14 Do YOU Use the Want Ads? It Saves Time and Money Classified Ads We take classified ata ever prone or will send messenger for them when re quired to do so. One insertion, per word 1c Four consecutive Insertions, per word 30 Seven consecutive insertions, per word 45 Ten consecutive insertions or more each insertion, per word l-2c No ad received for less than 15c. Classified ads for the Sunday Light • and Genette will not be received after 10 o’clock Saturday night. I EITHER PHONE 176 _ „ I WILL SACRIFICE HOME One of the most beautiful, complete and artistic homes in the aty; 5 rooms, fine porches, pantries and cloeots; cor t net lot; cement walks, gas. sewers, ete. As it is too small for present owner, too good to rent and for several other good . reasons will take #l3OO less than cost; ; . SIMO cash, balance easy. If you want a home or to make some money and can i art at onee, ring New Phone 2930 Blue. ; WKSTFAU. svense bnfldmg site. erertook ing “beacUAil Highland Park” and at only half Iha price. Bee J. L. Strohn. Maekay ' mildin*. TWO fine building si tea on Dearer boule rani, fap at hill, cleared, reedy for build ing. Cheap J. L. Suohm, Mackay build ing, MONEY TO LOAN We have money to loan in sums of I $lOOO to $.5000 on approved real estate j security on property in San Antonio and Bexar county. Vendor's lien notes bought. NICHOLSON, FUBNISH & SMITH, 224 E. Houston St. Phonos 2396. SAN PEDRO AVENUE \iodern 11-room home, close In, on San Pedro avenue. Large lot, 55x167. House al* mast new, in first class condition. Owner leaving 4250. All con veniences. 216 Bois d’Arc street. Call up . new phone 3177. । SIX-ROOM cottage. 311 Oak. Sewer, bath, near car, dose in. Caah at once $l2OO. I P. O. box 776. ‘ FOR SALE—Two lots, South Press and Ward, 177 and 188 feet deep. Arthur Stenzel, box 439. Houston, Texas. $3675 Buys a beautiful home in Marlborough, on Warwick boulevard, two blocks from South Presa, corner lot 75x140. Seven rooms, two halls, all modern conveniences. Ask W. O. SULLIVAN. 509 Navarro 7 LOTS. La-urai Heights: win exchange for ▼’ell located cottage or land over $2000; will wume like amount Addrees P. O. 239 FOR SALE. A very close in Ave. D corner with large ’ 2 story brick building. 16 rooms, 2 bath rooms: suitable for rooming or hoarding ' house; every modern convenience. la rented ■ now at $1320.00. This is a fine investment; 1-3 cash, balance to suit at 7 per cent. It is yours at $14,000 00. CONROY A RICE -224 W. Commerce St. DO YOU WANT A HOME?” We have one completed, and two building Each five rooms. We will sell them cheap. Part caah, bainee like paying rent. Call at 704 East Commerce street. FOR SALE—Six-room house, hall and bath, also isrge bam 613 Mission street. FOR SALE—Two large lots in Hi Vue ad dition, two blocks from car line, nicoly fenced, city water, trees planted, sidewalks, good neighborhood; only $275 each. Small payment down, easy terms. See owner to «lay. W. S. Cooper, 206 North Press or 20© A. Crockett. $1725 Five room cottage, near Tobin Hill car line; large lot. all fenced; city water; maca dam street; newly painted and papered; just thr place to keep a cow and chickens. Small cash osyment down, balance >lOO per year. Hee it today. Owner, 509 Conroy Bldg. TH. 739 New. FOR SALE—AII buildings on my old dairy place Two largo barr.e. creamery building and tenant houses. J. F. Klin®, San Antonio. FOR SALE—New 5 rocm house, south front, best neighborhood in San Antonio, close to school and car line. Address No. 2091 Light. College Heights offers special Inducements to Home Builders STREET REALTY COMPANY. Opposite Postuffiaa. FOR SALE—Fifty lota on Hart avenue, near i Riverside Park. J. F. Kline. $6500 Buys lot 100x220 on Cedar street. The 1 rooms are eight and lar'e, well ventilated; 1 spacious galleries, half block car line, ma radamized street. • 0. SULLIVAN, 509 Navarro St. ' FOR SALE —Lot facing south od West Rus sell place. 