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Read the Want Ads and Get in Touch With Live Propositions Classified Ads We take classified ads ever prone or will send messenger for them when re quired to do so. One insertion, per word 1c Four couKoutlve insertions, per word >° Seven consecutive insertions, per word Ten consecutive insertions or more each insertion, per word l-2c No ad received for less than 15c. Classified ads for the Sunday Light and Gazette will not be received after 10 o'clock Saturday night. EITHER PHONE 176 FOR SALE— MiaceUaneouu Sells only the best post oak and mes quite wood, delivered In full cord wagons Phones 1107. Frank Basels. FULL cord Of store wood, $5,50. B. A. Wood Co. Old phone 156. New phone 316. HICKS -Eagle Pass cool, oak wood Con eumers'Fuel Co.. 404 Nolan St. old phono 3785. New phone 647. FOR SALE—IOxIO portable chicken eoop. 721 Wyoming street. New phono 1349 red. CHOICE mesquite etove wood $», oak $6. Guaranteed full eords. I. * G. N. Wood Yard. Both phones. _______ ONE three horsepower gasoline engine. One No. 4 and one No. 5 centrifugal pump for sale. Fuller Machine Shop, 519 South Alamo etreet. / NICE furniture of fire room houae; most be sold at once. 207 Pleasanton road. South Flores car. CASH paid for old gold and silver. A Cou lon, manufacturing jeweler and watch maker, 102 Mackay building. FIFTY pounds best granulated sugar for $1.50; other groceries at correpsondingly low prices. Drop ns a postal for price list. Landrum, Rogers A Co., San Antonio, Tex. FOR SALE—Ice cream and soda water busi ness. The best stand in city, with living rooms. 403 East Commerce. LAWN mowers fixed; garden hose and mow ers. Free delivery. Rollins. New phone 901, old 307. WE REPAIR watches and clock, at cut prices; setisfaction guaranteed. 8. B. May, 104 West Houston street. FOR BALE —Iron safe, about 1060 pounds. 118 South Alamo street. HARDWARE of all kinds at prices that will surprise you. 3*13 West Houston street. for SALE — One IDEAL CONCRETE BLOCK MACHINE, BxBxl6-inch size, complete with extra pallets. Everything is new. Will sell at once at a great eaenfics. Inquire Perry S. Robertson, 413-414 Alamo Bank building, San Antonio, Texas. UNREDEEMED Singer sewing machines, $7.50, $l4, $lB and $2O, all guaranteed in perfect condition; aleo. one unredeemed 3-4 1-16 white beautiful diamond worth $125, for $5B. and one diamond ring, snake style, set with two white diamonds, worth $65, for $2l. San Pedro Loan Co’ 725 W. Commerce. FOR SALE— Live Stock and Pete. FOR BALE —Cheap. Robber tired gig, just the thing for » newsboy’s route. Address 1118 West Commere* THOROUGHBRED HambUtonian stallion for Berries, fee $l5. I. ft G. N. Wood Yard. Both phoneo. REGISTERED JERSEY BULL for terries, fee $3. Jersey cows for sale. Joe A How ard, 227 South Flore, etreet, rear Jick W. Neal',. WE TRADE buggies, spring and farm wagons for horses, mules or cattle. See our large stock of vehicles. WALLACE BROS. South Side Military Plaza. FOR SALE—Cheap. Two large horses. Bai lie's Steam Bakery. FOK SALE—-Eight-year-old trim built 'grey horse, works single or double and under saddle, gentle for lady to drive. Apply 309 Wyoming. POULTRY— ~~~ And Eggs for Hatching. FOR SALE—Settings from first prix w * n niug Silver Wyandottes. Price Ji/’ "R ply at 1119 Garden street. Mew FOK SALE—FuII blood Piymoutl> <ock • SB * $l.OO a setting at 503 River EGOS from pens of White/’?*'* 0 ™ *fens mated to White Orpington -ockerels which make a “first cross’r that r 3 producers. 15 for $l.OO. W. W. EGOS for hatching frr J®" 01 "® Northrop strain Black Minorc? . V"*?. I ped any place by or*® 58- Hnntt 2109 } Matamoras. , ’ lAM selling on'*." , my B®” Ooehin and Black Minor- ®^ c . k^! '' '°" r f!® k <° r I hens $1.25 ea< sX »» ®»« h - Roosters from'2 '” “k* 4 - Don ‘ «®“e un ' less you wc,° W th ® P r . lce - A - " • Bit ter 1111 Olive street. FGtm fr & nf chine from exceptionally beau tiful -kode Island Reds at $1.50 per set •. J. Wood, 225 Muncey. FO’ BALE—Two laying hens and one ■ • roster Rhode Island Reds. 944 North street. BUSINESS CHANCES— 4 __ 1 WANTED —4 man with a few hundred i dollars to inrest in a good live business. Call at 402-4 Washer building. j । FOR SALE OK EXCHANGE—For improved I farm, one drug store. Apply 128 Park 1 J Place. ' ' 1 FOR SALF —A business lot next the drug store on Fredericksburg road. Apply at drug . store. j IF you want to make a homo in an ideal i climate, we will furnish the land “on j time." from the NATASCOSA RANCH SUB j DIVISION, 1 miles from a progressive town. . Fanns 922 per acre. $1 down, balance week- “ ly monthly or yearly. Your expenses paid to investigate. W. C. NORTON, Manager, JO 1. RD AN TON, TEX. FOR SALE—ReaI estate business, roller top 5 desk and typewriter cheap. Address care 4172, Light and Gazette. r —— ■ —— ■ ~■■■■. ( ROOMING house fnrnishrd for rent; also for sale, one hotel; all well located. 