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oTDXESDAY, 6 Bia Iren. hi f fy* LU I n a JS3 .. M wp r * u 1 us IA Exact Copy of Wrapper. ths ccktsur covmhy, mw vorsoitt- SOLDIERS IN DARING ACTS AT THE POST Many Thrilling Events Pulled Off at the Quar terly Field Day Participated in by Infantry and Cavalry. ROMAN RACES AND MOUNTED WRESTLING The quarterly field day at Fort Sani Houston this morning carried but seven events, due to the neces sity of scratching the artillery and signal corps entries; the contest, however, between the infantry and cavalry, was most keen and the military events were a treat to the large crowd making the long walk from the car line to the cavalry drill grounds where the meet was held. The Roman race, which consisted of one man riding two horses in a standing position going at full speed over a half-mile straight away course, was nothing short of thrilling. This was only one of several unusual athletic exhibi tions pulled off this morning by RICH--DELICIOUS--SATISFY! NG UNCLE SAM’S GINGER ALE Made from carefully selected t root-ginger, ground on our premises—securing an extract we know to be p ure ~~ anj aciduated with the delicately aromatic Martinique lime juice. "Uncle Sam’s" is one of ihe most refreshing, cooling, and soothing of soft drinks. It is a mild and gentle stimulant—invigorating and appetizing. Seekhat you get “Uncle Sam's” when you order—the “Duerler” name or trade-mark tells. G. A. DUERLER MFG. COMPANY Bottlers of Pure Non-Alcohlic Beverages ?????’????? THE QUESTION OF * INTERIOR GOOD MILL WORK ” FINISH ' 1. salved if you will but examine our etoire stock of well made DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, MOLDINGS, NEWEL POSTS, RAILINGS, ETC. Get onr estimates before placing your order. An agreeable surprise awaits you when you see the remarkable quality we offer for the price. TflE UP-TO-DATE LUMBER YARDS. PETRICH-SAUR LUMBER CH “ Yards: Lamar and Chestnut Streets wjr Notice to Contractors I We are prepared toqoote very cU>e prices on T turn bi ng and Wiring G Kinney & Cq. ™ Main Uncle Sam's soldiers in tli^-vari ous military events. The program consisted of three n I ular track events, namely the 10U-ya dash, 220-yard dash and the 4-10-ya relay race. The battalion relay ra in heavy marching order, skirmish ra mounted wrestling and the Roman r: ; were purely military features and th< 1 call for unusual agility, endurance a I strength. । The UlO yaid dash was won bv Lei nrd, company K, Ninth infanry; secoi i Scovern, troop E. Third cavalry; tin French, company B, Ninth infant Time. 11 2 5 seconds. The time is c; i sidered good owing to the heavy tra The 220-yard dash was hotly contc I cd and was run off in two beats am SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE VANDERBILT SCION IS A DRUNKARD Mrs. Allan Wallace, wife of the great | grandson of Commodore Vanderbilt, who | has been appointed one of a committee 1 to eare for her husband's property. In court proceedings it was brought out ' that Wallace spent $lO,OOO on his hon eymoon and went $12,000 in debt abroad. He kept himself brimful of. Scotch highballs from breakfast time • until bed time and bad a playful habit ‘ of chasing his valet around the room I that he might pour snow down his neck. final. It was won by Bishop of co n- ; pany C, Ninth infantry; second place l ■was tied between Cohen, troop G, Third ) cavalry, and Sergeant Laberdie, com- I puny L, Ninth infantry. Time, 25 4-5 seconds. The battalion relay race of 440 yards I was captured by the four men of the First .battalion, •Ninth infantry. The provisional squadron of the Third eav- I airy was second, and Second squadron I Third cavalry, third. Time, 47 seconds 1 The battalion relay race consisted of ' ten men from each battalion of he 1 Ninth infantry in heavy marching or- I der, who were placed at intervals of . 100 yards. At the crack of the pistol I the first man ran to the second and ; handed him a message, which was re layed to the finish in this manner. The 1 First battalion won this event. The ' Third battalion was second, and fho ! Second battalion was third. Time. 2 , minutes 25 seconds. The skirmish race had an entry from j each of the twelve, companies of the ! Ninth infantry, who started from I scratch at a signal, armed with rifle. | At I'to yards distant from scratch ny | the bolt of the gun. which the competi i tor ran to first and placed in his rifle ; and returned to intervals of 75. 50 and ! 