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INTEREST IN CONTEST IS AT TAINING WHITE HEAT STAGE Some Big Surprises in Store for Con testants—Saturday’s Vote Prom ises to Be Very Heavy. : x * # # =::• # * # # # # «= a #$ THE LEADER Anthony J. Castanola. DISTRICT LEADERS. District No. I—Miss Josephine Forestello. District No. 2—Miss Loretta Piggott. District No. 3—Mrs. J. W. Sloan. District No. 4—Anthony J. Cas tanola. District No. s—Master5 —Master Jimmie Jack Davis. District No. 6—Henry Mitchell. District No. 7—Miss Vedena Hundley. District No. S —Mrs. T. E. Wood rome. With the contest nearly half gone and flic White Steamer to be won in a few days over three weeks things are reach ing a highly interesting stage and the whole territory covered by the contest is getting on edge and every one is tak ing part for their favorite contestant, 'i ue elans are lining up for a great bat tle and the uncertainty of picking the winner of any prize is growing. There are some mighty strong and influential contestants, both in and out of San Antonio and to attempt to predict the result is purely a guess. No doubt lots of wise (!) people have it ail doped out, but you will find before long that you don’t know quite as much as you thought you did. Many will “fall down” hard in seeking to compare this with some other contests that have taken place here in the past. There is absolutely no comparison and if you at tempt any comparison of votes, woe be unto your chances of winning. If you don’t'figure this thing out on a sensible ; business basis you will come to grief. Do a little thinking and prepare to go strong If you don’t the others will and] >ou will be very sorry. Don’t you un-1 der-estimate; it’s fatal. Mr. Mitchell Leads In Six. Mr. Henry Mitchell of Sabinal lead ; cos school girl, was next best in the front again in district six. He is always , <m the job and is going a fast gait and covering a wide territory in his cam paign. • Miss Vedena Hundley, the San Mar cos school girls, was next best in the outside district voting. The out-of- San Antonio contestants are sure to play a leading role in Saturday’s big “shake-up,’’ Best Vote For Miss Forestello. The San Antonio voting honors of Thursday went to Miss Josephine Fores tello and she moves to second place in the grand prize standing and not far away from the leader. She is working earnestly and faithfully and is certainly j one who will make a strong bid for a big prize. Mrs. Daisy A. Woodman was; second best voted for and assumes a | stronger position for n fine prize. Cap tain T. J. Dornstein of Hook & Ladder' Co. No. 2 and one of the best known ! firemen in San Antonio, received a good send off yesterday. He will get good support from the fire boys and the gen eral public. Leader Castanola received a good vote and holds the 21cad again today. He is in a commanding position and has' good support, but there are at least a half dozen others who are in the same, boat and they are after the White; Steamer with oven chances for success. । Misses Nellie Lowday nnd Adela Mil- • lor were the next in line. There is a ; Free Coupon SOOD FOR TWO VOTES IN THE LIGHT AND GAZETTE CIRCULATION CONTEST M District Void after January 31. Contest closes March is.t, 1910. Nomination Blank Good for 1,000 Votes for the San Antonio Light and Gazette Circulation Contest t- . - A Only one nomination ballot will be credited for each con testant. 