We Want
You to See
San Jose
We want the visitors in San Antonio this week to
ride out with us to see our new town.
We have just begun work and there is not much to
see but the location and the Terrell Hot Well.
We have tents for all who want to camp; they arc
completely furnished with cots, bedding and cook
Our Automobiles leave our office in the Gibbs Build
ing every hour and we are always glad to take our
friends out to see this property.
Hundreds of people arc inquiring about this prop
erty and the sale of lots has begun in earnest now.
People are coming from a distance to see San Jose.
It will soon be one of the show places of San An
Nobod}' will ever have cause to regret having in
vested money in San Jose. The increase in values
will be rapid.
As soon as we get our car to running wc will moye
our office out there and will apply for a postoffice.
This is going to be a town, not an addition, and it
will be a town that any one mav feci proud to live in.
Terrell Well
A. D. Powers, General Sales Mgr.
Gibbs Building.
Committee Found That Rio
Grande Road Is Being Built
According to Terms.
A meeting of the board of director#
of the Chamber of Commerce was held ;
this morning to hear a report from the i
railroad committee which made an in- i
•pection tour of the San Antonio, Bio ,
Grande & Tampico railroad last Thurs-1
Jake Wolff, chairman of the com- ;
mittce, reported that the committee,,
composed of H. E. Hildebrand, J. H.
Kirkpatrick, William Cassin and him
•ett, spent last Thursday in going over |
the parts of the road graded and found .
that the contractor was performing his |
part of the contract. The contract call - ,
ad for five miles of the roud to be'
graded up to April 11, but the com- ;
mittee learned that six miles had boeu
Mr. Wolff also reported that the en I
gincer in charge of the work told him
that the ties, rails and other material
had been ordered and on arrival in
San Antonio, that work would be start
ed from this end und pushed on to the
front over the parts of the territory
already graded.
Mr. Wolff said that in addition to
the six miles finished up on April 11,
fourteen miles more arc being graded.
W’illiam Cassin reported that the of
ficers of the new line had shown up to
♦his time every indication of good faith
in the building of the railroad and
that they had fully lived up to their
contract in every respect. He estimat
ed that fully $15,000 had already been
expended in grading and that he be
lieved the road would be built. Fol
lowing the reports from members of the
committee, it was adopted.
; 7 Tlie directors preseut at the meet
ing were: F, W. Cook, H. G. Staaeke,
L. J. Hart. J. N. Brown, Charles Graeh
ner. Jake Wolff. H. M. Aubrey. W. B. I
Tuttle, W. L. Stiles and Secretary J. j
B. Carrington.
H. C. Rehuhmacher, banker and busi
ness man of Houston and LaGrange,
accompanied by Mrs. Sehuhniaelier and
Mra. victor Beze, his sister in-law,
reached San Antonio Sunday afternoon
after an overland trip in an automo
bile from LaGrange, w here Mrs. Beze
has been spending several days with
her sister.
Mr. Schuhmaeher reports the road
in splendid condition between this .-i i
nnd Gonzalos, but from that point t,
LaGrange were rather rough. Mr. and
Mrs. Schuhmaeher will remain in Sat
Antonio during carnival week.
Doctors Curry & Waganer.
Dentists—Gibbs Building.
R. C. Jones Elected Treasurer
and Assistant General Man
ager of Traction Company,
Starting with the San Antonio Trac
tion company ten years ago, and work
ing himself up to the responsible of
fice of treasurer and assistant general
manager of the traction and gas and
electric companies, is the rapid climb
made by R. C. Jones of that company.
A few <lays ago nt a meeting or the
directors of both of the eompani£, the
office of treasurer and assists JI gen
eral manager was created. Jones
I was selected for the honor an<Wie was
i accordingly elected. *
Mr. Jones is a native of •ockhill,
S. C., and has been a rerJdeirt of San
I Antonio for fourteen ytAfs. yen years
■ ago when the San Antonio Traction
company ami the San Antoni-, Gas
Electric company were merged, Mr.
