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STUDY THESE FACES SEB HOW UI’NATUSAL FEATURES SPOILS ONES LOOKS! h. w.-- < - . show the mriaer ot c<>ri>'c"‘.g such ungainly noses as_are pictured above. These corrections are made every day by the up-to-date skill ful face specialists. Seo how a face that I lacks character and gives a bad Impres- j sion can be refined and made natural by a simple painless transformation i which changes an ignorant look to one i of beapty. HEBE XS AK FXCEPTXNAL OPPOE TBKiTT. Frances Wilcox and tin- Woodbury Face Experts will be in San Antonio during February. Watch the papers for exact time and location and make up । your mind to call and so how age can be changed to youth; ng-liuess into beau ty or how unsightly blemishes can be positively painlessly and harmlessly done away with by those experts. This is the first time recognized face spe cialistk ha've visited this' city and it Is an opportunity to find out how these wonderful changes are accomplished. Anv one having unbecoming features or whose face is prematurity lined with wrinkles, lines of dissipation, scars or unsightly blemishes is invited to call i and consult these experts free of charge. Thev want you to know about them. M. n invited ns well as women. Watch for the exact location and make an ap pointment. Remember Frances Wilcox was for 15 years the Woodbury Expert and is now permanently located in Kan sas City, but having numerous requests front people in this city, has made ar rangements to give them, this opportun ity. Write for - an appointment. You will be notified by special letter when to call. Address FRANCES WILCOX, General tielfvery, San Antonio, Tex'. IS SHING WORK B JOST DIWSSION? Mail Your Answer to Illinois Examining Board —It Wants to Know. United Press. x- Chicago. 111., .Tan. 29.—1 s Lathering u diversion or real work? Is it a vo cation or an* avocation ? Upon the answers to these questions depends the legality or illegality of the new license Jaw governing the work of all tonsorial artists in the state. I Webster defines ‘ • vocation ns “des tined or appropriate employment; call ing: occupation, trade.’’ and “avoca tion” as “a railing awav; diversion.” Yet, the barbers' certificate of regis tration recently issued calls it an avo .atian. Barbers who are threatening to wage war on the state board of ex : miners over the license law have seized upon this slight error and pro pose to take the law before the supreme court of the state. MADAME TETRAZZINI. United Press. ('hieago. I'l.. Jan. 29. - Just to ham ' Mme. Luisa Tetrazzini, the famous soprano of the Manhattan Opera eoar pany. a fast special train will be run t. morrow from tierc to St. Loins, where she sings Monday night, so the noted song bird will be able to have “a full night's sleep in a regular hotel on the preceding night.” Inci dentally. it will cost Oscar Hammer stein $lOlO to accommodate Mme Tcttrazini. Th. diva says she doesn't «are, though, as she cannot sleep In cm- of those “horrid bunks on the train.” She will arrive in St. Lo i' :.t 10:3) r'dock tomorrow’ night, : ml after get ting that “expensive sleep." she says she" will be able to fill her < . gem it tlmro aml “sing $lOOO worth more.” Wants Pay fcr Cotton.