OCR Interpretation

San Antonio light and gazette. [volume] (San Antonio, Tex.) 1909-1911, February 06, 1910, Image 9

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86090238/1910-02-06/ed-1/seq-9/

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Such lines as Stacy-Adams, Flor
Regent—lines that stand pre-eminent
sacrificed to raise this $10,000.00.
Every pair s7xlo Shoes, coni- Cl
pulsory price "TbJaO
Every pair $6.00 Shoes, 'all sizes, all
widths, all leather, must go. /S 4
Compulsory price “iXsJ
Every pair $5.00 Shoes, tans, patents and
gunmetal, button and lace, all sizes, and
all width. Compulsory Q
price O«O*+
House Slippers, tans and blacks —
Compulsory Price *2 nJ C
Prussian Princes Are
Giving Kaiser Trouble
Want to Sell Palace of Which
They Are Joint Owners and
Wilhelm Objects — Sculptor
Mistreated in Russia. •
United Press.
Berlin, Feb. 5. —Hay a prince of the ;
German imperial family sell his own
private property without the kaiser’s
This weighty legal problem is today
agitating the minds of Berlin society
and especially of those exalted person
ages who move in the most select court
circles. The subject is under discus- '
sion because two young men of the im-.
perial family, Prince Frederick Henry I
of Prussia' and Prince Joachim Albert }
of Prussia, have announced their in
tention of selling the palace of which
they are joint owners, nt public auc
tion. The palaee is a noble building,
situated in the Wilhelm Strasse, and
standing in its own grounds, extend
ing over an area of two or three acres
right in the center of the city, repre
sents a very high monetary value.
Both Prince Frederick Henry and j
Prince Joachim Albert are in disgrace,
and banished from court. Hence their |
desire to get rid of their town real- I
# _ . Drink »
The Coffee of Quality
Pure Coffee Perfectly Blended
Per Pound 35c At all Grocers
Premium Coupon in every Can
International Coffee Company, Houston, Texas
V—■ /
«heim, Johnson & Murphy—and the
in the shoe world—that must be be
Every pair $4.00 Shoes, in patents, tans,
gunmetals aud viei kids, all sizes and
all width. The Compulsory n 4 E
Price is Ws 1W
Every pair the celebrated “Regent $3.50
Shoe.” patents, tans, vicis and A 09
gunmetals. Compulsory Price.. ■■■OO
Odds and ends in high grade shoes, your
size may be among them. Ort
Compulsory Price
deuce which has been deserted for tw
or three years.
Both in Ugly Scandals.
The two princely brothers are cous
ins of the kaiser aud both have beei
involved in ugly scandals.
Prince Frederick Henry’s name wn
freely mentioned in connection witi
several affairs of an unprintable char
acter and he received orders from th.
kaiser to absent himself from German;
for an indefinite period. It is state,
that before he was dismissed fron
court and expelled from the countr;
he was summoned to the imperial pres
ence to receive a violent box on th'
ears from the kaiser. After this epi
node he left Germany and has subse
quently resided in Egypt and Italy.
Prince Joachim Albert was the her.
in the romantie story which startle'
tl:e world a couple of years ago whei
his name was coupled with that of :
German actress, Miss Mary Snlzer
Prince Joachim Albert had an affai
withiMiss Sulzer, and this gate rin
to unpleasant comment, not so mucl
on tho merits of the case as owing t.
the fact that Miss Sulzer was of plc
bian birth. If sho had been a noble
society wonld have pardoned th<
prince’s youthful folly. ,
Prince Joafhim Albert, recognizing
this fact, conceived the idea of trans
OUR entire stock of womens shoes—NO restrictions—at sacrifices
from 15 to 50 per cent—in patent kid, tans and gun metals. All this
season’s newest styles.
