A splendid baker. lias four holes and ample oven A firstclass
stove iff every respect. They will not last long at the above price.
Remember We Have Everything
in the STOVE and RANGE Line.
A complete and attractive showing of everything in this line.
Desks, Chairs, Floor Coverings, Filing Devices and Sectional Cases.
Our prices are right.
Alamo Furniture Co.
121-123 Main Ave--118-120 North Flores St.
If you need advice write to me. I
want all the readers of The Light and
Gazette to bring their troubles to mo.
All letters enclosing stamped envelope
will receive personal answer and all
communications will be held la confi
dence. MME. D'ANJOU.
It is a pity that some of the “latest ”
fashions are not permanently delayed.
Irene.—By chemical examination it is
found that the hair is composed of the
same elements and in nearly the same
proportion as are found in the horns
and hoofs of animals, the nails of onr
lingers, the feathers of birds and fowls
and even the outer or epidermal layer
of onr skin. Brown hair has the largest
percentage of carbon, while black hair
has a large proportion of oxygen and
sulphur. In red hair is found a reddish
oil, a small quantity of iron and a large
quantity of sulphur.
Dale. —The mental strength and worth
of a woman is expressed in her sur
roundings by the way she arranges her
home, by the clothes she wears and by
the books she loves. Everything about
a woman is stamped with the seal of
her character. One instantly under
stands whether the lady’s mind is har
monious or discordant.
Kittv.—lt is had policy to clip the
cuticle at the base of the finger nails.
Instead, dip >ou orange stick in cold
cream, then in pumice stone and move
gently over the tightened cuticle. Tins
is a very good lotion for the removal
of blackheads: One dram of boric acid
one ounce of alcohol, two ounces of
rose water. Apply at night. If the
skin becomes sensitive and sore apply
creme marquise.
Borry. —When the hair is extremely
rv brillantine makes an excellent
tressing. You can buy this for 50 cents
bottle. Pour a drop or two in the
lahn of vour hand, then apply to the
fis the fate of many a young
The Imperial
Hair Regenerator
The Standard Hair Coloring
For Gray or Bleached Hair
is recognized the world over as
the only preparation which fa
absolutely narmlesa.tbat restores
grav hair to Its natural color, or
makeg bleached hair >-ny shade
desired. Colors are durable and
natural; when applied cannot be
detected; is unaffected by baths,
and permits curling. Sample or
your hair colored free. Cor
respondence confidential.
IMPERIAL CBEM. MPO.CO.. 133 W. 23d St.. New York
The Wonder Millinery
Mitt Margaret Sammer, Prep.
Chic Walking and Drett Hats
H 3 1-2 Ave. C
Tshe Imperial
Millinery Shop.
Mme. Powell.
'O2 E Com. Just at the bridge.
MISS FRIRDA englehardt
Successor to Mrs. Chas. Devlts.
Wrect importer of human hair goods.
•, d i es - pair dresser ar.d wig maker.
Infnrormg parlors, manicuring, tace
tsese-. »ealv treatment, hair dyeing,
"llatufact trer ot hair goods.
Teirel! Redding. 212 Avenue D New
fbme • O ' ,3 E L FRANCOIS. Msnsgsr
■■ - ;
Delirious Csks, Bisculis. Cheese
Straw*, etc., served free at the cooking
demonstration at
Wolff & Marx Store
Second Floor. Every Day.
$l.OO %!'
hair brush, touching the hair lightly
with it. When the ends of the hair are
split this is particularly good, as it
furnishes the hair with oily nutriment.
Hallie—At any beauty shop you can
learn the various branches of the work
—facial treatments, scalp massage,
shampooing, hair waving and hairdress
ing. Electrolysis is a profitable line.
This profession can be learned for $5O,
and when you are able to work for
yourself you ean command $5 an hour
for your time. Facial operators receive
from $l2 to $25 a week.
