Newspaper Page Text
14 WEDNESDAY, AMUSEMENTS GRAND OPERA HOUSE TONIGHT AND TOMORROW MATINEE AND NIGHT GEO. PRIMROSE GREAT MINSTRELS Forty Splendid Tun Maker, DBIPCC MATINEE . 25c. 50c. 75c mibCS NIGHT . .25c, 50c. 75c, SI FRIDAY NIGHT MR. ELLIOTT DEXTER IN I Edward Peple’s Delightful Play The Prince Chap Prices 25c. 50c. 75c. $l.OO, $1.50 SATURDAY AND SUNDAY NIGHTS, MATINEE SUNDAY ROSE MELVILLE In SIS HOPKINS Di-innc Matinee 25e. 50c, 75c ri IGtb Night 25c, 50c, 75c, $l.OO MI IES3 H MODERN VAUDEVILLE. Matinee Four LaZar, and » ™ I LaZar Co.. lowers M 3 P- “• d* l -* an d Paulina. Abbott . and Alba. Marti- al Any ■ neze and Jefferson. 81 Seat IVV ’ Royalscope, Royal ucai Orchestra. ■ Night 8:00. 9:15 M NIGHT PRICES: Lower Floor (Res.) 20c; Balcony. 10c. EMPIRE SAN ANTONIO'S FAVORITES ISABELLE LOWE AND HER PLAYERS. Presenting J. Manldin Feigel’s Great Play TEXAS I POPULAR PRICES. » • Will save you 25 to 50 per cent on each i gallon of whiskey. ; wine or box of cigars ( you buy from him. J Both phones. Esta.blished 1878 We do not say our products are “ Just as Good ” We assert there are “NONE BETTER’* Money back if not satisfied. TEA. COFFEE. BAKING POWDER, EXTRACTS AND SPICES. The Holland Tea Store 229 W. Com. St. Phones 311. — SPECIAL This week. $7.00 Polished Oak Rocker I for Only $5.00. HENDRICKS & FENSTERMAKER 113 and 115 Main Avenue. THIS WEEK GOLD FILLED « EYE GLASSES WAB&ANTBD FFVB TSABS. F.XAMDIATIOM FBBB DR. W.S. YOUNG OpUcian Third Floor Cocroy Butldln* LEVYTANSKY’S JEWELRY EMPORIUM —e——— ■ — FOR ANYTHING IN THAT LINK Oar. Casino and W. Commerce M. Near th. Bridge. Fischer's Drug Store GIBBS BUILDING. Best drugstore service In the city. Headquarters San Antonio Graduate Nurses' Association. Calls taken for phy sicians or nurses any hour, day or night. We have six quick delivery messengers Ooen all night Both nhones 224 H. C. REES OPTICAL CO. 242 W. Commerce St. “Want to See You.’ —— NINETY-FIVE HEADACHES in every 100 are caused from EYE STRAIN My nerve CONTROL method of fitting flame* removes the cause of lye Examination free. DR. DUNN. Oph. D. 3rd Floor Hicks Building ALAMO BLEND COFFEE The Best 25c Coffee on Earth. Try Our Elgin Creamery Butter. Great Co. {ANTITOXIN FOR THE CURE OF CONSUMPTION Office for Treatment of Patients. Hicks Building, San Antonio, Texas. POSITIVE EVIDENCE OF ITS MERITS. We recently had the pleasure of anuouuc ing the establishment of an office of the W’right LMiering Antitoxin Company in San Antonin for the purpose of demonktrating what the treatment would no under the most favonhle climatic influences. The wisdom of this move has already been shown, as ’dhe action of the treatment is more effective f and results are apparent in much leas time than was found to be the case in the North* ♦rn climate. The oilices in the Hicks build ing have been visited by a great number and many cases have been placed under treatment while arrangement's have been made lor man\ more, some tv be treated at their homes. We solicit the moat rigid in vestigation of our methods as well as the testimonials which we publish herewith to dav. It is true that all these testimonials are from the North, but it must be remembered that all our demonstrations were made in St. Louis. Four years were given to demon strating before our Antitoxin was given to • the Profession. Read these testimonials, then write to the people who gave them. EACH AND EVERY CASE WAS EXAMINED BY AN EXPERT AND - HIS REPORT WAS THA I TV BERrVLAR BACILLI WAS PRESENT IN LARGE QUANTITIES, each case was treated and before being discharged ' as cured was again examined bv an expert | who reported THE TOTAL ABSENCE OF: Tl BERCCDAR BACILLI. Each and every 1 one was thoroughly cured —not patched up — | and discharged from further treatment be fore a testimonial was accepteu. We do not I solicit testimonials, but only those which ' are offered us by our grateful and cured । patients. W RIGHT D UEKI N G AN TITOX IX COMPANY. I Miss Tina Regebak. 