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OVER ONE MILLION SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND VOTES CAST SATURDAY IN THIS GREAT CIRCULATION CONTEST MRS A. E. CARTER The Leader. THE LE ADES. Mr?. A. E. psr*®’- DISTRICT leaders. Dist. No. I—Josephine1—Josephine Forest*)],, 159,515 Diet. No. 2 —Thos. Kerr. Jr ' 103.1100 Dist. No. 3—Miss Zulenm Pettus 323.374 Dist. No. t—Mrs. A. E. Carter 464.70*' Dist. No. s—Miss Ada Bcs«au 86.7*10 Dist. No. 6—Henry Mitehell 260,962 Dist. No. 7 —Miss Littleton Griesenbeek 280,562 Dist. No. B—Mr. Walter 176.236 ks a great skirmish battle yesterday s line-up of The Light and Gazette eon tcstauts was the biggest noise ever made in a Texas contest and clinches the oft-repeated claim that this con test is in a class alone. The enormous total of 1,671,579 votes were cast, es tablishing a new record for any one day r ote cast in any contest of which there is any record. The big affair is mov ing on. with the smoothness of clock work ami shaping up to make contest history, just as it was planned to do. TOM KERR JR. Leader in District No. 2 The .Eight and Gaietto and its mag nificent prizes and the lives’ bunch of bustlers ever engaged, make a combina tion of irrisistible. force. The great un deriving law of attraction is in opera tion and it? sweep is in full swing. Ev ervthing is combining for the greatest possible success and for any contestant not to recognize the magnitude of the contest is to greatly endanger his ot her chances of success. The evidence of your eyes is all that is needed. Look over the list and put on your fighting clothes for you are in the most famous contest for supremacy and prizes that ever you had a chance at. Don't waver er falter, but do big things from row on. The Great Vote. Talk about surprises that thrill ami take your breath with wonder. To day's announcement will stir up the blase ami cause the blood to quicken in old veins. Over 1,600,000 votes is traveling a dizzy pace along in the turn into the stretch." You have been told what was coming but yon were skep tical and thought it wa« just “come on" talk. Now you know better and knowing, must the occasion or be de featod. Are you game? Mrs. A. E. Carter Heads the List. Tt was a dose shave for first place, lot Mrs. A. E. Garter won out by a small margin over Miss Fore*’ello. the last week's leader, and Mrs. Carter re reived ever 186.000 votes and won first n’ace ami second voting honors. The Carter crowd are stayers and they will be there with a corking vote when the Inst bell strikes.. Miss Forestello Second. Miss Forestello was not particular whether she was first or not, as she has held the lead for a week. She wants to head the list whan the White Steamer voting day tolls around an 1 again when the Italian Villa goes to the les dor over ali. While the others are thinking and talking matter? over, she n nd her x'oilcwrs are doing business ev ery nay and ail day and you know what that counts. Miss Zuieme Pettus Wins the Voting Honors With Nearly 250,000 Votes. The voting honors of ilw contest to dale was won by Miss Zakme Petiu . the popular school girl. daußt’er of Mr. and Mr*. W. B. Pettus, tail of Goliad, hut now of San Antonio. ■ ’» a rare honor to start late and win » h laurels as hefcil her lot i* the gr}btest skir- SUNDAY. MISS JOSEPHINE FORESTELLO Probable winner of extra voting certif ifeate on club returns. . misli fight ox er recorded at thi# stage . I of a contest. She stands third on the : । list today and is n very dangerous > grand prize contestant. Miss Hundley Stirs Things. Miss Vedena Hundley was fourth in : | the line up with over 175,000 to her credit. Sho is one with even chances in the swiftest company because tho , right «ort of people are supporting her and they are not figuring on a district prize, either. Miss Grlcsenbeck Comes Again. Tho girl from Lockhart is surely