50x125 to alloy, half block from car line. >775.00. FOR SALE—Warehouse rite 133x138, north •as k comer of North Comal and West ■ouaton streets, on A A. A A. p. tracks Price >2650.00. FOR SALE —Three four-room Louws and three new three-room hcuse> situated on hro lots 95x160, located on South Smith glreet. Price >2850.00 L. A. STI’MB ERG. Owner. Room 110 Alamo Bank Bldg. lOHN H. BOLTON—ReaI Kalat, Pen ■lon Claim Arent Notary Public. St. lames Hotei. Houston street H. J. Colton. (Jen’l Auctioneer ana Real Estate Agent Office. Max Karotkln, IS W. Commerce St., oil phone 446. new kune 111. WEDNESDAY, FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE Two Lots I FOR SALE BY OWNER 100x150. Most desirable lot. on Madaliene Terrace. X. Y. Z„ care Light and Garett,. INVESTMENT PAYING 15% City property now renting for >115.00 per j month win evil for >7300.00, half caah. Another fine investment; Nearly 3 acres of land. 6-room and 3 room bouse; barn 70 feet long and other buildings: land all fenced, fine fruit and abode trees. In city limits and not fat from car Price >3000.00. WOODMAN REALTY CO 106 W. Houston St. Old phone 3151 one acre On San Antonio river, facing on ma cad ami zed road, covered with large pe can trees, ideal homesite, line for gar-; dening and chicken raising. Two blocks to Hot Wells ear. A big bargain. 1380, care Light and Gazette. Must Be Sold A n«w attractive e'ght-room. two-story homa, located in a high grade restricted dis triet. House hat extra good plumbing, and ' screened throughout, fireplace in living room, good outbuilding*, large lot, 75x193, % block of street car. Can br handled with small cash ' • payment, balance like rent. Will consider property, not in excess of >lOOO in trade. Price $4750 J. H. KIRKPATRICK & CO Exclusive Agents. 417-419 Navarro Street. FOURTH STREET Twn-»»ory. fronting south, in first block off Avenue C. Good revenue now. will soon be business propertv. See or ring up W. C. ROBARDS Washer Building. Old Phone 426. A BARGAIN For >2OO less than current values. Two sett of lota, two in each set. in block on Hiek man and Blanco road. Treasure Hill. En quire at the Idaho. Beacon Hill. NORTH SIDE HOME A now and attractive home oa San Pedro I Heights California bungalow type. Plastered. I large fireplace, big living room, well finish ed, brass hardware, screened throughout, 1 shades, good south front lot; in fact, one of :he beat small homes we have had to offer. I A small caah payment, balance like rent will take it. Pne® >2800.00 J. H. KIRKPATRICK COMPANY 417-419 Navarro Street. San Antonio, Tex. A BARGAIN 4 room house and lot on Weat Commerce •treat, close in. $1550 for quick sale. In quire at 700 Lombrano street. • 4-ROOM bungalow and hall, just being ffn iahed. cement sidewalks to car line. Ap ply W. B Whitaker, 602 Denver boulevard. 15 LOTS IN A ROW. 3~ CORNERS, $3000.00 CASH 2 blocks of car, on atreet that is main county road. Opposite row in same block •old at this price three years ago. Above I ( price is good for 5 days. For sale by the owner. Old Phone 3535. Beautiful Home; Located reasonably close in with a large lot 55x270. backs up on the San Antonio river, and a very beautiful six i room cottage, with necessary out-build ings and all modern conveniences; beau tiful electrical fixtures. If you want something swell let us show you this one. ' JACKSON a WALKER Traders, See Us! Ws have ecvcral pieces of city property j to trade for lands; also have lands to trad* for city property; no matter what you have, • we win trad* you. Come and let us talk with • vou. W. J. DeLAMATER CO.. 215 Mackay Bldg. New Phone 2250. MUST SELL-LEAVING CHY My modem new 3-etory residence, on San ' P>*dro avenue, close in, 11 rooms, large lot. Every convenience. Price $7BOO. Easy terms Owner 1873, Light. $5OO Cash Balance to suit, buys an up to-date bungalow in Laurel Heights addition; 6 rooms. 8 bed rooms, gas, electric lights, aewor. bath, fire plar.