25 vards, and halting fired his piece and | then finished at scratch. Private Hays of company Ninth infantry, won, I and Fatherrec of company D, Ninth । infantry, was second. Time, 48 SCB- | ends. The Roman race was for cavalry only | and was won by Quartermaster Ser geant Day, troop 1. Third cavalry; sec ond, Ryan, troop IT, Third cavalry; third. Sergeant Whitsell, signal corps. Time. 50 seconds. The mounted wrestling, which was ' between a team from the Second squad ron and the Provisional squadron. , Third cavalry, consisting of twelve men ' on horseback, who tried to unseat aa;.' I one of their opponents, was won bv I the Second squadron in 7 minutes and ' It seconds. Officials of the Day. The following officers acted a.s offi cials of the dny: Referee and in charge of meet: Lieut. Co). Wm. C. Butler, Ninth infantry. Judges —Infantry events: Capt. Clifton Kinney. Ninth infantry; . ( apt. <•••„. W. Wallace, Ninth infan try; First Lieut. Abraham I’. Loeb. I Xi nt h infantry. । Cavalry ex cuts: Capt. Charles A. Hedekin. Third cavalry: Capt. Andrew ■ E. Williams. Third cavalry; Capt. Hoy I It. Harper. Third cavalry. Starters: First Lieut. Brice P. Dis one Third cavalry; Second Lieutenant C. P. Hollingsworth. Ninth infantry. . Timekeepers: Second Lieut. George E. Nebon. Third cavalry; Second Lieut. John T. Harris, Ninth infantry. Clerks of the course: First Lieut. Emery T. Smith. Ninth infantry; See I nud Lieut. Albert S. J. Tucker. Ninth infantry. Inspectors: Capt. Benjamin P. Nick- Im. Ninth infantry; First Lieut. George , B. Comly, Third cavalry. • Scorer ami reporter: Second Lieut. ' Samuel Stribling. Twenty-second in | fautry. BOOM SLAYDEM FOR PLACE ON COMMITTEE Special Dispatch. I Washington. March 23.—1 t is an nonnrod today the Texas delegation , will fight to put Representative Slpy | den. on ihr new rules committee, Tb s ucmogratK will caucus tomorrow night I to M'leut four members to be elected by 'I the hou-c and Slayden will bo boomed. Illis friends say it would he a projivr recognition for his services. BAYONETS AND SOLDIERS; ROSES ANO MAIDENS Queen of Carnival Will Ride In Qhariot Representing Amer ican Beauty Rose. A LINE OF LIVING ROSES Battle of Flowers This Year Wili Be Something to Re member for All Time. The battle of flowers parade is to be a triumph of beauty and art. Enthusiasm was rife this morning at a largely attended meeting of the ladies of the Battle of Flow ers’ association, held at the Cham ber of Commerce, when a scheme of arrangement was decided upon which will make this particular battle of flowers an event in the whole history of the fete. According to the plans presented, the procession xx ill be headed by the army, which will march in nil the glitter and panoply of war. Folioxving this inspir ing line of soldiery xvith its stalwart men and champing steeds will be the qneen of the carnival in. a chariot rep resenting an American Beauty rose. In her retinue will be her maid of honor and ten duchesses, each in a separate chariot, representing some queenly mem ber of the rose family. Following th.* queen and her court will be four chariots representing by the flowers with which it is trimmed, one of the seasons of the year—spring, summer, autumn and winter. These will be occupied by four beautiful girls who will represent the seasons. In the wake of each chariot will be a line of car riages, each decorated xvith floxx’ers of the season they are headed by. The carriages folioxving spring will be dressed in snowy, golden-hearted mar guerites, tiny lilies of the valley, pan sies of every shade and hues, daffodils of many hues, glowing peach blossoms, stately calls lilies, snowy plum or ap pie blossoms, purple .wisteria, azaleas, or dogwood blossoms. In the wake of summer will bo car riages adorned xvith fiery poppies, re gal carnations, roses ot every shade, tu lips. waxen magnolias, hybiseus, geran- Exchange Your Old Stomach For A New - Stuart’s Dyspep sia Tablets will makethechange in a week. For a fact. Relieves all distress and stomach gases. The free trial package will convince you. Send for it to day. 50c a pack age—-all dru g - stores. F. A. Stuart Co., 150 Stuart Bldg., Marshall, Mich. "/f Pays to Bring the Money” Alfred Benjamin MADE IN NEW YORK \ CLOTHES FOR EASTER WEAR—Decidedly the greatest show of fine clothes to be seen in San An tonio is here. It's a pleasure for us to show you those fine garments. They are the best ideas and results of New York's foremost tailors and designers. Come here for your Easter suit and save $5.00 and up on any suit. $20.00 Eac'er Suits, our Cash Price. .. $14,12 Easter Suits, our fash Pi ice.... $23.10 >22.50 Easter Suits, our Cash PrieeX. 817.82. $32.50 Easter Suits, our Cash Price. .. .$26.40 $25.00 r.'ister Suits, our Cash Price. . $19.80 $::5.00 Easter Suits, our Cash Price.... $29.70 > 27.50 Easter Suits, our Cash Price.... 821.78 840.00 Easter Suits, our Cash Price.... 833.00 Easter Hats are Here In Abundance— s:’.sO Hats here $1.90 $3.00 Hats here $2.64 Stetson Chamois Hats here 83.00 Other dandy Stetson styles here at $3.50, 84, 85 and ..