—T. J. Lane and company yesterday filed suit in the Thirty-seventh district court against the San Antonio Compress company for $825, this amount being alleged to be due for eleven bales of cotton. Doctors Curry & Waganer, Dentists—Gibbs Building. ■ — Bills of Fare, Clarke. Printing Co. KUN DAY, BOTH SIDES 10 | FIGHTFOR UNION TRUSI CHARIS i h ’ ti - 11 Document Said to Be Worth a ’ Million Dollars Is Now the "Bone of Contention. FACTIONS LOCK HORNS .1 — f a ’Bass to Defend Charter, Says i His Attorney—Burleson Will Y Not Relinquish His Rights. « Having litigated over the ownership of certain stock of the I nion Bank A , Trust company, C. L. Bass and L. H. | Burleson are preparing to lock horns over the right to defend the charter for feiture suit recently instituted by the attorney general's department. i .Judge A. C. Bullett. attorney for C. L. Bass, yesterday stated that Mr. Bass meant to defend the charter. C. L. Bnr i leson, recent president of the now de funet trust company, has already an- , ’ I nounced lie would spend every dollar ( i .; he had to protect the charter. On Monday there is to be a meeting • of the directors of the I'niou Bank & j Trust company, at which steps to de fend the charter will be taken. In jus: - what these steps will consist is not known, except that the defeifse will rest , 1 ' on the fact that the charter was used , for two years or more before the ney general brought suit for forfeiture. _ On what grounds Mr. Bass will enter the suit is likewise unknown. Judge Bui I lett not making public That each side to the controversy will claim the exclusive right to defend the char ~ । ter and fight for its life is admitted. I Having fought in the district court here | over stock ownership, the tight is to be , carried to the court at Austin and the | 'battle waged against the attorney gen i eral's department. Worth a Million Dollars. Beyond the mere statement that <’. L. Bass meant to litigate for the life of the charter. Judge Bullett would not talk of the plans. It was understood Mr. Bass would claim property rights; in the charter not vested in L. 11. Burle- । , .son and the board of directors elected) ' 1 after the Bums brothers had been force*i . j out of the concern. . ■ When last here. President Burleson JI stated the charter of the Union Bank A ( Trust company was a document worth, : j n million dollars. It is the only one in j existence issued by the state of Texas 1 '(others having been forfeited-and enn , ’I . elk-d under various pretexts. In the f ' | east Mr. Burleson said that the char- ( ’ter's actual value could not be esti ‘ • mated in monetary terms. . Just what is to transpire, or be t brought on the carpet at Monday's 1 meeting of the board of directors of ’' the defunct company, is absolutely nn * known. None of the directors carp to > discuss the matter, but it is coneeded 1 that protective steps for the charter ' will* form the principal theme. .BUCKLEY RANCH SOLD BY KIRKPATRICK 1 ' A large land deal covering 5300 ' *■ acres in LaSalle county was made by ' the real estate firm'of the J. IT. Kirk- ) ’ , patrick company the past week. This ’ tract, which is known as the Bnckl.w , • ranch, is in nn unimproved condition ' -land was sold for $12.3(1 per -lem, or ' $66,250. -»*♦- i . HAYES AND DCKANDO TRAINED TO MINUTE ) United Press. San Francisco, Cal.. Jan. 29.— Train- ' si ed to the minute for their 26-inilc drill. I little Johnnie Hayes and Dorando, the;; ' Italian . are ready to renew the hos ■ : tiiity they have waged intermittently e sin* e Dorando <-ollnpsed within sight n , of the flush line and permitted Hayes ■t, I to pass him to victory in the Olynijdc ■ s j Maiathon in London. Both men have g j been training in San Fram isco for the I ' past, three weeks. Tomorrow afternoon ■ at Recreation park they will toe the j I mark for another duel of endurance I ! of speed. Otto Riebe Undertaking Co. 221 Ea . ' lerce SI. Both phones 311. I Don’t 111-treat YOUR EYES It’s A %ame If You Dy | You