OCR Interpretation

San Antonio light and gazette. [volume] (San Antonio, Tex.) 1909-1911, January 30, 1910, Image 16

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86090238/1910-01-30/ed-1/seq-16/

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Review of WeeK io Society««==£vents of WeeK to Come
Judge and Mrs. Charles W. Ogden
and Charles Ogden Jr. entertained with
a most enjoyable dance last evening,
complimentary to Grayson Lathrop of
New York City, who is at the Country
clnb for several weeks.
The spaeions Ogdon home was well
adapted to the large crowd of young
people, who thronged the receiving
The roomy reception hall and palm
room were thrown ensuite and used
for the ball room.
Palms and ferns were used to outline
the walls and the musicians were
screened from view by a hedge of
smilax. palms and ferns. The grand
inarch was led by the honoree dancing
with Miss Ruth Newell. The morning
end billiard rooms were adorned with
flowers and pot plants and furnished a
happy rendezvous for the honoree and
his guests.
An ice course was served during the
Hilaries Ogdgen was assisted in en
tertaining by his parents. Judge and
Mrs. Ogden. Mrs. Ogden wore a white
lace robe over pink satin and made
a eharming picture.
The dancers ineluded Misses Doro
thy Gage. Susanna Denamn. Carrie
Lewis, Engene Culberson. Aubrey Cul
berson. Josephine Woodhull. Celect'ne
Zilker. Josenhire Carr. Rolli Newell.
Octavia Bullis. Mnjorie Glaze. Ruth
Shaw. Evelvn Haile. Muriel Kokernot.
Constance Bal, Eleanor Bnr.dny, Mar
guerite Terrv. Msriorie H'cks. Ruth
Linscomb, Marguerite Shook. Pauline
Washer and George Paschal. Pat and
Richard Swearingen, Sidnev Brooks,
Walter Negley. Stanley Cassin. Cur
tis Vaughan. Arthur Seeligson. Harry
Drought. Richard Groos. Wes'ev Care.
Ferdinand Hummel. Frank West. Gun
ter Hardie. Robert Scott. Edward Tar
rant. Tobin Rote, the honoree, mid the
Miss Zuleme Vnnee entertained with
nn exquisitelv appointed luncheon t i
dav for the Sigma Delta snroritv and
seniors of St. Mary's hall, yesterday
at her ranch home.
The large rout’d table was laid in a
frieze of nasturtium? and maiden hair
ferns, with a central adornment of
banked ferns and flowers. The place
cards were daintv and chaste, being
haind-painted girls’ heads. Following
the course dinner, a guessing contest
took place. Miss Irene Hughes won
the prize, an exquisite hand-painted
In another contest a hand-painted,
heart-shaped ribbon holder was award
ed Miss Alice Atkinson.
At one table the chaperons nlnved
cards and the nrize, a daintv ribbon
work-basket with thimble, scissors and
ribbons, was won by Miss Mary John
At 5 o’clock tea was served in the
The B-aut'ful Hair
of Enpli h Women
(Annie Bly in N. V. Graphic.)
The long, abundant and glossy tresses
of English women are not due to hair
tonics and heroic shumpooing. There
is a general belief over there that the
lees water put on the hair, the better
it is; they say wetting “ takes the life
out” and leaves the hair dull, brittle
and colorless.
English women with hair rich in col
or, elean and wholesome—and plenty of
it—have told me they attribute it io
dry shampooing two or three times a
week. They mix four ounces of therox
with four ounces of orris root and
sprinkle a tubk spoonful of this mix
ture on the head; then brush the pow
der thoroughly through the hair. They
thus also avoid the danger of catching
cold and the discomfort that accom
panies washing, rinsing and drying the
This treatment keeps Ihe hair light,
fluffy and lustrous, and is the only
thing I know that will actually produce
the growth qf hair.
No. 25
a _ m.
