Chief Magistrate of Milwaukee
Will Turn His Business Over
to His Employes.
United Preu.
Milwaukee, Wis., April 15.—Mayor
elect Siedel will retire from the active
management of hia pattern factory on
Monday and will devote all of his time
to the mayoralty for the purpose of
making the city a better place.
In reaching this conclusion the may
or-elect called the employes of the fac
tory before him and in an address told
them he would leave the business en-,
tirely in their hands and expect them
to run it.
He said it would be foolish for him
to try to manage the affairs of the city
and run his factory at the same time,
for in so doing he would make a botch
of both jobs.
The mayor-elect has a number of re
forms lie expects to bring about and is
I entering upon his new field with the
interest and enthusiasm of a bov. He
has been a careful student of munici
pal questious and will enter the of
fice of mayor with practical ideas as
to how to run a city in a clean and
honorable manner.
This certifies I have sold Hall’s Tex
as Wonder for eleven years and recoin
mend it to be the best kidney, bladder
and rheumatic medicine I have ever
F. A. HOUCK, Druggist,
No. 332 E. Houston St.
A. Collmann. Plumber. Both phones.
James Moore and Frank Till
man Knocked Senseless in
Runaway in Park,
In a runaway accident in Bracken
ridge park Thursday afternoon James
W. Moore, clerk at the St. Anthony
hoteh and Frank Tillman, a newspaper
reporter, had a miraculous escape
from serious injury when both were
thrown against a large tree when the
buggy crashed into the fence and was
completely demolished.
While driving in Brackenridge park
just above the old race course, Mr.
Moore's beautiful blad; mare, which
j is very high spirited, became nnman
agable on suddenly coming upon a
steam roller standing close by the road
and dashed straight towards a high
wire fence against which the road end
ed. On the turn of the road driving
towards the runaway were two ladies
in a surrey and rather than smash into
their equipage, Mr. Moore found it
necessary to go into the fence, where
the buggy was completely wrecked
and the frightened animal broke out
of the harness and continued to run.
The two occupants of the buggy were
knocked senseless and Mr. Moore was
later picked up by a passing buggy,
which brought him to the city, where he
was given medical attention while Mr.
Tillman was taken to the city by an au
tomobile which picked him up a few
minutes after the accident.
Although badly bruised and shaken
up, neither sustained any serious in
Post Quartermaster Sargeant Nor
mni MacLeod received orders yester
day, transferring him from .duty at
Sort Sam Houston to Key West Bar
racks, Florida. Sergeant MacLeod has
been stationed at this post for several
years and his service has proved most
efficient. It is with expressions of re
gret that the officers and men of the
quartermaster’s department of the pobt
see him go.
The Stomach
Causes Incomplete Digestion, Weakens
The System and Breeds Dyspepsia.
Trial Package Free.
Gluttony is as vile a sin as drunken
ness and its evil results are more terri
ble and far more rapid. The human
system turns into the stomach and ali
mentary canal from 7 to 35 pounds of
digestive fluid every twenty-four hours.
Cram your stomach with food and you
exhaust those juices. If your stomach
cannot digest the food because it lacks
juices to do with, you should either eat
'ess or make more gastric fluids.
Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets contain
ingredients one grain of which will di
gest 3000 grains of food. With Stu
art’s Dyspepsia Tablets in your stomach
the evil effects of overeating are remov
ed, for these little tablets when dis
solved stick to the food and digest all
the good from it. They won’t aban
don the stomach and leave a mass of
decaying undigested food to putrify and
irritate the mucous membrane lining.
They give greater quantities of gastric
fluid, help the intestines enrich the
blood, tprovent constipation, and glut
tony, while sinful, may yet be made
less harmful by the use of these tab
Every druggist carries them in stock;
price 50 cents per box, or send us your
name and address and we will send you
a trial package free by mail. Address
F. A. Stuart Uo., 150 Stuart Bldg., Mar
shall, Mich.
