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WEDNESDAY, Wood-Coal WINTER WEATHER Makes Higher Prices (Moral) Buy your Fuel in Warm Weather CARR CO. CREME DE BELL E Z & A greaseless cream. Non hair producer, cooling, soothing, heal ing. Makes skin pliable and white. Per 2 ounce jar 25c. E. C. JUNGK ND 519 East Houston Street YOU MAY BE A VICTIM of EYE STRAIN and not know it; the effects may be manifested in soms re mote part of the systtw. I want to exam ine your eyes if yoii orc not well. My (Classes correct many conditions that are considered incurable. My methods are dif ferent. Examination free. DR. DUNN, Oph. D. Hicks Building. OTA INSURANCE BOTH PHONES ZI29 . US AVE C "■■■ — Dr. Chas. Rees OPTICIAN. 330 W. Commerce Street THE ORIGINAL REES Next to Sullivan’s Bank. Ne* Phone 72>. Old Phone ISSJ-gr. Fischer's Drug Store GIBBS BUILDING. Best drugstore service in the city- Headquarters San Antonio Graduate Nurses’ Association. Calls taken for phy sicians or nurses any hour, day or night, have six quick delivery messengers. Onen all night Both phones 224. LEVYTANSKY’S JEWELRY EMPORIUM FOR ANYTHING IN THAT LIN« Cor. Casino and W. Commerce St. Near th. Brids*. H. C. REES OPTICAL CO. 242 W. Commerce St. “Want to See You.’ EIKEL AUTOMOBILE CO. 427 MAIN AVENUE Agents for T5he JACKSON Old Phone 1888 THIS WEEK. GOLD FILLED {F | EYE GLASSES WARRANTED FIVE YEARS. EXAMINATION FREE. DR. W.S. YOUNG Optician Third Floor Conroy Building. /WRIGHT-DUERING For the cure of TUBERCULOSIS For particulars call upon or write DR. R. E. WOODARD, Hicks Bldg. IX SAN ANTONIO. TEX. )) Fruit of All Kinds Wholesale and Retail. FRANK TALERICO Established 1888. 101 Military Plaza. Old Phone 78. New Phone 1868, MUMP BLEND COFFEE The Best 25c Coffee on Earth. Try Our Elgin Creamery Butter. Great Atlantic^Pacific Tea Co. BUY STOVES OF THE ENTERPRISE 602 E. Commerce St. Open For Business Hoffman House Grill Room, 4V8 East Houston Street.’ Best Cooking in Town. Prices Reasonable Your Patronage Solicited and Appreciated. John L. Glover, Mgr. ST. LOUIS MUST TAKE SEWAGE OF WINDY CITY Governor of Indiana Says None of the Figurative Kind Can Come to His State. HE TALKS ABOUT GAMBLING Anything Not Good Enough for Illinois Is not Good Enough for Indiana, He Says. Chicago. .Ian. 26. —At a banquet of the St. Andrew's society in honor of Robert Burns at Gary, Tnd.. last night. Governor Marshall of Indiana explain ed his attitude toward gambling in In diana by Chicagoans. “When an effort was made to start gambling at Dearborn park. I submit ted to you. as fair-minded men. that the sewage of Chicago must go toward St. Louis and not into Indiana.” he said. “Indiana is not going to be a nesting place for corruption and lawlessness. “What is not good enough for Il linois certainly is not good enough for Indiana and every attempt by the Chi sago sports to open gambling in Lake county will be severely dealt with. I first gave your local authorities the chance to administer your own laws, and when they failed to take advantage of it I took matters into my own! hands.’’ ROSS GOES TO PE NIR NW TEN YEARS FOR STABBING Negro Given Nearly the Limit for Insulting and Cutting a Passenger on Street Car. Arthur Ross, charged with assault to murder growing out of a stabbing af fray on a street car last September, was given ten years in the penitentiary yes terday afternoon by the jury in the Thirty-seventh district court. Ross had 1>een charged with stabbing B. D. East land and all the testimony showed that the negro had first insulted Mrs. East land and when warned about it had re torted bv a knife thrust. The assistant district attorney, pros ecuting the case in the absence of Dis trict Attorney Baker, who was engaged with the grand jury, made a powerful appeal to the jury to protect the women from gratuitous insults from negroes and loafers. He asked the jury to do its duty. The jury deliberated a while and then returned a verdict at ton years. The limit which can be given, and which is given only in the most ag gravated cases, is fifteen years. • Suetitijow “Do you know of any woman who ever received any benefit from taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound ? ” If any woman who is suffering with any ailment peculiar to her sex will ask her neighbors this question, she will be surprised at the result. There is hardly a community in this country where women cannot be found who have been restored to health by this famous old remedy, made exclusively from a simple formula of roots and herbs. During the past 30 years we have published thousands of letters from these grateful who have been cured by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, and never in all that time have we published a testimonial without the writer’s special permission. Never have we knowingly published a testimonial that was not truthful and genuine. Here is one just received a few days ago. If anyone doubts that this is a true and honest statement of a woman’s experi ence with Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound write and ask her. , «cvvumiciiuru mt- vuiii pviiDu tv my next door neighbor, and hope that all suffering women will try it.”