Just a plain, dignified charge account business. No humiliat
ing conditions. No interest and no obligations. Let’s talk it over.
Alamo F urniture Co.
121-123 Main Avenue ■ • ■ • 118*120 North Flores Street
In Furnitv re Row Where Rents Are Low
Miss Hallie Bollinger, who gave an elaborate ‘‘coming out” ball on Mon
day evening at the St. Anthony hotel.
conservatory by a Spanish maid in
characteristic attire.
Dancing was enjoyed until a late
The chaperons were Misses Mary
Johnson, Midleton, Jessie Bel! and
Webb. Tile guests included Misses
Laura Jiggitts. Francis Burnett, Jo
sephine C'irr, Mary Maverick, Zula
Jiggitt-s, Mary and Hannah Hill, Lola
Jones, Sadie Patton, Marion Kuyken
dall, Katie Karser, Norma Sharples,
Fay Black. Mary Hollinworth. Alice
Atkinson. Agnes Burroughs. Elizabeth
Anderson, Lillian Westbrook, Dora
Clark, the chaperons and the hostess.
Miss Zuleme was assisted in enter
taining by Mrs'. Vance.
Miss Mary Johnson, a member of
the faculty of St. Mary’s hall, enter
tained the senior class of that school
with a unique chafing-dish party that
brought out- all the delights of a real
college girl's gathering.
The affair was given in the parlors
of St. Marv’s hall, which were adorned
with pot plants. Cushions and rugs
made the floor a delightful place for
the girls hi .kiumuas.io ‘‘swap cunCi
denceS. ”
The supper was cooked in the chaf
ing dishes bv th.- girls. After the
supper. “A Shirtwaist Romance,'* was
played, and the prize, an exquisite san
dal-wood fan. was won by Miss Mat
tie Karser.
A stringed orchestra played during
the evening.
The guehts included Misses Laut Jig
gitts, Zuleme Vance. Marion Kuyken
dall, Katie Karser, Norma Sharples,
Fay Black. Mary Hollinworth. Alice
Atkinson, Agnes Burroughs. Elizabeth
Anderson, Lillian Westbrook. Dora
Chrk. the faculty, the hostess and John
Fannin School Mothers’ club enter
tained with a pretty party last even
ing for the eight grade pupils who
have passed into the high school, nt
the home of .Mrs. Otto W. Hillger, on
Nolan street. a
e The reception hall, w ith the hand
some furnishings of dark wood, was
adorned in a simple scheme of green,
with luxuriant palms and ferns used
in the decorations.
A novel idea in the parlor was
Send Oak Dresser
17 JI
9 $ 1.00 CASH AND
= I = A WEEK
A clean cut, solid oak Dresser,
with French beveled plate mirror.
One of the particularly good
things we have specialized this
the large table, covered with a large
spreading fern. Underneath was a
shelf holding twenty boxes of candy,
tied with blue ribbons, with the rib
bons coming nround the table and form
। ing a network among the green fern
l leaves.
Each guest was given a ribbon and
I after many twistings and untwistings
the box of candy was theirs.
Cut flowers were arranged on the
1 mantel and piano. A color scheme of
I blue and white, the school colors, pre
; vailed in thu dining room. Festoons
l of blue and white mornipg glories and
। smilnx were extended from the chan
' delier to the corners of th room. Grow
। ing narcissus in bine-covered pots
i were on the table.
A three-course lluncheon was served.
Mrs. Hillger was assisted by Mrs.
'George Cffmmins, Mrs. Ellis Albaugh,
Mrs. W. J. Jovce. Mrs. Campbell, Mrs.
F. M. Bechman, Mrs. D. C. Blanke,
Mrs. H. Garissen, Mrs. Kate Schenck.
Misses Kate Thomas, Katherine Gray,
E. Campzell and Kato Dalwigk.
' The guests of Honor were Misses
„ Stella JTiedrjdi. Irene Cox. Ella Gaf
ford. Laura Harecort, Dorothy Hill
। gers. Corn Johnson, Judith Joyce, Lil
, lit Loessberg. Sophie Tiuus. Alline May
I Robinson. Abbie Mav Grusinbergor.