Myra.—The recipes given in this de
partment are entirely harmless. You
enn make cosmetics at home at the
very smallest expense. It is impossible
for an nmateur to use the electric needle
with success. Have an experienced
operator remove the facial fuzzers for
you. The work is over with quickly
and there is no reason to fear any bad
I. N. Despair—Send self addressed,
stamped enevelope and the advice you
desire will be gladly furnished.
Dr. Goldbaum, 436 7 Moore building.
Eye, ear, nose and throat.
Baked Apples, with Rice. Cream and Sugar.
Creamed Potatoes.
Hominy Muffins.
Fish Loaf.
Brown Bread and Butter.
’ Tart*. Cocoa.
Bean Soup.
। Vegetable Roast, Garnish of English Walnut*
and Cheese.
Brown Sauce. Mashed Potatoe*.
Lettuce, French Dressing.
Short Cake, with Lemon Sauce.
Leftover*—One cupful hominy for muffins,
two hard-boiled eggs (left boiling 10 min
ute* longer than breakfast eggs), *ix baked
potatoes (remove jackets while warm and
they will remain plump and retain their fla
vor). Dire these for the creamed potatoes.
One cupful each of salsify, fish, juice from
| tomatoes; two cups rice; fruits, nuts, cheese.
I a pin* of pie, a baked apple, tart and
I parsley. When making puff pgglo roll out a
I few tart shells. Dinner first day is to be
| prepared in the oven.
Baked Apples With Rice—Core and bake
six apples; when done, fill centers with re
; heated rice and serve with sugar and cream.
Fish I.oaf—One cup each of cooked fish
j and boiled rice. (Pick bones and skin from
fish). Shredded whites of two hard boiled
eggs and one raw egg. Add a tablespoonful
each of sweet cream and curin’ powder; other
seasoning ns required. Put a heaping table
spoonful of butter in a saucepan, and when
hot add the ingredients, stirrjhg constanly
until thoroughly heated. Remote to hot plat
ter. and garnish with thin rings of lemon
and two minced yolk* of hard boiled eggs.
Cost of Beauty
How New York Dames Keep Young.
Recently a young New York Society
woman received her monthly bill from
a downtown beauty parlor. This partic
ular bill amounted to Fifty-two dollars
for the month, which was. perhaps, a
little lower than the average monthly
accounts rendered by this Shop. It. con
tained sueh items ns Turkish Baths,
$2.00; Violet Water Rub, $.75; Facial
Massage, $.75. The attendants at these
exclusive “beauty parlors’’ frequently
make as much as ten dollars a day in
tips. Occasionally some “grande
dame” in sables extracts a perfumed
ten-dollar piece from her gold bag and
tosses it to Nancy with an air of lofty
grace, Oue of these attendants confided
to a friend in an unguarded moment
that among the many lotions and beauty
restorers used in sneh establishments, a
preparation for restoring gray hair was
most in demand. It is usually charged
! on the bill at five dollars a bottle, under
a fancy name, but in reality is the
■ same formula as HAY' ’8 HAIR
i HEALTH, which retails at all druggists
I for 50 cents and a dollar per bottle, and
I is manufactured by PHILO HAY SPE
। CIALTIES CO., Newark. N. J„ U. 8. A.
1 HAY' '8 HAIR HEALTH has many imi
. ratorS, but those who have used different
j preparations agree that HAY’S HAIR
i HEALTH is the most effective and saf
i cst - s_
A farewell reception will be held for
the officers and ladies of the Ninth in
fantry who will shortly leave for the
Philippine islands, at the Officers' club
this afternoon between the hours of
4:30 and 6:30. During the reception
the Third cavalry band will render n
concert on the lawn outside the club
and the entire social set of Fort Bam
Houston will gather to do honor to the
Fighting Ninth.
Four charming army girls who are
also prominently identified with San
Antonio’s social set, will preside at the
punch bowl. They are Misses Ann and
Mildred Greble. Miss Louise Girard and
Miss Olive Berry.
