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12 Send in Your Copy Early for the Big Sunday Paper Classified Ads We take classified ads ever prone or will send messenger for them when re quired to do so. One insertion, per w0rd...... lc Four consecutive insertions, per word 3c Seven consecutive insertions, per word • 4c Ten consecutive insertions or more each insertion, per word l-2c No ad received for less than 15c. Classified ads for the Sunday Light and Gazette will not be received after 10 o'clock Saturday night. EITHER PHONE 176 FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. BRACKEiVKIDuE ELACE EVERY LOT A MONEY MAKER Cement Sidewalks. Graveled Streets. City Water, Gus. Electric Lights, Telephones. $450 to $9OO each 9 Minutes to Houston St IRISH & DICKINSON, 313 Navarro St. FOR SALE—On Hot Wells car line, cor ner lot. at Liberty and South Presa streetF. 50x140. $5OO. or iOOxIIJ 1900. En quire 930 South Hackberry street. Owner. FOR SALE A handsome new ciose in home of 8 large airy rooms and lovely reception hall. Every modern convenience. This was built for a home and even' precau tion taktn to have the best of material of all kinds used in the construction. Beot of porcelain plumbing, also highly polished natural wood finish. Entire building is lined with the beet of 'hip lap lumber, all water pipes protected with vitrified pipes. This should be seen to be appreciated and is a bargain at $8750.00 CONROY & RICE. MEXICAN LANDS 93.006 acres in state or uoat utia. on I. M. rail wav, 2600 acres tn cu.tivKtlou; improved; all good tillable land, con sidered to be the best ranch of the site in the state. £ee us for price. F. C. Hun- Dam A Co.. ro«*ms 60S and 610 Muort building FOR SALE —hreautiful residence within three blocks of Hicks building* for par ticulars call up owner, old phone 1233. JOHN H. BOLTON—ReaI Estate. Pen sion Claim Agent. Notary Public. St. James Hotel, Houston street. FOR SALE—Two large comer lots, front three ways, one block of school. Zay Smith, new phone 2602. College Heights offers special Inducements to Home Builders STREET REALTY COMPANY. Opposite Postoffl-e. FOP. SALE. SevriWl elegantly located lots in the Old Witte addition, just off South Presa St. Paved streets and all modern city con veniences, ranging in price from >750 to >9OO. CONROY A RICH 224 W. Commerce St $4500 Buys an elegant six-room, two-story res idence, all modern conveniences, on Guenther street. W. C SULLIVAN. 509 Navarro St. FOR SAI S. Near I. & G. N. Nice corner lot with two neat five-room cottages that would easily rent for $30.00 per month. They can be sold at $3OOO, which is a bargain. us show you these. CONROY & RICE. 224 W. Commerce St. FINE south front let on Westfall ave., ton of hill, a bargain. Sec ,1. L. Strohin, Mackay Bldg. TWO nice building sites on Denver Blvd., top of hill, cleared ready for building. J. L. Strohm. Mackay Bldg. ALAMO HtlGHIb The most attractive. The most reasonable in price. The nicest way to get to any part of San Antonio Investigate. Sales office 203 Ave. C FOR SALE—Two houses and lots cig X Center street. Mrs. S. Miller. tOR SALE—aluable income business prop erty on hast Commerce street Will « P ji reasonable to settle an estate Apply owner, ** a lave uak. ACRE for sale in Edgewood addition' easy terms Ring old nhone 2197. ’ FOR sale or rent. Six-room house, four lots. barn and fruit trees; sell on easv terms or rent to good tenant. E. A. Fox, 113 Ave nue C. FOR SALE Call on me for bargains. Residence 4 lots. 200 front, well improved. Residence. 7 rooms, 80 feet front, well improved cottage. Urge lot. all near car line, school and churches. John Woods. 