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I I «$ I p .SHOES. P u 'SHOES I 1^ 6lue ribbon |II ? EFt | ■ 'ifCTmP 9 ** * ow es jmmi I The can in coining around the bend, I They’re bringing the beet al no we, BgM I They're loaded down from end to end I With BUSTER BROWN SHOES J * 9 The best-known, best-liked, dressiest, long-wearing, sure- ZC* JQQ \\ 9 enough good shoes for boys and girls that good old SAN ANTON lO' * * W ’ is ever heard of, ever saw, or ever will see. a 1 1 ■ And they're the finest shoes that ever trod the Plazas. The fig / X&nn |3 leather is good all through: the workmanship superb; finish the .. ai?»k: Ij finest, and they’re DEPENbABLE. tlrfjjKßftfl* jM|M || There’s no wear out, you might sav, to the shoes that 1 f| BUSTER wears! And they’re right here in San Antonio, for sale by TWR /A $n li)।« | Guarantee Shoe Co., v> ■ On th. Alamo Has, SAN ANTOMO. I DON’T BE SATISFIED WITH “ANY KIND OF A SHOE’’—GET BUSTER BROWN £ H and see how good GOOD shoes can be. Look for the name “ BUSTER BROWN ” gon the top facing and for Brown’s 5 mark on the of every pair. B ITis is the first announcement of the greatest shoe campaign this countrv has g known. Every boy and girl in SAN ANTONIO, and every parent, too is going to zO. B swear by BUSTER BROWNS pretty soon, and it’s only right that they should, for Jm '0 9 g BUSTER BROWN BLUE RIBBON SHOES tor bovs, for girls are RIGHT; they’re 9 ■ manufactured by the greatest shoe house in the world, - 1 I I i. •' "■ , ■" , *■ ■•• 1 || You’ve heard of the famous WHITE HOUSE SHOES for men, for women, ■ H and all that White House Shoes mean to the grown-ups, BUSTER BROWN * v/ 9 ■ BLUE RIBBON SHOES mean for boys and girls.”* 9 I BROWN’S ★S* SHOES ARE BEST. J WOULD PRACTICALLY CONFISCATE $80,000,000 WORTH OF PROPERTY That Is Argument Used Against Prohibition by Wets in Local Option Campaign in Chicago— Persons Are Directly Dependent on Industry, Associated Press. Chicago, 111., March 11.—In the lo cal option campaign statistics were presented yesterday by the “wets” setting forth why the saloon should not be voted out of Chicago. It is charged that with the abolition of saloons in C hicago nearly $80,000,000 worth of property would practically be confis cated. Among the other points made by the “wets” were: •“That the liquor business is repre sented in Chicago by forty-four brew eries, twelve branches of outside brew erics. 211 wholesale liquor dealers and 7,155 saloons. “The capital invested in this indus try reaches the sum of $78,487,500. “The industry gives employment to 36,070 workers. “This army kept busy all year FEEBLE OLD PEOPLE I may have strength and renewed vitality. [ YifTol contains the elements necessary to nourish every tissue and replace weakness with strength. Should it fail to do so in any case we us for the medicine used. Please try it. A. M. FISCHER, Druggist, San Antonio. SAN ANTONIO ___ 1 KERRVILLE | 4NIDAY, round, receives an annual wage of $33,- ~ 133,760. , e “Not less than 103,000 persons are ( directly dependent upon these work ers for their living—one-twentieth of ’* Chicago's population. “The industry paid toward the ex penses of the city government for the * year 1900 the sum of $7,230,009.” | To this the AntbSaloon league re i plied tjhat the breweries could be trans e | formed into .factories for the manufac- | ture of breakfast foods. ♦.» " . FEELS HIOH LIVING COST. ’■ I Albany, N. Y., March 11. —The high d priee of provisions is having it* effect on the state hospitals for the insanj. '• The state commission in lunacy reports that bids just opened for purchases of o provisions show startling changes. Meats and fish are found to have ad- I r vanced about 40 per cent. SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE FDUH CHINESE ESCDRIMLHOUN New Minister to China- Leaves Chicago en Route to His Post in the Orient. ) ! Associated Press. Chicago. 