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San Antonio light and gazette. [volume] (San Antonio, Tex.) 1909-1911, April 24, 1910, Image 16

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86090238/1910-04-24/ed-1/seq-16/

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A Special Bargain Bulletin For Monday
This page is devoted to news of real bargains for tomorrow’s sale. The offerings include our regular lines at reduced prices and special under-value purchases from manu
facturers and importers who are closing their season. In some instances we have been able to duplicate earlier purchases at almost half early season prices—and in such
instances our present stocks are marked to conform to the new stocks. •
In a word—tomorrow will be BARGAIN DAY—read the bulletin, every line of it, and start W. & M.-ward early in the morning to share in these unusual economies.
$25 Rajauh Dresses $18.95: The Best of This Year’s Dressy Styles
To the Rajah Silk Dresses in stock at $22.50 and $25 we add a purchase of twenty entirely new styles and offer choice of the collection at $18.95. These are in the most
charming spring shades, champagne, rose, reseda, Copenhagen, etc. Every dress is beautifully trimmed—lace yokes, bodices hand embroidered and braided. Plain and
r 1 11- m a • » • f + f _ J ♦ • a A 1 K 4 * 1 l 1 ib«r 1 1 1 1 O
Last Day of the Jewelry Sale
Jewilere’ qualities at a third to half of jewelers’ prices—Final clean-up
and stock adjustment of all lines.
Solid Gold Brooches—variety of de- Necklaces—heavy gold wire chain-
signs—set with real pearls, garnets an I amethyst pendant —set with pearls—s 2
rose diamonds. Values up to $lO. Sale values. Sale price $l.
price, $3. i $1 TIE HOLDERS 50c
$2.50 TO $5 PINS $1 TO $2.50 Tie Holders —green gold —stone set
Belt Pins —Imported styles, heavy —ornate as well as useful. $1 values,
gold plate—rose, gold and green gold Sale price, 50c.
finish. $2.50 to $5 values—Sale price, $1.25 COLLAR PINS 50c
$1 to $2.50. Collar Pins —Gold filled, oxidized
$8.50 NECK CHAINS $4 and silver plate; also enameled—set
Neck Chains—gold filled—rope and with Rhinestone and other semi-pre
curb styles —12 to 14 inches long; val- cious stones —values to $1.25. Sale
ues up to $8.50. Sale prices. 50c to $4. price, 50c.
Belt Pins —gold filled, green gold Necklaces—gold filled chain, with
a£d silver plate, plain;’ chased and leart pendant; set with amethyst and
stone set—values up to 75c each. Sale other stones. $1 values tomorrow 50c.
price. 25c. $2 JABOT PINS $1.25
50c NOVELTY HAT PINS 25c Jabot Pins, 14k. gold on sterling sil-
Hat Pins—Gold plate and oxidized ver; crescent, round, oval and bar; set
heads; large stone settings—soc val- with Pearls and Rhinestones, some en
ues. Sale price, 25c. ameled. $2 to $4 values. Sale price,
$2.50 GOLD BROOCHES $1 $1.25 to $2.50.
Brooches—gold filled, Roman and $1 HAT PINS 50c
green finish; wreath and leaf designs; Hat Pins —Rhinestone, spike and
set with genuine pearls—s2.so values, large stone settings—big selection of
Sale price, $l. $1 values tomorrow at 50c.
10,000 Yards©/ 15c White and Colored Wash Goods Monday at 11c Yard
Two weeks ago we held the Premier Wash Goods Sale of the spring season at 25c. The success of that sale spurs us to attempt a still greater achievement. To tempt
to lure, with an unprecedented offering, the greatest crowd of enthusiastic wash goods buyers that has ever been drawn to this store, we have selected for the occasion the
fairest lines that our whole stock comprises—the most wanted, the most desirable and serviceable fabrics and the choicest patterns, styles and including white goods
that we sell regularly at 15c a yard—tomorrow, only 11c.
C 27-inch silky mercerized Poplins—2o new street shades. 'I r 36-inch White Mull Checks —Soft Chiffon finish —in small, medium and '
. _ 27-inch Silk Mulls —in the prettiest shades. • broken checks. ,
27-inch Printed Voiks-stripes, checks and plaid combinations. I|c 32-inch White India Linon. A standard quality for all uses.