The officers and ladies of the Thirl
cavalry and the Third field artillery
will be assisted in receiving by Mrs.
Albert Myer, Joseph Dorst and Mrs.
E. St. John Greble.
Mi> W. C. Buttler entertained with a
lovely spring luncheon yesterday at
her home in Fort Sam Houston.
The table was beautiful in its adorn
ment of pink roses and ferns, the love
ly blossoms filling a large canter vase
and being scattered over the board.
Covers were laid for Mrs. William
Negley, Mrs. J. 8. Lockwood, Mrs. 11.
Y. Williams. Mrs. Harvey L. Page,
Mrs. E. St. John Greble, Mrs. George
Houston, Mrs. George Morgan, Mrs, Si
mon Bolliver Buckner, Miss Hughitt
and Miss Keene.
The Philathea class-of Travis Park
Methodist church entertained the busi
ness young women of the Young Wo
men’s Christian association and their
escorts last evening at the Y. W. C. A.
rooms. The color scheme was green,
pink and purple, pink roses and vio
lets. combined with handsome palms
and ferns being the chosen decorations.
Gracious hospitality and charming
informality was the keynote to this
delightful entertainment.
Miss Arelia Meyer gave an instru
mental solo, Frank Ketter contributed
a vocal selection, Miss Stella Huffmov
er gave an excellent piano solo. Miss
Myrtle Grayson a piano selection, and
there was a vocal duet by the Misses
The refreshments were served on the
wide verandas, at individual tables
which were adorned in flowers.
About 100 guests were present, and
it is expected that these Tuesday even
ing social? will form a delightful ad
dition to the business girls’ social -a -
endar. ,
The Philathea dais of the Central
Christian church will be hostess next
Mrs. D. E. Chamberlain will leave to
, morrow for Sutherland Springs, for a
stay of several weeks.
, Mrs. W. 11. Young who has ben in
our olio mill
NOTICE.—Ws Xi a»t carry patterns
In stock, but forward ctJiri It fka vst
tem makers, who msil them direel is
you. Usually about 10 daya are required
to famish them.
This garment is ideal for grace of linn
and simplicity of construction. The
seams are curved a little to give a slight
ly fitted effect and the sleeves can be
gathered at the lower edge or left as
shown in the picture.
This pattern is cut in three sizes. 32,
86 and 40 bust measure. Size 36 requires
7'4 yards of SO-inch material. Price of
Pattern 467 is 10 cents.
No. 487.
Name -
Fill out blank and send to Pattern De
partment of this newspaper.
Pearsall for several weeks, Jias return
ed to Ban Aatorio. and is the guttt of
Mis. Charles Kemper.
J. W. Johnson, Jr., captain of the
football team of the West Texas Mili
tary academy, will entertain with a
handsomely appointed dinner as a fare
well compliment to Lieutenant Johnson,
v ho has been their coach this season.
His guests will include the members
of the football team and a few addition
al guests.
Mrs. Forrest Reed and Forrest, Jr.,
will leave today for a several days’
visit to Dr. and Mrs. H. T. Jorian it
San Marcos.
The Woman’s Home Mission society
of Government Hill Methodist church |
will have a literary afternoon tomorrow .
at 3:30 o’clock. The following program
will be given:
Opening song, bv the society; prayer,
bv Mrs. Thomas frerce; Scripture les .
son, Mrs. E. T. Smith; vocal solo, Miss
Louise Plank; address, by Miss Taylor,
deaconess of Travis Park Methodist
church, on “Woman's Work in the
Church”; reading, “The Starless
Crown,” Mrs. Humphrey; reading of
the bulletin, by Mrs. W. C. Carter; Mrs.
J. T. Salsbury, talk on “Tithing,” and
a paper by Mrs. Clark on “The Ne
gro- ' ’
All women will receive a cordial wel
come and a large crowd is expected to
hear this excellent program.
W. Warren Knight has returned from
an extended trip through the north and
east and is at home at 234 Madison
The Casino association will entertain
with a musicale followed by a dance.
