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Mr. and Mrs. J. P. De Lesdernier on tertaiued with a most unique card partv last evening. The hall was transformed into a sta 'tion house, with window, where ‘‘real” tickets were sold, to journey to the places marked on the large yellow placards that were suspended from the ceiling. Miss Marion Williams had charge of the ticket window. The tickets were long, yellow ones," with the name of each station printed on it. As each player went to the next table, the scores were punched by Miss Wil liams. Eight tables were provided and rep resented the following stations: ‘‘Old Maid's Switch.” Station 500,” “Heart's Burg.” “Euchre Town,” “High Five Valley,” Bridge Port,” “Pitehville” and “Casino Burough. ” The ladies’ first prize was awarded to Mrs. F. R. Davis, the booby to Mrs. J. 8. O’Malley, the consolation to Mrs. A. A. Wilke and the guest’s prize to Mrs. W. P. Walker of Lulling. The gentleman’s first prize was cap tured by J. 8. O'Malley, Chris Dullnig the booby and the consolation to C. B. Allen. After the games the guests repaired to the breakfast room, which had been converted into a railroad lunch room, •with lunch counter. A dainty three course luncheon was served, in innch counter style. The breakfast room was effectively adorn ed with yellow ribbons and luxuriant palms and ferns. Assisting Mr. and Mrs. De Lesdernier in entertaining wore Misses Marion Williams. Edwin Pumphrey and Ruth Montgomery. About forty-eight guests were pres ent. Mr. and Mrs. William Iler entertain ed with a beautifully planned birthday iparty today, in honor of their JittD WOULD YOU PAY $l.OO TO BE RID OF CATARRH ? If you suffer from catarrh, consump tion, or any throat or Jung trouble, you can get relief by breathing the air in the forests of pine in the Adirondack moun tains. 1 You can get quicker relief and abso lute cure by breathing the soothing, healing, antiseptic balsams thrown off by the wonderful eucalyptus trees in inland Australia. But how many of us cau afford to take a trip to Australia I Not many to be sure. But Mr. if. T. Booth, known to fame as the discoverer of Hyomei, and one of the world’s greatest humanitari- ans. said: “If I cannot take the ca tarrh sufferers of the world to breathe the' germ killing, health giving air of the eucalyptus for ests of Australia, I will bring the air to’ the catarrh suffer ers.” and he did And with eucalyp tus he combined thymol and other antiseptics, and he called his ilew dis Will You Try Again? Your friends have told you what to bake—your physician has prescribed—your health is failing—you have about ceased to hope. Now, will you listen —will you do as others have who were “down and out” with Liver. Kid ney and Stomach Troubles? Will you give a fair trial to TEXAS’ CARLSBAD WATER P Many cures of the most “desperate" cases have been effected by drink ing “his wonderful water. Miraculous cures—that sound like a “page from the Arabian Nights"—that caanct be questioned, but almost baffle belief. The cost will not keep you from giving it a trial. DRUGGISTS SUPPLY THE RETAIL TRADE. G. A. DUERLER MEG. CO. Wholesafe Distributors of Texas Carlsbad Water. / ——SZZZ—— — m SSSSi ■■ ™ FRIDAY, niece, Elizabeth Burgess, whose tenth birthday anniversary it is. Pink and white were the colors used in the parlor and dining room. Vases if flowers of these colors were in or •rv conceivable corner and the beauti u! blossoms were banked on the 111411- els and side tables. In the dining room, the large whi;i birthday cake, surmounted by ten pink and white candles, occupied the center of the table. As the little honoree cut the cake every guest blew out one ean die. The cake contained all the mysteri ous fortunes so dear to a child. At either end of the table were cut glass vases filled with pink ami white roses and ferns. The plate favors were diomond shaped pink and white boxes filled with pink and white confections. The individual ices were in piuk ar.d white. Assisting in entertaining the little folk* were Mesdames M. R. Iler of Shreveport, La.. grandmother of the