_ ADead Shot for
Neuralgia and Kidney Trouble ||
“5-DROPS” feSl
It makes no difference how severe the case may be, "5-DROPS," if used as ■
directed, will give quick relief. Rheumatism is caused by an acid poison ■
which accumulates in the system, settling in the joints, nerves or muscles, ■
and causing the most intense pain. It is a blood disease and can only be
cured by cleansing the blood of its impurities. No liniment can ever cure
rheumatism, although if the right kind be used it will stop the pains for the
H time being. Swanson's "5-DROPS" is both an internal and esternal rem
■ edy. Applied externally it will prevent those horrible pains with which a
■ rheumatic victim suffers. Taken internally it reaches the cause of the disease
B by going directly to the seat of trouble and removing the poisonous matter.
M ' A. L. BROWN. Stillwell. Ga., writes: "I delayed writing you
® ft until I used up the "5-DROPS"! had. so that I might tell you the
E results obtained. lam known throughout this state, as well as
K ■, ■■ Florida. NonhCarollnaandSouthCarolina.andall who know me
IS ■! M know that I have been .great sufferer with Kidney Trouble and
Is ■ f H Rheumatism. It is with pleasure I inform you that "5-DROPS"
£9 l| ■] has cured me. All shall know the great wonders your medicine
Ra 111 H has done for me. Would there was a law to keep worthless metli-
Et 11 JB cine off the market and let "5-DROPS" dolts work. Then ■
there would be many people saved from their graves." U
Get« Bottle of “5-BROPS’ 1 Today I
Il iM »°" ara saffarl "C with Rheumatism, Raural- &
II IB Ria, Kidney Trouble, La Grippe, Colda, Coughe, H
Il mH Lumbago, Sciatica, Gout, Rethma, Catarrh, M
llrvwSSn Bu Keuralgic Headache or other kindrod dlooa.ee. w
iISHniS H A trial bottle will be mailed free P
it C'W BM jpv F w of Charge to every reader of this 33
Wtml * paper upon lequest. Write today. ■
II g Large Size Bottle (300 Doses) $l.OO h
I /IWpllHfiy rure Hgl Ask Yoor Druggl , t for th , “SWANSON PILL," a Cure I
II I dll for Constipation. PRICE 25 CENTS. kJ
I « (Dept. 43), 174 Lake Street, Chicago. ■
■ly/'cure co ' I Ri
r cakaoo tug, u«A J
For Sale By Bexar Drug Co.
Scanty Yield In Italy Due to Climatic
Florence, March 12. —Owing to ad
verse climatic conditions considerable
damage has been wrought to the Tus
can olive crop expected this season
from Lucca and the districts of Tus
cany generally, growers and exporters
will got barely a fourth of the averagt
quantity of a normal season. This state
of affairs was unexpected because last
season having been a bad one, this one
should have compensated the limited
output, which is generally the case.
Tuscan growers are, therefore, experi
encing rather hard times. They are for
the most part poor, and for want of
capital, unremunerative seasons and
heavy taxation are apt to neglest their
groves. Trees which should receive at
tention and be fertilized every three
years are often left unattended for five
years at a stretch. The result is a re
duction of the available quantity of
the best fruit. The cost of labor has
also increased, and instead of being
satisfied. as formerly, with a franc a
day, a substantial piece of bread, and
Your Sick Liver
Do not neglect a sick liver—it means
your life is in danger. Are you nervous,
irritable, with a tendency to get drowsy,
stupid and dull after eating? Do you
tire easily, and beleh sour matter into
the throat, are you pale and sallow, you
have a sick liver and can be
Easily Cured By
taking Caseaßoyal Pills, the sweet little
pill that contains castor oil, caseara,
wild lemon, etc., and which has become
the most popular household remedy for
constipation, headache, biliousness, in
digestion. etc. The only real pleasure
able physic tonic and purifier is Black
burn 's
Caseaßoyal Pills.
AH Drug Stores sell, JOe and 25e.