Saturday evening at Casino hall.
The following program will be given:
Part I—“ The Harp of St. Cecelia,”
by A. Wreyand, arranged by Carl Hahn.
Jennie Sachs sextet. First violins, Mrs.
| E. Rische, Miss Minnie Mueller; cello,
Miss Lena Burkley; second violins. Miss
Clara Boettler, Miss Mamie Parmelee;
piano, Mrs. Sachs.
Part 2—(a) Solge.ig’s “Song”; (b)
“ ’Tis Spring,” by E. Grieg. Jennie
i Sachs sextette.
Part 3—Contralto solo, “Fair Pearls
i Hath Every Ocean," by Otto Siehson,
l arranged by Carl Hahn, Miss Lucille
' Mueller,
Part 4—(a) “Berceuse,” by H. Re
iher; (b) “Salut D’Amour,” by Edgar
| Elgar, Jennie Sachs sextette.
Part s—Cello5 —Cello solo, ‘Ave Maria,” by
, R. Gruenwald, Miss Lena Burkley.
Part 6—Bass solo, “Prisoner of Chil
ian,” by J. Hart Gordon, arranged by
Carl Hahn, sung by Gilbert Schram.
Part 7—“ Le Seran Rose," by L. Ai
iditi. arranged by Carl Hahn, Jennie
I Sachs sextette.
The Barnard E. Bee chapter, Daug l :-
i ters of the Confederacy, celebrate!
Mother McClure’s birthday anniversary
today with a tea and book shower, at
the home of Mrs, R. B. Hadden, corner
of Main avenue and Elmira street.
The house was prettily adorned with
ferns, palms and numbers of Confeder
: ate flags.
The guests were received at the door
। by the officers of the chapter and the
I hostess.
The punch bowl was in one corner of
the room, nestling in a bed of tiny yel
| low- roses, which were festooned around
the table.
Presiding here were Mesdames E. M.
■ Rowley, J. B. Stnpler, J. P. Lovelady,
. W. B. Kroegar and Miss Kroegat.
Mrs. J. H. Kirkpatrick read an origi
| nal poem on the heroine of the day,
I Mrs. E. O. Spencer gave a paper, “The
j Origin of the Daughters of the Con
federacy,” and a musical program with
| the following contributing vocal selec
i tions: Miss Gussie Ellison, Miss Nel-
Followed in the Wake of the
Troub'e Which Overtook Mrs.
Fournier of Lake Charles.
Lake Charles, La.—“l was so sick,
as a result of womanly trouble, that I
thought I would die.” writes Mrs. E.
Fournier of 516 Kirby street, this city.
• “I u»ed to suffer every month, and
I no doctor eould relieve me.
“The month before I took the Car
dui, I eould hardly walk, and could not
wear my corset.
“I had backache, headache, pain in
my legs, chilis, fainting spells, sick
stomach, dragging feelings, and no pa
tience or courage.
“Since taking Cardui, I feel like a
different woman. I have no more pain,
can walk as far as I want and feel
good all the time.
“I advise all sick ladies to try Car-
I dui, the woman's tonic.”
Y’ou ean buy many medicines and
I tonics, for men's anil women s ills, but
only in Cardui can you get the benefit
I of the combination of herb medicines.
। peculiar to Cardui alone.
The principal herb ingredients hav
• ing been found of remarkable efficacy
। for women’s ills, are now grown abroad,
especially for us, and used by us cx
i clnsively in the preparation of Cardui,
j which every druggist sells.
Try Cardui.
N. B. —Write to: Ladies - Advisory Dr-pt.
Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga,
Tenn., for SpecUl Instnictlona, and 64-page
book. ‘•Home Treatment for W-.-men," sent
in plain wrapper, on request.
Easter Clothes For Boys
5 Some Week-End Specials
With just three more shopping days to Easter
Sunday—you should not delay the purchase of
your boys’ spring suit and fixings any longer.