Los Angeles, Cal., April 7. —From
the leading soprano in a church choir
to prima donna with an opera company
is a far cry, yet it is the jump just
made by Miss Catherine Edmonds.
A few weeks ago Miss Edmonds was
singing in a church, now she has don
ned tights, learned to step the light
fantastic and otherwise conduct her
self on the stage as do the countless
other thousands who earn their living
before the footlights. But the most
startling thing about it all is that Miss
Edmonds says there is little difference
between the stage and the church!
“I shall not attempt to reform the
stage, because I haven’t found much
that needs reforming,” said Miss Ed
Now, that’s original, at least. . Ail
the people you meet tell you how bad
the stage really is. Stories of joy
rides and after-theater suppers are told
every day. But Miss Edmonds hasn’t
found any of these things, and she
thinks that the stage, like everything
elan. in life, has its good and bad side,
and Xo date she hasu’t found the bad
side of the stage.
Miss Edmonds appeared in her first
pair of tights a few weeks ago. ‘‘Just
like taking an icy bath with the mer
cury resting around the zero mark,”
she declared after it was over.
The Travis Park Men's club was or
ganized last evening at a dinner given
for that purpose. There are fifty five
charter members and the purpose is an
nounced as social intercourse and educa
tion ’n the work of the church.
R. H. Wester was appointed tempor
ary chairman and G. C. Storms tempor
ary secretary. W. F. Gohlke presented a
report on organization and the club
elected the following directors to serve
one year: H. E. Hildebrand, C. 8. Fow
ler, G. C. Storms, W. F. Gohlke, A. B.
Stephens, A. A. Hughes and R. H. Wes
'ter. Permanent executive officers will
be elected at the first regular meeting.
Following the dinner, addresses were
made by C. S. Fowler on ‘‘The Spirit
of Progress,” and by C. A. Keller on
‘‘Fraternal Brotherhood in the Chureh.”
*Mr. Wester called on the pastor, Rev.
S. H. C. Burgin and every member of
the club for a brief talk.
The charter members of Travis Park
Men’s club are:
J. H. Brown, T. H. Little, H. S. Af
fleck, W. H. Miller, Jr., T. A. Brashear,
T. H. Flannery, H. Knuth, W. F. Kirby,
G. W. Burnett, Dr. G. P. Robertson, D.
K. Newsum, H. T. Batcher, W. S. Town
send, R. L. Stanfield, C. M. Stanfield, C.
M. Swift, Henry Burns, Dr. G. E.
Gwinn, T. W. Dustin, Benjamin Wyche,
C. F. Ketter, Frank White, E. L. Nims,
D. W. Frazier, W. C. Watkins, R. W.
Hamilton, R. J. Bremer, A. A. Hughes,
G. C. Storms, G. T. Allensworth, B. P.
Lane, A» F. Arnedt, H. A. Smith, W. L.
Bingaman, J. H. Bond, C. 8. Fowler,
J. D. Cockrell, W. A. Myers, G. W.
Dietz, A. B. Stephens, S. G. Bechtel, W.
F. Gohlke, J. W. Woodson, A. A. Thom
as, W. T. Neely, H. E. Hildebrand, A.
B. Cowart, G. E. Haney, T. W. Tarrant,
R. H. Wester, 8. H. C. Burgin, C. A.
Keller, G. C. Jones, Emil Kelley, 8. A.
Coffman, J. A. Nix.
The two troops of the Third cavalry
now stationed at Fort Clark will , be
gin their long overland march to Fort
Sam Houston about April 24 and take
quarters in the mounted post on ar
These two troops will be relieved at
Fort Clark by the Twenty-third infan
try, which will take station at Forts
Clark, Biss and McIntosh on arriving,
about April 24, from the Philippine
A battalion of the Twenty-third will
be stationed at each post with head
quarters probably at Fort Bliss.
The men of the Ninth infantry
who were left behind by that regiment
when it departed for the islands re
cently. will join their command on be
ing relieved from duty as caretakers.