'CONTEST DEPARTMENT. LIGHT AND GAZETTE: I hereby nominate as a contestant in your Grat.3 Prize Contest: t M * > C f Address ; District * , J Name of Nominator Address - Date 3 Nominator’s name will positively not be made know anvonc. Don't ask. _ _ FRIDAY, IMPORTANT NOTICE . 10 CONTESTANTS IN SEVENTH DISTRICI At the earnest request of con-. testants in District No. 7, the Light and Gazette hereby an nounces the withdrawal of its 1 special Austin prize—the $BOO Kimball Piano, and its allotment as first district prize in District No. 7, to be contested for by all persons from that district. This gives the Austin contestants an equal opportunity with the other contestants in District No. 7. This change is made under the conditions of contest ns fre quently published in this paper. This is a recognition of the fine work of the hustlers in that live* district. small army of contestants in the field iu San Antonio and most every one is getting good support and are in a cheerful, confident frame of mind and arc determined to stay with it until the wind-up. Entries Not All In. Several strong contestants are yet to | enter this great prize contest and will I aim at the very top of the pyramid of prizes. They have sized it up as the ’ best chance to win something strictly i worth while and are not a bit alarmed ' a* to the standing of contestants al ready in the race. All they want is : a chance and they realize that what has been done is nothing to deter the real live ones. The Contest Manager has had many Grand Prize Winners to enter j much later in a contest than this. Don't think this contest has reached a stage ’ where you can name any of the win- . ners. It’s very uncertain and anybody's! first prize. Good Picking Outside. It’s a very great mistake to think you cannot do a tine business in all the outlying towns for hundreds of miles. It does not matter-in the least whether; they have contestants represented there and it docs not matter whether you know a sou! in these towns. A good campaigner and a real hustler can get business anywhere on a newspaper of the class of the Light and Gazette. Don’t be afraid to go anywhere and ask every one for a subscription. It is often the case you can do better with I strangers than people you know. Go j anywhere nnd tackle everybody. CONTEST COMMENT. If you think you are going to win a good prize with anything less than a large vote it’s time you were coming out of such an unprofitable dream. Have you organized nil your friends and put. them to work for you? Don't wait until the last few days expect ing to set the world afire. The good general is one who plans and has all his supplies on the ground before a big ' fight. Never mind about what the other fel- 1 low is doing. Just you keep busy nnd 1 don't worry about any one else. Contestants who are out to win some- SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE CZARIKA SHIS TO BE EXTREMELY ILL The czariue of Russia, whose health is reported to he in a very serious coudi' tion. Since her recent return to St. । Petersburg. She has suffered severe , acute attacks of hysteria followed by I prolonged lapses of consciousness. Three i specialists 'nave been in constant at • tendam o upon her al the imperial pal । ace. The Russian newspapers arc for । bidden to publish anything concerning ' the royal family and as no outside bulie -1 tins have been issued concerning the jezarine's condition, the nation at largo I remains in ignorance of her critical state. : । thing of big value are not wasting any time on the free coupons. 