Newspaper Page Text
13 Remodeling SALE 825,00 HIGH GRADE Stock Consisting of Schloss Bros.’ Clothing, Walk Over Shoes, Stetson Hats, Dress Goods, Skirts, Waists, Millinery, Men’s and Fur nishings, Notions, Etc. To Be Sacrificed at Less Than It Would Cost You al, Shoddy Goods Something for every mem ber of the family. We Must Va cate April 26. Contractors waiting for building in order to remodel it. This STOCK Must Be Sold PricesareNot Cojishlered This is an opportunity of a life time to buy high-grade goods at lowest prices. ALAMO SALVAGE CO. 409-411 Main Plaza SEXI 10 WOIFSOK'S FRIDAY, MARKS FINALE DF FAMOUS CASE Robin Cooper Makes New Bond to Appear “When Wanted’ 1 in Carmack Murder Case. Aiaociated Press. Nashville, Tenn., April 15. —Bobin Cooper filed a new bond today in crim inal court to appear, when wanted, to answer to a charge of murdering former Senator Carmack. Many believe this is the last formality in the famous case, and that because of the difficulty in getting a jury, young Cooper will never be called to the bar. The pardon of Cooper senior contin ues to be the one absorbing topic in Tennessee. Carmack supporters issued today a synopsis of pardons issued by Governor Patterson during his term. These number 965, exclusive of com mutations. Of these pardons 152 were given men convicted of murders. Colonel Cooper is apparently greatly relieved by his release. He is seen on the streets more frequently than at any time since the shooting. Usually he is accompanied by a few friends, and his course down the street is mark ed by cordial greetings and congratu lations from his friends. AUSTIN CITIZENS HUE BIMIUI One Knocks Another Down and Then Uses Prostrate Man's Face as Bootjack. Special Dispatch. Austin. Tex.. April 15. —Bill Brunson and Lath Lock, two ex-eopvicts, got into a dispute at the corner of Fourth street and Colorado avenue about 9 o’clock last night and as a result Lock is in a hospital nursing a badly mussed up countenance and Brunson is in the county jail pondering over the error of his ways. A charge of aggravated assault is lodged against Brunson, and those who saw Mr. Lock’s face agree that ‘‘ag gravated” is the right word. It is al leged that Brunson first knocked Lock down and then jumped on his classic features with both feet encased in heavy boots. FARMER IS PERHAPS FATALLY STABBED Special Dispatch. Henderson, Tex., April 15. —Laurence Giles was perhaps fatally stabbed dur ing an altercation this morning with a farm hand. Henry Pittman, five miles east of here. The latter was employed bv Giles and the stabbing followed a dispute over a wage settlement. Pitt man was arrested. ANOTHER FAILURE (From 8. F. Bulletin, May 1, ’09.) Among many late letters announcing favorable results there are a number from physicians, all of whom have cases recovering, and one from Hot Springs, Ark., telling of the recovery of two physicians. . ... the same week a physician of this city reported a failure. He stated that he’gave the Compound at the last mo ment in an extreme case of Bright’s Disease and that he had no confidence in the treatment, and aS the patient ex pired a few days thereafter, that it confirmed his opinion. The secret of the several successes first referred to lays iu the fact that the physicians, realizing the admitted futility of the orthodox treatment, put themselves or their pa tients on the compound before they were in extremis. Not so in the last case, and the reason for the failure is obvious. Let us illustrate: We are told that there is a physician in South San Fran cisco by the name of Gardner who has never had a failure in a case of typhoid fever. We don’t know what his method is, but will say that when his fame causes patients to be transferred to his treatment after the attending physicians have declared the case hopeless that his failures