902 Geyer av.. St. Louis. Mr W. P. James' Son, 3422 St. Vincent, St Louis. Mr. Henry Mueller, 329 Sidney st.. St. Louis ( Miss Katie Mueller, 329 Sidney st., St. Louis Mr. Thos. Robinson. 1236 Cass av.. St. Louis , Mr. J. B. Marshel. Frisco Bldg.. St. Louis, j Mrs. Homer Bennett, 3710 N. 11th st., St. Louis, Mo. | Mrs M. J. Martin. 1401 Granville place, St. Louis, Mo. Elizabeth Bird. Laurel. Maryland. Mr. Emil P Wegener. Red Bud. 111. Mrs. Stella Malaby. What Cherr. la Mrs. Etta Davenport. Granite City. 111. < Mr. E. L. Rogers. Elsberry. Mo. Mrs. Zach D. Eastin. Elsberry. Mo. Mrs. Susie Fleming. Cuba. Mo Mrs. J. F. Mattingly, Silex, Mo. Mr. P. J. Martin. Lewisville. Ark. Mrs. Debbie Louise Gable, 157 Riverside Drive. New York. N. Y. Mr. C. P. Wilson, Mesilla Park, N. M. If your investigation proves satisfactory, come to us at once—don't delay. When we examine you we will tell you honestly and frankly just what your true condition® Is and what we can do for you. We certainly can du for you what we have dune for others. Many put off coming until it is too late, for in Consumption the one who is afflicted soon reaches the point where there is no hu man aid. When you write to our references Inquire a* to the merits of our Antitoxin treatment, our ability, reliability, etc. These points are all of great importance to you. We wish to call your special attention to the fart that the Wright-Duering Antitoxin has stood the test of time —it having been used more than seven years before wp began to give if publicity—and has many cures to its credit—some five, six and seven years standing and many cured within the last two years. For further information, full particulars. , free consultation, etc., call on. or write to WRIGHT-DUERING ANTITOXIN CO. 524 625 Hicks Building. Dr. R. E Woodird. Physician in Charge. San Antonio. Texas. CITYNEWS Livingstone Attached — The Fort Worth grand jury has sent an attach ment to Sheriff Lindsey for Fred Living stone. wanted there ’to testify. He leaves tonight. For Sale—Old papers. San Antonio Light and Gazette. Goes as a Witness—Mildred Clifton, keeper of a resort on Matamoros street, leaves tonight in custody of the sheriff lor Fort Morth, where she is wanted by the grand jury as an attached witness. It is believed she knows something con | cerning a killing recently in that city. Garland World’s Greatest Psycholo gist, helps you in every way and gives names and advice upon all affairs of life without you writing a word. Hours: 10 a. m. to 8 p. m. 216 Avenue C. Letter Delivered After Two Years— Tollowing a delay of over two rears, a letter mailed September 28. 1007, by l the Merchants Transfer company and addressed to Staacke Brothers was de livered yesterday. How the letter came to be delayed all that time in the local postoffice is a mystery and was an er ror on the part of some clerk in the office. The letter thus delayed contain ed a check for $5 and was signed bv •1. • . A. Piper, who has been dead two years. Attention All Knights of Pythias- There will be a jcint meeting of all K. of P. ledges Thursday evening. March 3, at 8 p. m„ at K. of P. hall. The purpose of this meeting is to go into details regarding the K. of P building. This meeting is absolutely necessary, and every member of the order should be there by al! means. Geo. e. Hadley, chairman; C. S. Smith, Secretary. Berry Case to Jury—lt is believed that the ease against Dr. J. Lafayette Berry, charged with fraudulent practices such as to call for the cancellutiort of his medical license, will be given to the jury this evening. Argument was slated to take place this afternoon, but some of it may be postponed until tomorrow morning. NOTICE. The B. B. B. Service is a strictly first class employment agency. Al] kinds of help furnished on short notice. Phones 187. 