Come here tomorrow if you want to see the
largest and best selected stock of boys’ wear in
the entire South.
Suit with 2 Pairs of Pants, $6.50 value for $5
1, 2 and 3-button Double-Breasted Suits, $5 up
1, 2 and 3-button Double-Breasted Suits, $4 up
Dip Front Single-Breasted Suits, $7.50 Value $5
Mohair Suits, Single or Double-Breasted, 7.50 up
English “Hopsackin” Suits, Special Price, $7.50
White Serge Suits, Priced $lO.OO and $11.50
That Are Guaranteed Fast Colors
That is exactly what we mean. A new suit for everyone
that fades under the first washing. We show exclusive
styles in children’s wash suits, all our own special design.
They are specially priced at $1.25 up.
Boys’ Sharts
75c and 65c shirt values, made with
or without collar, for the 47c
week end " **
She Is Suing
for Divorce
Mrs. Mary Sigsbee Ker, the daughter
of Admiral Sigsbee and the wife of the
artist William Balfour Ker, who is ru
ing her hubsand for divorce. Ker is
abroad and says he will never return to
the United States. The marital troubles
that ended in the ap[ lication for di
vorce are said to have all been caused
by an over-platonic affection of Ker fer
his models.
lie Lytle and Mrs. Anna Price Hewlitt
Several hundred guests called during
the afternoon.
Dr. 11. A. Fee, after a long, mean,
disgusting illness of grippe-pneumonia,
caused by the white road dust epidemic,
which has been holding fast in its grip
beautiful San Antonio, past and pres
ent, destroying the innocent, is now
convalescing rather nicely and will soon
be ready for another white dust storm,
attending his business as usual at his
office at People’s Drug Store. 701 Aus
tin street. Old phone 188, new phone
Pony Hose
For the balance of this d
week, 5 pairs for * awZwZ
No reduction on less than 5 pairs.
Exoected That Appointments
of the Enumerators Will Be i
Received In Few Days.
Nat M. Washer, census sujiervisor of
the Fourteenth district, this momtng
received official notice from the cca-1
sus bureau at Washington that h>s j
plans for the enumeration districts had l
been a n-epted by the bureau.
Jr the beginning it was thought that j
225 districts would be required, but I
218 districts were made it. the plan ,
adopted. Of these, 87 districts are in j
Bexar county, and 68 of these are in '
San Antonio. Of this number six are
special districts.
It is expected that the appointments
of the enumerators will be received by
the supervisor in the next few days.
Only ten vacancies remain within the ,
entire district and these will be filled !
within the next day or so. I
are as natural as the fruits from which they are
Our complete stock of lumber, builders' supplies and paints was selected
with one end in view,
Our facilities for buving are such that we are able to sell as low as
any competitor. We are well prepared to take care of building loans of
any size. We will give you the most courteous treatment and respectfully
solicit a share of your patronage.
Office and Yards, 1817 South Press Street.. Both Phones 3132.
Albeit Bine, Geo. B. Taliaferro, Gus. Zalmanzig. Sunset Crossing.
Cut Flowers For Easter
P. D. HAUSER & SONS, Floral Co.
Both Phones 607
MARCH 23, 1910.
Union Suits
The Porousknit kind, all sizes for
boys from 4 to 16 years. 35c
Week end price
। Successor to Late Judge Bry
• ant Will Probably Be Ap-
pointed This Week.
-I <
special Dispatch.
Washington, D. C., March 23. —C. W.
Ogden, of San Autonio. Texas, is
■ scheduled to arrive here tomorrow, and
will confer with President Taft on the
J appointment of a successor to the late
'.fudge Bryant, of the eastern district of
'Texas. it is intimated at the white
house that Taft will probably announce
I the appointment this week.
Washington. March 23. —The bill ter
minating the present lease for fur seal
killing on the Pribyktff islands in the
Pacific and authorizing the secretary
, of commerce and labor to declare a
I closed season on the islands, was past*
I ed by the senate today.