Paulino SUmp. Mary Ella < ownrt, Liz
zie M<-Monole, and Walter Biard, Fos-
I ter Campbell, George Hebeer, Joseph
■ Komei, Albert Wcvel, Julius Chavez.
Misses Sophie Tipns and Mary Ella
! Cow-’rt made the highest average and
' hall perfect conduct during the on
j t're year, and thev will be presented
i with gold n : ns by Mrs. Cummins. A
। medal will be given to Miss CoWn.t
; and Mi«s Lizzie McMongle. they hny
। ing completed two years study in one.
The Dionowitv Hill Circle of Travis
। Park Methodist church will meet
Thursday afternoon at 3:36 o’clock nt
. the home of Mrs. J. C. Harris, 526
. Hnvs street.
The meeting dav lias been changed
I from the third Wednesday to the first
Thursday of each month.
De Zavala School Mothers' club en
। tertained with a daintily appointed
। violet luncheon yesterday at Hnr
nisch’s cafe, complimentary to the
eighth grade pupils who have passed
into the high school.
Tn the center of the largo round table
' was a cut-glass bowl of violets. From
this centerniece, streamers of malino
tn mistv shades nf Invendor and g-eon.
the school colors, were extended to the
sides of the table. Over this decora
ted. so as to form a frieze over
The place cards were hand-painted
in violet design and the plate favors
were bouquet’ of violets, tied with lav
ender and green ribbons.
The ices nnd cam! es were in shade?
of lavender and green. Mrs. Stee’e.
the president of the Do Zavala Moth
ers club, wore a handsome lavender
tailored suit, with lavender hat and
Covers were Is'd for Mv II rvov L.
Steele, Miss Cobling. princ''.d of De
Zavala s"hool; Mr« Hack ill. Mrs.
W. Gregory, nnd the eighth-grade pn
nils. Mi’so’ Lillie E’k’ns Ibdcn Greg
ory. Erna Rudy. Nelle Shafer and Fay
Small. .
Crockett School Mothers' clnb was
hostess nt n v’olet luncheon of strik
ing appointments vosterd-’v afternoon nt
5 o'clock, at the Cafe Moxienna. A
large table was in the private dining
room, laid in violets. In the center of
the table was a high bank of fems,
surrounded with bunches of violets.
The nlnce cards were haind-nainted in
violet design, and the toasts were in
' scribed on the back.
The -alate favors wove corsage bon
nnets for the girls and buttoniercs for
the boys.
A six-conrse Mexican luncheon was
I served to Mrs A. 11. Cadwallader. Miss
Minnie Lee Johnson. Miss Anna Loes
| berg, Miss Irene Young. Miss Yea
-1 mans, Gludvs Danley, A ice Kothman.
' Laila Rookh Lentz, Joe Robin, Ettiest
i Geierther, Cole Kelley and Herbert Gill.
— * 1 I
The Wednesday Afternoon Stmiv
club entertained with a matinee partv
yesterday afternoon at the Grand to
j see ‘‘The Climax.”
4 The personnel of the party includes
Missas Carrie Ward, Hilda Dietrii
Anna Merschoidt, Etta Schuecze, Ali
Boettler, Edna Lindsay, Ruth Love
Minna Huffmeyer and Rose Innman.
Mrs. W. E. Miller and daughtei
Ethel aud Edna, left today for Pale,
tine, where they will make their ft
ture home.
Mrs. John Franklin Onion returm
Wednesday from Houston, where si.
has been at the bedside of her mothe.
Several pretty affairs were given lo
Mrs. Onion, but she was unable t
Mrs. A. M. Puckett and son. Mano,
arc visiting relatives in Buda, ami An
Bowie Sclnxd Mothers’ club
mented their eighth >grade pupils wh<
have passed into the high school, with .