208 Navarro street. County Offices Closed—Practically no office in the county court house was open after 12 o'clock today, this being the anniversary of Texas’ independence. ‘ onnty clerk, tax collector, assessor and district clerk dosed nt noon. Ring 187 for messenger boy. Post Card Business Booms—The post card business in San Antonio is still on the increase. and judging from the post office / returns there are fully 200.000 cards sent out and received at this point weekly. Notwithstanding that the ma jority of the cards sent out and receiv ed at the local office are clean, yet there are a few persons in the city who itn- SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE FIFTH HIRD ■ LEADS OTHERS IN BUILDING Report of Building Inspector Dielmann for February Is Filed With City Clerk, THE VALUATION IS $285,635 Total of Three Hundred and Twenty-eight Permits Isued During Month for the City. The official report of City Building Inspector Leo M. ,1. Dielmann snowing ?28 permits issued during the mouth of February and representing a valuation of $285,635, was l:?d in die office of the city clerk today. The report shows the fifth ward leads in building activi ties during the montn, new structures for which permits were issued aggre gating the sum of $74,775. The building record for February ap portioned among the various wards is as follows- First ward. 32 permits. $33,- 349; second ward, 52 permits. $14,961; third ward, 36 permits. $17,970: iditnn ward, $68,077; fifth ward, $74,775; sixth ward. 34 permits. $10,006; seventh ward 68 permits, $49,375; eighth ward, 21 per mits, $22,122. 1 he rlassifieatiou of buildings is list ed as follows: Brick business houses, six permits, $46,000; brick school house lone permit, $40,000; brick,garage build ings, one permit, $5000; brick Noggin warehouse, one permit, $200; brick ve neer barn, one permit, $500; brick sta blt, one permit, $2000; reinforeed con crete business house, one permit, $lO,- 000; installation of gasoline tanks, two permits, s4.>o; frame dwellings, 151 per mits, $152,830; frame chapel, one per mit, $900; frame business house, five permits, $1850; ironclad warehouses, tour permits, $2525; sheds, 46 permits, $1863; fiame Stables, eight permits,, $661; alterations and additions, 85 per ■nits, $13,406; brick and stone houses, eight permits, $7050. agine that any kind of a card, no mat-' ter how suggestive, can be sent through the mails, providing that it is properlyi addressed and carries a stamp. In this! the sender is mistaken from the fact; that this class of cards find their way into the “nixy” box and are later de stroyed. Dr. B E. Witte, STOMACH SPECIAL IST. Hicks Bldg. Treasurer Baker Here—A. Y. Baker, treasurer of Hidalgo county, was in the city today. He and Sheriff Lindsey' were old-time rangers together and the! two met for a while to talk over old! times when the rangers patroled the border and maintained law and order. | M. D. A. dance. Saturdav. March 5. ' Mission garden hall. Artzt'orchestra. Suit to Try Title—L. Jones has filed' suit against Jean Dueos in the Forty-1 fifth district court to try title to a small piece of land. Steaks, chops, chicken. Bob’s fine pies! and pastry, with good coffee, pure cream, polite service and a good cook.j The only Bob White, on the Alamo! plaza, rear of the Coney Island Bar. Police Look for A. T. Baird—Chief I of Police Van Riper last night received; a telegram from Thompson Brothers at Memphis. Tenn., announcing the death I of one Della Conners Sind requesting that A. T. Baird, thought to be in Ban| Antonio, be located and notified of the death. Thus far the police have been unable to find Mr. Baird. Was Bodyguard of Davis—Word was received in the city Inst night of the