Big Cooking
Watch for Sunday's Paper
or Ask
San Antonio Gas Electric
Company Department
a liberal measure of wine, the laborer
demands higher prices and better fare.
One result of the scarcity of the crop
’ of the Lucca and other food districts
will be the greater demand for inferior
quality of oil, which, as correctly
stated, is also pure olive oil, but from
’I a very bad fruit. The unsuspecting pub
■ lie will, therefore, after tasting the
t anuseating product, be reluctant to try
the really delicate and wholesome ex
tract of the Tuscan olive. And in the
’ end the Tuscan growers will suffer
' more. t
j Experts are well aware that not even
Hfhe oil of any particular district is uni
’ formly reliable, and the variation in
quantity is very marked throughout
Italy. Compared with the oils of Bani
and the Riviera those of Tuscany are
J infinitely superior, the very best being
। that from Lucca. This year’s extrac
' tion is extremely good, and it is ex
rl pected, in spite of there being no redue
’ I tion in prices, that there will be a brisk
’ demand for this brand.
»|, , y
1 Associated Pres..
Washington, March 11. —The bill to
! incorporate the Rockefeller foundation
j was ordered favorably reported at the
s 1 executive session *of the senate Dis
, trict of Columbia committee, follow
ing the statement made by Starr J.
i Murphy, the representative of .John D.
> ■ Rockefeller.
J —
' Special Dispatch.
’ Shreveport. La., March 11.—A. D.
Blocker Jr., field agent of the Gulf Re
-1 fining company, died late last night
I from the effects of poison after being
! unconscious thirty hours. It is not de
termined whether the poison was self
i administered or was given him malious
: Bexar County Medical Asso-‘
elation Outlines a Definite i
Course of Action.
Newspaper is Commended for
Printing News —Dr. Mur
phy, Surgeon, Talks.
Dr. ..John B. Murphy, head of the de
partment of surgery, school of inedi
! cine. Northwestern University, at Chi
j eago. gave a talk last night on the sub
| ject, ‘‘Surgery of the Spinal Cord and
I the Peripheral Nerves." before sixty |
members of the Bexar County Medical
His lecture took the place of the reg
ular weekly program of the society,
which was suspended in order to hear
the fatnoiis surgeon speak.
Finishing his lecture, Dr. Murptty
I spoke of the war that was being waged
[ on the quacks and pretenders in tbe
j profession, operating in the state of
i Illinois, and the difficulty the physi
j cians of that state had to encounter in
| ousting them.
I He stated that he thought this under- ,
' taking by the doctors of Texas would
be much easier than in his own state,
on account of the stringency of ths
laws in dealing with this emss of fakir.
The Bexar County Medical society
। will inaugurate a fight against all of
। these pretenders at once, and the pros
: ecut ions will commence immediately.
Prominent physicians made several
stirring talks on this subject last night
and a subscription list was started to
> defray the necessary expense entailed
, j in waging this fight on the quacks.
. A committee consisting of Drs. W.
' B. Russ. W. A. King and E. V. DePew
, I were named to solicit funds and ar
. range any other necessary matters to
- start the ousting of the quack without
, further delay.
During the evening the following
> resolution was offered and was at once
■ unanimously adopted:
Whereas. The San Antonio Light
> and Gazette has had the courage
r , t<> publish from day to day an ae,-
| count of the trial of a traveling
1 | quack doctor, graduate of a bogus
medical college, ‘‘bloodless sur
-1 ■ geon." discoverer of the marvelous
! i syarthgil. which consists of a tin
' horn with an electric light in it,
who has for many months been
' taking enormous fees from his pa
tients: and
Whereas, The action of the
t Light and Gazette in publishing
an account of this trial has run the
risk of incurring the ill will of all
quaekdoni; and
Whereas, We believe that if the
. I polivy of making known the meth
ods of the charlatan were pursued
by all of the daily papers, a largo
1 number of which unfortunately
1 seem to feel that their duty has
1 been done when they have nccept-
I ed the dollars of the charlatan for
! publishing advertising matter in
■ । tended to assist in attracting vic
■ I tims; and
Whereas, The medical fakir can
not exist without the support, as
sistance, and co-operation of the
, press.
