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6 jCASTORIA The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has ween in use for over SO years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per* fir Bonal supervision since Its infancy, Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and •« Just-as-good” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment What CASTOR IA Oastoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. IC contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhiea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy amt natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. th, e.N-*u, n Mumu, TT.rrT, rcr. TOR. oi**. AMUSEMENTS By HARRY BOON! “GIRL" ALL RIGHT—BUT TOO MUCH OF THE REST. Ilas the wild west show on the Amer-! iean stage seen its day? Has the era ■ of the man with the gun run its short; lease of life, at least until a new gen-;, ieration of playgoers shall again demand [ it! Judging by the reception given “The Girl ।of the Golden West” last night,) Bare Antonio, at least, has its fill of the western drama. Miss Myrtle Tannehill, 1 who plays the girl, is everything she »ould he—natural and easy in her meth jds. bat strong and convincing when tailed on in the heavier scenes. Her big acene in the second act was handled in v masterful manner, as was every slight) detail of the less important ones. The others in the company, as a rule,' «re in that class commonly referred to by the critics as “adequate”—whatever that is. It is understood that the story of “The Girl of the Golden West” is laid in those early days when men were rough and lived rough lives, took what! they wanted and enforced the common, laws themselves. It seemingly seeks to! prove two things—that into the life of j everyone comes a time when it is neces sary to cheat, and that real love knows | no reckoning of what has gone before, or what is to come after. In the proof of these two theories some strong, gripping scenes are enact ed. But the comedy is so clumsily in troduced and is of such an obvious character as to remind one strongly of musical comedy. And having progressed thus far, the critic affixed the full stop period, feel ing that he hadn't said anything, or proven anything, or expressed a lucid opinion. Slipping gently up to the city editor’s desk he laid the manuscript down at a propitious moment when the <‘. E.’s'baek' was turned and hot-footer it ont of the sanctum. MR. HESTER, writes"l used the trial bottle ot “S-DROPS" and It helped me so much that I purchased a dollar bottle from a druggist In Glllespioville. and have used over halt ot it. When I got your “S-DROPS” I was on crutches: now I can walk and have been plowing corn for two weeks. I have walked ten miles in half a day. and not feel tired. ’‘S-DROPS” is the best remedy I have ever used. J have recommended it to five different parties who are suffering with Rheumatism, and it is curing them. ' An Effective, Reliable Remedy Those who are suffering the terrible tortures and agony caused by Rheumatism will And quick relief by tbe use of "S-DROPS.” It Is the one remedy that will almost in stantly relieve those excruciating pains caused by this most dreaded ot all disease. Apply "S-DROPS” externally. Rub thoroughly on the affikted’achlng parte and it will step tbe pain tn a very short time. Take "B-DROPS” internally. To effect a cure it Is neoessary to cleanse the blood of uric acid and other poisonous matter put the system in a perfectly healthy condi tion. When this has been done you will be tree from all rheumatic pains. GET * BOTTLE OF SWINSON'S “S-DROPS” TOMY If you are suffering with Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Kidney Trouble, La Grippe, Colde, Coughs, Lumbago, Sciatica, Gout, Asthma, Catarrh, Neuralgic Headache or other kindred diseases. ■W" "S-DROPS"’ fa entirely tree ot opium, cocaine, alcohol, -MM! laudanum and other elmliar Ingredlente. CFIU T FK?F F I A u ‘ al bottle will be mailed free of charge to every WE> Iw ■ ■ a* fc • reader of this paper upon request. Write today. Large Size Bottle (300 Ooeea) SI.OO. For Sale by Druggists. Ask Your Druggist for the ‘SWANSON PILL,” a Cure for Constipatioi . Price 25c. tWHSO, RHEUMATIC CURE CO., (Dept. 43) 174 tike St. CHICAGO For Sale By Bexar Drug Co FRIDAY, “AS GOOD AS