Mexicnn dinner last night at the Cal
Mexicans. .
White and green, the school cole',
were much in evidence. In the cento:
of the table was a large bank of nar
cissus and ferns, nnd extending from
this to_the corners of the table, wer.
streamers of white and green ribbo::.
Surrounding the table were magnifici rc
palms am! ferns.
The piace cards were hand-painted in
flowers and ferns.
(Meers were laid for Mrs James
Hopper, Miss Harah King, Misses Lan
easter, Stoddard and Johnson and
Misses lluldi Baetz. Hattie Smith.
Wendall Porter, Arthur Lee. Arthur
Donaldson mid Edgar Bryant.
The IShakespeare club of the Wo
man's club meets Monday afternoon at
ha.f past 3 o'clock. This meeting closes
a most interesting of the play
of Henry VIII., with short sketches of
the Reformalion period on tiie continent
ns well as in England. All the mem
bers of the class will take part in the
At the following meeting the new
play. Henry IV., will be begun and es
pecial attention will be devoted to con
temporaneous history.
Amid a small but .lolly crowd, the
Jcw’sh Literary club held their regular'
meeting last Tuesday evening in the
club's quarters in the I. O. O. F. build
The pleasant history lesson was due
to members having well commeinorated
the second chapter of Lady Magnes'
History which was the lesson assigm-I
for that evening. The next meeting
will be held next Tuesday evening at
the eluli’s rooms aud the third chap
ter of Lady Magnes' History has been
assigned as the lesson.
The Ladies’ Hebrew Benevolent so
ciety will meet Wednesday afternoon,
at 3 o’clock in the vestry rooms of the
The Woman’s Home Mission society
of Government Hill Methodist church
will meet Thursday afternoon at 3:30
o'clock in the parlors of the church. As
the annual election of officers will take
place, every member is urged to at
tend. k
Beacon Hill Mothers' chib will enter
tain with a* nteming reception Mon
day at l0:3(f o’clock in honor of their
principal, Miss Clara Moritz, who wiil
leave to teach in No. 5 school in a
short time. Ail mothers are requested
to he present. •
Mrs. Elizabeth Craig will hold ser
vices in the W. O. W. hall this even
ing at 8 o'clock. Sirs. Cra’g is san
gnine of great success in her expecta
tion of the co operation of the spiritual
ists of San Antonio in making the new
spiritualistic society all she desires. The
publ’c is cordially invited to these
The Southwest Texas Parents’ nnd
Teachers’ congress will hold a meeting
in tho auditorium of the High school,
Saturday afternoon at 3 o’clock.
Chester JJ. Terrell will address the
congress on ‘‘The Outlook of Compul
’ory Education :n Texas.” An invita
tion is ioxtended to the publie.
Miss Haft'e Schallsky who is now in
El Paso, will return tomorrow and have
as her guest. Miss Salonka of Cincin
A concert is being arranged for Mrs.
Ida M’Cnno Williamson, formerly of
Kansas City, who has recently come to
make her home in San Antonio. Under
the patronage of a number of prominent
women, Mrs. AVilliamson will be pre
sented to the musical and social circles
in San Antonio.
Mrs. Williamson is a dramatic con
tralto, a musician of rare ability and
a composer of recognized merit. Speak
ing of one of her concerts at Convcn
“A Drop Of Ink Makes
Millions Think”
but when it drops on one's dress it
makes a lady think of us immediately.
We are Cleaners and Dyers and our
business is to remedy all such damages
as the illustration suggests. Don't
imagine that a stained garment is mi
longer useful, M e soon take away al!
signs of a spot, and our charges are ad
mitted to be very reasonable. May me
not have your trial?
