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WHO /S YOUR Why not UI? We soil Piitenriiod Milk and Cream only. Delivered to any part of the city t Dairy Co. Phones 871 VOLUME 29, No. 389 Illinois Authorities Have Situation Well in Hand at Cairo—Special Grand Jury to Investigate TILLMAN IS BETTER BUI FEHR IS FEIT Passes Quiet Night and Ap pears to Be Much Better ( This Morning. HOPE OF RECOVERY SLIGHT His Attending Physician Says Senator Has a Chance, But That Is About All. Associated Press. Washington. Feb. 19. —Senator Till man who is suffering from paralysis, was reported this morning to have pass ed a fairly quiet night and appears to he much better than last evening. Despite this favorable report this morning, but little hope is held out for the recovery of the .South Carolinian. Eminent physicians are in attendance r.pon him and the family physician has been sent for at Columbia, S. C., in the hope that death may be held off. The senator is only partially conscious and \s unable to talk. It is stated that even thould he recover from the attack of paralysis, Mr. Tillman will never recov er his power of speech which has been V>st through a cerebral hemorrhage, a tomplicp.tion of the paralytic stroke. The only unfavorable symptom was the loss of consciousness shortly be fore midnight. No change in this re spect occurred with the break of day. lie was unable to recognize any one this morning and this increased the sor rowful burden of the loved ones sur rounding him. Dr. Pickford said today the senator had a chance of recovery, but that is about all. GALE GAUSES MANY «KS Steamer Wrecked on the Irish Coast and Thirty-five Are Drowned —Others Reported. Special Dispatch. London. Fob. 19.—A terrific gale is sweping the British Isles and many wrecks have occurred. The steamer Bramfield is ashore in Clyde and the French ship Maresehal Suchel lias been driven ashore at Margate. Ffom iiub lin comes confirmation of the Lloyd dispatch which stated that the steamer Hohenzollern bad been wrecked on rhe south eoast of Ireland and 35 of her crew lost. The other wrecks reported arc of less importance. ITALIAN SHIPS REPOTTED WRECKED Associated Press. Queenstown, Feb. 19. —The Italian ihip Cinmptt with all her crew was lost in the gale off Dunwoody bay. Wreck age came ashore today. It is understood the crew numbered 20. Some of the bodies have been recovered. IS IND CTED FOR NIGHT RIDER CRIME Robert Barr, Unmasked Mem ber of Party Is Recognized By Son of the Victim. Special Dispatch. Carlisle, Ky., Feb. 19. —The gr: rd .jury today indicted Robert IJarr tor the murder of Hiram Hodge- here two years ago. Night riders killed Henges and his sou recognized Barr as -i mem ber of ihe party. Barr was the only one unmasked. 3UBSTITUTE*TEACHERS HAVE BEEN APPOINTED The office of the superintendent of public schools announce that the fol lowing young wome.n have been ap pointed substitutes, and n list of their name--, addresses and phone numbers have been furnished to the principals of the schools. The substitutes are: Mrs. K. A. Asbury. Misses Minnie Boazman, Addie Brumfield, Jeannette l Cannon. Hize! Cooler, Mabel Dugger. Hockey Gerhard. Lizzie Ingle, Emma Jenner. Leila Jones, Fannie Laird, Bes sie Mounhnn, Marguerite Robinson. Frankie Steiner. Arda Talbot, Katrina Vaughn. Camille Yeainans. Florence i Youmans, Lillie Dyhnan, Edna Lee Gneiguiu. Sadie Myers. Mabel Reeves. F:iv Sponger. Viola White. Minnie Oli varri, Katherine Higgins, Kate Dalwigb. Elsie Harms, Mrs. Mary Gardiner. SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AJNI) GAZETTE ALL NICE AND WHITE AND THEN— LIVERPOOL PUTS COTTON ON TOBOGGAN Sensational Break Before the American Markets Opened Caused Heavy Decline. REPORT A HEAVY SELLING 1 Liverpool Buys 100,000 Bales From Americans at a Drop of From 15 to 35 Points. . Associated Press. New York. Feb. 19. —The, cotton mar ket was almost as excited and demor alized at the opening today as it was during the break in January owing to a sensational decline in the Liverpool market before the American markets opened for business. The New York market started weak at a decline of from 10 to 35 points with Mav con tracts selling down to $14.10, or nearly a cent a pound