Size Don’t
Bother Us
We fit ’em all and fit ’em perfectly, the long
and thin, the short and fat, the big and tall, the
regular build all look alike to us for we’ve a suit
for every shape. It’s as easy to fit one as another.
Spring Suits Priced
$12.50't0 $4O
San Antonio's Greatest Clothiers*
Alamo Plaza 2 Stores Main Plaza
T 0 Findlev to G. W. Westervelt, lota
24 to 27. block’ 18. city block 1950, Three’s
first addition; $5OO.
R. T. Pruitt and Kdwin Lamm to J. G.
.Tones, lot 1, block 5, Pruitt’a addition;
$5OO. , , „ „ „
O. R. and Katie Biediger to S. S. Z.
Thompson, lots 6 to 9. lots 23 to 26, new
city block 2372, original city lot 133; $3,-
000. . ’ _
P. Riosenecker to Tho Lake view Town
site Go., lots 10 and 11, block 19, new
city block 3618, on Lopez street, Lake View
addition; $914.
Peter Riesenecker to Lake View Townsife
Co., lots 10 and 11, block 51, new city
block 3656, Lake View addition; $l3OO.
Frank H. Melcher to Emil F. Kneupper,
lot 26, block , city block 965, Casa
Blanco addition; $9OO.
Mrs. Augusta A. Lowday to Mrs. Ro
sella Parker Campbell, lot 4. block 2. new
city block 2311, original city lot 125, on
smitheast corner of San Jacinto and F.ast
Commerce street; $4500.
Ramsay C. Bogy and R. B Harlan to
Charles Betz, lots 14 and 15, block 6. Har*
landale addition; $l5O.
V. B. and B. Sotelo to T. B. and 8. E.
Ricks, 3000 varas taken out of west part of
tract as per field notes out of Mariano Se
quin 2 league; $3lB.
Annie and Emil School. Elizabeth and Ed
ward Jennert to Jennie W. Campbell. north
one half of lot 5, block 49, new city block
564. on cast side of Elm street; $3BOO.
Highland Improvement Co., by L. P. Pock,
to P. H. Homburg, lota 13 and 14. block
Robinson’s Patent Barley.
Robinson’s Patent Barley
used with fresh cow's milk, Is recom
mended by leading physicians all over
the civilized world.
SOLD BY all Druggists and Grocers.
Send for Booklet "ADVICE to
MO rHERS”—Free.
Sole Agents.
New York. Chicago.
90-94 Hudson St. 57 & 59 8. Water St.
Brir\g Us Your
Building Plslias
From onr long experience, we ean assist yon in the se
lection of •laterial, ami also in financing the building if
It is no trouble, but, on the contrary, a pleasure, to talk
von. Company
1309 South Flores Street. Both Phones 329 and 255.
We Do It Rightl !t Don’t Hurt!
JWIWSCTSk. v3£fiHIr r 21 " r ’ " Th. r<'f,.r" <<• j ;.je
• • .
IU f y y y ' Union Painless Dentists
** . A A, .. A — West Commerce St.. 322 Vs.
12, new city block 3280, Highland Park
.lake Wolff and Mrs. Max Stiefel to W.
p Syers. lots 5, 6 and 17 to 20, now city
block 1796, Laurel Heights: $lBOO.
C. C. Berry to E. C. Teele. lot 5, block
1, Chrrstholme addition: $350.
Mr®. Mary Fest and A. A. Gittirger to
Tony and Katie Pons, Jot 51, city block
2589; $450.
Oscar Doebbler to Pat Stevens, lot 19
and east part of lot 18, citv block 17, divi
sion 4: $lOO.
Pedro Valdez to Pat Stevens, lot 4, city
block 2870, division 2; $77.50.
Casamiro Hernandez to Francisco Reyes,
3 1-5 acres of Wm. G. Perk subdivision 2,
of Francisco Rolen survey 48; $ll6.
Hall P. Street to John M. Boyd, lota 37
and 38, block 6, on Florence street. Sunny
Slope: $lOO.
Carl Schmoekel Jr. to Louis Hirschfeld,
lota 5 and 6, block 58, Keystone Park: $5OO.
Louis Hirschfeld to Carl Schmockel Jr.,
180 acres of Ban Francisco Rivas grant 1:
Thoe. D. and R. L. Glover to Fannie A.