EVER,” SAYS DENVER POST. “Forty-Five Minutes From Broad way,” considered by many George Co ban ’s best musical play, opened nt the Tabor Grand yesterday for a week's run. The production is still owned by Cohan & Harris, which means that it still receives attention from the man who wrote it and first staged it. And this is a big point in its favor. The company this season isn't “direct from Broadway,” but it is competent and the j musical drama, or whatever it may be i called, is put on in an acceptable man- । ner. This season's Mary is Miss Elizabeth Drew. In some ways Miss Drew is a better Mary than Fay Templeton was. Miss Drew is pretty, shapely and has the Cohan idea of her lines down fine. She isu’t much of a singer, but manages to get through her songs fairly well. What she lacks in voice, however, she makes up in her portrayal of the sini- I pie-hearted servant girl Another thing ,—Miss Drew isn’t too fat. Kid Burns this season is impersonated | by a young man who bears the name of ! |ust plain Charley Brown. He gives a I creditable performance of the role—jnst as. creditable ns though his name were ! Reginald Archibald Devere. or Victor Moore. Brown d.oesn’t overdo the part, I and it could be so easily overdone. He ! becomes popular with the audience the minute he appears on the stage and his > popularity grows. • Two big houses greeted “Forty-Five f Minutes From Broadway” at the Ta ll bor yesterday and everybody seemed fl pleased with it. The “Mary” songs tj arc just as pretty as ever and the scon e cry is still attractive. —Denver Post. 1 “Forty-Five Minutes From Broad way” opens a two-days’ engagement “5-DROPS” CURED ME OF RHEUMATISM Writes WASHIBGTOR HESTKR, Cox, Okie. THIRD BOULEVARD IB FIERCE HEART OF SAN ANTONIO Property Owners Agree to Do nate Land From Avenue D to International Depot, CITIZENS TO CONTRIBUTE City Will Appropriate Sum of $30,000, Leaving $lO,OOO to be Subscribed, The ultimate creation of a third main driveway through the city of San An tonio extending from Avenue D to the International i Great Northern passen ger depot and paralleling Houston and Commerce streets, thereby relieving the present congested traffic of these busi ness thoroughfares, is assured, as the result o fa conference held at the city hgll yesterday afternoon between May or Callaghan, a number of the mem bers of tho city council and twenty five citizens owning property on Obraje street. Pledges made following the meeting, which was held at the instance of May or Callaghan, dispels all doubt and the active undertaking of this gigantic pro ject promises to be inaugurated within tho near future and carried to a suc cessful termination within six months. Property owners on Travis street, be tween St. Mary's and Main avenue will donate 20 per eent of the cost, which will be $40,000, $30,000 of which will ba donated by the city. The strips of land required will be donated under the same conditions. Citizens Are Interested. In addition to the property owners present at the meeting there were many prominent citizens among tho audience who are thoroughly concerned in sym nathy with the broad project and prac ricaliy every barnch of commercial and professional activity was represented. The opening and extension of Travis street, thereby forming with the con necting thoroughfares, a direct drive way with a uniform width of fifty-five feet through the heart of the city, is an enterprise which is expected to re dound to the incalculable benefit of San Antonio. Its realization is keen ly anticipated. In addressing the assemblage, the mayor announced that the property owners on Travis street heartily ap proved of the project and had promised to donate 20 per cent of the cost of construction and the needed strips of land from St. Mary’s street to Main avenue to construct a street fifty-five feet wide. The mayor said that within a day he expected to have within his possession deeds to the strips of laud required. He stated that Obraje street, now hardly more than an alley, extends from a point on Main I avenue where Travis street would connect with it. lie said that it was the desire not only to widen Travis street, but also Obraje street and all other intersecting streets that would perfect a straight driveway extending from Avenue D to the Inter nationa! & Great Northern railway de pot. Speaking to the property owners of realty on Oberaje street, the mayor told them that it was desired by ths at tho Grand Saturday, with the same cast as presented in Denver. BONITA PULLS ONE ON THE PALM ARTIST. Bonita, the charming star of “Wine, Woman and Song,” discussing at n tea recently the now coiffure that requires either seven feet of hair or a “switch” said with a smile: “It is nmazing how the fas’dens change. They change so fast it is hard tc keep up with them. A palmist, reading my hand one day, said: “ ‘Shall I tell you Madame, who will be your future husband?’ “ ‘Oh. dear, no,’ said I. ‘Tell mo । what kind of hats will be worn next month.’ ” ISABELLE LOWE COMPANY PLAYS TO BIG BUSINESS. The Isabelle Lcwc Stock company at the Empire Opera house, pleased an other big house last night with its ver | sion of “Pawn Ticket 210.” This bill, ; although an old one. seems to be one of the greatest favorites yet put on at the stock theater. The part of Mag | as portrayed by Miss Lowe is quaint ■ and full of humor and the charming j voung star is daily winning new admir । ors by her undisputed talent. The old : Jew pawnbroker ns portrayed bv Joseph Lehmann is another great part and he >s certainly giving a realistic inipersona- I firm of that.tvne of Ghetto life. Next week this nonular company will , oreduce Geo Middleton'« dramatized version of Meredith Nicholson's great -ove). “The House of a Thousand Can dles.” This nlay ns usual will be otsgad under the personal direction of H. Gnv Woodward and tho patrons of ♦he Fmnire am assured that no detail —i>l he omitted “Pawn T'eket 210” will run for the balance of the week with the usual Rstnrdav matinee. WAG TTMV PTANO CONTENT FEATURE AT ROYAL TONIGHT. Tonight at the Royal a rag-time piano plaving contest will be added to j tho regular pn gram as one of the se ries of special Friday night attroc ' tions. j This novel contest is sure to please, a« there are manv devotees of rag-time nlaviug ia this city. F. S. Traylor and । T. V. Gaul arc entered and others will ; appear. Mietts Dogs. Rath Severance Co..'.s 1 Reynolds and Arntada are of fering a pleasing bill th's week, and to , ! night is sure to sec n largo crowd out |to enjoy the fun M ilinop, nt thro* SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE CITY VETERINARY TO PASS ON EVERY BEEF Council Takes Action Because Slaughter of Lumpy-Jawed Cattle by Butcher. Because two beeves that had been condemned as having lump jaw were afterwards slaughtered, resolutions were passed at the meeting of the city health board yesterday afternoon pro viding hereafter before any butcher will be allowed to offer for sale the carcass of any animal which had the lump jaw or where part of the beef has been condemned by the market master, the city veterinary must first pass upon it as fit for human consump tion. A communication wns read from the Southwest Texas Parents’ and Teach ers’ association, requesting the boar-1 to have the ordinance regulating the sale of fruits, vegetables and candies enforced and that eatable be kept so that dust may not settle upon them. The communication was referred to Drs. Berrcy and Burg for further in vestigation. The reports of the various food in spectors as published in The Light ami Gazette were read and referred. city that they give their assurance of tl.e extension at once. The property on Obraje street, he said, was set back and would suffer no damage, as all thnt was asked was land sufficient to make a driveway 55 feet wide. Direct Course Shown. Following the talk of the mayor, Ai derman Mauermann and City Engineer Pancoast pointed out to the assembled property owners the course of the pro posed highway from St. Mary’s street along Travis and Obraje and connect ing thoroughfares to the depot. The land already pledged on Travis street and the land needed on Obraje street was indicated on the plans. Twelve property owners on Obraje street at once promised to donate the strips required aud the others express ed their approval of the project anl promised the city to come to an imme diate decision. The mayor expressed himself after tho meeting as thoroughly pleased with the result of the conference and said that one of the greatest civic improve ments for the city was assured. SAN ANTONIAN LOSES TWO FINGERS