may not be aware of the ■ trouble you are storing up for ■ yourself. ■ Sooner or later, nature will as 'ert Itself and in no uncertain your eyes will resent the in jury. You May Need Glassses and yet not know it. Why not ho uro by having us examine them it once? Should you med glasses ve guarantee satisfaction. H. C REES OPT. CO. 242 West Commerce Street. » Opposite St. Maary'a. SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE CONSUMPTION CURED WITH ANTITOXIN IN SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS , ..I the pleasure of announcing t ■ mblishment of an office >r the m Antitoxin Company in S:. । Antonio for the purpose »»f (lemon st rati!, « treatment would do un<f” f most favorable climatic nnueno s. t w o f this already b» .i own as the action of tie inatnum elective and results are appan nt m nuch less time than was lonmr to .*;.n in the northern climate. Tlu offic. sin the Hicks Buiiditu ® \ i.- ■■ j ny lv great number and* many cis. have been placed und«T ■ I t° ; ti n V? r A mgements have been made for mon; more, some to be„ treated al thetr w< soTlcit the most rigid invstijmM' of our methods AK well ? K <h which wo publish herewith todm. It is true that all these i t 'in tiie North, but it must be n n : • rod that all our donio. - Mirations *. m .Uo in St. Louis. Four years w< r niwn to demonstrating b - - to tha Prores lon. these testimonials, then hem. EA< H KND tSE WAS EX IMINI l> i:\ ; : ■ AND HIS REPORT WAS TH ri BERCUUAR r.\‘ ' ''A* s . .>f\\T IN LARGE QUANTITIES, each > was treated and befor ' - • ’1 as cured was agath examined by Xpert who reported THH 1 3? 1 ' U ’’ S OP TUBERCULAR BACILLI. cn ami every one was U • ojgnix < p <i_ n , lt patched up—and discharged fi-” turthor treatment before a .nstmie: ac;- pted. We do not solicit t< stlim-n: -. l»ut use only those whkni 1 our ful and cured pntients Dr. i; Woodard, our physician -in charge ef o•• s a n Antonio office has for \ • ars . . an enviable reputation as an cx|»« r . specialist in Thoracic Trou- bles and has a wide experience in the demonstratina our Antitoxin. Dr. Woml ard will b. pi, used to see and explain our methods .my one who is Interested and who vi;i call at <»ur offices In the Hicks Buihi • . Respectfully, WRIGHT-DUERINV ANTITOXIN COMPANY. the Rev. Dr. Taylor Bornatd. the author of the lollowiug letter, was responsible for many of the parties whose names appear having taken the Antitoxin Treat ment. Dr. Bernard is prominent in cliurck and charitable work in St. Donis; is well known to many cf the clergy throughout the country. H>s reputation war .rants entire confidence in any statement he issues. Te has watched very closely for several years the results obtained with the Antitoxin Treatment, and as a consequence lie has reoommer.ded many sufferers to take it. Read Dr. Bernard’s and the fpllowing letters carefully—it is to your interest: . — I.*»uis. Mo., Jan. 14. 1910. 1 .«• Wjigbi-l»m ring Antitoxin Company: G< nth-men—For more than two years T hav< b< < ; carefully watching tin* • i. ets *hc use of your Antitoxin upon mxny patients aifliered with tubercuh»His with the result that I hav* heartily recommend <1 it :»» my friends and orU s many of whom have been cured by the treatment. I hav«* seen some critical cases cured, and gome in t! < first stage of tin* di • as. ; "-natughly cured in from eight to twelve weeks. I . i certainly glad that this effective remedy is ceforth to have' such o cxtcns.xe field, for it assuredly means life and health to thousands of poopb*. Must sincerely s_ TWLOtt BERNARD, No Fairmount A\ nu Send for Mrs. J. E. Mattingly’s full letter. Its worth more to you than al we can say. Sib x. Mo,. 