— Mrs. J. Wilson, 4016 Ulloa St M New Orleans, La. Any woman who is sick and suffering is foolish surely not to give such a medicine as this a trial. Why should it not do her as much good as it did Mrs. Wilson. U the slightest trouble appears which you do not nn .derstand. write to Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass., for her advice—it is free and always helpful. Suicide is Fifth in Chain of Deat Linked Around Pennsylvanians Capitol Graft Harrisburg, J's., .tan. -a— me tragic death of “Jimmy" rtevenson, who ■ drowned himself in the Delaware river near Philadelphia, is just one more fa talitv in the chain that has linked itself around the new $13,000,000 Pennsyl vania state capitol here, the country’s ! biggest and most beautiful monument ) to graft. Stevenson was private secretary to ; Contractor John II. Sanderson, the chief capitol “trimmer.” Sanderson is dead; former State Treasurer W illiam L. Mathfles, who o. k.’d and paid out the graft money, is dead. When death snatched him. it was just ahead of the law, for Mathues was under a prison sentence. Never was such a huge project to rob the people projected as this same tow ering state house. And never was there an ending more sinister for its schem ers. Brass fixtures were awarded in con tracts by the pound. Furniture was sold by the cubic foot. Millions were paid out without right of law. and went into the pockets of members of the grafting conspiracy. And then —death came. TO CROSS OCEAN IN A BALLOON Associated Press New York, Jan. 26.—A balloon trip across the Atlantic will be undertaken in May. New York and Berlin are be hind the scheme and the big dirigible for the purpose is now being construct ed in Germany. The bag wnl carry 50.000 cubic feet of gas and will have two fifty-horsepower motors. It is planned that the balloon .shall leave Berlin on May 15 with Vancouver, B. C„ as its ultimate destination. A sailor had just shown a lady over the ship. In thanking him she said: “I am sorry to see by the rules that tips are forbidden on your ship.” “Lor’ bless you. ma’am.” replied the sailor, “so were apples in the Gar den of Eden.”—Everybody’s. New Orleans, La. — “ I suffered with inflam mation and ulceration for a long time, and bad dreadful backache and a weakness. I had lieen under the doctors’ treatment for six months and they claimed I must be operated upon. Iwas in bed three weeks and could not turn over on either side the pains were so bad and 1 was so nervous. “Then Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound was recommended to me by a neighbor, and I had taken it only a short time when I felt relieved and now 1 am a well woman. 1 am in fine health and feel like a young girl. I have recommended the Comnound to my next door SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE DID HE GET IT? The $13,000,000 State Capitol at Harrisburg, Pa fi Stevenson was one of the best liked ;j young men here while the state house ,. was being built. As confidential mau e| to Sanderson he was supposed to know h all there was toAnow about the inside e story of the filching of fortunes. n 1 The whole mass of crookedness was I exposed, and Sanderson, his reputation b'ruined, his freedom menaced, died. Then subpoena servers sought Stey e enson. He dodged them, but lived in i- worry. Finally they found him, a week be • ' fore the trial of Architect Joseph M. 11 Huston was to start here. Stevenson. 11 at his home iu Merchantville, N. J., >| brooded for six days. Should he go and ; ] tell all he knew of his dead chief, or — | He took the other course. INTERNATIONAl PARK PROPOSED III NOlIH Canada and U, S. In Project to Reserve Lands In Montana and Across the Border. Associated Press. Washington. Jan. 26. —The fact that the United States and Canada are en gaged in a co-operative scheme for the establishment of an international park of about 5000 square miles in extent along the backbone of the continent in the two countries was developed in the senate yesterday. It came to the surface in connection with the consid eiation of a bill looking to the crea tion of the “Glacier National Park” in northern Montana. It was stated that negotiations were in progress look ing to the establishment of a similar park on the Canadian side of the inter national line, which it is intended shall connect with the proposed American reservation. The senate bill'failed to pass be cause of the objections of Senator Bo rah, who did not explain his objection, but other senators indicated doubt as to the wisdom of it. It was stated that the area on the American side of the dividing line con tains the only living glacier within tho borders of the United States. There are sixteen of them, while in addition, according to Senator < arter, there are innumerable