below the recent high levels under heavy liquidation and stop loss orders. Americans are credited with selling at least 100,000 bales in Liverpool and fully as much cotton during the early trading. NEW ORLEANS MARKETS TAKE BIG SLUMP Associated Press. New Orleans. La.. Feb. 19.; —Cotton futures took another marked slump shortly before It o'clock this morning and broke to a point about $2.20 a bale below the close yesterday. The break is attributed to heavy selling by (he holders who became nervous upon the receipt of unfavorable news from 114 toribr spot markets. There was a slight recoven' before the elose bringing the net loss to a point, slightly less than $2 a bale. The break was caused bv the unexpected slump in the Liverpool market, where three brokers disposed of 12,000 hales of futures before the American markets opened. Private cables declared the sell ing was for Amrican interests. South ern longs denied the selling was for their 000011111. MARRIAGE, DELAYED BY THE AUTHORITIES, IS PERFORMED Galveston. Tex.. Feb. 19.—Delayed from marrying his sweetheart. Theodora Kurlyo. by United States immigration officios. Julius Toinask. of Fort Worth, was overjoyed by a message from the Washington authorities received Inst night which ordered her release from PAGES WOMEN AND CHILDREN PRISONERS IN AN ELEVATOR BETWEEN FLOORS Held for Moie-TTtan Half an Hour, They Become Fearful .and Children Start to Cry—Men Gather and Cheer Them, Jacks Brought to Dislodge Car and Release Prisoners. Held prisoners for more than half an hour, suspended between the third and fourth floors of the Hicks build ing. was the experience of a number of women and chiidrenjoday just after the noon hour when the power of the elevator was turned off and the var, rnmovable and unmanageable, remain ed fixed between the two floors. ' As the car was passing to the upper floors, well tilled with passengers, the larger portion of whom were women and children, suddenly when half way between the third and fourth floors the ear stopped and despite the efforts of the pilot the ear remained .immov able. The passengers, not understanding the situation and becoming alarmci. soon became fearful while the chil dren began to cry. as they hung sus- STREET CAR MEN OF PHILADELPHIA STR.KE Go Out Before Ouier Is Issued. Formal Order for a Walk out Is Then Given. Associated Press. Philadelphia. Pa.. Feb. 19. —The street car employes of this city went on strike this afternoon. The men be gan turning the cars into the barns before any oruer to strik< Had been issued, but when the officials of the Amalgamated Association of Street and Electric Employes learned this they formally ordered a strike. PROBING DETECTIVE'S WORK FOR HASKELL Guthrie, Okla.. Feb. 19.—A sub-com ' mit-tee of the legislative committee in- 1 vestigating the charges against Gov- { ernor Haskell of alleged irregularities in the disposal of state funds, went to Oklahoma City today to get the de position of C. A. Lawler, a detective, as to the nature of his services while in the employ of the governor. 1 detention and th-y were married before the giil was freed. Miss Kurlyo arriv ed from Roumani:, some time ago on the steamship Frankfort and was met uv Tolinsk. .vho -aino here tor the purpose of marrying her. They were sweet- 1 hearts in JAN AMOMO. TEXAS. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 19. 1910 ' pended between the floors with no way of escape. Alarm was given as soon as possible I to the agents of the building who has tened to the scene and lent their pre«- thee and confidence in quieting and assuring the prisoners that they would be rescued without harm. Powerful jacks or screws were then brought to bear upon the elevator and in due time the ear was lowered sufficiently for the escape of the passengers. The elevator service in the Gibbs building was also at a standstill for I nearly an hour at noon, but happily no [ passengers were caught suspended bc tween floors. The cause of the trou ble has not been learned, nor is the ‘ difficulty understood, for while the 1 power was off in both the Hicks and j Gibbs buildings yet the Moore build ing. lying between the others, experi enced no trouble with its elevators. LEASED CARS ARE NOT EXEMPT FROM LAW Lightfoot Rules It Is Violation for Railroads to Send Them Out of State for Repa'rs. Special Dispatch. Austin, Tex., Fel>. 