The journey of the two troops of
the Third cavalrv overland for Fort
Clark to Fort Sam Houston will con
sume a week’s time.
| The 10 Per Cent Discount Sale Will Continue in I
S ■
t A $300 Lot for $270 i Our Terns Ar* $50 Cash, Balance $11 to $29 Fer Month H
i Tutc mcamc ’ A $400 Lot for $360 DC M .- MO CD I wu■
S I HIS MEANS k AStnn fnr KEMEMBER . »in» w »™»r~iwu.. Streets Are Macademixed H
$5 j * » OX 5° r V j Cement Sidewalko. Telephonee. City Water to Every Lot ■
| ( A $650 Lot for $585 ( n-w—.«««. w. I
h These Improvements and Conveniences Are Ready For You Now I
Oh, yes, we sold a lot of lots yesterday, but we have lots of choice lots left. Come out and look around. Salesmen on the ground at our branch ■
-f office to show you around and give you all information. H
Wp If! vif P Cnmnarisnn Visit other additions, note the class of improvements, if any. find out if they are offering you lots with 25 or K
" c lllvllv VUllipdl 19UA1 $0 feet frontage and just how deep they are and if an alley in the rear and how wide. Compare the distance ■
K from the business district and look into the question of sidewalks—you might have to walk out some time; inquire about building restrictions,
find out if you can get city water now or if it is just promised or hoped for, ask about telephones and electric lights, etc., etc. Inquire particul- ■
v arly about fire hydrants, as this will affect your insurance rate, then come out and let us take you out for an inspection of Highland Park. Bring M
this list or any other list of questions with you and get our answer. We can do more than give you a verbal answer. We can demonstrate the ■
correctness of every answer so that you can verify the same with your own eyes. ■
1 ABOUT PRICES We particularly invite a comparison of prices. All that we ask is that you keep in our class, the best of the ■
K* MUv/V * K high-grade, highly restricted additions and that, in considering price, you give due consideration to environ- H
nents, restrictions, improvements, accessibility, etc., etc. We.specially emphasize that due consideration be given size of lots, as we have no lots S
f.M to offer you that are less than 50x150 feet, with a 20-foot alley in rear. S
fhp Well, the truth is, we have lots of lots for sale and as we have just spent lots ol money extending the High- S
’ •TV Ila 1 o liv VLLaJlulli land Park car line to its new terminus, we want some of your money in exchange for some of our lots, and K
c-A in order to get it we are willing to share profits with you. We believe, that when you see our lots we will get some of your money. Now the g
H secret is out, isn’t it? That's all ■
J \ ■
Tn Roar'll flip Park Take Hot Wells car and tell the conductor to transfer you to the Highland Park line—get off at corner of H
y ” ilvdUll IHv ia! Ik Rigsby and New Braunfels Avenues, af our branch office, or come to our city office, 507 Navarro street, ■
>’ and we will take you out in one of our automobiles. H
i1' 1 - I
I Highland Improvement Co. I
3 \RARK / • 0,d 10 * 5 CHAS - M - ROBERTS - I
i Phones: New 692 Sales Manager I
Hi z ■
Forty-second Annual Conven
tion of State Medical Associa
tion to Be Largely Attended.
The forty-second annual convention
of the State Medical Association will
be held in Dallas May 10, 11 and 12,
and many San Antonio physicians will
be in attendance-
A well prepared program has been
announced, which covers almost ever}
subject of interest to the medical fra
ternity. Addresses will be delivered by
men prominent in the work covered
by their subject of address.
Prominent among those of the omOu
physicians, members of the association
who will participate in the
ings of the eonvention, will be Dr. W.
B. Russ, president; Dr. J. S. Lankford,
president of the board of trustees; Dr.
W. A. King, councillor; Dr. J. H. Bur
leson and Dr. F. E. Young, delegates.
Mayor Stephen J. Hay will welcome
the visitors to Dallas in behalf of the
city and Dr. A. W. Carnes on behalf of
the Dallas County Medical society.