15. 1900 l’amily physician sent me to specialist—who said I . Tubvrcuio s. M\ |. si. an mid J must go West at once. The Rev. Dr. Ri rn.t : snhl 1 should tuk- Antitoxin treatm< nt. 1 did. I remained under treati i« two montiiF—am new v ll'- vas curol. Advise any one who has Tub< rrulo * to take Antitoxin <’m T.-.nk \ (iur discovery wonderful. Most gratefully yuv MUS .!. E. MATTINGLY POLICf SEJKH FUR PLAYWRIGin Is Accused of Mortally Wound ing Mother-in-Law and His Wife. United Press. Cliivago, 111.. J:in. 29.—A hui-UriM <lv lec.iieK are m aiehiug Jlie city toiiiglit for Walter Barnes plnywrjght aud ae-। tor, who late this afternoon shot aud 1 noun lc.l his niothcr-in-law an.l , -.■ri. ii-iv wounded ku wite. Mrs. Ehtu , Bnrnen, nl Mi. nparime nt s of the wo man in the t'nshii-uiiblo hote 1 Wvcli merz Barnes escaped after threatening ether .H-enpants if the.hotel. Mr:;. Barnes, an actress, po lice tonight lie and her mother v.erv shot down without warning. I'o. son:- time she says they have not lived happily and rem nt ly Baines ihrealcnet her. she got out a warrant for his ar res|, rhe declares, and ho disappeared. Today Bnrues w st to her apartments at lie hotel while she and her mother were out. lio eon.-.aled ntmself behind a clii'ir a id as -oou as the tyo women entered began to lire. Oue bullet struck I Mrs. Hervos, his ’nother-iu-law, in the । ehe ~ pit . ing her heart. Mrs. Barnas I was v oitedi d twice, once ,n the cheek 1 and once in tho left wrist. When the two women fell Batues ran i dow> the stairway flourishing his re volvr r as he ran. Several guests of the hotel attempted to stop him but ho held them at bay with his weapon and es rape.', in a touring car which was wait ing outside. The M oum'od w .man was hurried to a hospital. Barnes met his wife while she was placing an engagement with a small thoatri. al company at Gothen burg, Xcbr.. last summer. After their inarrirge ho sent her on the at ; the bead of a musical show but it failed. LOCAL FIRM IN IWMII MERGER ♦ Carter-Mullaly Company Com bines With Houston and • Dallas Firms. • Special Dispatch. Houston, Tex.. Jan. 29.—8 y a deal I i closed here today the transfer business !of Dallas, Man Antonio and Houston passes into the hands of one large'com pany. H. E. Hildebrand, president of the <'arter Mullaly company of San An ) tonio; W- J- Ford and D. IV. S. Cox, i of the Dallas Transfer Company, and It. E. Eagon, ol the Interurban Express ' lines of Dallas, have, with Geofge A. Hill of this city, purchased the Hous- ) 1 ton Transfer and Carriage company, and . Mr. Hill will look after the ■ Houston , , interests, having been elected vice pres- I ident and general manager. Ford has I been elected president and Eagon an.l I Hildebrand vice president of the Hous-1 ton company which will operate in MU-1 junction with the North and West I Texas companies. Mr. Hildebrand, presi.leiA of the local Carter Mullaly Transfer company, was still out of the city last uigKt and pre sumaldy in Houston. Front information received from the local officers of the company it has been known that the deal which resulted in the merger of the transfA - business of the largest Texas cities Im 1 - been pending for several ueeks. Although they did noL kuow how soon the del I wpuld be eousum- I mated they knew that Mr. Hildebrand Is । business away front the city was in I uounection with the transfer merger. ; OEM® ADOPT R IW RESOLUTION ! Interest Now Centers on the A Report to Be Made by the / Scale Committee. , United Press. । Sv Ind inn apo fa, Im'.. Jan. 29. —< hi • vo of