IN NAVY IV. S. Lambkin, residing at 102 Up son street, received a letter this morn ing from his son, John Lambkin, who is a. sailor on the cruiser Denver, now at the Mare Island navy yard, to tho effect that he had lost two fingers in the lino of duty, but that he was re covering from tho injuries and expect ed to come home in tho near future. He did not state in what manner he sus tained the loss of the fingers. As a result of the accident Mr. Lambkin will probably be discharged for disability and placed ou the pen sion rolls for the balance of his life. Mr. Lambkin is a well known San Antonio boy, having been born and reared here. He enlisted iu the navy here several years ago. NOT GUILTY IS CARDEN VERDICT Special Dispatch. Austin, Tex., Feb. 18.—W. P. Allen, the Tom Carden ease returned a verdict of not guilty at 9:30 this morning, clos ing a trial lasting four days. He was charged with having advised his broth, cr, W, P. Carden, to kill ex-Ranger G. F. Stanford, who was shot, in a saloon here October 11, 1909. W. P. Carden will be tried March 23, charged with murder. DOCTOR ADVISED OPERATION CuredbyLydiaE.Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Galena, Kans. —“A year ago lasi March I fell, and a few days aftei there was soreness in my right side, in a short time a bunch came and it bothered me so much at night I could a tumor caused by a rupture. I wroti to you for advice and you told me no to get discouraged but to take Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. I did take it and soon the lump in my side broke and passed away. —Mrs. R. R. Huey, 713 Mineral Ave., Galena, E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com pound, made from roots and herbs, has proved to be the most successtul remedy for curing the worst forms of female ills, including displacements, • inflammation, fibroid tumors, irregu larities, periodic pains, backache, bear ing-down feeling, flatulency, indiges tion, and nervous prostration. It costs but a trifle to try it. and the result has been worth millions to many suffering women. If you want special advice write foriitoMrs.Pinkhain.bynn.Mass. । It is free aud always helpful. Nature's Gift from the Sunny South \ The source of lard is against it. Lard-cooked food may not cause indigestion and throw your stomach out of kilter, but it will be only a matter of luck if it doesn t. The source of Cottolene is pleasing—the product is healthful. The oil is extracted from the cotton seed grown in the fields of the Sunny South. It is then refined ana rendered odorless and neutral in taste. From Cottonfield to Kitchen-human handi never touch the oil from which Cottolene is made. Cottolene is an absolutely pure product-of pure origin and ancestry, and will make palatable, digestible, healthful, wholesome food. It is the best frying and shortening medium made to-day. If the best is none too good for you, ask your grocer for Cottolene, and do not let any prejudice stand in the way. The only way to know Cottolene is to test it yourself. AWARD NO CONTRACT FOR NEW SEWER LINE Depth of Manholes Causes a Postponement of Ordering Immediate Work to Begin. The awarding of the contract for the construction of the sewerage sys tem in improvement districts Nos. 12 and 13. on Summit Place and Beacon Hill, respectively, did not take place; yesterdav afternoon, the finance and sewer committee of the council reserv ing its decision pending a further con sideration of the bids by reason of a misinterpretation regarding the depths of the manholes. The three lowest bids reserved and upon which a report will probably be made at the meeting of the city coun cil next Monday afternoon, were .