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WEDNESDAY, 10 Millions of Lives Lost ■Xn Awful Toll Collected bv Consumption. Many Un- , necessary Deaths from this Disease If people could only understand that: systemic catarrh is an internal disease! that external applications cannot, euro, they would not need to be warned so often about this malady, which, when I neglected, paves the way ofWntnneSj for consumption, at the cost of millions ( of lives every year. Yet catarrh may be cured, if the right treatment is cm-| ployed. ' Catarrh is caused by a general dis । eased state of the system which leads! commonly to annoying and . perhaps i serious local conditions which ma) , prove a fertile breeding ground for germs of consumption. External reme dies give but temporary ease. The only way to successfully treat catarrh is by 'employing a medicine: which is absorbed and carried by the blood to all parts of the system, so that the mucous membrane or internal lining of the body is toned up and made capa-: ble of resisting the infection of con-: sumption and other diseases. We have a remedy prepared from the prescription of a physician who tor thirty years studied and made catarrh a specialty, and whose record was a patient restored to health in every case) where his treatment was followed as prescribed. That remedy is Rexall j Mucu-Tone. We are so positive that it will completely overcome catarrh in all; its various forms, whether acute or chronic, that we promise to return every penny paid us for the medicine in every case where it fails or for any | reason does not satisfy the user. We want you to try Rexall Mucu- j Tone on our recommendation and guar antee. We are right here where you live, and you do not contract any ob i ligation or risk when you try Rexall .Mucu-Tone on our guarantee. We havej Rexall Mueu-Tone in two sizes. 50 cents and $l.OO. Very often the taking of one 50-cent bottle is sufficient to make: a marked impression upon the ease. Of I course in chronic cases a longer treat-1 ment is necessary. The average in such instances is three $l.OO bottles. Re-; member you can obtain Rexall Reine-] dies in San Antonio only at our store. —. The Rexall Store. Wagner's Drug Store, Hicks building. 10 FEAR OF GENERAL RAILROAD SIRIKES — American Labor and American! Employers Closer Than Ever Before, Says Mr. Loree. in downright piracy, and devotion on the' 1 American , | , are closer han ever before, according to L. F. •'oree, chairman of the executive com mittee of the Kansas City Southern and president of the Delaware & Hudson railroads. “Railroad men are not fearing any ; general labor troubles among their em- i ployes this spring,” Mr. Loree said. ; Ite left New Orleans last night for Cal- ; ifornia. WILL DEMONSTRATE FIRE EXTINGUISHER. Special Dispatch. Austin, 'l'ex.. March 9.—Ex-Repre sentative C. K. Walter of Gonzales, now selling a fire extinguisher, has secured permission from the city council to give a demonstration and will use the old state capitol grounds. Congress avenue and Eleventh street, to demonstrate the efficiency of his extinguisher tonight. AUSTIN ELKS ELECT. pectal Dispatch. Austin, Tex., March 9.—The follow ig officers have been elected by the ustin Elks: R. W. Finley, exalted ■ler; H. A. Chance, esteemed leading right; Jack A. Fernandez, esteemed eturing knight; O. D. Hudnall, seere ry; T. H. Davis, treasurer; C. C. Wil nson,’ tyler; E. J. Byrne, trustee; G Shelley, delegate to the grand lodge t *M. Graham, alternate. ci hr the Cracker \KI IK , that Ml Brown /JJk EiiiML. makes W SodaejQlß BOND ISSUES 10 BE “B00S1ED” ON THE STAGE I i Austin Man Has Written a Play Which He Will Produce Short- ly In Their Interests. “A CITY’S AWAKENING” ' Business League at Its Meet ing Last Night Endorsed the Street and Sewer Bonds. Austin. Tex., March 9. —The Austin bond fight on the stage will be the next development in the campaign of awak ening here, according to the plans of i A. S. Whitten. Mr. Whitten has writ ten a drama entitled “A City's Awak ening.” and is preparing to have it staged several days before the bond election on account of its possible ef , feet. It depicts the glories of the new Aus tin and is in line with the “Visions recentlv published by the author. lie I plans to have the play acted by city I officials and others interested in the success of the bond issue, but up to date no inclination for