727 East \ Houston. ——■ — — a FIFTY pounds best granulated sugar for 91-50. Other groceries at correspondingly X low prices. Drop us a postal for prico list. Lardrum. Rugers & Co., San Antonio, Tex. d SUNDAY. • / FOR RENT— Mouaua. FOR RENT —Tobin Hill cottage, good barn, cement walks, all modern. 126 Lewis tit. W. J. Lyons. FOR RENT—Seven-room ho«M, close to car, modern conveniences. Zay bmith, new phone 3602. FOR sale or rent, new 8-room 2-story resi dence. strictly modern. 612 Augusta St. For price and terms call at 826 Brooklyn avenue. FOR RENT—A very desirable five-room cot tage, all conveniences. Madison Square district. Inquire in afternoon at 715 Balti* more avenue. FLAT of five rooms, bath etc., at 215% s - Alamo street will be for rent in a few days. F. Hardman, 218 South Alamo street. FOR RENT —Half of my residence at a bar gain. Family with no small children de sired. 118 Porter street, South Heights. Car stops at gate. FOR RENT—Four-room house with electric lights and bath. 62H Live Oak. Inquire August Mugge, corner Nolan and Elm streets. COMPLETELY furnished house on Laurel Heights. Lower floor four rooms furnished. Also cottage on Hot Wells car, $l5. Inquire 2811 North Flores. FOR RENT—Now 12-room residence, oak floors and finish, elegantly furnished, ser vants houae, barn, garage. Bay front. Ad dress box 166, Port Lavaca, Texas. FOR RENT—By owner, three rooms, two galleries, $8 per mouth. Call 602 Victoria street. FOR RENT—Small four-room house. 610 South Walnut. Call at 312 Nevada street. FOR RENT 111 G Paso Hondo, 4 rooms and bath. .$13.00 113 d Paso Hondo, 3 rooms aad bath $ll.OO , KENNETH WIMER & CO. Exc. Agts. Old Phone 92. 207 Gibbs Bldg. 4 R. 341 Cooper St $12.00 8 303 Sau Pedro . 75.00 4 Monterey and Brazos 18.00 6 502 Goliad 25.00 4 530 W. Craig 20.00 6 1104 N. Olive T 30.00 ‘ 8 236 Madison 45.00 ’ 8 603 Augusta 50.00 . 8 230 Lavaca 35.00 9 1103 N. Olive 30.00 5 1106 Wyoming 20.00 5 1154 Matamoras 14.00 : 4 108 Hicks Ave 14.00 4 1414 N. Pine 12.50 Call at the office ami look over our list. R. H. WESTER CO. Real Estate, Rentals & Insurance. Phones 3041. 320 East Houston St. FOR RENT—New eight-room residences To bin Hill, all modern conveniences. $35; lease or by month. A. J. Greiner, 240 Moore building. phone 1469. FOR RENT. I 326 San Pedro, 11-r. strictly modern $55.00 427 Madison, 8-r. hall, bath, brick.. 50.00 , I 620 N. Florea, 9-r. hall, bath, mod. . 50.00 * Madison St., 8-r. bath, strictly mod. . 45.00 * 824 Maverick. 13-r. modern 45.00 1 122 South. 7-r. hall, bath 35.00 ■ 919 Aganier, 5-r. cot., completely fur. 35.00 * 111 Woodward, 9-r. two-story mod.. 35.00 538 Goliad St., 7-r. hall, bath cottage 35.00 1501 Hackberry St.. 5-r. flat and store ; room 33.00 112 Belvin St., 7-r. hall, bath 25.00 1 1016 N. Florea St., 6-r. hall, bath.. 25.00 1 702 Cincinnati Ave., 9-r. two-story. . 25.00 ’ 509 W. Marshall, 6-r. hall, bath .... 25.00 1 1003 Zavala St., 6-r. bath, 2-story .. 25.00 • 320 W. Laurel, 5-r. mod. cot 25.00 i 742 Cincinnati Ave., 6-r. bath 20.0 | I 1106 Wyoming St., 5-r. hall, bath. . . . i 240 Drexel Ave M 4-r. bath, furnished I 605 Burnet St., 5-r. hall, bath 2 -9? j 1013 Zavala St M 5-r. bath ♦- 00 1509 N. Hackberry, 4-r. bath, new... 16 - 00 1505 N. Hackberry, 4-r. bath, new.. 16.00* i 614 Chestnut St., 4r. bath .. . v • 15.00 527 Denver boulevard, 7-r. bath .* • 15.00 139 N. Swiss St., 5-r. cottage . . . • • 12.75 : , 908 N. Mesquite St., 4-r. cottage •• • 12-°° j 114 Bowie St., 8-r cottage ....•••• 1200 3115 W. Commerce. 8-r. hall ••••• 11.00; 3117 W. Commerce, 8-r. hall. 11.00 i 118 Cortex St.. 4-r. hall 11.00 122 Broad Ave., 3-r. cottag* 10.00 1133 N. Laredo, 3-r. cotta* 10.00 | 224 Gibbs St., 8-r. cottar 7.50; 520 Vinton St.. 3-r. cotte* 7.50: 827 S. Leona St., 2-r. c^ l ** 5.00 112 Blum St., large Tnom •••• 50.00; CONROY* RtCE 1 FIVE ROOM cottag, Qa8 ’ electric lights, bath, automobile^ >arn » Madiaon Square district, corner D-' as an d Trenton. Apply 216 Lexington q-nue. Old phone 2106. FOR RENT—* 2 Cincinnati avenue. Six rooms, batt, P®utry, two lots, two-story barn. $2O. Phone 1670-1 ring. wan*d— Houaea. WANTED TO BUY ' I Aau n Propert)’ from non resident owner,. A. s Whitten, the architect, Muonic Temp!,, , j.'stln, Texas. 'WANTED—To rent furnished house of nine • rooms or larger, for rooming bouse. Ad dress 4132, Light. WANTED. Good gentle work horse, suitable for farm use: must be young and a bargain. Old • phone 569, or 3986 old. WANTED—To buy two four or five-room i houses, one eash, other easy; good con dition. Address 4171. Light. FOR SALE— I Veiuclea and Harneu. 