111., March 11. —When Wm. •I. Calhoun, minister to China, left Chicago last night, on route to the Or ient. he was attended by an escort of four Chinese assigned by the imperia) government at Pekin to look after his safety and comfort until he sets foot on Chinese soil. “I don’t know when I am coining back. I am going to stick to the post until I have either decidedly succeed ed or utterly failed,” said Mr. Cal-j houu. “I shall stay until my work is fia ished. ’ ’ TRAFFIC IN GOTHAM INCREASES RAPIDLY | Associated Press. New York, March 11. —The rapidity w-ith which the traffic on the traction lines of New York city Is increasing, । i?—shown in a report made public to . dav by the public service commission. ■ During the month of December, 1909, I a total of 128.881,000 passengers were ; carried, which was an increase of J about 10,000,000 passengers over the I traffic the same month of the previous year. This is an increase of about 350,- 000 per day-, or of more than a hundred million a year. BUG MUSEUM FOR NEW YORK PARK New York, March It.—An entomo- I logical museum, to contain specimens of every kind of bug found in the vi cinity of Greater New York, in to bo esrilblished in Central park. The mu seum will be housed in the “Swedish Cottage,” a relic of the Philadelphia I centennial, which was presented to j New York city by the Swedish gov ernment at the close of the exhibition. THE TEXAS WONDER Cures all Kidney, Bladder and Rheu matic troubles. Sold by all druggists, or two months’ treatment by mail for $l. Send to Dr. E. W. Hall, 2926 Olive ! street, St. Louis, Mo., for Texas testi- I n'.onials. AMBHSSAra IS SUED SI IAWYER I Mr, Leishman, Minister to It l aly, Has Funds Attached by Frenchman, Associated Press. Pittsburg, Pa., Mareh 11. —Ambassa- dor John G A. Leishman, who is now in Rome, has been sued here by a French lawyer, who is in Paris, dispute is over the value of the serv ices of the French lawyer, O. E. Boding ton, in representing Mr. Leishman at the making of the marriage settlement T>f the ambassador's daughter, Martha Leishman, now the wife of Count Louis de Gontauth-Biron. Miss Leisn man and the count wqpe married about three years ago. They live in Paris. A writ of foreign attachment was filed in the case today. Mr. Leishman will have to put up a bond of $5OOO toi dissolve the attachment, which ties up any funds he may have with the Union Trust company, which is the garnishee. AVTO BILL APPROVED. Albany, N. Y., March 11.—The Ca lan automobile bill Jias been approved by the state legislative committee and | will be reported favorably for passage, i The motor interests express general ! satisfaction with the measure. fThis is the trade mark which is found on every bottle of the genuine Scott’s Emulsion the standard Cod Liver Oil preparation of the world. Nothing equals it to build up the weak and wasted bodies of young and old. ah Dni«ut» Send JOr.. name of paper and thia ad. for our beautiful Sannas Bank and OhiM'a Sketch- Book. Each bAnkcoiitainaaGoori Luck Pen ay. SCOTT & BOWNE, 409 Pearl St. N. Y. WWE HALE COIIII FOR SHE Is Only Coin of Confederacy Extant and Estimated Value Is $5OOO, Special Dispatch. New York, March 11. —A silver half dollar of the Confederate states, be lieved to be the only extant metallic coin of the lost cause, was offered for sale at public auction in this city to day by its owner, Edgar Adams of Brooklyn. The coin was struck at the New Orleans mint soon after the be ginning of the war; For a time it was in the |K>Ksession of President Jefferson Davis, from whom it is said to have been stolen at the time of his arrest. Subsequently it changed hands several times, and for the past twenty-eight years it has rested in a safety deposit vault in thi* city. The design on the obverse of the coin is'exactlv like that of the United States half dollar of 1861, and as a matter of fact one of the regular obverse dies was used in making the coin The re verse design is distinctly original and emblematic of the Confederacy. Nu mismatic experts estimate the present value of the coin at $5OOO. ♦ ♦ ♦ 4- <• + ■> + 4- LOSES JOB BECAUSE 4 4. OF NEW TIME CLOCK, i $ ♦! 