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IS YOUR Why not u»? We nil Paetenrised Milk and Cream cuty. Delivered to any part or the city Dairy Co. Phones 871 VOLUME 29, No. 399 Who Will Win Magnificent Prizes In Light & Gazette Contest Which Ends Tonight at 8 O'Clnrkf THE MONSTER “NEW YORK" RISING AS 80,000 CUBIC FT. OF GAS ENTERS BAG The balloon “New York,” in which Hannon and Harrison are making their trip after records to the north. , - Photo by E. E. Prisbie'. Staff Photographer. J 1 • ■ 11. S. SENATE HIS GUESTS IT THEATER Senator Gordon Gives Largest Theater Party Ever Known in Washington. MRS. TAFT WAS PRESENT “A Gentleman From Missis-1 sippi” Played Before Very Select Audience. Associated Press. Washington, I>. March I.—Nena tor Gordon of Mississippi last night, gave the largest theater -narty ever| known in Washington by inviting the entire United States senate to be his guests at the Columbia *theatemto wit ness the performance of ••The Gentle-j man from Mississippi." In the adver-1 tisement of the performance he was j called “The Heal Gentleman from Mississippi.” With five exceptions, every senator accepted and nearly all of them with their wives and daughters were present.’ Mrs. Taft came early and with her was’ her sister. Mrs. Thomas Laughlin, of Pittsburg. The president came later. Ruilt from the orchestra to the stage was a flight of steps to be used by General Gordon to appear before the footlights and make n speech after the third act. There were cries of “Gor-i don. Gordon” after this act. but the senator had a fit of bashfulness and | would not resjand. , The Contest Closes Tonight at 8 p.m. The greatest prize contest ex er put on in Texas-closes tonight at 8 i 5 p. ni. The first grand prize is a $l5OO home, located in beautiful South < ; Park Terrace. The second grand’ prize is a s2oo'l Chalmers Detroit auto ) < mobile, “the finest equipped car ever broughr into Texas." The third ’ i grand price is a $B4O Studebaker Flanders suburban car. “the wonder of $ I the automobile xvorld. There are fidelity seven distinct prizes ranging in value from on $BOO j 1 Kimball player piano to eight $5O solid gold watches. The district prizes > j Include also eight $385 Goggan pianos, two lu acre tracts in the artesian 5 > belt worth $5OO each, four cabinet talking machines, value $2"O each; four j l solitaire diamond rings, value $lOO each; comprising the costliest and most < ( select lot of thirty prizes ever offered to deserving contestants. If you ■ J have not helped your favorite contestant get busy nt once and don't “pike,” > I but come strong. > SAN ANTONIO LIGHT and gazette HAMILTON FISH IS INSURGENT New Yorker Rebels Against Rules of House and Likens Conditions to Russia. Special Dispatch. Washington, March 1. —Another prom inent member of the house has joined the insurgents, in the person of Hamil ton Fish of Xew York, and heretofore classed with the aristocrats and “inter ests.” Fish startled the house today by de claring that unless the rules were changed the republican party's suprem acy Would he endangered. Mr. Fish stated that he had bills in the rules committee for the past three weeks and that they had been pigeon holed and forgotten. He said the publie was rap idly beginning to realize how poxverless a member of the house was under the present conditions and would demand a change. “Such conditions exist elsexvhere only in Russia,” declared Mr. Fish. EXTENSIONS WILL OPEN NEW TERRITORY Special Dispatch. Fort Worth. Tex., March I.— Ihe Rock Island today announced it had ordered sufficient steel to extend the Graham branch to Roswell. New Mex ico. and also to Stamford and Haskell. This indicates the road lifts definitely decided the rrflites of the new exten sions and that const ruction will begin within a month. The new lines open ft new* territory for Fort Worth, which heretofore has routed freight to Kan* Citv and Oklahoma City. DEMANDS THE STRIKE SHALL BE SETTLED Great Influences Brought to Bear on Philadelphia Rap id Transit Company. APPEAL FOR ARBITRATION Important Development Along This Line Is Looked for i Today In Philadelphia, AtsocUted Preßr. Philadelphia, March 1 Powerful in fluences are being brought to bear upon the Philadelphia Rapid Transit coin 1 pany to bring an end to the strike. The department stores, which have suffered ; from the strike, along w h thousand* I of other business house*, are known to ' have demanded that the transit' com- i pany shall not invoke ti e <Hy in a great general labor sirugule. I here wr,s I a general appeal for arb ’ration today. 