1.186 R. L. McKibbin. 407 Avenue 1,084 Henry Howe Eager, St. Anthony hotel 1.064 Philip L. Wright. 201 Travis street 1.0n6 Miss Louise Delegate. 219 Oakland street LOol Otto \ inke. 623 Dallas street 1.042 Arthur E. Thomson. 419 Navarro street 1,042 Ollie W. Smith, 1207 Avenue D 1.040 R. R. Jennette. Laurel Heights Terrace 1.038 Edward Baubel. 1301 North Olive street 1,036 George Caen, Jr.. 112 Jefferson street 1.032 ( Otto Vinke. 623 Dallas street 1 1,030 ; Mrs. G. W. Baines. 234 Belmont street 1.028 J Mrs. J. W. Sloan. 615 Avenue C 1.024 ■ 11. H. Franks. Gunter hotel 1,022 1 Ike Pendleton. 1121 Grayson street 1.02 > Miss Helen Jones, 207 Travis street 1.002 W. B. Adams. 901 Van Ness street 1,000 J. L. Harwell. 228 Sharer street 1.000 Miss Harriet Strohmcycr. 207 Martin street 1,000 DISTRICT NO. 4 SAN ANTONIO. > Anthony J. Castanola, 824 South Flores street 20,424 | Mrs. A. E. Carter, 206 Garden street 18,086 Miss Grace Loring. 108 Henrietta street 17.054 Leon Glasberg. 318 Idaho street 13,552 i Mrs. Herman Heiligmann. 104 Fir street ♦8.376 Mrs. Orie Lee Camp. -160 Dwyer avenu e 5,518 Bernie Coin. 117 Omaha'street 2,442 Mrs. Clive H. Shook. 213 Frasch street 2.376 W. A. Franklin. 601 Routh Pine street 1.326 Mrs. Ernestine Bretzke. 806 South Hackberry 1,302 Master Allie Mathis. 631 Denver Boulevard 1.300 iNn. J. E. 'Wilber. 337 Stnee stwef .... 1300 Mrs. D. S. Smythe, 101 Arlington Court 1.100 C. E. Hagelin. 222 Mission street 1.096 | Mias Grace Adams. 210 Denver Boulevard 1.064 i Rev. James W. Albritton. 133 Porter street 1.066 Miss Claudia Smith, 541 South Presa street 1,048 Miss Jessie Brewster. 223 Montana street 1,006 DISTRICT NO. 5. I Master Jimmie Jack Davis. Boerne 12,866 ;Miss Louise Wilke, Boerne 10.538 George Sellers, Center Point 1.084 Miss Cecelia Codrington, Comfort 1,062 | Miss Betsy Faust, Comfort 1,0481 DISTRICT NO. 6. IN. C. Windrow. Hondo , 33,5001 ‘ Henry Mitchell, Sabinal 33,411 ■ I Joe Dunlap. Uvalde 13,163 I ; Mrs. Harry Dean. Eagle Pass 7,506 1 I Prof. H. 8. Rdlcr, D’Hanis Publie School 6.500 I Mrs. A. B. Dillard. Sabinal 3.014 | Miss Onida Znra ITvmnna, Del Rio 1,500 Reading AV. Black, Uvalde 1,308 John IV. Thompson Laredo 1,000 Miss Louise Crooker. Del Rio 1.000 ,f. E. Doekerv, Uvalde 1.000 Mi's Tris Jones. Del R:o 1.000 , Miss Alice MeCail. Hondo 1.000 ■ W. H Rhodes. Uvalde 1,000 DISTRICT NO. 7. Miss Vedena Hundley, San Marcos 44,146 Ernest Clemmons. New Braunfels 17,840 George Schwab, New Braunfels 12,500 ' Miss Ethel Templeton. Seguin 5.610 1 Miss Aileen Wood, Seguin 1,300 | Miss Vera Coretb. New Braunfels 1,068 | Mrs. Leonard 11. Talley. Austin 1.034 Mrs. Richard Depew. Austin * 1.014 Miss Etta Hall. Austin 1.00.8 George McNaughton. San Marees ... 1.001 I A. W. Livingood. Lockhart 1.002 । Craig Black. Taylor 1.002 Jack Kritser. Taylor 1.002 Mrs. F. O. James. Austin 1.002 A. Sidnev Michelson. Austin.. 1,002 | Arthur S. Bergstrom. Austin 1.000 Gerald Belcher. Austin 1,000 Mr. A. R. Smith. Austin 1.000 Miss Maric Fleming. Seguin 1.000 Miss Mamie Terrell. Seguin 1.000 Edwin Waller. Austin 1.000 ; Mi's Caylotna Smith. San Marcos 1.000 Miss Anna Achil'es. Austin 1.000 I Tom Devine. Austin 1.000 I Miss Ade Matthews. Austin 1.000 | Gradv West. Austin 1,000 ' Miss'Ball'c B. Nance Kyle 1,000 Miss FUs Daily. San Marcos 1.000 ' Miss Ella Bremer. New Braunfels 1,000 j DISTRICT NO. 8. Miss Florence Ferguson. Beeville 6,0761 A. B. Murray Floresville 1,080 [ judge Walter F. Timon. Corpus Christi 1,076[ Miss Bertha Taylor. Karnes City 1,044 Dr. U. B. Powers. Sinton 1.041 y F. Miller, Floresville 1.0361 Ernest Bain. Kenedy 13281 Mrs. J. M. Fox. Karnes City .' 