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5 \ \ la /x /> । m \9 ■L i 1*1 > Fashion Demands Long Graceful Lines fl These demands are absolute. The effect can only be right when the foundation is right. Never before, perhaps, was correct corseting quite so important to the Woman of Fashion. fl Gowns fitted over C B a la SPIRITE CORSETS are invariably distingue, while the wearer enjoys that freedom and support, without which, graceful walk and easy carriage are impossible. C B a la SPIRITE CORSETS are offered in styles to fit every type of figure, graduated through 40 different models to meet individual peculiarities. In quality, make and finish, these corsets represent the nearest to perfection in modem corsetry. C The C B * I* SPIRITE Boning gives support and pliability without adding to the weight. fl The C/B a la SPIRITE Seams hold the boning securely in place, so the conet never “ rides" or twists. fl The C/B a la SPIRITE Stitching never rips or unravels, adding greatly to comlort and durability. fl The C/B a la SPIRITE adjusts itself to support the abdomen and back, and allows deep, full breathing without increasing the 4 W “* XT ALL LEADING RETAILERS MURDER LEAGUE IN -SEOUL DISCOVERED Organized Plot to Kill All Members of Korean Cabinet and Leading Jap Officials Confessed by Prisoner Arrested for Attempted Murder, BRANCH OF CONSPIRACY IN SAN FRANCISCO Associated Press. Seoul, Feb. 10,—The nucleus of a murder league has been discovered here as a result of the investigation follow ing the attempted assassination of Pre mier Yi. The would-be assassin was not fully suecessf-j], but the victim, while he may live for some time, must be an invalid for life. The Korean who made the attempt on the life of the premier has confessed and given the names of his associates. From this it would appear that there was a close connection between the as sassination of Prince Ito and the at tempt on the premier. The prisoner in Seoul says there was an organized plot I Established 1 847. A I Allcocks Coughs, Colds, Weak Lungs Allcock's Plasters act as a preventive as well as a curative. Prevent colds becoming deep-seated. ' Allcock's Plasters can always be distinguished by ! their fine balsam odor; this comes from the Frank incense, which has remarkable curative Qualities. When you need a Pill TAKE A Brandreths Pill (Est. 1752.) For CONSTIPATION, .'BILIOUSNESS, HEADACHE, DIZZINESS, INDICESTION, Etc. Purdy Vegetable. THURSDAY, to do away with all the Korean cabinet and the leading Japanese officials. It is expected that a number of other ar rests will be made. Already the au thorities have some fifteen men in jail, charged with being in the conspiracy, and it is said that the end is not yet, but that the facts now known will star tle even the western countries and gov ernments. Certain the league of assas sins had headquarters in Seoul and in Vladivostok. A branch is said to be in San Francisco. A number of threaten ing letters have been received by lead ing men and by foreigners who are known to be advocates of the Japanese control of Korea. PLASTERS, F Apply Wherever there is Pain. Rheumatism in Shoulder Believed by using Allcock's Plasters Athletes use them for Stiffness or Soreness of muscles. fjAKSpirite Washington, D. C.. Feb. 10. —There is •t i considerable satisiactiou in the Texas [t J delegation over the final outcome of r . the river and harbors bill. While Texas got but three millions, several appro *’ priationg were put through that for a 1, time looked hopeless. r, Aransns Pass, $217,000; including । $60,000 for a dredge which will be sent ’ there from Galveston. Houston ship channel, $1,250,000. Con ’ I tingont updh the Houston navigation 5 ‘i district raising a like sum. n Galveston harbor, $250,000. This in n eludes $100,000 for the repair of the jet [' ties and authorized the diversion of any *’ balance to be expended on Galveston ® channel. ® Galveston channel, $250,000. Bolivar Point. $91,080. • Texas Citv, $50,000. West Galveston bay and mouth of adjacent streams, $50,000. 1 Sabine Paas, $150,000. Bed River, between Fulton, Ark., and 1 Denison, $50,000. Jefferson waterway, $100,000. Sulphur River, $7500. Inland waterw'ays: For maintenance, $50,000; for the Matagorda cut, $200,- 000. Chairman Alexander threatened the other day to eliminate this item from the bill, but Representative Burgess’ strong objections saved the appropria tion. The Brazos River from Velasco to Old Washington. $45,000; from Old Washington to Waco, $75,000, on the construction of lock and dam No. 8, I seven miles below Waco. Trinity River: For maintenance and 1 improvement of stream. $49,000; to | finish the construction of lock, $85,000. । [and $50,000 on construction of locks' : and dams at White Rock shoals. Port Lavaca to Pass Zavalla, $10,000.' 1 For removing water hyacinth in I Texas, Louisiana and Florida, $25,000. !