106 w est Houston. FOR SALE—Eieht room. two storv Colonial •’V*, I"*’ I oo ’, 144 ' “Hey; block from street car Argyle avenue. Alamo Heights, no city taxes: terms. J. W. Fraser, 505 E. Houston St. FOR SALE ON TERMS—Nine-room tw7 story, colonial stvle. finished in oak down- Btairs: hardwood floors, three fire places alt modern eonvenie CI S: „ice electric fix overlooking c tv: lot 75x125 to ,Her MoeWrnm ear. J. W Fraser. 505 E h'uL’ n. J. Colton. Gen'l Au-tloneer n,.,| Estate Agent Office. Max Karotkin mV nY mmeTce Phone 449. ?ew mnOD® n!4 Al 6 NORTH CENTER street, near S r _ houses and Infs for gale Mr? L C. Hiller. ■BEAT’TTFT’L Madeltene Terrac® bunm low. Six rooms, thoroughly modern* new. 124 feet front, cheap. easy payments If desired. Call new phone 3197 green and autn w«l! cal! HAVE you $2500 you ean invest Monday n a business that will pay you $150.00* p< month for four years? If you haven’t th money now, don’t answer. 1985, Light. CALL AND SEE the swell®st line nt spring samples in the city at the lowest prices. The Good Tail ♦rlng Co.. 224 Dolorosa street. FRIDAY. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATi $450 CASH 1 buys a nice four-room nome, large lot, ' balance monthly payments. W C. SULLIVAN. 503 Navarro St. WEST CRAIG PLACE $3OO down, balance to suit, buys brand new house. 5 rooms hall and bath, just completed, one black from San Pedro car line, good location and neighborhood. Sower, gas. electrio lights. South ex posure A desirable cottage for some body. Price $3250. W. I>. SYERS CO. N P. 2570. 427 Navarro St O. P. 502 GOVERNMENT HILL BARGAIN 4-room house, good barn, lot 50x150. near school, price $1250. $550 cash, balance $l2 per month. Old phone 569. W. B. Baker, 511 Navarro street. FOR SALE—A BARGAIN Swell home, never occupied. Eight rooms, oath, pantry, fire thr'c large gal leries Most beautifully decorated house in the city. Best plumbing. Lot 100 by 150 Large live oak trbes. Granitoid walks. On car line. Restricted neighborhood E-Z terms. Address Owner, No. 547, Light and Gazette. ELEGANTLY FINISHED Five-room cottage, modern throughout, located n*ar City brewery. For sale on easy terms and right price. A. A. Gray & Co., 101 W. Houston street. MARLBOROUGH LOTS. EMERGENCY SALE, owner leaving the city and must sell, $9OO will buy $l5OO worth of prop erty. only $450 cash, balance your own time and terms. South front on main boule vard. Look at this Monday. Sam Howard, old phone 1580. room 312 Gibbs building. SPECULATOR, ranchman or farmer, if you are in the market for inside pi ices or bar gains in real estate, see Zorkowsky. 312 Gibbs building. $500.00 Cash Bal. monthly, buys new 6-room cottage in Laurel Heights addition; sewer, lights and fireplace, cement walks and stable, near car line: lot 50x125 to alley. W. n SYERS, Owner, N. P. 2570 427 Navarro St. 0. P. 562 BARGAIN in lota. I have 5 choice lots in Madeliene Terrace which I will sell at a great sacrifice and on easy terms. Frank Gallagher, at The Emmet Bank. TO THE HOMESEEKER Now is the time to buy bargains in Pros pect Hill property. We have some real bargains in houses and lots and ar** giving our special attention to this location. WOODMAN REALTY CO. 106 W. Houston St. Old Phone 3151, A BARGAIN For $2OO less than current values. Two sets of lots, two in each set. in block on Hick man and Blanco rnad. Treasure Hill En quire at the Idaho, Beacon Hill FARM LANDS IN MEXICO. ‘ Abstract furnished. American Bonding i < bmpany guarantee. American settlers. Prod uts, transportation, markets, unsurpassed. Staple products 9100.00 tn $200.<»0 per acre profit. Only sure crop country. $lO.OO per acre; easy payments. 40 acres upwards. Join our excursion. Mexico International Land Company, 313 Mackay Building. ML ST sell next five days half value; largo two-story house, everything new, largo lot 1 b ock of car, church and school. Owner old , phone 3112. FUR SALE— Farms and Rancher fOg SALE—SO acres in Atascosa county 25 acres in cultivation, all under fence, small house, 400 fruit trees on the place, $lO per acre. Apply to Joe Wilkins. 