Wash Goods , . „. . 27-inch White Dimity Checks—sheer quality, m various small checks, for nmie UOOuS
I 36-inch French linen-iinish Smtinfis—Solid colors tor suits, auto coats I J waist ' a „ d childre „. B dr J ses . I ..
| and separate skirts. 27-inch White Lawn Checks. A very sheer quality; satin checked effect. |B C*
40-inch printed Batistes, new, pretty patterns, in dainty spring shades. Choice 27-inch plain white Nainsook; sheer French quality for fine underwear.
27-inch Novelty Lawns—Floral designs for kimonas; small, neat dress OICe 27-inch Nainsook Checks, in satin check only—several styles. Small, I Yard
t styles in figures, dots and stripes. ' . medium and large. J
Beautifully Trimmed $7, $8.50 and sloHats Monday for $5.00
It is like carrying- art to the “auction block” to offer such
hats for $5. But, we started out to make Monday a day of
memorable selling throughout tie store. And this offering will
serve to make W. & M. Millinery stand out prominently in all
your hat calculations--present and future. Here it is;
Smart tailored effects—closefitting Turbans—trimmed with long and
fancy feathers and aigrettes— pressed shapes, trimmed with velvet, pom-
pons, lace bows and grasses—braid hats trimmed with cabachons, wings
and novelty feathers; also Milans, chips, hemp'and fancy straws, trimmed
with flowers, ribbons and Dresden silks. Charming styles for street wear
and for traveling—and dressy styles fit to grace grand occasions. Monday,
$7.00, $8.50 and $lO.OO hats for $5.00.
New Blocked Shapes Have Arrived
New selection of blocked shapes—Hemps, Milans and Chips
white, black, burnt ’ and all desirable colors. Prices $3.50, $5.00 to $lO.
New Bags: Special Monday Bargains $6 Cut Glass Bowls Monday for $4
Shopping Bags—in grain, walrus and Patmt i D <• , Look aheac t. the Juno weddings—think of the presents you’ll have io
patent leather, strap handle, gilt and fr „ Bags-German mlver b eut g]aM tomorrow and save one-third.
gunmetal trimming-$2.50 values, Pitchers - Claret ’ and water 8-ineh Cut Glass Bowls-Deep
fOr 8 . ..u V. . «, • ’ 5 Pitchers—rich, brilliant patterns- ent. new dc Bl gns-s(> values-
Bags—Sead leather, black only— Shoppings Bags—lo-inch — covered $g to $l3 50 values Mondav, $4.50 Monday, $4.
fancy German silver and gilt frames, frames, leather lined coin purse dou- to $lO. ’ Celery Trays—new shapes—deep
leather lined—coin purse and card ble strap handle, gilt and gunmetal Nappies, plain or handled—6lh. cut—s3.so to $6.50 values, Monday,
case enclosed; $5 values for $3.50. trimmed—sl.so values, $l. “ size—s 3 valub, Monday, $2. $2.50 to $5.
3c Apron Checks 6c Yard 12 1-2 c Grass Cloth 9c Yard 35c Pepperell Sheeting 29c
2000 yards of regular 8e Apron Check Ging- 12 1 2c white Dumbarten linen finish Grass The genuine 10 * Pepperell Mill, bleached
hams—checks of various size—Monday only Cloth—for waists, skirts and suits—36 inches sheeting—regularly 35c yard, Monday, special
—oc yard. —Monday—9c yard. for 29c.
fancy pleated skirts. Misses’ sizes up from 16 years and women s sizes up to 44. Monday only, $22.50 and $25 dresses reduced to 510.95.
*«•'' • ’ * /
Delightfully Charming $16.50 Foulard and Rajah Dresses $15.95
Choice of an assemblage of charming spring dresses —rich foulards, in black and white, navy and white and rose and white. Yokes are trimmed with daintiest of
laces and neat self-straps. The Rajahs’are in brown and natural colors only; net yokes and hand-embroidered fronts —$16.50 dresses Monday for $13.95.
$l5 Woolen Coat Suits $10.95 $12.50 White and Colored Linen Dresses $lO ' $l5 Russian Blouse Dresses $12.50
Tailored Suits, made in a fine way. of all wool self-striped Panama, i Of pure linen, trimmed in linen lace and embroidery; Dutch neck 5 These are made of pure Irish linen, in white only; plain tailored
Lin latest pastel colors. 34-inch coat, lined with silk niessaline —a very \ and short sleeves; pleated and tunic skirts. Lilac, pink, blue, white and 5 model, with Dutch neck and short sleeves; button trimmed; patent
' “snappy” model. Skirts come in new pleated model. $l5 suits Mon- < natural ce’or. Women’s and misses’ sizes—sl2.so dresses Monday < leather belt. Black, light blue and cardinal. Women’s and misses’
dnv onlv $10.95. t only 11®- > sizes. For Monday only, $l5 dresses $12.50.