• In reversing the board of review, ReneraPMarshall said: “In view of the i great coat and present condition of 1 Aransas Pass, harbor and probable j length of time before a deep water port I with proper railway feeders and, ter-1 ' minal facilities can be provided in close : proximity to the harbor entrance at | ! Aransas Pass, it is myaopinion that it > I is advisable for the general government; : to provide a channel from Aransas Pass | through Turtle Cove to Corpus Christi I twelve feet deep and 100 feet wide, at, I a cost of $207,000, with $35,000 annual-1 ly for maintenance. This work should । I lie regarded as experimental to a cen ■ TEXAS Will GET 3 MILLION Corpus Christi and Aransas Pass Ali Finally Allowed Appropriations. RIVERS AND HARBORS BILL’ SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE WILL OF GOLD MINER TO BE CONTESTED First Wife When Divorced Held Grubstake Agreement That Was Signed By Him. ASKS FOR AN INJUNCTION Associated Press. Chicago. Feb. 10. —Establishment in Chicago of the $2,000,000 “ H. C. Elliott home for destitute children” provided for in the will of a wealthy Alaskan gold hunter, but hedged about by pecu liar legal provisions, is threatened with still further obstacles. The will in which the second wife of the testator and the proposed homo for ' children are the principal beneficiaries, was filed for probate yesterday. At once a suit to restrain the probating of the testament was filed by Catherine M. Elliott, first wife of Elliott, whom he diverged. Elliott was killed in Alaska last De cember by an avalanche near where he had been a gold hunter since 1897. A trust company was made executor for the estate. The income was to be paid to his wife, Grace Van Wormer Elliott,, with the exception of bequests to his son. H. C. Elliott Jr., a-sister, Ella: Louise, and a brother, A. J. Elliott. If at any time the estate reached a value of $2,000,000 that amount was to be fised in the construction of the chil dren's home bearing Elliott’s name. The first wife "bases her attack on a grubstake agreement made before El liott went to Alaska. Rhe declared she provided Elliott with $500 to enter the gold rush in 1897 and that she helps ,an agreement signed by her and her j husband which provides for an equal division of the proceeds from the min j ing venture. When Elliott returned from Alaska in 1902 after making his lucky strike he divorced his first wife. HF REFUSES SUBSTITUTE FOB NIB WIFE Columbus, O., Feb. 10. — Joseph Schoenborn of Youngstown steadily de clines to consider an imported sister-in law as a substitute for his wife, and lit tle Maria Nezbitowka, aged 20, is in consequence in -jail. The immigration authorities have her, alleging that she is an alien here, present under false pre tenses. Schoenborn sent transportation to his wife in Poland to enable her to join him in his home. His amazement was intense, therefore, when little Maria, with the remnant of Mrs. Schoenborn’s transportation in her pocket, appeared in the .stead of his beloved Bronislava. The fact that she was his wife’s sister and pretty did not stay him from enter ing bitter complaint to the immigration inspectors. Investigation by the department showed that she had entered the country as “Mrs. Jos. Schoenborn,” bound for Youngstown to join her husband, and the inspector who addressed her says she innocently confessed to purloining her sister’s ticket, in a natural desire to see the world. Schoenborn insisted that he wanted his wife and no substi-, tute and under orders issued from the immigration bureau the girl is being held for ।deportation. tain extent and undertaken in order to secure some immediate benefit from the large expenditure made at Aransas Pass harbor entrance in advance of the creation of a deep water port in that vicinity. Attention is invited to the fact that the $207,900 estimated as the cost of the channel recommended by me includes an item of $50,000 for a gov ernment dredge.” A Delightful Experience awaits the person who dis covers that a long train of coffee ills can be thrown off bv changing to POSTUM The delight comes from a rebuilding of new nerve cells by the elements in the roasted wheat used in mak ing Postuni. and the relief from the eiiec s of caffeine the natural drug in coffee. Any one can soon feel the delight, and “There’s a Reason” Rend the )i •> b ' x ’ k - “The Road to Wellvine." "> Pkg"- \ POSTUN CEREA ' OMPANY, Ltd. Battle Cr-t- “HOPE Kg AFFLICTED” “TUBERCULOSIS” Some hare tried climate trratment aud have been greatly benefited. Others have been juat as greatly disappointed, not re ceiving any benefit, hut to the contrary getti/ig worae. To those who era receiving climatic benefits the sad fact remains that where apparently well you can never with’ safety return to your old home. If you have made a study of the «ubjcct yon know this. Tn thooe that climate ia doing no g»od the keenest disappointment and sorrow is experienced. Monev spent, time lost, now almost hopeless. To those let us say every hope is held out—at last a cure has been found. Just a little belief—just a little confidence and those who were once in deep despair, as you are now, are now sound and well. Some of them here in San Antonio, others all over the country wbo.n you may write to if you wish. From one little room just a few years ago with but four patients to the largest institution in America Curing Tuberculosis and reprerented in almost every large city in America by some cured patient—men and women by the score cured telling others. Call and have a talk with those at our office