19. —Attorney General Lightfoot. in an opinion given Labor Commissioner Myers today, holds the sending of leased cars used in Texas outside of the state for rc ; pairs violates the car repair law the i same as when ears owned in the stale . are sent outside for repairs. The opin ii<»n concerns the Missouri. Kansas & ; Texas railroad of Texas, which leases * cars from the M., K. \ T. of Kansas. । Lightfoot’s ruling will r<»siilt in a । number of suits against the railroad, which lias been sending cars to Par* sons, Kansas, instead of to Denison I for repairs. BAD WHISKEY CAUSES REDUCTION OF BOND After drinking the better part of i three quart bottles of whiskey, which he said he procured in a saloon for 50 'cents each, Julian Senia Valdez, accord ing to his testimony at habeas corpus hearing this morning, remembered noth ing about entering the home of Manuel Ixi|*ez and abstracting a clock'. 44 What kind of whiskey was that?” asked the* court. 41 Pups, quivn sabe?” returned Val dez. The shrug of his shoulders was even more expressive. u 4 Wonder he didu‘l rob his own trunk,” commented District Attorney Bak<y. Valdez was arrested January 25, Lo charging him with stealin? the 1 PACKING PLANT PLAN IS REVISED Local Management for Jacob Dold Company Leaves To night for Headquarters, THEY WILL TALK IT OVER Trip Follows Arrival Here of a Representative Who Met the Business Meo. A NEW PROP. SITION Deaf, of Founder of Company Temporarily Caused Invest ment'Plans to Drop. The plan of Jacob Dold, founder of the Dold Packing company, to build a great independent packing plant in San Antonio, cut short by his death last fall, is to be re vived. Following the visit here last week of O. L. Williams, rep resentative of the Dold interests, who originally brought the propo sition to San Antonio last sum mer, the local managers of the Dold company have been summon ed to Wichita, Kansas, to meet the management of the company. Gus \V. Hahn, manager of the Jacob Dohi Packing company, ami Charbs Hackenjos, traveling salesman, leave tonight for Wichita over the Interna lioual & Great Northern ami Bauta Fe. They expect to be gone about a week tdlkiug over new business with Mr. DolffT :tmi will use avery-effort, th-y said this morning, to bring n Dobl packing house to Ban Antonio. Ac present Dohi has five brandies in Tex as, this, of course, being the nearest distributing point. More definite in formation. they say. regarding tho packing house, will be made known on their return. The establishment of an independent packing plant here would mean an in vestment of considerably over a mil lion dollars. Three millions, it is said by Mr. Williams, would be nearer the amount. The Dold company is one of tho largest, and has houses in Buffalo, N. Y., Kansas City, Mo.. Wichita, Kan., and n branch in Liverpool. Eng land. Mr. Dohi's sons conduct the bus iness, J. C. Dol.l being vice president I under Jacob Dold at the time of the I great pecker's death. < has. 11. Dold ■ is second vice president, a Fred W. | Dold. third vice president. Edward I'. Dold, secretarv-treasuier, and Philip B. Dold. assistant. The Chamber of Commerce at tho time of Mr. Williams’ visit on be half of Jacob Dold. furnished him with an exhaustive brief of what the San Antonio territory, immediately contig uous to the eity. could furnish for a great "packing plant. At his last visit, Mr. Williams met the officers of the C hamber of Commerce and said the matter had not dropped and that n’ was confident the plant could bi brought here if sufficient, inducement was offered. BANK ROBBERS WOUND W Officers Fatally Hurt In a Fight With Yeggmen Who Blow Up a Bank Safe. Special Dispatch. Oklahoma City, Okla., Feb. 19. —City Marshal Pol Pryor of Blanchard and O f fleer Perry were fatally wounded this morning In a fight with yeggmen fol lowing their attempt to roll the safe of Iho First National bank of that town. There were seven robbers in the gang ami they had succeeded in blowing <qs‘ i the vault when the officers attacked them. The cracksmen escaped on a hand ear and went west. Officers