91<> f.eona St FOR EXCHANGE By owner. 300 acres near Cotulla for citv property. Address No 1829. Light and Ga zette. BARGAIN—I4OO acres black sandy loam, five and one-half miles from corporation bn* of San Antonio Prict $50.00 uer <c~e See Zorkowsky. 312 Gibbs building. RANCH—I2BO acres, all under new fire wire fence, one thousand acres under eul hvation. plenty of water and improve; ents Near Cotulla. $16.00 per acre. See Zurkow ■ky, 312 Gibbs building. FOR SALE—64O acre# land in Webb county. 36 miles cast Laredo, 8 milea north Tor recillas, on lexas Ac Mexican railroad' 80 per cent agricultural Dark, rich loam.’ Un improved. Artesian belt. $4 per acre bonus* 97 4 rents due state: 36 years time. 3 per cent interest. Reason for selling, need monev Must sell quickly. Address Lock Box 106 Cotulla. Texas. POULTRY— Aho Egg« lor Hatching. FOK SALE—Settings from first prize win ning Silver Wyandottes Price $1.50. tn plv at 1119 Garden street. New phone 214 G FOR SALE— Vemcies and Harness. FIRST-CLASS carriage painting, trim ming and rubber tiring San Antonio Carriage Co.. 602 Market street New phone 88*». FOR SALE— Automobiles. best AUTO LIVERY SERVICE In San Antonio. Careful, experienced drivers Seven-passenger Stoddard-I'ayton ears Both phones 8151. BEST Automobile Oil in town. Gasoline all oils. Phone Dixie Oil Co., 4W East Commerce. FOR SALE CHEAP—A good new five passenger Buick Automobile. fully equipped with top. wind shield, chime iimn. French horn, etc This machine h-'f only been us. d a very short time and is just as g«>d as new. Price $750.99 a Meister, ,3a E. Houston St. SEE Lay A Applewhit, for automobile ~re pairing. Satisfaction guarantee 324 W \ucva tH-rt, New phone 267. FOR SALE— Furniture and Pianos . en, ’' , • serviceable instrument, only $6O. 131 North Mcnnio. FOR SALE— Live Stock and Pets. FOR SALE—Ope large bay combination sad dle and buggy horse, harness and phae ton; a bargain, can be seen 317 Brooklyn avenue. FOR SALE—Three full blooded Orpington cockerels. $l. 110 South Concho street. uri SALE — MisceUaneou* FULL CORD WOOD VARD Sells only the best post oak and mes quite wood, dellt cied in full cord wagons. Phones 1107. Frank Basaia. TYPEWRITER BARGAINS -We have slightly used —almost new—type writers, all makes, exceptionally cheap sold on ear.y payment/ George I'otcher nlcs. San Antonio. Toxas. THREE, four and IV norsepower gaso line engines for sale. Fullet Machine Sbon. 516 South Alamo street Both phones POSTOAK and mesquite stove wood de llveted in SCc and it loads. Plummer, Grocery Store, old phone 1170-4 r. GOV’T HILL WOOD CO. Sells the dry oak wood, full measure, de livered at your home. Both phones. MESQUITE WOOD Mesquite wood, $5.00 per cord delivered. Phone 1852. WOOD AND COAL CHEAP. Wood and coal. Best oak stove wood. New phone 734. Old 339-21. A. J. Avent & Son SHADE TREES Fruit trees, roses, shrubs and grafted pecans, all Texas grown and first class. Fnimuth & Whall. old phone 4052. 400 UMBRELLA china trees for sale by J. M. Schooman, 1416 Jones avenue. New phone 2248-blue. $ HICKS ’Eagle Fass coal, oak wood. Con sumers’ Fuel Co.. 404 Nolan St., old phone 3785. WALL paper furnished and rooms papered for $3. Addicts 576, Light. FOR SALE—Fino black horse, harness and rubber tire surrey, if sold at once $l5O. Also four-room house. Terms or cash. 237 Furnish Ave. TOR SALE—One liquid carbonic wall soda fountain in good condition. Parties in terested address 2158 Light. “THAT'S ALL’’—Black line space in the San Antonio Telephone Directory for sale. “That's all." Call either phono 866. Ala mo Printing Co., 601 603 Market street. SKATES $1 a pair: 60 pair best ball-bearing stool wheel skates; cost from $3.50 tn $5 a pair: $1 a pair as long as they last; all size*. 