. rlfiOfeSMW® Aggregates Many I
My Stock of 1 1|® WsmWJKJ IM Thousands I
A Multiple ol Many Thousands of Dollars Sacrificed By Reason of This Forced Sale I
I Have No Alternative==lt’s Imperative—All Avenues Closed==Compels the Action |
I Commencing Tuesday, February Ist, at 10:30 a. m., 2:30 and 7:30 p. m.-The Auctioneer Will Sell Without S
Reserve From Day to Day==Special Arrangements For Convenience of the Ladies Attending the Auction Sales |
Administration Making Good
Its Campaign Promises
of Immunity.
Evidence Shows That There Is
No Intention to Attack the
Barons Via Washington.
Gilson Gardner Shows How
and Why There Will Be No
Activity Against Big Trust,
By Gilson Gardner.
Stuff Correspondence.
Washington, D. C, Jan. 39.—Immun
itv from prosecution under the erimi
n'tl penalties of the Sherman anti-tnist
law was one of the considerations in
the political bargain which brought to
President Taft the supphrt of “big
business” iu the last campaign.
That bargain is now being executed,
rhe Chicago beef packers will not
feel the heave hand of the criminal
law—if Present Taft and Attornev
General WiTOrsham can prevent. Ant
thev air wow doing their part to pre
> In April. 1909, Attorney General
\V: drim called a halt to prosecu-
tions of the beef trust. He ordered Dis
'tii< t Attorney Sims to discontinue hisi
.weseutation of evidence to the Chi*
tata grand jury. This was the occa
pion of Wickersham's famous letter
s.ivint; he did not believe “any nubile
service would be rendered bv making
at this time a test case of past trans
uetjons. ’ ’
This was accepted by the Chicago
i cktrs as a guarantee of immunity,
and th"y have governed themselves ac
eordingly. Ths “big three whom At
toniey General Moody had prosecuted
to the i'nited States supreme court,
each of whom had been fined $15,000
on “test eases,’’ organized a holding
company and went ahead boosting
prices until they earned, according to
their own statements, 35 per cent divi
dends on a stock issue of $20,000,000.
The administratioh has been some
what worried by the general revolt
against the high cost of living, and the
obvious connection between the hi: T *i
cost of meat and the beef trust’s im
tuunily from prosecution. It was decid
ed. however, that the storm could be
weathered by an appeaijpuce of con
gressional activity >n the wav o£ an
investigating committee and bv dili
gently telling the public that the re
sponsibility is on the retailer and the
< xtravagant mode of living. So Secre
tary Wilson and Senator Elkins have
been doing their part along these
Then came :• surprise to the white
Oue Ought to Have a Good Appetite.
A good a-ppttitc is the liest sauce. It
goes u long way toward helping in the
digestive process, and that is absolutely
essential to health and strength.
Many persons have found that flrape
\Tits food is not only nourishing but is
a great appetizer. Even children I ke
I he taste of it and grew strong and
rosy from its use.
It is especially the food to make a
weak stomach strong and create an ap
petite for dinner.
•*1 am 57 years did.” writes a Tenn,
grandmother, “and have had a weak
stomach from childhood. By great care
aa to my diet I enjoyed a reasonable
degree of health, but never found any
thing to equal Grape-Nuts as a standby.
“When I have no appetite for break
fast and just ent to keep up my
strength, I take 4 teaspoonfuls of
Grape-Nuts with good rich milk, and
when dinner comes I am hungry. While
if I go without any breakfast I never
feel I’ke eating dinner. Grape-Nnts for
breakfast seems to make a healthy ap
petite for dinner.
“My little 13-months old grandson
l ad boon very sick with stomach trou
ble during the past snmrner. and finally
we put him on Grape-Nuts. Now he
is growing plmnp and wall. When ask
ed if he wants bis nurse or Grape-Nuts,
he briifhtens up and points to the cup
board. He was no trouble to wean at
nil —thanks to Grnpe Nuts. Head the
little book, “The Road to'Wenvilte.”
in pkgs.
“There’s a Reason.”
Ever read the above letter? A new
one appears from time to time. They
are genuine, true, and full of human
house News was received tnat Judga
Kenesaw Landis had taken steps to
have the-grand jury, in Chicago probe
the criminal practices of the beef com
Thereupon Taft called in correspond
ents of the Chicago and other newspa
pers and gave them “semi-official” in
formation that it was the intention ot
the ecpartmcnt of justice to “get al
ter”.t’ie beef trust barons. And so was
printed in bold, black type the nllego l
purpose, of the administration.
I nis was followed bv that lucid state
ment from Judge Landis showing that
the “semi-official” news given out by
Attorney General Wickersham, Wade
Ellis and President Taft was all ex
postiacto news, luanufacturod under
stress of an embarrassing emergeney,
an ! intended to Judge Lan
The real attitude of the administra
tion toward the beef trust imv easily
bo discovered by observing that Secre
tary Knox is going to the extremes!
lengths—length which now promise to
bring on a tariff war with Germany—
with no other end in view than to
makj easier the entrance of our pack*
'ng products into tee German market.