Every pair nt the celebrated “Regent”
$5.00, all width. The Com]ml- y| 4 g
sory Price "T« Aw
Every pair women’s $4 High 4 g
Every pair women’s $3.50 fiC
High Shoes 4KbCSS
A clean sweep of 15 to per cent off on every pair pumps and Ox
fords in stock. Some of these styles have been in stock only a week—every
thing must go until we raise $10,000.00.
forming Mias Sulzer into a full blown
baroness by persuading some impecuni
ous aristocrat to make her his wifo
without claiming any of the rights of
matrimony. His agents found a young
1 I Austrian nobleman of fallen fortunes,
’' Baron Liebenberg, who was willing to
| eel] him name to dishonor for 10.000
j I kronen, and he was engaged for this
purpose. Ue agreed to marry Miss Sul
zer in London, then to disappear im
mediately after the wedding, and next
f to provide her with justification for
I divorcing him.
Prince Didn't Pay.
' | The plan was carried out,-but tho
1 prince omitted to pay the 10,000 kro-
nen. with the result that Baron Lie
’ benberg made al) the facts of the case
public by way of revenge. Upon this
' Prince Joachim Albert likewise fell
into disgrace, was dismissed from the
court and sent away from the country.
He retailiated by marrying Miss Sulzer
and settled down with her on an estate
which he bought in Austria.
The brothers inherited the palace in
* Berlin from their lather. Tho kaiser
’ has resolved to forbid its sale. The
princes claim the right to sell it by
virtue of the ordinary law of the land,
and the kaiser claims the right to.pre
veut them selling it by virtue or the
family laws of tho honse of Hohcn
j zollern, which give him absolute power
over all members of the family and
! their property.
The questiou to be decided will be
I whether the family laws of the house
; of Hohenzollern can overbear and out
! weigh the ordinary law of the land,
land whether two princes of the im
। perial family have less personal rights
I than ordinary citizens of the empire.

Aronsohn's Experiences.
The famous sculptor. Aronsohn of
Paris, has arrived here after his ex
pulsion from Russia. He gives this ac
count of his exciting experiences
“I was summoned by the governor
general of Kief to visit that city to
superintend the work of erecting a
monument to the late Czar Alexander
■ 11. After conferring with the gover
nor-general. he requested me to pro-
I coed to St. Petersburg to lay my plans
and sketches before the highest au
thorities of the country, whose assent
was necessary before anything eould
bo done at Kief.
“In possession of a properly authen
' ticated passport and provided with nu
merous weighty letters of introduction
from the governor-general to some of
the highest officials in the country. I
proceeded from Kief to St. Petersburg
and took rooms at the Hotel Europe.
“In accordance with the Russian
law which requires every traveler to
have a passport, and to produce it. T
handed-this document to the hotel por
ter and went out to pay my first visits
to the exalted personages to whoth I
had been sent by the governor-general. |
When I returned to the hotel a couple
of honrs*later I found a stunUions fro n
the police ordering me to leave St. Pe
tersburg within twenty-four hours.
Told to Leave City.
“I was astonished ami drove at once
sale is positively the greatest sacrifice of dependable merchandise ever offered the
people of this city and vicinity. Not a shoe reserved, all go in this sale at re
markably low prices owing to the necessity of raising $lO,OOO by February 19th.
It’s the history of every great business that there are times when they are in urgent need of
ready money— money that must be raised quick to meet obligations that are due and past due.
That’s our condition, hence this Compulsory Sale. We must, and are compelled to raise $lO,OOO. We
are going to sell shoes for less then we can buy them again ourselves—we are going to sacrifice
everything in our mammoth stock until we raise $lO,OOO.
Don't let this great opportunity slip by without taking advantage of it. Regent's line of shoe
values even at regular prices are much better than any similar priced shoes in the city, and at the
prices quoted here it means that you are going to buy shoes at a price never before quoted in this city.
to police headquarters to ascertain Hie
reason of this measure, which I regard
ed as a mistake, but I was told that
the police had issued the order with
I due deliberation and that I must, leave
■ the capital within the appointed time.
1 The reason given to me was that, be
ing n Jew, I had no right to travel
i anywhere in Russia outside tho pale.
I I loft my home Th Paris in response to
' the call of one of the highest officials
[ in Russia, aud yet 1 was treated there
I almost as a common criminal and eject-
I od from the city.