will then commence. His suc cesses have been in cases that sent for him while there was something to work on. It is a fact that many cases of Bright’s Disease in extremis have been rescued, but there is no certainty when the treatment is withheld until the last few days. When Fulton’s Bcnal Com pound is administered in time it matters little whether the case be chronic or not, nearly ninetenths get results, the text books to the contrary notwithstand ing. We again say that the mere presence of albumen, casts and dropsy in the chronic stage that are supposed to make up an incurable case of Bright's Dis ease is now no bar to recovery, provid ing there is heart and vitality to work on. It is obvious that if the treatment is withheld until there is no recuperative power there will also be failures. In view of the declared futility of everything known up to the develop ment of Fulton’s Renal Compound, we ask in the name of conscience how there can be any question in the mind of any human being as to what ought to be j given in such cases and why there 1 should bo any delay in giving the only 1 thing in the world that offers hope. Fulton’s Renal Compound for sale nt ■ all drug stores. Druggists supplied by i San Antonio Drug Co. We desire to hear Jrom every case not 11 recovering. John J. Fulton Company, I 212 First street. San Francisco, Cal. Lit- I eraturc mailed free. SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE DON’T PUT OFF THE DAY OF CURE BY A MISTAKEN TREATMENT FOR STOMACH TROUBLE. You May Further Weaken the Digestive Organa When It Is Necessary to Tone Them Up. Are you making the mistake of go many autferers from stomach trouble by uaint predigested foods, digestive ferments and stimulating medicines in your efforts to get relief from your trouble? If so this explains why you are still a sufferer. In the beginning the various forma oi stomach trouble are almost without er ception caused directly by a general low ering of the vitality of tne body, either because of overwork, indiscretions in liv ing or sickness. In any event im poverished blood and weak nerves result and the loss of appetite, gas on the stomach, dizziness and other symptoms which follow are only some of the warn ing signs tliat the blood and nerves arc failing to give the stomach sufficient strength for its work. To heat such a condition as this with stimulating medicines, which only force the stomach to work bevond iu strength, or with predigesced foods and medicines, which require no work on the part of the stomach, not merely puts off tne day for a cure but further increases the weak ness of the stonwti. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are the most direct cure for stomach trouble because they are a certain blond builder. Pare blood makes healthy nerves and strength ens the entire body The weak stomach geU plenty of bealthv blood and nervous energy, and perfect digestion follows. Mrs. E. 3. Reynolds, of Paris,'Mo., says: ‘‘A few years ago I began to have trouble with mv stomach. It followed a severe attack of the grip and lasted for over two years. My stomach was so weak that I always nad to be careful wbat 1 ate. Otherwise my stomach would distress me areally. I had palpitation of the heart with shortness of breath. 1 had dizzy spells and was a great sufferer from chroni ■ constipation. “I tried many remedies but received no benefit and liegan to doubt if I ever would get relief. 1 read about the c*'* of a woman at St. Joseph who was cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and started using them. In a very short time I noticed an improvement. I took the pills for some time and was cured.” Dr. Williams' Pink Dills are sold by all druggists, or will be sent, postpaid, on receipt of price. 