a ’girl worth while. She camo right back again yesterday with over 120,000 votes ard holds the lead safely in District 7. She must have a great folloxring in the live, city of Lockhart for she has furnished the sensation by loading the outsiders with a few days' work. Where will sho land? Good Vote for Mr. Castonola. Mr. A. J. Caitauola came across the line with over 100.000 votes and ranks with the first division. He knows ho and liis crowd have got to do a big stunt to take the measure of the load era ami they haven’t got very mu -h time to do it ip. either. Tom Kerr Jr.. Next. It was a close rub for Tom Kerr Jr., to take the lead in No. 2. but hi’ wont over the line by a small margin. Don't leave this young man out xxhen you .divide up the prizes or he might split the slate. I 90.000 Votes for Henry Mitchell of Sabinal. Tib- man Mitchell xvas there xvith a , groat* vote. 90,000 strong, and passes । the 250,000 mark. lio is the live boy | on big occasions and is liable to spring l a thrilling surprise when the box is opened for tho final count. Watch Henry of the west, as he is decidedly a * dangerous quantity. Miss Woodman Always There. . ' Of course Miss Daisy Woodman xvas , in at. tho voting. She always is and ■ sho makes a big showing today and i will whenex-er there is an occasion for i a show-down. Miss Lee Prominent in the Voting. . Miss Hilda Loe xvas one of the live ones to get iu line Saturday and i. in MISS ZULEME PETTUS Winner of voting honors to date and third in Grand Prize list. striking distance of the loaders arid cerrainlx- one to In- feared in any sort of company* Miss Ada Bessan of Kerrville Leads in No. 5. The fii'th district was airic.Uy-on the firing line in vesterday's big battle ami the leadership was won under rho cidors of Lieutenant Ada Bes«an. one of the boat known and most* popular girls in Keir county. Tho contestant who laps her iu the fifth district will Ftrvc something to do early amt late. Miss Moore of Center Point. For a late entry Miss J'annie Moore of Center Point is showing a lot of class. She received n large vote Sat urday and moves to third place in dis- SAN ANTONIO, LIGHT AND GAZETTE Mrs. A. E. Carter Takes the Lead With Miss Pettus Winning the Voting Honors--Sensational Changes of Places. A Great Club Offer to Begin Monday. PREPARE FOR GREAT DELUGE NEXT WEEK Light and Gazette Prize Home Showing Result of First II eek of II ork on Building The above picture shows the progress; made during the frist week in con strutting The Light and Gazette prize 845U0 home at South Park Terrace, to be given in the great circulation eon test noxi’ under way. The plans and specification were drawn bv J. Flood! Walker, the well known architect,, who, is known as a disciplinarian aiming builders. Mr. Walker's plans call for a! house of the highest order of construc tion and he is seeing that all the de mands are being fulfilled. , I The foundation goes down to aravet, upon which is set heavy cedar posts placed on cypress blocks, which is eon tnct five. It will be a great fight in that district. Good Vote for Earnest Clemens. New Braunfels got in the game to the tune of 17.000 for Mr. Earnest Clemens. the youngster xvith great possibilities and a large influential family connection. Big Vote for Others. So many contestants received large xples ami moved up in prize territory that there is not space enough to give special mention to all. They xverc stip , ported in tho following order: Miss 1 Loring. Mis. Sloan, Mrs. Braden, Mrs. ' Clive Shook. Thomas Chiado, Mius Ella j Forster. Miss Ada Geisler, Leon Glas berg. Mis. Luckett. Miss Hehraut, Miss Hunter. Mis* Nelson. Miss Baker amt ■ others. Mrs. T. E. Woodrome. Mrs. T. E. Woodrome of La Grange, a very prominent contestant earlier in the action. Ims been prevented from i taking part in the contest for the past MISS HILDA LEE Well known in Sau Antonio and