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9 AYER’S HAIR VIGOR stops Failing Hair Does not Color the Hair stop. Fallins H-ir Does not Color the Hair Makes G . row v Does not Color the Hair Burglars, Robbers, Sneak-thieves are all foiled when you place your money on deposit here, and put your jewels and valuable papers in a safe' deposit box in our fire and bur glar proof vaults. THE EMMET BANK (Unincorporated) Thos L. Conroy, President. E. J. McCormick, Cashier. J. F. Gallagher, Ass’t Cashier. DON’T WANT TO RUIN IMPLEMENT MARKET IN TEX. Chamber of Commerce Peti tioned .By Agricultural Ma chinery Interests. IT IS TO COME UP AGAIN Representatives of several large ag ricultural implement houses selling to customers in the southwest territory who use San Antonio as a distributing point, had a hearing before a special meeting of the board of directors yes terday at which they asMbd the Cham ber of Commerce to endorse their peti tion to the railroad commission of Tex as to reconsider their action in with drawing the back freight privilege as per order No. 3304, recently issued to the railroad companies of Texas, and give the implement interests a hearing. The representatives of the concerns seeking this petition asked for the fa vorable consideration of the Chamber of Commerce because if they could not enjoy the back freight privilege as heretofore the purchaser of. agricultur al implements would deal directly Rheumatism is instantly relieved by SLOANS LINIMENT Prien, Uc, soe„ and pt.oo. (( BUY STOVES ■ AT = the Enterprise L 602 E. COMMERCE STREET Office Hours New Phone 2247 10 to 12 a. m. Room 212 2 to 4 and 7 t5 8 p. m. Frost Building Dr. G. B. Gerino (SPECIALIST) For Skin Genito-brlnary- Rectal and Diseases of Women ’and Sexualogy IT’S THE BEST IN TOWN TRY IT The San Antonio Steam Laundry Co. 131 North St. Both Phones 270 DR. T. C. BELL Specialist Cancer and Diseases of the Skin Office, 401-403 Moore Bld*. Hours 10 to 12 and 3 to 5. MIRRORS AND BEVEL PLATE Texas Art Glass Co. Old Phone 2873. 331 EAST COMMERCE STREET MENTAL SCIENCE HEALING Instruction in rythmic breathing and spiritual philosophy. MRS. ELIZABETH CRAIG 910 Ave. B. Old phone 1877-1 ring Frying Size Chickens and Large Turkeys Wanted ALL YOU HAVE Main Ave. Gro. Co., Poultry Dept., inn.lio Gar de A Street TUESDAY, with the factory and receive his ship ments direct, thus destroying the local market in this line. They argued as "follow.: The imple ments are sold to the dealers through out the country at f. «. b. "factory price. When implements are shippe 1 from San Antonio it has bebn custom ary for the railroad company to ad vance to the transfer house or jobbers the amount of freight charges on the goods from the factory to San Antonio. This order of the railroad commission does away with this privilege. The im plement dealers thyughout the stale have been able to”buy their goods in small quantities front San Antonio without paying any profit on the freight. The effect of the order, it ?s claimed by the petitioners, is to cause the factories to figure their freight in on the voods and the result will be that implements when shipped locally from San Antonio will cost the dealers more than under the old arrangement. If the goods arc going to cost the dealer more to ■ get them shipped from San Antonio, it is argued he is going to get them from the factory, thereby destroy ing the local depot to a large extent. The directors, of the Chamber of Commerce after listening to the argu ments, asked the representatives pres ent to take the petition to the local dealers affected and if they endorsed it as a whole, the Chamber of Com merce would then reconside. it. The directors present were: Fred W. Cook, Charles Craebner. If. L. Haiff, .lake Wolff. J. X. Brown, Hermann Staaeke, J. II. Kirkpatrick and John