Dr. W. B. Russ of this city, presi
dent of the association, will make the
response. The progra: ' includes ad
dresses by physicians of prominence
from out of the state as well as with
in and the following will be heard dur
ing the three days session.
Dr. Thomas D. Coleman, Atlanta,
Ga.; Dr. C. M. Yater, Roswell, N. M.;
Dr. George Dock, New Orleans, La.;
Dr. Charles D. Duval, Yew Orleans,
La.; Dr. C. M. Stiles, Vashington, D.
C • Dr. J. H. Dillon, New Orleans, La.;
Dr. J. C. Mahr, Oklahoma City, Okla.;
Dr. A. H. Ferguson, Chicago, and Dr.
| J. D. Griffith, Kansas City, Mo. 1
The hookworm and its extermination
is the subject to be considered at the
third day’s session.
‘‘Modern Civilization’s Great Blot —
Our Neglect of the Insane” is an ad
dress that is expected to be a feature
of the convention. Dr. J. M. O’Far
rell of Richmond will deliver this ad
dress. Interesting and instructing pa
pers will be read on subjects relating
to medicine and diseases of children,
mental and nervous diseases and medi
cal jurisprudence, gynecology, and ob
stetrics, pathology, diseases of the
blood and glandular system, opthamol
°gy> otology, rhinology, laryngology
and state hygiene.
Dr. Burleson is chairman of the see
tion on ophthamology, otology, rhinol
ogy and laryngology.
A hard fight is expected to be waged
between El Paso, Austin, Galveston,
Amarillo, Waco and Beaumont in an
effort of each to land the convention
in 1911.
The Kind Lady—You clear off or
I’ll set the dog on you.
The Tramp—Ab, how deceptive is hu
man nautur’. Fer two nights I’ve slept
in your barn, eaten of yer poultry an’
drunk of yer cider, and now yer treats
me as an utter stranger. —The Sketch.
President Harahan Will Prob
ably Issue Statement When
It Is Completed.
Special Dispatch.
Chicago, III., April 16.---With the
graft investigation in the Illinois Cen
tral railroad almost completed Presi
dent Harahan is considering the advi
sability of issuing a statement.
He refuses to give any details, but
says that the road is just as good fi
nancially and physically as every and
that the rolling stock is in first-class
Suspicion that corruption was going
on in the I. C. affairs was aroused by
the excessive /repair work that was
going on the line, and it was sus
pected thav several repairing compan
ies were involved.
I Special Dispatch.
Quebec, April 15.—A disastrous ex-
I plosion took place today at Stalphonse
] Gage, where woik is in progress in tne
I construction of a railroad. A boiler
j blew up an<V20 men were buried iu the
debris. It is believed that nearly all
were killed. The work of rescue is
now in progress.
Duxbury, Mass., April 15.—Following
a wild night of religious frenzy, driv
ing them to the weirdest exhibitions of
fervor and displaying readiness for
the end of the world, predicted for June
21, four hundred Holy Rollers are in a
state of collapse. All night long the men
and women danced with disheveled hair
rind outstretched arms, singing, shout
ing and crying they were anxious to
give up all their worldly chattels and
y The season of dress and growth I
■ pervades the air. Lumber also has I
5 its place in the annual dress parade. I
■■■HBHniS A staple style for every builder.
Petrich-Saur Lumber Co.
1A11 our lumber needs after being
put inside or outside of your home I
is a coat of paint or varnish. All ■
ready for beautifying, and it costs ■
you no more. N
Phone* 30-30
APRIL 15, 1910.
meet their maker with peace in their
hearts. They cavorted over the ehapel
floor until they dropped from exhaus
Today started another round of re
ligious ardor. Their food supplies mie
earried and they have nothing to eat
but bread and water. It is remarkable
how they stand the strain.
A merciless murderer is Appendicitis
with many victims. But Dr. King’s
New Life Pills kill it by preventios.
They gently stimulate stomach, liwr
and bowels, preventing that clogging
that invites appendicitis, curing Con
stipation, Headache, Biliousness, Chills. ,
25c, at the Bexar Drug Co.