houqree. J. W. Donnell, O. Archer an 1 Mias Beulah Conly. The guests included little . Misses Christie Miore, Eleanor Barclay. Julia Lobban. Marjorie O'Hhay. Marguerite and Elizabeth Church. Pauline Cunyu», Genevieve Conness. Lucille Everett,Thel ma Dickinson, Mignon Doman. Olivette Wise, Hortense Goldstein, Helen Bierce. Eleanor Collier, Elizabeth, Evelyn an 1 Irene Wade, Dolcie Hagner and Mas ters James and Robert Donnell. Mrs. Kearney Mason. who entertain ed the Thursday Morning Bridge club yesterday, won the prize, Mrs. Lano Taylor will entertain next Thursdav. Miss Marie Hartman will entertain the Monday Evening Study club next Monday at her home, 311 South Prost street. Valentine dinners are uyich favorci now, but one of the prettiest and most perfectly planned was that Af Gen. and Mrs. Albert L. Myer, given last even ing for Gen. and Mrs. I. D. De Rus sey. Pink and green were the dainty col ors that were chosen for the table deco rations. In the center was an enormous bowl of Bohemian glass, filled with roses and ferns. Carelessly scattered around this centerpiece, were the fragrant flower* and were arranged in heart shape! mounds at either end of the table. The artistic place cards were heart shaped, hand painted, in valentine mo tifs, and marked places for General and Mrs. De Russy. Col. and Mrs. Joseph Dorst. Col. and Mrs. E. St. John Grebb’, Col. Charles H. Clark, MnJ. and Mrs. George H. Morgan. General and Mrs. Myer. Mrs. T. M. Watlington will entertain with a bridge - party Thursday after noon at three o’clock, in'honor of Mrs. J. G. Street and Mrs. Horace AVilson. both of Oklahoma, who are guests of Mrs. Hall P. Street. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McCaleb enter tained with a prettily planned birth day party, in honor of their daughter. Etho] Marguerite's seventh birthday anniversary. The diversions of the afternoon were । covery Hyomei (pronounced High o-me) I and from the first day Hyomei was of fered to the catarrh sufferers it has cur ed more cases of catarrh than all the ca | tarrh specialists on earth. Ami if you cannot nfford a trip to Aus tralia you ean surely afford to pay $l,OO for a Hyomei outfit, especially with our Istrong guarantee. We ask you to read it. If you want to go on hawking, spitting and blowing mucous; if yes want bo allow the germs of catarrh to slowly un dermine your health, that is your privil ege. But bcttcrffiy far to breathe Hyo mei and rid yourself foreVer of vile , catarrh and its disgusting symptoms. GUARANTEE fl We guarantee HYOMEI to cure Catarrh, Croup. Cough., Cold., Sore Threat, Bronchitis or Catarrhal A.thma, or money back, BOOTH'S HYOMEI CO.. Buffalo, N. Y. The Ladies’ Sewing society of West Emi met at the home of Mrs. J. H. Moore Wednesday afternoon. After a business meeting a social hour was pleasantly passed and refresh ments were served. Mrs. Moore pre sented the retiring president, Mrs. J. H. Allis, with a handsome brobch as a token of love from the society. Mrs. Allis will leave upon /or her new homo in San Angelo, Texas. Mrs. George C. Vaughan will enter tain with a trolley party the last Sat urday in the month, for her little daughter Cornelia, whose eighth birth dav anniversary takes place on that day. Each of the forty-five little folk will be given flags and horns and after ; a ride of two hours will return to the Vaughan home The leeoralions will be in deep • rim son and green. Boxes of candy will be 1 the souvenirs. Peacock Hop club will entertain with r. Valentine dance this evening at Har mony hall, complimentary to Miss Mar guerite Guinn's guest, Miss Gaynell Hancock of Paris, Texas. The hall will bo decorated simply, but effectively, with palms and ferns. ' The programs are most artistic, being heart-shaped with rapid* dancing on ! one side, ami the emblem. P. M. C., 1 i mbossed in gold, on the other. Twelve straight dances, two rye waltzes, two barn dances and four extras are rc : corded on the inside. Au ice course ami punch will be ! served. The punch bowl is resting in I a bed of ferns and screened from view ; by a hedge of palms and ferns. The grand march will