the adjournment of tho auDiial u ‘onv< 1.1 ion of the T inted Mme Work T । cr>. ini'n*Ft tonigl ( entered in the r< - a’ port t, he made Monday by the scab i< 1 < ommiitoe. This ro.i.niitteo will hold i< s •! • final Mo; y |< Despite the *r:l‘me!?t made todAV h hv Dunenn M D<>; »ld of this commit- , , too, lh; l ap increase ef 30; . per rrn* mfglr h< demanded, it is < x- ( jw'eted that ti rhniniittce will favor , i demands for : incumsp not rxceeditU! I 15 per cent. i fl Tia miners ill j rohnldy adjourn o Mm. Cay (o n.'' ’ th<‘ operators Ui I'o- u ledo Inesday .r. I there finish the busr H of the < invent ion. A number or j iCNolntions were adopted ; t today’s ses- • p. sion. Principal : irong iinsc were those; demanding a closed shop in the Pitts- It i'iH“ «oa| di>tri« . refenio” to the in • leri .i o.nal executive ronimittee, thelu ninth i of sendiii” men to Spokane to il .••id * o industrial worker- < f the v.mrM 1 in tin sp« «oh fight .• pro\ idmg 1 ’ !or । leseutlrtion to tin* v:. i*- state . < ’ P gis|;.turns of a bill for 'ln' election <•' of mine inspectors by A tho op|r an.l la i'ferring to the American I • lend ioa 1 w of 1 • dMhe matter of bin _ ug about ; pi i a closer union of the defendant min ing organization’. Thr <• nviiition also adops I a rnso- j " lation d< manding that the rennsvlvn- si nia kgishiture abob*h the - de con-। h V tabidarv and denouncing tLi" bodv of y troops as 4 ‘ the tools of Hie capital- d i Is ** whase organization vois of the despotism of BUT HILF THE MINH ; STREHGTH fir LAST YEAR : Indications From Poll Taxes. Paid Are That They Will Fall Fai Short. / Fr<»m iubii :.' h»h« u] t<» tlu’ of । 9 the tux e Hc.lur'- ..'-c Saturday ii isl II I thought tie poll tux—. I.olh hi the eijA-1 U ' :ind eountv. will 'ull d l»’l"" those, I 1 paid h>l’ uv. TI- entire voting. I strength Ifist v.u u:- 11.009 in the) I I I eountv. When C- ''o'' ' ast ill i night Oil-'’ eounc | । ’uxes had been i paid and it - than two thousand addilioual »'H e x.s will bo ’ paid on M. uduy. wi i . ; the last duv. The citv poll taxes | .u l up to closing , time Saturday >■< ' aggregnted ~u u., I which is bn: H.ii .o " • - tmg strength 1 shown in t) e । ity < 1 . When the offi..' • - ' ““•(•’•uhl on | Mondav - h»< not -mid J'- •• " I'" 1 tax Will not be .r'l. -'t 'Of''' will have no voice "> 'l"’ el. . tom. I he ! tnx collectors wish ■ n.use h cleai I ! andenl! atte.-iou to ; c kh that when Ip person jißvsfi.rope: > . 11 uis > paid his Jioll taxes, (be! taxes amt I the property taxes are - | not" nnd dis tinct. PPN F SAUNDERS TO RE BURIED THIS AFTERNOON. Beu I'. age l - <Jied ■ street a, 11:1b •■'•”■ ' ' ''' ' 1 " I ing. Ho had livinu .n >an A„touio I fo7 several rear- aM re eutly wa- a I. I trivoling salesman fm- a b..-rl nm.-lnm | I house. He is I- m I a won. aged I ye.ii>. I The funernl will I”' I’dd this at m 1 i.»m at I o'el-el. Internet will bo | > mado i (‘ i be Con/vd luetcry. i Miss Snsi* Fleming h*ard of Antitoxin Treat- J I’ went through Dr. Bernard. She is sound and • well to-day. • • D l arm. Cuba. Mo.. Oct. 21. 1909. d ’ KD- inmend your Antitoxin treatment to ail suffering. My family doctor said I had i-»rul.n it 3 TuhorculoMiK in the galloping I form, it >c. ms providential that wo heard “f i • i i \niitoxin through the Rev. Bernard. 1 . I. .1 hemorrhnges; 1 weighed 97 pounds whor . I •< run irer’inent: I now weigh 120. I earn . r<’\ :hc afflicted to sec you. I i * j ow- nn lift* to the treatment. Very respect ‘ ‘ ( MISS SUSIE' FLEMING. Mr E L. Bogera. father of Mrs. Zach D. : Erstin, was cured ov«r one year ago. Dr. Bernard recommended treatment to him. ELlierry, Mo., Oct. 1 < 1909. ,;i. I BWmt two yei - row ' 11 I . ! heard of Antitoxin Treatnv i ’’ r.mgh .