Thespian hon । ors has been expressed by the council i men. The bond issues are the burning topic ;.of the day in Austin now. and public I interest is at the highest pitch. Last night the Business League, act ■ iug on the recommendations of a mass meeting of Austin women held yester- J dav afternoon, declared for the sewer ■and street bonds as well as the school , I bonds. Mayor Wooldridge addressed the meeting of ladies in the afternoon and a resolution was passed calling on the league to endorse all the bonds. Ilith . erto the league has been playing rather an ungrateful part by announcing that ! it stood solely for the school bonds, I after having urged the council, which ; planned the campaign for street and I sewer bonds, to take on the additional , burden of a battle for the school bonds. REPRESENTED AT POST- OFFICE CLERKS’ MEETING San Antonio will be represented at the annual meeting of the Texas divi sion of postoffice clerks, which will be held in Houston April 21. The dele gates from this ci|y will be Charles A. Tack, second vice president of the Na itional Association of Postal Clerks; I John A. Sticker and Claude Blackwell. I In addition to the three delegates from ' San Antonio, Frank T. Rogers of Chi | cago, national president of the associa j tion, and other national officers will be . on hand and are down on the program for addresses. The national officers will be invited to spend a few days in San Antonio before returning to their homes in various portions of the coun try. -♦—* Visible Writing Envelopes, Established Time Saver. Clarke Printing Co. Theo Artzt Orchestra. Both phones. .UM3ERMZN PREPARE TO ENTERTAIN DELEGATES Arrangements are under way by the local lumbermen for the entertainment of the delegates to the twenty-fourth annual convention of the Lumbermen's I Association of Texas, which will be in I session in San Antonio on April 12, 13 land 14. It is expected that the annual meet this year will be well attended and several prominent state officials ■will be down on the program for ad dresses. Invitations to the convention I received in the city tfrom S. T. Swin ford of Houston, secretary of the asso । ciation, indicate that that official is ' busy in his efforts to have a large I crowd present, by holding out the in ; duccment to the delegates that there । are ample hotel accommodations in San I Antonio for all and that there will be i an abundance of good things in store at i the annual meeting. SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE I SAN ANTONIO MUSIC CO/S I= = ■ —■= I GREAT MARCH DIANA QA I F ™ I EMERGENCY | |AII U OfILL ARE YOU IN? bb B Nj time to be lost if you are going to share in these great piano bargains. On April 7th the reduced prices, the $5O payment certificate and B the ‘s2 for $1 ” proposition, will be withdrawn. You can’t afford to wait. It’s a case of immediate action if you are going to get a beautiful In -9 strument at a wonderful saving. The remaining days will see the most tremendous outpouring of piano bargains ever witnessed anywhere. If O you are going to buy an instrument, you can’t afford to overlook this chance. Come and take your choice from these makes: I Kimball, Kranich & Bach, Gabler, Ivers & Pond, Hobart M. Cable, Kohler & Campbell, Bradford & Co,, Whitney, Hinze Every piano in the store priced to sell now. We have a few days more to accomplish our avowed purpose of making our March business H equal December’s. We must crowd every day to the limit. We’re sharing profits with you, quoting prices and terms you never dreamed of. H We make your first payment of $5O, and credit you $2 for every $1 you pay, up to $4O. Clip the coupon now then come and get your piano. | Serve your best interest by coming today. WE MAKE TERMS TO SUIT YOUR POCKETBOOK. B $3OO NEW PIANOS I NOw $l7O H $325 NEW PIANOS I NOW 5195 B $350 NEW PIANOS | NOW $220 B $375 NEW PIANOS I NOW 5245 B $4OO NEW PIANOS | NOW 5270 1 $425 NEW PIANOS I NOW $295 If $450 NEW PIANOS | NOW $320 THREATENED THE OFFICER WITH A HATPIN DAGGER Woman Resists Arrest and the Officer Is Compelled to Use His Revolver. LIVELY RACE AT MIDNIGHT Judging From Appearances In Police Court Last Might Was One of Many Rows, — Armed with a long and vicious hat i pin and defying arrest, Annie White. : alias Henrietta Wheeler, a negress, । I stood Detective McGaritv off for a' short time, when he discovered her aet ' ring in a suspicious manner at the in j tersection of Main avenue aud Salinas ! 