50 cents per box: six boxes for #2.50. by the Dr. Williams Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y. JUDGE NEILL CANDIDATE FOR RE-ELECTION TO BENCH Member of Famous Court That Remains Constituted as It Was Originally Appointed. Justice II. IT. Neill, associate justice of the Fourth Court or vivil Appeals, has filed his application with Chairman H. E. Hildebrand to be placed ou the democratic ticket for re election at the JUSTICE H. H. NEILL, Associate Justice of the Fourth Court of Civil Appeals, who has filed his ap plication to be placed on the Demo cratic Ticket for Re-election. July primaries. Judge Neill gives hl’ age at 62, his occupation as lawyer, and his residence as San Antonio. Justice Neill has been associate jus tice of the Fourth Court of Appeals since its organization in 1893, and his opinions have helped make the court famous. As a matter of fact, it is to day composed of the same judges takiug office when the court was opened here: Chief Justice J. H. James and Associate Justices II. H. Neill and W. 8. Fly. During that period they have been re elected continuously, the major portion of the time without the slightest op position. This is the only court of the six appellate courts on civil mas ters which has maintained this record. There will be no opposition Justice Neill, it is said. The filing of h' 8 a P‘ plication is but to comply w 'th the Ter rell election law. SPRING IS CAME Now prepare For the fool who rocks the boat, And beware For the fish tales are afloat. Soon there’ll be Pushing in the end sc' bogs And we’ll see Freakish bats, outlandish togs; Some hotel Duly finds the serpent old. Ice will sell At a price like unto g. H JTimc is here When mosquitoes are "at home, ' Coney's beer Soon will show three-q arters foam Same old game, Spring is came. —T. E. M, A DIVIDEND OF 2% FOR THE FIRST QUARTER OF ITS SECOND YEAR HAS JUST BEEN MAILED TO SHAREHOLDERS OF ( The Texas Loan & Guaranty Co. This makes a total of 10% paid out of the NET EARNINGS for its fifteen months of operation We offer in the unsold shares of the Company, at $12.50 each, a THOROUGHLY SAFE < GUARDED INVESTMENT. Inquiries and correspondence invited. OFFICES:—711-1 2-13-14 -15-16 CHRONICLE BUILDING, HOUSTON, TEXAS. OFFICEM President, Vie* President, Secretary-Treasurer, ■ Lit'Ga? W. E. RICHARDS R. R. RUSSELL ARCH McDONALD President American National Bank, Hour President State Bank and Trust Company, Director Union National Bank, Houston, ton, Texas. San Antonio, Texas. , Texas. The Company May Be Ad dressed Direct or Messrs. Geo. E. Shippey or C. W. Nicholson, Representing the Company, May Be Addreeaed Care State Bank & Trust Company, San Antonio, Texas TRAFFIC LAW INFRACTIONS 7 BRING SEVERAL TO COURT I Ignorance of Provisions of New Ordinance the Plea in the | Majority of Cases. Infractions of certain clauses in the j new traffic ordinance caused several au . foists to appear as defendants before Judge Buckley in the police court this ■ morning. Zay Smith, one of the de- i i fondants, however, was the only one to pay a fine. He cheerfullv parted with J a crisp five-dollar note, pleading guilt" ; to a charge of having permitted Ms; machine to remain on Houston street : for a longer period than 20 minutes. He 1 expressed himself pleased to realize ' that lie was not familiar with the law I in this respect and promised ti e < ourt I that while it was his first offense, it would also be his last. The case against F. F. Ludoipt was j dismissed. Tn this ca’e the drfen Ian*’ was accused of having left his horse and buggy standing in the street nt a . greiter distance than 12 inches from ( the sidewalk curb. Because the defen dant was unaware of the law and fur । ther because the vehicle occupied the position but a few seconds, the dofen i dant was allowed to g". James Gosh- I iin. a hack driver, also faced the court ■ : charged with leaving bis hack