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San Antonio light and gazette. [volume] (San Antonio, Tex.) 1909-1911, January 28, 1910, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

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Misses’ and Children’s Dresses for School Wear—from 6 to 18 Yrs.
A fashion exhibit which includes all the most desirable of the new styles for the season 1910. There are dresses of imported Scotch plaid Gingham, fancy checked Ging
ham in plain colors, French rep and Irish Linen ~ . . . New French models, new belted models, new Russian effects, new Princess styles, strictly tailored dresses and
dresses in college styles. The price range is wide and varied. The following is a hjnt of the prices at which they are marked.
AT 4 ftft Girls’ dresses of gingham plaids AT 4 Pretty dresses of gingham, in blue AT ft ftft Several »<*w models, including the AT ftft K,,s ' l:ln Blouse styles and Peter /XM, fl
X■ W and ehecks in Russian Blouse and *a/O checks, plaid* and polka dots; OnW Mary Jane, a French style which “TsW Thompson dresses of French per- I
Empire styles—some in belted effects; some with made in ore piece, belted styles and piped with is made of gingham in long waisted effect and eale in new and attractive effects. Skirts are I
vokes of plain color and manv finished in braid, embroider-. The skirts are in plaited styles. Yonr finished with Dutch neck. Plain colors, plaids and daintily plaited, while blouse is finished with sailor "* P/ 111 I
’i- 00 - choice. 51.71>. .hecks. $3.00. ties. 84.00. Ittllll I
at 4 Eft Gills’ dresses of chambray, in long AT ft A dozen styles im girls’ dresses a: AT ft Eft A vllri<,,v •' styles in Russian AT fl ftft Boro arc new college Bi Is I I
Alwh XaOv waisted one-piece styles with deep msW this price; some of ginghams in OaOv Blouse, Co-Ed and Middy Blouse WnVV dresses — the style Elsie £ / A /«I
7 yoke in V-shape. Dresses are in tan, white, blue pretty plaids, others of percale and trimmed in .fleets. Some arc in plaids, trimmed with embroid Janice wore in “The Fair Co-Ed”—they •Al • • UnK |
RIW and navy piped in contrasting color. Your choice colors. All in one piece stvles. Your choice tomor erv; others are in tan. white, pink or blue. Choice are made of rep. a... 1 linen in all the best I
tomorrow. 81.50. row. 82.00. tomorrow >350. colors. Choice. 85.0'). ft B \ NjsM ■
' iM’wX
f Women’s Winter Suits, Coats, Dresses: Half
7 //Al *7,
1 If/ Ml we own arc included in this sweeping offer—all winter suits, winter coats, dresses, gown- and y
L * costumes for women, misses and children are going at half original prn •>. and in some instances even L'! * ■ •
/ IBbiv’ 'A If’s than half. 1) I! I•• $ 1
== = = = ; s ft OK
l/guli\ r v itn | I - 0 ffl The Showing of New Models
/a i ' \ I ' in Tailored Suits and Skirts 1
//Hid IF In i /rT'-Ju’? • i » I. ’ • 'lw
llf I f Me * I I X Im 1/1 l/ll l4lVi b° st of novelty effects as well as the staple styles women •wl \\. 1 * ;« W«I2j~iHTV\W 811 *
K< f 1 V AXL b lU Un I i//jM Io < demand. It is in truth a showing of all that Dame Fashion has IltT: ° n <° WBw-<• Jjjß B.® W-a ly ill ‘l’ * • I
1/1 I 1 * " 111 IM LakinFliH s • 'U decreed correct —a breath of spring from over the hilltops of winter. f it'E o V IjM - lb I I » h I\«\
It I | I wllWlutw fl TC4kJ7J. • • I •J® .x\\
ill It 'W'ITI .3 1 °°® — a.
II I VVViTtlu "Misses’ Dresses for Spring .
11 n 1 I X■ W'll flrnLjr o ! 0 * c tlo * VsK M' l ‘ I l n• * Ikilm * wk»
II 1 I 1 wK* They are in Moyan Ago models aud Middy Blouse styles 1 1\ \ eV H I IUI U\
/ Ji >Hllv ES I r ® percales, ginghams and linens —$2.00 to $7.50 each. A rlf*W*■ • * Jlr
f I ’ Bb Wb rjllil Particularly pretty models of French ginghams, linen reps. | I°\ o\oif V / W fill T •!• • Wftl
H 11 y At $5.00 and $7.50 <zM £/
Spring Cottons for School Dresses
Already, the new 1910 cottons are here in a myriad of styles
and colorings- Tomorrow, special prices are named
on materials particularly desirable for school wear.