208 North Rrcsa —Both Phones.
Formerly of Kansas City, a dramatic contralto who is a pleasing addition to
musical and social circles in San Antonio.
tion hall in Kansas City the Kansas
City Star says, in part:
‘‘Mrs. Ida M’< line M'iihnmson, who
for so many years occupied a place as
one of our leading singers and teachers,
and who has been in our city for some
weeks publishing one of her latest com
positions, “Twilight i.everie,” needs
no introduction to Kansas City audi
ences. Few singers have such a superb
gift of song; a pure, rich, flexible con
thilto; the compass being that of three
octaves. Her low notes are deep, rich
and sympathetic, resembling in quality
the low tones of the violincello, and yet
as she ascends the scale it almost
changes to the bright, light, airy tones
of the flute. Her voice is very carry
ing. and from every part of that vast
auditorium every word was distinctly
heard by tho audience. She was called
and recalled, and it was very evident
that her Kansas City friends had not
forgotten their popular singer and
teacher. She was presented with a huge
bouquet of American Beauty roses.”
Brackenridge grammar school enter
tained the eighth grade pupils, who
have passed into the high school, with
an evening reception at the Woman’s
chib ronins last evening.
Games and music were the chief di
versions. Au ice course was served.
The honor guests were Misses Myra
Lewis \\ hitted, Mary Grey, Florence
Bateman, Emmie Scholtz, Hazel Higley,
Dorothy Holmgreen, Elizabeth Beery,
Ethel Xithols, Marguerite Stewart, Wil
lie Anderson, Josephine Holl, Alice
llufiaker, Grace Gary and Herbert
Junes, Prescott Williams, Walter Sche
nix. Frederick Booken, George Wash
ington I’erry, Davis.
The Music Circle of the Council of
Jewish Women will meet Monday after
noon at I o’clock at 521 Meat Macon
' *
Mrs. Van Tell, 420 San Luis street,
will entertain the teachers and the
eighth guide pupils of Johnson school
who are passing into the high school
Monday eveuiug.
Barnard E. Bee Chapter Daughters
of the Confederacy, will meet Tuesday
afternoon at 3 o'clock in their room
in the Hicks building. An interesting
program has been prepared.
The Self Culture ’club will meet Mon
day afternoon at the residence of the
president. Mrs. Joe Murray. After a
discussion of current events, Mrs. Al
bert Burke will lead the Bible lesson
on “Alms Giving and Prayer.” The
lesson for the afternoon will be on the
Grecian Epoch, and will include the
M ethical Period, the Seven Ages
Against Thebes, the Argonautic Expe
dition, aud the Trojan War. The pro
giam will conclude with a parliamentary
diill and a report by the critic.
The Tuesday Musical club will meet
Tuexdav afternoon nt the residence of
the president. Mrs. Eli Hertzberg. The
program will bo on German Opera
Wagner, and will be rendered by Sec
tiun A under the leadership of Mrs.
Wm. M. Molff.
The Woman's club will meet Wcdnes
dav afternoon nt 3:30 o clock nt the
Woman’s club house. After a discus
sioii of the business, a program will be
rendered bv the philanthropic depart
meni of the club. Mrs. .< R. Thomas
will ren.l a iiauer ou “Some Moral In-
fluences of the Dramn,” which will be
followed by a discussion. Mrs. Harry
Hyman will be the hostess for The even
The Twentieth Century club will meet
Tuesday afternoon at the residence of
Mrs. I’. C. Blank, 1920 North Commerce
'street. Mrs. C. W. Palmer and Mrs.
Paul Bradley wiil contribute to tho pro
gram, and Mrs. P. C. Blank will give
a reading, and Mrs. Lita Warnoek a
The Government Hill Literary club
will meet. Wednesday afternoon at the
residence of Miss Marcia Robinson. This
meeting will be “a feast of reason aud
flow of soul,” under the leadership of
Miss Gibbons. Roll call will be an
swered by original couplets.