Lipscomb, lots 2 and 3, block 5, Mission
View; $137.
Felicitas O. Patino to Alfredo Cadena, lot
1, block 1, original city block 143, new
city block 2132; $6O.
Conrad Pape to Bexar Uo., a strip 50x
950 feet on Zurcher road, being 1.09 acres
of Antonio Perez survey; $l6O.
Edwards Realty Co., by Kearny Mason,
to A. M. Lopez, lots 47 and 18.' block 1.
city block 3102. Fox’s Beacon Hill; $2OO.
i Dr. A. M. Mason to J. B. Callahan, lots
(5 and 6, block 1. Magendie addition: $21.50.
E. D. Henry to Mrs. Lydia MgManns, lot
I 13. block 9, Marlborough. Place: $9OO.
E. D. Henry to T. J. McManus, lots 11
nnd 12 block 12, Marlborough Place; $855.
Lottie Michelson to Leopoldo Florea, lot
5, city block 1712, on south side of Layer
street: $125.
Frank Curtice Smith and R. W. Hamilton
to J. H. Short, lot 9. new city block 3599,
Smith nnd Hamilton subdivision; $lO5O.
Mrs. D. D. Aldrich to James A. Rawls, lot
14. new city block 2350. on South Pinto
street; s3sov. f
Ed. X. nnd Minnie Mcßae to Mrs. R. E.
Mumme, part of lot 22. block 2, origins! city
lot 65. city block 2180: $6OO.
Parke R Longworth to J. E. Cnrfhel, lot
19. block 21. Edgewood addition: $350.
Parke R. Longworth to J. D. Hays, kit
11. block 28. Edgewood: $350.
Margaret A. Francis to DoMco Trevino,
20 acre* of Rodriguez survey: $3O.
J. R. and Josefa W. Francis to Margaret
A. Francis, 20 acres of Rodriguez survey:
W. .T. and Marr Appel to A. D. Nash.
Desperate Encounter Follows
a Challenge to Fight to
the End,
Struck Id Back of Head With
Rock —Cases Transferred
to County Court.
A desperate encounter which took
place between four men, one woman and
a policeman Saturday evening at the
corner of Chavez aud North Coneho
streets, was this morning aired before
Judge Buckley in the police court. A
challenge to fight to the end. the flour
ishing of revolvers, a pistol shot and
several struck by stones and clubs, were
various features of the contest.
Because the ease presented such a
serious aspect, the cases of Rogelio Gar
eia, Maud Bivens and John D. Gnrfia.
who were arrested on charges of hav
ing assaulted Policeman Vidal, were or
dered by Judge Buckley to be trans
ferred to the eonnty court. Lucio Gar
eia, charged with having rudely dis
played a pistol, was the only one fined
in the police court, the penalty being
Testimony introduced at the bearing
today tended to show that the trouble
had its origin in the Cinco de Mayo
saloon on West Commerce street, where
Lucio Garcia is claimed to have chal
lenged Ben Herrera to a fight, tho chal
lenge being accepted and both men re
pairing to the northwest corner of Mi
lam square, where Garcia is said to
have drawn a revolver. Herrera said
he had not expected to engage in a
duel, but had come to fight a fair fist
battle. He succeeded in making his
getaway rZd notified Patrolman Vidal
of the fact that Garcia had drawn a
revolver in a threatening manner.
Patrolman Vidal, accompanied by
Herrera, caught up with Garcia while
he was on North Concho street, .just
in tijue. Policeman Vidal testified, to
see him throw something, which ho
took to be a pistol, in the yard of his
home. The next instant the |iolicemnn
and Garcia clinched with the result that
both fell to the ground, with Garcia
on top. Just, as Garcia, holding Pa
trolman Vidal by tho hair, was about
to strike him with a heavy stone. Her
rera struck tarcia oh tlio head with a
stone weighing about five or six pounds,
inflicting an ugly wound and rendering
Garcia unconscious.
It was then that the general Jiat
tie took place, in Which Roselio nnd
John D. Garcia and Maud Bivens, jifl
relatives of Lucio Gania, took part.