Jones accepted a position as/ a clerk
in the office. Ue was later mide cash
। ier and steadily worked hiss way up
I round by round on the ladder? until lie
I Finally became general sccvotary of
the two companies. This pos'tion he
i held up to a few days ago v hen he
11 was elected an officer,
Mr. Jones stands well with the of
' fieers and die employes of div com
■ i panics and is very popular. He is rc
’ ■ guided as dm one man who will prove
I to be ven valuable to Mr. Tuttle, the
1. general manager, from the' fact that he
i has shown tact in every matter he has
I handled. This was taken; into consid-
I oration when the new office was crent
jcd and by reason of the' splendd per-
fonnances in the past, the directors,
to a man. decided on Mr. Jones as the
one they would clothe with more au
SAN \NTOMO, Tex., April 18.-— Temper
aturcs nnd rainfall for the stations named
below fur the 21 hours ending at 8 o'cluck
this morning were as follows:
—Temp— State of
Max. Min. Rain. Weather
♦Abilene .... 82 5b .00 Clear
♦Amarillo .... 74 44 .00 Clear
Ballinger . . .. 84 48 .00 Clear
Bteville 74 48 .00 Pt. Cid
Brenham 84 50 .00 Clear
"Brownsville .. 88 56 .00 Clear
Corsicana . . 82 52 .00 Clear
♦Corpus Christi 84 60 .00 Clear
Cuero 82 52 .<’0 Clear
Dallas . ..•. 82 48 .00 Clear
-Del Rio .... 86 40 .00 Clear
Dublin 78 52 .00 Clear
•KI Paso . 78 46 .00 Clear
•Kort Worth . . 82 52 .00 Clear
♦Galveston . . . 80 64 .00 Clear
Greenville . . .. 78 50 .00 Cb*r
* Houston .. ,.82 58 .00 Clear
Huntsville .. .78 52 .00 Clear
Kerrville .... 82 40 .00 Clear
Longview .... 76 52 .00 Clear
Mexia 82 52 .00 Clear
Nacogdoches .. 76 50 .00 Clear
Palestine ... 80 56 .00 Clear
Paris 76 42 .00 Clear
Quanah 78 44 .00 Clear
' San Antonio • 84 00 .00 Clear
San Marcos ... 82 50 .00 Cleary
I * Taylor 84 56 .00 Clear
[Temple 86 50 .00 Clear
i Waco 84 52 .00 Clear
Waxahachie ... 83 48 .00 Clear
Weatherford ... 80 50 .00 Clear
! Brownwood ... 84 50 .00 Clear
Henrietta .. ..80 42 .OU Clear
। Luling 70 46 .oo Clear
Sherman .... 84 56 .00 Clear
•Minimum temperature is for last twelve
f Indicates inappreciabl rainfall.
Max. Mln. Rain.
i Wilmington, N. C 72 54 1.30
Charleston, S. C 71 52 1.30
I Augusta. Ga 70 50 .40
Savannah. Ga 74 53 .80
Atlanta, Ga 69 50 .00
Montgomery, Ala. ..... 70 50 .oo
Mobile. Ala K. 72 50 .00
Memphis, Tenn 68 46 .00
A icksburg. Mise 74 50 .00
New Orion n«. La 76 50 .00
I Little R)rk. Ark 70 II .00
, Houston, Tex 82 52 .on
Oklahoma Ciiy, Okla.... 70 42 .00
Remark. 1 .
* The following named MnlHut .report an
i Inch or more of rainfall: Mobile. 1.40. Golds
horo. 2.00. Newbern, 1.60. Raleigh. 1.70.
Weldon. 4.50. Kingstree. 4.00. St. G«urge.
1.20. Americus, 3.24. 1.01. Wavnei
boro, 1.10,
Local Forecaster Weather Bureau.
Four entertaining nets and the pic
tures is the biii that Manager Spencer
is offering in his popular vaudeville
house for carnival week.
The Ahlbergs open the bill in difficult
acrobatic stunts that are featured by
u line of comedy that gets a laugh with
every move. The act. is nicely set in
the barnyard of a farm. This lends
color to the manner in which they per
form amazing nets that calls for
strength and agility.
McLean and Bryant in an amusing
comedy sketch entitled “Ootsey” call
for a bit of acting to carry out a pleas
ing little plot along with the introduc
tion of several well rendered songs.
Vivian and Altoni in “Fun in a Chin
ese Laundry,” kept the house in a roar
with their comic tumbling and turning I
Edna Julian, in a variety of graceful
dances, was most pleasing. Owing to
her good looks and personality, she was
easily the favorite of the bill, being
heartily applauded after each dance.
