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4 FSMSTONJ f iSTORII You ave fi . "“ Always Bought Keii 3 AXltgf table PreparationfirAs A„ # * .063X8 1116 / A / L I tuigllteSronrxlisaDdßfMTJsi' X m* Signature /Am fife” Promotes nf Z(\ A ; Htf . 1 ;; nessandHest£ontalns«ii!«r} •* /U I; Opium .Morphine nor Mum ’ ij I Ep; | Not Narcotic. $ i j T * B” . ' 3/5 . Ifr. i I j m WL I I A**Mr- f » A -H KES I ***** ( n tft • hi K: ' ft I- Use ! I Hon. Sour Stomadi.DtarrtoG I F ~ Efc t Wmsrtwulsions.frwnsh- \ H FR T 11V P T Kc-a nessandLoss Of Sleep. V/ lUI Ulul ft ! "SS Thirty Years NEW iQKru < CASTORIA Exact Copy of Wrapper. tmi ciwyauh eeomm Rtw?«n*omr« YOU MAY BE A VICTIM of EYE STRAIN and not Know it; the effects may be manifested in some r»- mote part of th" system. I want to exam ine your eyes if yon are not well. My glass' s correct many conditions that are considered incurable. My methods are dif ferent. Examination free. DR. DUNN, Oph. D. Hicks Building. £ ole Air Tight Heater You Need To Gt! Comfort Schultz Stove &Hdw. Co. CREME DE BELL E Z A A greaseless cream. Non-hair producer, cooling, soothing, heal ing. Makes skin pliable and white. Per 2-ounce jar 25c. E. ' . JUNGK ND 519 East Houston Street THIS WEEK. GOLD FILLED EYE GLASSES kPI WARRANTED FIVE YEARS. EXAMINATION FREE. DK. W.S. YOUNG Optician Third Floor Conroy Building. LEVYTANSKY’S JEWELRY EMPORIUM FOR ANYTHING IN THAT LINS Cor. Caalno and W. Commerco SA Near the Bridge. Fischer's Drug Store GIBBS BUILDING. Best drugstore service in the city. Headquarters San Antonio Graduate Nurses’ elation. Calis taken for phy sicians or nurses any hour, day or night. We have six quick delivery messengers. Ooen all night Beth nhones 224. ANDREW KOEHN | delicatessen"] 207 SOUTH ALAMO STREET Lunch room for ladles and gentlemen In connection. z BUY STOVES J - : AT the E,nterprise Ik 602 E. COMMERCE STREET /I Open For Business Hoffman House Orin Room, 498 East Houston Street. Best Cooking in Town. Prices Reasonable : Your Patronage Solicited and Appreciated. John L. Glover. Mgr. Squabs Wanted all you have. Main Ave. Gro. 00., Poultry Dept., 100-110 Garden Street FRIDAY, DAVIS SCENTS CROOKED DEAL Arkansas Senator Thinks “In fluence'' Is Behind a Govern - ment Land Deal. 1 Associated Press. Washington, .Tan. 28.—Senator Jeff । Davis today charged a fraudulent pur I pose in connection with the consider:!• ] tion by the senate of n bill for the sale ! of unallotcd lands in the Rosebud In i' diau reservation in South Dakota. Re ' ferring to the intention to use some of the land for school purposes, he said much of it was arid ami worthless and some “powerful influence’’ was behind the government to compel it to pur chase this ground. TARIFF COMMITTEE STILL REVISING IRREGULAR RATES The members of the South western Tariff committee met this morning in the convention room of the Gunter ho tel, in the fourth day's session for the purpose of revising certain rates lor this territory which in the eyes of the committee seemed to he irregular. When this work is completed Saturday at the uext session, the readjustment of rales is Compiled at this meeting will then he ■ibmitted to the interstate commerce ■ remission at Washington, and the new rnriff will be published. \t the session of the committee Wed nesday afternoon, L. A. Maxwell, with •i delegation from the Dallas Chamber of Commerce, appeared before that body nnd requested a rate on cotton factory shipments from Texas to inter- I exhausts the vitality more I ■ quickly than any ordinary g I food or medicine can re- I I store it. I For over thirty-five years Scott’s Emulsion has relieved bronchitis in all stages; it is the tonic lung remedy used the world over in this disease; nothing equals it in keeping up and restoring flesh and strength. FOR SALT BY AU DKDGGIBTb Seri Me., name of pap*r*A<] this ad. for our £ bssutifu] Savings Bank and Child's Rketoh- V Book. >xoh bsnkmntulihs a Good Lnck Penny. W SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Peal St.. N.Y. Wood-Coal Wl NTER WEATHER Makes Higher Prices < Moral Boy your Fuel in Warm Weather GARR CO. CUSTOMS FRAUD ? IS DISCOVERED Importation of Mosquito Net ting May Involve New Orleans Merchants, Associated Fress. New York, Jan. 28. —Customs