$5 Hand Embroidered Waists $3 wnderfuiiy Good $5.00 $6.50 Walking Skirts for $5
A great purchase of sheer and dainty { Choice of 200 Waists—Ten different SHk PcftiCOSfS fOT Made of Shepherd checks, striped < 100 Skirts, in white,- tan. black and
waists, with high or Dutch necks —long styles —made of lingerie and lawn— Vigoreanx and black and navy Panamas < white and brown and white stripes, made
or short sleeves; trimmed in fine Vai. some have allover embroidered fronts; Monday at M. 39 —All pleated models—some pleated full > styles o V] DenS tUn 'l
laees and insertions, hand-embroidered others have trimming of Vai. and Irish wo p etticoats made of ; uBtrous length, others have yokes and foot pleats. 35 to 44-ineh lengths. $1.50
in sprays and scroll designs. Buttoned laces; still others are trimmed with all-silk Taffeta- in a full ranee of liaht P' eat ® and some are plain tailored mod- < skirts Monday special, for $1.19.
front and back Sizes 34 to 44. $5 val- medallions and fine t«ckw^a 1 Tarl colo™, and black Some with els. One style i. trimmed in folds, but- Tan. pink ‘and bh4 Skirts, made of
uts on sale Monday at $3. Special for’Monday only at $165 flounces of Dresden and fancy plaid f oni and braiding. $6.50 values, Monday pu r « ,ine n. tunic style, with deep pleats,
Chiffon Waists, in white, champagne, P * ’ All made full width, with deep for — ’ perfect fitting and hanging garments,
black reseda and wisteria—made if ' Fresh. new lingerie stvles—made of tailored and fan pleated flounces. ’ full range of sizes. $6 values, Monday
B t\ cc 1 . h. eb b n soft sheer lingerie doth and Fren.-h ar « the W ’ &M ’ fainous * 5 « i,k Fine crisp black Voile Skirts-new lin-, for W. 50.
silk chiffon, lined with thin white china sort, sneer lingerie <iotn ana rren.n p e tticbats, conceded by competition ~ ~ 1 . . , , o ’
silk; some made with laee yokes, soutache J lawn Lace and embroidery trimmed; and public as the best silk petticoat inC 11 ' man y c 01ce ®.' e - . ome are s _ w > t * • j «
braid and button trimming; others all- j sleeves in the new cut, with deep cuffs, ever sold at the price. Every one of becomingly trimmed with braiding, satin 5 omen s bace trimmed ngur-
over pink tucks and messaline trimmings. J daintily trimmed. Sizes 34 to 44—52.50 these skirts ought to sell in a day at and silk bands. Others are in severely > lawn house dresses—black, white and
$8.50 and $lO waists for Monday Sis the regular price—for Monday only Monday’s special price— $4.39. plain tailored models. The height of S colors—Monday $1.50.
only. $6.50. ) $2.19. _______________________ $12.50 value —Monday for $lO. J ’
New Gingham Dresses for $7.95 and $lO
Of striped and cheeked Gingham, washable fast colors; trimmed in lace and embroidery—made
with overskirt, finished with bands of solid colors to blend. Women’s and misses’ sizes. Great values
for Monday, at $7.95 and $lO.
New Lingerie Dresses Under-value
lu white and colors, of soft lingerie and French lawn, Dutch and high neck: short and long sleeves;
tunic and plain pleated skirts—trimmed in Val.. baby Irish, linen laces and dainty Swiss embroideries.
The latest fashions. Stvles that would have cost almost double three weeks ago. Tomorrow at —$6.50,
$8.95, $lO to $2O.
Ramie Linen Auto Capes for $7.50
Full length, circular cut, with washable Persian collar. White and natural color —Extra for $7.50.