Mexico. e three weeks oxiiug to the serious ill uess of her mother, who resides at D'Hanies. The vote for Mrs. Wood rome today is the tir-t tor a long time but she is ready to get busy ngaiu. ind will come very strong ar. the finish. She made a fine reel'd for the time she was actually engaged. Best Supported Outsiders. Xsi le fiom those minticned, Mr. Walter Zuehl was the be-t supported out of Suu Antonio eontestant, with John X\ Thompson .second, Miss For •’U-oti of U -vi'ie third and Miss Tay for lies'. The ei'tsiders certainly made a -treat -di'w'iig and held their own n-taiust the Suu Antonio contest ants, a? thev will continue to do until the grand finale- sidered far better than-concrete. AHI lumber is extra heavy and one builder I who saw the material going into tUc9 house remarked “there is enough tim ber in that house to build two ordinary' houses. '' Tin- rafters and beams arc set close together and thoroughly tied and,* as the picture shows, the contractor has just completed the sheeting on the framework. Ou top.of this sheeting goe* heavy tnr paper and that is to be fol lowed by high grade weather boarding,; which will make n house impervious to . heat and cold from the outside. The roof will be of imitation tiling' AUGUST DRAEGER Old time San Antonio builder, under whose careful supervision the Lisht and Gazette prize home is now being con structed in South Park Terrace. Mr. Draeger has an enviable renutation re snlting from 25 years of experience in constructing buildings in Sen Antonio, and that he knows how to build a house to meet San Antonio requirements is a well known fact. He has supervised the construction of manv of the finest homes and buildings iu this citv. in c’liding the Mackay huildintr. on Na varro street. . j A CLUB OFFER WORTH WHILE. 200,000 Votes for Five Five-Year Suh scriptions. The Light and Guzeitn aummmes! today a club offer that the live wires will jump at Beginning tmlay am! ’ closing at 6 p. m. Tuesday. Feb. 22. 200.00*1 votes will be given for every club of five fiveyesr subsi riptio'is. four o'f which must be new and one ol i ' or five new. The «ame as the single! yearly clubs. < minting the old as 17. 500 under tin- regular schedule mid ’he । additional 5000 a-hled to each non hi year subscription, making each fix..- 1 year subscription 40,000. which is a j gain, when tinned in as a club, of 4-.- . 500 votes fo, each five-year club of five The contestant who turns in the 1 largest mimb ■ of five-year clubs by 6 p. m. on ; ' 22d will be given an | additional ' 'ting certificate of 50,000 votes and t- uue turning in the sec-1 rmd largest u mber of five-year club,. I will be given n extra voting eertifi-1 I i-ate of -lu." • 1 This is the largest an I I I best club ■ contest-pom- tivelv nothin- ..otter* will be oftereil. I Single Yearly Club Otter Extended co; February 22. At the nr- ■ of a number of I contesthnts. ch ' l .’ ' ! fer of 35.- ■ votes for nve single yearly sub- 1 ' '•*" been extend ed to Febnm - =■' «V- , rbc P 1 ™ j ! is the same : - ' ’’'o P? st of,Pr ‘ *°“ r ' new and om <• "■ " r f' ve , ‘ e '' r i vearlv sub«<-r, ; >o extra voting liertifieates « S iv, ' u with the sin-, I glc yearly tint” « the »P««»1 of a special type in conformance to the architectural demands of tho house. The interior finish of the house will bo exceptional in every respect. The specifications call f« r fine woods and . Xpert cabinet work and the house when •ompletcd will be as fine as any house that enn be built for the money. Atl work is being done by day labor under the supervision of Contractor Draeger, and there is no skimping or saving in any detail. All doors and xx’indows will be thoroughly screened as xvell as ..u back gallery and it will be fix- am! mosquito proof. । was only good for the week whie : closed Inst night. About the Club Offers. ' i The single yearly club plan ha j prox’en so popular