“One of the most curious features
| of my case is that I came to Russia for
' a purpose which apparently ought to
appeal to tho heart of every patriotic
Russian—the erection of a monument
to Czar Alexander 11, but even this
had no influence on the Bt. Petersburg
; police, A Jew is and remains an ont
' cast aud I need not tell you that I felt
| the humiliation of iny position very
। keenly.
“I left St. Petersburg by the next
train, and I also left Russia because I
have resolved never again to set foot
in a country where ontrages of this
1 kind can lie perpetrated with such a
I callous disregard for the dictates of
justice and tolerance.”
’ is when you do some great deed or dis
I cover some wonderful fact. This hour
came to J. R. Pitt of Rocky Mt., N. C., i
when he was suffering intensely, as he|
says, * ‘ from the worst cold I ever had, <
I then proved to my great satisfaction,
what a wonderful Cold and Cough cure
' Dr. King's New Discovery is. For, af
ter taking ouc bottle, I was entirely
Cured. You ean’t say anything too good
of a medicine like that.’ It s the sur
est and best remedy for diseased lungs. I
Hemorrhages. LaGrippc. Asthma, Hay <
Fever—anv Throat or Lung Trouble, j
50e, sl.oo‘. Trial bottle free. Gttaran-I
teed by Bexar Drug Co.
Ajax defied the lightning.
For a time this worked pretty wed. ,
But one day the electrical company >
put in a meter aud from that time on
Ajax was more given to hopeless wrath [
than to defiance.
Instruction iu rvthmic breathing and
spiritual philosophy.
#lO Ave B. Old phone 1877-1 ring
Firs. Tarnado, Hall, Autsmshlla.
Liability, Aecidtnt
Both Phonoo l<
Every pair women's $3 High p
Shoes, Compulsory Price,.... aO«3
Every pair women's $2.50 4 QC
High Shoes X u*2s
Every pair Women's "$2.00 4 pg
High' Shoes JL »VU
Wants His Holiness to Give
Testimony in Strange Will
Rome, Feb. 5. —The Lanciano court
has expressed its approval of the sug
gestion that the pope appear when tho
action challenging the validity of tho
will of Mgr. Adami is proceeded with.
The rasa is a remarkable one, and some
astonishing evidence is likely.
According to the Messnggero and
other papers the testator was a man
who had accumulated a fortune, of be
tween $900,000 and $1,000,000, nil of
which, in a will executed two months
before his death, bo bequeathed to the
pope, ft was pointed otit to him *mt
his holinoM is unable personally to in
herit u bequest of the kind, wherein in
he decided upon a ruse, and solo his
etate-to the Vatican for half a million
lire. -
Immediately on the death of Mgr
Adami his three female cousins com
menced an action at law, alleging that
। the testator was not mentally fitted to
execute n will, being afflicted in mind,
aud that the testament was invalid.
Plaintiffs intrusted their case to Sig.
Sialoin, the present minister of justice,
who has presented to the Lanciano court
a memorandum in support of his clients'
contentions. '
Says Fortune Was From Heaven.
The memorandum sets forth, among
other things, that Mgr. Adami claimed
to have received his fortune direct from
Vacuum Carpet Cleaning
Your carpets, mattings, upholstered
furniture, etc., cleaned without re
moval, We also sew. refit and relay
earpets and renovate waitresses.
Established 1890.
381 Anstin Street. Both Phones.
Gerlach Bros.
M 7 W. Houston St.
•Facial attention fl Ivan to claanlna,
STMalns and repairing. Work juararrUW.
New Phone IWO
144 West Commerce Street.
222 Eaet Houston Street.
Agents for Whitman’s Candies.