Kull length, cream diagonal Serge Coats —shawl col lar and cuffs of fancy colored silks; elegantly
tailored, $2O. Of Cloth of Gold and Pongee, $25. *
New Prices on Misses' and Children's Dresses
These NEW prices tell a story of saving t 0 mothers who have children to dress— a significant
story of economy:
Infants’ 75c Longcloth and Lawn Dresses, 6 months to 3 years—Monday 59c
Infants’ $1.25 Long and Short Nainsook Dresses, hand-emb. yokes—Monday 95c
Children’s $1.25 French Dresses of Lawn, hemstitched tucked yokes, 2 to 6 years—sl.9s
Children’s $2.50 French Dresses of Lawn, cluster hemstitched tucks, 2 to 6 years—sl.9s
Misses’ $6.95 White Lawn Dresses, charming styles, sizes 6 to 14 years—Monday $5
Misses’ $lO White Organdy Dresses, fancifully trimmed, sizes 6 to 16 years—s7.9s
$4.50 Jap Matting Rugs, 9x12 feet, for $3.25
We bad a lot of these rugs a year ago and sold them as a special ‘‘After Stipi>er” offering for $3.25 each.
And we’ve been waiting ever since for a chance to buy them again at a price that would let us sell them for
$3.25. ‘‘All things come, etc.” This time we secured 100. They are full-room size rugs—9xl2 feet. Of fine
Jan. Mattings, well-made and flat-stitched. Plain, medallion centers, Oriental and floral patterns; greens
blues, etc. Alonday, instead of $4.50, specially priced at $3.25.
Slher Special Rug Values for Monday
9x12 ft. Wool Fibre Rugs—Regularly $12.50, Monday for $9.45
6x9 ft. Wool Fibre Rugs —Regularly $7.50, Monday for $6.00
9x12 ft. Crex Grass Rugs—Regularly $ll.OO, Monday for $9.00
3x6 to Bxlo Crex Rugs—Regularly $1.75 to $8.75, Monday $1.45 to $7.00
575 Pair Nottingham Lace Curtains 1-3 Less
From the foremost American maker of Nottingham Curtains we closed on four lots, aggregating 575
pairs, about one-third less than list price. As they were bought, they will sell —one-third less than usual prices.
White and ecru. Every one three yards long.
< • Lot i—sl.oo Nottingham Lace Curtains 65c pair
Lot 2—51.25 Nottingham Lace Curtains 85c pair
Lot 3 —51.50 Nottingham Lace Curtains $l.lO pair
| Lot 4 —52.00 Nottingham Lace Curtains $1.50 pair
Fine'Bobbiuet Curtains —Regularly $4, $4.50, $5, $6, $8 and $lO, Monday <at $3.50, $3.95, $4.35, $5, $6.50
• and $7.50.
Monday Matting Prices Spell Savings
20c, 25c, 30c and 40c Mattings for 15c, 18c, 25c and 27c yard
Laid free of charge —in order of sale —first sold, first laid.
We Sell Linoleums for Less __ r —
Figuring on Linoleum for office, store, hall, dining-room, kitchen or VOUCH Covers 50c
: bathroom—We can and will save yon money. Our prices are less. Ami .many use
60c, 65c and 75c Linoleums 55c, 60c and 65c square yard pestry—regular 75c values. Mon-
$1 15. $1.35 and $1.50 Linoleums $l.OO $1.20 and $1.35 square yard ,lav lor
Wolff ManTCo?
Table Damask Remnants % Off
Fite Linen Damasks at the usual cost of ‘‘Union-Linen.” These are the
remnants and ’small pieces left from the April Sale of Housekeeping Linens.
The majority consists of finest linens—not soiled, not damaged—every piece
highly desirable. Lengths from 11-4 to 31-2 vards—mostly 21-2 and 3-yard
lengths. Good values at the marked prices—but Monday to close out, reduced
25 per cent—one-fourth off.
Embroideries Priced for a New High
Record for April Selling
Wc don’t expect to reach the high marks of the first day of the March
Sale, bu‘ we do expect to break all April Sale records tomorrow. No sale has
ever held such values. And. we might add, our reason for not expecting to
beat the March record “is: The quantity is not sufficient, not if every yard is
If you want to share and appreciate first choice be here early.
50 pieces of fine Swiss and Cambric Embroidery Edges and Insertions—
odd pieces and troken match sets —2 to 9 inches wide—Values to 20c yard,
Monday for 10c.
Broken match sets, fine Swiss and Nainsook —baby patterns, floral and
scroll designs—blind and open effects—Values to 75c yard. Monday for 30c.
27-inch Swiss Flouncing—fine quality—large floral and scroll effects,
eyelet and open patterns. Values to $1.25 yard, Monday for 75c.
Bands to match—for 45c.
Corset Cover Embroidery—lB inches wide—sheer quality cambric— beaded
edges—soc value, Monday for 39c. •
APRIL 24, 1910.

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