12 l-2c Percales 6c—A lot of Gar- Galatea—New galatea for spring in
tier’s percales in a variety of pretty a score of styles: good heavy weight
styles and spring colors; the that will wear well. To fl
121-2 c values for, yard CH# morrow, yard X3C
New Ginghams—Trettv ginghams in S ® h “l Ginghams -About fifty stylos
ehecks of various colors for school of m cheeky platds
8c 12</zc
tomorrow, yard ’ •
Spring Suitings—Full 36 inches wide
6c Calico 4c—A new lot tn light col — a weight between a gingham and
ored grounds intermingled with fig galatea—in stripes and plain colors,
ures and stripes. Well worth /( — Regular 20c values, to- fl
6c, for, yard *Tw morrow, yard XZ)C
Dress Ginghams —New spring styles Glasgow Linens—New 1910 Glasgow
in checks and plaid ginghams of all linen finished suitings, full 33 inches
colors for school wear. To- 4 ft/» wide, for full suits or 4
morrow, yard for AvU separate skirts, yard., 2C
Embroideries: Four Big Bargains
40c Embroideries 19c — Everything 12 l-2c Embroidery 7c—Big snowy
practically that you can bring to heaps of these daiuty embroideries
mind—fine wide embroideries nain- _ ingertionH Md g f cambri .
sook and cambric and abg o of wi(Uhs b) wvpn inehfs _ a h
demi-flouncings Al fine handdoom drpd ns fo s(>)pct from
goods and in dainty pat- 19c yard worth less than 12 l-2c. Your
terns, i ard unrestricted choice tomorrow _
30c Embroideries 15c—Tn this lot you f° r ■ C
will find only the finest of hand- „ n n „ x - . _ , .
, ■ .■ □ a„.: „ Joe Embroidery 9c—Never such a lot
loom insertions and edges of Swiss .
and cambric—all in generous widths, °f embroideries at the price. Wide
some 12 inches'*wide. There are eas- insertions—cambric edges and fam
ily 50 patterns to select from and not brie insertions in widths up to S in
a yard in the showing worth less ches; many in really fine styles and
than 25c; any of it in this 4fl — worth from 15c to 20c th< ft _
sale tomorrow for AiP v yard—tomorrow- only V
Box fine Marshmellows, Saturday 8c
Pound Merry Widow Kisses Saturday 19c
Pound Delicious Butter Balls. Saturday 19c
Nadia Caramels, 40c kind, poind 29c
Fruit Tablets in lemon, lime, orange and strawberry fla
vors, pound 15c
When Saloonkeepers Found,
Victory Was Theirs, Beer
and Wine Were Free,
Associated Press.
Joplin, Mo., Jan. 28. —After the sa
•Joon keepers were assured of the wets
victories at the election yesterday, noth- j
ing was too good for the workers. Beer.,
whiskey and wines were all free, and !
the men were told to drink all they!
The heaviest vote in the history of I
I’m going to
IH' do things—
W do ‘em right
£. too—you’ll see
Candy Specials
I the city was cast. There was great in
terest, because it was known the sur
rounding towns would vote the same
way as Joplin. Jasper county, Webb
, City. Carthage and other noints wit,, a
! population of a 100.000, will v c next
• week. The wets artd drys have been cam-
I paigning vigorously for two weeks.
> Parades, banners and some money was
' used. Women yesterday served dinners
! free to the drys.
Austin, Tex.. Jan. 28. —The Waters-
Pierce Oil company today paid to ths
state $8102.41 gross receipts tax on a
total business of $405,120.65 up to
, March 31. 1910. The total business
i does not include any except the prod
act sold to wholesalers, the company
j holding up the retail amount until the
I point raised by the brewers is settled.
Advance Display of New Spring Styles in
3 Pairs Women’s 10c Hose for 25c
And we wish to lay particular emphasis on the fact that these
arc the best this big store could find to sell at 10c. Ihey are
the best your money can buy at 10c. For tomorrow, wc offer
them in cither black or tan —all perfect in every respect—for
the one day only, three pairs for 25c.
Cadet Hose—Women's Cadet hose in
all ribbed styles or with ribbed top;
regular or extra sizes— fl
every pair guaranteed. . . •J v
56c Hose 39c—A big lot of women s
hose in gauze lisle or in black cotton
with ankle silk embroid- (ft
ered in colors; pair «J» W K*
School Supplies at Reduced Prices
Everything the little folks will want in the nature of School
Supplies—and everything for less than you thought to pay.