*, china and clothes closets; screened throughout, front, side and rear galleries; woodshed and servants quarters; cement walks, ft block from car line. Large lot. Price >3500. Same location and terms as above; cottage, ft rooms, hall ami ball wer, electric lights; screened throughout, front and roar galleries, pantry ajid clothes dosttH, cement walks and stable. Price >2700. W. D. BYERS, Owner. 427 Navarro St. O P. 562. FOR l5O per acre. W. C. SULLIVAN. 509 Navarro St. I SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE SOUTH PARK TERRACE “The Laurel Heights of South San Antonio’’ HOMES ON EASY PAYMENTS. AUTOMOBILE SERVICE. smock «• McLaurin, exclusive agents. 120 MACKAY BUILDING. NEW PHONE 2619 FOR SALE-BY OWNER 423 RIVER AVE Six rooms, built for a home. All modern improvements. On car lino. Large new barn and outhouses. Shade trees. Lot 65 L2x 130 to 20-foot alley. Outbursts of Everett True KNOB HILL In making a selection for a home or investment, do you take into consideration the advantages of good car service, macadamized streets, cement sidewalks, curbing, gas, electric lights, telephone, good schools, building restrictions, no smoke, no dust, close in and with panoramic view of entire city. Knob Hill has, and offers all these inducements. GOODE TRAYLOR, Owners Old Phone 4035. 216 Gibbs Building. FUR SALE— Fanns and EancLeg. N>B BALI or rut, 173 aeraa in Wrights boro, Gonxales county: chocolate loam •oil, clay aubmijl; all subject to cultivation.! Address Dr. Zncbt, 322 West Commerce St., San Antonio, Tex. 295 acres at $250 per acre Lorated <.n the Castroville road, opposite W. GardAndalr. Every acre level, smooth, irri- ' gable land, in artesian belt. This land can I l»e sold out in 1 to 5 acre tracts; from to >6OO per acre. Look at this if you want to invest in best proposition near city limits. J. A. CLOPTON, Owner. .-OR SALE— Mißcelwueou* : ~fulT CORD' WOD~YAR!F I Sell* only the best post oak end nie»- quite wood. leihei*-d in full rord I Phones lh»7. Frank Baeuia. | CYPEWRJTEIt BARGAINS—T7n haro loan sllgLUy used—a Luos t new —tyv®’ I uritera. an makeM. excoptiunady cheap. 1 fold on payments George Botchar -1 Antonio. Toaca. THREE, tour and nurvnpower gaso line enginea (or sale. Fuller Machine Shoo. 51b HuUtb Aiamo atreet. Both uhorca HICKS l.agh P;u!tt <*wal, il companies of pipe and pipe fit । ting», 411 si/e.», ut burgum prices. Texas , supply Co., Beaumont, Texas. ( FOR SALK—toxio portable chicken coop. 721 Wyoming street. New phone 1349 red- IFOR HALE—I 6 car* good bright prairie hay. tpply J. A. Michot & Son, Pori La vacs, Texas. Lora ted • Gard»n’.so. Ap I plv at 1119 Garden street. New phone 2146. I THOIt’H'GHBRED brown leghorn eggs. $1 pir ’telling. 409 Hays afreet. Old ph»n« '2816. | FOR SALE —Full blood Plymouth Kock eggi Cl.OO -• set Ung al 502 River avenue. EGGS from pens of White neghoni heni mated tn White Orpington cockerels whirl make n “first cross" that are egg pyoduosrs I 15 for >l.OO. \V. W. Dulin. 522 Van Nass JACOB BRANDT the poultry man. now car | lie* lh»' larges: M» k of poultry in Sal I Aumni >. Mr. Brridfa stock consists <•! Turkeys. G • so. Ducks and Uhlekrns. whirl he sells ritin r stive or dressed. Just cal up Mr. Brandt by telephone and he will sup ply vou at any'lime and deliver to any pm of the city. Ilia telephone number is 2747 vid now I FOR SALE— Uvo Stock and Pet». FOR SALE — Hot.. «ml phaeton, fancy drir er, bnt perfectly safe for lady. B. T. McNeil, old phone 634. FOR SALE—Pair mulex, work linraes and yonua mares, some Jersey yearlings. 2420 Smith Flores street. Ed Nml. FOR StLK—Cheap. Rtihber tired gig, just the tiling for a newsboy’s route. Address Illis West Commerce. 1 JERSEY cows for sale. Registered Jersey hull for service, fee »3.00. Joo A. How- i aid. 227 South Flores street, rear Jack W. : Neal’s. I FOR SALE —Bunch of good milch cows, mostly Jersey*, prices right. On Wetmore I mail, four and one half milea from San An । toni". M. D. Kimbrough. Fof SALE— Furniture and Pianoe. ; FOR SALE —White newing machine, good | - ondition and practically new. Inquire at i [ 1228 Avenue D. J ' FOR SALE—Household furniture, parlor ■ suite, iron bed. sideboard, .carpet, cheap ! 