frauds in the importation of mosquito netting showed an alleged loss to the govern ment of more than $BOO,OOO are said to have been discovered in New Or leans, according to a former special agent, who has just returned to New York after testifying before the grand jury nt New Orleans. It is said the federal authorities here will be asked to take up the investiga tion as soon as the New Orleans grand jury has completed its labors. Indictments may be returned accord ing to this report, against government officials and merchants in New Or leans, Washington and New York. TAIL OF COMET *-1910 SAID TO BE S?LITTING Associated Press. New York, Jan. 28. —The latest, bul- | lotin from the Columbia university as- | tronnmers on the subject of Comet A- I 1910, calls attention to the splitting of I its tail, which was first reported in dis- ' patches from the west yesterday. The i announcement says: “The splitting in the tails of com- ■ ets has been noticed before, Ent the causes of the phenomenon arc not defi nitely known. It may be due to elec trical disturbances. “The discovery of sodium in the composition may account for the un usual brilliance of the present visitor. Usvally comets aie composed of hydro carbons. “What the present comet is, what is | its orbit and how great is its velocity | cannot vet be known.’’ GLOVER TAKEN BACK TO NOLAN COUNTY BY SHERIFF En route back to Nolan county to an swer to the charge of skipping his bond, and to face the original charge of theft over $5O, E. S. Glower, a white man, left San Antonio yesterday in the cus tody of Sheriff T. E. Crutcher of Nolan county. Glover has been in jail here for some time. Glover is alleged to have skipped out when he secured his freedom on SIOPO bond. He weut to Smiley. Texas, where he was arrested by Sheriff Weisiger of Victoria and Captain Johnson of the state rangers. For sate keeping he was brought here, and yesterday Sheriff Crutcher presented his requisition and took his prisoner back to answer to the! charges. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is not I a common, every-day cough mixture. It j is a meritorious remedy for all the ; troublesome and dangerous complica tions resulting from cold ’in the head,, throat, chest or lungs. Sold by all drug gists. _ * i TURNS IN EXCESS FROM STAMP SALES Anent the order issued from the post-1 office department at Washington a few days ago. in which the postmasters throughout the country should turn in the money on excess sales of stamped envelopes. Postmaster Stevens said that lie has always been sending the money on to Washington with the exception of the last two quarters, but the money de rived from the excess sales is accounted for at this end and will be turned in. Under a ruling made by the postoffico 1 department nt Washington a few years, ago, the postmasters throughout the country wore allowed to keep the money derived from the excess sale, but Post- , master Stevens has been turning in this money at the end of ench quarter. LOAN AGENT*LOSES IN JUSTICE COURT SUIT Special Dispatch. Austin, Tex., .Tan. 28. —Because it was shown that C. A. McMillan had loaned money to three negroes n- n rate higher than was allowed by law, Joe Herbert, another negro, who had bought a horse and buggy given ns security for 'the loans, was acquitted of purchasing I mortgaged property in Justice M. M. , Johnson’s court. i This is the latest of a series of legal I battles between local loan men and I their illiterate debtors bore, in nearly i ill of which the debtors have come off I victorious. WORK IS BEGUN ON PLAN OF HARRIMAN A-noclated Press. Arden. N. Y., Jan. 28.