1 Make a note of al) your “promises'* | and don't. in a single instance, fail to ask every one who lias promised yon to make good. People have no right to make promises unless they mean to keep their word. These winter days are short rmd it takes bustling to get all : day ought to yield you. When you seo new names added to the list daily you must have a mighty poor opinion of your abiltiy if yon can't, with the start you have, win a prize. . ■»»» — TO THE PUBLIC. We desire to say that when we took the agency for ZEMO. it was after a thorough investigation as to the merit and curative properties of this remedy for eczema, pimples and dandruff. We frankly admit ZEMO has far exceeded our expectations as a cure for skin dis eases. We arc pleased to state that we will continue the agency, as ZEMO gives the best satisfaction of any sim ilar remedy we have ever sold. Our customers like ZEMO because it is a clean, vegetable liquid for external use. ZEMO cures by drawing to the surface of the skin and destroying the germ life that causes the disease, leaving the skin clean and healthy. It does not soil the clothing or linens and can be nsed freely on infants. We will give a booklet on skin dis eases and explain to any person how they can be l ined at home of any form of skin or scalp disease by this dean, scientific preparation. The Bexar Drug Co. NEW WATER RATE TO GO INTO EFFECT FEB. 1 Special Dispatch. Austin, Tex., Jan. 28.—The new minimum water rate of $l. adopted at the city council's meeting yesterday, will go into effect February 1, when the January a.-counts aie made out. and 5000 Austin families will pay 50 cents loss for water for the past month. Ex cept for lowering the minimum cjn . sumption on which a rate of 33 1-3 cents per 1000 gallons is charged from 4500 ’ to 3000 gallons, the old rates ar?, changed but little. Napoleon's Grit was of the unconquerable, never-say-; die kind, the kind that you need most i wheu sou have a bad cold, cough or I lung disease. Suppose troches, cough; svrups, cod liver oil or doctors have all ' failed, don’t lose heart or hope. Take Dr. King s New Discovery. Satisfac- • tion is guaranteed wheu used for any throat or lung trouble. It has saved : thousands of hopeless sufferers. It mas ters stubborn colds, obstinate coughs, hemorrhages, lagrippc, croup, asthma’, hay fever and whooping cough and is I most safe and certe'n remedy for i these -cd-.! " follicle nnd pigment gland strong active, and by stimulating a natn I flow of coloring pigment throughout fl i hair cells. Rexail “93'' Hair Tonic is entirely; free from grease or sediment, is exceed] ingly pleasant to use and will not gum I the hair or permanently soil the cloth- i ing or pillovvs. We exact no obligations or promises —we simply ask you to give it a thor-' bugh trial ai.d if not satisfied tell ns' and we will refund the money you paid । us for it. Two sizes, prices 50 cents I and 41.00. Remember you can obtain* it in San Antonio only at our store—। The Rexall store. Vagner's Drug, Store. Hicks Bldg. SATURDAY SPECIALS •\Also Apply for For Saturday and Monday only we have made great reductions on all of our Men’s Suits, Overcoats, Hats and Furnishings. These clothes at regular prices arc unordinary values —reduced, they are absolutely remarkable. $30.00 SUITS AND OVERCOATS $l4-98 $25 00 SUITS AND OVERCOATS $11.98 $15.00 SUITS AND OVERCOATS $ 9.39 $12.00 SUITS AND OVERCOATS $ 6,98 Men’ Hats all Colors and Shapes 0 Men’s Pants $3.00 Hats $2.48 -We can fit you in pants, doesn’t matter how small or $2.50 Hats 51.98 large you are. All styles and colors. $2.00 Hats 51.48 c D co <t. u 55.00 Pants $348 $1.50 Hats .98c S J oo pants We have the nobbiest line of Stetson novelty shapes in the $3.00 Pants $1.98 city for s3's° $2.50 Pants $1.48 —* We have just received a shipment of Spring Vests in —, . - . Browns. Tans, light and dark blues, stripped and solid V colors. All $1.50 custjn.