433 Crockett atreet. FOR SALE—Bedroom suite, good ag new. Cheap. 810 Eaet Crockett street. NEW and second hand famitore bought, sold ' end exchanged. Eagle Furniture Go., 117- 119 Soledad street. New phone 288. FOR SALE—A brand new >395 standard upright jiano. won in the Light and Gazette contest, which ha; never been removed from Goggan'a* store: will let it go at a price eondderably below its coet. •nd purchaser may have choice of any atyle caa*. Address ’‘lloll,’’ Light. FOR SALE—~ Vehicles aad Harness, . -U FOR SALE —A good, large, willing, gentle horse and steady traveler; buggies, wag ons and harneh*. Comer N. Laredo and Lakeview Ave. M. Pigott. Carriage Shop. FOR SALE —Cheap. Buggy with top. 830 Lamar street. $250.00 OPEN surrey, good condition, >35. Monday. Cameron, 112 North Flores St. I’OR SALE—Good second hand buggy and harness, >25. 1319 South Florea street. FOR SALE—Good gentle horse, harness and buggy, only >6O. 714 Delmar atreet. FOR SALE—Cheap. Two cowboy saddles, good as new. Inquire at Calloway 4 Stan ford, 224’3 South Flores. FOR SALE— Automobile*. ' FOR SALE CHEAP—A good new five passenger Buick Automobile. tally equipped with top, wind shield, chime • horn, French horn, etc. This machine lias only been used a very short time and is just as good rb new. Price $750.00. A Meister. 735 E. Houston Si. BEST Automobile OH in town. Gasoline. •11 oils. Phone Dixie Oil Co., 400 East Commerce. ' FOR SALE —Show cases, counters, shelving, rash register, cheap: must sell. 614 East ; Commerce street. SEE this machine, it's a *nap at the price Five-pa**enger Reo, good order. 324 West Nueva street. 135 HORSEPOWER Rambler automobile for sale cheap, in perfect condition, as good . as any second hand car in the city. Inquire . T. H. Blackman, 102 West Houston street. I HAVE four automobiles, will sell cheap, or tr?dr for real estate. Zay Smith, new phone 2602. FOR RENT— House* I FOK RENT —Furniiihei! or unfurnished, el»- trant nix-rccm rottige, strictly roidern, in Madison Square district. Address 0088, cars Liicht. FOR RENT. Furniture, house furnishing goods, stoves, bedding, rugs, etc., to furnish your vacant rooms or your house from kitchen to parlor. Max Karotkln Old phone 449; new phone 614; new quarters 3’B West Commerce street. ■ FOR RENT—Four-room house, modern con veniences throughout, large barn and out houses; 815 per month; close to car. Zay Smith, new phone 2602. FOR RENT—3-rooni house, $6 a month: also rubber tire carriage for sale, $25. 1302 ! Buena Vistu street. FOR-RENT - ! Good dote in corner, well suited for black i smith ahop. THOS. F. HART Old Phone 706. 414 Mackay Bldg. BOOKER APARTMENTS ; Surpass anything for housekeeping. Two Nocks from Gunter. New phono 257# FOR RENT —Two suites of rooms, one up 2 stairs one downstairs; one block from eity hall end court house, opposite; electrically I lighted park, water and light furnished. $l5 ' per month 607 South Flores atreet. ' : FOR RENT—Seven rooms, modern conven iences: large lot, barn, close to car. New plume 2602. : FOR KENT— Fumiahed Booma. FOR RENT-Two room* furmratd or threw unfurnished, to sub tenant, very | 1 reasonable. 3816 South Florea street. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished upstairs rooms in new home and private fam- ily. All conveniences. 1695. Light FOR RENT-—One furnished room with or without board, for gentleman. Inquire 319 Bui net street, j — — k , FOR RENT —New. nicely furnished rooms for i. light, housekeeping. No. 307 South Cherry • • street. g — - —• FOR RENT —Two dugontly furnished down stairs rooms, opposite large electrically a lighted park; 2 blocks from city hslt or court honfe; water end light furnished. Wanted, steady renter. Call 607 S. Fiore*. FOK RENT—Three large rooms with bath, " No. 116 South Laredo. One block and n b half from city hall. Apply to Dr. Wither*. THREE ROOMS for rent, upstairs, east side. Modem conveniences. No children. King 1 I N. phone 16UI. old 321. .7 -- TWO nicely furnished rooms in private fam — i ily, all modern cunrvniencex. Addrooi 623 fg | V si I' -I" 14. _ 1 FURNISHED flats or 3 or I south private hath. etc. Reasonable rates. 