B Carrington. Implement house, representatives at the conference were: W. E. Zahner, Parlin & Orendorff. B. .1. McDonald. John Deer company. H. Thorde, Aver* Plow company, X. D. Stewart and IT. W. Webber. f Extend Time for Reports. The boqrd of directors also passed a r<solution petitioning congress to' ox tend the time for Corporations showing a net profit of $5000 a year or more to filo reports for 30 days after tho United States supremo court lias ren dered the decision as to the validity of the law. This resolution will be sent out to every corporation affected in San Antonio for their endorsement if they see fit. The reason for this action by the Chamber is to save many busi ness houses in this city the expense of making out these reports if the law is Invalid. will get into mischief—often it means a burn or cut or scald. Apply Ballard’s Snow Liniment just as soon as the ae cident happens, and the pain ill be relieved while the wound will heal quickly and nicely. A sure cure for sprains. Rheumatism and all pains. Price 25c, 50c and $1.00 a bottle. For sale by Bexar Drug Co. HARLANDALE. Lots selling very fast. Investigate immediately while you have choice of location and price. H. J. Benson. Grand Opera House Block. Either phono 2476. WAVES FAREWELL AS SHE GOES TO DEATH Niagara Falls, Feb. 8. —Despondent over the death of her fiance a month ago. Miss Beatrice R. Snyder of Buf falo committed a spectacular suicide today by wading into the 'river before a crowd of sightseers and going over the American falls. As she disappear ed over the brink Miss Snyder waved and smiled a farewell to those on shore Its equal as a curative tonic does not exi>t. ’ So perfect is its medicinal ar tion as to challenge the admiration of all. Such, is Hollister’s Rocky Mouu itain Tea, the world's regulator. Lona Star Drug Store. WAGES HIGHER IN KANSAS IN 1909 Special Dispatch. Topeka. Kan., Feb. 8. —The labor com missioner's report shows the average wages of union laboring men in Kansas were $24 a year more in 1009 than in 1008. The average for 1000 was $607 per year. Laborers in-organized locali ties received from five to fourteen cents an hour more than those in unorganized districts. LEAGUE MEETING POSTPONED. Spacial Dlipatch Houston. Tex.. Feb. 8.—B. 8. Dickin son of the Southwest Texas baseball league today announced the league meet ing scheduled for Saturday at Victoria has been'i>ost|>one<l a week to determine the composition of the league. It is uncertain whether Tnylor or Lockhart will be the right city. x BABY HANDS SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE THOUSiNII ASK SHARE 11 RICHES OF DR. PEARSON Appeal to Him By Letter for a i Part of Wealth He Is Going to Give Away April 1. NONE IS FOR INDIVIDUALS Will Only Give to Colleges In the New West and Poor Sec tions of the South. Associated Press. Chicago. Feb. 8. —Since Dr. Daniel K. Pearsons of Hinsdale, announced three weeks ago that he would make a general distribution of his fortune on ' April 1. his ninetieth birthday, the in : termittent stream of letters has grown to more than 500 daily. Dr, Pearsons has given away $4,000,- I 000 iu the score of years and vows that । he will be penniless. “Look at this room.’’ he said in de spair at the .sanitarium in Hinsdale, w tore he is spending the win ter. In one corner lay a - stack of col lege catalogues, in another pamphlets from religions institutions; the drawers of his desk and tables were piled with letters, many unopened and the con i t< nts of two waste baskets had over ; flowed. Most of the notes were from individ uals. some picturing the wrijer’s needs, ! others asking for a loan of a couple of thousand that could be put to good use. “I give almost nothing to indivi-l uals.'l Hr. Pearsons said. “It is to | the colleges in the new west and in the poor