1 The newspapers demand it. or ganizations are <damor ; ng for it and citirens generally arc tailing for an end of the trouble at oin e. Important • developments are looked for during the i day. ~ | INCREASES IUIM Of CARS 11 KE Associated Press. Philadelphia. Pa.. March L—Deter I mind to denmnsirat,* its ability to I operate without the assistance ot tlit* striking motormen ami conductors, the , Philadelphia Rapid Transit company I today again increased the number of | cars in use on its various linos. Traction officials declare no settle- ' incut involving recognition of the Car • men's union will be considered. It was reiterated by the company's spokesman ■ that arbitration xvas not needed to settle the strike Both labor leaders and ; the city administration are preparing, their lines for the expected sympathetic 1 st ri kes. Director of Public Safety ' lay in an interview today said lie did not regard the proposed extension as a “bluff, i Ho told of plans for increasing the po- I lice force in anticipation of further I trouble, \nother death dm* to the strike ; occurred late last night, when Benjamin j Gibbon, a wounded negro, died iu Doug j SAN ANTONIO. TEXAS. TUESDAY. MARCH I. 1910 MINERS DIG FOR VICTIMS Deaths In Avalanches in North ern Idaho Reach Thirty-one and Will Be Increased. Associated Press. Spokane, Wash.. March I.—Working desperately and almost exhausted, hundreds of miners are todav trying to dig from the packed ice. snow and w reckage, the dead and injured thought to be buried in the six northern Idaho nxalanehes. The death list reached JI todax- ami it is believed more dead xvill be found in the splintered cabins. So far thirty men, women and cliildien have been rescued at Mace. At ' nr bonate Hill txxo are dead mid half a dozen were injured in the slide. Fro n tlie North Franklin mine comes the latest reports of a slide, but no fatali ties are reported there. THE KATY ANNOUNCES LOW HORSE SHOW RATE The Missouri. Kansas & Texas an noiinccs n convention rate <»t a tare ami a fifth from all pails of thte stale on account of the Horse Show, which is to be held in this city. I’or the Inst day of the show, however, that road will put on a popular rate for points within lon miles of San \ntonio. which gives two 'days in the city, on Mandi 5 and fl. at $1.25 for the round trip. VISITS DAVIDSON CAMP. Special Dispatch Austin. Tex . Mandi I.—Senator Ibd soy of ('orsictna. visited tin headquar tors of R. V. Davidson today. It is understood Holwry is slated for adju tant general in case Davidson i> elect ed governor. Hulsey i* now a captain in the Texas National Guard. WOMAN DIES FROM BURNS. Tulsa. Okh.. March I —Mrs. George C. Lindol died today from burns re ceived when her d:ess uangbt fire at her home near this citv la*t night Sparks jumped from an open fire place and ignited her clothing. Her husban 1 severely burned hi* hand* ext • ing the flames. las hospitm'. This brings the number of .strike fatalities up to six. I lie eleventh day of the Strike opened wet and fogy, making walking more dis agreeable than over. Street cars are enr tying more passenger* than last week, but the number is far below normal. । PINCHOT SPRINGS SURPRISE Says He Based His Charges Against Ballinger on Letter of Latter's Former Partner, THREE FALSE STATEMENTS Admits These Had Been Pre viously Covered In Letter By Himself to Taft. Associated Press. Washington, March 1. — There xvas a surprising development in the Ballinger - Pinchot investigation when Gifford Pinchot announced to the committee that he based his charge that Secretary Ballinger had been guilty of making statements to the president that ' ‘ were abso lutely false in three essential par ticulars” not upon the letter from Ballinger himself, but upon a letter written by J. T. Ronald, former law partner of Ballinger, to Lr. Lyman Abbott. Pinchot said s. copy of this letter, with annotations, was forwarded by Ballinger to the pres ident. Pinchot admitetd the three alleged false statements in the Ro nald letter had previously been cov ered by a letter written by himself to the president iu which Ballinger made what the witness admitted was a true statement of facts. Pin chot said he did not attempt to reconcile these two facts. Pinchot declared that former Serre !ta Garfield had often told him that 1 he had told Secretary Ballinger he be I lieveil the Cunningham claims to