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This Laxative for Children Free I have preached to mothers for years to be careful what they give their children for bowel trouble. Not everything is fit for the delicate organs of a child. Cathartic pills are too strong even when crushed or broken in half, and salts and purgatives are both too strong and bad-tasting. Then what is the remedy? It should be a liquid, in which the taste is disguised so as to make it palatable, and it must be mild and not gripe. The remedy that fills these require ments is Dr. Caldwell’s syrup Pepsin and druggists have sold it for me for a quarter of a cen tury. Mothers are giving it to their children today who were given it by their parents when they were children, and the grandparents are still using it. There is no better laxa tive obtainable for children, women and old folks, for these especially need a gentle though none the less effective rem edy. It is a guaranteed cure for constipation, liver trouble, sick headache, heartburn, sour stomach, etc. Given to the child before retiring, or in the morning on arising, it will be relieved in a few hours, and a brief use of it as directed ROAD ELECTS' ITSJFFIGERS Full Amount of Stock Has Been Subscribed But Only $32,- 000 Is Paid In. Special Dispatch. Austin, Tex., April 15.—After an ex ecutive session lasting nearly all day yesterday, the stockholders of the new Quanah, Seymour, Dublin & Rockport railway announced last night that the company had been fully organized and the following officers elected: L. E. Walker, Marshall, president; A. J. Ei lers, Austin, vice president; H. Pfaef flin, Austin, treasurer; W. L. Vining, Austin, secretary; C. Regan and G. W. Mefcdell Jr., Austin, general attorneys; Dr. F. P. McLaughlin, chief surgeon. The directors are L. E. Walker, Cap tain W. R. Davie, Harry Koch, P. A. Whaley, Quanah; H. E. Ford and A. J. Eilers, Austin; C. 8. Plants, Seymour; C. G. Johnson. Rockport, and M. C. Witcher, Dublin. The full amount of capital stock, $500,000, has been subscribed but only $32,000 paid in. In explaining this fact Mr. Walker said last night that an other proposition will be made to the people of Austin to take stock in ’.he enterprise, although bn did not go into details as to what the proposition would amount to. He also stated that the road has the privilege of skirting Austin without entering, but that it is not intended to have it do so. Actual construction work will be be gun from Quanah within two weeks, according to Mr. Walker. Little land lias yet been secured for a right of wav, but this will be looked into at At Soda Fountains or Elsewhere Look for “HORLICK’S” on the bottle. Original and Genuine HORLICK’S MALTED MILK The Food-Drink for All Ages. Rich milk, grain, in powder fonn. More healthful than tea or coffee. For infants,invalids and growing children. Agrees with the weakest digestion. Pure nutrition.upbuildingthewhole body. Keep it on your sideboard at home. Invigorates nursing mothers and the aged. A quick lunch prepared in a minute. Sample sent free. Address HORLICK’S, Racine, Wis. Take no substitute. Ask for HORLICK’S. Mt in GOOD ALBEIT HINE GEO. B. TAUAFEBRO LUMBER ous ZALMAKZ, ° Prompt Albert Rine Delivery w « courteous Lvimber Co. Treatment BOTH PHONES 3132 r° B nS M. . । 1817 S ' PreSa St ' cor Building Purposes “Sunset Crossing’ FRIDAY, will prevent a recurrence of the trouble. To prove my claims I will send a free sample bottle to anyone on receipt of name and address. Then, if convinced, buy it as oth ers do of your druggist at fifty cents and one dollar a bottle. Read what users say. DR. CADDWKIJt, PRRSONAI.I.Y WILT BB rUEASED TO GIVE YOU ANY MEDICAL ADVICE YOU MAY DESIRE FOR YOURSELF OR FAMILY PERTAINING TO THE STOMACH. LIVER OR BOW ELS, ABSOLUTELY FREE OF CHARGE. EXPLAIN I YOUR CASE IN A LETTER AND HE WILL REPLY TO YOU IN DETAIL. FOR THE FREE SAMP1J0 SIMPLY SEND YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS ON A POSTAL CARD OR OTHERWISE. FOR EITHER ' REQUEST THE DOCTOR'S ADDRESS IS DR. W. B. CALDWELL, B.513 CALDWELL BLDG., MONTI- once and in the meantime, develop ments in the new proposition to rhe people of Austin are expected at once. The secretary and treasurer of the new railroad are also secretary and treasurer of the Austin Business League, and this fact, together with the other that the officers of the road with one exception are to be Austin men hag made local sentiment favor able to the new railroad. Salt rheum, or ectema, with It. itching and burning, 11 cured by Hood’. Sarsaparilla. So are all other blood diseases. Dr. G. Gwinn, 301-302 Hicks Bldg. Eye, ear, nose, throat. Old phone 1908. ON THIRD READING. Ordinance Making Contract for Dam Will Be Finally Passed by Coun cil Next Thursday. Special Dispatcb. Austin, Tex., April 15.