1.022 Miss Clara Hill. Kenedy 1.018 , Miss Vivian Echols. Kenedy...... Miss Aura Knowlton, Aransas Pass 1,000 | ' Mrs. J. W. Baldeschwiler, Rkidmore 1,000 . COURT GRANTS MRS CARTER ALIMONY * til Prart ieallv hvsterical. with vehement i * * • । nii sobs convulsing h«r body which swayed | th from side to side in anguish, and with ■ her voice pitched so high as to be jpl hoard in the corridors. Mrs. Florence j \ ll Carter, seeking a divorce from her hns band. T- M. Carter, was on the witness stand in the FMrty-flfth district court, fij The hearing was on injunction to prevent Carter from interfering ‘ SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE ith her and came up in the Forty fth district court. Judge Camp issued ie restraining order, at the same time ■dering that Carter pay her $4(l per onth alimony until final hearing of ie suit for divorce. Mrs. Carter was the only witness aced on the stand. Her testimony iroughout was of the sensational, bor wing frequently on the hysterical. She ept distressingly during h-'r recital id frcquentlv Ind In stop to calm urn. A. Collmuin, plumber. Both phones. A Thoughtless Druggist. QNLY a thoughtless druggist would offer a preparation without the signature of Chas. H. Fletcher when Castoria is called for; the “ delicate, faint and flickering light that joins baby’s life to its devoted parents being too sacred, to the self-respecting druggist, to be trifled with. For over thirty years Mr. Fletcher has given, and still gives, his personal r tention to the preparation of Castoria. It has won the confidence of mothers and physicians everywhere—never harmed the tiniest babe. This cannot be said of Imitations, Counterfeits and the “ Just-as-good ” rot. The thoughtless druggist only offers the counterfeit because of a few pennies more profit. Any new preparation can be but an experiment, and they are experi ments—mere guess work—irrespective of what their sponsors may say for them- It is experience of over thirty years, against wild and injudicious experiment. B Letters from Prominent Druggists addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher. 8. J. Briggs A Co., of Providence, R. 1., say: "We have sold Fletcher's Castoria in our three stores for the past twenty years and consider it one of the best preparations on the market.” E. W. Stucky, of Indianapolis. Ind., says: "To say that we have reeom mended and sold your Castoria for years is the best endorsement we can possibly give any preparation. It is surely full of merit and worthy of recommendation.” Henry R. Gray, of Montreal, Que., says: “I would say that your Cas torla for children is in large demand and that it gives general satisfaction. Not being a secret nostrum many medical men order It when dreum- Eo? 3 stances Indicate the use of such a preparation.” i-J __ lt)mat^s aild&WCtSlJ q Marshall, of Cleveland. Ohio, says: “We have found your Castoria to be not only one of the beet sellers in the medicine market, but a preparation that gives almost universal satisfaction; in fact we cannot t. Z7* recall having had a single complaint from any of our customers who ha ve used it.” AS Owe “ * Mlnor DruK Co - of Ric h ®o nd - Va.. says: “It is with pleasure that we lend our endor3ement t 0 Castoria. a preparation of proven A UU. IC. merit. During onr long experience in the drug business we have had K*j Acr^’sfOldScSUH'O/fnEn abundant occasion to note the popularity of the genuine Fletcher s Cas- HUljip Smt- toria, which we unhesitatingly recommend.” » ’ TfeidfrZfc ) Brannen 4 Anthony of Atlanta. Ga., say: “No doubt If we were called Anretur!• I upon to state positively what medicine we had sold for the greatest length / I of time, the greatest number of bottles sold, and the most satisfactory I preparation to us and also to the customer, we feel that we could safely ' I B nd conscientiously say Fletcher's Castoria.” eS&E B Aperfect Remedy for Consfipu ESESJ GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS ness and Loss of Sleep. Bears the Signature of Facsimile of f j 11// 1* new York. _ BBS® The Kind You Save Always Bought Ei copy of wrapper. In Use For Over 30 Years. rr TUt CCNTAUM eOMHNV. FT MURRAY «TW<KT. NffW YORK CITY. INSBR6ENTS Will ATTEND CAUCUS Representative Dwight Says Agreement Has Been Reach ed on Committee Personal. Washington, D. C., Jan. Js.