be j-Cjnidulent, whereas Ballinger, aeeord [ ing to the witness, sought to give the that Garfield had not made i any such statements. The Ronalds Charges. The Ronalds charges were: First— Tie Ronalds charges were: First Special Agent .lones never made a re port dealing with the Cunningham I claims. Second —The order revoking the “clear list” for the Cunningham ’ claims was not based upon a protest jby Glavis. Third—Ballinger never ap peared before the congressional com- I mittce in the interest of any of the Alaska claimants. (Continued on page two.) -»»♦- HOSTILE AMENDMENTS WILL BE OPPOSED ■ Leaders In Congress Agree to ■i This After Conference With, President Taft. Associated Press. Washington. D. C.. March I After :i two hour conference with President r.'ifl today, loaders in congress an ' noiniced they would oppose all amend ments to the several administration Dills when it became apparent the amendments were offered in a spirit hos tile to the main purpose of the proposed legislation. Among those at the confer mice were Senators Aldrich and t'rane and Sj>euker Cannon. GIRL UNDER HOUSE ALL NIGHT |L> he! than be chastised by her nm’lri i. Maria Sanchez, aged 13 years. hi from her home, 524 South Laredo xi reel at !» o’clock and Ifid under the bi'ilding where she remained all night. ; Ihr disappearance caused her relatives tin greatest anxiety and the police vere called u|hju in an effort 1o locate ihr missing daughter. It was not until 8 o’clock this morn ing that her brother located the girl Iving beneath the building. Police head quarters wan notified of the fact at noon and the search for the girl discon tinned. Angn*lin<‘ Sanchez, a brother of the 1 girl, called at police headquarter* last night and notified the officer* of the disappearance of his sister. A descrip tion was given the police. Relatives conducted an all night search. It is said that the girl had been negligent in >otiio housework and left the place when her mother began to scold h< r. -♦♦♦ — — GRANT HABEAS CORPUS WRIT. Special Di?n»tch. Kirksville. Mo.. March I.- The jud-je o»:ii«t('H Dr. Hull a writ of habeas <•»’ pus th’* morning mid the hearing w i* M »t fm Thursday morning, when th’ courl • oiivenes in st»eci:il session. Pros , I ecnio r Roiger is ill as the result uf overwork and may ask « continuance | Thursday. It will be granted if asked. | SAILS AWAY FOR RECORDS AWlionaire Harmon In the "Light and Gazette" Balloon Leaves For North in Effort to Lift the Lahm Cup. WORLD'S SCIENTISTS INTERESTED l ruler condit 1011 s pronounced Clifford 11. Harmon, Xew York. - George 11. Harrison. I.os Angeles, Monday evening and started on a 1 the long distance record flight for ance record and make a scientific ditions encountered. The Lahm trophy is now heh it last fall at St. Louis by making miles in the balloon "New York.' ord is held by Count De La \ a, was mack' three years ago from tance of a’little less than 1200 m The endurance record is held in the balloon "Xew York" last f; will be given to the I nited State first known record of these condit States. ■ Mr. Harmon, while not predi the basket left the ground to a re zette that he thought all of the al> and that he would wire them to »l IS RELENTLESS II_PROBE Associated Press. New Yoik. March 1. —The investiga tion of the alleged cold storage evils was resumed today b\ the Hudson court ty grand jury, which last week indicted the so called “beef trust.” including the constitueni linns ami individuals, directors and officials. Additional true bills may be the outgrowth of the renewed probing as Prosecutor Gar PIERRE P. GAR VEN, Jersey City Prosecutor, Who Indicted the Meat Trust. van has indicated he means to bring formal charges against every indixid ual believed to Ih» responsible in any wav for trade restrict ion and artificial price booming. * • No man shall do a laxvtul dvod un lawfully or an unlaxvful deed laxvtnl : ly. This i" a bit of old Knglish law. ' still on the statute books of Xew .ler sex', and under it has been indieted the meat trust of Chicago. “I think it xvill xvork," says Pios eeutor Garven. “If it's law id to raise the price of meat to a top notch, I think it can be proxeu. nevertheless, that the moat trust raised prices in an unlnxvfwl xvay by forming a merger. ‘‘lf the merger is lawtul. we xvill then have a chanee. under this ohi statute, to pioxe tlni the raising ol the pi ice of mca: was io law ful. “Tliu> we Im'e Iwo tlutiivv* ugainst ♦he inunt trust, wbereu*. if we pro* ecuted under Ihe Shermi’D anti-trust »n\ . n • would have only one chance in • that the merger was in re trade.” \ ( ‘larges that Garven was offered a if he would diop the pro* J .