‘is follows: Rees & Peters, $23,551.05; Frank H. Dillon, $23,772.58; Truehart & Jackson. $23,771.68. The funds avail able for the work is $25,000, as voted in bonds recently. The delay iu the awarding of the contract was due to some objection by some of the bidders regarding the depth of the manholes. It was said that the engineer’s office called for 75 man holes, no stated depth being required, but asking for bids on six manholes and for bids on those deeper than six feet. After a consultation between Ai derman Smith, chairman of the sewer committee, and Alderman Mauermann, chairman of the finance committee, it wap decided to postpone tho awarding of tho contract. A report is expected at the meeting of the council Monday afternoon. GIRL RUNAWAYS FROM AUSTIN CAUGHT HERE not sleep. It kept growing larger and by fall it was as large as a hen’s egg. I could not go to bed without a hot water bottle applied to that side. I had one of the best doc tors in Kansas and he told my husband that I would have to be operated on as it was something lik Cottolene Comes from Dixieland! COTTOLENE i» Guaranteed - not pleased, after having given Cottolene a fair test. Novae in Rullr Cttflent is packed in pails with an air-tight top to IXever OOIQ m DUIK keep j t C | eani fresh and wholesome, and prevent it from catching dust and absorbing disagreeable odors, such as fish, oil, etc. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY Two young girls who ran away from their homes in Austin were caught as they reached San Antonio at 10:15 o'clock last night over tl»e Internation al & Groat Northern railway passenger train. In charge of Detective Matthews the girls left the city this morning on the 4 o’clock train to return. It was upon a telegram from George S. Matthews, sheriff of Travis county, that Police Captain Charles McCabe met the train and caused the girls to be taken to the city hall. Tho girls expressed a desire to return home af ter being at police headquarters a short time. SAYS WIFE KEPT HIM RUNNING FROM HOME That his wife had repeatedly run him out of their home and that sho was abusive, is tho testimony on which Mi guel F. Hawley is seeking a divorce, which, however, is contested by Mrs. Hawley. Testimony taken this morning before Judge Seeligsou developed that the couple had separated some time ago. This afternoon Mrs. Hawley testified. C. C. Todd represents the defendant and Attorney Ridgeway the plaintiff. Hawley formerly owned a tailor shop in Sau Antonio. ASK RATES FOR TEXAS BALL TEAMS Apstin, Tex. Feb. 18.—W. P. Allen, । president of the Texas league, and C. 3. Dickerson, president of the Southwest ern league, went before the railroal commission this morning to secure lo<v rates granted ball teams last year The rate asked for is one and one-half ccuts a mile each for parties of fourteen. It ; was taken under advisement by the ; commission and will probably bo . granted ASK $lO,OOO DAMAGES. J. B. Turner and Jeanette Turner ; l ave filed suit against the San An tonio Traction company for damages in the sum of $lO,OOO for alleged injuries j received by Mrs. Tttruer ou Jauuary 7. this year, when Mrs. Turner was I carding a South Heights car at Ave- I nue C and Houston street. The alle i gations state that the car started be fore she was aboard and that she was I thrown aud injured ONE BELOW ZERO AT WAXAHACHIE Special Dispatch. Waxahachie, Tex., Feb. 18.—The weather in Texas, exceptional in the Panhandle and remarkable for central Toxas, was experienced by Waxahachie today’ when the mercury fell to one below zero, the lowest temperature re corded since February 12 years ago.” Dr. Askew, 439 Moore building. Eye, ear, nose, throat. Eyes tested for glasses GENERAL WEATHER REPORT B\N ANTONIO. Tex., Feb. 18. —Tempera- tures and rainfall for the stations named be low for the 24 hours ending at 8 u clock tins morning were as follows: Ram- Min. Max. fall. Atlanta, Ga 22 62 Bismarck, N. D - •' Boston, Mai»s -6 34 .70 Buffalo, N. Y 10 •’** Cairo, 111 6 18 .28 Chicago, 111 2 1<» • > Cincinnati, 0 8 2‘- .•»» Davenport. lowa 2 8 .00 Denver. Colo. .12 26 .00 Fort Worth. Tex ■» 14 28 Havre, Mont *lO *8 .00 Houston, Tex 20 36 .01 Huron. S. D *lB 6 .00 Kansas City, Mo 12 22 .00 Kev West; Fla 70 78 .00 (Little Rock, Ark 10 22 .24 Los Angeles, Cal 44 02 .00 Marquotte, Mich *6 lo .00 Memnhis. Tenn 10 22 .10 Mobile. Ala 28 64 .98 I Nashville, Tenn. 6 34 .78 | New Orleans. La 26 70 .04 ‘New York, N. Y 26 36 .34 Oklahoma City, Okla 8 22 .00 Pittsburg, P? 10 50 .46 Portland, Orc 34 50 .02 St. Louis, Mo 4 14 .04 St. Paul, MiAn *l4 2 .00 Salt Lake City, Utah.... 24 30 T SAN ANTONIO, Tex.... 18 42 .00 San Francisco, Cal 42 56 .01 Vicksburg, Miss 20 32 .02 Washington. D. C 34 32 .02 Winnipeg, Man *3O *lO .00 * Below xero. Minimum temperaturo is for the last 12 hours. T indicates inarpreclalii« rainfall. ALLEN BUELL, Forfteastez Helpsßaby’sßowelsFree Any mother with a child given to constipation should send