- -A large force of carpenters and artisans his been put to work on the Harriman estate hero and the construction of a new wing to i the big mansion planned by the la* J j magnate has been begvn. “Rumors were current for some time that Mrs. Harriman would abandon, or I nt least curtail the work begun bv her i husband. It is now announced, however, ‘ that sho contemplates even more ext on • sive building than had been outline I ' by Mr. Harriman. The busiest and tnlghtie«t little tiling ! that ever wits made is Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. They do the work whenever you require their i aid. These tablets change weakness into strength, listlessness into energy, gloominess into joyousness. Their ne i lion is so gentle one don’t realize thev have taken a purgativ". Sold bv ail i druggists. j Langs anfi Throat—Park Terrace Sanitarium. Kates reasonable. Call on .or address Dr. W. E. Wright. R-<k< SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE “BACK TO THE SOIL” IS ONLY SOLUTION James J, Hill Says Farming Area Must Be Enlarged to Lower Cost of Living. THERE IS NO QUICK RELIEF Until Movement from City Back to Country Begins Little Can Be Done. New York. Jau. 28. —“Bark to the soil.' ’ This is the solution of the problem of higher cost of living, according to James J. Hill, philosopher and master raihoad builder. “Thp problem is not. local, it is in ternational,’’ said Mr. Hill, who was back in Now York today after his visit to Washington and the white house thi« week. “Obviously the world has ronch cd an economic crisis. We are not pro iucing foodstuffs enough. We must en large the farming area of the earth, we must apply scientific urineiples. We must adapt ourselves to conditions. “Agriculturally speaking, the world is not over populated. The problem is to relievo the congestion in the cities and scatter the unproductive population to the farms. Then when we get them there we must teach them now metho,l= of farming. Our present methods are so loose and slipshod that we do not get half the good out of our tillnbl' land. “There is no quick relief to the pics ent crisis. The necessaries of life wi'd not be ehcapeued to the consumer until we add a million or so persons to our agricultural population. Until rhe move- I ment from the city back to the couni: • I starts. President Taft and congress ca.i do little to lower the cost of living.” . - —x —| Positive!- cured tv crro Q i ,heM ~iiUe Pis,e * IrHri 1 s 11WI They also rGleve Dia- Crass from Dyspepsia. In- I OJgwc lea and Too Hearty jfej jl/ F G Batina. A pertert ram -5U s V “ edy ter Dizziness. Jaazea, i PILLS. [Drowsiness, Bad, Taste frig' la the Mortis. Ctested Tongue, Pain in the ? de, k >KPID JJVEB. Tha/ regulate tbe Bowels. Poraly Vegetable. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE, SMALL Genuine Must Bea? IBfTTUa Fac-6imile Sig"ature fiW. sußSTntjnt. sill / Delicious \ WIL / on Waffles, \ WakjMp MLb| Hi WAI Biscuit | « W V IF and Batter j Wy IflKl WX. Cakes / Breakfast Syrup Velva has a rich, delicate flavor that is all its own. • mwßmnMw Pure juice of finest Louisiana Sugar Cane, made into syrup by J the P. & F. method. \A Sold by Grocers Everywhere, I f But only in these Sealed Cans. j 1 II i r rVAtS'JGAR-CANI V y 5 ' iUH' i 7~~ >hi wgsy 1 1 1 Served in Hotels and Dining Can. J Penick * Ford, Cto. “* NEW ORLEANS, LA. HE PROPOSES ' TUPLE ALLIM Dr. Lyman Abbott Would Have Japan, England and Amer ica Co-operate for Peace. Associated Press. New York, Jun. 28.—A defensive : nd cooperative alliance between Eng land, Japan and America was proposed last night by Dr. Lyman Abbott nt the dinner given Baron Kikuochi, pres ident of the Imperial University of Kito, by the resident consul general of Japan. “The great idea of the century,’’ said Dr. Abbott, “is world pence. It onlv a question of time when the common conscience will take the place of great guns. Why should the nations, wait? Whv should not pnglnnd, Japan and Ameriea stand shoulder Jo shoul <hr. :vin to arm, for all that menus the progress of universal ,ieaec and against all their enemies?’’ HORSE DENTIST DOESN’T NEED A COLLEGE DEGREE Associated Boston, Jan. 28.—That a college de gree in veterinary medicine is not ue.- essary to allow one to legally fill a horse’s teeth in Massachusetts, has been decided by the superior court on an appeal takes by Jnmes 8011, of Pittsburg. P.ell was recently arrested and fined $5O in the municipal court for practicing without a license. The imige of the higher court decided that ' Bell was merely doing the work of a ' first class hostler and discharged him. SAYS HUSBAmTsHOT HERJ-EFT EAR OFF Special Dispatch. Austin. Tex., Jnn. 28. —Nemeeia 2a pain filed suit for divorce again-., Eduardo Zapata, alleging that her hns Kind, in a lit of rage, had shot.her lei, ear of). The ease was filed in the Fitiv ■ third <:istrict court. BIG BCILDING PERMIT. Special Dispatch. \nstiu. To:;., Jan. 28. —The laig-'i building permit of the year was issue, to Major G. W. Littlefield to erect hi: new skvscrai-T at Seventh and inj avcnudlTbe eort of the . is to be $41(1000. SAYS 3 ARRESTED FOR STEALIIGR.R. BRIDGE Sold It for $lB and Three Drinks and Now Face a Charge of Grand Larceny. Associated Press. Binghamton, N. Y., Jan. 28.