• friend. Two doctors told me i had I s ।.. < r;'.’.T»sis —said nothing <ouhl be done for । took youf Antitoxin n I fe< '• ■ - 1 ■ v 1 a- I ever did. Hop** this im'orination • w ! Ii Ip those who wre afflicted. '1 Yours very truly. . F. I KOGERS i Mrs. Zach D. Kastin and far’Kr cured. Scad tor photograph of original letter. ; can cheerfully recommend ' u \ • e I’r. a»ment *t<» any suffering . . ’ .‘r. n:” ■’ -is fathor wa® cured ' t. V ith him. ■ • mind. I am as well ns ever in il. • ■ . li«»n J’ . Utter will help some others v.lm are • il ted MRS. ZACH D E X'PIN Mr. Henry Mueller. Pres, of the Henry Mac; le: Coal and Heavy Hauling Company, whose letter we have, can onb be ricilv quoted. His was by far the worst hrs ever come under onr Observations. His esse was undertaken only because cf the pleading of his wife. St. Louis. Mo.. Oct. 29. I'' - l You are more than doctor* —you < i:.dnl' my life. 1 Mncvn h hope lhi> I H ,,r ,n di!l .aubc any who are skeptical to g«> '' and take he Wright Dimnng ' Ires tin n?. Don’t wait—«**r\ day * v;d ’r to j ou. I begun to break <L v n in 1991; grew xver-r all ih * tinv: tried \\»'-t<rn clnuat- atu dobtoi here and other .'Lne- 11 mv relief until I took the Antitoxin Treat mint. 1 will be p’va>ed to write or Udk i“ nyone who's information. I <ar'.»: express m> gratitude for what ■ was don<- for m.- by th Wright Dueling Antitoxin. u phe irk should not d« la; , but *h >”IU .'<• ut once and be n e j.'d b. fore it h too !. ie Most >in<vr Ty ynr fri« nd, IFNRY MrELi.ER Ji: iisouinaii uum I SIMM liana and M, Instructors Claim It Attempted Political Move, But It Passes Nevertheless. iuccial Dispatch. Waco. Tex.. Jan. 29.—Quite a Mir vas ciejjtvd at the convention of tip* I’oyas ( otlou (iioivenU assm i ii ion inis tfvemoon. when a roolu.'.o't e was ot it red demanding that/all • piplovcs of ho AHfit 'ltnral and M« ' han- ial <*nl logos and < xpe' imental *-a‘ton; luast it - direetlv in harmony vHI. tm* : s k r ri । i:ltur:il and industrial i:it< n*s‘ ; nf the ,iaie. ahio uiyib'4 the ioxi J ‘-tnre t” ;. < (he>o institmioi;s/in « o’i ml of a i on pari .tin stale board or . grionPure. Ii vax the latter pari uf the rcsoluUuni <m >( I strong yrot *H. It was udii jim by M. l oignsou o«‘ Slierni in iiml <j i <.M*d by Professor JJ. 1.. Me Kni^ 1 '! ard other A. and V. npt'»i< - - h»i-. wl'p claimed tin* attempt was a ppi it a 1 .nove. After a peppery 1 M-ossion the reso lution was passed and tran<piilit\ was stored. Resolutions were also passed urging the marketing of eor’on iliroughoul the year instead of a few nonths asking congress to repeal tin* ax on olcoinngerine. and that prizes e offered hv ihe association for m st •otton seed for the purpose of stinn ating cultural methods. No officers vere elected nor the next meeting alace chosen. When you are wearied from over ivork, feel listless and buiguid. can't sleep oi eat. as you should, take Hol lister's Roekv Mountain Tea, MeL.' vm feel bettor than <‘ver. Just ti it toniglil. Loi’p Star D-ug Store. -♦♦♦• Drs. F. H Nettie G. Gray. Homeopaths, Hicks Building. ! si® TRUEX FACTORY IJr ■ . \ SAIF | ■ Mr,’ I** 1 ** -p-vy: a ’. 