Tablet—Big ‘‘Jumbo” school tablet Tablets—Double ruled tablets —ot
and a good school bag for CX white or yellow paper, to
books, etc., for OC morrow for “TV
Erasers —Combination ink and pen- Pen Holders—Mood pen holders,
cil eraser will bo on sale to 4 — with steel pen point, tumor- 4
Crayons —Package ot' school crayons, Pencil Box—A. B, C pencil box with
including eight colors; tomor- 4 — pen holder, pen point and Iff*
Lead Pencils—Dozen lead pencils, Pencil Boxes—With lithographed or
each with eraser, tomor < ift — embossed tops. Many to
row for AVL select from: 5c t 0... LJUV
Pencils--Good lead pencils, nickle tip School Slates —Double slates bound
with eraser inserted, tomor fl — in red, together with wood Op
Composition Boots—Marginal ruled School Bags—Of burlap, all well
composition books, cither sin- X — bound and finished. To- lEp
gle or double lines “Tv morrow each X v
<Josloß Bros. Cd.
Prices in New York Drop at
Wholesale and Retail Mar
kets Feel It More.
Associated Press.
New York. Jan. 25.—The effects ot
the anti-meat campaign Were still
strongly reflected in the local markets
today. While accessions to the lists of
“no meat for thirty days,’’ families
were perhaps less numerous, the im
petus of the initial movement was still
strong enough to influence prices wuieh
continue to drop somewhat at wholesale
and to a greater degree in the retail
Special Dispatch.
Rochester. Jan. 28. —Wholesale meat
dealers here today reduced the prices
20 per cent. Butter has been reduced
one to two cents a pound and eggs.
ha c dropped in price.
Associated Press.
Baltimore, Jan. 28.—T0. l jy for the
first time since the meat Boycott start
the big store
60c Worth Hose 44c—A combination
offer—one pair of black cotton hose
with embroidered ankle and one pair
plain silk finish cotton
hose for *w*wC
2 Pair Hose 65c —Pnir women's hose
with lace ankle and pair fine black
Maco cotton hose in me fl
diuni weight; 2 pnir for.. w
' cd here, the beef market showed a
; weak tendency, declining about 25 >
■ cents a hundred pounds. Pork today
j sold for $2 Jess a hundred pounds than
,! this time last week.
Associated Press.
• Boston, Jnn. 28.—Agi’irion against |
the high coat of food has bejjm to show •
results in Boston. The retail prices of
f meat fell from 2 to 4 cents a pound on ।
’ the higher grades.
1 i _——
Special Dispatch.
I Austin, Texx.. Jan. 28.—A suit fori
I' injunction and habeas < orpus has been ;
1 ; filed by Marguerite Powell ngninst An
-11 dy Miles. The suit is for the posses-
I sion of two children of Mrs. Powell ।
' who are in the care of Miles. Mrs.
. Powell was formcrlv married to i
i brother of Mr. Mile? and when he '
husband died was unable to care i
the children, who were- taken by the
defendant. Since then the woman hrs
married again and is now in n position
h to care for the children. Mr. Allies
। lives on a farm near San Antonio.
; Special Dispatch.
I Austin. Tex.. Jan. 28.—" illiam Me
! Caine, a Confederate veteran. wa» found
! dead in bed in his room at the fonfed
. erate home. He was *<• years old. ,
Wash Trimmings
A big line of wash edges for trimming
school dresses. They’re in plain col
ors. embroidered in white, and in white
embroidered in colors, to match the
gingham or chambray dress. Really
dainty little styles—6 yards 4 Ckg*
in piece, for “ **
School Unibrei as
Good and durable, just what is needed
for school. Taped gloria umbrellas
with paragon frame and steel rod, fin
ished with mission handles. 4
Tomorrow X
School Handkerchiefs
No school child ever hail too many
handkerchiefs—and there's no reason
why the supply should not be ample
when such low prices ns these rule.
For example—white lunidkerehiefs in
plain hemstitched styles; hemstitched
handkerchiefs with colored borders or
handkerchiefs finished with embroid
ette. Regularly sc; tomorrow, O
AT 4 Plain white handkerchiefs
A C for every day use—all fin
ished with hemstitched edge. Splen
did for school, 1c each. Bui we reserve
the right to limit quantities.
Hair Ribbons
Pretty taffeta ribbons, in all col
ors, for school, nt liberal price redac
tions tomorrow.
12 l-2c Ribbons. 3 inches wide... 9c
15c Ribbons, 4 inches wide 12c
20c Ribbons, 5 inches wide 16c
Special Dispatch.
I Austin, Jan. 28.—A farewell ban
| quet to Thomas B. Love, commission
er of banking and insurance, and R.
I B. Cousins, ex-state superintendent of
! education will be given at the Dri«
! kill hotel next Monday night at which
i prominent men of the < ity and capito!
1 will be present. Plans for the ban
i quet are now being made and it prom
। ises to be a large affair.