107 ’* Nathan. Old phone 1234. s TWO furbished rooms for light housekeeping. Modern conveniences. 1012 Avenue D. N. r ! P. 2218. kl) — — • “f FOR KENT—One large cool front room, fur h nished, with or without breakfast. 249 W. ill Johnson street, p. —.— rt TWO nicely furnished connecting front 7, rooms, modern conveniences, walking dis tance from town. 102$ Avenue D. FOR 3ENT— Store# »nd Offices STORES for rent. <2u and 421 Austin street. Two large stores, suitable for manufacturing or warehousing. Rent very low ONE large front and one back offifle for ' rent over Frnnk Bros., Alamo plaza. ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING j FOR RENT—Two furnishea rooms lor light housekeeping, one block of mar ket houae. Ch tap. 404 Buena Vista Nt . LIGHT housekeeping tnodeni rooms close in. three blocks from Jonke's. j Ardnlega street. - ROOMS for light housekeeping. Jersey l milk and butter to sell New uhoue 2852 1 FOR RENT —Two furnished rcojns for light housekeeping; no sick or children. 728 Avenue C. FOR RENT —Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping, five blocks from poßtofflce. Cail 710 Aveane E. THREE connecting furniahod rooms for , housekeeping: electric light®, gas, bath, ! sewers: no children, no sick taken. 2 blocks ' from S. P. depot, one block from car. 306 | Idaho stree;. New phone 2651. ROOMS AND BOARD— FOR KENT— Nicely furnlabed room with . board, home cooking, couple or two gen tlemen. every modern convenience; no rick or children, -ferencea required New I Plione 1029. • j ROOMS AND BOARD. Summer and winter room, and board, every convenience, terms reasonable, no sick. 817 Nolan. 1 i WANTED— Rooms and Board. WANTED—By two young men, room with ’ sleeping porch, with or without boarl: ' must be ir eight blocks of postoffice. J. H. G., postoffice box 300. WANTED— ~— House*. Wanted f We have a customer for an up-to-date home of 5 or 8 rooms: mubt be modern and within one miles of the Hicks build ng, in first-elasa neighborhood. Let us hear from you at once. W. D. SYER.S 0. P. 562. 427 Navarro St. N. P. 2570. WANTED— Animals and Vehicles. WANTED —Hors» and carriage: mast be in good condition; will consider reasonable offers. Apply 60? Lopez. WANTED— MUcaHaneou*. ;VANTED—Diamonds, old gold and all ver. Wm. N. Capurro. -'eweler. 502 H East Houston atreet (vpa’airaA room 1. — — —» ’ WANTED for cash: Diamonds, old gold. ! silver and coins. Sunset Loan Bank. 882 East Commerce. HOUSE PAINTING If you are contemplating having your house painted, call or phone Van Raub Paint and Hardware Co. Nothing but best material used and satisfaction guaranteed. 1305 West Oommerre. Both phones. WANTED—Two horses. Apply Creamery Dairy. । CASH paid for old lead. Guesaae 4- Ferlet I Co. WANTED—One to three hundred acres of land within ten milea of Sau Antonio, I northwest ,vf city preferred. Address P. O. I box 157. WANTED— Situation—Female. YOUNG tierman couple want position as ■ cook and general work. 2127 Light and ' Gasatte. HELP wanted— Saleamen. WANTED —A first class mau, strong enough I to manage agent*, to put on and handle j the best lot proposition in San Antonio for j a quick turn. S. G. Tayloe, fifth floor Mav erick Bank buildiug. CIGAR salesman in your locality. Experience unnecoHßary: good pay. Write for particu lars. Monarch Cigar Co.. St. Louis, Mo. HELP WANTED— Mala APPLY Texas Employment Comps ny, 228 East Commerce street, for all kinds of help or positions. WANTED—Young men to prepare for next railway mail. ruMoros and postoffice ex aminations. >6OO to >l5OO