1 FOR SALE-—A good, large, willing, gentle horse and steady traveler; buggies, wag ons and harness. Coiner N. Laredo and Lakeview Ave. M, Pigott, Carriage Shop. J FOK SALE —Cheap. Buggy with top. 830 Lamar street. $250.00 OPEN surrey, good condition, $35. Monday. Cameron, 112 H North Flores St. , FOR SALE—Good second hand buggy and barn as, $25. 1319 South Flores street. $35 will buy a good full leather top $B5 1 John Deere buggy and $l5 set of harness Apply any morning at 2425 Monterey street. f FOR SALE—Fine large black snrreyhoree . and surrey in fine condition. 501 Ogden street. FOK sale or trade. One fine family carriage, I standing top with doors, rubber tire, in I fine condition; will exchange for clear lot of its value; $3OO. cost $450. in storage at , SUrcke livery, 320 West Nuevo street. Ad i dress 2929, Light. FOR SALE-—First-clas phaeton, good as new, a bargain. Apply 1433 .Montana St. FOR SALE—ONE LARGE STUDEBAKER SURREY. COST $350 NEW; IN SPLEN DID CONDITION ALMOST AS GOOD AS NEW. $175 TAKES IT. J. L. EDMONDSON A CO.. NO. 304 E COMMERCE ST. v Aim TED— ~ Booms and Board. WANTED—By two room with sleeping porch, with or without boarl; must be in eight blocks of poktofficc. J, H G.. postoffice box 300. \\ ANTED—Three or four unfurnished rooms. State conveniences and price. 4050, Light and Gazette. x WANTED—Room and board by two young men in 10-mlnute walk postoffice. Ad dress 4316, Light office. HELP WANTED— Male. WANTED: Sales manager: A reliable, experienced, high ly recommened man to take charge of and handle salesmen. Special inducements to the right man. It is city lots and close in acre age. Property has every advantage. Will prove a quick easy seller, and the man who is competent to organize and manage a good force can make big money. For full information seo J. A. CLOPTON, 102 W. Houston St., San Antonio. Texas. WANTED—Two boys with wheels for immo diate aervice. King & McClintock. 514 E. Houston. WANTED — MEN TO LEAHN BARBER TRADE. Apprenticeship saved by free work and careful These advan tages given only by us. Few weeks com pletes. Tools given, board secured. Call or write. Moler Barber College, 716 West Com merce street. WANTED—Man to take eare of horse and carriage, lawn, etc. 326 Goliad street. WANTED—Reliable white man to sleep in house thia summer during owner's absence. Call 831 Aransas avenue. $lB WEEKLY aalary, expenses and big commission to distribute samples and ad vertise; steady work to reliable people. H. Monroe, R 60, Chicago. WANTED—Men to learn automobile busi ness. We teach by mail, and get you a job at $25 weekly. Rochester Automobile School, Rochester, N. Y. $25 WEEKLY and exponses to trustworthy people to travel and distribute ssmples for big wholesale house. Emery, A 42„ Pape block, Chicago. * WANTED—Man. Must be willing to learn and capable of acting as our representa tive; no canvassing or soliciting; good in come assured. Address National Co-Opera tive Realty Co., 1197 Marden Bldg. Wash ington, D. C. WANTED—Man to travel in Texas. Good pay and tailor made suit In 90 days; ex perience unnecessary; reliable firm. Write for particulars. J. E. Mcßrady & Co., Chi cago. WANTED—Experienced carpenter foreman; must invest at least $2OO in company, which is fully secured. Year contract, salary $1 per day. Address 4155, this office. ~ RELIANCECYCLE Expert repairing. S‘*cond hand wheels a specialty. 604 W. Houston. New phone 1998. WANTED—Bright boy t« work in shop; must be bright and willing to work Ap ply Monday before eigkt, Mills Eng. Co. WANTED—Solicitors to sell high class ar ticle, 150 per cent profit. Call at 432 Den ver boulevard. WANTED—Strong boy for delivery wagon. Apply Monda* morning, William R. Hoff mann, 228 Eae Commerce etreet. WANTED —J young man about 18 or 20 years old yho is willing to work. Apply Monday uvruing, 7:30, Hansen Bros. Car pet and Mattress Renovating Works. 