Be it Resolved. That we con
gratulate the Light and Gazette
upon its willingness to show up the
quack in his proper light.
Resolved Further. That a copy
I of these resolutions be spread
upon the minutes of the associa
tion and another copy be forward
ed to the Light and Gazette with
a letter expressing the hope that
the time will soon come when the
1 newspapers of the country can no
more be induced to aid the cow-
I ardly quack in robbing his help
less victims.
The medical practice act of the state
I of Texas is regarded as the most dras-
Citv office, 507 Navarro Street.
Phones, old 1035; new 692.
Much Encouragement for Pro
posed Line Eagle Pass to
Aransas Pass. J
Would Be Great Advantage to I
Shippers of Northern Mex
ico in Reaching Coast.
With liberal cash bonuses amounting 1 1
to hundreds of thousands of dollars be- j
ing offered at both ends, it' seems prob I
able that Engle Pass and Aransas Pass E
shortly will be connected by a direct
railroad line.
Several weeks ago Eagle Pass of
feted a bonus of $250,000 to the first
railroad builder constructing a line to
the new seaport. Aransas Pass has put
up a bonus of $50,000 to the rail
road builder making a new connection
witn any trunk line.
The people of Aransas Pass assert ,
that if a line is constructed from Aran
sas Pass to Engle Pass the bonus will
go to the builder constructing this Hue.:
Through Fertile Section.
The people of Eagle Pass, in addition '
to the large bonus offered, have agreed ;
to donate terminal sites, depot, right
of-way through the city and through
the county in which Eagle Pass is .
Because of the large area of fertile;]
| territory that would be tapped by a .
: direct line from Eagle Pass to Arnn
I sns Pass, such a railroad ought to be I
I come a paying proposition.
There is a large area of territory in
i Northern Mexico that now finds out-1
I let only over the Rascon mountains to j
i Monterey. The grade over these moun-
I tains is so heavy that but three or four |
! loaded cars cau be hauled at oue trip,
j even with two engines attached.
Advantage to Shippers.
A line from Eagle Pass to Aransas I
I Pass would enable shippers in North- -
orn Mexico to ship their products to
la deep seaport with much less cost of |
transportation than is the ease at pres-1
। ont.
In the meantime, feeling certain ade-,
| quate railroad connections will be made |
by the time the docks and wharves I
have been completed, tho Aransas Pass
Channel & Dock company is rushing I
work day and night on the harbor im-.
Two powerful dredges, numbers eight I
and four, arc cutting their way across,
llatbor Island, never eeasing except |
for repairs.
‘‘These two dredges will be kept at I
work, day and night, six days in the;
week," says E. O. Burton, president of J
the Aransas Pass Channel <k Dock Co., ।
‘‘until the docks have been built,
wharves constructed and the port
placed in proper shape to handle heavy
ocean traffic. There will be no stop I
until everything has been completed. I
The work is going on day and night un
til Aransas Pass become an adequate I
seaport with all the facilities for the
handling of heavy ocean traffic."
R. P. Clark, president of the Bowers'
Southern Dredging company, the com ;
pany having the contract for the chan-1
nel work, asserted a few .lays ago that |
the main channel across Harbor Island I
would be completed within a few weeks,
tic and far-reaching of any in the
United States and the attorneys of the
American Medical association have rec I
ommended that the Texas measure be j
submitted to other states as a model
to be followed in framing laws that
shut out the charlatan. The measure
defines the practice of medicine as tho |
acceptance of pay for treating a sick i
The officers and delegates to the ,
grand lodge meeting of Odd Fellows. |
who spent several hours in the city
yesterday, were loud in their praise of
the hospitality shown to them while
in San Antonio, and the committees
which planned the entertainment for
them. The reception committee from
the Miriam and Alamo lodges consisted
of Mesdames Lorena Welsch. Anna
West, Emilia Blank. C. L. Sauer and
W. 8. Urquhart. The local reception
committee of ladies tendered the visit
ing Rebekahs a luncheon at the hall.:
while the officers and delegates of the I
Odd Felloes were escorted over to a 1
| restaurant later in the evening and;
i served with a Mexican supper.
