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Kum Rite ln=the Karnival Is Fine Take a week off—comp and celebrate with us. See the greatest Aviation Meet ever held in the United States. Larger than the Los Angeles meet—more aviators, more aeroplanes, more flying machines. Curtiss, Willard, Hamilton, Mars and Baldwin. First flights Wednesday Afternoon, April 20. Two performances each day ✓ thereafter,* at 10 o'clock a. m. and 2 o’clock p. m.—two hours of fast and furious, record-smashing exhibitions. Don’t Miss Civic and Trades Display Parade This Afternoon. Musicale-Dansante, Opera House, Tonight —■ The Program * T- Ha V See the Funny Clowns - TlfPcdo V Dau « ht « rs of Republic. Opening day session. V °P« nin « day Aviation Meet. Special education flights at O ” 9 y Monster Civic and Trades Display Parade. Miles of Dec- 1 Mumc everywhere. W eanCSQay orated Floats, 4 o clock p. m. Come out and see it. Opening day session Texas Industrial Congress. Track Meet under auspices of A. A. U., Fair Grounds. All . Don-c miss it. - achoola entered . Free Shows on Alamo and Main Plazas at Night. ght ~^ nd Dar^ 0 2T Cak * Walk “ AlalU ° Texas Didustrial Congress in Session. Plaza. Prizes: $50, $25 and $10. Queen’s Coronation at Beethoven Hall at nigM;. Queen’s Musicale-Dansante at Opera House. Benefit Free Kinder- Royal Court, Duchesses, Countesses and Ladies in Wait-. garten. The performers most beautiful young ladies Free B " 0W8 - b « e tBe Ml $“ ing, Dukes. Knights and Heralds from almost every city in the city. in Texas. IT Procession of Cities at 9:30. Immediately after Coronation, Queen’s Boyal Progress Thursday BatUe<,fFlowOTsat4:30 ’ rriday Out-of-town Band Cutest. Most original parade ever given. * The most beautiful ever given. Gorgeous Floats, Chariots, Represented by towns from all over the State. Prizes in Decorated Vehicles. Band Contest, $2i0. $100 and q i w/l-srr Baby Show at 11 o’clock a. m. • Patriotic exercises at Beethoven Hall at 9:30 a. m. Histori- Mystic Order of Siu-aers Parade in afternoon. See the OdlUlUay Aviation Meet morning and afternoon. Aviators in death- cal Charades by school children. weary travelers of the desert burning sands. defying races. Texas Industrial Congress in Session. IBumiuatel Parade. Most unique procession Airship flights, morning and afternoon. ever wirnessea. der noaJ;g> guttering, dazzling costumee. Airship flights in afternoon permit return to city in time to Free Shows. {w 11H HS W witness Flower Parade. Airship Flights morning and afternoon. OUnUaj L ast o f Airship Races, morning and afternoon. Cheap Rates on all Railroads—Special Additional One- and Three-day Excursions April 21 and again for April 23 Parading Bands Every Morning. Professional Circus Clowns at Work all the Time. Sensational High Diver 90 ft. into Tank of Burning Gasoline, Every Night on Alamo Plaza. Open Air Performances on Main Plaza Every Night. Everything Free. Confetti Throwing Permitted on Millitary Plaza. —— Join the Merry Throng of Revelers I - FOR ANY INFORMATION. ADDRESS San Antonio Spring Carnival Association ■ PFEUFFIEf?'secreury PREACHES PEACE BUT IS EINED IS EOR BREAKING IT Minister of Color Raises Al leged Rough House In Store * When Buying Pair of Shoes. FORTY - TWO OFFENDERS Police Kept Busy During Sat urday Night and Sunday Ar resting Breakers of Law Forty;two persons arrested by the police during Saturday and Sunday were Drought before Judge Buckley in the police court this morning. No serious affraye occurred, although there were several cutting scrapes, the participant", however, being but slightly injured. Fif teen of the defendants to be arraigned before the court this morning answered charges of simple “drunk” cases. During a fight which took place last night between Justo Hernandez and Mi guel Avalos, the latter was slashed across the left arm with a knife in the hands of the other. A fine of $25 was imposed against Hernandez and Avalos was let down with a ten-spot. As the result of a free-for-all fight which oc curred on the corner of Matamoras and Frio streets, Antonia Gonzales, a wom an, was cut on the right hand. Eugene Gonzales, Rafael Herrera and Felice Aguilar, together with the woman, were taken into custody on charges of hav ing engaged in an affray and each as- Q Q Q CUBES OLD Qh BLOOD TROUBLES The only possible way to cure Contagious Blood poison is to remove the , cause by purifying the blood. This is just what 8. S. S. does; and it is the only medicine that absolutely and thoroughly cleanses the circulation of every particle . the germs and virus of the disease. Mercury, Potash, and other strong min * ,are often used in the hope that such powerful treatment will kill the germs, but this can not be done, and when the mineral medicines are left off the trouble always returns with its aggravating symptoms of ulcerated mouth and throat, skin eruptions, falling hair, yellow skin splotches, swollen glands, and often run nmg sores. The ability of S. S. S. to cure Contagious Blood Poison comes from its unfailing blood-purifying properties. It goes into the circulation and removes every trace of the infection, makes the blood rich and healthy, and leaves no dregs of the virus to break out later on. S. 8. S. does not contain a particle of mineral in any form, but is made entirely of roots, herbs and barks each of which has a direct and specific action in cleansing the blood. In addition it contains the extracts of certain botanical herbs which make it the finest of all tonics, which is a necessary quality for * medicine in curing Contagious Blood Poison. Home Treatment book, containing much valuable information and instruction to he found nowhere else, will bo sent sealed and port paid, free to all who write and request it. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA. GA. AiUihlJAl, sessed “cinco pesos.” E. Bass, a negro employed by the Car ter-Mullaly Transfer company, was the first to pay a fine of $5 for violating that clause of the new traffic ordin ance which makes it a misdemeanor to meddle with an automobile without the consent of the owner or the chauffeur who has it in charge. The negro was arrested on the complaint of Nat Lewis Saturday night. Bass is said to have pushed the machine along the street. Negro Minister Arrested. Charged with disturbing the peace, giving his name as T. M. Massey, and his occupation as that of a minister, was fined $5. He was arrested by Patrolman Sexton, it being claimed that the negro created a disturbance in a clothing store during a dispute regard ing the purchase of a pair of shoes. The defendant denied the charge, de claring that he “preached peace,” but the court evidently held that, in the case cited he had failed to practice what ho said he preached. The case against S. J. Holmes, charged with reckless driving, was dismissed at the instance of the prosecuting witness. Holmes was arrested on a complaint filed by Miguel Perez, whose 3-ycar-old child was injured Saturday evening when knocked down by a horse driven by the defendant. The complaining wit ness asked that the case be dismissed, saying that the child had run directly in front of the animal and that the de fendant resorted to every means to avoid injuring it. Several persons charged with failing to tie their horses when left on the streets were fined $1. ■ < ALLEGED ROBBER JAILED Special Diapatch. Coleman, Tex., April 18. —J. Dyer is in jail hero today charged with rob bing the postoffice nt Talpa Friday night. Dyer was arrested by Sheriff Futch in Ballinger Saturday. He ob tained only a small amount of cash, leaving nearly $200 in the cash drawer as he fled. 5A1N ANTONIO LiUtti AND UAZLilt PASSENGERS ARE ! SAFELY REMOVED ! Steamer Minnehaha Strikes on Submerged Rock on Scilly Islands This Morning. Associated Frets. Mughtown, St. Marys, Scilly Islands. April 18,—The steamer Minnehaha of the Atlantic Transport line struck on a submerged rock near Bishop Rock nt 2 o’clock this morning. Her passengers were removed in safety but the vessel was badly damaged. The Minnehaha, Captain Layland, from New York for London, was feel ing her way cautiously towards the English channel, through a dense fog that obscured the light ou Bishop Rock and led her to approach too near the dangerous rocks of the Scilly Islands. When the Minnehaha hit the rocks she tore a big hole amidsbip and this morn ing she had 20 feet of water in the foreholds. The vessel carried 66 pas sengers. IT’S TUB WORLD'S BEST No one has ever made a salve, oint men or bairn to compare with Buck len’s Arnica Salve. It’s the one perfect healer of Guts, Corns, Burns, Bruises, Sores, Scalds, Boils, Ulcers, Eczema. Balt Rheum. For Sore Eyes, Cold Sores, Chapped Hands or Sprains it’s su preme. Infallible for Piles. Only 25c, at the Bexar Drug Co. DALLAS ODD FELLOWS GOING TO MEXICO The Dallas Odd Fellows’ degree team arrived here last night and left this morning for the City of Mexico, where it will put on the degree work for the lodge there and will also produce a play. At the head of the team was Capt. Hen ry Shelton and the team was composed of twenty members. A party of friends, including several ladies, accompanied the team. During their stay here the members of the team and their friends were taken in tow by George Caen Jr., a member of San Antonio lodge No. 11. and shown over the eity. They will come this way on their return to Dal las, which will be some time between Thursday and .Saturday of next week, and may prolong their stay here then. ADOPTS NEW POLICY. Special Dispatch. Waco.- Tex.. April 18. —Mayor H. B. Mistrot today announce'! he had adopt- j ed a new policy in th<’ selection of a police department, lie will now per ! mit the chief of police to choose his own men. . . —* 7“,'* . - । Lillian Nordics, prima donna, is 52 । year* OUST PACKERS FROM MISSOURI ——— Taking of Testimony Before Special Commissioner Is Begun at St. Louis. Associated Press. St. Louis, April 18. —Taking of tes timony in the ouster proceeding* against the nine packing companies by Attorney General Major of Missouri was resumed here today before Special Commissioner Dillon. Major is conduct ing the examination for the state with three assistants from his department. Frank Hagerman of Kansas City is act ing chief counsel for the comprtfies, and is assisted by Alexander New, M. W. Borders and L. Miller of Kansas City, Henry Voeder of Chicago and W. I Stratton of Omaha. Fifteen witnesses have been subpoe-1 nacd for the hearing, among them be- ' ing Edward Tilden of Chicago, said to be presidant of both the National Pa-king company and the St. Louis Dressed Beef and Provision company, and Edward and Ira Morris of Chicago of the Nelson Morris Tacking Co. CASE IS CONTINUED. Waxahachie, Tex., April 18.