'street at midnight last night. It was I i not until the officer dr«‘w his revolver . and threatened to Minot her that he I I managed to pursuadc the woman to walk to the city hall. “ The defendant is what we term a * block woman, and when I found her last nigiit she attempted to escape by running down Salinas street,” testified Detective McGarity. “Wc had a race , and when 1 cat.gin hi r she turned on me with the hat pin, threatening to use it if I laid hands on her. Rather than be perforated with the pin, which was really a dangerous weapon. [ drew my pistol and bluffed her into submission by sax ing that if she persisted in re sisting arrest 1 would have to shoot I her. ’ ’ In this manner the plain clothes of fieer managed to < om|>e] her to walk in front of him toward the citv hall until they reached of'Main ’ avenue and West < ommcree street, j where, with the assistance of Patrol- "DISC OU NT Nfi 1 E ver y P‘ ano ' n the store is priced to sell NOW. 1 ■ Over ioo of the finest instruments to select from. Pianos that sell regularly at $3OO to $650 can now be bought for $l7O to $520. Understand that these are genuine reductions. For similar qualities in other stores you would pay more than our regular prices. In addition to our Emergency Sale Cut Prices we offer you the advantage of two more discounts. Read further: DISCOUNT No. O We make your first payment of $5O on the I ■ IwV. piano you choose. The coupon printed in this advertisement has a real money value of $5O when applied on a piano bought in sale. This means that our regular $5OO piano would cost, if you present the certificate, but $370 — 011 very easy terms—and this is not all—read about Discount No. 3. DISCOUNT No. O If you desire to pay any more money down in I addition to the certificate, we will give you a receipt for $2 for every Si you pay, up to $4O. Sit down and figure out how much money you can save. This table, for example, will help you: Present a $5O Certificate and get receipt for $ 50 Present a $5O Certificate, pay $5 cash and get receipt for 60 Present a $5O Certificate, pay $lO cash and get receipt for 70 Present a $5O Certificate, pay $l5 cash and get receipt for 80 Present a $5O Certificate, pay $2O cash and get receipt for 90 Present a $5O Certificate, pay $2; cash and get receipt for ...... too Present a $5O Certificate, pay $35 cash and get receipt for no Present a $5O Certificate, pay $35 cash and get receipt for 120 Present a $5O Certificate, pay $4O cash and get receipt for 130 CUT OUT r^ ==^= z ;;== .COUPON FIFTY DOLLARS «tock. We will ac- First Payment on a Piano If Presented on cept this coupon as o 'r Bc f ore April 7, IQ 10. first, pavment on r the piano. You SAN ANTONIO MUSIC CO. make your next M _ payment one East Houston Street month later. Wc I * ‘ ———f*™**»| deliver the piano lEQ I ... . , ———| EI I at once. I 1 I SAN ANTONIO MUSIC CO. 2. 107 East Houston Street H. B. MORRIS, Mgr. , ; man Remington, they succeeded in dis arming her of the hat pin, which mens- ! med approximately eighteen inches in i (length. The woman, it was shown by the tes- I | timony, had been arrested on several ; ‘ occasions ou similar charges. Small | (fines have heretofore been imposed against her. Judge Buckley assessed a $5O fine, । saying that when a woman of that i character resorts to such action she may I I not expect any mercy at the hands of j | the court and said that they would have i to be impressed such a resistance would | not he tolerated. The heavy fine was ' accordingly imposed. Face Cut aud Swollen. George Eads, a negro, was arrested J I last night by the police charged with (aggravated assault and battery upon j ! Stella Robinson, a negress, living at 324 ' Dawson street. The woman appeared; | in court this morning, her face cut and | j swollen as a result of blows said to | have been administered by the defend- ( I ant with a beer bottle. The case was ■ ordered transferred. Sam Henderson, a negro, and Arnaldo Übaldo, charged with having dumped । trash within the city limits, were each fined $2. W. F. Brown and Owen Jarrers were ; ench fiued $1 for failing to fasten their : : horses on a public street. G. Pena aud Ignacio Gonzales, who termed themselves the “playful broth-( ers in-law, ” were each fined $5 on । ( of having engaged in an affray. I They protested they were not fighting ; when arrested, but merely engaged in ( (one of their usual fun bouts. As the result of a fight in which a j knife is said to have been used, Ed Rische and Charley Mason, two negroes, ' are under arrest. Because Mason was | unable to appear the case was contin- Cascaßoyal Pills. If there is a headache in the morn ing, with a bad taste in the mouth, I furred and coated tongue, you should. 