831 Austin ereet. । WANTED —Two young single men who S p«sk German to travel with me in Texas. Exr^^ 6 not necessary. Must be willing Ito do hard work. Address C. A. Walker. deliver)’. San Antonio. HELP WANTED— Femala. I IMMEDIATELY I ■ Five ladies on a salary basis to call ■ ■ on the people of San Antonio and vi- K ■ cinity to explain our proposition. Call ■ ■ tn the afternoon between 3 and 5. ■ | E MR. GLOVER, ■ ■ 213% E. Houston St., Upstairs. ■' ! WANTED — Experienced German girl as . cook; no waehinc or ironing; good wages. Apply 421 West Elmira street. WANTED—Ladies of intelligence and good addreM to solicit in homes, most useful । and best selling articles o$ the market to . day. Fine commission. Call at 1201 West San Pedro place. Beaeon Hill, from 10 to 1 p. m. WANTED—Woman to eook at sanatorium annex. Inquire Dr. J. W. Kenney, 209 Alamo plaza. • ' ■ - ——n- WANTED —Experienced sewing machine op erators on power machine. San Antonio Tent A Awning Co. I — WANTED—SmaII girl to make herself gener ally useful. Apply to 509 Augusta street. WANTED —Wet nurse for fourmonths-old baby. No, 7 Lower Post. WANTED—A German houaegirl; will pay good girl good salary. Mra. Fred Reutsel, 825 Lewis street. New phone 2859. A GIRL wanted to cook for family of three. Old phone 1862. WANTED —Nurse girl about thirteen or fourteen years old. 112% South Flores. WANTED —Girls to sew by hand and on ma chine. Apply A. B. Frank Co. Overall Fac tory, 404 Market street. WANTED—Young lady of respectability for theatrical organization; playing highest class theaters: experience unnecessary; splendid opening for talented amateur. Ad dress 4156. this ofice. WANTED —Experienced servant girl for general housework at 921 San Pedro ave nue. WHITE girl for cooking and housework; no washing. 401 East Locust street. WANTED—A reliable nurse girl. Call at, 1223 South Alamo street. WANTED—GirIs from 16 years old up to J sew by hand and machine. Apply A. B. , Frank Overall Factory. 404 Market street. WANTED—White girl for general house work. Apply at once, Garden Academy, corner Avenue C and Tenth atreot. HELP WANTED— Salesmen. WANTED HONEST RELIABLE SALESMEN In every city in Texas, strictly high-etasa, re liable salesmen, to sell San Antonio city lots ( and clos* in acreage. Properties well located, priced right, well improved. Acreage lies close to the city—in the artesian belt-over- ■ looking the city, and every acre with water privilege*. This combination of city lots and artesian i acreage will enable any good saleaman to make from $250.00 a mouth up. Get the best I and easiest selling property on the market ' and make big monoy for your clients and I yourself. J. A. CLOPTON. 102 W. Houston St.. San Antonio, Texas. 2ZZZ | $lOO MONTHLY and traveling expenses tn 1 sell soft drinks to country merchants. We pay freight. Samples free. Box 467, Atlanta. Georgia. ATTENTION —Specialty salesman. At last, a ' line that almost sells itaelf. Highly en- I dorsed by bankers and merchants. 20 min- i utes $lO. Pocket samples. Write Butler, Sales Mgr., Brandies Bldg., Omaha, Nebr. I SAN ANTONIO LIGHT ANU UAZtiTTE WANTED— MucoUaneeiu. WANTED—Diamond* old sold and ,11- ver. Win. N. Capurro. Jeweler. r,O2H East Houston etreet room I WANTED for cash: Dtamonds, old gold silver and noins. Sunset Ecan Bank. 531 East Commerce. WANTED —To rent or buy, piano player, in side type. Lient. H. B. Johnson, . art Sam Houston. FILMS developed, 10c s roll. Brownie print, 2% c each, np to 4x5. 3c each. Fox Studio. SHOE repairing don, whil, you wait at Lucchose Bros. WANTED—Everybody to know that the pho tos made by Barr for $1 per dozen are not snide affairs by any means but are as fine as money and brains can make them. Photos that you ean present to your friends with pride. Studio on Maiu plaza. WANTED—Complete camping outfit; must be first class end a bargain. E. 11. Tra wick, care Bexar hotel. WANTED—Set of harness, also buggy, must ,be cheap. Old phone 3259. WANTED—Return ticket to Chicago. .In quire No. 222 Fourth street, city. WANTED —To buy second hand slothes, best prices paid for ladies »nd gents clothes. Orders sttended to by mail or by phone. New phone 3230. 712 West Commerce St. rUK KtNI — Uufurnlshed Room,. FOK RENT —Three unfurnished rooms, de sirable location, modern conveniences, ref erences exchanged. 227 West Romana. FOR RENT —Two rooms on Avenue B, un furnished. No. 1009. Prico $7.50. BAKER & HOWARD, Agents. 511 Navarro Street. FOK RENT—Four unfurnished rooms dose in and place to keep horse, 424 Augusta street. . FOR RENT—Three nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping. All conveniences. Price $l4. 914 Avenue C. New phone 1559 ■ ROOMsTpK HOUSEKEEPING LIGHT housekeeping rooms, two block, from two car lines. 418 West Elmira street. — FOR RENT —Two Isrge furnished connect ing rooms for light housekeeping; all modern conveniences, on car line. References given and required. 606 West Elmira. Old phone 3839. ____________ NICE clean, cool rooms, modern, permanent and transient; also housekeeping rooms; special rates by month. 727 East Houston. FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping at' 419 Crosby street. Government Hill. Close to car line. TWO large and one small room, $7, at 822 Nevada. ' FOR SALE— Furniture and Pianoe. FOR SALE —Bedroom suite, good aa new. Cheap. 