death of Gordon Davis, an old body guard and servant of Jefferson Davis, president of the Southern Confederacy, who did at Boerne. He loaves a num ber of children and grand children in San Antonio. He had been a resident of Kendall county since the close of the war and had many friends among both whites and negroes at Boerne. Found Without License—J. Spiegel, alleged to have been exhibiting without a license, was arrested this morning by Deputy Constable F. N. Flores on com plaint of Deputy County Tax Collector J. H. Nass. The charge was filed with Justice Ben Fisk and the defendant re released on bond. Sheriff Wright Here Sheriff W. L. Wright of Wilson county is in the city today en route from Fredericksburg to Floresville, his headquarters. He has been a witness at Fredericksburg and stopped over in San Antonio for the day to greet his old friend, Sheriff’ B. D. Lindsey. I Ballard’s | Horehound Syrup J COMPOUND. K pUR E S COUGHS, COLDS, 5 t, CROUP, SORE THROAT, I WHOOPING COUGH AND | ALL PULMONARY DISEASES. | FINOS IT TO IE A SPtENDIO REMEDY. E Mr. J. E. Ryan, Editor Berwick Reels- K Berwick, L«., writes:—! have used , * Ballard’s Horehound Syruo Compound in K my family for several years and find it to { K be a splendid remedy. C I heartily recommend it to those suffering { from coughs and colds. (I also recommend it cs a safe cure for chai- { dre/i when suffering from croui or wheop- K ing cough. Three Sizes, 25c, 50c end $l.OO BALLARD SNOW LINIMENT CO., ST. LOUIS. MISSOURI. J ttWCM Sold and Recommended by XIW , BbXAK UHUG CO. TYOKICHI LYENAGA, Ph. D. The eloquent Chicago University Pro fessor, who lectures every Wednesday during March at Carnegie Hall on Oriental Capitals, including those of Japan, China and Persia. All his lec tures are illustrated with beautiful stereopticon views. He will speak on Japan tonight. Thursday evening Dr. Huntinton of Yale gives an illustrated lecture on Palestine. Tickets for eight, admissions to any lecture $1.25; single admission 25 eents. AMUSEMENTS PRIMROSE MINSTRELS IN PARADE AT NOON. George Primrose and his minstrel men arrived Carly this morning. The parade, the men riuing in tallyho aud carriage, was pulled off at noon. With a firm and unerring determina tion to maintain the reputation of the Primrose Minstrels from a musical standpoint, Mr. Primrose appears to have gone far and beyond the usual extravagant notions in order to se cure the best available talent in ev ery direction of vocal and instrumental significance. The organization, which has been very considerably enlarged upon lor this season, includes singers aud musi cians of international fume, men who can be relied upon for solo work of the most 'artistic finish and who take pride enough for their calling to keep w touch with progressive ideas. TUB celebrated Primrose Minstrels are booked to appear at the Grand Wed nesday and Thursday, and their advent lovers’ of good music, who relish the I flavor of merriment and enjoy sensa tiomd novelties at the same tune and with equal flavor. \ GALVESTON NEWS GIVES “PRINCE CHAP’’ A BOOST. Reviewing “The Prince hap,” the ciitie of the Galveston News says: “The Prince Chap” is certainly one of the best attractions-of its kind that has played at the Grand opera house this season. Although there was not a large crowd in attendance at its initial performance Saturday nigh’, it is doubtful if there ever was a more pleased audience. Mr. Elliot Dexter, a popular young romantic actor, is foremost in the east. Mr. Dexter is wed known in the south, but there seems to be a new recognition of his ability sim-e heading this strong production. There are many plays combined in “The Prince Chap.” It is a play which creates new ideas all through each act, and particularlly in the first. It is im possible for one to judge the play by seeing the first