yearly. Steady work. Preparation free. Write immediately for examination schedule. Frsuklin Insti tute, Dept. 373-M, Rochester, N. Y. *• IF you are looking for a hign grade position call at 344 Moore building. WANTED - MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE. Few weeks tequired. Splendid trade for poor man> Be your own boss. Can start shon with small capital or work >l2 io >2O weekly. Good demand for barbers. Fur ther information free. Moler Barber College, 716 West Commerce atreet. I WANT two more young men to complete a crew soon to start for several towns in Texas, to solicit subscriptions for a popular magasine; >25 to $3O easily made. Call lietween 8 and 9 a. m. Monday. Mr. Frad ; Owen. I WANTED—A good agent in every town in 1 southwest Texas to represent a proposi- । lion which yields a handsome income. Ako two good men for this city. Address W. F. I MuDauhd, 100 Alder atreet. San Autonio, ! ' 11 , WANTED—Hatter io dean and block hats, clean and press clothes. Call or address 1 No. 118 Houston St., room 7. WANTED—One man on wagon: steady work. Ex-soldier preferred. 109 W. Houston. ! HESIDENT manager, also salesman wanted, $ :o weekly and expenses or cummission : ••xp*rioiH6' umv'cessaiy. \ men an Cigar Co., Civcinnati. Ohio. I WANTED—Good boy to drive delivery wag O I and take care <>f horses. Apply The Model Bakery, corner Garden and Fir streets. BOVS wanted not under 16 years old. G. A. , Dnerlor Manufacturing Co. | WANTED —At once. Man and wife for ramp cook, long job. good pay. Apply 520 Ruiz i -■ ROY wanted with wheel Sap Drug Store. 1301 South Florea. \\ WTFD —Waiter: Mexican hoy tnu«t have experience. Apply 628 Avenue 0. MARCH 23. 1910. HELP WANTED— Agents. WANTED—Wholesale grocer or jobber in bundle our line for etale of Texas. World Mig. Co.. Atlanta. Go IHELP WANTED^ - »| Female. j I WANTED —Experienced hand to assist dress* niuker. 125 Howard street. ; WANTED —Experienced M-wing machine up j erators on tsiwer machincK. San Antonie i Tent & Awning Co., 117 South Mores »tret4. i WANTED-—A white girl for general house work: small family; no washing or iron ■ ing; good wages. 124 Wert Magnolia avenue. W.V fED —Strong, healthy girl to care t child and rssist with housework. < H! 115 /I . Peaqpn avenue. Hot Wells car. ■ ERRAND GIRL WANTED. Apply before 10 ’ s. in., ihhd floor. WASHER BROS CO. : WANTED woman for serving ard pantry work. Y. W. C. A. lunch room. jOn make hours short if preferred. Apply । 123 West Commerce street. J GIRL for general housework at 150 Cruf • ton avenue. Cottage. Two adults in'family. 1 Phone 2U57. । WANTED —W< 11 dressed ladies, knowing city a- escort?. 112 Fourth stre -t. Room IS. 7 to 9 p. m. Wednesday. I to 2 Thurs day. HELP WANTED— ' WANTED—Cook at 515 South Flores street. Old phone 9 15-2. | LOST —A black pu . e containing about >65 in cunency, on nr near Flore? and Cas * ; siam street. Liberal reward to finder. Au ws. 1 ply Fest Co. “ LOST—A biack lerrici. white spot under throat, very fat. Finde- please return to 1 037 S. i’resu and receive >u.O'.) reward. i LOST —A red Irish setter deg. Return to [ 121 G nther St. and receive reward. a FoFsALE OR EXCHANGE— 1 ' FOR SALE or trade. New 8-room residence, complete and modern in every respect. Will take good autoniohi’c. as first payment. Call ur address 219’j Fast Houston street. HIGH ciasi residence lots to trade for good \end»r s lien note*, secured on city prop erty; give Hill particulars first letter.lBs3, Light and Gazette. W ANTED— Partner with some ready money for 2 monthly. House- I hold Furniture Storp, 214 West Commerce ’ street. MOVING AND STORAGE— STORAGE for furultura. planox, buggu. I Separate stalls. $1.50 per month Mov fng. packing ahipplng. L. W. Culver, 12$ J Fannin, Plionea 2180. HARRISON MOITNO CO. Storage, packing, shipping New phone I 809. Residence 107. 1 GENERAL storage warehouse Ga. range, r.- friKtr.tor and g.iaohua atov. for sal.. IM 1 South Flam atreet.