The Phoenix club will meet Thursday
afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Woman's
clubhouse. After a discussion of cur
rent events and club business, the les
son for the afternoon will be led by
Mrs. E. I’. Tuttle. It will bo a glimpse
Miss Arnold of Racine, Wis., who wilt conduct the Special
Demonstration of the World-Famous Arnold Electric Massage
Vibrator this week at Xoa Spears Company’s new store, at the
corner of Crockett and Losoya streets. A special sale on easy
terms to al! will give many who need this wonderful vibrator
an opportunity to pay-for it in easy installments.
NOA SPEARS CO. Sole Agents
Corner Crockett and Losoya Streets.
‘ JANUARY 30. 1910.
nf Wales and Welsh history; some no
able persons and places, with Glad
tone at Penmaen Mawr.
The Shakespeare club will meet Thurs
ay afternobn at the residence of tho
lisses Baskiu. The lesson for the aft
moon will be Julius Caesar, Act 11,
emainder of Scene 1, scenes 2, 3 and 4.
Responses will he allusions to Cnesar
in Shakespeare’s other plays. Miss
Edith Symington will read a paper on
“Woman's Influence in> Roman Affaira
of State.”
The Study club of the Council of
fewish Women will meet Friday after
noon at 521 West Commerce street. The
program for the afternoon will be ou
newish Actors and Dramatists of the
A delightful surprise party was giv*
•n to Miss Paula Madrid last Tuesday
’Veiling in honor of her birthday auni
tersary. by Miss Rita Rodriquez. Music
•vss furnished by J. Galindo.
Tlie guests included Misses Rita Rod
riguez. Mary Moltem, Carmen Leon,
Feliz Pozzi. Juana Bozan. Carmen Mar
tinez, Carrie Moltem. Aurora Martinez.
Rosa Madrid, Carlota Bozan, Erna
Pozzi, Annie Birnolli. E: '-stiim Flores,
Sara Gnznmn. Maria M. -id. Carmen
Bozan. Frances Martine Ella Biegel,
Laura Garcia. Victoria. Madrid. Tony
Chavez. Benita Rodriguez. Isabel Ze
•eda, Mnggie Garcia. Jesus Bozan, Car
rie Biegel, Beatrice Zepeda, L. Bozan.
Manuela Rodriguez, Josie Madrid.
Messrs. J. Galindo, L. Picon, F. Zepeda,
Serna. W. Martinez. J. Leon, M. Gar-
•ia, J. Rodriguez. F. Guerra, Jr., L.
Garza. J. Garza, F. Cadena, A. Cadena,
M. Bozan, A. Garza, C. Bozan, V. Garza,
V. Rodriguez, N. Gonzalez. J. Guzman,
\. Pozzi, Sam Madrid, T. Madrid and
little John Mercado from Houston Tex
ts, Mis. J. Pozzi, Mrs. G. Garcia, Mrs.
M. H Madrid nnd C. Rodriguez.
Madame Alice Lakin, the eminent.
English contralto, will appear in song
'ecital on Tuesday night. February S,
It the Grand opera house. This is the
second artiste presented by the Tuesday
Musical club this winter, and being the
ast concert before Lent it promises
o be quite a social eveut. A number
if box parties are now forming. Tn
order that all students may hear this
artiste a special rate of 75 cents has
been made for them.
Friday evening the Jolly Twelve club
net at the home of Miss Pauline Zizel
Xftnr several games, the ladies' prize
was awarded to Miss Higgins and the
gentleman’s to A. R. Reif. The busi
ness of the chib was postponed until the
next meeting, when the club will meet
with Miss Ophelia Kuehn.
pg. Our Toilet preparations have the
baine high grade of excellence which
ci.aracterlzft our
A Imperial Hair Reitenerator
Ryr - > zu! m the Standard Hale
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implkial vigurusis
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Fonte ArrMfe the falling of and
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snex<wiled Hair and Scalp < leaneer.
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4 Huvnilese remedy for reniovfnr
Hair without injury to
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