105 Callahan Ave. MESQUITE WOOD Chunks $5.00 per cord. Try a small load New phone 1198. OAK stove wood $6.50. Full cord guaranteed. Aho manure deli ven d. Old phone 927. New 2936. WE keep the prices down. Post oak stove wood $5.75. Henry's wood yard. Both phones. TOR SALE—Two horsepower motor in good condition, too small fur our work. Pena's blacksmith shop. 307 West Nueva. New phone 336. FOR RENT— FOR RENT. 205 Bois d'Aic street, lovely up-to-date modern home of 7- large rooms and a re ception hall 18xU with hardwood floor. 2 love’v mantels, large clothes closets, beautiiol yard with Howers; also barn and cement walks; 1 block irom oar; 7 blocks from business portion of city. Ev ery modern convenience. Only Stu CONROY & RICE. 224 W. Commerce Street FOK KENT—Large ware-house on Cam eron St. Appu to S. We'fson. VERY good location for a billiard room. 410 East Commerce street. Bauer Liquor Co. STOKES for rent, 425 and 427 Austin street. Two large stores, suitable lor manutacturing or warehousing. Kent very low. All kinds of desirable homes for rent. RICHEY CASEY REALTY CO.. Either Phone 2236. 519 Moore Bldg. FURNISHED cottage. 924 East Quincy street. Both phones in. LIST your houses for rent with J. Bet terton, land agent and notary public. 305 Avenue C. FOR RENT—One 5 room house on 222 Oma ha street, 1 block from street car, modern Inquire at Zirkels Branch Marble Yard 803 E. Commerce St. jIOR RENT—A very desirable, clean seven room house, corner, large hall, galleries j porwlain tub. outbuildings, all kinds of fruit, ylowers. roses n <1 shade; cement walks oi i ears. Inquire 1622 Monterey street. ALL or part of second floor of house fac ing park, lurnislvvl or unfurnished ■•■»o Dallas. FOR RENT—k room house, modern, $25- re duction to permanent t-nant. Apple nig .Greeley. New phone 2796 red. j RENT—New Prospect Hill cottage, ona block from school and car line. 2202 Hue n» 1 ista street N.w phone 3037. FOR RENT—Cheap. Three good rooms two blocks from Joske s suitable for working man. New phone 1310 lOK RENT—One 3-room house. $6.00 per month One 5 room. $14.00 per month with lights and gas. 1392 Buena Vista St’ FOR RENT—Furnished or unfurnished ele- Rant six-room cottage, strictly modern in Madison Square district. Address 608$ care Light. FOR RENT. Furniture. house furnishing goods stoves, bedding, rugs. etc., (o fumisii your vacant rooms or your house from kitchen to parlor. Max Karotkln Old phone 449; new phene 614; neo quarters 318 West Commerce street. FOR RENT—Five room house. Apply 307 S Cherry afreet. FOR RENT—Foor room bouse with hall, also stable. 121 Rivas street. • FOR RENT—B-room house, 914 Avenue B, one block from car line. Inquire 91$ Ave: nw B. DON'T look for houses to rent when you can buy on.e of those beautiful Farris Place lots for $lOO. Wo will build you a house with all the conveniences of gas. electricitv. telephone, city water, mail delivery and s'e bit neighbors. Callahan Kirbs Realty Co., exclusive a? nts. 310 Gibbs building.' Old Shono 999 fIAdTFD— Rooms and Board. ELDERLY lady want* one nr two unfur* nished ionics where there are no children; will be permanent Address 1920 Zavala St city SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE FOR RENT— tuiuished Booms. FOR RENT—To couple or two gentlemen nicelv furnished room with board: ev ery modem convenience; two blocks from •ar Une Phone 2473. FOR RENT—Nice turnlaned room tn pri vate family. 5C- Chestnut street FOR RENT—One farm sued room, ono block from car line. 203 South Pinto We also rent furniture for housekeeping 200 chain for rent reasonable. 1303 West Commerce. FOR KENT—Two room* turntsnnd or three unfurnished, to suit tenant, very reasonable. 