4 ! - Oxs loss H . , ___ .. , __ a ill '■ *’*■ I “T* i— To ir.ukc room lot on 1 I I h 8 >“(eaSon . forge sprinu shipment oL g | Trunks. Suit Cases and Ba--. Every trunk, suit case / I HI and ba? iu house at ACTUAL ** | Leather Covered Flask from Toilet Sets $lOO up. Imitation Leather Suit Case. 75 c up. si-oo up. Hat Trunk to hold six Hats. Rogers Knives 25c up. SB.OO up. Leatherette Suit Case. 52.00 up. Alligator Shopping Bags Wardrobe Trunk $lO.OO up. Leather Suit Case. Sj.oo up. $2.00 up. — I S .al Leather Hand Bags Canvas covered Trunks, brass Cane and Matting Suit Case. 75C up bound top and bolts, strap $1.50 up- | ■ all around. $3.50 up. — Gillette Razor and Sharpener Club and Oxford Bag. all leath- $5.00 Steamer Trunks $2.50 up. er. leather lined. $1.75 up- Men's Leather Pocketbooks Ladies’ Dress Trunks, fiber Umbrellas with detachable han - 2 -c up . up. dies, best finish. $1.25 up. Il Alamo Trunk Factory H J. F. FENTIMAN. Prop. 323 ALAMO PLAZA OPPOSITE THE ALAMO Miss Kf.tie daughter of Henry Muel 2 ler. Pips. Mueller Coal and Heavy Haul ing Company, was ci.ied her father took the treatment. Call and interview Mr. and Miss Mueller. Si. Louis. Mo.. Nov. 3. 1909. ulai l u' miosis. Family dne tor '■aiil 1 ta be operated on. My isthcr < did \<< i! under your m> my par- i .■• - pm me und *r It. 1 ” * nred ’ - :<i.d h :• • horn ,in perfect health ever since. < 1'” twenty-five pounds. I U* ho| others afflicted will take your Antitoxin Treatment. Yom- true and grateful friend, MISS KATIE MUELLER. Mrs. Fit? Davenport was an extremely bad case. for a full cony iff her letter. • . City. HL. Oct. 19. 1909. Mj i'an.ii,' were alum ed —1 had nursed my husband, who died with Tuberculosis. On April 7. 19u7. » became sick: I'doctnrvd, but 1 w<»ich‘ and grew weaker. Finally ’* was deci I>d I bad Tnbei‘ Ulesi>. 1 became unable 1“ work. J heard of your Antitoxin Treat ment. but hesitated. My sister p'TsiiHd'ul me io i i\- ii ; 1 did. with the that I nm well, weigh more than ever in my life and feci betier. Sinc?rely, MRS. ETTA DAVENPORT. Mr. C. P. Wilson had been v.afflicUd fifteen years; had lived in Mexico seven years; came to St. Louis and was cured. Dr. Bird’s daughter went through Dr. Ber nard’s influence. Mesilla Park. X M . Oct. 23. 1909 Fifteen y«ar< ago I was. taken sick with Tubcreulo>i.L V to New Mexico; Mept in . wh< i 1 ". 1 sken *hl hemorrhage*- 1 heard nbou the cure effected ‘ vnnr Antitoxin in the cake of Dr. Bird’s dii ighter. wli. was taken from here to you. I - , \ 1 < Calked to many of your «ses while aider treatment. They were ull doing well. \ ours v< r> respectfully. €. P. WILSON. Investigate by calling on or writing to the above parties. They were careu—Bo can you be. Consultation at opr-office FREE. THE WUIGHT-DUEIJNG ANTITOXIN CO. SUITES 524-525 FICKS BUILDING. R E. WOODWARD. M. D„ Physician in Charge. SAN ANTONIO. TEXAS. Office Houks: 19. a. m. to 4p. m. Sunday-. 8 to,lo a. m. CMREN ARE fora 10 WK r High Prices for Food Drive Them From Schools to the Shops and Stores. United Preis. < ui.ago. 111.. Jan. '-9- l a-lory In I vp.'.l.H tonight issued a state meat tlint high pries of food have • driven the children of poor parents out of school into fnelories, shops and stores. Figures compiled- during the lust tw<‘ months of the year 1901* short that a Mirprisingly large number -.f .-liil.lrcn were forced to nbon.lon their ' studies in ..rder to helo parents io 1 able to get. along, withfiut their a i. ■ Davis uttrilunc-. this con,lit ion to t l ' 1 extortiouai ■ oi'-'i charge.! t.,r m e - s-u-i.s of 'i . The coin putative f; . ' Hies me a- f >ll"Ws: In public . louis, during her. hull 990 school .'liildren hit - hool I • ' j/., to Work; \ut ember. I9O<. chi: D. eeiiib. r. 1909, ckil.ilen: i!«08 *O9 children, f.itholie ' M-lmols: xovember. 1909. 27:: ehil.lrc-i; Utos. 331 < hil Iren; December. 190$. 215 .-liildien: P"*'. 