act, or even telling something about its plot, for there is very Title significance attached to tne first act. Mr. Dexter's role in the play is that of a young American sculptor whose career in London is threatened by an enforced adoption of a little orphan girl, the child of a late friend. As the child grows up to womanhood, and to splendid womanhood, the heart interest is represented by Ilie sculptor. The characters of guardian and ward nre surrounded by many interesting aud some laughable personalities. The action takes place in the studio and apartments of a young sculptor tn London, William Peyton, to whom au orphan girl. Claudia, only 5 years old, lies been left by her mother, his for m<— friend. He is engaged to marry aa American society girl, and at first hesi tates at adopting the child, but the little one creeps into a niche in his heart, where she dwells supreme. The sculptor’s fiance conies to London and demands that the child be sent away, for she has a groundless suspicion that little Claudia is Peyton’s own child. Peyton's love for the child has by this time emnraeed the affections of both a father and mother, and he refuses to part with her, though it breaks his heart to lose his promised bride. The child develops through the play from babyhood to ideal girlhood, finally blooming out as a splendid young wom an. and takes the place of the too worldly swetheurt whom Peyton lost. THE EMPIRE. '! he Empire opera house was filled with an enthusiastic audience, last night to witness Isabelle Lowe aud her clever supporting company present “Texas." This is a well known play hero, as* it was written by an Austin woman and it eertairtly is pleasing the patrons of this popular priced play house. The bill is full of thrills and at times borders on the melodrama, but it is none the less one of the best and most true to nature plays that has been seen in San Antonio in some tiure. The cliarnctcrs iportrayed are’ a’l taken from real life and are’portrayed exactly like the ordinary every day persons one meets in the walks of life. Miss Lowe is certainly delighting eer many friends and admirers by hot natural impersonation of a typical Tex as lapclimtin’s daughter. There is noth ing forced or unnatural about her wor!:, .•u. she seems to’li've tbis parr. Joseph Remington, as J-’resh Water Jack, is giving a mighty flue Rendition of a Texas plainsman. “Texas” will be seen for the balance GRAND- Spiring Opening Thursday, March Third Nineteen Hundred and Ten WE TAKE pleasure in inviting the women of San Antonio to attend our Spring Opening display Tomorrow. It will be the most complete showing we have ever presented in women’s and misses’ gowns, frocks, suits, dresses, waists and skirts, suitable for dinner, theatre, calling, street and general utility service, revealing the superlative achievements of the world’s foremost designers of women’s and misses’ ready-for-service apparel. ExhlbWojn On Living Models From 3 to 6 p. m. 'Thursday Musical Programme by Diaz Sisters — All Are Invited to Attend NOTE Demonstration of Nemo and Smart Set Corsets by Mme. Beausejour will continue until Saturday. of the week with the usual Saturday! matinee at popular prices. AT THE ROYAL. Capacity houses again' for three shows yesterday at tire Royal. The quality of this week’s bill is the prin cipal topic of conversation among l theatergoers, and packed houses, mat inees and night, can be expected eaeu day this week. The LaZar & LaZar company cl , four has a musical novelty extrav.i- i ganza of great work. The “Hypnotic j Glass” is the work of Josh LaZar who: also plays the part of the old profes- ; sor, which stamps him, not only a per- j former of merit as an actor, but a ' musician of rare ability.' Matinee at 3 o’clock. —— —Wanted—Extra carrier boys with horse and eart. S. A. Light and'Gazette. steamers