getting well. Read here the few testimonials from some of our Cured patients. On* where microscopic tests were made by a city chemist showing the decrease in the Tubercular germs until cured. No other method of treatment can show this. We use the microscope to prove our results. You can have our or your own Bacteriologist make these Sputa examinations. Why do we get results I Because the Beinsonizer method is to go direct into the lungs (not stomach drug ging—not by dangerous hypodermics. These old time methods have been proven a failure 40 years ago and any honest doctor will tell yon so) With the proper Germicides we destroy the life of the tubercular germ, save what it left of the diseased lungs, bnild up th* whole general system and restore you to perfect health. The treatment is so mild to take that it could b* given to a sleeping child and not disturb its slumbers. If upon examination we think your case is incurable, we tell you so, but many we have told we could only benefit have gotten sound and well. We oo ild tell you things here sll day in the paper what the Bensoniier has and will do. but if you call at our office veu ran see the most improved and advanced methods of treating diseases. The Bensoniser has gotten results where all other methods have failed. We cure our patients; that ia what you want in your case. Read what the Bensoniser did for this minister, who was given up to die. Cured of Tuberculosis, living yet. That is why we say results and the Bensoniser method are permanent. February 12. 1904. Dear Doctor —Just a few words as to my former condition. Eight years ago last May I was prostrated with a severe attack of la grippe. My physician said that I had quick consumption. After al>out four weeks, however. 1 rallied from this condition to the extent that 1 could perform my duties by sheer will power. The condition in which I lived from that time until I went to your office two months ago is too dismal to relate. Suf fice it to say. when I came to you T had about given up all hope. The climate of Colorado, which 1 have tried for six years, had lost its toning influence (as eventu ally will in every case), and I was dis couraged, dragging out a miserable ex istence from day to day, trying aa best I could to arrange my affairs so that when the grim reaper gathered me in I would be prepared to meet my fate. But on December 8, 1903, when I be gan treatment? wtith the BENBONIZER all these sorrows left me. At that time I was not able to speak in public for thirty minutes without my voice failing me. Within three weeks I speak as clearly Md with as much force as ever. When I camo to your office the first time the city chemist found 129 “Tuber culosis Bacilli’’ to the slide. On Febru ary 8. 1904, just sixty days after my first examination, he was unable to find any bacilli whatever. In my first examina tion “Elastic Fibre” was numerous. In my last report at the end of sixty days, there was none to be found. Yours very truly, (Signed) REV. O. A. SMITH. SAN NARCOS NEWS Speclil Dispatch San Marcos. Tex.. Feb. 10. —The Priscillas were entertained by Mrs. George B. Smith last Tuesday after noon. After a busy period and enter । taining talk, an attractive salad course 1 with chocolate was served. The club meets next Tuesday with Mrs. Siu ' ney Smith at the residence of Mrs. j William Giese 11. * The Forty-two club had their regu lar social and recnAtive session at Mrs, M. J. Fnnk’s Wednesday even ing; the guest of honor being Miss Bruce, sister of Mrs. Funk. Mrs. Bruce left for her home in Ma tagorda after a pleasant visit here, the guest of her sister, Mrs. M. J. Funk. J. A. Montgomery, who owns a val uable frontage on Fort street, is re- I moving the old wooden structure from • the same, previous to erecting a hand some brick business block, just beyond the San Marcos cold storage plant. A. R. Westbrook has submitted a proposition to G. A. McNaughton and other members of the old Hays County Rlir association to reorganize the same and have grounds on the West brook-Eidson land just across the river from the city of San Marees. The proposition is received with favor and a mass meeting will be held shortly to consider the matter and arrange for the park and grounds. The grounds are desirable in every respect, and the county fair is a necessity. • At the last meeting of the Retail Merchants’ association, W. S. Davis was elected an honorary member. Judge B. G. Neighbors was among the visitors to New Braunfels yester day, going on legal business. A meeting of the promoters of the San Marcos-Luling Interurban will be held at San Marcos this week to get an expression from the general public as to best means of procedure. The San Mafeea fire department met last night to consider an entertain ment for Rescue Hose company, and other important matters. The depart ment is in fine shape and as an evi dence of appreciation, the Woman’s chib will consider presenting the fir • men with fire-fighting clothes. Postmaster John M. Cape examined the applicants last Saturday who pre sented themselves for examination as candidates "for census enumerators, and a baker’s dozen applied for the same, assuring lots of material for the work. r. K Sussdorf, the hustling mem