] Owing to the late adjournment oi
i the grand lodge at Austin yesterday,
many of the officers were not able to
! come over on the last excursion and
I sent their regrets by wire promising to
visit San Antonio at a future date. The
I committee that cared for the odd Fel
’ lows while in tho city was composed of
C. L. Sauer, grand scribe of the grand J
I em ampineut. of Texas: Dr. W. l llir
, zell, noble grand, and E. W Day. grand
I representative of the local lodge No.
After the grip, or otlier scrimis illness, ;
' Hood's Sarsaparilla is the nu'ili-'me to take
to restore the appetite and strencth.
To Residents cf Tobin Hill and West
End. !
We are delivering ice daily through- I
' out your districts, and will continue te J
;do ro every day in the year. We so- J
'licit your patronage nnd guarantee
i weight, good service and good treat
' roent.
Either Phone 22 and 146.
Dr. Goldblum. Moore building. Eye,
car, nose and throat.
Joske Hosiery Is Guaranteed
And it is a big, broad-gauged guarantee—the hose you buy here must give YOU satisfaction.
\\ e don t require you to buy a halt dozen pairs—no demanding the return of coupons—in a word,
no red tape. I'or example: Our Cadet hose at 25c is guaranteed to give a satisfactory account
of itself in time and service or well give you a new pair for the old.... Cadet hose are made in
regular and extra sizes for women and in three weights for boys', girls' and misses’ wear—the latter
made with linen heel, sole, toe and knee. Cadet hose are the best it is possiblje for vour money to
buy. 25c pair.
11.50 Silk Hose $1.03. Two Pair 15c Hose 25c. Children’s Hose,’
Glove silk hose for women; sizes Our best 15c stockings—the best Children’s black ribbed cotton
812 to 10, in black only. They are we ever offered at 15c—equal to hose, with double heel and toe; ab
guarnntecd and are the only silk most store's 25c hose! Women’s solntely fast color; regularly 10e—
hose at the jlrice that arc gnatan- medium weight cotton hose in fast ami Ivtter than you’ve ever bought
teed. Saturday, $1.03 pair. black. Saturday, 2 pair 25c. at 10c—tomorrow, 3 pair 25c.
$1.75 Silk Hose $1.39. 50c Hose for 39c. Fancy Sox.
you can t find similar hose under A big lot at this price—and it The new styles for spring and Eas
sl.7s Pure spun silk hose, with teems with value! Women's gauze ter are here nnd ready—so many
lisle sole and extra lisle top—all Im’c hose in fast black; cotton hose pretty plaid and check effects and
black and guaranteed. Tomorrow. in black and colors; regular 50c qual- in such a riot of color that one must
Saturday. $1.39 pair. ity for 39c pair. see them. 25c and 35c pair.
Pure Candies favors
Our own confections—purest and best—at very fop Saint
special prices Saturday. Patrick’s Dav
Almonds — Smooth almonds with Chocolate Chips—Crisp and fresh— *
light weight sugar coat ZE-i 50c everywhere, Saturday O _ Dainty favors in a score of
mg; 75c kind 1b... . ‘fOC lb. for OOC gtyJw for gt Patrick , g
Chocolates—Hand made chocolates • Buttercups — Jeske's buttercups— ...
<A. kind-Saturdny for. _ fresh and sweet-Satur- 4 A J '1 yetrteMay by ex-
H, OO C dav lb XwC press. Best to make selection
Chocolate Almonds -Best almonds, Chocolate Bars—Milk chocolate nut now ’ assortments are at
with heavy chocolate coat- bars, priced for Saturday, their zenith,
ing; 75c kind, lb each "frC
25c to 35c Toilet Preparations Goat 19c
Pint of Violet Witch Hazel. Bottle of Rubifoani. Cake Packer’s Tar Soap.