—The case of Arthur Redman, charged with killing K. C. Robinson, a Bill county farmer, three years ago, when called in district court here today, was con tinued until the September term on ac count of the illness of a state witness. Not X Milk Trust The Original and Genuine HORLICK’S MILTED MILK The Foed-drink ter All Agee. More healthful than Tea or Cotfee. Agrees with the weakest digestion. Delicious, invigorating and nutritious. Rich milk, malted grain, powder form. A quick lunch prepared in • minute. Take no substitute. Ask for HORLICK’S. Others are imitations. MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT Peck's Appointment Parlors HOUSTON AND NAVARRO STS. IF PARIS POLICE SCREAM WHEN THEY SEIZE INGENIOUS APACHE THUG । Needle pointed arm guards. The Apaches, those cruel, shameless,' thieving thugs of Paris, who took ad I vantage of the great Hood to loot and terrorize, have adopted new methods in ' their never-ending feud with the police. Last year a white slaver, Liabeuf,' was sentenced to prison for his traffick- i ing in young girls. He came out vow- I ing vengeance on the police. Liabeuf, a man of the real Apache type, did not hesitate to boast that he 1 was going to kill a policeman. He 1 warned them that he was coming, which i was entirely unnecessary, for as soon i as he was sighted two policemen grab bed him by the arms. Immediately there were shrieks of pain, for under I his sleeve Liabeuf was armed with ’ bands of leather viciously studded with i hundreds of needle-pointed nails. QUARRELS WITH LOVER; KNIFE CUT IN BREAST ; With a stab wound in the left breast I just above the heart, a white woman I giving her name as Mary Schweetz, was found lying in her room in a house at 209 Matamoras street, at 8:3H q’clock last night by other inmates of the place. The woman was bleeding profusely from tho wound, which was evidently made by a pocket knife. A quarrel with her sweetheart, accord ing to the police, caused the woman to be stabbed. i Police headquarters was notified at I once and Mounted Officer Serna detail ed on the case. Assistapt City Physi- I clan Dr. Elmendorf reached tho scene I fhortlv afterwards. An examination proved that the wound, while painful, was not necessarily fatal. The injury ] ’ was dressed and a speedy recovery is i anticipated. The assailant, known to ; the police, has not yet been apprehend- I ed, having made bis escape a few min- I utes before the.groans of tho woman l attracted the oilier occupants of tho I house. . Paris Apache’s weapons. With hands pricked and bleeding the policemen dropped their captive's arms. Quick as lightning the Apache began stabbing his captors with tho diabolic knife the members of his tribe always carry. Other officers rushed to the aid, of their comrades. A dozen policemen engaged in the most terrible struggle of Paris police annals, the Apache using knifo aud gun in addition to the spiked arm guards. Finally he was overpqw ered and dragged more dead than alive to the police FATHER 80-MOTHER 76 eThe aged father and mother of a prominent Boston lawyer safely carried through the last two winters by Yinbl The son says: “My father and mother owe their present strength and good health to Vinol. During the last two trying winders neither of them had a cold, and were able to walk farther and do more than for years. I think Vinol is perfectly wonderful; It certainly is the greatest blood-making, strengthening tonic for old people I ever heard of.” We want every feeble old person tn this town to try Vtnol. We will return their money without questtou U It does not accomplish all we claim lor It. A. M. FISCHER, Druggist, San Antonio. xU'itlL lb, iwio. MEET YOUR FRIENDS AT Peck's Appointment Parlors HOUSTON AND NAVABBO STS. 'RIOT FOLLOWS CAR 00. STRIKE Pittsburg. Pa., April 18. —One thou- I sand employes in the erecting depart ment of the Pressed Steel Car com pany at Schoenville, struck today. In I a riot which followed, one man was shqt in the left arm and Captain Smith of the company's police was badly beaten. CAUSE OF THE RUSH. “Sad, sad, to see humanity ever en gaged in a mad rush for wealth.” . * • Ferget it. Them fellers is on their . way to the ball park.” i *' ” MAKING IT EASIER FOR BABY. i — - 1 “Beter take a hardwood tabie, ma’am they are the fashionable thing’’ ’ the dealer said. [| “No,” said the young woman, ‘“bs ! by will soon be old enough to ha nt ' mer. and he never eould drive a sail • I into hard wool!. I ’ll take a plain pine table.” —Buffalo Express. 11