—The eity council yesterday evening passed to a third reading the ordinance making a contract with the Dumont Holmes Steel Concrete company to rebuild the Colorado darn for $1,000,000, which was approved by the voters of Austin at the election April 5. The ordinance will be finally passed next Thursday. The action of the council was a nec essary formality, as that body could not under the city charter have refus ed to pass the ordinance after its ap proval by the voters, the election hav ing been in the nature of a referen dum to the people. Dumont has been delayed in beginning work on the dam by bad weather, but will begin the preliminary work within the next few days. At its afternoon session the council also approved the form for the $75, 000 issue of school bonds voted March 18 and levied a special tax of 3.10 cents on the $100 property valuation or 31 cents on the $1000. to provide an interest and sinking fund to take care of these bonds. ' v ' • ■ ■ 1 - tins teeth. He has ten or twelve teeth and Is only six months old. You may copy any part of my letter you wish, for It is true and will stand In the Last Day.—G- W. Witten, Mingo, Ky. Will let you know what your wonderful remedy did for my little girt Dorothy. I had had different kinds of medicine and doctors, but have never in my life seen anything act so aulck and without pain as yWur Syrup Pepsin. It is certainly the best medicine and I shall never be without it again ft and will recommend it to all mv friends. MRS. M. JOHNSON, 7M Dayton SU Kenosha. Wts. I will state that I had stomach trouble of some kind; I was swelled; my breath was short; I had palpitation of the heart; I had no energy and I was dlsxy. I took one bottle of Syrup Pepsin and now ray bloat is all gone: I have no more heart trouble; I feel good in every way. I had tried everything I could hear of and nothing did me any good until I commenced the use of Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin. Iam very thankful to you for such a medicine, which I can heartily endorse and rec ommend to all .who are suffering from stomach troubles. —J. F. DANIELS. Saron. Texas. CHINESE TEACHING HIS INVERTED GOLDEN BOLE Beattie, Wash., April 15.—While mis sionaries are working daily and risk ing their lives in the far east to re form the heathen followers of Confu cius and Buddha, a Chinese mission ary has invaded this city and is night ly engaged in spreading the religion of Confucius. The Chinese missionary is Mien Tsao, and he has been sent by the Chi nese emperor. A few months ago a quiet little oriental, who looked more Jap than Chinaman, slipped into Seat tle. In a few weeks a little school was started in the Chinese quarter and then it came out that nightly after the slant eyed pupils had left the school of the white man, where they spent the day wrestling with problems new and strange, they went to Prof. Tsao’s' school and were taught the sayings of the great Chinese sage, Confucius, written 2600 years ago. And the school has been a success from the day it was started. No dis tinctions are made. A white child may attend. Here are some of the things they teach in Tsao’s Chinese school, the only one of its kind in this coun try: “What I do not wish men to do unto 1 me I also wish not to do unto them.” “Honor your parents, for such is the way of virtue.” “It behooves every man to be care ful in choosing his friends. “As to thoir good qualities take them and follow them; but as to their bad, change them.” OFFERS RIGHT OF WAY. Executor of Estate Would Give Land fcr New Boulevard to the Colorado Dam. Special Dispatcb. Austin, Tex., April 15. —To secure a new boulevard to the dam for the con venience of citizens of North Austin, R. Niles Graham, executor of the L. C. Pease estate, comprising consider able property in West Austin, has of- i fered a right of way through the en- . tire property at any