—Three men are under arrest here today charged with grand larceny in stealing a rail road bridge which they are said to have carted to this city and sold to a local junk dealer for $l9 nnd three drinks. The bridge was n small 8000 pound structure, over a creek. It had recent ly been replaced by a heavier one ami was temporarily stored along the track nearby. When the railroad employes came to take it awav it had disappeared and nn investigation resulted in the anest of the three men. NEW COMMISSIONER DON’T NEED STABLE Associated Press. New York, Jan. 28.—The new fire commissioner’s decision that it was a waste of money for the city to maintain a private stable for him. brotlght about an auction sale of vehicles from which ikliOO has been turned over to the city treasury. Ten vehiefcs were sold but the bidding was light. An electric run about which was said to have cost $2500 brought only $2O. —# • — DIES AT AGE OF 107. Associated Press. Elijay, Ga-. Jan. 28.—Airs. Nancy Watkins. 10 years ohl, died here yester day. She had lived in the same locality for 70 rears. (g PURELY eXokob VEGETABLE The safest medicines are those which leave the system in the best con dition after their use. This is one of the principal virtues wo claim for S. S. S. Being made entirely of roots, herbs and barks, it is not in even the smallest degree harmful to any system, but on the other hand its veg etable Ingredients make it one at the finest of tonics to build up the health tn every way. A great many blood medicines contain strong mineral ingredients which unfavorably affect the bowels, stomach or digestive sys tem, and any blood-purifying effect they might, have is therefore offset by their injurious action on the general health. S. S. S. is the ohe safe and sure blood purifier. It goes Into the circulation and rids the blood of every impurity or pollution. It strengthens the circulation and adds nourishing properties to the blood and greatly assists in the cure of any blood disease. S. S. S. cures Rheumatism, Catarrh, Sores and Ulcers, Scrofula, Contagious Blood Poison and all like diseases, because it purifies the circulation. S. 8. S. may be taken by young or old with absolute safety, and with the assurance that it will cure all diseases and disorders due to an impure or poisoned blood supply, even reaching down and removing hereditary taints. Book on the blood and any medical advice free to ell who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. JANUARY 28, 1910. LARGEST lIIBKH IS B. S. SELES FOISSSO Big Gobbler Is a National Prize Winner—Purchased by South Dakota Man, Associates Press. Boh i.ler-, 111., can. 28.—At the Nor fl'O'n Illinois uoultry snow being held hero i was anacnnced yesterday th'it the famms Pcrler turkey has been sell by Mrs. '.Valter l oner of this city to E. H. Burns of Orient, 8. D., for This gobbler has taken first prize nnd sweepstakes at New York, Baltimore anil Hagerstown, Md., and other cities where national poultiy shews have been held. Jlis weight is 52 pounds and he is said to be the largest tukey in the United States. Have you a weak throat? If so, you canner be too carefnl. You cannot be gin treatment too early. Each cold makes you more liable to another and the last is always the harder to cure. Tf you will take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy at the outset you will be saved much trouble. Sold by all druggists. J. W. Chalmers, Architect. High class architectural work. Office ”41 Moore Bldg.. San Antonio- TAFT DONATESTO NEGRO COLLEGE • Associated Press. Atlanta, Ga.. Jnn. 28.—One of the lat- I e-t donors to the fund’bcing .rnisod for ! the “development of the industrial de partment" of Morris Brown College, a • negro institution here, is President Taft, who sent his check for fifty dollars to the president of that institution vester -1 anv