Her hornpipe and Spanish dances were;
the best and were appreciated by the
Nat Goodwin’s great success, “Tn
Mizzouri,” was again made a success
by the Isabelle Lowe Stock company at
the Empire yesterday, when it pleased
two large audiences. II. Guy Wood
ward. the able stage director, appeared
in the leading role of Jim Radburn, the
sheriff, aud the result was what might
have been expected. The play is full
of pathos and humor and the settings
are pretentious. In the second act ir
blacksmith shop is shown and n real
forge aud bellows add realization in
the shape of sparks and red hot iron.
Joseph Remington plays the part of
Joe Vernon, the blacksmith politician,
| in a very pleasing manner. A lot of
I humor is furnished by Miss Grace Ray
| moud as Miss Vernon. Isabelle Lowe
plays the part of ’Lizbeth, the slovenly
। and lazy maid, to perfection. Miss
Van in the leading role of Kate Vernon
। adds new laurels to her reputation.
“hi Mizzouri” will be the bill until
Thurday. when the farce comedy. “The
i Boss of the House.” will be presented;
Manager Martin of the Happy Hour
theater has secured four head-lino
'vaudeville acts for carnival week, in-
I eluding contortionists, an impersonator.
I a singing and dancing team nnd a con-
I .hirer ami magician.
This cozy little place i« quite a fav
‘ oritc. and uses only strictly high Mass
performers. The many electric fans
I located throughout the bouse assures a
Sketches of Albert W. Wolter, the
Youth accused of murdering Ruth
” heeler, the 15-year-old stenographer
of New York, whose almost unrecog
nizable burned body was found in a
yard next to Wolter's house the day
following she had applied to him for
a position in answer to a postal card
he had sent to a business college. The
picture on the lower left is that of Ad
elaide Wheeler, the sister of little
Ruth, who when sho went to Wolter in
search of the missing girl was tem
porarily locked in his room and only
that she declared a policeman waited
outside might have met the same fate
ns her sister. As it was she was gross
ly insulted and heartlessly sneered at.
Wolter has been speedily indicted by
the grand jury.
The youn" ladies who will take part
in the Musicale Daunante at the
Grand Opera house tonight for the
benefit of the Free Kindergarten, will
be entertained with a dinner party on
the open air court of the St. Anthony
hotel tonight after the performance.
The partv will be clia; -oned by Mrs.
Gholson, Mrs. J. A. Buckler and Mrs.
T. A. Coleman. ,
I cool, pleasant and enjoyable time, no
; matter how warm outside.
As a special feature during Carnival
' week, and to add to the general Knm
Rite In welcome to visitors. Marino
. Buratovich of rue Saratoga Restau
rant. 228 East Houston street, has ar
' ranged with the Royal orchestra to
play dinner and supper engagements in
his dining room during the entire
. week.
| Everybody knows Harry Kronsberg
and his Royal orchestra. Not only is
, it a standard musical organization but
Prof. Kronsberg shows exceptionally
. good judgment in arranging his pro
grams so that all classes of auditors
will enjoy them. While a majority of
the music is of the popular order, the
leader sprinkles in a classical selec
tion occasionally just to balance the
The Saratoga observes a fixed policy
during all rush times, which has en
|deared it to visitors. This policy is to
give quick service and good eating
without raising the prices beyond rea
son. Extra help has been engaged for
the week, and Mr. Buratovich says he
' can feed 5000 people easily.
Besides the regular standard dishes.,
the Saratoga also carries many special
lines, aneh as fresh water fish, squabs,
frog’s legs, turtle steaks and other del
icaies. All vegetables are purchased
carefully from known vendors and no
sewer farm stuff is sold.
! The Saratoga is ready for the Car
nival and has the “Kum Rite In” sign
1 ■ out. •
Mata ia Causes t-oss of Appetite.
। The Old Standard GROVE'S TASTE
' LESS CHILL TONIC, drives out ma
laria and builds ,up the system. For
grown people and Children 50c.
TER, Department of Texas, San An
tonio’. Texas. April 5, 1910.