sections of the south that 1 most of my money will go “I will so arrange my affairs that i at my death there will be not one cent to quarrel over." CASTOR? A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough* Bears the /'T? / Signatured HARLANDALE. $5 cash and $5 monthly buys a lot. ! Investigate today. II. .1. Benson, Grand i Opera House Blocks Either phone 247G. HEYBURN ALONE VOTES OUST Washington, 8. —Though dis ciaiming auy intention of waving the “bloody shirt." Senator Heyburn of Idaho made the closing hour of the senate session very lively yesterday by a denunciation of the confederacy and of the men who fjuglit against the union during the rivil war. In the cause he advocated, however, he lacked followers, for when a vote by roll eall was taken upon the conclusion of his speech he found he- alone released his voice against the measure under con sideration, which was flie loaning of government tents for the u>e of the <-on fedei ite veterans at the annual reunion in Mobile. Ala., next April, HARLANDALE. In the fastest growing section aroun 1 San Antonio. Lots only $<io to $125 each. Terms $5 cash and $5 monthly. II. J. Benson, Grand Op 1 ra House Blocs. Either phone 2476. DELTA SIGMA PHI ELECTS. The alumni of the Delta Sigma Phi of San Antonio met Monday evening in the law office of Joseph Ryan, on Military plaza, for the purpose of ef fecting a closer union of the several members as well as to do some “spike” work for the chapter at the University of Tcxa«. ' At this meeting an organization was effected and officers elected. Julius C. Tipps Jr. was chosen president; Guen ther Froebel. vice president; Joseph Ryan Jr., secretary, and Wm. A. Phil pott corrcspoodinie secretary. It was also voted to, hold monthly banquets. For the Stomach Here’s an Offer You Should Not Overlook Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets remedy stomach troubles by supplying the one element, the absence of which in the gastric juices causes indigestion and dyspepsia. They aid the stomach to digest food and to it into rich red blood and material neces sary for overcoming natural body waste. Carry a package of Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets in your vest poeket, or keep them in your room. Take one after each heavy meal and Indigestion will not bother you. We know what Rexall Dyspepsia Tab lets are and what they will do.. We guajantee them to relieve 'indigestion and dyspepsia. If they fail we will refund your money. Three sizes; 25 cents, 50 cents and $1.00. Remember you can obtain Rexall Remedies in San Antonio "only at our store. —-The Rexall Store, Wagner’s Drug Store, Hicks Bldg. RAUS-MIT-IHM SALE No. 9 Each and Every Department Are Offering Good4 at Very great price concessions Suits and Overcoats $15.00 Suits and <)'coats $8.89 $16.50 Suits and O’coats $9.89 $17.50 Suits and O’coats $10.89 $18.50 Suits and O’cOats $10.89 $20.00 Suits and O'coats $12.89 $22.50 Suits and Ceoats $13.89 $25.00 Suits and O'eoats $14.89 $27.50 Suits and O'coats $16.89 $36.00 Suits and O'coats $17.89 $35.00 Suits and O’coats $20.89 Arrow Brand Collars on sale all week. 3 for 25c—New Styles Aaron Frank Clothing Company NEWS OF FIGHT EXPECTED SOON General.Chamorro Prepares to Cross Tnpitapa River on Way to Granada and Managua. Associated Preu, Washington. Feb. 8.—News of sharp fighting between Chamorro's insurgent troops and the government forces under Vasquez at Tipitapa river. Nicaragua, is expected momentarily here. Incom plcte advices indicate that Chamorro is preparing to cross the Tipitapa on his way to Granada and Managua and that the Madriz forces intend to make a stand there. It is estimated here Cha morro's troops arc now within at least thirty miles of Managua. Lack of in formation from the seat of war is at tributed to the close censorship which Estrada has imposed to conceal his plan of campaign. CHAMORRO ELUDES GOVERNMENT TROOPS Managua, Feb. 8.