point between । Twenty-second and Twenty-fourth ■ street. There is also a plan on foot to ’ secure a section of the old Colorado | bridge, which is now probably the”most I desired bit of junk in Austin, to span I Shoal creek on the new boulevard. Mr. I Graham, in a letter to the Business ! league, offers to donate as much laud I as may be found necessarv for the road I from the east line of the large Pease i property to the beginning of the tract on the river owned by G W. Bracken 1 ridge of San Antonio. T' is offer will | likely be accepted by th" city when work begins on the dam Dr.'Littrell, 405 Moore Bldg. Pri vate diseases, skin diseases and cancer.) SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE This baby Is my grand » o n. His name Is McK 1 n 1 e y Dixon and I have wit nesses to prove that Syrup Pep sin has made this boy what he la In health. After ho be can using Syrup Pep sin he gain ed from 1 to Hi pounds a week. His weight was 24 pounds at four months of age; he had no trou ble In CUt tln,- teeth MIEN TSAO. MERCHANTS ASK WHAT BECAME OF PHONE PROTEST < Want a Report From Mayor and City Council by K/lay 12, Date -of Next Meeting. WHY IS IT PIGENHOLED? Retail Merchants' Association Sends Resolution Against Parcels Post to Washington. Iu session last night the Retail Mer chants’ association passed a resolution asking the mayor and city council what became of the petition filed with that body some time ago asking it to take some step to secure a reduction of the rates for business telephones charged by the Southwestern Telegraph and Telephone company. Discussion brought nut the fact that since placing the peti tion with the mayor and city council that body has done nothing except to pigeonhole it. The following resolution was adopted: “Resolved, That n written communi cation be forwarded to the city council asking that steps be taken to secure n definite answer from the Southwestern Telephone company as to what action they intend to take in connection with the demands embodied in a petition which was presented to the city council in November, signed by 1500 business men and merchants of Rnn Antonio, and which has also been taken up by corre spondence with the telephone company and committee from the council. “Further, that the present commit 1 tee be asked to present this communica ; tion to the mayor and city council and ask for a report by May 12, the date o* the next meeting of this association.” Against Parcels Post. A resolution against parcels post was directed to bo sent to the state’s repre sentatives at Washington. Letters will also bo sent out to merchants in other towns asking them to join hands to de feat the proposed legislation. The resolution to members of congress reads: “Whereas, It is believed that the passage of a parcels post bill in the na ture of experimental legislation will be a wedge for further drastic legislation of the same kind, which will be detri mental to the best interests of both the general public and the retail trade, we, the Retnil Merchants’ Association of San Antonio, do petition our repre sentatives nt Washington to nse every effort to stop the passage of the said parcels post bill. “It is further believed that instead of assisting in wiping out the present postal deficit that the carrying of pos tai parcels at a low rate of postage will encumber the mails and further in crease the financial difficulties of the postal service. “Further, we, the retail merchants of San Antonio, do herebv pledge our selves to extend every assistance in our power to defeat this legislation, which we deem to be detrimental to the best interests of Toxas trade and industry.” As the result of a movement to in crease the membership, the following persons were added last night: R. A. Earl, grocer; J. L. Hinson. Fred Mur phev, lawyers; N. O. Anderson. Nation al Surgical Cot company; Adolph Dan nenberg. grocer; E. Hall, upholsterer: R. A. Scott: San Antonio Crushed Rock company: F. V. Bartley, grocer: Glas gow Woolen Mills; B. W. Gray k Bro., Kellan Hardware company; W. B. Kel ly, jeweler; Merchants’ Coffee com pany; H. L. Wyant, grocer; the Zoeller company, typewriter supplies, end the following physicians: William Wolf, F. E. Young, Winn Travlor, W. B. Russ, Robert E. Mose, A. C. McDaniel. W. E. Lu ter, B. F. Kingsley, Malone Duggan, F. P. Herff. Charles D. Dixon, 8. S. Beakley. The association will give a smoker at Turner hall on May 25. ■*■»«. LONGHORNS VS. PIRATES. Special Dispatch. Austin, Tex., April 15.