that a demand fo a club offer for fixe year snbscrif tions Ims been mgej repcately, an ; after a careful consideration in th interest of all contestants, both in an : out of San Antonio, it is announce! today to run until tho 22nd. the dat , the White Steamer closes. It is boun. ■ to be a popular move, especially witl i the topnotchers and people who can <h I things—on a big scale—of course, onb I such people have a ehanee at the gram I prizes. It is utter folly for any om ' to hope to win a grand prize witl i other than a very largo vote. A largi ■ number of the contestants have know' I this from the beginning anil they hav been planning, organizing and workim . xvith this understanding. This contcs —Photo bv Coms. MR. WALTER ZUEHL Leader in the Eighth District. t. r grand prizes is uo child's p’ny. It's । a race of the strong and that class of cuntostauts will welcome the five-ye?r club plan with a hurrah. It doos not give one live one tbc slightest advan-: tage over another and you will see that a very large number will get busy at once to take advantage uf it. Just a word right here on this five-year proposition. With the constantly a l xam ing price of white pajer and the increasing high class newspaper like the Light find Gazette, there is n" protit in tho subscription end "f it an von are mighty lucky to get a ehanee to . inch a five-year »nb*ctipt tm to such a newspaper at $5 per year —a snving over the monthly payment pion <>►' six dollarn. It's dollnrs t > doitgl nut- that loug before the fixe ; are out the subscription price wi t have been increased. At $5 per year an investment iu a five year subsenp- STANDING OF CONTESTANTS IN CONTEST AT 6 P.M. FEO. 12 DISTRICT NO. 1 -SAN ANTONIO Miss Josephine Furestello, 1103 Guadalupe street .... ....459.515 Miss Hih] ;l Lee. 645 South Flores street 304.692 Mrs. Daisy A. Woodman. 2004 Monterey street . 226,695 Mi’s Amy Raker, 1622 Monterey street 50.920 Ii" Nellie Lowday, 2320 West Commerce street . 21.760 Mi's Lupita Herrera. 846 Gnudalui*e street 16,854 Louis Koch, 2303 Buena Vista street 3,-76 DISTRICT NO 2—SAN ANTONIU Tom Kerr Jr.. 311 Cincinnati avenue - 103,000 Miss Loretta Piggott. 506 North Laredo street 101,410 Mrs. Lina Braden. 802 Wes’ French Place * 101,360 I homas Chiado. 510 Cliaiez street — 63,572 Miss Gertrude Sehraut, 402 North Snn Marcos street 59,405 Miss Charlotte Cleary. 712 Camaron street 51.868 Miss Ella K. Forster. 110 California street , 25,680 Miss Katherine Hill. 708 West Marshall street s 1,,894 John Hankin Jr.. 214 Warren street - 11,828 Miss Genevieve Helen Nelsou. 119 Upson street 10,654 Miss Pearl K. Lentz, 315 West Humana street -»■ 5,<42 Miss Frieda Deity's, 1312 Morales street 1,228 Mrs. P. It. Thomasson, 3212 West Houston street I-^ 1 ' James M. Bush. 101 Ruiz, street ► let— Mrs. J. J. Owens. Hl West Poplar street Miss Robca Melendez, 110 Upson street a 1,002 \ltred E. Richey. 353 Castro street -•- I.oo'l Mrs. Lena De Leon, 913 West San Pedro Place 1,000 DISTRICT NO. 3—SAN ANTONIO. Miss Zuleme Pettus. 41*6 East Locust street 1 323,3,1 Mrs. J. W. Sloan. 615 Avenue Ci e 382.289 Miss Ruth Hunter. 1221 North Pine street . 98,496 Mrs. A Luckett. 507 Burnet street - 64,033 Ollie W. Smith. '207 Avenue 1* 60,76'> Miss Ada Geisler. 514? Avenue A L.»8l Otto Vinke, 623 Dallas street 17.4'J0 Mrs. G. W. Gaziev, 910 Avenue C . y ? ™ Miss Agnes Booth, 234 Burleson street 0.50" Mrs. M. D. Ashmore. 828 Avenue D 4 - Sos Miss Odclia Miller, 1125 Hackberry street - 4 »°W Mrs. George Stilison, 309 Blum street - T. .1. Dorn«tein, 416 Crockett street Miss Myrtle Walhoefcr, 435 Crockett street - . George Cneu Jr.. 112 Jefferson street 4 V*-* Miss Mamie McCabe, 722 Avenue C Edward Baubel. 1301 North Olive street * a Miss Jennie Hughes. 1413 North Olive, street - | Miss Sophie Rotter. 322 Hackberrv street 1,612 J. L. Harwell. 229 Sharer street.' - i Mrs. G. W. Baines. 