810 East Crockett street. NEW and second hand furniture bought, aold I and exchanged. Eagle Furniture Co.. 117- 119 Soledad street. New phon, 288. | FURNITURE of all descriptions at reduced S ricea. Give ua a sail. Screen, all siaea styles made to order. Beck’s, corner of || Sixth street ami Avenue O. New phone 1113. 11 old phone 3663. I FOR SALE— Automobllea. I HAVE four automobilea, will aell cheap, or trade for real estate. Zay Smith, new | phone 2602, ' 1 TRIM, set and make tops for eutomobilea and do all kinds of carriage work. All work i guaranteed satisfactory. I also buy and sell | buggies and harness. A fine horse for sale. M. Pigott, corner Lnke View end North La redo street. FOR KENT— F urauhed Boom*. 626 N. FLORES —modern, strictly first class, price* $8 to $2O month. New phone 2960. FOR RENT —New, nicely furnished rooms for light houaekeeping. No. 307 S. Cherry street. ROOMS WITHOUT BOARD - Beautifully furnished rooms with or without private bath (ail roomc close to free public bath). Bell service day and night. Coolest and best located rooms in city. $2.50 to SS.OU per week, two in room. New management. The Victoria. Phones 1206. Old 21 79 . NEWLY fVraished rooms within walking dis tance main part of city on Hot Wells car line. 738 South Presa. FURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping, near Beethoven hall, 224 Arcinega tit., pri vate family. No children. STRICTLY modern furnished housekeeping rooms, three blocks north Gunter, 103 Fannin, St. Mary's. References required. FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms for li»bt Housekeeping, near car line, Beacon Hill. Will rent reasonable to lady or couple. Moro for a companion than for profits derived. References required. Address postoffice box I LARGE nice south rooms by day, week or I month, summer rates; investigate. 118 Main plaza. NICE furnished room for rent. 1018 Ave nue D. FOR 3ENT— Stores and OfflcM. FOR RENT—Space for fruit or vegetable stand. Inquire Urban Market, 527 San Pedro avenue. FOR RENT—Cheap, all or part of a large atort» room. R. L. Hearn, 116 North Flores street. - .. i FOR RENT—Cheap, by week or month, one brick store, two stores and basement 30x R. L. Hearn, 116 North Flores. FOR RENT— Farina and Ranches, FOR RENT—3O acres irrigated land, perfect aoil, one mile from city limits; fine ma cadaraizod road; plenty water H- J. Beuson, Grand Opera House building. Crockett tit side. A/AN TED— Situation—Female. GERMAN lady with little girl wants to work close to homo; Catholic preferred; good cook. 303 South Alamo. WANTED—German girl for general work, family of three, no children, nu washing. 510 River avenue. ( AUCTION SALES— AUCTION SALE—Eyiday, April 22, 10 a. a., 625 Ave. E, contents small cottage, dressers. < oinodes. Iron bed, spring, rockers, chairs, ex. table, wardrobe, safe, cook stove, refrigerator Sommer & Bray, Auationeera. AUCTlON—Household furniture. Nice line Of goods from parlor to kitchen; 10 a. m. Monday, April 25. 203 South Sabinas atreot, Prospect Hill. AUCTION SALE—Tuesday. April 26, 10 a. m., 132 Dwver avenue. Art squares, quar« tw tawed oak library table, large leather rockers and chair*. Book case, mirrors, mag . !•<!>’’* writing desk, mahogany bed. dresser, washstand and dressing table, walnut bed suite, iron beda, leather daven port, sanitary conch, wardrobes, oak dress ers, mission extension table, chairs and side board. box couch, sewing machine, refriger •tor. gas range, kitchen safe, etc. Fint-otosa. roote, auctioneer. Old phone 2864. AVCTION SALE—Monday, April 25, 10 a. South Sabinas street, Prospect Hill. Contents of seven room cottage. Dress era ’ commodes, glass front folding beds, two wardrobes, mahogany parlor suite, rockers, chairs, beds, toilet sets, gas range, two cook stoves, two kitchen safes, refrigerator, ex tension table, sideboard, hall tree, mattings, linger machine, heaters, cooking utHMisils, etc. Bo turner A- Bray, auctioneers. AUCTION SALE—Tuesday, April 26, 10 a. m., 410 Grand avenue. Dressers, com modes, iron beds, springs, cotton mattress, rockers, diners, chiffonier, mattings, rugs, center tables, sewing machine, gasoline stove, tables, shades, heaters, tubs, cooking uten •its, other articles too numerous to men tion. New phone 1367. Summer A Bray, auc tioneers. * AUCTION SALE—Wednesday. April 27, 10 a. tn., 151 Pierson avenue. Take Hot Wells < ons * Bt ’ n B dressers, commodes, iron beds, springs mattress, extension table, chairs, rockers, cook stove, Singer sewing machine .dishes, clock, cooking utensilg and other articles 100 numerous to mention. Som mer & Bray, auctioneers. i STRAYED— LOST—A black purr.e containing about $65 in cunency. on or near Florea and Cas 1 s ! an ?. Liberal reward to finder. Ap • ply Fest & Co. LObT A biack terrier, white spot under ' very fat. Finder please return to . Fresa and receive $5.00 reward. LOST—Black purse. Keep the cash, return j check to 635 North Florae; no questions L asked. - LOBI At or near Beethoven hall, on even i ! n ® 20th, an enameled star, green and [ red, with gold center. Finder will return to , Monger hotel and get reward. LOST—GoId hunting ease watch, band en graved. Locket and chain initials and date t !?,££*!?!