'try- my sweet little pill, for it will Quickly and Phasantly j Remove all symptoms by moving the clogged and costive bowels, start the liver and kidneys to doing their right- I fill work and tone up the muscles and ligaments of the bowels, making them ! work to Cure Constipation. | Sold by all druggists, 15 doses 10c; 145 doses 25c. ffllSfll! CASE j ON TRIAL TOM! Witnesses From Dozen States on Hand to Testify In the Giant Swindling Game. Council Bluffs, lowa, March 9.—The; I tiral of James Maybray and eighty ! other defendants in federal court, all I charged with being concerned in whole । sale swindling by means of “fixed” j races, prize fights and wrestling bouts, 'opened here today. About 100 witnesses 1 from a dozen states are here to testify, । Maybray and thirteen of his associates : were arraigned before Judge McPhcr ! son this morning. Thirty others, named in the indictments, have been arrested ; ir. different parts of the country and pvill be brought to Council Bluffs as I fast as the cases can be heard. FRANK GOUlll 10 WED CHORUS GIRL Associated Press. New York, March 9.—ln New York a cablegram was received today by friends of Frank Gould, it is said, an nouncing that his marriage with Miss Edith Kelley, the English dancer, may be an event of the near future. Gould’s • friends sent him congratulatory mes. I. sages last night on the report he Had wedded the little chorus girl in Europe. ! Gould is reported as saying in lliis ,; cablegram that there will be no cqre , mony until permanent disposition] is made regarding the two children by pis । former wife. Suits, $lB.OO Up— Fit and workman ship the best. Lobert, 208 S. Alamo fet ; Dr. S. S. Boakley, Gidls Sldg. E/e ear, nose and throat. | REWARD FOR PEARY NOT FORTHCOMING Will Probably Be Delayed Un til After His Proofs of Discov ery Are Given to the Public. Associated Press. Washington, March 9. —Indications point to the postponement of any con- FOWLER’S PINK WAFERS T he Greatest of All Laxatives TTicy Work While Yovi Work TASTE AS GOOD AS CAN DY For Sale by All First-Class Druggists 25 .CENTS A BOX BronchifiSy Asthma and Catarrh It v sit have not been successful in obtaining a cure from CLIMATE caU and i.-nvestigate our method of treatment. We have cured Tuberculosis of first ■ and secund stage, aud prolonged the life of many in the last stage. We keep yon here In San Antonio for a short time only, then equip you with a Ben soniser Apparatus, same as used in Tubercular Sanitariums and our office. You can then return home and get well came as hundreds of others have done. Endorsements of leading medical men and prominent people all over the country; alro testimonials from hundreds of cured patients. Call and gel their names today. Some are here in San Antonio, whom you may call ou and see. Others sound and well back at their old home attending to their daily vocations. Maybe wo have the name of some one who is right back at your own home. This is not a “cure all” patent medicine, but a scien tific method of treatment that has proven Itself a success. It costs you nothing to investigate and consult our specialist. THE BENSONIZER u ' 6 w ■ zUj-o book building Office Hours: 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Sundays: 10 a. m. to 12 m. MARCH 9, 1910. $475 NEW PIANOS NOW $345 $5OO NEW PIANOS NOW $370 $525 NEW PIANOS NOW 5395 $550 NEW PIANOS NOW $420 $575 NEW PIANOS NOW 5445 $6OO NEW PIANOS NOW 5470 $650 NEW PIANOS NOW $5201 ■ gressional action to reward Connnaiyller : Peary for liis conquest of the nbrth j pole. The delay will be at least Until ! after his proofs shall have been bub 11 lished. The subcommittee of the hbuse ] naval committee, charged with cwnsid- I eration of various bills that prfopose j honors for the explorer, met todxiy for I further discussion. / HIS OCCUPATION. / “He had a good business, but he lost it.” I “Did he drink?” / “No; but he was too b«|sy bei-g a 1 । prominent citizen to att/end to any ( thing else. ” —Pittsburg Host.