234 Beunont street - U4"9 I Henrv How, Fugcr. St. Anthony hotel 1,091 R. L. McKibbin, 407 Avenue E - I Miss Merle Rowland. 322 Burleson street 1,058 i Miss Helen Jones, 207 Travis sttoet -1.03 b j Miss Lottie Reeves. 903 Austin street 1,009 DISTRICT NO. 4 SAN ANTONIO. j Mrs. A. E. Carter. 206 Garden street... * 464,706 ■ Anthony J. Castauola, 821 South Flores street - 339.154 | Miss Grace Loring, 108 Henrietta street • • — ■ Mrs. Clive 11. Shook, 213 Frasch street h 1W.646 Mrs. Herman Ueiligmann, 101 Fir street *£-.* Leon Glasberg. 318 Idaho street Miss Amanda Hahn, Concepcion avenue aud'G street : Mrs. D. S. Smythe. 101 Arlington court ouw I Bernie Coin. 117 Omaha street. " I Mrs. Oric Lee Camp. 400 Dwyer avenue i Mrs. J. E. Wilber. 337 State street 1 I'. A. Clemens, 133 Risohe street 1 Mrs. Ernestine Bretzke. 806 South Hackberry street • Mis Nellie Bachman, 508 Gurdon street I Miss Lena Jonas. 111 Sama Clam street. -Mi* Master Allie Mathis. 031 Denver Boulevard - W. A. Franklin. 601 South Pine street...... Miss Grace Adams. 210 Denver Boulevard ■C. E. Hagelin. 222 Mission street 4 ,vw i Miss Jessie Brewster, 223 Montana street - ' i Miss Naomi Dunning. 512 Hays afreet............ DISTRICT NO. 5. . Miss Ada Bcssau. Kerrville ..... | Mias Cecelia Codrington. Condor '■ fMiss Fannie Moore, Center Point ‘ ; Master Jimmie Jack Davis. Boerne • • ■ Miss Louise Milke. Boerne : Ono Hamby. Center Point .... 6 '' 1 Henry Mitchell. Sabinal 7 *UI 733 X. C. Windrow, Hondo John W. Thompson. Laredo • • sll«4 Miss Mar Bell.- Hester. Devine i,„> Punlap, Uvalde . Mrs. Harry Dean. Eagle Pa 55.,........... ~- Pmt H. S. KMler, D'Hams Public behool Mi's Iris Jones. Del Rio Aii’i Mrs. A. B. Dillard. Sabinal-... •’. * Miss Onida Zara Hymans. Del Rio l eading NV. Black. Uvalde Quinn Braden, Sabinal • 4. UV.M. DISIKICT N „. ; w ” Miss Littleton Griosenbeck, Lockhart "ts sm" . Misa Vedena Hundley. San Marcos -o'.*’ • i Ernest Clemens. New Braunfels ; Miss Nora Porter. San Marcos , , A. Sidney Michelson, Austin. "• - George Schwab, New Braunfels William Johnson, Taylor -• '' Miss Vein Corcth. Now Braunfels • • i Miss Anna Achilles, Austin. 5.69® Mrs. Richard Depew. Austin 1 Mrs. Leonard 11. Talley, 1.66<l A. R. Smith, Austin-..-- , 1092 Miss Mattie Perry. Snn Marcos Edwin Wafer, Austin - 1056 Master James Travis Son Marcos \J.... 1 043 Miss Cavloma Smith, Sau Miss Adn Matthews, AuMin JJtH (U corgi. Mi. ug» DISTRICT NO. 8 , , ~ . 176.236 , Walter Zuehl, Manon ;'' ' 8* 45i I T. E. Woodrome. La Grange IMiss Florence Fergns, n. Beeville . H 7*3 ' Miss Bertha Taylor. Kaines, t it' , , .18,030 ' Miss Ethel Templeton Seguin /’/ '' 13 4*9 A. D. Murray. Floresville . ’ Miss Vivian Echols. ' p Z‘ ‘ ‘'. 7. 7 l'<2sti Mirs Aura Knowlton. Arans,is I a Mas-er Cyril Wetherell Cuero -- August E. Staffn. Sebulenbcrg 7 7777.7.77... UU Miss Inez. Preston. 4 heapsido ' 4 V F. Miller. Floresville. ' ! Mts. J• M’. Baldescbwiler, Skidmore 7................... llarrv Liste, Gonzales 1,112 Miss Ailoer. Wood. Scguiu , Mrs. I- M. Fox. Karnes City Miss Maric Fleming, scguiu 1018 Miss Clara Hill. Kenedy ii : ■ is better tlmu g<dd ’ tion after next Thursday will not oe- Mum to tills pajar - ,asi y n any loss m regret Coupons Expire Next Thursday. The dub 1.-e wa- i.ri m«>t b.’t ' - nee cmipons »ri!l not be pub- night and the result wnl m>l be gub- Mish'l after next Thursday, the Kte. lish.d s« m the winner- ■ ’J ", must all be cast by Saturday, the seeoad .ertuwtn ot aad ITe ' । 1 . ~ m Veiv little attention s<u> each. The outsiders had uald 8 .7 1.,-mi Laid to them and from now o'clock to mad Hair returns, the same '7.- 0 less of them will bo voted, a- th- will have to mad returason F,, n the beginning contestants very, all dosing dnb or prize davK Th. wUly concluded not to waste say time two winners wdl be announced in Mo» ou such small game, so their climiua-dav's i«»u.. FEBRUARY 13. 1910. 13