Patrolman Vidal was struck in the back
of the neck w ith a rock, supposed to
have been thrown by Roselio Garcia,
and knocked down. During the strug
gle that followed the woman is alleged
to have grabbed Vidal about tho throat
while John D. Garcia was seen in pos
session of the club. A shot was fired
by Patrolman Vidal, which, he says,
was done to attract help, and in a few
moments a dozen or more men in the
vicinity had come to his aid, making it
possible for him to bring about the
It may rain within the next forty
eight hours, declares the local weather
man, Allen Buell of the United States
weather bureau. This, however, is by
no means certain, but the unsettled con
dition of the weather which prevails
just now over the southwest is occa
sioned by the storm aren which was
yesterday over the Pacific and is today
central over Utah. This is moving
slowly eastward, and while the weath
er is generally fair east of tho Rocky
mountains —yet it may rain, says the
major, and that within the next forty
eight hours.
The temperature is normal and above
normal in the west and southwest this
morning, though it is below freezing
in the eastern states as far south as
Northern Georgia; also in tue lake
region and in the northwestern states.
This morning the minimum tempera
ture reported was 14 a* Buffalo, N. T..
and 68 at Corpus Christi.
Every house needs cleaning now. So
does the svstem. Do it right, best and
I surest with Hollister's Rocky Mountain
I Tea. Cleans the bowels, drives out vnn-
I tor's impurities, makes you sweet and
hcalthv. Lone Star Drug Store.
PORTABLE HOUSES for city and
country. See exhibit. 334 East Com
meroe street.
south 40 feet of lot 10, Nock 5, new city
block 2973, on west side vf Iraseh street,
Hunter to Florence and T M
Carter, lots 30 and 31. on north side of San
Pedro Place, Treasure Hili; »3000.
M T and Josephine Slane to Mavenek-
Clarke Litho Co., lot 40 feet on Salinas
street, new city block 1311: #4 odO-
Paul Mccrxhcidt and Frederica Reutzel
to Maverick-Clarke Litho Co., lot 90.4 feet
on Soledad street, lie.s feet on M ost I ecan
street and 119.4 foot on Salmas street, new
city block 139: 521.500
J E King and F. E. Harns to T L• ,
Griffith, 6 on south side of Mitchell (
Street, of subdivisions 1 and . of Julius -
Hotz property as per field notes: J65..0.
Antonio and Juliano Machado Diaz to
Gonxalea, 17 acres of M. M. Dawson
original survey 54: $530. ... . .
Julius K. Muscec to Manuel de Leon. lot
80. block 2. original city lot 129. La Villa
Guadalupe: $lOO.
Thus. D. and Roy L. Glover to R. Strnwe
Jr lot 18. book 4. Miarion View: $6O.
K el and Louis A. Lamm to Arthur
Brown, 85 acres of C. A. Ridgeway survey;
9 Jnmea L. and Jean Lyte to Charles Rager,
lot 4, new city block 531. on east aide of
North Olive street; $llOO.
J. M. nnd Dora A. Longfellow to James
W. Baker, lot 18. city block 1920. on Comal ■
street and Park Place; $875.
Ramon and Jesueita 0. Garcia to Chas. I
Oelkors, each one-half of lots 8 .Tnd 9, block
3, city block 1198. on Dakota street: $llO.
Mrs. Emma D. nnd W. C. Moore to Mrs.
Kate Steves, lot 5, on east side of Alamo
street, as per field notM; $7500. •
Notice is hereby given the* a special
meeting of the stockholders of ll:,- Gal
veston, Harrisburg & San Antonio K«: 1
way Company has been called by the
Board of Directors of said Company to
convene at the general office of said
Company in the City of Houston, Toxas,
at 12 o'clock noon, on the 23rd day of
May, 1910, for the purpose of authoriz
ing the making, execution and delivery
of a first mortgage upon all or any part
of the following properties of said Com
All of the property acquired by this
Company from The New York, Texas i
Mexican Railway Company, conveyed
under a certain deed, dated August Sth.
1905, including the railroads extending
from Rosenberg, in Fort Bend County,
to Victoria, in Victoria County, with
brandies extending from Wharton, in
Wharton County, to Hawkinsville, in
Matagorda County, and from Van
Vleck, in Wharton County, to Tres Pa
lac-ios, in Matagorda County, with the
franchise and other property thereunto
appertaining, together with all improve
ments, betterments or additions to the
said railroads made since the date of
said acquisition.