Box Wadinold Talcum Powder. Cake of Arnica Tooth Soap. Cake Mcnnan's Soap.
Box Pi ver’s Talcum Powder. Jar of Pastuerine Tooth Paste. Cake Pear's Glycerine Soap.
Box J. & J. Talcum Powder. Jar of Sanitol Tooth Paste. Cake Juvenile Soap.
Box Cutis San Talcum Powder. Jar of Sheffield’s Tooth Paste. Cake Burnham's Tar Soap.
Box Sanitol Talcum Powder. Jar of Aozodont Tooth Paste. Box 3' cakes Colgate's Glycerine
Jar Pomade Vaseline. Jar of Euthymol Tooth Paste. Soap.
Four oz. bottle of Bay Rum. Bottle Lyon's Tooth Powder. Box 3 cakes Colgate’s Oatmeal
Bottle of Joske’s Benzoine. Bottle Sanitol Tooth Powder. Soap.
Four oz. bottle of Listeriuc. Bottle Graves' Tooth Powder. Jar Perfumed White A'aseline.
Bottle of Carbona. Bottle Spearmint Tooth Powder. Jar Lucille et Cie Cream.
Eight oz. bottle of Peroxide. Bottle Peroxide Tooth Powder. Bandoline.
Four oz. package J. & J. Cotton. Box Calox Talcum Powder. Crown Smelling Salts.
Bottle of Danderine. Box Squibbs' Talcum Powder. Bottle Sanitol Tooth Wash.
Bottle Joske's Liquid Green Soap. Box Bico Talcum Powder. Bottle Sozodont Tooth Wash.
Synol Soap. Jar Artesia Cream. Box Spiro Powder.
Bottle Jergen’s Bcnzoine and Al- Box Artesia Powder. Bottle Westphal’s Egg Shampoo,
mond Lotion. Cake Artesia Soap. Allen’s Footease.
Bottle of Frostilia. Jar Freckleater Cream. Box Bico Bath Powder.
Jar Espey’s Cream. Box Freckleater Face Powder. Box Bellflor Bath Powder.
Jar El Primo Cream. Cake Freckleater Soap. Box of Evcrsweet.
Jar Peroxide Cream. Jar Woodbury’s Cream. Doran’s Liquid Rouge.
Bottle Camphorated Vaseline. Box Woodbury’s Powder. Oxzyn Liquid Rouge.
Box 3 cakes Colgate’s Honey Soap. t ake Woodbury’s Soap. Oxzyn Dry Rouge.
Box of Buttermilk Soap. Jar Sanitol Cream. Box Dora Rico Powder.
Box of V de Larme Soap. Box Sanitol Face Powder. Box Tetlow’s Gassamer Face Pow-
Box 3 cakes Dutch Sandalwood ,<’ake Sanitol Soap. dor.
Soap. Can Sanitol Bath Powder. Talcum Puff with Mirror.
Pint of pure Witch Hazel. Cake Cuticura Soap. Box Cherryola Rouge.
Women’s 15c I Shirtwaist
Handkerchiefs lie Book Jewelry at 25c
A Saturday bargain plum in hand- FXTPASI Pretty bits that add considerably
kerchiefs—here are a lot of absolute- * to the style of milady’s waist:
i'and'ciZiJored Waverly Novels-Popular edition Collar Pins-Miniature Dutch collar
broiderod in white; others embroid- n<>''e!s. consisting of pins in new effects >mi>orte,i trom
cred in colors. They are sheer nnd 12 volumes, bound in cloth; 25 il- Austria the land of nov-
pretty and all finished with hem- lustrations. Published at $l2; t ies
stitched edge. Uaual 15c 4 4 sale price Saturday, M X g KnB _ Now . stv)eg in belt pinSi
values Saturday AAV complete w - th em b oB9ed in
Another SNAP Dickens' Works —The complete pretty effect XOC
Plain handkerchiefs of sheer lin- works of Dickens in 15 volumes. Hat Pins—Upward of a dozen styles
cn lawn, all finished with hem- ,L " ' ll I ls ,’. r ? tl ? ns * in jet, rhinestone, gilt and O E
stitching. Styles you'd count binding, lubhslied at ~'15..0; fancy head hat pins mWv
cheap at 12 l-2c. Satur- Q _ P nce B»t»rday. WJQ .