• Bil ® 18 ’ 1" Jewel. Movement No. » » CMe 0, 31692. Phones, new 273, old 2804. . LOST—Thursday night, gold chain and rinall heart act with chip diamond. Finder . klKlll > return lo 327 g(rwt -' L °B T ~®® twc « n Houston street and Lon, , 1 . u ar brewery, necklace having four ame ■ ; ‘ h x»t«. two small at cud of gold bar, one heart, one diamond shape, with tour small . pearls aroimd diamond. Finder phone 1520-1 ring, old phone. Reward. LOST—Elk’s locket, with “E. B. M ” on k ’ '. wo P'vtures inside, Owner will re ward finder. 240 Moora building, San An ’ tonio, Texas. ' LOST—Angora goat from 417 South Pinto 1 street. Reward. Old phone 1071. LOST—A black mare with white hind Zee; .. do brand. Return to Blundell's store. 809 North Flores street, and get reward MONEY TO LOAN— ' MONEY advanced salaried people, ' lowest rates, business confidential । N. p. 2100. 116 Alamo Bank Bldg 5% Money j To buy lut» or land, bund nvmea, or pav k ! off mortgage*. Adureza “W. F. Light. . । - —— —.—— ! MONEY loaned on all artiolea or value. Bar gains iu unredeemed pledgaa. Emerson it ‘ Co, pawnbrokers, 821 W. Commarca St. MONEY to loan on first-claae real estate se I curity Terrell A Terrell. Borrow Money at 5 Per Cent. To buy, build or lift mortgages. Ix»ng time, eaty payments. Address G. A. N., Light and Gasette. VENDOR'S lien notes bought and aold on Bexar county real estate. W. J. DeLama ter Co., 215 Mackay building. IF YOU want tn borrow money on anything of value, go to S. B. .May, 104 West Houk- ’ ton street. Square; private. WANTED—A party with $2500; will pay $lO,OOO in ninety days. 4298, Light and Gazette. MISCELLANEOUS— H. B. SMITH, expert accountant. Physician’s accounts and collections given careful at tention 323 Hicks buildiug. WE repair shoes by the "Goodyear Welt Shue Repairing System." 316 East Houston St. Lucchese Bros. IF you have a horse that you want well fed and cared for, board it at Bowles’ Pony toriuui. Coolest barn in town. FREE—lllustrated story of the wireless tele phone. Its invention and history. How and where it is used. Write at ouce for this ; booklet before the limited supply is exhaust- • ed. Dickinson Co., box 821, San Antonio, Texas. I PAY cash for feathers. Drop me a postal nnd I will call. J. Dixon, 425 Avenue D. EVERYTHING new In the livery line. Ring 2333. ■ J —MMM—.8 1 I — HOTELS & RESTAURANTS— ~ — —1 GEM HOTEL Ov»r 205 North Pres, street, second door , south Alamo bank, new building and furnl { turc. modern, transient, solicited. New phone 2825 ' J TABLE board. First class tabic board. $« i 1 per week. Everything nice and clean, best ! and cheapest in the city. Meal tickets good ' f for 21 meals, $7. Victoria hotel. 319 St. ’ Mary's street (opposite Gunter hotel). f BEST board in city, Aransas hotel. Aransas b Pass depot. $4.50 per week. Old phone 2 2075. Try »s. WAYSIDE INN —Country board. Guests call- , ed for. Blanco road, rural route No. 2. r box 119. ■ - , HELP WANTED— ? MEN and women wanted to eat the best I meals in town for the money, 15c. The!" Debnonico, 205 Soledad street. । — — — — 1 I SHOES repaired with neatneas aud dispatch 1 at Lucchese Bros. * VETERINARIANS./ ( DR. J. STEVENB. veterinary surgeon and i ( dentist Old ph-me 498. Office Jack Stotts) livery stable, 123 North Flores street. I j SPECIAL NOTICES— I ARCHITECTS Lao M. J. Dlelmann. 306 East Commerce Street. BUILD bißa SUPFLLKS. J. C. Dlelmann. Whuieaato •Dd Retail Build mg Material WM. SCHMIDT, Manutacvuring Ooiician *L7% & A Urao, glasses fitted; lenses ground, oculists' preacrlpUoDs filled, all work guaranteed. F. PASCHE. carnage ana sign painter Wagon painting, lettering and oma menting a specialty. 705 Avenue B. New i phone 1513. W. F. BROWN. Architect and Uulldur. u;uce 202 Duos t building. Ola phone 1675. ’ *SAN AXTOMIO OIL WELL DRILLING CO. Contractors aud driller.* (or uiL g«s and arts.da a wells, any sixs ur depth. Modem i methods. Work guaranteed. Ketereroea fui uished. Office 102 West Houston street. iLITB cleaned, blocked aud retrimmed for $l.OO by Bioume, the Hutter. 