ber of the big New Braunfels real es- This patient you can call on and see right here in San Antonio. Cured of Bronchia) Asthma and Catarrh after suf fering for years. San Antonio. Tex., Feb. 7th, 1910. The Bensoniier Co., 106 W. Houston St., San Antonio. Texas. Dear Sirs:— I wish to state that I have been af* flicted with Chronic Bronchitis and Ca*. tarrh for over 12 years and have suffered untold misery. Have tried all kinds of medicines and treatments but obtained no relief whatever. Seeing your ad in the daily papers I immediately went to yoilr office and was thoroughly examined and began the Ben sonizer treatment at once. I obtained a great deal of relief in the first month’s treatment and continued y until 1 was cured. I cannot say enough in praise of your treatment and honest businesH meth ods. It has made life worth living to me. I know of many others who have also received benefits and have been cured whom 1 have ccme in contact with while taking the Bensoniser treatment at your offices. Withing you the continued suc cess that you deserve I am. Sincerely and grate fully yours. C. NICHOLAS, 2814 8. Press St. CALC OR ADDRESS THE BENSONIZER. San Antonio, Texas HOURS: Daily. 5 p. tn. Sundaya, 10 a. m. to 12 Noon I tate firm of Sippel & Sussdorf, return ed to the city yesterday to close up certain big deals in dirt. Walter Harrison is making notice able changes in bis fine home. S. A. Perkins is again able to get behind the counter at his Twentieth Century haberdashery, after a long siege of sickness. R. M. McKay was here from San Antonio during the week rounding up Ilie church members for the Laymen's Rally to meet at San Antonio begin ning February 22. W. L. Talbot’s fine new home in West End is almost finished. LAST CHESTNUT TBEE GOES. Associated Press. New York, Feb. 10. —No longer will it be possible to sit under a spreading chestnut tree in Central park. The last of more thaii 300 fine specimens which graced the park ten years ago has fallen victim to a tiny worm which has rav aged chestnut trees all along the At lantic coast. Gold Shell Frames Free Cap a Paw flaue BmIw Th * Crealest Offer Ever Made lyaay ror a raw uays uniy Optical House la Saa Aareale Day after day hundreds of satisfied customers are appreciating the giant strides the science of opties has taken in the last few vears as exem plified by our GLADIMORB PERFECT VISION LEN8EK The crystal is noted for its distinct vision—soft and cooling effect upen the eyes, (t is in order to acquaint you with the standard and excellence of the CRY STAL LENSES in this eity that we make you this special offer. It means this to you: CE nn Pair af Bald Shell Spootaoloc Fitted With Gladl- (I (in 'POiUU mere Perfect Fitting Lenset Oaly QIsUU WCA h»el»«*es, The Kind 0 hers •wU Advertise far $!, Our Price *PwG And Finer Grades at Greatly Reduced Prices We have revolutionized the optical business and are skilled eye special ists exclusively, who make the eye. its needs and diseases their study. Tfe especially invite those who hare been improperly fitted elsewhere to take advantage of the skilled eye specialist without charge. CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION FREE Office Hours. 9 a. m. to S P m. Providence Optical Company 3R3 EAST HOUSTON STREET FEBRUARY 10, 1910. Anothsr cored here in the city who can convince yon ot the efficacy of the Ben sonizer methods Thl, case suffered from catarrh and hay fever of the worst form. Feb. 4th. 1910. The Bensoniser Co., San Antonio, Texes. No. 106 W. Houston St. Gentlemen: —I wish to advise sufferers of the wonderful results obtained from the use of the Bensoniier treatment in my case. I had been a sufferer from Ca tarrh and Hay-fever for many, many years and after trying all other methods of treatment, which only gave temporary relief I was advised to try the Bensoniser treatment. I can truthfully say that from the time that I began the treatment I be gan to see that I was regaining mv health very fast and knew if I kept it up I would get sound and well. From the results that I hare seen under this method of treatment right here in San Antonio I do not think but I know that hundreds have been cured of tuber eulosia where their case seemed utterly hopeless. Do not. put oft until too late but call and seo these honorable gentle men. They will tell you if thev can or can't help you. It is all that they claim for it. Very rMpectfullly yours, M. J. JENKINS. 519 W. Virginia Ave. I am a retired Clergyman of the Louisiana Conference M. E. Church South. #e#S*«## flt # # # « * NEW YORK WOMAN IS DEAD AT AGE OF 113. O , * * | Associated Press. New York, Feb. 10.—Mrs, Pau- •”= line Brooks, the oldest resident 3c " ot New York city, who has lived in in three centuries, is dead at ’Ie I w her home here. She was 113 ' years old. Mrs. Brooks never # 1 : ic glasses and had never been C: w so seriously ill as to require the =5 j?c services of a physician. # * => w : 7 ; # #& & * ## ft ww $ * # WORN OUT That's the way you feel about the lungs when you have a hacking cough. It’s foolish to let it go on and trust to luck to get over /t. when Ballard s Horehound Syrup will stop the cough and heal the lungs. 25c, 50c and $1.00 per bottle. For sale by Bexar Drug Co.