day, each OC complete < ■“*<> Beauty pins—2 on card, 25 C
' ■ dainty as can be. set
The Most Important Point About the
Shoes Is Their Quality
Of course, prices are lower than usual, for it is here as part and parcel of this Saturday Shoe
Sale! All these shoes are from our regular manufacturers, only offered underprice. But even - pair
of them is of splendid quality, properly made—the kind of shoes we sell usually for more.
Infant’s ankle strap slipers of soft Misses' ankle strap pumps of black Women's Blucher Oxfords of choeo
dongola kid, in plain toe stylo, fin- viei kid. with patent tip. turn sole late kid in tipped short vamp style
ished with no heel and /$ TF a and low heels; very styl- 4 with turn sole and Cu- 4
flexible sole. Pair "w ■ C isb. Pair • ban heel. Pair A
Children's ankle strap slippers of all Young Women's strap pumps of best Women's bndoir slippers of soft kid
patent kid, with turn sole and wedge dongola kid. with plain toe, flexible in brown, tan and black, with large
heel; sizes 8 1-8 to 11. 4 A sole and low Cuban heel. 4 ‘ in va ®*P» ClCf*
pair A■ A Sizes 212t0 6. Pair.. JL • sSSw light turn sole. Pair. .. . Vwv
12 Styles in Spring Footwear at $2.39
Women’s 2-eyelet Blucher Oxfords Women’s 3-eyelet Blucher Oxfords Young Women's ankle strap pumps
of patent kid with dull kid quarters of ideal patent colt with dull kip o f patent kid, finished with the light
aud plain toe. finished with turn quarters and finished with welt sole turn s „|,> alld Cuban
sole and Cuban heel. i,n '* * »bnn heels. Very heel. Pair efcaOwJ
Pair A«es3SJ stylish. Pair
Women's 2-strap instep pumps of Women's button Oxfords of pony colt Women s aukh strap pumps of ideal
white canvas, finishe'd with the turn with dull kid quarters, made iu plain patent kid. with jet \amp
sole and Cuban heel. w '*h al "* R* l with turn
Sightly and stylish Aaa*sZ7 and Cuban heel. Pair.. sole and Cuban heel. Pair
Women's 2-button Oxfords of viei Young Women's ankle strap pumps Women's 2 strap instep pumps of
kid with patent tip and very short of patent ertlt, made with short vamp v i HK . o i a te kid for street wear; made
vamp, finished with turn sole and mid finished with welt with plain toe. turn sole *5 fX
high Cuban heel. Your 2.39 sole and low Cuban heel. ( (llban bee ] Pair.. A«n«5?J
choice, pair Womcn - g Blucher Oxfords of gun .
Young Women's ankle strap pumps metal ealf iu Ihe new short lamp Women. Oxiords m Blucher .tyle,
of gunmetal, made with short vamp style and finished with welt sole made of viei kid with patent lea flier
and plain toe; welt sole OCi and Cuban heel. Choice, OCi *’p ami finished with OQ
and low Cuban heel pair a&aOZ/ turn sole and Cuban heel fc«***Z
Bros. Co.
Refugio Alvarado was turned over to
the federal authorities by the jmlieC;
Thursdav on a charge of assault to,
\l murder. Tim offense was alleged to
! have been committed on the govern
01 meat reservation last heu it ।
DIARCH 11, 1910.
is said during a ball game the Mexicaa
slashed a Japanc-c boy with a knife.
- - -
Doctors Curry A W.ganer,
Dentists—Gibbs BuildiaA