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14 AMUSEMENTS HGRANDEI Sunday. Monday Fph 13 J 4 1" and Tuesday, * eu - 1J » 13 MATINEE TUESDAY Cohan * Harris Present VICTOR MOORE JU the irresistible and justly celebrated vorldfamnd “Kid Bams” in Geo. M. Coha.n*s MUSICAL PLAY THE I Talk of New York I PRICES . 50c. 75c, 11.00. »1.5 C U COMING B WEDNESDAY ™nee _ yiu ™ ROYAL ! “THE BEST SHOW IN TOWN." SPECIAL TONIGHT LADIES NAIL DRIVING CONTEST. In addition to regular bill. THE ROYALSCOPE FAMOUS ROYAL ORCHESTRA Matinee: 3 o'clock. Any seat 10c. Night 8:00 and 9:15. Admission 10c, reserved seats. 20c. MHMHHMMHMMMKI » EMPIRE COME AND GET ACQUAINTED WITH ISABELLE LOWE a. nd Her Players ! Presenting ’ Harold McGrath’s Great Story The Man On The Box PRICES All Matinees 10c and 25c Night 10c, 25c. 35c, 50c BEN HUR IXT PALACE 105 West Houston Street PRICED RIGHT I In spite of all the agitation in re- I gard to blended or adulterated whis -1 kies which the State Pood Inspector I saps is being sold in San Antonio, I I am seUfr.g Straight Whiskies at very I low prices. The whiskies quoted I here IGUAKANTEE. All are I stamped by the United States Gov -1 ermrent, showing age and proof and 1 purity. Give me a trial order. 1 Whiskies In Bulk I Old Crow, 10 years old $l.OO Gal. I Old Ripy. 10 years 01d.... $4.00 Gal. 1 Jackson Club Bourbon, 8 years I old $3-53 Gal. Bottled Whiskies I HiU & Hill, full quarts $1.25 I Edgewood, full quarts $1.26 I Old Orow, fnll quarts. + $1.25 I Paducah Club, 9 years old, full | quarts ...11.25 | Kinsey Pure Rye. full quarts. . $1.25 I Old Ripy. full quarts $l.OO I Big Springs, full quarts $l.OO I XXX Pearl Rye. full quarts. . . $l.OO SPECIALTIES MEXICAN TEQUILA MEXICAN MESCAL MEXICAN CIGARS AND CIGAR ETTES August Limburger Metropolitan Bar Cor. Main Plaza and W. Cem meroa St. BOTH PHONES | A maze LoFRANCOa COMPOUND.* FRIDAY, (REBELS ARE ’ TRIUMPHANT Defeat Madriz Troops at Muy -muy and Occupy Matagalpas Without a Fight. P _________ n CONTINUE MARCH 'I TOWARD CAPITAL Special Dispatch. I Managua. Feb. 11. —It is reported I the revolutionists have defeated the I government troop* at Muymuy and con i i tinning their march have occupied Ma ’ I tagalpa without opposition, confiscat- I ing all the government moneys an 1 I supplies there. ’ There is no concealing the fact that ■ the government here is apprehensive. -I and the city is in a panic due partic- | ' vlarly to the fact that the rebels havo j I captured a steamer and may shell the । ! capital. The ship was captured by a i l and of rebels who boarded her. some disguised as women, and engaged the ! crew in a hand-to hand fight in which three were killed and a score or more seriously wounded. ATTENTION, F. 0. E. . I All members of San Antonio Aerie ” No. 70. F. O. E.. arc requested to meet 1 at our Aerie room tomorrow, Saturday, ) Feb. 12, 1910, at 2 p. m. for the pur pose of attending the funeral of onr brother, E. 11. Gary. All visiting Eagles invited. WM. T. SOFTER. Secretary. CHAS. BOYLE, W. F. 1 J. W. Chalmers, Architect. Tligh class architectural work. Office 541 Moore Bldg . Snn Antonio- Dr. 8. S. Beskley, Gibbs Bldg. Eye. i J i ear. nose and throat LAD STUDIES*AND ENLISTS AGAIN IN THE NAVY After traveling around the world) with the Atlantic fleet and serving on I i a battleship of Uncle Sam for a period ; - of four years. R. E. Bell, a well known San Antonio boy, called at the United { States navy recruiting office in the fed eral building this morning and enlisted ' for four years more. Mr. Bell has only I (been out of the navy six months and ! during that time has been attending a j local business college, with the inten ; lion of re-entering the navy and stand ' ing an examination for the position of 'yeoman in the service. A yeoman in the navy eomes under the head of a petty officer on board j j ship and commands a good salary. In j his last service in the navy Mr. Bell was a second class boatswain'a mate. I but he expects to beat that for a bet-1 ter berth on his second enlistment. He . will be sent to Dallas tonight and from ' there will be sent to join the vessel he is assigned to. Frank Seigel, the officer in charge of the navy recruiting office in San An , tonio, stated this morning that business I this week was rushing and that up to noon today he had sent ten men to the main office at Dallas for their final ex- ! amination. MONTEREY POLICE CHIEF COMES FOR A PRISONER • hief of Police Trevino of Monterey, j Mex., is in the city after Geronimo Flores, who was arrested in this city several weeks ago by the police on in- I formation that lie was wanted at Mon-i terey for murder. He will be taken back > to Mexico tomorrow morning by the I Mexican officer. Straight GOOPS FOR THE THIN AND SCRAWNY Samose Will Make You Plump and Rosy, Says Bexar Drug Co. If you are getting thin, you are sick, although you may not know it. If you ' are losing weight steadily, there' is I something wrong that needs looking after. If you have always been thin it doesn't follow that you are sick, but you may not be healthy. You cannot be strong if you are thin. Try then to be healthy aud plump; it is not difficult if you know how. The only wav to increase the weight and gain health and flesh is by using Samose. the standard flesh forming food and tissue builder. It mingles with the food you eat and is assimilated so that all the flesh forming and tissue building eh meats of tm- food are re tained in the system. This explains the I great value of Samose. * Fatness, happiness ami health they all go together. How seldom you see a fat person who is not happy. On the other I.aud. thin people are unhappy and nervous. Use Samose ami be well ami fat ami happy. Weigh yourself before you begin using samose. It will not cost you a cent unless it inoreases your weight and restores your health. The Bexar Drug Co. sells every pack age or. a genuine guarantee to"refund j the money if it does 4>i do all that is claimed for it. Notice Public After Dec. 31st. 1903. we Fhall give premium tickets only to those who pay cash. It costs fully 5 per cent to de liver and change goods. All outsandlng tickets will be re deemed with satisfaction to the holder. We Invite the patron ago of par ticular people. Our desire is to Please —if not satisfied, money re funded. Yours for gdbd tea and coffee . THE HOLLAND TEA STORE 227 Com. Phones 311. SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE BALLINGERIpiNCHOT INVESTIGATION | COMMITTEEADJOURNS TO MONDAY LOUIS R. GLAVIS. Front a photograph made while deposed land agent was giving his dam aging testimony against Ballinger and the land thieves of the northwest. Washington, Feb. 11.—After adjourn ment of more than a week the Ballinger- Pinehot congressional investigating committee met today to continue consid eration of the controversy. In antici pation of a searching cross examination of Louis Glavis, the principal witness for the “prosecution.” there was a great rush for-seats when the doors of the general committee room in the sen ate office building wore thrown open this morning. John J. Vertrees of Nash ville. Tenn., a democrat and a warm per- WILL RY UU.ION OVER CWD (MH I 1 —■ ■— 1 ■ George Harrison of Topeka,' Kansas, Announces He Will Make Attempt Soon, Special Dispatch. Topeka, Kan., Feb. IL—George Har-; ' rison announces that within two weeks 1 he. will try to fly his balloon over Grand Canyon, a feat classed as very dangerous because scientists have de clared that the air is lighter over the ' . center of the canyon and will draw a j balloon down rapidly. Other scientists,’ however, claim the sir is of the same i weight as at the surface of the sur-1 l rounding country and to these Harrison 1 । pins his,faith. Several years ago Harrison mixed in j polities and during an election fight ! 1 was hit over the head. A blood clot ' * formed and he lost his memory, wan-! I dering over the country for "several weeks before he was located in Los Au- 1 ! geles and brought home. II is memorr ! I is now gradually returning. DEEP WATER FOR CORPUS AND ARANSAS PASS SURE Associated Press. Washington, D. C„ Feb. IL—There seems now but little doubt that Corpus i hristi and Aransas Pass will receive I liberal appropriations for development ; work in the harbors and rivers bill. J The amendment which allows .