are in pursuit and it is expected there will bo a bloody fight, as both sides are heavily armed. clock. Testimony this morning showed that when Valdez was caught up with lugging tho clock under Ilia arms he dropped the timekeeper and waved from side to side, leaning against a feme for support. “I got the whiskey at the Cinco de Mayo cantina," said the prisoner. “We paid 50 cents a bottle. J don't remem ber anything until the next morning when I woke up iu the city hall jail.'' Judge Dwyer reduced the original bond from $lOOO to $3OO, stating lie be Lievcd the Mexican's story. PAGES MAYOR NAMES COMMITTEE OF CITIZENS Nine Men Are Selected to Act In Conjunction With the En tire City Council. FOR NEW WATER CONTRACT Early Meeting to Be Held and Steps Taken to Secure the Data Agreed Upon. IS UP TOGO BEFORE LEGISLATURE Necessary to Have Laws En acted, Says the Mayor, So No Time Will Be Lost. W. W. Lipscomb. James A. Gallagher. W. J. Moore. J. D. Guinn. Max B. Mayer. Fred W. Cook. L. J. Hart. Albert Hohrath. H. J. Hillyer. Mayor Callaghan today made pub lic the personnel of the Citizens’ committee which will act in con junction with the entire board of aldermen in perfecting a new con tract with the San Antonio Water Supply company. The appointment of the committee of representative citizens of Sau Antonio ' to serve in conjunct ion w ith the city council in the formation of a new eon ’ tract, effective upon tho expiration of the present conlnict with tin- Sau An tonio W.-uer ."supply company. wus cxe outed by Mayor Callaghan after much careful consideration ami in pursuance Jof a resolution introduced and passed Ibv the aldermanic body two weeks ago. The formation of the committee is the I first actual step toward a revision of | the contract now existing between the' ■public service corporation and the city government. The present contract will I expire two years hence, but because it mav be necessary to go before the next [session of the legislature in effecting] certain laws that may be necessary iu’ bringing about what the joint commit tee will deem a proper contract with] the water company, the mayor proceed ed lo take time by the forelock. The legislature will meet next Jan : nary and it is intended that the coin mittee take cognizance of what is nec-| essary to lay before the legislative body.j in bringing' about such measures as will insure a thoroughly adequate water service and rates based accordingly. I n-i less action is taken in the near future I the minor declares it will be useless to; endeavor to procure tin improvement ini lho local water service, as the contract will have ex|dred before the following session of the legislature, thereby pre venting anything being accomplished to I th.' benefit of the citizens of San An- in Order to be Prepared. In order to be prepared and fully equipped action regarding the formation of the new contract is desired prior to the next session of the law making bodv at Austin. The mayor says it is only his desire to be on an equal footing with the corporation that is actuating him in having, it' necessary, certain laws en acted. The perfecting of a new water contract is a very serious matter and for that reason the task must be han dled in what he terms a “cold blooded manner. There can be no sentiment in the question. The present contract with the Ban Antonio Water Supply company was made in .hme. 1902. at which tune the neople. it is said, were given to under st-ui.l that several hundred thousands of d.rilnrs would be nt onee expended in the improvement of the service. Ine rates agreed iqsm at the time were bus e.l so as to meet the interest and sink in" fund of ••xpense. These ex penllitures, it is averred, have not been made, notwithstanding the water rate at that time and at the present time tor household purjioses is the same. No date has been as yet selected by| the mayor tor the first conference of the joint coinm*ittees. The mayor gives, assurance that no time will be lost, al though the project will be handled not hastily, but Wisely. "It is a matter that must be handled cautiously, he WILL ASK BUCKNER TO ADDRESS CONFEDERATES A meeting of Alberty Sidney John ! >t,m camp of the I onfedorates Veterans will