•ut:on, ha'c not been denied by him. | ' GOLDEN ROD BUTTER' Mad* at home. Guaranteed of the higoeat quality. We chnrn every day. Dairy Co. Phones 871 PRICE: FIVE CEN S ideal, the balloon "Xew York,” twtier ami pilot, accompanied by aide, was released at 9:14 o'clock rip to lift the Lahm trophy, break a balloon, establish a new endur chart of the meteorological con. by A. Holland Forbes, who wont a flight of a little more than 70a The world's long distance rec x of Paris, France, whose flight ’aris to a point in Russia, a dis k's. >y Mr. Harmon, made by himself 11 at St. Louis. I’hi' chart made • weather bureau and will be the ions in thi' section of the I nited 'ting anything, stated just before iresentative of the Light and Ga ix e results would be accomplished 'an Antonio himself. Just before ’lm start xvas made Mr. Haru.on ami Mr. Harrison shook haiuis xvith Major Allen Buell, who rendered valuable assistance, and with .1. Cowan Hulbert of the A.romotion company of America and friends. The start was made under perfect conditions in the preseme of more tiHWi ■ ~000 persons. The balloon rose grace fully from the ground when released and swept northwestward at about firs miles :in hour until clear of rhe break nffoidcd by the large gas tank. As soon as it rose sufficiently high to clear tins tank it was suddenly carried due north by a wind estimated at between thirty and thirty five miles an hour. Due to the disturbed condition of the lower air currents the balloon seemed to rise and then settie about 1000 feet distance from the lank into a steady current csk tiinnted at an altitude of I'oo feet. As far as the eye could see. Mr. Harrison flashed back “Good bye” iu the hcilo graph cotie with his electric flash light to the signal corps men of the Inited. States armx who handled the balloon. Thousands of exes folhuved the little flash as far as the eye eould see ami it was hardly realized that the great bag hail gone. Mr. Harmon ami Mr. Harrison signi* tied their intention of both remaining awake all night ami at the rate they left expect to cross the northern bound ary of Texas a little after sunrise. The greatest advantage to them in this flight was the fad that at the time of their ascension, they got away in the front ot the tiuuiug eml of a high eui rent of air coining from the Faeifle ■ oast around the Rm ky mountains ami heading into a northwesterly direction. It is t'litieipatcd that this high wind will be cut into by a stronger high ap proximately 150 mill's north of here, which currents will then ehtiuge to I orthensterly direction, carrying the balloon over Oklahoma. Missouri and, Illinois. Here nee. eouditiotis are liable io arise which will either take the bal loon across the lakes into < hiiada or the Xi w Hr.gland states. The delation ot the flights will win from liilhi to IO.eOO fid. as they need a certain air curient thex will go up or doxvn until tiny liml it. The' e.-.p. it to le carried due north froin Sait Antoiiu, with a slight veer, inn towards the nor h.vest ami pass out 1,1 l ex:.- near \\ ichiiu Falls. Then thex will begin to -wing in a northeast i i!\ dini-tion and pass just north of (ikldioma I’itx an.l south ot VViehitn, Kan. They expect to pass oxer Kau -as i ii\ ami leave Si. Louis a little to the south. <'tossing into Illinois their i iih will lead them over a |H»int in rhe xieinit'" ot । hieago. probably south. 11l Air Seventy-two Hours. Win the balloon lights. Mr. llarnion will i mniiuliately go to Xew \ ork ami Mr. Hairison will take ebarge of the, ami equipment ami ship it to he Veroniotiou company at St. Louis o I— prepared for any future flights. I'hex expect to remain in the air not ess than 72 hours. Affidavits as to the official time of he a-eension x.*re made by )*rsons who witnessed the flight and will be lot warded to the Aero club of America for check nil.l assmame oil official light. The big rubber si"» bag. costing ChH’U. win laid “lit at thr gas vu»v*> plant Veltri day afternoon near be'lutermitiom. w Gres' Northern ” irneks ami : ildm-. .W of dgua! corp* . e .... .... .. ■nt FvU- .„ s . . '. ‘idled «h» $ Walloon uv.l.r ihe .lui'di.m of 'ieiirgv It. Ila, ■ i-.u. At I o'rlm k the gas was .(■pied into the big bag through a spo ■ i dlx '- ol |"! H ' leading oM to the lot (Voutiuued on Hgo