tied in i the street with the left skle to the curb. . He was fined $5. _ i G. W. Wade, a negro, charged with , having created a disturbance at the place "where his wife was employed on Fifth street, was fined $10. George Elam, accused of having struck Janey i Mvers in the face with a chair last Feet Tired- So Tired? TIZ Makes Sick Feet Well No Matter What Ails Them. TIZ acts at once and makes tired. I aching, swollen feet remarkably fresh and sore proof. . It's the sure remedy, you know, tor everything that gets the matter with your feet. It’s for sore feet and for sweaty, bad-smelling feet, and for corns, callouses and bunions, too. > ‘‘For years I have been troubled with sore and tender feet; suffered intense pains. Have had the assistance of phy- j sicians without relief. I bought a box] of TIZ, which worked a perfect cure, as it has with a great many of my friends. I would not be without it. All it re qjiires 18 to be known to be universally used.” A. F. Dreutzer, Chicago. TIZ is not a powder. Powders and. other foot remedies clog up the pores. TIZ draws out all poisonous exudations which bring ou soreness of the feet, and is the only remedy that. does. TIZ; eleans out every pore and glorifies the feet—your feet. You’ll never limp again or draw up your face in pain, and you'll forget about your corns, bunions and callouses. You '11 feel like a new person. TIZ is for salp at all druggists, 25 rents per box, or it will be sent you । direct, if you wish, from Walter Luther | Dodge A Co., Chicago 1" EXPLOSION KILLS SEVERAL PERSONS Three Great Warehouses in ! Hamburg Set on Fire and i Burn Fiercely. I Associated Press. Hamburg, April 15. —A terrific ex- I )>losion occurred in a building in the bonded warehouse district. Three' great warehouses were set on fire. Many casks of oil were stored ■ in the building and after the explo sion the fire burned furiously and the department made little headway against . | night while on Pecos alley, was orderci | transferred to the county court on a charge of aggravated assault and bat-! i tery Felix Benjamin, a Spaniard, who ap 1 peared in the police court several weeks ago on a minor charge as the result of i । having stabbed himself in the left i breast with a knife, inflicting a pain- j I ful but not dangerous wound, was ar- | raigned before Judge Buckley this, I morning on a charge of vagrancy and j fined $15. At the previous trial, the defendant told the court he was going l to Mexico, but since then, so the police testified, he has been loitering about ' the citv, occasionally working at a 1 restaur-.nt. WOO WOMAN MEETS DEATH Automobile in Which She and Others Were Riding Struck By Passenger Train. Special Dispat Waco. Tex.. April 15.—Mrs. R. F. Dumas, of this city, was killed this morning when a Texas Central passen ger train struck an automobile in which she, her husband and two others were riding, three miles north of the city. The automobile was crossing the tracks and Mrs. Dumas was cut to pieces. No others were seriously injured. QUICK WORK ON THE PANAMA CANAL There Has Been Nothing Like It Before in History of En gineering World. Special Dlapatch. Washington, April 15.—Although it is known that excellent progress is be ing made in digging the Panama canal the latest statement in regard thereto has caused surprise. It shows that all excavations planned for the original project, 103,000,00i> cubic yards, have been completed. Subsequently orders were issued to excavate 70,000,000 feet more to enable Dreadnaught battleships and the new monster liners to pass through. The rapid work is without a precedent in engineering undertakings. speciaiFnotice To Residents cf Tobin Hill and West End. We are delivering Ice dailv through out your districts, and will continue tc do so every day in the year. We so licit your patronage and guarantee weight, good service and good treat ment. ARTESIAN TOE CO., Either Phone 22 and 146. q Mexico City *26 J! | AND RETURN On Sale April 16-17—Limit May 13 gU Stop Overs Allowed at Pleasure * $7.45 Waco and Return G $57.15 Washington, D. C. aXn. On SnJe April 14-I5th N Special Rates Acc ”“°' April 17th to 23rd—From All Stations on 1. 