be led by 1 Miss Hancock dancing with Cadet Gaddis Bass. In the grand march a 1 heart-shaped figure will be formed. | Miss Hancock will wear a handsome I white satin, brocaded in pink roses, trimmed in iridescent passementerie, j and carry an arm liouquet of white ' roses. ; Miss Guinn will be attired in apricot I crepe meteor, trimmed iu gold passe menterie and carry white yoses. Mrs. Wesley Peacock will be gowned I in an exquisite yellow satin, draped I with white chiffon, and trimmed in gold, Mrs. Roy W. Hearne will wear a handsome dress of pale blue crepe ; meteor, adorned with blue passemen terie. y Mrs. William D. Sycrs will be be comingly gowned in cloth of gojd satin, trimmed with gold passementerie. Mrs. A. J. Vick will wear an import- I ed gown of white, on train, embroider ed in "peacock shades. Mrs. Ivan F. Virk will be daintily attired in a white embroidered lingerie gown, en train, trimmed in baby bine velvet. I Mrs. G. 11. Moody will wear a be I coming gown of pink silk draped in 1 pink ehiffon. bordered in -pink embroi r dered roses, and trimmed in pearl pas ! sementcrie. Mrs. Ernestt Brown will wear an ex qr.isite gown of blue satin embroidered in gold. The chaperons include Judge and Mrs. J. D. Guinn, Mr. and Mrs. R. P. ; Ingram. Dr. and Mrs. T. T. Jackson, j Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Vick. Mr. and Mrs. IG. D. Robbins, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. A complete outfit, which ' includes a bottle of Hyomei and a hard rubber pocket inhaler, costs I $l.OO. Extra bottles if afterwards, need ed cost but 50 cents. Pour a few drops into the inhaler and breathe it in. so easy to eure ca tarrh with Hyomei.! All druggist* and at ‘ Bexar Drug Co. ; MISS FRIEDA ENDLEHARDT Successor to Mrs. Chas. Devlts. Direct importer of human hair goods. Ladles' hslr dresser and wig maker. Shampooing parlors, manicuring, face massage, scalp treatment, hair dyeing. Manufacturer of hair goods. Terrell Building. 212 Avenue D. New 1003 W K. L. FRANCOIS. Manatees SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE — ~ —* games ami contests. The chief one was a heart contest. A large heart was the target, and each guest tried with small white hearts, with pin attached, to pin the heart on the arrow pierced center. The prize winners were Bessie Spears and Madeline Josephine Russel). An ice course was served. The prettv souvenirs were valentines and heart shaped rimson boxes filled with crimson candies. Present were Madeline Josephine Russel), Bessie Spears. Barbara Brown, Dorothy, Helen and Carmen Hampton, Martha Pamoast, Hamilton Savage, John Pancoast, Robert Reed. John Withers and Edward Chandler Russell, Felix Shaw and Arthur Leman. Geor gine Florian, Annie Harris, Warren Boynton. Miss Ruth Kelso, a charmfag San Antonio girl, who is attending school iu Washington, is quite enthusiastic in her praise of the Texas #omen who arc now in the national capital. Mrs. Slay den, Mi-. Bailey and Mrs. Garner have been lovely to all the Texas girls at tending school in Washington and at their receptions have had the girls as sist them. Miss Ruth last week poured tea at the tea given by Mrs. Mason, who is principal of the school she is attend ing. These teas are given by nil the fashionable schools in Washington, so as the pupils of each school may see their friend- who arc attending differ ent schools. San Antonio is well rep resented in number of the schools in Washington, their being nearly a score who are studying there. A number of the girls were taken to congress not long ago to hear the speech on “Protection for the Miners,” which was delivered by Congressman .1. L. Slavden. OLD PAPERS San Antonio Light and Gazette Office >: HOW IS THE TIME - 18 TAKE I«C ft 4 * X— ✓ ENRICH \OUR BLOOD AND GET NEW STRENGTH AND VIGOR. This St. Louis Man's Honest State ment About an Honest Remedy Will Intereat You. Take must time-honored customs the practice of t king a tonic in the firing time is base, upon good, hard common sense. • Daring the long winter months most people spend their time in closed rooms, take less than their usual amount of ex ercise and eat but little fresh vegetable* ami fruit »ud a great deal of heavy, heating, constipating food. When spring conies it finds them sluggish and lan guid. The stomach and bowels dis ordered and headaches are common. The remedy for tins condition is a ton io which will purify and build up the blood and thus give strength and vigor to every weakened tissue and organ of the body. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are the ideal tonic because they act directly on the blood which they make rich and red Of their tonic value Mr. Bernard .1 Cooney, of No 1235 Armstrong avenue. St. Louis. Mo., nay*: “About four years ago I was suffering from a general breakdown iu health owing 10 hard work. I kept losing for over a year ami was flnaUyvompelled to stop work. I was pale and thin and had no strength. I had severe palpitation of the heart and it seemed as though it occasionally skipped a beat. Thi* wor ried me greatly and I became very ner vous. I was reduced in weight and bad but little apjietite. “Several doctors who examined me were at a loss to know what to do for me. One advised a trip to Colorado but before I made up my mind to go. I was advised by a friend to try Dr Williams' Pink Pills. This I did and after three weeks’ treatment I noticed that I was gaining in flesh and streugtlf. In a month's time 1 returned to my work and in a few more w eeks I was as strong and well as over. I feel that thi* honest statement of my cure should lie given tn recommendation of Dr. Williams' Piuk Pills. " Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all druggists, or will be sent, postpaid, on receipt 0’ price. 50 cents per box: six boxes for ss’so. by the Dr. Williams Medicine Company. Schenectady, N. Y Send today for a copy of our book 'Diseases of the Blond " It is free. Hillje, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brown. Dr. and Mrs. G. H. Moody, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hearne. Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Gosling. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Eskridge. Mr. ami Mrs. Marshall Terrell. Mr. and Mrs. \V. D. Syer*. Prof, and Mrs. Wes ley Peacock. The dancers include Misses Hancock. May Abbott. Benumond. Marguerite and Bessie Guinn, Mary Louise Carter, Susana Denman, Josephine Woodhull. Hazel Woodward. Mamie Gninn, May Largen, Katherine Barnes, Lyda Brooks, Lorine Wilson. Edith Doid stein, Mildred Hadra, Ethel Holm green. Florence Heilig, Marion Bli<%<. Mildred ( lark. Fannie Grecnley, Flor ence Benton, Mayotte Smith, Lillian Camphell. Claudia Rachal. Nellie Price. Maud Hughes, Juanita Trimbley, Lu cille Dourland, Mary Wester and Ca dets Henry Dixwn. Forest Moriis, Lu cian Bogan. Gaddis Hass, Howard Pardue. Henry Wicmcr. Ira Toole, Clarke Butler. Dick Jarrett. Henry Frass, Clark Dickerson, Clarence Gad dil. Lloyd Bass, Henry Bilbo. Walter Nye. Cyrus Edwards. Carter McGregor, Ivy Schwartz, Frank Pigg. Jake Clegg. Fiank Hicks. Hugh Brewer, Harold De- Bona, Robert Harris, Edwin Cooper, Jojm Galan. Henry Philp. Alex Bate num. Ross Davidson. Henry Norman and Montrose Metcalfe. Mrs. T. E. Moore entertained infor mallv at cards this afternoon at he: OUR DAILY PATTERN NOTICE-—Wo dn not carry patterns In stock, but forward aiders to the pat tern wh» mail them direct to you. Voalb about 10 days are required to furnitl them. CHH D'S DRESS. This pretty little dress was made of tan colored ca- ere ‘rimmed with light ! blue ribbon. Tin ribbon is used for an I edge on the b rt elles and Is made into • bows, which *r* arranged in a flower like •wav and sewed e < each side of the yoke. this pattern is cut in three sizes, S months, 1 and - cars. Size 1 year re quires yn ii of - • -inch material. Price of pattern ”1 ' s cents. > o. 491. Name Address ••••» Size Fill out blank ’ vnd »" De partnicnt of thi> iiews|>aper. | home । Craig Place, complimentary to Mr.- \v \ Zimmer of Colorado and Mr> If c. Waring of Memphis. T'" parlor was sweet and springlike with th, decorations of fragrant nar , ' I terns. 