In other word*. Knox is strainine di
plomacy to serve the beef trust, and
tc give it the opportunity to continue
sel!iiio food products in foreign conn
tries at cheaper prices than it charges
at home.
It may be interesting to know that
Pi.si.i. nt Taft referred to Judge Lap*
~is. iu conection with the beef bust
ness, as “an obscure demagog of a
judge." \H of which seem to indicate
that judges arc only sacred when
Commercial Svstem Installed at Port
land, Me., a Success.
Pottland. Me., Jan. 29. —(Special)—
A commercial wireless telephone sys
tem was thrown open to the general
I public here today. Four out of thirty
station" which will connect Portland
with the islands of Casco bay are in
commission. The first message was
| one of congratulations from Mavor
(Jifford at Portland to A. Frederick
Collins, the inventor of the system,
woo was at Cape Elizabeth, across the
ibav. Heretofore telephone connection
j beiween Portland and the islands ot
Casco Lav ha" been impossible, owing
to tin- ’oiky imttom and swift tides.
Four wireless telephones were used
nt the sumo time and each received its
ii. jgn ted message. A new tuniug ap
paratus. invented by Mr. Collins, was
used and the inventor says he has
solved the problem of secreac.*. thus
making the wireless telephone ev *i
more secret than the present wire tel
I ephone systems. More than. 400 mes -
mw.'s were sent today
Secretary Pfeuffer Gives Out
line of Features Tentatively
Arranged for Spring Event.
Subscribers to Association and
and Business and Profession
al Men Are Invited.
The Spring < .irnival association will
hohl a Iliads Hh‘cioi2' Hic<«lhv evening
February 1. at the < hamber of <’om
merce. To thi s all ot the
subscribers of I'i* \‘‘ur s carnival as
well as anv or professional
num in the city "h” <,esire to
attend for a pajriotH* «> r commercial
wesson, have beet im iti L rhe meet*
iifg is for the purpose or receiving ex-
We wcr* eritlcis <1 f ” t’ Hing fat peo
ple to ' ;iv ” ce 2 t * 10
their druggists for n ' i • < ase or Mar
molagablets. Sov. rnl vn t in saying
the uIE of the word "t-id. r was incor
rect. that -t. ml. r ' in - h » connection
raio.-.i the ii.tui-. s-i-n the druggist
might refuse s.- . t.' we cents as In
Now. isn’t th: ' A few weeks ago
aev?nt*-tiv O.mts W." ’tendered to a
Broadway .Inmcist and ' ■ did n fuse It.
That in. he said h»* had no Marmols Tab
lets, wiorras Xi <U 1 T- »' ’
But, the who’-sal. holm vas closed ft
being on a Satiud i' • a'" l h- hod ’ b p “'"
varicate to yr-.t.-.t 'ds r tnilar custom
ers. who* absorb d *m"- s-ttn
later in the day- ,
This elegant pharnii" • o'o il a',nPla
tion of that A.niotis fusnl “'do fa* 1« -
ducer. the Marm.d.. Pr. ,
1-2 oz. Marmolu, 1-- ‘ z ' “; .
Aromatic. 3 12 oz. 1- m at ’
Is certainly having :• । ,L' *",4
Millions ot . .s' - •' ’ , Ti.is U
yearly and their fan rll ,TUness
doubtless because "1 - ( -
(guarante.- - Lv tlm .
Farmer Bldg.. ivi ;, Pll ounces
interference with di' 1 k' II
for good things
pressions from the business population
of the city as to their ideas of the
carnival, to invoke the hearty co op
eraticu of all interested persons, and
to elect a board of directors to manage
tm- affairs of the carnival.
“The carnival last year was the |
most successful ever given in the his ।
tory of the citv from a financial point !
of view.’ ’ said Secretary O. D. IL;
Pfeuffer. “and the further fact that |
there were more people in the city I tom
out of town than had ever been here '
on any one day in the history of San |
Antonio. I’he directors had but a very
short time on the carnival last year,
ami the association was weighted down
with an indebtedness of sl4d" from
the year before. The cost of the car-1
nival given was something more than
$l2OO, and the secretary’s books show
ed at' the close of the carnival tha’
everv cent of all indebtedness was
paid' oft, the association entirely iree
of all indebtedness whatsoever ami
there remained iu the treasury the sum
of $558.
“The advantages of a spring carni
val are manifold, but the most saliant.
features to lie emphasized are that it,
conies in niidseason and at a time be
tween the spring and summer seasons,
and therefore the bringing of so many
]>eople to the city from every portion
of the state stimulates business condi
tions in gdheral. The merchants and
business element ot San Antonio have
responded nobly to the maintenance of
the Carnival association in the past.