All of the property acquired by this
Company from the Gulf, Western Texas
A- Pacific Railway Company, conveyed
by a certain deed, dated August Bth,
1905, including the railroads extending
from Victoria, in Victoria County, to
Beeville, in Rec County, and from Cuero,
in DeWitt County, to or near Lavaca,
in Calhoun County, with the f anehises
and other property thereunto appertain
ing, together with all improvements,
betterments or additions to the said
railroads made since the date of said ac
All of the property acquired by this
Company from the Gonzales Branch
Railroad Company, conveyed by a eer
i tain deed, dated 28th day of Septem
i ber, 1905, ineluding the railroad ex
tending from liarwood to Gonzales, in
Gonzales County, irith the franchises
and oilier property thereunto appertain
ing. together with all improvements,
betterments or additions to the said
railroad made since the date of said
All of the property acquired by this
Company from The Galveston, Houston
& Northern Railway Company, convey
ed by a certain deed, dated 28th day of
September, 1905, including the railroad
extending from Houston, in Harris
County, to Galveston, in Galveston
County, with the franchises and other
property thereunto appertaining, to
gether with all improvements, better
ments or additions to the said railroad
made since the date of said acquisition.
All of the property acquired by this
Company from the San Antonio & Gulf
Railroad, conveyed by a certain deed,
dated August 9th, 1905, ineluding the
railroad extending from San Antonio,
in Bexar county, to or near Stockdale,
in Wilson County, with the franchises
an<] other property thereunto appertain
ing, together with all improvements,
betterments or additions to the said
railroad made since the date of said ac-|
The railroad of this Company extend
ing from the terminus of the railroad
purchased from the San Antonio & Gulf
Railroad at or near Stockdale, in Wilson
County, through the counties of Wilson,
Gonzales and DeWitt, to Cuero, in De-
Witt County, a distance of approxi
mately 47.05 miles, with the franchises
and appurtenances.
AH of the interest of this Company j
i in and to a causeway or‘combination of
; roadway, archbridge and drawbridge.;
I now in the course of construction by the,
I County of Galveston across Galveston |
Bay from a point on Galveston Island
to a point at or near Virginia Point,!
in Galveston County, arising under a!
certain contract of lease, dated Decem
ber 15. 1908, entered into between the
County of Galveston of the first part.|
Gulf. Colorado & Santa Fe Railway!
Company. Galveston, Houston A Hen-1
derson Railroad Company and The Gal-1
veston, Harrisburg & San Antonio Rail
way Company of the second part, and
Galveston - Houston Electric Railway
Company of the third part.
The said mortgage to be made, exe
cuted and delivered for the purpose of
securing the payment of bonds of the
said The Galveston, Harrisburg & San
Antonio Railway Company to an amount
of not exceeding Ten Million Dollars
($10,000,000.00), payable at a time not
exceeding thirty (30) years from the
date thereof, and bearing interest at a
rate not exceeding six per centum (6
per cent) per annum, payable semi-an-!
Secretary, The Galveston, Harrisburg
& Sail Antonio Railway Company.
Associated Press.
Council Bluffs, March 15.—The gov-1
emment continued to present its case
against J. C. Mabray and his associates
in the United States district court to
day. The testimony is similar to that
already produced. v |
with the Ara-Notch in
place of the bothersome
buttonhole 15c. each— 2 for 25c.
Cluett, Peabody & Co.. Makers
ARROW CUFFS, 25c. a Paifl
Mayor Says Recommendations
to Be Made Will Receive Care
ful Consideration.
Interests of Smaller Taxpayer
Must Be Protected, so Will
Be No Snap Judgment.
‘•Not until the city government
has been officially notified by the
National Board of Fire Underwrit
ers, what they desire to be done
in the way of improvements, in or
der that San Antonio may secure
a lower key rate, will I make any
recommendation. I have never been
approached by the representatives
of the national board, nor do I
know just what is demanded, but I
understand it is a question of con
siderable magnitude and one that
will involve many thousands of
dollars and for the executive de
partment of this city to jump at a
conclusion at a moment’s notice
would be preposterous." .