her name and address to Dr. Caldwell and secure a free sample bottle of a remedy especially adapted to the cure of this trouble in children. There is no remedy on the American market today more widely used for this purpose than Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin. It is in thousands of homes for just this purpose. It is the best child's remedy obtainable, and any mother having trouble with her children’s bowels owes it to herself and the child to make a free test to see for herself whether these claims are justified. Thousands say they are, but you should find out for yourself, so send your address today for a free sample bottle. Then, after having used it, if you are convinced it is the remedy you need, do as other mothers are doing and go to your druggist and buy it in the regular way at fifty rents and one dollar a bottle. The dollar bottle Is for families. Every household should have such a remedy at hand, as one can never tell when some member of the family will suffer from contlpatlon, indigestion, liver trouble, sour stomach, sick headache, etc. Here you have a laxative that the youngest child can use with safety, and j-et Is effective on the strongest constitution. No child will refuse it, as it is very palatable, and it never gripes. Results are absolutely guaranteed or money will be refunded. You can see from the testimonials printed here and in other announcements how enthusiastic people are about this remedy. This should In itself prompt you to begin its use. but if you do not want to be put to any expense before being convinced then send to Dr. Caldwell for the free sample bottle. After that you will always have It at hand. Use Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin I am taking Syrup Pepsin and think It Is the grandest medicine I have ever taken for constipation and I have taken all others I could hear of. I cannot praise it enough for what It has done for me and also my children. May your great medicine be tn every home. —MRS. S. A. BRANSTITTER. Chick asha, Okla. I must say that I am on the second bottle of Byrup Pepsin and It has done me more good than all of the medicine 1 ever took. I cannot speak too highly of it. I feel thankful that I ever wrote you about the medicine. I can eat most anything and it don't distress mo—MRS ELLEN DUNGAN. Muncie. Ind. DR. C.kLDWELL PERSONALLY WILL BE PLEASED TO GIVE YOU .VNY MEDICAL ADVICE YOU MAY DESIBE EOB YOUR SELF OR FAMILY FEBTAINING TO THE STOMACH LIVER OR BOWELS. ABSOLUTELY FREE OF CHARGE. EXPLAIN YOUR CASE IN A LETTER 'AND HE WILL REPLY TO YOU IN DETAIL FOB THE FREE SAMPLE SIMPLY SEND YOUR NAME AND AD DRESS ON A POSTAL CARD OR OTHERWISE. FDR EITHER RE QUEST THE DOCTOR'S ADDRESS IS DR. W . B. CALDWELL. RAM CALDWELL BLDG., MONTICELLO. ILL. FEBRUARY 1910. SAFE ROBBERS SET \ TYLER STORE AFIRE ’ Special Dispatch. ' Tyler. Feb. 18. —Fire of an inecmlt ary origin destroyed the store of S. A. Brewster early this morning, preced ing which the safe was broken and several hundred dollars stolen. The authorities have no clue. COLDEST IN ELEVEN YEARS. Tyler, Tex., Feb. 18.—The tempera ture was nine above here this morn ing. the coldest in 11 years. — ■ — —* EIGHT ABOVE AT TERRELL. Terrell. Tex.. Feb. 18.—Terrell expe rienced the coldest night of the wiirvr last night, the mercury falling to eight above at daybreak. — SHOT DURING ALTERCATION. Shamrock, Tex., Feb. 18. —J. W. Bradley was shot and seriously wound ed by K. W. Jennings here late yester day during an altercation. Jennings was putsued aud captured following' the shooting and was hurried to the county jail at Taylor for safe keeping. File School Reports—The office of the superintendent of public schools to day issued a circular to the principals 1 of'the various schools asking them to 1 file reports with the board of health * in regard to the number of vacci'.ation ' certificates which have been filed with them during the present school year. The city ordinance requires that every ■ pupil in the public schools must file a certificate of vaccination before Feb ruary 1. »*» Frincipals’ Meetings—The principals । of the public schools will hold their ; regular monthly meeting tomorrow morning at 9 o’clock at the Bracken ■ ridge Eighth Grade school. The work I of the schools for the coming mouth will be discussed.