The rapid development of the city is
duo to the generosity of that class of
citizenship, ami is further evidences
bv the marvelous growth of the mem-1
bership of the Chamber of < ommerec.
th - organization of the Horse Show
association, the Publicity league, < n a i
Improvement league, the raising of two
large railroad bonuses, and many other
public spirited enterprises of that na
Bcund to Be a Success. |
“That the carnival this year will be I
a glowing success and receive an in
ercased support i" a certain assured,
faft. Tho-rccord flic association iuskio
last year will be an incentive to re-1
douW their energies for the coming
earuNal. Manx new features ot en-1
tertainment the visitors are now |
planned in addition to the beautiful
Hattie of Flowvrs. the Grand Queen s:
Coronation (Hid Pageant, the < ivic Pa-,
rode ami Knights of Omala Torchlight,
Procession ami Pageant, and the Auto
mobile Illuminated Parade.
“Conventions are to be held during
■r nival week in largo numbers owing
to the cheap railroad rates then in
effect on account of the carnival. The
most important of these will be the
convention of the Texas* Industrnil
Congress, receutlv organized tn San
Antonio bv the wealthiest and most
inflnential'busmess men from all parts
of the state, and this convention aloue
will have an attendance of over 1000 j
“Let every business man attend the
meeting Tuesday night, and come pre-1
pared to aid the association by sug
gestions and assist in the selection of;
a board ol directors.” .
' The present officers and directors ot
! tin- Carnival association nre Colonel .
G'-orge Leßoy Brown. president;;
< harks Graebn’er first viee president;
' Kober* W. Carr, second viee president; !
j .1. F. Fentiman, third viee president;
(». D. H. Pfeuffer. secretary; Alex H.
' Haiff, treasurer, and Louis Heuer
mann. J. IL Kirkpatrick, J. M. Nix. j
.1 Flood Walker. Emil l-'rank. Will G. ,
Tobin. W. B. Tuttle, J. B. Carrington.
\. \rstein, William Hasse. Leo M. .1.
I Pi. lman, Colonel Roy W. Hearne. Abe
s., Wolfson, W. C. Bruce, J. J. King.
All public and private school books
sold at George Roe’s Book Store, 244 ।
W. Commerce St.
» »»
' United Press.
J Ln Porte, Iml., Jan. 29.—A woman
• answering the description of Mrs. Belle (
i Gunness. La Porte’s areh-murderess, is;
-1 under arrest at Wilmar. Minn., aecord-
U ing to a statement issued tonight by;
• j Chief of Police Clinton Cochran. Coch ,
’I ran will leave tomorrow for Wilmar toj
. investigate.
: Wilmar is a small town .00 miles
’ northwest of Chicago ami is the center
ot a district populated largely by Nor
wegians and Swedes.
I ,
Special Dispatch.
Austin. Tex), Jan. 29. —Because ot the
failure of the plaintiff to appear, the
I suit of C. F. Simmons vs. W. T. Moore,
; for $125,000 for libel was dismissed yes
I terday in the federal district courts
| Judge T. S. Maxey presiding.
There is nothing more distressing and discouraging to a person
than to be tortured day in and dav out with some stomach complaint
i It is impossible to derive any benefit from your food, and as a result
you soon become run down and lose flesh very rapidly- t the for
Ln,in- describes vour condition, you really ought to trv Hostetter >
!i Sumtach Bitters, because it will do you a world ot good 1
Hof persons have tested it during the past 5” years and the <su
' ba x'e always been satisfactory You can t aftord to negk, ( th.s mat
■' t.-r tor bv so doing vou are only inviting am< n Him - ti
ll Hitters is'excellent iu cases of Poor Appetite. 1! Ichmg. BliMtmg. ln
digestion. Dvspepsia. Costiveness. Biliousness, f olds, l.np>pe. Uen
i cr?l W eakness and Malaria. Fever and Ague- Cet a bottle t.vday
■ from any Druggist or Dealer.
Willis Goodman Untouchable
and Cadets Take Practice
Game With Ease.
Peacock, realizing the advantage of
early practice, has gotten her baseball
training fairly lunched with sevenof
last year’s men back. For the first
time this year the cadets lined up in a
practice game against the Marshall •
Street team yesterday and if the score
of 11 to 0 can bo taken as an ome i
i when considered with the prominent
1 display of battology made by the Pea*
1 cock nine, the season looks great for
this school. Marshall Street never had
1 a look in.
Th- feature of the game was the
• pitching of Willis Goodman for Pea*
• cock, who struck out 16 men in seven
I innings and allowed but one hit. Ino
Pennoc k batters touched up the vis
i itors from town for 14 bits. I’he ca
| dots hold a regular swat fest in the
। sixth inning and were good and tired
! from running bases when’the final In*
» ning dosed.
i The batteries for Peacock Goon
man and ( : ”vdman, and for Marshall
Street, Hawkins and McGrice.
Special Dispatch.
Fort Worth, Tex.,.Jan. 29. —W. W.
True, a belt railway switchman, this
afternoon shot and seriously wounded
his wife. Mrs. Sylvina True. The eou
, pie had been separated only three days.
True claims he returned, seeking i
j reconciliation. He was arrested.