It was in a manner characteristic of
Mayor Callaghan that ho so expressed
himself, when interrogated this fore-1
noon regarding the probable steps the.
city would take to bring about the im
provements recommended by the state
fire insurance actuary, the representa
tives of which have been busy at work
in this city conducting an extensive
investigation concerning the local fire
hazard, a comprehensive report of
wnieh investigations is now being pre
pared and will be forwarded to the
national board. Upon the report so
delivered will be based the fire insur
ance key rate for San Antonio. While
the inspectors have not made public
their findings here and no report will
be forthcoming until it is given public
ity by the national board, it is said
extensive improvements will be de
manded. both of the city of San An
tonio and the San Antonio Water Sup
ply company.
C. H. isurkamp Jr., rice president and
general manager of the San Antonio
Water Supply company, today an
nounced that by reason of the fact
no specific recommendations ha-e been
made to him by the national board, ho
was unable to say just what the im
provements would consist of. as far as
his company was concerned, but ex
pressed himself confident the water
company would undertake to make im
Motor Fire Apparatus.
“The proposed purchase of a com
bination motor chemical and fire
chief 's wagon for the San Antonio fire
department, which. 1 understand, will
probably ba insisted upon when the )•
port of tho national board is made, has
been considered by tho city government
for some time,’’ said Mayor Callaghan.
“The city is growing fast and alarms
are increasing and it has been found j
that it may be cheaper to invest in a
motor-driven chief's buggy than to kill
horses, each one of which must necessar
ily be a valuable animal. It has prac
tically been decided that the city will
do away with tho use of horses to;
draw tho chief’s wagon and replace >
the buggy with a motor-driven vehicle.
“The question of carrying out what
the Fire Underwriters’ association may
demand, is of vital importance to the
taxpayers of San Antonio,” continued
the mayor. “It is a matter that must
bo thoroughly investigated by the city
council, before the city may be expect
ed to declare that it will do everything
it is told to do. It is not business like
to jump at a conclusion at a moment's
notice when so much is at stake.
“For instance, ns J understand the
proposition, it will mean that addition
al tiro stations will have to be eon
structed in various portions of the city
in addition to what we already have.
New apparatus will have to be pur
chased at au enormous cost, the new
stations will have to bo manned, which
means a constant drain upon the rev
enues of tho city, and other depart
ments will necessarily have to bo in
creased accordingly.
“It mav be readily seen that this is
, a question that will take time to de
cide,” said the mayor. “In justice to
i the smaller property owner, who is now
i paying taxes much greater in proper
-1 tion than the bigger property owner, it
1 will mean that he, who is now also pay
' ing his insurance on his little home aud
paying for fire protection that he is
not getting, will have to be burdened
with a still greater tax simply to re
duce the fire insurance rates of those
higher up and who have adequate fire
“The fire insurance underwriters
have been studying the question for a
long time,” continued the mayor. “It
is their business to do so for their own
interest. Why should not the city of
San Antonio then be given some little
time to give the matter a study! The
whole thing has come up suddenlv like
the eruption of a volcano, nnd there
nre some who seem to think that I. n>
mayor of the city, should without liai
ing vet been consulted or officially in
formed as to what shall be done, av>l
without Laving bail time to consider
the question, say that the city govern-
ment will spend thousands and thou
sands of dollars without knowing wha
we are going to spend it for. Befon
the tax'levy will be increased I wi)
demand that the matter be thoroughly
Would Have Cost Him His Life
Oscar Bowman. Lebanon, Ky., write:
I have used Foley's Kidney Remedy ar
take great pleasure in stating it cun
mo permanently of kidney disease whir
certainly would have cost me my life.
Bexar Drug Co.
? J 'H E stamp of approval is placed on PATRICIAN
Shoes, not by the exacting demand of fashionably
gowned women of a few cities, but in the world-wide ap
proval of popularity earned, deserved and recognized
through their dainty style, their perfect fit and their serv
iceable quality, and to their honorable manufacture. Be
cause of their conforming to modish fashions they long
ago became popular; because of their wearing quality
they remain popular; that is why they have become
known as “A Shoe with a Million Friends.”
Prices, $3.50 and $4.00
Wolff Marx Co.
“Trust Buster” Argues in Gov
ernment Suit to Dissolve
the Standard Oil.
Associated Freer.
Washington. March 15.—This is the
govern merit's day in the hearing be
fore the supreme court of the United
State to substantiate its claims that
the Standard Oil organization should
be dissolved as violating the Sherman
anti-trust law.
With the exception of a few closing
words by John Milburn for the com
pany, the entire time today was set
aside for Frank Kellogg on behalf of
the government. The court was crowd
ed again today.