Collide DURING DENSE FOG. Associated Press. New York. March 2. —Enveloped in a j thick fog. New York harbor and the waters nearby are full of peril to ma- ' riners. The British steamer Sidra with] sugar from Cardenas, Cuba, was in co! f lision outside the harbor with the Nor wegian fruis steamer Minnesota and sustained a broken bow and other dam ages. The Minnesota had her bow stove j in from the deck to the water line as far back as the forecastle and her bow : plates were badly started. HASKELL MUST RECEIVE PETITION Special Dispatch. Guthrie. March 2. —The sit- j preme court today issued an alterna tive writ of mandamus to compel Gov-' ernor Haskell and Secretary of State! Cross to properly receive and act upon । the petition containing 60,000 names and asking for a constitutional amend ment to allow local option in Oklahoma. The hearing is set for March 8. Haskell blocked the petition by refus ing to be present when it was filed as the law requires. Velva Breakfast Syrup Hai a Food Value Unapproached by Any Other Syrup And the Same is True of Its Flavor AT YOUR GROCER'S Penick a Ford. Lr» NEW ORLEANS, LA. GARVEN GOES TO CONDUCT TIGHT Will Personally Look After Ex tradition Proceedings In Illinois Court, Special Dispatch. Jersey City, March 2. —Prosecutor Garven announces that he will go to Chicago this week to personally con duit the fight ror the extradition of the beef packers. He says he will cause the arrest of two directors of the com pany to make a test case in the Illinois i-mirts and will try to get books to prove their participation in meetings in this state. By this he intends to show they committed a crime in New Jersey and are subject to extradition. The World f s Best Foody ®i Its Most Tempting Form. Something New— Kellogg’s Toasted Rice Flakes and Toasted Rice Biscuit ;p—Appetizing—Satisfying. At your grocer’s. 4 ZV Made by I I Iz* Original A VFKz Cr „ k Food Co. U«ed and Endorsed by the Famous Battle Creek Sanitarium /if you suffer. with consumption or catarrh conic to the French Laboratory, 106 West Houston Street. We will give you a thorough examination free of charge and tell yon just what it will cost you to be cured. W. White, Manager. K. Adams, M. D., Medical I College Heights I ADDITION E Ik the highest point unrounding the city. T« inside the city limits.- Has ea rn mon’ sidewalks, paved streets, water, desirable restriction and can be sold at S from $lOO.OO up on the very easy terms of ■ $lO.OO PER MONTH ■ No intereat. No taxes. Xo payments when sick. Is the fastest selling prop- B erty in 8. A. today and will prove to be a great money maker for you as it I has for olhers. Go out to see it today. See [ X’omct STREET REALTY CO. S, ALBERT BINE. GEO. B. TALIAFERRO, GUR ZALMANZIG President. Vice President. Becy. and Trets. Albert Rine Lumber Co. Lumber. Paints and Builders’ Supplies GOOD lumber. mWWEF TRf.ATMENT Our priem are a'nnys right, our facilities for handling building loans are unsurpassed. Let us build your next home. Both Fhones OFFICE and YARDS I oth Phones | 3132 1817 S. Pres* St., Sunset Crossing 3132 MARCH 2, 1910. CREWS OF PHILIPINE STEAMERS ON STRIKE- Associated Press. Manila, March 2.—Following the re fusal of owners to grant a series of de mands, the crews of inter-island steam ers struck today, tieing up the vessels and so holding back the mails. Dr. G. E. Rwinn, 301-302 Hicks Bldg. Eye, ear, nose, throat. Old phone 1998. ■ Dr. Chas. H. Edwards, 421-22 Moore bldg. Eye, ear, nose, throat. .N. P. 1540 । ■ " -- NOMINATES CONSULS. ■ Associated Press. Washington, D. C., March 2—Nomina tions sent to the senate today by the president included the following: To be consuls —Arthur Cooke of South Carolina, at Patras, Greece; Phillip Holland of Tennessee at Puerto’ Plata. Dominican republic; Ralph Tot ten of Tennessee, at Maracaibo, Vene zuela.