2316 South Flores street HOME Cleaning Dye Works, 624 Ave nue C. Call and gel our prices. We will treat, you right FOR RENT—Nicely furnished upstairs rooms in new home ar.d private fam ily. All conveniences. 1695. Ijght. THE WINDSOR. 112 Fourth street Close in, large, light, airy rooms. Electric lights, hot and cold baths. Tourists solicited. Nor thern management. TWO front room*, private entrance, electric lights, phon ■. walking distance, on car line. 421 Garden. NICE FURNISH RD rooms or for light house keeping, close to town; 424 Santa Clara street FOR RENT —Nicely furnished rooms, close in on car line. 803 South Alamo street. WANTED— House*. We can rent your house. List with us. RICHEY-CASEY REALTY CO. Either Phone 2236. 519 Moore Bldg. ROOMS AND BOARD— FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room wltn board, home cooking, couple or two gen tlemen. every modern convenience; no sick or children. 'erences required Ne? nhone 1029 ROOMS and board. 817 Nolan street. Newly furnished house, steam heat, ex cellent meals, large rooms, for couple or gentlemen. No sick taken. THE RANSOM. 316 East Crockett. Nice rooms, steam heat, hot and cold water, pri vote bath, bell service. No children. ROOM and board of tire best kind, rates rea sonable. 316 Nacogdoches. Two blocks from postoffice. ROOM nnd beard in private family on Laurel Heights for business or professional man Old phone 1’77 from 6 to 8 p.m. ROOMS AND HOUSEKEEPING FOR RENT—Two furnlahea rooms (or light housekeeping, one block of mar ket h<~.use. Cheap. 404 Buena Vista St LIGHT housekeeping modern rooms close In. three blocks from Joske’s 2 \rclnlega street. ROOMS for light housekeeping. Jersey milk and butter to sell New phone 2382 MODERN furnished rooms with or without housekeeping. Lovely location. On Army Post car. 925 Carson street. WANTED— ui .nceUapeous. WANTED- Diamonds, old gold ant sil ver. Wm. N Capurru. .leweler East Houston street I'jpe’alml. rof.m 1 WANTED—A tricycle with sear In front to b« operated from the back. Apply to A. E Carrem. 322*6 W. Nueva St. WANTED for cash: Diamonds, old gold. silver and coins Sunset Loan Bank. 532 East Commerce. WANTED—A Urge tract of land in South Texas, or ’he Pecos Valley, on or near railroad and suitable for colonization. Price must be low and terms easy. Will have value of the land guaranteed by a Guaranty Company and sell in small tracts. Owners onlv submit furl description and details lirst letter. COLONIAL REALTY COMPANY. ROOMS 9-10 RIVERSIDE BUILDING, San Antonio. Texas. - ■ ■ —■ - ■ — WANTED—To buy or start a bakery. Frank Hutter. Schulenburg. — WANTED —To buy a good Jersey row on I monthlv payments: must give at least 3 ■ gallons of milk daily; good references. Ad dress A B. C., P- O. box 905, city. WANTED—Second hand grocerv scale. tn good condition, at onee. 159 Pier son avenue There’s a Reason Cewrteht. tKt, 17 A*eKm»Ja«ma>-BnaiUMr. WANTED— ( Situation—Male. A 'firm- y ' vant 9 employment with itJiable tirm, am an experienced "'"ifkinX dwr a a nd ass w ‘" *■ WANTED—Position by first class bottler and o*“™ the HELP WANTED— AA ANTED Neat young man, experience in hamburger lunch business Call at on< c. Finerty’s Houston and Sol-dad Sts. RAILWAY’ MAIL CLERKS, CUSTOM EM PI JTYES WANTED-Excellent sal aries. Rapid advancement. Spring exam inations Preparation free. Write imme diately for dates and place?. Franklin institute. Dept. 368 K, Rochester, N. Y. MALE cook wanted for bridge gang at once. Apply Broadway Cafe, 117 Avenue C. WANTED—At once. A good jeweler. 212 A East Commerce street. WANTED —Men to learn barber trade. Prac tical training by free clinic and careful instructions. Tools given. Board provided. MOLER graduates command h ; ghest wages. Our diplomas recognized everywhere. Shop experience and wages before completing. Call or write. Mol er Barber College, 716 West Commerce street. ME’.