be held Sun.lay afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Woodmen hall on Com merce street. A committee from the 'amp will call on Cen. S. B. Buckner, n-ho is visiting his son at Fort Sam Houston, for the pur]s'se of inviting the listiugiiishe.l soldier ami statesman to i id.lress the cauiv •’ G"* •—>., r | ow afteruvuu I GOLDEN ROD BUTTER 1 Made at home. Guaranteed of the bluest quality. We chum every day. Creamery Dairy Co. Phones 871 PRICE: FIVE CENTS : NEGRO IS SMUGGLED FROM TOWN Guarded By Infantry He, With Other Prisoners, Is Taken to Chester Prison, TROUBLE IS NOT YET OVER Authorities, Both Civil and Mil itary, Fear Whites May At tack Negroes' Property. Associated Press. Cairo, 111.. Feb. 19. —Surrounded by a hundred infantrymen, the twelve : convicted prisoners who were sen tenced yesterday by Judge Butler -■> j varying terms in Chester prison, were | hurried out of town at 5 a. in. todav to the prison. Among the prisoners was [John PratJ,. the negro purse snatcnei . whose arrest resulted in an attempt to lynch him and ended in the death of tho leader of the mob and injury of four others. The plnus of the military and civil authorities to get the negro out of town without a demonstration were ■ entirely successful, as few people knew of tiie move. A squad of soldiers ac companied the prisoners to Chester pen itentiary. Company “I," of Vandalia, the । tour It militia company ordered out last night by Adjutant General Dickson, ar rived here at noon by special train. Ot- I lieials, military aiiq civil, are apprehen sive of what tonight at’d tomorrow mav f bring forth, as thousands of laboring i nun will be tree to roam the streets ’ until Monday, morning, the shops and ' I factories owing early on Saturua*. Fear Attacks on Property. , It is feared that animosity of the element toward the blaeks who - j aas deputies assisted sheriff Nellis iu ' ' defending the jail will bring about at ■' tucks upon negro propertv. Animosity • toward Sheriff Nellis tor ordering the I body of Alex Halliday to lie for three hours iu front of the jail, has died ' down to a large extent since the coro tier's autopsy last night disclosed that Halliday's death was probably instan- ' t a neons. Halliday's funeral will be held to > morrow afternoon and mav be made the occasion of a demonstration, and a de ! taehment of militia will attend the I services in anticipation of trouble. The . saloons remain closed aud orders to keep them shut arc being rigidly I forced. Tell Different Storv. Members of tile mob tell a different : story tn that told by Sheriff Nellis, who said the rioters numbered two hundred and made a direct assault upon the lail after he had ordered them to disperse. , The mob leaders say rhey were quiet and orderly and had as vet made no [ movement toward the jail when the I deputies opened fire. They sav Nellis I ordered them to disperse and the vol i ley was fired before they had time to I obey the order. Feeling against the negro deputies is high and the rumor is that they will be I killed the first time thev show tlierii , selves on the streets alone. The negroes I are expected to take the hint and leave , town. CHARGED WITH SMUGGLING HORSES ACROSS THE BORDER Domingo Salinas and Santiago Chapa charged with smuggling horses across the Mexican border, were brought to the city last night by Deputy United States Marshal Dibrel) and lodged io the county jail. They will have a hear ing today before the United States eoui missioner. The two Mexicans are said to have been operating in the neighborhood ot Rio Grande City in Starr county. They are said to have purchased horses hen ami there and then to have driven then: across the border, swimming the Kic Grande and landing them on the othei side to be disposed of at a handsome profit. Information reached here-ami Mr. Dibrel! was sent after them. W t hVrecubt till 7p. m. Sunday: For San Antonio and ririnity Wanner tonight aud Sunday. Alnvr?a*ing rloudinesK tonight, un titled weather Sunday. RThc temperature the 24 hours ending at S o vlock thia mornirx was 4(» decrees and the minimum was 26 degrees. M Cam pa rati re temperaturea fo» th** year and last: R Standing of All Contestants t Will Be Found on Page 5