4 G. N. City Office 401 East Houston Street. Phones 425. ®SpeciaJ G. H. & S. A. Ry. $8.40 Houston and Return. On sale April 13, 20, 24 and 25th. $15.00 Mobile and return. On sale April 24 and 25th. $25.00 Colonist rate to California. On sale dally until April 15th. $79.00 New York and return. One way via Steamer. On sale daily. SPECIAL RATES TO SAN ANTONIO SPRING CARNIVAL. April 17th to 23rd from all points on this line in Texas. CITY TICKET OFFICE, 507 East Houston Stret. Phones 58. BUILDING PERMITS. Nic Menchaca. 3-room dwellinf on south aide of Carter street; »350. H. C. Lane, repairs on north Bide Queens i boro court; $150. . W Jonas, 1-room addition on north side i of Victoria street ; “Why, Willie, you don’t seem to bt | enjoying yourself.” •‘No, uncle, I'm having a miserable | I time. Auntie told me to eat as much . ns 1 wanted —and I can’t!” *####****'*** * * ' ISS RAILROAD TIME TABLE ’><• rt $ 1 # i? # # # * * * # I. & G. N. I. 4 G. N. new schedule, etrtetire 12:01 | a. m.. January 30, 1910: the North ' No. 5 —From the North e:^« aiU [ No. 7 —Local from Hearne m No. 9—Local from Palestine 10:45 pm No. 4 —From Mexico I:o0pm No. 12 —Local from Laredo 4 (mixed) am. Depart— No 4—For the North 1:55 pm I N O . 6—For the North 8:00 pm No. 8 —Local for Palestine 7:30 am I No. 10 —Express Special for Hearne 4:00 am, I No. 5—For Mexico «:OO am i No. 11 — for Laredo I mixed) 9;00pm SANTE FE (I. & O. N. Depot.) 1 Arrives — * _ I No. 7—From the north 10:00 am, No. 9 —From the north 10:45 pm | Depart— No. 8-—To the north 7:30 am No. 6 —To the north 8:00 pm S. A. 4 A. P. Arrive — w | No. 1 —From Houston and coast 7:00 pm ■ No. 8 —From Houston and coast 7:00 ami No. 5 —From coast towns 1:15 pm N 0 ’ 44—From Kerrville, ex. Sun.. 9:45 am No. 42 —From Kerrville, Sun. only 8:OO_ pm 146 —From Kemrille, ex. Suu. . 6:45 pm No DCP 2—For Houston and coast.. 8:25am No’ 4—For Houston and coast.. 8:30pm, No. 6—For coast towns 1:40 pm i No. 43 —For Kerrville, ex. Sun.. 4.25 pm . N(/ 41 —For Kerrville. Sun. only.. 8:35am' No 145 —For Kerrville, ex. Suu. . 7;15 am । G.. H. & S. A. (Main Line.) Arrive — No. 9 —From the east 7:35 am No. 2—From Del Rio . Ui: 50 am ( So. 7—From the east G.OOpmi So. 10—-From El Paso and west. . 7:30 pm Depart— No. 9—For El Paso and west . . 9:00 ami No. I —For Del Rio 4:00 pm No. 10—For ihe 10:80pm No. 8—For the east 11.00 am! G„ H. 1 8. A. (Victoria Division.) Departs— No. 305 —Cuero, Victoria, etc .... 7:30 pm | Arrive — No. 308 —Cuero, Victoria, etc. . 4:00 pm I M.. K. k T. (Union Station.) Arrive— No. 9—Katy Limited 7.45pm’ APRIL 15, “KUM - RITE - IN” VIA “SAP” TO SAN ANTONIO’S GREATEST SPUING CARNIVAL April 21, 33, 33. 34. The Best of the Old Attractions and some Excellent new ones. ■BATT LB OT nOWEM.” "Pbocebsiox or cmEs. ■ Great Competitive ATXATXOW UTET Low Bound Trip Batea —Special Excursion, Certain Days. See “SAP" Agents. HOTEL LONGACRE j 47th treet. Just Off Broadway, NEW YORK CITY EXCLUSIVELY BACHELOR. Convenient to Everything. ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF Library, billiard hall and restaurant in connection. All Rooms Handsomely Furnished. | 75 ROOMS 31 PER DAY 100 Rooms with private bath and shower. 81.50 PER DAY. SO Rooms with private bath and shower 82 PER DAY J. G. BOGGS. Manager. Katy Flyer . u„ * No. 243 — r ” 4 >0 am ton And No. 241 —Mail and *«pre«* » »»■ ...10 00 m. No. H>-- Katy r.'Bi*** 1 o ao \n 230 -Katy rtrer ’ v— >«.«*»—AlMW SV” 1 * 1 ,a * and Oalreaw i No. 244- Mari and Exprea® ...••«