waterfalls and majestic bblfl’s thousands of feet in elevation. Mr. Carter stated that the area in eludes the only remaining American habitat of the mountain sheep, and be urged that it should be preserved fo. the protection of that animal. He said that Canada was also actuated bv a similar desire. ONLY ONE THING CIA RETARD GR0W1H Predicts Six to Ten Millio People for Chicago If Trans portation Is Cared For. Associated Press. Chicago, Ill., Jan. 26. —“Chicago will have a population of 6,00(1.00(1 to 10, i 000,000 twenty years from now. 1 the prediction made in an I address vesterday by Bernard W. Snow i chairman of the city finance committee ! before the Cook county real estate I board. There is only one thing to pre I vent this growth, according to the : speaker, and that is the lack of a com j prehensive traction system. “Transportation’’ was his topic ami he maintained that among essentials te a proper solution of the question is t< have the surface lines tke care of tb< short hauls where high speed is no, necessary’ and that all should conneci with a subway or elevated road systen j where long distance rides at high speei can be secured. NEWFOUNDLAND HAS SUMMERY WEATHEF Associated Press. St. Johns. N. F., Jan. 26.—New foundland has experienced extraordin ary springlike weather conditions dur ing the last week. There is no snow , the temperature is of the mildest l trains are running with summer regn laritv and automobiles are goin ’ through the streets in summer nun: * bers and activity*. - “Do vou give your wife an allow ance?” No, she takes it.”—Chicag Kecord-Herald. THE CHAIN OF DEATH. James II. Stevenson, private secretary to John H. Sanderson, chief “trimmer” in the capitol graft; leaped over the side of a ferryboat and drowned himself in the Delaware river. George F. Payne, contractor for the $13,000,000 building. James F. Jeffries, an import ant witness. William L. Mathues, former state treasurer, under prison sen tence when he died. John II. Sanderson, contrac tor for the “trimming” of the capitol. THEIR FEARS OF FISHERY DEPLETION UNFOUNDED Associated Press. St. Johns, N. F., Jan. 26.—Despite the fears of many fishing captains that the -world-famed Newwmdland west coast herring fisheries are becoming de pleted, the catch for the season now ended shows an increase of 20,000 bar rels over last year. The total catch amounted to 84,000 barrels, mostly taken by American vessels. His Fiance —And, you know. Tom jumped in after me and rescued me from the waves at the risk of his own life! Bella—Do you know, if I were in your place, from sheer gratitude, I would not—marry him! —Life. Foley’s Kidney’ Pills What They Will Do for Men and Women in Failing Health The kidneys are the strainers of the blood. Diseased kidneys fail to elim inate the poisonous waste matter as it passes through them, and it re-en ters the circulation, and upsets the whole system. It is an insidious trou ble, as the change is gradual at first, but if neglected, it is likely to make rapid progress. Headache, back ache, “specks” be fore the eyes, irreg ular heart action, exhaustion, rheum atism and urinary irregularities are all signs of trouble that must not be disregarded. Foley s Kidney Pills strengthen thekidneys.and correct irregularities. They are healing and antiseptic, and as sist nature to restore your health. will purify your blood, and restore lost vitality and vigor. । Commence taking them today, and you will feel better in a very short time. Foley’s Kidney Pills do not contain any harmful drugs and will cure kidney and bladder disorders that have refused to yield to othfr treatment, and il taken in tirrte will prevent the development of Bright’s Disease or Diabetes! You cannot be well, feel will or look well il your kidneys are deranged. See that you ger the genuine Foley : Kidney Pilla. SOLD AND RtCOMMENDED BY I BEXAR DRUG CO. . | For Infants and Children. u ave BMsIII Always Bought ||| simllallmliteFlMlaBiRigift Bears the Z/ Signature ZAji Promotes of ZC\Atj K j 1A. | n Ilf ( ft ill* I" |H ' /m M' US8 IIP Car Au nr ■Si 'Worras.ConvukKms.ftvensk- VW kfiF IIU 0 F nessandLOSSOFSlZEP. W IUI VI UI HE Thirty Years I new * CASTORIA Exact Copy of Wrapper. tmk ocntaur utw out. SEED LABELS NOT FRANKABLE Decision of P. 0. Department Will Compel Congressmen to Mail Own Seeds. Associated Press. Washington, Jan. 26. —A question has been raised concerning the right to transmit labels for seed packages through the mails under congressional franks, the law officer of the postoffice department has ruled that such labels are not public documents within the meaning of the law, and that there fore they can not be mailed free of charge. This appears to be a very simple rul ing, but as a fact it will affect a good many members of congress, who have been sending to postmasters in their district seed labels with Instructions to mail the seeds—also sent free in pack ages —to those who desired them. The postmasters always responded to the request