* WANTED—To prepare for radway* mail examination. Commencement salary $BOO. Preparation free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 375 L, Rochester, N. Y. HELP WANTED— Agents. PANTED—Wholesale grocer or jobber to handle our line for state of Toxas. World Jfg. Co.. Atlanta. Ga HELP WANTED— Salesmen. ITOCK and bond salesman, good contract; circular filer and foreman for saw mill, 150. Manager for lumber yard, $75. 344 -ioore building. WANTED— Animals and Vehicles. VANTED—Horse for its feed. 921 Ave nue D. HELP WANTED—” Female. oung lady to assist in doctor’s ’•ffii-o ii« Hicks Bldg, must know how to ?? typewriter. Answer in own handwriting had; wages $5.00 weekly. 395 •ight. — —- • iNY kind of help, good cooks or housAgirls. can find employment at 122 Starr street. OU can get any kind of help—good cooks or housegirls by inquiring at 122 Starr trect. HELP WANTED— \NTED—Lady or gentleman to do some hom< work; salary $l5 per week; experi nee unnecessary. S. W. Speaker, Station city. VIOVING AND STORAGE— " ’’£DBAGE *or furniture, pianos, bufsica Separate stalls. $1.50 per month. Mov ng. packing shipping L. W. Culver. 124 • Gnnn, Ph jnes 2180. HARRISON MOVING CO. Storage, packing, shioplng New phone ReeMonee 107 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE— LOTS, Heights, will exchange for won located cottage or land over P o’ 239* aaßume amount. Address OR nale <»r exchange, cight*icre farm six s sn, 'tb of Kingsville, adjoining .own »* Knardo, Nueces county. 40 acres highly 'pr »vid all in cultivation. Flowing aru mntr' V wsAYi Vil Lt lke Sun -* nt<>n io property j* 100,I 00, owner. C. A. Coulter. Mesrdn. Texas. FOR EXCHANGE Several new well built houses is beet lo ?"* VWre«. Owner, No. 552, »nd G„,tte LOST, FOUND. STRAYED— lost— A pearl dog collar, diamond set ting. Liberal reward. Return to 42a K Crockett street. FOUND—SmaII rug near stork yards. Owner can have same by applying at 138 Main Plaza between 12 and 1:30. MONEY TO LOAN— MONEY TO LOAN on diamonds, waton es, guns, sewing machines, jewelry of every description and articles of value Emerson & Co., Pawnbroker. 32. West Commerce street. • VENDOR’S Hen notes anq sold. Money to loan on real estate and fur nished for building purposes Low rate of interest. C. Armbrost, 211 Gibbs build ing. MONEY advanced to salaried people. 116 Alamo Bank Bldg. MONEY to loan, vendor’s lien notes bought. A. A. Gray & Co.. 101 W. Houston St. ssno TO 82500 to loan at once on good citv property. J. C. 410 * Hicks Bldg. MONEY to Iquu on all articles of value. 8. B. May, pawnbroker. 104 West Hous ton street. Responsible, private. WE MAKE large or smail loans on any ar ticle of value. S. B. May, pawnbroker, 104 West Houston street. BUSINESS CHANCES— FOR painting. and Interior decorating, cell un old phone 320. new 2075. Satisfaction guaranteed. San Anto nin Hoofing & Paint Co. HOTEL PROPOSITION WILL BUILD 60-ROOM EU ROPEAN HOTEL TO SUIT TENANT. BEST LOCATION IN THE CITY. SOUTHEAST COR NER, ONE BLOCK FROM THE COURT HOUSE, ON PRINCI PAL STREET. ADDRESS NO. 1832, LIGHT. sin,wc A YEAR. That is what my office business has netted me for throe years. 1 am going away and will sell office lease and good ulll of business for invoice of furniture. No 2515. Light and Gazette. WANTED—Attractive business propositions of all kinds which are in need of capital or additional funds. 13 Riverside building. INCORPORATE your business, or industrial enterprise, and secure capral by the sale of stock taking partners or paying exorbitant interest. Companies incorporated under the laws of any state. l/owest charges, prompt service. Write or cal! for particulars. NATIONAL INCORPORATING ASSOCIA TION, Rivcrridn building, SAN ANTONIO, Tex. FOR SALE—A modern '’leaning establish ment doing good business, at a bargain. 