*157.000 'for work on the Corpus Christi ehan- I ne) has found many supporters through i the work of the Texas delegation and it is confidently expected that it will be approved. The appropriation is for ■ll,O purpose of assuring the beginning J of work on a twelve-foot channel from i Cotpus Christi to the jetties at Aransas , Pass. j The continuance of the . hannel for ' the town of Aransas Pass is practically • assured and the appropriation in the present bill for continuin'' the work i, considered ample. ♦♦♦• BURGLARS ROB POSTOFFICE. I Special Dispatch. I Coleman. Tex.. Feb. 11.—The postof l fice at Novice, thirteen miles northwest lof Coleman, was enter, d and robbed I early this morning and : burglars es caped with $5O cash. Th,, authorities are investigating. BIDS WAITED—Sc,h .i wi)l be received at the office ..f th*Countv ’Auditor until Monday. Ichman* 21 I9lit. for road work on I: Road.’ Specifications on file in t ■ < ountv An |, ditor's office.’ 'court I reserve* the right to reje.” a n( , a |j bids. Thos. E. Kams, v, , ountv Au ( uitor. • I - sonal friend of President Taft, is asso . eiated with Carl Basch of Montana as r counsel for the “defense” or “other !,side.” as the committee calls it. Op . posed arc four attorneys representing i. Glavis, Pinchot and others. si After a session lasting les* than an i hour, during which the future conduct f of the case was informally discussed, • the committee today granted the re i quest of Attorney Brandeis for ad journment until Monday next at 10 •j o'clock a. m. CITY NEWS Woodmen Circle Will Meet—Magno lia Grove No. 26, Woodmen circle, will hold their regular meeting tonight it 8 o'clock at the Woodmen of the World hall on Commerce street. A large at tendance is desired as there is muefi business of importance to be trans acted. For Sale—Old papers. San Antouid Light and Gazette. Refund Is Ordered—On petition of*' Justice Beu S. Fisk, the county commis sioners ordered that, a refund be mad,F to him of $26.32. Judge Fisk’s petition! stated that in accounting for the feel I collected for the year 1909 he had in advertently made a mistake by giving, the county that sum too much. . • Alamo Rebekah Lodge—The regulm ' meeting of the Alamo Rebekah lodge will be held tonight at 8 o'clock at tlie ) Odd Fellows hall on Crockett street. All j members are requested to be present I and a cordial invitation is extended o' all visiting members. Dr. B E. Witte. STOMACH SPECIAL IST. Hicks Bldg. ' For Legal Services —The county com . missioners this morning ordered the! I county auditor to draw a warrant for. *25 in favor of George C. Altgtdt for! legal services. Knocked Down Woman —Charged j with reckless driving. Jose Ayala, de j livery wagon driver, was arraigned in the police court this morning and fined *5. The lad was in the charge of a horse ' that struck and knocked down a youugi woman at the corner of Houston street and Avenue C last evening. She was not seriously hurt. Garland World’s Greatest Psycholi gist, helps you in every way and gives' names and advice upon all affairs of i life without you writing a word. Hours: 10 a. in. to 8 p. m. 216 Avenue C. Postell's Fine Heavy—ll. H. Postel), about 30 years old. was fined $lO on a charge of intoxication and $25 on [a charge of cruelty to animals in the; corporation court this morning. The de ! i fendant was accused of having unmer cifully driven a horse belonging to the club livery stables and with break-, ing rhe buggy while under the influence, of liquor. The was filed by I A. I> Rives of the Club stables. Grand Prie Mask Ball, given by the’ .80, r Bottlers’ Union, loral No. <l. Sat-1 urday night, Feb. 12. at Miseio® Garden Shall. Admission, 25 cts. Music by j ‘Eug. Artr.ts. J W. Evans a Visitor—J- "• Evans; 'of Uvalde, a prominent stockman of, Uvalde eomityr and a resident ot i valdi ; is in the city on business- May Make B Kim । berlev. a merchant and irliil owner of , Ashland, Kv„ is visiting his brother in ; law. C. W." Martin. 