-made shirts 98c $3-5° Vests $2.48 All 75c line of shirts, all colors 39c 00 Vests $2.98 An 5 0c fleeced-lined undergarments 39c , ' ~ c o All 25c Medium Weight ribbed undergarments 19c 83-00 Vests st.oB am xr • T 3 * y Ail 15c Hose, mens 7c $2.50 Vests $1.69 ah 20c Hose, men’s 12c $2.00 Vests $1.48 All 35c Suspenders 23c L. Kaufman Dept. Store STANDING OF CONTESTANTSF IU CONTEST AT 6P.M. JAN. 27 I ■ ’ DISTRICT NO. I—SAN ANTONIO. 1 Miss Josephine Forestello, 1103 Guadalupe street 162,014 ; Mrs. Daisy A. Woodman, 2’04 Monterey street 73,241 • Miss Hilda Lee, 645 South Flores street 49,456 ; Miss Nellie Lowday. 2320 West Commerce street ■ Miss Lupita C. Herrera. 846 Guadalupe street 15,,.>4 ■ Miss Amy Baker. 1622 Monterey street 9.528 I । Louis Koch, 2303 Buena Vista street 1,2.6 ■ Mrs. Belle Dilgarde, 1712 Buena Vista street 2,300 DISTRICT NO 2—SAN ANTONIO. Miss Loretta Piggott. 506 North Laredo street ( Tom Kerr Jr.. 311 Cincinnati avenue .->2.462 - 1 Thomas Chiado, 510 Chavez street. ’ Mrs. Lina Braden. 802 West French Place 22.7 as Miss Charlotte Cleary, 712 Camaron street 16,118 Miss Zuleme Pettus, 406 East Locust street 13,112 Miss Katherine Hill, 708 West Marshall street 12 820 ■ i Miss Gertrude Svhraut. 402 North San Marcos street 11,498 i Master John Hankla. '214 Warren street 8.901 i Miss Genevieve Helen Nelson, 119 Upson street Miss Ella K. Forster, 110 California street 4.882 | Miss Pearl K. Lentz, 315 West Romana street i Miss Frieda Denv's,'l3l2 Morales street 2.032 ! Mrs. P. B. Thomasson. 321'2 West Houston street 1.66 s ; 'Miss Stella Higgins. 920 Zavala street l.os'i • Mrs. .1. .1. Owens. 114 West Poplar street I." > •lames M. Bush. 404 Ruiz street., 1.0j.i • Miss Reborn Melendez. 110 T'pson street l.0"2 , Alfred E. Richev. 353 Catro street 1.000 - Mrs. Lena De Leon. 913 West San Pedro Place 1.000 ‘ DISTRICT NO. 3 SAN ANTONIO. i i Mrs. J. W. Sloan. 615 Avenue C 111,050 * Ollie W. Smith. 1207 Avenue D 54.798 ( Miss Ruth fb ntcr. 1221 North Pine street 50,040 ? Otto Vinke. Dallas street 11,436 1 Mrs. A. Luckett. 507 Burnett street 10.01 l i Mrs. G. W. Gazley. :>lo .'.venue C 0,1136 । । Miss Agnes Booth. 231 Burleson street } Miss Ada Geisler. 516 \veniio A.... >,BlB 1 Miss Odelia Miller, I'-’ Haikberry street 4.098 j Mrs. George Stillson. " Blum 'treet 3,990, 8 T. J. Dornstin. 416 Crock, tt street 3,562 ) Mrs. M. D. Ashmore, s •< Avenue D 2,288 { X Edward Banbel. 1: 01 N -'i Olive street 1.93! ( Miss Jennie Hughes. 1• ■ ■ N wth Olivo street L.«>o k -I. L. Harwell. 22» Slrni. . -’reef..................................... ’.306 Miss Mamie M-' ah' .'■ \vcnue 1.-98 Mrs. G. W. Barnes, 23 t Pebnout street I.2tLi j Geo. facn Jr., 112 street I.oB® j R. L. McKibbin, 407 \v. ■ ;e E A Henry Howe Eager. 8> \uth< ny hat'd ' A- Miss Helen Jone*. 2"? 71 i~ •treet .. 1.0.'e Miss Sophie Rotter. 322 Ha-kberry street 1,01. j v Miss Merle Rowland. .<22 Burleson street J J I y Miss Lottie Reeves 902. Au-tin street } W. B. Adams. 901 Van Ness : treet 1 000 j, P. Martin Dovlc. 202 ' mv. ut street 1.000 Miss Josie Schelper. 102 Depot street DI-TE'CT NO 4--SAN ANTONIO. ! J Anthonv J. Castanola. ' ' **outh Flores street Mrs. A*. E. Carter. 206 Carden street 160.004 v Miss Grace Loring. 