—Oen. Chamorro has eluded three columns of government troops which were sent to besiege him in Boaco. and has taken to the woods. The government forces are re-occupying the town. Boaco was captured by the insurgents under General Mazis last Fri dav. It. has caused more laughs and dried (more tears, wiped away more diseases nud driver, away more fears than any etho* medicine. It’s Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea, thirty years without an equal, that’s enough. Lone Star Drug Store. HARLANDALE. | $5 cash and $5 monthly for elevon I months without taxes or interest pays : in full for lot. Public school, city | water, citv sewer, not merely prom . ised but there now. Splendid location. [Positively greatest bargain ever of 'fered. Automobile to show property. H. J. Benson. Grand Opera House Block. Either phone 2476. • RAILROAD PURCHASE REPORTED AT EL PASO ’! El Paso. Jex.. Feb. 8.*—It is reported from Tucumcari that the El Paso £ Southwestern railroad has purchased the Tucumciri & Memphis from here to Memphis, president Douglas, of the Southwestern, made a tour of inspec- I tion of the line last week. MAIL THIS TO VS WITH Y0CR ADDRESS and tet literature mi Ataarador. a rich val lev west of Tampico, Mexico. Corn - er°JV a vear, 30 to 60 bushels each, fiber plan* I will net von *5000 a year after the third i year. Full information sent free. Two excur i sions each month. | J. K. MeCOY A COMPANY. Room 201 Hicks Building NewJ’bone -->"6 HARLANDALE. $5 cash and $5 monthly for only 11 months pays in full for a lot in this splendid addition. II. -1. Benson. Grand I Opera House Block. Either phone 24<6. Otto Riebe Undertaking Co. 221 East Commerce 8t. Both phones 341. GETS INTO ROW AT 5 RELIGIOUS SERVICES. Il* Special Dispatch. I? Weatherford, Tex.. Feb. 8.—As -. I; a result of an alteration while t > attending a religious service ■. west of the city last night, ■ & Frank Blair was stabbed in the • i eve and his brain penetrated. & lie will probably die. A young ■ & man named Towles was arrested. • INFANT FOOD Robinson’s Patent Barley. For INFANTS. INVALIDS and NURSING MOTHERS. Robinson’s Patent Barley used with fresh cow s milk, Is recom mended by leading physicians all aver the civilized world. SOLD BY all Druggists and Grocers. Send for Booklet "ADVICE to MO rHERS”—Free. JAMES P. SMITH A COMPANY Sole Agents. New York. Chicago. 90-94 Hudson St. 57 4- 59 S. Water St. Trousers k -50 Men’s $1.79 Men’s $2.19 M.’> Men’s $2.59 M-I'il Men's $2.89 M-">0 Men’s Trousers $3.29 ‘•'..Ou Men's Trousers $3.69 i"i 1 1 Men's Trousers $4.49 H'' H Men’s $4.79 f7.on Men’s $5.19 -7.5" Men’s $5.59 liu Men's $5.89 WACO DEMOCRATS HOLD PRIMARIES Largest Vote In History Polled —Contest on for the Mayoralty Nomination. Waco, Tex., Feb. 8.—The democratic primaries for the election of a mayor, recorder and city commissioners are in progress here today. Indications at noon were that the largest vote in the history of Waco would be polled. The warm contest for the mayoralty lies between II. B. Mistrot, a prominent bus iness man. and the former mayor, .1. W. Riggins. Both candidates are confident of winning, but the betting favors Mis trot. — — ■_ Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R! HARLANDALE. Plenty of good neighbors, city sewer | and water. Only $60 to $125 each lot. |$5 .