—ReprP senfativr Dwight of New York, rcpubli can whip of the house, stated today ar agreement has boon reached betweei the regulars and insurgents whereby tin latter will attend the republican cauciu on tin* selections of the Ballinger-Pin chot investigation committee* and abide thereby. If H OUSTED HE IS OOJfD IO KNOW Calvin Says He Will Be on Deck When Fort Worth Meeting of Farmers Is Held. Huuston, Jan. 15. —When the Fort Worth meeting of that branch of the Fanners' union which is being organ ized by President Loudermilk is con vened, E. A. Calvin, ex-state president of the union, will be in Fort. Worth, according to his declaration made here this morning after reading a statement emanating from Fort Worth to the ef fect that steps would be taken at that meeting to oust him from the union. Said Calvin: “If the Fort Worth meeting proves to be a meeting of the Farmers Educational and Co-operative Union of Texas I shall attend, and as I have the pass word I would like to see, them keep me out. but if it proves to be a meeting of the new organization head . ed by Loudermilk and other officers ofj the union I shall not go near it.’’ The Harris county union in session here today again condemned the efforts to bolt from the National union, but appointed delegates to both the Fort Worth and Waco meetings. CALLED TO BOSTON BY DEATH OF SISTER Dallas. Tex.. Jan. 15.—General E. F. Gillian, head of the Spanish-American Veterans’ association, received a mes sage from Boston today announcing the death of his sister there ami immedi ately loft for the east, being forced to cancel appointments in various Tex as cities, Lung' ana Throat —pa-k Terrace Sanitarium. Rates reasonable. Call on or address Dr. W. E. Wright, Hicks -‘J GARNER FEELS CERM OEIS FOOT CHANNEL Says It Will Be Ordered by En gineers and Committee Members Favor It. Washington, Jan. 15. —The board of engineers considering the fifteen foot ihanncl between Corpus Christi and Aransas Pass may decide to extend the canal to Rockport, according to an nouncement made here today. At least the board will consider the project. Representative Garner is satisfied the Aransas Pass to Corpus Christi ehau nel will be ordered by the engineers Mid will then go to the rivers and har bors committee, the members of which say they favor the project. NIGHT RIDERS ARE BECOMING ACTIVE Union City, Tenn.. -lan. 15.—Night riders are again becoming active at Reelfoot Lake. They have posted no tices that fish dock owners must re move their docks within a week and fish haulers leave the County within two weeks. Neuralgia pains stop when you use SLOANS LINIMENT Price*, QSc.. SOc.. and 31.00. Public Notice After Dec. 31st. 1909. we shall give premium tickets only to those who pay cash. It costs fully 5 per cent to de liver and change goods. All outsanding tickets will be re deemed with satisfaction to the i holder. We invite the patronage of p«»r- Ticular people. Our desire is to phase if not satisfied, money re funded You-s for good tea and coffee . THE HOLLAND TEA STORE . 229 W. Com Phones 311. JANUARY 15. 1910. I Aug. Limburger Will eave you IS to W per cent on each fallen a f whlakoy, wino ee box of clgara yM buy from him. Both phono* -t nd BILLY SHEEHAN M CUT RATE SALOON ■ All the Leading Ir»ndi Price N 701 w. Commerce at =3 | FBED HUMMEBT, 9 202 204 W. Commerce St. Wall Paper, Peints, Glaes, Av ■ tists’ -Materials. Pictures and Pie fl ture Framing. COLLARS cut a big figure vith the well dressed man. If you want the best collar work in town let us do them up for you on our new collar shaper. We also do dyeing, cleaning and repairing. NEW PROCESS EM CO. 346-48 E. COMMERCE ST. Both Phones 995. WOODWARD CARRIAGE CO. Vehicles Harness and Rubber Tires 215. 215, 217 St. Maiy's Street FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY An Oculist Examination Free A Pair of $5 Gold Shell Glasses for SI Providence Optica. I and Jewelry Co. 323 East Houston Street. § E. L HOFHEIHZ 504 E. HOUSTON > Stoves and Ranges ft AfGXQ OH. V»FHAHCO*B cAU’Cdi COMPOUND, e 3