'J he f|.,wets were in bowls and vases | al >d t greeup wore banked effective i ly- 'i dining room was in crimson 1 a,, d In the eenter of the eluny I laid Un was a tall ent glass vase fill- I ed « I, exquisitely toned carnations i : nd The buffet was banked with I the er, rp j flowers. •' h l and ice course was served. 'I avers included Mesdames Zim mer. \\. ring, Hillyer. Charles Lewis. Fug Howe, John Futrell of Arkan i sas . It 1.. Naylor. William Way. Geo. ' C. V gaan. W. C- Silliman. Joint Me- Fail t. E. Hughes. Noa Spears. I John I rnish, Nannie Harper, Edward I Buckingham, George McElroy, D. K. ! Fnrni- . Florence Shaw, J. O. Ford. A. Dent- ... Ernest Jarratt. Anthony Dib roll. I. M. Mellhenny. J. W. Moore of Kansas City, Surkamp, and Misses Naylor. Loch bf San Francis™. Ford and the hostess. Mrs. B. L. Naylor's card parties are j always most unique’bnt her parties f yesterday and the day before excelled ; all others by their originality. In the patio with its rare tropical plants and clinging vinos the tables I were set. । After several games, each guest was , given an individual loaf of bread, tied with lavender ribbons, and topped by a huge bunch of purple violets. When the signal was given, the rib bons were untied and off came the tor with the violets. Inside was a dainty hineheun of sandwiches, potato chips, a salad, olives and pickles. Prizes were awarded at yesterday's party to Mrs. A. A. Wilke. Mrs. A. Pan coast and Mrs. Atlee B. Ayres. Those present included Mesdames F. L. Hillyer, W. A. Zimmer of Colorado. 1). K. Furnish, A. A. Wilke, Non Spears. J. H. Jones. Xanie R. Hnrpe". John Finnish. J. E. Adams, George i Houston, A. Paneoa*t. 11. S. Affleck, i W. C. Silliman and Shiner. Mrs. Naylor's guests of the day pre vhms included Mesdames J. O. Eor l. William Stephen Seng. George Stnemke, W. M. White, 11. M. Aubrey, George McElroy, T. E. Mnmtno. F. M. Meeks, I Hoffman. M. Freeborn, W. T. Way. B. E. Hammond. D. S. Combs. J. E. For ! rester and IT. H. Branham. Prizes were presented Mrs. Ford. Mrs. Freeborn and Mrs. Meeks. FASHIONS. Brm-ade is much favored for brides maids’ hats. ' Dots and rings are much employed in the new foulard designs. Among the new shades is petunia. It is a favorite for street wear. Flowers are agniu to be found among the latest coiffun ornament*. Among the 1910 spring silks, foulards arc held in high esteem. < row ns of dull gold are a feature en many of tin l handsome tailored hats. The pretty, fluffy jabots are still tiie smartest thing in neckwear. Jeweled trimming is in vogue r.ow, and every precious stone is imitated. Sot pieces, so-called —in other words, stomachers ami girdles, plaques and slides—are of cabochon beads ami lobes, which ean ho bought in any col or scheme to be mounted on net of gauze. Now that the gichu and all forms of vertical shoulder drapety arc modish, such jeweled piece* make nit ornate finish to a corsage. Some of the pieces are finished with multijol ored pandants that swing with every movement of the wearer. Faceted sin gle stones in wonderful colorings, one dants, mid tassels that have colored balls attached at the ends are in great favor. They Grow Hair Certain Ingredients if Prop erly Combined. Stimulate Human Hair Growth Resorcin is one of the most effective germ destroyers ever discovered. Beta naphthol is a most powerful, yet abso ■ hitely- safe germicide and antiseptic, which prevents development yf germ matter, and creates a elean, healthy con dition. Pilocarpine, although not a coloring matter or dye, is an ingredieat well j <*<tablishad for its power to rbstore nat ural color to hnmuu hair. Borax, because of its well-defined , softening and cleansing properties, is most useful in the treatment of scalp and hair diseases. Glycerine acts as a stimulant to the hair bulbs, and has a soothing, healing and nourishing influ ence. Alcohol is indispensable in medi i cine because of its antiseptic, stimulat ing and preservative qualities. I Rexnll “93" Hair Tonic is chiefly •■••itqtosed of these ingredients, which are I compounded, in a peculiar form, and we I believe it is the most effective remedy ' known to medical