of the congressmen to whom they were under obligations for their jobs. The ruling of the depart ment puts an end to the system which has been practiced for many years. CHINESE BODIES DUG IIP TO BE TRANSFERRED Associated Press Chicago, HL, Jan. 26. —“Resurrec- tion day” ceremonials for Chicago Chi nese were Ijeld yesterday at. Roseville where tho Chinese burying ground for the middle west is located. Thirty one boxes will be Chicago's quota t< the expedition that will be started it a fortnight from Vancouver. B. C., t< China, where the bones will be in terred. Sam Noy. the most famous Chinaman buried in the grounds at Roseville, will not be taken to Chinn. He died in 1902 The explanation which the local Chi nese give is that he became so famous and important, while here that it is not for him to be buried in consecrated soi in order to enjoy the delights of con versing and living with the ancestor, who have gone before. LOOKED FOR TIME. BUT TIME HAD FLOWN AWAY When Manuel Lopez and his wife were awakened between 12 and 2 o'clock yesterday morning by Juan 8er da Valdez, who excused himself and hastily vacated the room. Lopez asked his wife to see what time jt was. Mrs. Lopez struck a match, gave one । glance and then raised the hue and I cry. The clock had disappeared and ' both jumped to the conclusion that it had disappeared simultaneously with Valdez. They pursued and came up with Valdez and Police Officer Ben Dortcha about the same time. In purest Castilian Valdez explained that he was hurt at the unjust suspi cions of Mr. and Mrs. Lopez. They wounded his spirit, he sobbingly said. Ho was just about to be released when a bulge in his goat attracted attention. The bulge was the clock. In Justice Ben Fisk’s court yesterday Juan Serda Valdez faced a charge of theft under $->0, the specific object being a clock valued at $10. Have you " weak throat? If so. you cannot be too careful. You cannot be gin treatment too earlf. Each cold makes you more liable to another and the last is always tbe harder to cure. If you will take Chamberlain's Cough I Remedy at the outset you will be saved 1 much trouble. Sold by all druggists. JANUARY 20, WO. CLUB HONORS NEW MINISTER TO CHINA William J. Calhouh is Made an Honorary Member of the Union League Club. Asrociated Press. Chicago. HL, Jan. 26. —Wm. J. Cal houn, the new minister to China, was elected an honorary member of tho Union League chib last night at its an nual meeting and banquet. By this ac tion the club bestows an unusual mark of distinction upon Mr. Calhoun as honorary memberships have been voted to just thirteen others, among them be ing presidents of the United States and justices of the supreme court. The thirteen previously honored in this way are: President Taft, Melville W. Fuller, Theodore Roosevelt, John M. Harlan, Henry B. Brown, Christian C. Kohlsaat, Lewis L. Coburn, Shelby M. Cullom, Chauncey M. Depew. Levi P. Morton, David J. Brewer, Gen. Nelson A. Miles and Peter S. Grosscup. RHEUMATISM CUR_ED. Aches and Pains in Side, Bisk or Bones, Swollen Joints All Disappear. By Taking Botanic Blood Balm. Largo Sample Free to All! Have you any of the.symptoms of Rheumatism?— Bone pains; sciatica or shooting pains up and down the leg; ach ing back or shoulder blades, swollen joints or swollen muscles, difficulty :a moving around so you have to use crutches; blood thin or skin pale; skin itches and burns; shifting pains; bad: breath; sciatica, lumbago, gout. Bo tan io Blood Balm (B. B. B.) will remove every! symptom. be. ause B. B. B. sends a rich, tingling flood ot warm. ijch. pure blood! direct to the paralyzed nerves, bones and) join's, giving warmth and strength just, where it is needed, and in this way mak ing a perfect, lasting cure of Rheuma tism in all its forms. B. B B invigor ates the blood, making it pure and rich, and at the same time destroys the active poison in the blood which causqs Rheu matism. B. B B has made thousands: ef cures of rheumatism after all other medicines, liniments and doctors have! failed to help or cure. Weak. Inactive, Kidneys frequently cause Rheumatism. B. B B. strengthens weak kidneys and) bladder, draining off all diseased matter! and all uric acid, so the urine flows fres !y and naturally. BOTANIC BLOOD BLAM (B. B. B.) is pleasant and safe to take: composed of pure Botanic ingredients. SAMPLE SENT FREE by writing Blood Balm Co.. Atlanta. Ga. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS at sent by express. At JI PER LARGE BOT TLE. with directions for home cure. Public Notice After Dec. 31st. 1909, we shall give premium tickets only to those who pay cash. It costs fully 5 per cent to de liver and change goods. All outsanding tickets will be re deemed with satisfaction to the holder. We Invite the patronage of par ticular people. Our desire is to Please—if not satisfied, money re funded Youri for gond tea and coffee THE HOLLAND TEA STORE 229 W. Com. Phones 311. Ie. l hofheinz 504 E. HOUSTON A Stoves and Ranges 4