‘ash and $5 monthly. H. .1. Benson, Grand Opera House Block. Either ' phone 2476. PRESBYTERIANS IKI ID DISCUSS MATTERS Associated Press. Chicago, Feb. 8. —Prominent Presby terians representing all sections of the I'nitc.l states and Canada, are assem bled here to discuss important ques tions of world wide interest to mem bers of the church. Those in attendance are members of the western section of the executive commission of the Pres byterian Alliance, representing the Presbyterian churches of the world. Among the laymen who will attend are: Judge J. G. Forbes, St. Johns, N. B.; Walter Paul. Montreal; E. W. Humphrey. Louisville. Ky.; W. A. Bro die. Geneseo, N. Y.; Gen. R. E. Prime. Yonkers, X. Y.; P. E. Howard. Phila delphia; J. Hoge Tyler, ex governor of Virginia, Radford, Vn.; Charles W. Dorsey, Baltimore. Md.; John S. Muncc. Richmond, Ya., and Gen. John E. Roller of Harrisonburg. Va. One of the most interesting matters tc be brought before the commission is the forthcoming tercentennary edition of the King James Bible of 1611, which wil] be published in 1911. This new edition of the Bible will not contain any revisions arising from original re search. THE TEXAS WONDER Cures all Kidney, Bladder and .Rheu matic troubles. Sold by all druggists, or two ihonths’ treatment by mail for $1. Send to Dr. E. W. Hall, 2926 Olive street, St. Louis, Mo., for Texas testi monials. HARLANDALE. j Fastest growing section around San 1 Antonio, ground high and level. Lots I cnly $6<> to $125. Terms $5 cash and $5 monthly without taxes or interest. II. J. Benson. Grand Opera House »Block. Either phono 2476. ill) MM (US IK HOUSTON IBI City Fathers Pass Ordinance Forbidding Masking With out License. ! Associated Press. [ Houston, Tex., Feb. 8.—Celebrated i since the day Houston was founded. ' the popular honoring of the day Tf ' Mardi Gras, the pre-Lcntcn holiday, j will not Ik? carried out in Houston to- I night. Yesterday in legislating against i rowdyism the city commission passed an ordinance taking effect immediately forbidding masking “without licenw. " Heretofore the streets of the city I were gay at night with the crowds of ! merrv maskers, but the penalty of ar- I rest tonight forbids the costumes and i marks the passing of the time-honored | custom iu Houston Shoes $3.00 Broken Lots $1.89 $4.00 Broken Lots ...S2.39 $5.00 Broken Lots $2.89 $3.00 Faultless Men’s S2.39 $4.00 Faultless Men's $3.19 $5.00 Bench-Made Shoes $3.59 $0.00 Banister Shoes $4.49 BOYS' SHOES. $2.50 and $3.00 Broken Lots...$1.89 $:f.00 Boys' Faultless Shoes... $2.29 $7.50 Hunting Boots $4.89 $8.50 Hunting Boots... S5.89 DORMANT VOLCANO | RENEWS ACTIVITY Special Dispatch. Port Limon, Costa Rica. Feb. 8. —The volcano Poas, long dormant, has renewed its eruptions and the people in the sur rounding villages are stricken with ter ror. Many are fleeing from the lava streams which are running into _ the streets of the villages and threaten to do great damage. Poas has not had a real eruption for many years, although smoke constantly pours from its crater. HARLANDALE. Spleadid location, restricted addition, and lots only $5 eash and $5 monthly for eleven months. It will pay you to see them promptly, for they are going fast II, .1. Benson, Grand Opera Hous* Block. Either phone 2476. PRESIDENT TAFT TALKS T0100LADIESTAIL0RS Associated Press. Washington. Feb. 8. —About 100 la ] dies’ tailors went to the white house yesterday and had the satisfaction of i hearing President Taft tell them he considered it a great thing that Amer | icans have become so prominent in or iginating styles of clothes. The tailors arc attending the national styles show. President Taft said he might drop in some evening, and the tailors all hurried back to their exhibits with vi sions of a large man in a sweater, close ly followed by a military aide, strolling into the show some evening to see what Iis de rigeur. The annual meeting of the Xationnl Ladies’ Tailoring asaocia [ tion will be held tomorrow. This is fol- I lowed by a banquet, and while all these things are going on, the newest gowns and suits arc being exhibited. Several women prominent in society in Washington and New York appear , as patronesses of the exhibition. ’ JAP FRIENDSHIP i IS UNDISTURBED Associated Press. Portland, .Me., Feb. 8.