$6.00 Aaron Frank Clothing Company 509-511 East Houston St. iiinis. > vec* peas, crepe mvrtle. red lilies ■ or cape jessamine. In»fhe train of autumn the carriages ; xvill lie dressed in golden rod, yellow 1 siinlloxvcrs, chrysanthemums, passion flowers, yelloxv spotted tiger lilies, hol ly hocks, fucltias, gaily colored autumn leaves or nasturtiums. The carriages which follow winter i will be adorned in snow drops or era- I eiis, poinsettas. orchids, camelias, eidcL i xvcis, Spanish dagger, mistletoe or I holly. The tally-hos and the pony carts ot j the children will bring up the rear of the procession. Reports from the xarious chairmen of committees regarding the work of secur ing entries xvns enthusiastically receiv ed. A complete report will probably ba given at the next meeting of the ladies I xvhich will be held Wednesday morning , at the Chamber of Commerce. Miss Jennis Wild of New Orleans, j v. ho lias planned the floral processions i for the Nfardi Gras, xvill be present at j the folioxving meeting and xvill assist in ; planning the decoration of the car i riages. DIRECTORS ANNUAL MEETING. Asherton. Texas, March 15, 1910. ' Notice is hereby given that an an ' nnal meeting of the stockholders ami! board of directors of the Asherton &j Gull' Railway company, is called to meet at the principal office in Asher ton, Texas, on the fourth Tuesday ot April, 1910, same being the twenty sixth day of said month, to elect a new board of directors and transact such other business as may be legally brought before such meeting. WALTER M’COMB, Secretary of the Asherton <1 Gulf Rail-1 xvay Company. '.EKS BILL FAVORABLY REPORTED BY COMMITTEE Associated Press. Washington, March 23. —The Weeks bill for conserving the headwaters of ! navigable streams and appropriating > not to exceed $11,000,000 during the ' next five years for the acquisition <f lands in any state for that purpose teas favorably acted upon by the house committee on agriculture today! The vote was 10 to 7. j The Light and Gazette contain choice bargains everyday; and Thursday there will be many special offerings. Don’t miss them. REAL ES TATE IS THE SAFEST INVESTMENT. Easter Oxfords™ The Bulk of the Best Styles are Here. Faultless Tans and Blacks. $3 and $l.OO Bench ihade Tans and Blacks $5.00 Ba nisi er Tans and Blacks $O.OO WMP CLARK MUCH PLEASED i Election of Democrat In Mas i sachusetts Shows Dissatis- faction With Republicans, Associated Press. Washington, March 23.—Discussing the Massachusetts congressional elec tion yesterday, in xvhich Foss, a demo- I era:, was elected to succeed the late i Repiesentative Lovering. Champ Clark, I the democratic leader, said today: “The nexvs from Massachusetts xv:: x ; most pleasing, and the most important political news that has come over the ! wires since 1892. Taken <n connection i with the election in the old district if I De Armond in Missouri, it demonstrates I the same causes xvorking to the same I effect all over the United States. It I shows dissatisfaction xvith republican I policies, the republican congress, and ■ most of all. xvith the Payne-Aldrich tar iff law. The republicans generally maintain ed the attitude announced last night, that the Massachusetts election was of no importance. WILL AID YOUNG JOHN D. ■ Associated Press. . Battle Creek. Mich.. March 23.—1 t is I reported here Montgomery Weed, of Vicksburg, Miss., before leaving her for California, stated he would be counsel and director xvith John DI Rockefeller Jr. in the work recently i announced of the Rockefeller founda tion fur philanthropic activities. A GENUINE PILE CURE VS. INJURIOUS DOPE EHU S.\ is the onh nun-narcotic, non poisnn nua and thvrefvre lawful pile All nd en’ifir and medical authorities declare EW.R Y i>icro<tic’it in E Hl’ SA pile it suit able for piles: Mini ’ authorings condemn th > IX.I(RTOI\S DOPE narn.tir and otlurpol sonuus pile medirincs and Supreme Courts u pbold all of those autiiorities. E-RU-SA CURES PILES OR $5O PAID MARCH 23, 1010. COLLEGE STUDENTS INSPECT CAUSEWAY > Special Dispatch. Galx’cston, Tex.. March 23.—The senior class of the Agricultural & Me !l < hanical college, arrived here this morn- , ing and spent the forenoon inspecting the causeway construction. Supervis ing Engineer Linton, for the county, Chief Engineer Parker, for the construc tion company, Secretary Sjiringer and heads of the various departments, ex plained the work to the students. Docks, terminals and harbor features will be i examined this afternoon. TWO MORE VICTIMS OF WRECK ARE DEAD Associated Press. , ■ Murshalltoxvn, March 23.—Two vit , ! tims of the wreck of the Rock Island : “Twin City Express.” died at Mar . shalltowu hospitals today, increasing , the list of fatalities to 49. An Appeal to Wives Cure the Drinking Husband by Using Orrine—Can be Given Sbcretly. : No more terrible affliction can eoma f to any homo than the craving for strong I drink of husband and father. We ap- 1 • peal to wives, mothers and sisters to $, | save the husband and father or the i brother xvith Orrine. a scientific cure for the drinking habit. On I>c given . ; secretly. ' Orrine is sold under an absolute guar antee that it xvill cure the drink habit or money will be refunded. Save the happiness and prosperity of the homo' • with Orrine. $1 per box. Orrine is sold by A. M. Fischer anl] Bexar Drug Co. Let The Liberty Bell Ring for you in your own home—put your savings in to a piece of good REAL ESTATE. The columns of