ARMSTRONG'S WIZARD TIE ible extension sole, high arch, medium Cuban a heel, two-eyelet pump effect, all leathers_ .-. * * This classy style can also be had in the $5 grade. “POCONO” STRAP PUMP Same in plain kid, $2.50. Can also be had in light extension soles. patent kid. Cuban heel and 4 a ein cloth tops.... — Same in light turn sole, $4.00 heel, high arch. This winning style may also be had in the $5 grade. . r * ™ £ Guarantee ALAMO PLAZA SHOES HOSIERY NO CHANCE FDR REORGANIZATION OF 11. S. ARMY Any Radical Increase of Fight ing Force Would Not Be Entertained, REPORT OF GENERAL STAFF Alleged Defenselessness of the ’Nation Will Not Have Any Weight With Congress Vnited Press. Washington, D. C., Feb. s.—Uncle Lini will have to worry alone without teorganization of the army or any rad- FOR YOUR SLUGGISH LIVER There is nothing quite so good as Hostetter s Stomach Bitters; at, least this is the statement made by thousands of satisfied users, and, they ought to know. When the liver is inactive the symptoms are) easily noticed —coated tongue, bad taste and breath, yellow complex-] ion, severe headaches. If you will only think for a moment, you can soon locate the cause—an overloaded stomach and constipated bow-1 els. Why not assist these organs to their normal conditions today! bv the aid of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters? The liver will then be; greatly benefitted also, and your “bilious spells’’ quickly disappear., Guard against their return by taking the Bitters regularly. It is: Ur Boor Appetite, Belching, Heartburn. Indigestion. Dyspepsia. Sour Risings. Costiveness. Biliousness. Kidney Ills, Colds, Grippe,! General Weakness and Malaria j SUNDAY. This pattern is the ARISTOCRAT of our spring line —it stands oul above the rank and file of ordi nary shoes as a shining light of individuality. Made with flex- Another notable example of ar tistic shoe making; one of the new, classy shapes made ex clusively for us. Made in pat ent kid, light turn sole, Cuban heel $3.00 STAGE GIRL BUTTON This beautiful button oxford is incomparable from a style and value point of view. It is a newer, brighter and smarter style than we have ever st'own before. Made in medium ex tension sole, three buttons. BLACK SUEDE MATINEE This shoe is one of the striking features of our spring line and the full endorsement of the trade in sures its popularity. Made with light extension sole, high Cuban ieal change in the present system ot national defense. Congress will 'gnore the presenta tion of all alleged defenselessness a* set forth in the report of the general staff, shortly to be issued and the sub stance of which has been outlined ex elusively in Vnited Press dispatches. This is the declaration of Chairman Hull, of the house committee on mili tary affairs. In an interview eranted the United Press tonight he says it is impossible to any change in existing conditions until another war forces action. “1 have heard of the report of the gene-al staff,” he said, ‘‘but dou t think it will come before congress this summer. There is no chanee at all ot getting the matter considered now tn congicss. If any man goes on the floor and advocates an increase in the armv he will not get a corporal's guard of votes to sustain him. We have had several years of peace and the coun try will be more apt to reduce the num ber of fcen in the army than to in crease it. This is always so. I ne member that a few years before the Spanish-American war, # tried to get an increase of 25 majors in the armv and was almost hooted down. Then after the war we passed a re-organization bill ORIENTAL TWIN STRAP This style is a wealth of beauty. Made in light patent kid, high arch effect, small black pet twin ornament, light turn sole. $4.00 This style can also be had in black suede. Cuban heels and instep strap—ALL ±0 eLr\ LEATHERS $ J.DU $4-00 SHOE SUPREMACY A Magnificent Array of Spring Styles SUPREMACY in- any line of business is not attained through any act of providence—it’s the inevitable result of the right kind of management, fair dealing with the purchasing public, and having the right shoes at the right prices and at the right time. These are the fundamental principles upon which this business was founded 8 years ago—and by keeping everlastingly at it, our supremacy has been accomplished. We call your at tention to the authoritative spring styles illustrated in this ad vertisement—styles that will be shown in all the leading fash ion centers in the country. Styles BURTON STRAP PUMP Every Pair of High Shoes at Cost All Laird, Schober & Co’s $6, $7 and $7.50 styles - - $3.95 All Armstrong Wichert’s $4-50 and $5 styles - - - $3.45 All $3.50 and $4-00 Styles go in this sale - - - $2.95 All $3.00 Styles go in this sale - $2.45 All $2.50 Styles go in this sale - $1.65 All $2.00 Styles go in this sale - $1.45 and let the army get what it believed it wanted. ‘‘l realize that we need more in fantrj. This is the fighting branch of 1 the service. We need more men to de | fend our coast batteries. Wc ought to have more men to relieve those who go to the tropics. But we won’t get hem. The men are not re-enlisting be cause of the hardships they undergo in the Philippines. \\ e need more field artillery. But although we have only ' 114 fieild guns, it must be remembered ■ that the government has supplied guns to the national guard and that these can be called out for use in war. “But I think the report of the gen era! staff is based only on the wors' aspect of the national defense prob । lem. It assumes that we will be at -1 tacked on all sides at once. “But we won't be attacked on all ' sides at once and our diplomats will see to it that we are so situated that any nation will hesitate a long time before attacking any part of our pos sessions, however defenseless.” NEWS Special Dispatch Normanna, Tex., Feb. 5.—A1l pa tients who have smallpox are doing very nicely at this writing and only five out of twelve have died. Dr. Scott of Austin, representing the state . board of health, was in town last, week land expressed himself as perfectly sat. 1 isfied with Drs. Moffetts and Blaek- 1 ‘bnrn's handling of the smallpox. Hugh Robinson of Brownsville is up ] for a few days on a visit among rela ; fives and friends. Dr. Berry and Joe Key made Beeville 1 a short visit Friday. J. H. Webb of Gregory came up Wed nesday to look after things at the ranch. j Mrs. Lester Roberts came up Sun day from Skidmore, where she has been visiting relatives for a week, Mrs. Maggie Webb Thompson of 1 Douglas, Ariz., and sister. Fern Webb. ' of Gregory, who has spent the last 1 eight months with Mrs. Thompson, came through here Friday on their way vo at home. 1 SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE Are Correct and Shown That "NAH” STRAP PUMP New exclusive “Guarantee” style —one of the most deservedly popular novelties. Does not bulge at the sides. Made in patent kid and dull gunmetal ca1f..54.00 Same in Black Suede. $4.50 A style that has met with instant approval. A particular woman will appreciate the fitting quali lies of this new pump. Made in both medium .and light soles. IS SATISFIED HE WILE BE EXONERATED Secretary of 'Ze Bal linger Confident He Will Disprove Charges, BRANDEIS IS DISSATISFIED Thinks Committee Has Not Treated. Him Fairly Re garding Evidence. j United Press. Warhington, D. Feb.* 4. —That Secretarv of the Interior Ballinger feels so satisfied over his ability to disprove the charges against him bv mere docu mentary evidence end that he does not believe it will be necessary for him, personally to 'take tho stand before the congnsioual investigating commission, was the report which spread throughout the capitol today. The Pinchotites and Glavisites aw afraid they are going to lose an op* portunity to grill the secretary and aro puzzled over the prospect that maybe Ballinger has something “up his UJAMTm THEHARDEST tV n Uf ! L U ' * of Morphine. n * — — opium and Liquor ad- dictions to cure in TEX DAYS by our new pc in less method. Money placed in bank until cure is effected. R'ferenreß: Any Banker, Minister or Citizen of Lebanon. Booklet sent free. Address Oedarcrott Sanitarium. Dept. 80, Lebanon. Tana. — , COLLEGE-BRAND JIM DUMPS If a button style is your hobby you need go no farther. This style will more than please. This is another short vamp, high heel boy; all leathers. __ $4.00 COLLEGE-BRAND happy jack LAIRDS DRESDEN PUMP A style that appeals to women who demand stylish footwear yet neat and customlike. Made by Laird. Schober & Co. Made in patent kid with a dull and patent ornament, flexible extension sole. Hand-made $6.00 Same in imported suede, $6.50. sleeve.” Meanwhile they are satisfied that they have made several large dents in the officials on the other side and they are not crowing over the fact ' that the secretary suddenly chang. 