RAISE $10,000.00 BY FEB. 19th
That the people appreciated the big savings of-
fereci on footwear in this great sale was evidenced by
the great number that were on hand yestsrday. This
Nothing reserved—everything must go—it will pay every mother to
take advantage of this sale, as we are offering our entire stock at a sac
Our entire stock of Boys' $3.50 Shoes, all
leathers, all sizes. The Coin
pulsory Price is m ■ ■ M
Every pair Boys' $3 Shoes, Ort
Conunpulaory Price
Every pair $2.50 Boys’ Shoes, 4 ©O
Compulsory Price JL sOw
Every pair $2.00 Boys’ Shoes.rtrt
Compulsory Price X sVV
Every pair $1.75 Boys’ Shoes. <• OE 1
Compulsory Price X aww ।
Boys’, Misses’ and Children’s Shoes
118 N. ALAMO ST.
I heaven, through tho medium of the
archangel Michael, and explained that
♦he latter had intimated to kirn the
duty of leaving eveiything to the pope.
The following narrative (the Messng
gero says) is also embodied in it:
“When he had made his will Mgr.
Adami derided to leave Rome and pa’s
his Inst days in his own country. He
took carriage and left for Sangro. On
the way he fell into a deep sleep, and
on waking pp found himself in his bed
at his Roman palazzo. At this he mani
fested surprise, Hit the monks around
him said:
“ ‘Yuu are no* in Rome; you ar« at
Bologna. ’
“ ‘But this is my room,' said the dy
ing man.
“♦No. We selected one identical
with your own room in Rome.’
Mgr. -Adami allowed himself to be
persuaded. Believing himself at Bo
logna he wrote to the cardinal arch
bishop, aud asked him to come to him.
X man came disguised as a cardinal-
A few words having been changed the
man inquired if a will had been made.
“ ‘Yes,’ replied Mgr. Adami, ‘and I
have left everything to the pope.”
“ ‘But yo ustill have some money
by yon.’
“ ‘I nave $lOO,OOO. which I entrust to
Evening Wraps. Dresses
304 South Alamo Street.
\*ew Phone 524. Old Phone 543-2 r
is the science of removing eye defects
and the cause of neuralgia, headache
and nervous disorders with glasses.
“Come on up.” Examination free.
DR. DUNN. Oph. D.
Third Floor, Hicks Building.
Office Hours New Phone 2247
10 to 12 a. m. Room 212
2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Frost Building
Dr. G. B. Gerino
For Skin Genito-Urinary-Rectal and
Diseases of Women and Sexualogy
Birdsong & Fotchernick
Maxwell Automobiles. Ante Supplies
snd Eastmsa Kodaks
Phone 936 214 E. Houston
I EBRrARY 6, 1910.
A) 1 our Children's and Misses' 4
Shoes that sold for $1.50. now. X
All our Children's and Misses 4
Shoes that sold for $2. now... X sVV
All our Misses Shoes that sold 4
for $3.00, now X sVV
AH our Baby Shoes that sold _
for $l.OO, now 15C
All our Children's Shoes that
sold for $1.25, now 573 C
Onr entire soft sole stock goes p
now at
I yon to give to the pope.'
Hands Over Money and Dies.
The money wns handed over and
Mgr. Adami soon afterwards died.
The number of witnessees for the
plaintiffs is large, ami many letters of
the testator will be put in.
Most people know the feeling, and
the miserable state of ill health it indi
cates. AH peoplo( should know that
Foley's Honey end Tar. the greatest
throat and lung remedy, will quickly
cure the soreness and cough and restore
a normal condition. Ask for Filey's
Honey and Tar. Bexar Dfug Co.
Stock Up Before the Febru
ary Freeze and High Prices.
Reglertd Plumber A F Lavers
704 St. Mary St.
Old Phone New Phone 1136
Vacuum House Cleaning
We clean carpets, matting, rugs and
upholstery without removal.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
San Antonio Vacuum Cleaning Work*.
Ed Beere, Mgr.,
302 Matagorda St.
New Phone 1806. Phone 3876
See us for Bargains
Cady-Cotter Furniture Co.
327 E. Commerce St.
Buy HAY Now
Ptou< write or wire tor prMn
On Kuiuo «4 Terne dlppM onto. corn,
bran, chops. coKou M«<i moal and bails,
rice meal rock salt
Both Phoueo 288.

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