11-‘> cliilUiten. House wr rl othe/< who went to maiket for Sunday supplies today I f. und -i -hglii relnx.ition in prices. Meal- were t roni one to three cents; I. ss than Iliet were last Saturday. Jobbers say there has been no reihic- . (lion I- the packers. The present de , line lias come out ot the profit of I the retailor and jobber. A further big break in tho inarkets-is predicted if agitation agninsl high prices continues. ''l,, big dealers and pa, kers nre sal I , r that the agitation may lead to i, , .il of the tariff on meats unless; nu thing is done to eheel- it. Lower ■ i;' . are regarded as a . lining con-| । ssion to abate indignation. JANUARY' 30, 1!> 10. Mr. P. J. M.irtln was cured six years ago. No man could have been in a more criti cal condition when he went under treat* ment. Walnut Hill. Ark.. Oct. 96. 1909. O\» r fiv” ycarH I hud trailopins Uqh snniptiun. My bnme doftbra said they could do no more for me. T was carried to yon for treatment on a -Tretther—(*ould not raine h d from the pilbiw. I began to improve at on * under yonr Antitoxin Treatment. Ai wbitli time • weighed l‘»0 pounds: now I wcis;h 190. I feel letter than ever in my life. Your friend, P. J. MARTIN. C. E. Powell, M. D. after having nsed the Wrlght-Duering Antitoxin, aoeaks in high est praise because of success obtained. Elsberry. Mo.. Oct. 30. 1909. I cannot say too much in favor of your Antitoxin Tv atmeht P»r Tuberculosis. I am only too glad to reccmmend and use it. Yours truly, C. E. POWELL. M. D. Mr J. B. Marshel is Commercial Agent in St. Louis for the Chicago. Milwaukee A St Fan! Railway Company, office Frisco Bld? St. I.OUIM. Dec. 1. 1909. It i t ,-MU'c io he afforded 'ke opportunnv -o e-. re«- my gratitude to you tinder the hop.- ihat it ma.' reach someone who. like myself wax -down in the depths/’ when I wi' torii that i hv.d ’I ub rrulosia. Tlier.' >eemcd to be no Lm ttom to the depths bur after four months’ treatment, in 1906, I was pronounced a well man. h ’s a dtuS eiilt master to find words to express my ex treme j >. and I tak gn aF plensvn' in ree l.ily ;*f filled. Yot** truly. , J. B MARSHEL. Write for more testimonials. r e have more than enough to fill this paper. EXPECT REPORTS 10 cora victory Rumored That the Provisional Army Won and Will March on Managua. United Press. Jim. 29. -Though reports fH.m it - it to.luy have been meager. OU m-eount of lack of telegraph facili ties eoufirmation of tho report of a great victory for the provisional army I near Acrepa is expected tonight. Gen - oral Madriz, leader of the Estrada army, is wouaded. but it is re|H>rted he f will recover. Xo estimate of the loss oa eirlier side has been received, it ported that an a.han.-e on /Managua has been ordered and it may get under wav Sunday. The forces under General W'imjiu*/ havo Leon forced to retreat in bail outer and are in no condition to of ter further resistance to the provisional army. WEST TEXAS SENIOR CLASS ENTERTAINS WITH A HOP The xei.ior, class of the West Texas Military a-sdemy entertaiued their friends' and fellow eadets with a hop in tho academy gymnasium last night, which was given as the ante Lenten hop of the school. The gymnasium was ap propriately decorated with imunants a»d bunting anil the large I nited . tates flag that is used at Fort sum Houston' on national holidays was draped grace fully the entire length of the ceiling of ihe gv mna-iuni. causing the electron light to cast a soft, dint light . ver tha 'brilliant assemblage of uniformed ead ets aud gayly dressed young ladies. PenuinoMa Follows a Cold ibut never folions tl.e use of Foley's Honey and Tar. which, stops the eovgn. I heals the lungs, and expels the eold ■ from your system. Bexar Drug Co. 11