1 his | mind about having counsel at the hear- j ings and has now securea legal talent to ) condvet his case. Attorney Brandeis, attorney for j 1 Glavis, does not think the committee ; j lias treated him fairly. He savs lie j waited for several days to hear from • ’ the request he made that cer.ain doer. • monts be produced by the interior de । partment and then when the papers I are received he was not permitted ’.o I !go over them until the committee had ; 1 looked over them. He also points to l ; the fnet that although the committee : granted him the privilege of inspect- ■ I ing these papers, the resolution permit i ; ting thia was so worded that no oue ; but the actual counsel in the case can ' i see them before their submission in ; । evidence. In other words, says Brandeis, he ( may not take his client, Glavis, in I j hand, go over the new evidence with । him and get a line on things gener ! ally although officials in the interior | ; department are already fully convers ant with the contents of the docu- j ments. Thr legal talent on both sides of the . case is growing. Following is the line-up Anti- Ballinger: L. N. Brandeis, J. W. Col ton. Henry L. Nathnn A. Smyth, Geo. W. Pepper. Pro Ballinger: John J. Vertrees. Carl Rasch. Albert Battle and one or two others retained but not yet announced ' FIG*FACTS Fact No. 6—After repeated experi ■ ments it ha's been found that fig trees j should be planted about 15 feet apart. This makes 103 trees to the acre. A । ; lady >n San Antonio has averaged $lOO I a year for 30 years from 10 trees, We : don't dare compute our profit at that I rate for fear wouldn't believe us. ; Figure it at $3 a tree and then call up I jthe Wharton < o, and reserve an acreage ; | in Alameda Gardens. i Only By Us Go to “Happy Jack.” a striking college style. Makes an 8 foot look like a s—all materials ) $4.00 "HURLEY'S” SALOME TIE FOR “1910 CLASS OF MEN” This winning style, made with short vamp, high arch. 2-inch Cu ban heel, clings closely around the ankle —just like illustration- made in patent kid, tan calf and gunmetal a ✓* calf .... Same in Black Suede. * i "COLLEGE-BRAND” He Haw Tie This swagger style for young men is full of “go” and “ginger"—a style that will appeal to the most critical college lad. Made in 2-eye let style, Spanish arch and heel, short stubby effect, the hit of the season. In stock in all materials, tan and wine calf, patent j colt and gunmetal calf "COLLEGE-BRAND” TOWSER SELLING THIS STYLE MOST EVERY MINUTE Another college-brand style that has met with instant approval. This classy style carries a rope- stitch sole —a new thing exclusive with us—short vamp and high heel are the other winning char acteristics of the new model. It comes in j all materials $4 "HURLEY” CRUISER TIE A neat, conservative model—a style that the most modest man would not hesitate in wearing. Made in a medium narrow, short effect last, carries a half military heel: particularly light and dressy: all leathers— patent kid. black kid, tan calf, gunmetal calf, $ £ all widths —AAA to EE. & THe Guarantee SHOES WHOSE GUEST IS TAFT TO BE MARCH 17? Irishmen of Chicago and Con servationists Both Claim the Honor. Chicago, 111., Feb. 5. —Whether Pres ident Taft, who will visit Chicago on March 17, will come as the guest ot the Irishmen of Chicago, to celebra’e Bt. Patrick's Day, or as, the guest ot ’ committee appointed to boost the president’s conservation policies, is the weighty question which is agitating Chicago tonight. Walter Fisher, chief conservationist, of Chicago, says the president comes ns the guest of his committee. The Irish THE ORIGINAL REES makes a specialty nf grinding Pebble Least a. FEBRUARY 6, 1910. ALAMO PLAZA I Fellowship club, at a meeting this at j ternoon. disputed this statement and [ declared that the president will ba । that club's guest and that Fisher is a “buttinsky. ” It appears that the Irish Fellowship I elub last August invited the president to come to Chicago on St. Patrick's I Day and that on last Wednesday tho president accepted. On Thursday, the Irishmen declare, Mr. Fisher heard ! about the president’s acceptance an-i tried to steal the glory by inviting the president to coma to a conservation 1 meeting. It is expected that before the teni l pest quiets, the president will be asked ।to state specifically who has tho first i claim on him in this city. It has caused more laughs and dried more tears, wiped away more diseases aud driven away more fears than anv o»he> medicine. It's Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. thirty years without an enual, that's enough. Lone Star Drug Store. Genuine Pebble or lock Crystal Lenses are as much superior to glass lenses as real diamonds are superior to the imitation. Rock Crystal is formed in nature's own labora tory, and can not be duplicated by human hands. They are very hard and tak< high and brilliant polish, and do not become scratched rubbed like leases made of glass. They are very white and clear and allow all of the rays of light to enter the eye. so necessary to keep the eyes in s state of health. When your eyes need glasses why not give them the best! 5 BENCH MADE HOSIERY