1608. Light PRIVATE party has several fine diamonds for sale al a bargain. Telephone 4063. FOR SALE —At a bargain, furniture nnd lease of first-class, close in family hotel, established sever, years. New phone 1310. RESTAURANT —Must sell at once. Owner city. Applv Max Karotkin, No. 318 West Commerce .street. SALOON for sale, full license, doing good business. Apply at 431 Austin street, city. WILL IT PAY THE COST i—lt has been demonstrated that money caanut better Im; spent than in publicity. Therefore advertise y<»ur business by taking advantage of the black lines in tho San Antonio Teleph<»n«* Di redoty. Printing Co.. Publishers, 601-603 Market St. Phono 866. FOK SALE. A large stock of general merchandise, store and Prst-class residence. Cotton gin of lat est pattern. Wood yard with large stock of wood, saw mill, splitter, etc. Saloon de ta. h«d from store. Wil! take some not im proved land or residence in part payment. Write for information to F. SPAETH, box 420, San Antonia, Tex. Room 209 Mackay Building. Rooming House For sale, 22 rooms, four blocks from post office. Fully and handsomely furnished. Will hring in over $4OO per month. Sell cheap. Owner, 2016, Liight. FOR sale or trade, tailor shop, $52. Clean ing and pressing last week. 624 E. Com merre. FOR sale by owner, 1-3-70 gin outfit com plete, 20 miles from San Antonio; will gin 500 to 1200 bales each season. Can be han dled with very little cash. Light 864. $4O RAILROAD WATCH for $2O, 21-jewel best filled case: expired loon, guaranteed good a* new. S. B. May, 104 West Houston street. AUCTION SALES— ELLMAN & CO. auction house. 210 East Commerce; will sell your furniture at youe house or the store, at a better price DON’T give away yonr furniture when for small commission you get expert fnrniture auctioneer. Can sell it for great deal more than you can. George W. Harrison, box 211. Eads avenue. New phone 3169 rod. AUCTION SALE —Saturday. January 29. 10 a. m.. 623 Avenue C. High grade furni ture. Articles were advertised in last Sun day’s paper. Sommer, auctioneer. PAINTERS AND DECORTAORS jS. A HOOFING * PAINT CO., house ! painters and decorators. Paperhanging and in'erior decorating a specialty. Deal ers In oils, pr .its and all kinds of felt roo»lne. ’2l A’est Military nlaxa OM <8 YA Voee- DETECTIVE AGENCY— MISS CORA M. STRAYER’S Private DMec tive Agency, suite 216 and 218 Frost building, phone 1301, undertakes all legiti mate detective work; strictly confidential: both male and female operatives. Main of- । fices Chicago. HL REPAIRING— Fnrniture. Trunks, Etc THI NKS ar.d sample made uTor"- der; also repairing. :3o West Commerce street National Trunk Facton SEED & POULTRY SUPPLIES FERD STAFFED. 319 East Commerce Hay aid grain, garden and field seed ; nnuitnr annnlles Incubators and broker* TAILORS— __ PANCOAST & KOHLER have received their fall wollens. foreign and domea- IMe and of tbe choicest 194 East Com- JANUARY 28, 1010. SPECIAL NOTICES— MESSENGER BOY Q QUICK CATCH Messenger Service and Em-' ployment Office. All Kinds of Help Furnished. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT No Work No Fee Old Phone 802. New Phone 726 111 Gaiaa St., Opposite O.d Cathedral. J. j. BUICHLR, Mgt. ABSTKACTEHB. _ T.BM Title Co. Lock wood Building. Navarro Street H. J Haye*. Mgr. ARCUITKCTB. Leo M. J, Oleimann. 306 East Comn.eice Street. BUILDEMS SLFPLIEB. J. C. Dlelmann. Wholesale and Ketall Bunding Material. WM. SCHMIDT, Manut».elurlng Optician, S. Alamo; glasses titled; lensee ground, oculists' piescilptiuns tilled,’ all wu»K guaranteed. F. PASCHE, carnage ana sign painter. Wagon painting, lettering and oma meining a specialty. 