108 1b nrietta street 5 Mrs. Clive IL Shook. 213 Frasch street 08.180 Mrs. Herman Heiligmnnn. "I Fir street iionT, ''•on Glasberg. 318 Idaho street ■s. D. S. Smythe, 101 Arlington court ton), fleniens, 133 Ris< lie street -‘rlo *' caskOrio Leo Camp. 460 Dwyer avennc. .vB _ M’.Amamla Hahn. Cen. cp' ion avcnii" and G street 3,088 i - in a Nellie Bachman, sns Carden street in laC.ona Jonas, 41 1 Santa < lara street •_ - ing eq Coin. 117 Omaha street C broidrt nesfine Bretzkc. -Od South Uarkbcrry sircet Mrsf Allie Mathis. 61 Denver Boulevard with U'rnnkliu, 601 Sooth Pine J. IL Il's Wilber. 317 Stare “tree- . white si)ee Adams. 210 Denver BowDvnr.l Ll6’ The pkwelin 222 Mission street I Rev. James W. Albritton. 133 Porter street 1,094 Miss Jessie Brewster, 223 Montana street 1.060 Miss Adeline Burger, 171 North street 1,000 DISTRICT NO. 5. Master Jinunio Jaek Davis. Boerne 21.038 Miss Louise Wilke, Boerne 10.628 Miss Ada Bessan. Kerrville 8.531 Miss Cecelia Cordington, Comfort 3.110 Miss Gertrude Robinson, Confer Point 2,01 s <‘llo Hamby, Center Point 1,632 Miss Katie Offer, Waring 1,062 DISTRICT NO. 6. Henry Mitchell, Sabinal 65.912 N. C. Windrow. Hondo 56.582 John W. Thompson. Laredo 49.24 S Joo Dunlap. Uvalde 13,181 Miss May Pelle Hester, Devine 11,754 Mrs. Harry Dean. Eagle Pass 7.842 Piof. H. 11 Iler, DT’anis Public School 6.50; 1 Miss Tris .lonese, Del Rio 6.216 Mrs. A. B. Dillard, Sabinal 3,014 Mi-s Onida Zara Hymans. De) Bio 1,521 Ki nding W. Black, Uvalde 1,328 Quinn Brnden. Sabinal. 1.096 J. E. Dockery, Ur aide -1.036 Miss Alice McCall, Hondo 1,020 W. 11. Khodes, Uvqlde I,ols DISTRICT NO. 7. Miss Vedena Hundley, San Marcos 81,120 Ernest. Clemens, New Brannfeh 23*291 ' Miss Norn Porter, San Mareos IS.OOO G"orge Sjchwab, New Braunfels 12.500 A. W. Livingood Jr., Lockhart 9.416 A. Sidney Michelson. Austin Miss Vera Coreth, New Braunfels - 6,668 Miss Inna Achilles. Austin 6.00'1 Mrs Leonard 11. Talley, Austin 4.11.8 V.;ilium Johnson, Taylor 2,154 A. R. Smith, Austin 1,666 Mrs. Richard Depew. Austin 1.64'i ?iiss Mattie Perry. Snn Mareos 1,092 Edwin Waller, Austin z 1.092 Master James Travis, San Marcos 1,05'3 Miss Cayloina Smith, San Marcos 1,042 Miss Ada Matthews, Austin 1,034 Grady West, Austin 1.032 Miss Etta Hall, Austin J. 030 Miss Sallie B. Nance, Kyle 1.028 Miss Little Griesenbeek, Lockhart... 1,012 G, urge Mi Natigliloii. Sin Mar-i s J.dOl Mrs. F. O. James, Austin 1,002 Miss Ida Dav, Luling 1,000 Miss Rena Haas, Austin 1,060 Miss Florence Brownlee. Burnet 1,000 Miss Emma Hubbard, Austin.. 1.000 Arthur S. Bergstrom. Austin 1,000 Gerald Deleher. Austin 1,000 Toil Devine, Austin 1,004 DISTRICT NO. 8. Mrs. T. E. M'oodronie, La Grange ”0.600 Miss Bertha Taylor. Karnes City. 24.183 Miss Florence Ferguson. Bees ills’ 19.007 X. B. Murray, Floresville 15.480 Miss Ethel Templeton. Seguin 18,806 Miss X’ivian Echols. Kenedy 13,31.8 Walter Zuehl, Marion 3.810 V. F. Miller. Floresvjlle 3.704 August. E. Staffa. Schulenburg 3.502 Master Cyril Wetherell, Cuero 1.322 Miss Aileen Mood. Seguin 1.306 Mrs. I. M. Fox. Karnes City 1,176 Miss Maric Fleming, Seguin.... 1.04! Miss Clara HiH, Kenedy 1,018 Miss Mamie Terrell, Seguin 1.018 Miss Inez Preston, Cheapside 1,014 Harry Listc, Gonzales 1,616 Mias Aura Knowlton. Aransas Pass ? 1.000 Mrs. J. XV Ri'd-'sehwHor -c .'more 1.000 Miss Cordelia Hatwood. Gonzales 1.000 Miss Alma Rather. Gonzales 1.000 JANUARY 28, 1910. YALE DENTISTS PICKS BUILDING. Our Yale Oo ne( drop j ew „. and see made lIgM. n«n-br*akabl« material by a specialist. 5