science for scalp and .hair troubles generally. We personally guarantee it. to eradicate dandruff ami scalp irritations and to grow hair* even 1 though the scalp in sjiots is bare of hair, proiiding of course there is life and vi : tality remaining in the hair roots. Wc want eyery one troubled with | scalp disease, .dandruff or loss of 1 try Rexall “93” Hair Tonic. If it does not remove dandruff and promote a • growth of hair to the satisfaction of the u*er. ac will without question or quibble I retur every cent paid us for it. This I guarantee is printed on every package. | It Im- effected most satisfactory results in II." "nt of 100 cases where put to a t pract ■ :tl test. R< xnl! “93” IJair Tonic is entirely ; 1 nnlik. and in every particular different ' from anything else we know of for the lairpo-e for which it is recommended. ( We > ge you to try it at our entire risk.' I'ertainly we eould offer no better guar anfei Two sizes. 50 cents ami $l.OO. Sold in San Antonio only nt our store, — 'l’he Rexall Store. Wagner's Drug, store. Hicks Building. ALAMO SPECIAL &S Teddy Cart LIKE CUT $6.75 A Cash and JL a Week The large Size, Complete with Hood, Raise Foot, Rubber Tires, Etc. It Folds Perfectly Flat. Light, Strong, Durable, HANDSOME AND A BARGAIN. Our line at Children'* Cribs is complete in white and also in Vernis Martin finish, with National Springs, priced from 87.50 up. Alamo F urniture Co. 121-123 Main Avenue • - - • 118-120 North Flores Street In Furnitvre Row Where Rents Are Low THE WOMAN BEAUTIFUL If you need advice write to me. I want all Ihe readers of The Light and Gazette t«» bring their troubles to me. All letters enclosing stamped envelope will receive personal answer and ail conimunivations will l»e held in confi dence. MME. D'ANJOU. Adriana —There's many a life chained down by impossible ' conditions, many an impatient heart beating for a chance lo work and to advance, many a won derful brain that may find no means of expression. Why! Because all indi viduals haven't the courage to try and and try. Every time you fall down ami bump your nose you've discovered some new danger that must be avoided. We are like children learning to walk; a certain number of wounds must be ours before we have the strength tn go it alone. Mrs. 11. K. 8. —The young and jealous wife mny console herself With the fact i that—the chances are—few women I think her husband quite ns fine a* sho I thinks him. Love is largely :i process ;of exaggerated ideas ami beantifnl ideals, seldom shared by the world, you know. Your jealousy is not sublime or sweet or becoming, ami most mifliitter i ing to yourself. Why acknowledge to l your friend that there mny bo come, woman more charming than you are.' Impossible. No woman should be that- If your husband is worth winning back ' vim can land him by perfect and amin ble behavior, if he isn t worth regain ing. let the other woman have him. It I mav be a good way of getting even. ■ Brown Eyes —The world has wenth ered many a storm. There have been ■ cyclones and rains and winds and black nesses. Blit, so far, the sun hasn’t been! put out of business nor have the stars closed up shop. So it is with Hope in i your heart. It must weather the bills; ami the losses of friendship, the tooth ache and the heartache, and all the other pangs and pains of human af fairs. Troubles are the measles of adult years. It seems that we have to have , them, and that's all there is to it. Millie—lf you want to knbw wheth er or not you have improved educa tionally, read again the books that bon ! real in your youth. You will find a thousand gems that you overlooked in FROM MARY’S COOK BOOK MEADS FOR A breakfast. Baked Apples Stuffed with Raisins. Grilled Salt Pork. Cornmeal Griddle Cakes. Coffee. LT NCHEON. Fried Beet>. Thin Sliced Nut Bread (Quick.) Berry Tarts. Tea. DINNER. Tomato Soup. Jt>--<d hare* Baked Potatoes. Cabbage Slav ( herry Puddinir. Baked. Demi Grilled Salt Pork—Use thin slices of tht thick part of side pork: put them onto a griddle. Put each slice as co 'kod in a warm covered pan: when all are done serve hot. Fried Beets —Boil some Ueta carefully, then skin and cut in neat slices. Rub them over with flour seasoned with salt and pep per: brush over with beaten egg. roll in fine bread crumbs, fry in hot fat, drain and serve hot. Sufficient for the main luncheon dish when served with anything as nutri tious a» nut bread. Quick Nut Bread (one loaf) —Beat one egii well, odd-fourth cup of sugar and grad ually mix in one cup of milk and twu cups of flour and a half cup of chopped nuts. Put two teaspoons ot baking powder in' a part of the flour and add half a level teaspoon ni salt. I*ut in a single four-inch-Joat bread pun and let rise 20 minutt's. Bake in igvd gfn|e ”\en alamt 40 minutes. Rnh'iit makes a savory winter dish, and, If on prefers, a Die ly stewed rabbit, lard ed, i- .■> appetilinc the <dd-time “jugged” artirh. i’he rabbit •’hould be washed well *nd iked in salted water for some hours. Cut into qurrtets, lard with strips of bacon nod fri tht m: th mi place in a kettle, stew pan or »" w raaaeroie with two cups of beef (prefcrr di stork, a hunch of herbs, tea of -Alt and dusting of pepper. Cook dowb until tender strain the gravyt thicken it. !»uii up once and pour over th * rabbit. with any meat, one starchy and one FEBRUARY 11, 1910. IT’S BRAND NEW. CASH OR TIME the first reading. Life is progress, ami the charming individual is the one who does not sit at the roadside and wateh the parade go by. but who rouses him self and keeps afoot with the swiftest. Begin your education by reading each, day from Shakespeare and the Bible. Emerson is delightful ami quite under standable. Dip into Herbert Spencer. It is a genuine lots not to become friendly with great minds. Let Jaur.i Jean Jibby wait a while, also Dora Thorne ami a few others. The yellow novel is a brain dissolvent and no wom an is beautiful who is devoted to mu.hy literature. Hattie —Ton much borax is drying to the skill Soften the bathing water with the lavender lotion, formula of which is as follows: Four ounces of alcohol, one-half ounce of ammonia, one dram of oil of lavender. Keep a jar of creme marquise on yonr dressing tnblc, ' and apply a little of this delightful cosmetic every night. Formula may be had by sending to the writer a stamped, self-addressed envelo|>e. Whatf —The beautifying profession is one in which many women are doing splendidly. Those who have opened up the first shop* in small towns are in on the ground floor, and as the self im provement fever spreads, they will make more and more profit. Yon ean h-arn every branch at any high-clas* benutv estabi ishment. SHE WAS ALMOST CRAZY Pitiful Tale of Rachel E. Mercer With a Happy Ending,—Due to Cardui, the Woman’s Tonic Herford. W. Va.—“ For about four years,” writes Rachel E. Mercer of this I place. “I had suffered from female i troubles. “I would have the headache, for a week at a time, until I would lx* nearly crazy. I had fainting spells and pains in my side. In fact, I was not able to I work at nil. “A neighbor recommended Cardui. so , 1 tried it and the first bottle helped me. 1 continued its use. aud now I never suffer with the headache any more. “I know that Cardui will help every suffering woman. It has done more for. me than any medicine I ever took.” While of especial benefit to women suffering from female ailments, Cardui mav also be taken by all women for general weakness, lassitude and debility. Its action is that ot' a real tonic, more especially adaptable to women, and its building, strengthening action is so pos itive. that good results are often no ticed. as in the case of Miss Rachel Mercer, after taking the first bottle. Your druggist will recommend Cardui if you ask him. X. 11—Write to: l.xlhs A<b—r, l>»a ('hattanooxa Mcdiv'tw Co.. ChaltaDOOSJ. Tvu’i.. tor Special Instruction*. ’ book. “Houte Treatment for Women.* in plain wrapper on reqntst. LARGEST HAIR STORE IN THE SOUTH AU the latest things in hslr good*. Oje »pec‘al departments: Hair Dressing Mar cel Waving. S *“> Treatment M.nteor ing. Shampv-oieg- Facial Massage. <X'!vfing. Send tor catalogue MMS CHAMBERS. 120 Alamo Pt al a Ke« Phone 101 S Old Phon* bU. 9