—The Univer sity of Texas baseball team will face Shreveport’s Texas leaguers on Clark field this afternoon, for fheir only game with professionals this season. Westervelt, the umpire who will offi ciate at the opening game between San Antonio and 8hreveport tomorrow, will referee the swatfest today. From all indications the Varsity boys will not shine much in their game with the pro fessionals. You Will Believe The nice things folks say about Post Toasties After you try them with cream, and — “The Memory Lingers” Pkgs. ioc. and 15c. i Postum Cereal Co., Ltd, Battle Creek, Mich. sW Of Well, I Guess This is Goin 9 Some! We started here in San Antonio thirty days ago, advertising and selling BUSTER BROWN SHOES FOR BOYS-FOR GIRLS And we’ve set the pace, “ busted ” the record, and are winning EASY. Tige says: “we always do — SURE!” BUSTER BROWN BLUE RIBBON SHOES the hearts and “soles” at every boy and girl in San Antonio, not to mention the “old folks.” And it’s natural! Buster Brown Blue Ribbon Shoes are the best Shoes made, for good looks, good quality, good wear, good fit, good finish. There’s nothing good in Shoes that's been left out in the making of Buster Brown Blue Ribbon Shoes — and here’s the place to get ’em. THE GUARANTEE SHOE COMPANY Alatna Plata, San Antania. These famous Shoes, like the celebrated WHITE HOUSE SHOES —for men, for women, are manufactured only by the •T. LOUIS, MO., U. S. A. WILL MAKE A REPORT. Underwriters’ Engineers Will Finis] Work Saturday—Is Flattering to Capital City. Austin, Tex., Apnt 15.—The engi neers of the National Underwriters association will finish their work ii Austin Saturday. A report to be mail ed to headquarters in New York is nov being prepared which will show tha Austin has a flatteringly low conflagra tion hazard as compared with the av erage Texas city, eliminating its volvn teer fire department. The passage 0 building and lire marshal ordinance: and inauguration of a paid fire depart mont here would, in fact, give thi city a lower key rate than that in anj town in the state. The engineers have thoroughly inves tigated the local waterworks and fin department, as well as gone into th< plans of the city council for future im provemeuts, and inspected the poliei force. The system of turning in fin alarms here is not good, while it ii equal to that in any city without t fire alarm system. The method user is to simply inform the telephone ' ‘ cen tral” that there is a fire at a giver street and number. Instantly the cal is turned in to all firo companies in th' city simultaneously. Mistakes made bj persons not familiar with this system have been the cause, however, of con jjdcrable fire loss. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Infirmary and Office, al! modern appliances, trained nurses, etc. Dr. E. T. Hughes, 403 St. Mary’s street. Otto Biebe Undertaking Oo. 221 East Commerce St. Both phenes 341. ACCEPTS INVITATION. W. J. Bryan Will be Guest of Honor at Dinner to be Given by Globe Trotters. New York, April 15.—W. J. Bryan is expected to be the guest of honor at a dinner to be given by the Circum navigators club in this city on Monday next. Mr. Bryau is amember of the club and a cablegram announcing his acceptance of the invitation was made public today. The Circumnavigators club is an or ganization of men who have made a complete circuit of the globe. Presi dent Taft is a member but will not at tend the dinner. After the dinner Mr. Bryan will leave for the west. WILL SELECT HYDE JURYMEN TODAY Associated Press. Kansu City, Mo, April 15.—No reg | nlar session of court was .held for the I Hyde murder trial today. The attor | neys will decide today whiek twelve men they will retain out of the forty seven temporary jurymen, and wi'i’ re port the list to the court late this aft ernoon. POLICE HAVE NO CLUE. 1 Mysterious Joy Bider Who Stole Ma chine and Ban Into Buggy Is Still Unknown. - Special Dispatch. ’ Austin, Tex., April 15. —Chief Laugh 1 lin said last night that the police have no clue as yet to the identity of the ' mysterious joy rider who ran into a : buggy occupied by Oscar A. Newberg ■ and Miss Effie Wilson on the Speedway ■ Wednesday night in a machine stolen ■ from Theodore Davis. Davis declared ’ he was attending a rehearsal at the i university at the time of the accident, and his story has since been corrobor 1; ated. Both Newberg and Miss Wilson ■ | were slightly injured in the collisijn with the automobile. Doctors Curry & Waganer, Dentists—Gibbs Building. Dr. Goldblum, 436-7 r oore building. । Eye, ear, nose and throat. millioToTschool age I Expected to Show That Number in New Scholastic Census to Be Taken. 