4- Associated Press. * $ New York, March 11. —The । fr time clock system in the New ❖ fr York finance department has ❖ I t» claimed its first victim. Comp- ♦ j- t roller Prendergast announced + J. today the discharge of a $l4OO 4- I J- clerk in the auditing bureau. 4> t The time sheet showed that ❖ E- the clerk had been late at work •> !• eight times during the months •> t- of January, and February. * ♦ ► 4- 4- 4- -S- ❖ ❖ ❖ 4- -:- ❖ ❖ ❖ 4 PLATT’S ESTATE SMALL iMociated Pre... New York, March 11.—The will of Fhomas Collier Platt will be filed in rioga county this week, it is under tood. No estimate of the value of th" [ state has been made publie, but it is laid to be comparatively small, total ng perhaps $125,000. His United States! Express company holdings amount to j nly 1 GOOD RAINFALL IS JOY TO FARMERS Special Dispatch. Sabinal, Tex.. March 11. —A good rain fell here yesterday afternoon and night, and the fanners are in a joy ful mood today. Planting will now begin in earnest as soon as the fields are dry. All the land hereabouts was prepared and waiting for the rain. NEWS FROM BOERNE. Special Dispatch. Boerne, Tex., March 11.—The Boerna White Sox have secured a plot of ground to lie used for a park this sea son. The boys are making every prep- ??????’???? THE QUESTION OF * INTERIOR GOOD MILL WORK » FINISH Is easily solved if you will but examine our choice stock of well made DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, MOLDINGS, NEWEL POSTS, RAILINGS, ETC. Get our estimates before placing your order. An agreeable surpriae awaits you when you sJe the remarkable quality we offer for the price. THE UP-TO-DATE LUMBER YARDS. PETRICH-SAUR LUMBER CQ Yards: Lamar and Chestnut Street* TUBERCULOSIS Bronchitis, Asthma and Catarrh If you have not been juccessfiil in obtaining a cure from CLIMATE call and inveatlgata our metbid of treatment. Wa h**e cured Taberenloau ot firet and second »Uge. and prolonged the lit* of many in the last stage. We keep you here in San Autou.o for a short time only, then equip yon vith a Beu sonizer Apparatus, same as used in Tubercular Sanitanums and our office. You can then return home and get well same as hundreds of others have done. Endorsements of leadiag medical men and prominent people all over the country: also testimonials from hundreds of cured patients. Call aud get their names todsy S**>e are here in San Antonio, whom you may call on and see Others sound and well back at their old home attending to their duly vocations. Maybe we have the name of some one who is right back at your own home This is not a “cure all" patent medicine, but a scien tific method of treatment that ha* proven itself a success. It costs you nothing to investigate and consult our specialist. THE BENSONIZER ,e 6 w Office Hours: 9 a. m. Io 5 p. m. Sundays: 10 a. m. to 12 m. MARCH 11, 1910. ■ aration for the best ball team ever or -1 ganized iu Boerne. Work has alreaiv > commenced on the ground, and by Mon ; day will begin in earnest. The Schrader Bros.’ livery and Law ; , lion A MeUroeklin livery have com -1 bined their two stables aud will be known as the Boerne Transfer Co. A MAN OF*IRON NERVE. । indomitable will and tremendous energy ■ is never found where Stomach. Liver, Kidneys and Bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the sue j cess they bring, use Dr. King’s New Life Pill’s, the matchless regulators, for । keen brain and strong body. 25c at th* ! • Bexar Drug Co. Dr. G. E. Gwinn, 301-302 Hicks Bldg. • I Eye, ear, nose, throat. Old phone 199*. 9