Sealed proposals, in triplicate, for
sinking two tubular wells to a depth of
500 feet each, if required, at Leon
Springs, Texas, will be received at this
office until 11:00 a. in., April 19, 1910,
and then publicly opened. United
States reserves the right to accept or
re jeer any or nil proposals, or any pari,
thereof. General instructions to bidders,
I specifications and proposal blanks will
|be furnished on application. Envelopes
j containing proposals should be marked.
I “Proposals for sinking tubular wells al
i Leon Springs. Texas,” and addressed to
Col Jno. L. Clem, C. Q. M.
The regular meeting of Commercial
Camp, No. 41, Woodmen of the World,
i will be held this evening at.Woodmen
. Forest, corner of Commerce anil presa
strefs. Meeting opens at S o’clock, and
I all members are urged to attend. Visit
i ing sovereigns are cordially invited.
JOS. -I. SWEENEY, Con. Com.
I J O. BELL, Clerk.
They Are
Going F ast
That’s what the Air Ships will
do and what
lots are doing—We are selling
lots of lots and selling them fast
to good people for homes and investment
Choice lots, with macadamized
Streets. Cement Walks. City
water, etc., etc., can be bought
NOW FROM $300 TO $650
on very easy payments. You
can see without buying—but
don’t buy without seeing what
we have to offer .you. J*. Sa
Highland Improvement Co.
CHAS. M. ROBERTS, Sales Mgr.
Phones: Old 1085, New 692 507 Navarro Street
Body Meets at 3:30 But Ad
journs Until Usual Hour on
Tuesday Afternoon.
The city council wlil transact no
business today at the regular meeting,
scheduled to have taken place at 4
o’clock. In order that the city fathers
might participate in the opening day
parade of the spring carnival, which
takes place at that hour that afternoon.
Mayor Callaghan issued an order this
morning that the council convene at
3:30 o’clock and adjourn immediately
after the reading of the minutes of the
previous meeting.
Adjournment will be taken in all
probability until tomorrow afternoon,
when a special session of the aldernianic
body will be held, probably at the reg
ular meeting hour. Several important
matters are pending before the body
that require early action and it is for
this reason that a special session -will
be held.
Boston, Mass., April 18.—The bald
headed woman is a thing of the near
future, if she continues to wear rats
in her hair, according to Dr. C. J.
White, who has gone to some length in
warning against it. And the woman,
for their part, can be depended upon
to ignore anything that slaps nt style.
He says wire puffs nrc not so bad,
because they admit of ventilation for
the hair, but “rats” heat if nnd tempt
it to degenerate and in time it. falls
out. Besides, he says, ami ihat may
have some little effect, an old face with
young looking hair looks ridiculous.
This Was a protest against the use of
hair dyes, which he calls dangerous.
But rats —shun them, girls, if you
want to have anything left to wear
them in.
Fine Weather In Sight Here,
Though Up North Winter Has
Them Still Shivering,
Clear skies for the next forty-eight
hours is the prediction made by Major
Buell, local forecaster of the United
States weather bureau.
The storm area which was over the
Mississippi valley on Saturday has
moved very slowly, and is now central
oyer the northern part of Illinois. This
distrubance has been accompanied by
excessive rains in the Nfiesissippi val
ley and in the district cast, some sta
tions having reported as much as four
inches of rain. Clody, rainy weather
and some snow prevails in the upper
Mississippi valley, in the lake region,
in the Ohio \alley aud in New H '— Hud.
Snow is falling in eastern Missouri and
in Illinois.
A high pressure area is following this
storm, bringing with it decidedly colder
weather. In Iowa the temperature is
generally below freezing and it is freez
ing in the northwestern states.
Fine weather is in sight for the next
twenty-four hours, and the major avers
that the indications are that fine weath
•r will prevail throughout the entire
Chief McGee of the Dallas fire d e
partment is in the city and will remain
a few days to witness the carnival.
Chief McGee is absent on a two weeks ’
leave of absence, coming here from
Mineral springs, where he spent about
ten days. The Dallas fire fighter is
today inspecting the local fire depart
ment in company with Chief Phil
To Residents cf Tobin Hill and West
We are delivermg lee daily through
nut your districts, and will continue tc
do so every day m tho year. We so
licit your patronage and guarantee
weight, good aervice and goad treat
Either Phone 22 and 146.
—Wanted—Extra carrier boys with
horse and cart. S. A. Light and Gsz«tt<.
* - '* ' -—j.
Peck's Appointment