503 Navarro street. i EAT at the Dehnonico and save money. Good meals, well cooaed, 15c. 305 Soledad St. HIGH-CLASS cement work at reasonable price. Maxwell & Co. New phone 1349 red. FOR shoe repairing the correct place is the oid place, 316 East Houston St. Laocheue Bros. SAN ANTONIO INTERNATIONAL FAIR PRIVILEGES. Bids will be received up to 3:30 p. m., Weduesduj, April 27th, 1910, for the bar privilege tor the coming Fair; and also for such other privileges a* are usually sold. A ciutK ft ebeeh fur 35 per cent of the amount uid must accompany bid. The Fair Asaocia iiuu rogarrea the right to reject any and all l uida Fur further particulars apply at the I’uir office. Voriea 1\ Brown, President. J. M. Vance, Secretary. DR. J. W. HARWELL, the noted Cancer Specialist, of San Antonio, is now located at Rockport. BOWLES' Ponytorium is still at the old stand, but Travis street now passes the door. SEND for free sample beautiful postcards nearly ready. X\ aggener Co., 328 Moore building, San Antonio. WE PELL the best $1 spectacles; perfect fit guaranteed; gold frames $2.50. 8. B. May, 164 West Houston street. TO get your house up to date in papering. I ring Bowman, old phone 3467. EASTERN Millinery Schnel, 723 N. Flores street, teaches everything pertaining to millinery. PAPERHANGING end decorating done reas onable by H. E. Dossett. 335 Stace St. todlea oerone nnd during con flnement. Good doctors and nurse. In anQ adopted Cunfldential. P O. bus ASTHMA—Asthma cured. Internal treatment strictly. Immediate relief obtained. Pleas ant to take. DR. H. W. BLACKBURN. Se verest cases cured, no matter how long stand lug. Prominent references when required. Normana, Teaxs. MRS. DR. NORTON—Ladies' specialist for diabases of women. Home for ladies before and during confinement. lufants adopted. 330 San Pedro avenue. OUR reputation, 26 years on Houston St., epeaks for our great repair system. Luc •hose Bros. ■ 1 LOVE my auto rides, but oh you horse back rides by moonlight. Ring up Bowles' ; Pony tori uni. either phone. In si ruction free, I skirts furnished. . FRENCH DRY CLEANING in an American wet town. Trife Fit Tailors, 109 South , Alamo St. — ■*■■■ j ARE YOU worried or sick ! Consult Madame Aniuta, Psychologist, 229 E. Houston St., ! near Gunter hotel. JOSEPH J. SWEENEY, lawyer. Specialty, personal injury damage suits. Will call. 502 East Houston street. BARGAINS in diamonds, watches, rings, mu- . s'cal instruments, gnus nnd baseball goods, expired loans. 8. B. May, 104 West Houston street. EXPIRED loan watch bargain, 168 thin model, 21-jewel, best filled case, $2O; nearly now: $4O faiue. 8. B. May, 104 Weal I Houston street. TO get your house up to date in papering, ring Bowman, old phone 3467. RKSPONSIBLE middle axed lady would like to go to Chicago, Bt. Louis. Toledo or Detroit about June Ist as companion to I child, elderly person or invalid. Address ‘'Companion,** care Light. WANTED —ATI white kids under three years . of age at Barr’s Studio. Ne. 103 Main avenue, on Tuesday’s Thursday and Satur- * days of the present week, to have one fine 1 photo taken free of charge. , । IF GOING AWAY and desire your homo 1 cared for by capable, healthy young cou- I pie without children, who will also pay mod- , orate rental, address Refereace, L. K. L., Light. ' WANTED. LARGE CLEAN SOFT COTTON RAGS. WILL PAY THREE CENTS PER POUND. APPLY PRESS ROOM, LIGHT AND GA ZETTE. — THE National Hair Shop, scalp and skin specialists. Suite 810 St. James hotel. New phone 650. Old phone 650. FAMILY and self going to St. Louis about the 15th. Address No. 4212. care Light. ' TAILORS— _ _ ~~ PANCOAST KOHLER are now receiving their spring woolens for 1910. Coma aarly for first choice. 104 E. Commerce. SUMMER suits, newest fabrics, prices to suit yon. Fit and workmanship the best. Lo bert. the Tailor. 208 South Alamo street. KbY AND LOCKSMI BOTH PHONES —Bicycles on easy pay ments. key and lock work; kwn .low- I ere shanHined Emerson, tne Bicyek I Oorto’ MOVING AND STORAGE— STORAGE for furniture, pianos, buggu. Separate stalls. $1.50 per month\ MeV f mg, packing shipping. L. W. CuWer. U. I annln Phones 2180. HARRISON MOVING CO. ' Storage, packing, shipping. New pbrt' 809 Residence 107. ' GEXF.RAL storage warehouse. Gan rang*, re I frigerstar and gaaoliae stove for aah>. 232 I South Flores street. i I APRIL 24, 1910. HELP WANTED— Agent*. FREE SAMPLE —Agent! only. Faucet strain, er splash preventer; send 2c stamp (mail ing cost); $5 profit daily and upward: let Us prove it. L. C. Seed. 93 Reade St, N. Y SEED & POULTRY SUPPLIES FERD STAFFEL. 819 East Commerce Hay and grain, garden nnd field see 4 noultra- rnmnlMa inon>».tnr« and b-nrwt.ra JLAIRVOYANT— ~ MME. REYNOLDS—Medium of great medi umiatic powers. Send 10 stamped envelope, hirthdatc. for text reading: 3 questions aa -1 swered free. Rock Island Texas. ROOMS AND 80 SUMMER ROOMS on hill, excellent table. early breakfast. Rate* to coupkt. 