705 Avenue B. New phono 1512. * W. F. BROWN. Architect and Builder. Uttice 202 Book building. Old phone 1578. GENERAL stove repairing. E. C. Dicker son. 301 East Romana, end of Soledad. Old phone 3493. CARPENTER work done in first-class order. Houses repaired. Snudl contracts taken Old phone 2726. TREES! TREES! TREES! King up rreimaiH aiu old phoiie, uoout suade treet, fruit trees, roseb, sliruDs n».d graitca pecans. Avthing nut first CiUSB StcCk. H. C. JONES Arcliitcri and builder, room 8. Appman Bldg. Both phones. NOTICE LAWYERS—With two Linotype machines we are prepared to handle briefs on short notice. Phouv oOu for prices. Ptg. Co.. 601-603 Market. GEO. C. WEBER General contractor and builder. Repair work promptly attended to. 327 Montana. PERSONAL— Ic* iMuies uerure ai.u doling clO* fin6int;nt. Gcod doctors and nurse. Id • ttntb auupted LontidenUal. P O. Du< Z 74. fcuß painting, papcrhanging and interior decorating, call up uid phone 920, new 20io tiaLiefaetton guaranteed. San Anto nio Uoofing At Paint Co. LADIES, have s’our last winters' suite remodeled, save the price of a new i .«»e Ktr.4 old nhona 207 i. Arc You worried or sick? Call on MADAM ANIATA, PSYCHOLOGIST, and be convinced. 229 E. Houston St. WANTED^ —To take ladies in confinement; nlso children in board. Good home. 1215 Avenue B. J. J. LAWLER, contractor and builder, wants to figure on your new' and repair work. O.d phone 3121. WANT to give a baby girl away, blue iair skin, 6 months old. 1215 Avenue B. ALAMO PRINTING CO., publishers San An tonio Telephone Directory, 601-603 Mar ket street. Space for sale in the d’rectory is now open. Keep your business before the public by using space in the directory. Black line spare Folirited. GARLAND, world's greatest psychologist, helps yon in 'ray. and gives names and &<lv!re upon al. affairs of life without you writing a word Hours 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. 216 Ave nue C. WANTLD- To correspond with some young lady, view ma'rimonv. Address No. 373. Light. MIbS CORA M. STRAYER, manager of iha ( ora M. Strayer Private Detective Agency of Chicago, is now in San Antonio, whera ►he may be interviewed at the branch oWice, *l*6 Frost building, old phone 1301, by former and prospective clients. Those who do not wish to call at office may arrange for an interview in her apartments at the (riimer hotel. SUSANNA, card reader nnd palmist, helps in troubles, un • ctair.tics. 115 Havs St., near Austin street. \OT NG gentleman of means wishes to meet tin incumbered settled voting ladv, object matrimony. Address 395. Light. EYEGLASSES and apretarks acruratctv fit r- CMt s °Ubfact : on guaranteed. Gold frame; $2.M>. s B. Mnv. 101 West Houston street. SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS •UHN VAIUoNh repairs, sells and ex changes sewing machines ami clocks. • street WHITE sewing machines are best. Lowther Bros., agents, 60.5 East Commerce street rented and repaired. MISCELLANEOUS— UNION Tin & Cornice Company. All kinds of roofing. Copper bar work a specialty. New phone 2999 HUGO VOIGTLAENDER GENERAL BLACKSMITH AND WHEELWRIGHT. Horseshoeing, automobile spring work, rubber tirelng afid channel work. All work neatly done. 406 Sixth street. New phone 2290. KEY AND LOCKSMITHS— BOTH PHONES—Bicycles on easy pav~ ments; key and lock work; town niow n™ctor han ' ene<1 ’ Erner<,on ’ the Bicycle HOfELS & RESTAURANTS— i LZ "• < 1 5 , Press street, second door south Alamo bank, new building and furni ■’B2s lkrr ‘' ’ r ' ,n, 'e nl s solieited. New phon, ST. FRANCIS hotel' 222 U Loseva street Nenly furnished rooms, all con , Centrally located. New phon- , FOR RENT— , ___ __ Uufurnished Rooms It OR RENI Two or three unfurnished looms im reu;, 323 La lit „ CNI CRNISBED room,* Two large room, reliable raunk; private home. toXm. Appt;' Imperial theater, 3XB Bouitea