Special Dispatch. ’
Kansas City. March 15.—Fire destroy-1
ed a railroad men’s boarding house in j
the oast bottoms early this morning. I
Charles O’Donnell was burned to death,!
another is missing and a score narrowly!
escaped. The house was two stories
and a narrow stairway trapped the men
on the second floor.
Associated Press.
Washington. March 15.—Leroy Percy,
senator-elect from Missisippi, made his
first appearance in the senate today and
the oath of office was administered by
Senator Keane, who occupied the chair.
Medical writers declare it incurable
after the sixth month whether albumen-
ous or not
The average man prefers to think of
it as “kidney trouble" and lets it g>,
but the census shows this appalling fact
—out of 63,000 deaths from kidney
troubles the last census year over nine
tenths of them (58,000) took the form
called “Bright’s Disease," although it
is quite probable that nine tenthe of
these up to the last moment thought of
it as and called it “kidney trouble,”
when, as a matter of fact, the only pos
sible hope lay through a specific for
Bright's Disease.
There never was one until Fulton
worked out his Renal emollient (Ful
ton’s Renal Compound).
Since then inflammation of the kid
neys, whether albumenous or not, or
whether culled “kidney trouble” or
“Bright’s Disease,” or whether six
months or six years old, commonlyj
If you have had kidney trouble over
six months, no matter what you call it,
it is the only hope. Efficiency 87 per
cent where patients do not wait until
bedridden, although some of them re
For sale at all drug stores. Druggist;
supplied by San Antonio Drug Co.
We desire to hear from and advis
with patients not noting the usual iir
pr->veii>ent by the third bottle. Liters
ture mailed free. Write John J. Fulto
i . 212 First St.. San Franciseo, Cal.
Gerlach Bros.
117 W. Heusten M.
tseelsl attention glvon to cltanln*
proaslA. anil rapalrln. Work gua-tsteaa.
Nsw Phsna ISM.
144 Waat Commerce Street.
222 East Houston Street.
Agents for Whitman's Candice
MARCH 15, 1910.
. " -L T lavey, 6 room dxvolling. on nortk
side of \nn Nesi street, fnr $l4OO.
V’ story dwelling, on north
side or Brackenridge avenu«x lor $l4OO.
W. Hocker, 3 room house, oa'
south »ido of Horida street, for $lOOO.
I rank Schwartz, 5 room dwelling, on east
side or Bogers street, for $lOOO.
H. F. Cook. 3 room house, on north side
of Morales street, for $550.
H. F. Cook, 4 room dwelling, on north
side of Morales street, for $650.
A. linns. 1 room addition, on south sdo
of Ruiz street, for $5O.
J. Denn Jr., shop, on west side of South
) lores street, for $9OO.
ilhrlmina Winklemann. 4 room’ houses
on west side of Fairbanks aven up. for $5OO.
Harry Stone, barn, on south side of Ju
nior street, for $75.
F. Araiza. 1 room addition, on west side
of Casanova street, for $5O.
Walter Kransa. 4 room dwelling, on south
side of Indiana street, for $9OO.
Albert Villaatrlgo, 2 room house, on north
side of Grace strvot, for $lOO
Stiff Joints
become elastic and pliant by using
Pric»t, 3Sc.,SOc., and 91.00.
1508 So. Flores St.
M Sunny Brook $llO
Kentucky Tavem $l.lO
M Dripping Springs $l.lO
O Oscar Pepper $l.OO
Ifl Old Forrester $1.25
Bonnie Rye $ .90
IH Hunter Rye $1.25
Rockmorc Rye, gal 83.00
Kentucky Tavern, gal $3.50
T B. Rippy, gal 33.50
PM AU bottled beers, pints S .95
Ql All bottled beers, quarts... .$1.65
Saj Goods delivered free to any
part of the city. Old phone 136,
M New phone 489.
F 0u n M OEM
Fire, Tcrnado, Hall, AutomoMte,
Liability, Accident
Noth Phonea 192*.
Buy HAY Now
Phone, write or wire for price*
On Kansaa and Texaa clipped oats. corn,
bran, chops, cotton seed meal and hails,
rice meal, rock salt, cane seed.
Both Phon s 265.
Squabs Wanted
100-110 Garden Street.
Phono us an<l our man will eall.
the Enterprise