Mr. Love is retiring from bis of
; fire to go into business and Mr. Cou
i sins leave Austin and the capita 1 to
1 become head of the new state normal
i at Canyon City.
Austin. Tex., Jan. 28.—Lower Tur
ner, a negro, is being tried for burg
j lary today in the Fifty-third district
court. He Is accused of burglarizing
a house at Del Valle. Jesse Harris, an
other negro, was freed on a charge of
assault against a Mexican girl.
Austin, Tex., Jan. 28. —The council
will this evening finally pass the new
sidewalk ordinance which provides
j that property owners must, under pea
alty, lay sidewalks when ordered to
; do so by the council.
Women’s $2.50 Oxfords for $1.79
A Saturday bargain plum—any of four styles of Women’s
Dongola Kid Oxfords in Blucher style, finished with patent
tip. Cuban heel and flexible sole—usual $2.50 values, tomorrow,
a pair. $1.79.
Misses' 2-button Oxfords of vici kid Women's pumps of patent colt, gun
with patent tip, turn sole, short vamp metal calf or black suede in new
and t üban heels. To- slt or t vamp style with
morrow, pair X»aOwJ welt sole, Cuban heels.. OaWV
Women's Oxfords of gunmetal calf Women's pumps of patent kid, with
in Blucher style, finished with tip, one and two instep straps; light turn
short vamp and welt sole—good for or welt sole and high Cu- ft ft
street wear. On sale to- 2.39 ban heels. Pair
morrow for ■ Women's 2-strap pumps of white
Women's ankle strap budoir slippers buck for street wear; made with
of soft kid with low heels and large short vamp, plain too, welt sole and
silk pon pin on vamp, in 4 4 Cuban heel. Tomorrow,
red. pink, blue or black. Xa Aw pair "Tn W
Women's button shoes with patent Eclipse Ties—Women s ankle strap
vamp ami cloth top, in colors to tics of patent kid. with wing tip and
match the costume; plain too, short finished with turn or welt sole and
vamp and welt soles. To- jft high Cuban heels. 1o-
morrow morrow, pair
Misses’ and Children’s New Pumps —
All patent colt ankle strap pumps with short vamp and plain toe, fin
ished with low heels and turn soles.
Misses’ Sizes. II 1-2 to 2—52.00 Values. $1.45
Children’s Sizes, 8 1-2 to 11—51.50 Values. $1.25
Children’s Sizes, 4 to 8 —51.25 Values $l.OO
Children’s School Hose
Stockings for school, the kind that are made to withstand the
test scho<d children put stockings to. and tomorrow some splen
did values rule.
Children’s Hose—Bovs’ and misses’ Cadet Hose—The celebrated Cadet
stockings of fast black in heavy rib- Hose, in four weights, for boys and
bed st vies—our best 10c ft fl girls, linen knee, heel and ft C r
quality’3 pair for toe, guaranteed
Oneida Hose—For children, absolute Misses’ Hose—Fine ribbed cotton
lv gm black with double sole and hose of extra quality, in fast black—
uml high spliced heel. 4C f* 811 B ‘ M ' 8 ’ °' ,d ,ots of 50c Q n
The best made, for X V lines for, pair wJwJV
All Jeske stockings for boys, girls, misses and women, guaze
excepted, are guaranteed to give a satisfactory account of them
selves in time and service.
Associated Preen.
Tokio, Jan. 28.—The foreign office
has issued a statement which is pub
lished in all Japanese newspapers today
setting forth that the government is
fuliy satisfied with the good intentions
of the American government in con
nection with the proposal for the
neutralization of the Manchurian rail
Special Dispatch.
Austin. Tex.. Jan. 28.—Henry Col
lins, the negro shot in the saloon of
E. 8. Hamby Wednesday night by the
proprietor, died early this morning
2 (SL2 makes
4—read the
S Sunday Light fSL
W Gazette a_nd
JL know some more
JANUARY 28. 1910.
1 and Hamby was given a prelimin.xry
I hearing today on a charge of murder.
h I Aasociated Presa.
y Tucson, Jnn. 28. —Prof. Douglas, ob
s; server at the University of Arizona, re
s [Hirts that comet A 1910 is double
tailed Wednesdav night a second toil
p ■
. was noted branching off due south with
' the other pointing straight upward.
1 Prof. Douglas estimated the length of
1 the double tail at 26 degrees, the long
) eat since the comet of 1882.
“It was Satan,’’ saM a mother to
one of her children, “who put it into
I your head to pull Elsie's hair.” “Per
haps it was.’’ replied the hopeful.
' | “ but kicking her shins was my own
rjidea.”—M. A. P.

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