—While the proposal of Secretary Knox for the neu tralization of the Manchurian railway would have been regarded as an un friendly act coming from any other na ion, the press and people of Japan merely regretted the misunderstanding which brought about the proposal and were no less friendly to this country I on account of it, declared Baron Dai ; roku Kikuchi, one of the greatest edu- DON’T be behind the times, but let us install your electric wiring as it should be done and we will both be satisfied. Our work is guaranteed. Completeat line of chandeliers in the eity. Fdns. mo tors, wiring, repairing and supplies. Graham Collins 246 W. Commerce St. Both Phones 1698. jL— A Full Set Good Teeth I* 1 00 A22 K. Solid Gold Crown WS Bridge Work, Per Tooth mssvssts Gold Fillings $1.00 and Up I HlC - Silver Fillings 50c and Up Painless Extracting by the use of Stcvame More work for less money than anv place in west The best located and netxtest offices in city "THE BEST IS, AYE, THE CHEAPEST." AVOID IMITATIONS OF AND SUBSTI- TUTES FOR SAPOUO FEBRUARY 8, 1910. Hats $2.50 Odd Derbies $1.59 Incld. black and browns. $2.50 Odd Soft Hats $1.59 Including every odd hat. $3.00 Odd Derbies $2.19 Including blacks ami browns. $3.00 Flat Set Derbies $2.19 ' Blacks, browns and smokes. $3.00 Blue Blood Hats $2.29 All soft hats, colors and blacks. $4.00 Silk Plush Hats $1.89 $3.50 luijiorted Scratch Hats. . .$1.89 $3.00 Brush Felt Hats $1.69 $3.00 (.'loth Cassimere Hats. .. .$1.69 OKLAHOMA TO APPEAL CASE After Conference of Attorneys It Is Announced Appeal Will Be Taken on Injunction. ■ St. Louis. Mo., Feb. 8. —At the con clusion of a conference between At > torney Genera! West of Oklahoma and Frederick N. Judson of St. Louis, । special counsel for the Oklahoma rail road commission, Attorney Judson an nonneed last night it had been decided Ito appeal to the United States circuit ' court of appeals here from the tempor ■ ary injunction granted by United States ' Circuit Court Judge Hook in the suit [brought by three Oklahoma railroads to restrain the commission from enforcing ■ ertain freight rates and two cent pas senger rates. Attorney General West | will remain here .several days preparing I his brief for an appeal. BIDS WAXTED—Sealed bids will ! l>c received at the office of the ('ounlv , Auditor until Monday, February 21, 1910. for road work <in Bulverde Road. I Specifications on file in the County An- I ditor's office. Commissioners’ court re i serves the right to reject any and all ■ bids. Thos. E. Ramsey, County Au ‘ J ditor, THE WIKELESS*TELEPHONE. s Send for free book entitled “His tory of the Wireless Telephone,'' to i 33d Moore building. Fiscal Agency of | 1 f hc Collins Wireless Telephone com- ; P"»y. cators of Japan, in an address before . the Economic club here last night. The • friendship of Japan for America, said I the baron, was founded on a historic । basis and was fostered by the good । treatment Japan had always received from the diplomats of this country. Preceding Baron Kikuchi. O. P. Aus tin. chief of the bureai\ of statistics of | the department of commerce and la i bor. spoke. He asserted that instead of declining, as had been asserted in some quarters, the growth of American com mefee with the orient was normal. The Swine er the Flower? Ah tne! I saw a huge and loathsome sty. Wherein a drove of wailowing swine were barred, Whose banquet shocked tho nostril and the eye; Then spoke a voice, "Behold the source of lard!" I fled, and saw a field that seemed at first One glistening mass of roses pure and’. white, With dewy buds 'mid dark green foliage nur>ed; . . .. ? And, as I lingered o’er the lovely sight. The summer breeze, that cooled that Southern scene. Whispered, " Behold the source of COTTOLENBl'y