1 Special Dispatch. Austin, Tex, April 15.—The depart ment of education is mailing out blanks for the scholastic census to be taken beginning May 1, to 528 independent school districts and 243 county super intendents in Texas. The department expects the new census to show 1,000,- 000 children of scholastic age in the state. The accuracy of the census can be seen this year by comparison with the returns as gathered by takers of the United States census. According to the last scholastic census there were 946,006 children of scholastic age in the state, which shows that the predic tion of the department is not a wild one. An effort will be made to make the census for the school year of 1910- 1911 the most complete and accurate in the history of the state. Q 0 0 CURES ECZEMA, 0a 0 a ACNE, TETTER, ETC. Eczema, Acne, Tetter, Salt Bheum, etc. are simply the ulceration of akin tissues, caused by humors and acids in the blood. The circulation has become infected with impurities which are being constantly deposited into the pores and glands of the cuticle, and a continual state of inflammation and irritation is thus kept up. Just as long as these humors and acids remain in the circulation the skin affection will continue. The trouble may be temporarily soothed and covered over with external applications, but such treatment does not make the blood any purer, and can therefore be of no permanent benefit. To cure skin disease it is necessary to purify the blood—remove tha cause. & »• Eczema, Acne, Tetter, Salt Bheum, pimples, eruptions, etc. because 1- « “ greatest of all blood purifiers. It goes into the circulation and drives out e . humor, acid or Impurity. It cools the feverish blood and allows It to num skin with healthy nourishment, instead of fiery, acrid deposits Ks. * p-- . vegetable, mild and pleasant in its action, it does not cure skin d:»e _ .. all the impurity to the surface, but stimulates the f . n off through the natural avenpes. If you have any skm better than purify your blood with S. 8. 8. It w>U arfst nature tn restoring the smooth, even texture of the cuticle, and the cure will be perman ent and lasting. Book on Skin Diseases free>tcfall who THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO, ATLANTA, ua APRIL 15, 1910. STILL AFTER ROAD Austin May Employ Oklahoma Man to Push the Fredericksburg Project and Solicit Capital. Special Dispatch. Austin. Tex.. April 15.—That the se curing of a railroad from Austin to the gulf will facilitate the Fredericksburg road project was shown today when it was announced that W. H. Caton of Vinita, Okla., will shortly return to Austin and the Business league may employ him to negotiate for capita] to build the road. Mr. Caton is a eivil engineer and recently offered his serv ices to the league to secure the road. Since leaving Austin the league has made inquiries in regard to Mr. Caton’s standing in other places, and he has been highly recommended. ♦ »» —Wanted —Extra carrier boys with horse and eart. 8. A. Light and Gazette. NEGRO FOUND GUILTY : Pined 810 and Costs on Charge of Gam ing—Is First Case Growing Out of Baid. Special Dispatch. Austin, Tex.. April 15.—In the coun ty court yesterday afternoon Jim Whit field, a negro, was found guilty of gam ; ing and fined $10 and costs, in the trial of the first gaming case growing out of a mid made last fall by Police Chief J. T. Laughlin, in which 22 ne groes were arrested in a cabin on West Sixteenth street. Other cases will be tried today. J. K. Thrasher, the new county at torney, is being congratulated on his success in the trial of misdemeanor cases, and it is predicted that he will secure convictions in several more dis orderly house cases as a result of the II. Lueksinger trial. The indictments in these cases were ftiken up at once by the new attorney when he went into office, after having laid over from last October.