101 Cactus street., , . While in the city he is invptigating the I, | condition of the real estate market , After Supper Event No. 114 Saturday Night From 7 to 10 o’Clock. These "After Supper” events are good for heavy hearts and light purses—the ap preciation of the values offered and the enthusiasm of shoppers show that. At this 114th sale you will find things for use, for wear, for the home, for ornament, even kind of merchandise you want or can think of, and at prices so small that you won der how we do it —or why we do it. Be here promptly at 7 o’clock —eat your supper if you must, but better miss a meal than this "After Supper” Bargain Feast Advertised Goods Not On Sale Before 7 o’Clock • Two Lots of Silk Remnants Worth Up to $l,OO and $2.00 Yd. at 25c and 50c The greatest values ever offered in a Remnant Sale are spread for this “After Supper” event. Renmnuts of the most desirable silks, in lengths of 2 to 10 yards, suitable for trimmings, fancy work, children’s wear, women’s ! 'waists, skirts and silk petticoats. And the fact that pieces have been\ reduced to “remnants” is conclusive evidence that patterns are the mast 1 Vp tO $l.OO desirable, as well as qualities most favored. Among them you will find/ CHL plain and fancy Taffetas, plain Messalincs, Liberty Satins, fancy Messalines.’ OUK Marquisettes Shantungs. Foulards Pongees Rajahs Silk Mirage plain > Remnants and fancy Chinas, Mirror Silks, plain and fancy Nets. Lome and look! over these silk remnants—you’ll find 500 worth regularly — - to $2.00, in two lots, at 25c and 50c yard. JC VCI» Women’s $1.50 Underskirts $1.05 There is one thing about this offering that may cause disappointment —to late shoppers. Just 10 dozen—l2o skirts in the Jot, all we could get. Not near as many as there will be buyers for them. But those who share will secure the best undermuslin value this store has ever bad to offer. They have fine nainsook and cambric tops, with 16-inch flounce of fine embroidery and torchon nnd Cluny laces. You’d buy them as quickly at $'1.50, but wc got this lot so we can sell them “After Supper*’ at $1.05. Women’s $20.00 Silk Pettico&ts for $5.00 The woman who wants a fine silk petticoat will have an opportunity to buy it “After Supper” for one fourth, at most one-half, of its worth. This is a small lot of fine silk petticoats—mostly one of a kind—that havo been selling from $lO to $2O. In light shades only, pinks, blues, yellows, fancy and plain; also white. “After Sup per” choice of up to $2O silk petticoats $5. $3.50 French Flannel Waists $1.95 The picnic season will soon be here, and these are ideq) waists for outing wear—and they are excellent for gen eral wear now. Made of fine French flannel that will hold its shape and not shrink—plain tucked and tailored front aud back, with plain shirtwaist sleeves to match. “After Supper” $3.50 waists, near half price, $1.95. Rust-Proof $1.50 Corsets for $l.OO Warner’s famous “Rust-Proof” corsets —a new .1910 long model, that sells regularly at $1.50 ((al! sizes). “After Supper” for $l. 50c laee trimmed brassieres, “After Supper” 39c. 300 Pieces of Decorative Linens Worth $1.50 Each, at 95c You can get a better idea of what these are worth by seeing them in the window. The offering consists of 300 pieces of as pretty scarfs and squares as have ever been shown at $1.50. Imported Battenburg with all-over or linen centers; 25 different patterns —one dozen of each. The scarfs are 20x54 inches, sqnares 30x30 inches. The ma ..«... n 1 H»» a koan 4 i 4ii 11.. . ! zin 4:1 Tn uz.nprcj $4 A f 4 OF OTf* Men Take Notice: $l.OO Shirts 69c Saturday night we are going to clean-up stock of all the broken lines of men's shirts at 65c. About 50 dozen involved. And every shirt represents the best ItMl cents worth of value that ever went into a dollar shirt. There are scores of choice patterns in light nnd dark madras and percales in figures and stripes, black and colors; also plain white. Plain or pleated bosom, coat styles, with cuffs attached. Sizes 11 to IS. “After Supper” $1 shirts for 69c. Men’s $1.25 Underwear 79c Men’s 10c Hose for 6c Medium spring weight, Derby ribbed underwear— Men's seamless and stainless black and tan cotton blues aud tans —$1.25 garments. “After Supper” for half hose, regularly 10c a pair. “After Supper” for 79c. 6c. New Spring Neckwear —25c Four-in-Hands. 2 for 35c A considerable purchase of men’s new spring neckwear accounts for this unusual offering. 75 dozen new open end four in-hands, radiant spring colors, including Roman stripes, brocades, ribbon stripes, Persian de signs aud plenty of solid colors. “After Supper” 25e neckties 2 for 35c. The Woman Who Needs Shoes Will be more than interested in this opportune offering of new spring Oxfords and ankle strap pumps, as well as high top shoes at less than usual prices. All sizes aud all widths, and in all leathers, kid skin, patent leather and gunmetal calf, ete; featherweight, medium weight, welt and double soles; plain and tipped toes: lace, button and Blucher styles, with Cuban anil high heels. Here are the “After Supper” prices; sOc Neckwear 25c Women's new 50c neckwear —lin- en stocks, with embroidered ends •—lawn ties; embroidered ends: lineu tab collars, fancy jabots, Dutch collars, all linen and lawn and lace trimmed. Choice of 500 new pieces, all 1910 OCp stvles, “After Sapper” Set of 15c Beauty Pins, Plain or Chased—for 5c >oc C. C. tmb y 8 inch corset cover embroidery, ne uainsook, drop work, scallop d or beaded edges. An impo;/ er's “odd lots” —50c and . Xie aluc“. “After Sup- er." yard •©C z . ■ ■ — r 50c Childrj/n’s Coin Purses for 5 and 10Cent Coins—2sc 25c Tooth pushes 10c Choice o'' sample tooth brush es. various Wes and shapes, clear, white brist A, worth 15c to 25c, on sale •'■ter Sup- 4 » per" for . ■ AVV 25c Box Dr. Graves, Chemically Pure, Tooth Powder—l7c WOLFF & MARX CO. A i / "After Supper”—take a look at our display j ' of Valentines. Greatest collection in all ( _ Valemines 1 San Antonio. Greatest variety of new ( V3161111116$ ( and odd conceits. * ith a view to makiig some heavy in estmenth in that l»e. T. F. A. Piper, OateLth, Gibbs Bidg. Summer Clothes forFPolice —The can a t for the new police uniforms for iniiner wear was '-igied this forenoon । the office of Callaghan at "■ <-ity liaU. The cijitraet Was award -1 to A. L. Singer )>f this city. The luimcr uniforms will; be of light weight Women’s and Misses’ $2.00 Ankle Strap Pumps for $1.65 Women’s $2.50 Vici Kid Oxfords—" Snappy” Styles—for $1.95 Women’s $5.00 Oxfords and Ankle Strap Pumps, for $2.55 Women's $9.00 Gun-Metal Kid, Ankle Strap Pumps, for $5.95 Women’s $5.00 High-top Shoes—Lace and Button—for $2.55 Women’s $5.50 High-top Shoes—Our Entire Line, at $2.95 $2.50 Gloves $1.39 Women's 12 and 16 button length, real kid gloves—2-clasp, all sizes —in tans, grays and brown; also a few pair of 111-button suedes, in various good colors. The lonian who wants real fine IfAf will be glad to ku<?» this: gloves "After 4 o per” for . 1 1 — — p $2 Sweaters $1.39 Children’s all wool zephyr sweat ers, single breasted, trimmed with pearl buttons, sixes 1 to 4 years. Because in white only. $2 sweat ers “After Supper” 4 for only X $1.50 Veils K9c Beautiful chiffon veils, with hem stitched borders, erftbroidered pol ka dot effects, 20 choice new spring shades. Exira $1.50 val ues, “After Supper” w for 057 C blue material and will cost $l6 per uni form. Eighty-six uniforms must be le livered not later than April 10. Prize Mask Ball. Highland Shootini club. Feb. 13. Admission 25c. Caroiu music. ■ Thought Furnace a Fire—-The bright reflection from a big fire in the fnr sa’p nt the plant of the Sm> Antonif Machine & Supply company, on East FEBRUARY 11, 1910. $l.OO Hosiery 59c Women's fine IVench lisle hos iery. in beautiful Ince stripe aud boat lace effects. Because there are some missing Isize* in a few colors the price <to>ps nearly half; ular $1 stockirfjs, “ At - - p ter Supper” w C ... ♦ $l.OO Dresses 69c White lawn dresses for children of 2 to 6 years, “Buster Brown” style, front and back has 3-box pleats st itched to waist. Si dress es on sale “After Sup per” for C 75c Hand Bags 45c New hand bags, 2 styles, with strap handles and covered frames, gilt and gunmetal clasps, coin pnrso inclosed; 60c and 750 val ues “After Supper” [■ for only . ... .*...... I Commerce street, caused the fire ]e apartment, a run at 8:30 o'clock last 1 night. A stranger mistaking the refie:*- tion for a fire, turned in the alarm. 11 When Fire Chief Wright and his me-: i reached the scene if was found that ;h -men at the plant were hasv in the foun dry making castings. Prize Mask Ball, benefit H*-rm.iun Sons school, Beethoven hall. February >l2. Artzt's music.