817 Nolan. THE LOS ANGELES, 330 San Pedro ave nue, juat opened, a refined boarding house, all modern conveniences, eloae in, qq siek. SEWING MACHINE" REPAIRS SEWIXG machines. Agency New Homa, Do mestic. Ruby and Free. Repairing, ad jus t tng; needles, oil. sttachments for all ma chines. Machines rented $3 monthly. House noli Furniture Store, 314 West Commarca .treat. H. T. REUTERMANK. practical machinist; 28 years with Singer Mfg. Co. All kind, of machines for sale; for rent $2 a month. Machines repaired at your home. 110 Caaino street. Both phones. COTTON REGION BULLETIN. SAN ANTONIO, Tex., April 23.—Follow ing is a record of temperatures for the sta tions of the cotton region bulletin for the 24 hours ending at 8 o’clock this morning, 75tn meridian time: —Temp— State of Max Alin. Rain. Weather •Abilene .. .. 76 50 .00 Clear •Amarillo .. .. 72 42 .00 Pt. Cid Ballinger .... 74 46 .00 Clear Beeville 74 18 .00 Cloudv Brenham . . .. 76 52 .00 Clear •Brownsville . . Sti 62 .00 Clear Corsicana .... 78 50 .00 Clear •Corpus Christi 76 60 .00 Clear £ u * n> 78 44 .00 Clear •’anas 76 50 .00 Cloudy •• •• 83 « -00 Clew 72 50 .00 Pt. Cid P »’? • • ■ 74 48 .00 Clew ’rort Morlh .. 74 56 .00 Pt. Cid GalvaMon ... 76 09 .oo Clear Greenville .. .80 50 .00 Clear Henrietta .. .72 38 .00 Pt. Cid ♦Houaton .... 7.4 56 .00 Clew Huntsville .... 71 44 ,uo Clear Kerrville 74 40 _ OO clw Lampasas .... 76 42 .00 Clear Longview .... 74 50 .00 Clear tulug . ... 78 48 .00 Clear Nacogdoches . .74 ,4ft .00 Clew •Paleatine ... 74 54 .00 Pt. Cid Pana . .. ..74 4« .00 Cloudv Quanah > ... 78 48 .00 Clear San Antonio . . 76 52 00 Clear San Marcos ... 76 50 .00 Clear Sherman 76 52 .00 Pt Cid L Ta J 1 , 01 ' •« SO .00 Pt. Cid i Temple so 30 .00 Pt. Cid ’I! 48 00 Cloudv f Waxahachie . .78 48 .00 Pt Cid Weatherford ...74 50 .00 Pt. Cid •Minimum temperature fs for last twelve hours. T indicates inappreciable rainfall. DISTRICT AVERAGES. i _ Max. Min. Rain. Wilmington. S. C 74 48 .00 Charleston. S. C 74 52 00 '-Hgiista, Ga 70 50 00 Savannah Ga 82 54 00 Atlanta. Ga 76 50 ’0 Montgomery, Ala 7s 50 .20 Mobile Ala. go 4g 30 Memphis. Tenn 7« gg op Vicksburg, Miss gp 4g 'jp New tMeana. Ln an 4g 'sp Little Rock. Ark 74 46 00 Houston, Tex 76 50 n# Oklahoma City, Okla 74 45 pp AI.LEN BUELL. ' T j Local Forecaster Weather Bureau. THE USUAL WAY. .“I never can remember names, and it's the most embarrassing thing,’’ said the absent minded efrl. “Only yester day morning I made a terrible break. : Molly nnd I were in a Broadway car, and at Forty-second street a young man got on board. The minute he saw me he smiled, raised his hat. and, calling me by name, sat down beside me. I knew I had met him. in faet, I recalled ■ having met him on several occasions, land if I had been alone I shonld have bluffed it out, and he wonld never have known that I couldn't place him. But there was Molly, and I did feel so silly chatting with him about people we knew, and not being in a position to in j traduce him. I had had the same ex perience before and on several octa sions had found out the name of a per son by asking innocently how it was spelled. I thought I would, try it this time, so turning to the young man I said: “I had an argument with a girl the | other day abouf how you spell your | name. I>o tell mef’’ “ ‘ln the usual way,’ he replied, look ing at me as though he thought I might be mildly insane. “ 'The usual wayf I repeated. “‘Ves.’ he said, ‘Jones.’’’—New York Times. CHESS FOR CHILDREN. There are many ehess clubs in this city, but one which holds the record for age is the New York Chess club. It was organized in 1800, and its member ship roll contains the names of many of the most noted players the world has ever known, many being active mem bers and others being in the honorary membership ■Class. Names also arc to be figured largely in polities, commerce, art, letters and war. By the same token it may he said that the club’s record of match games, national and interna tional. held under its auspices is an in spiration to all modern players who con it. Why doesn't ehess figure more lante Ily in child life in .\merieaf It may be said it is a game for grown-ups. 1 hat also may be said of many ozher games which children of todav play, in ,0 - stances with commendable skill ?! are no nnstarics about rhea< WBl r* should bar children from obtaining the benefit of the mental gymnast*- which i. supplies Systematic teaching soon would make boys and girls tamiltar with the fundamentals of the game. t\> the production of manv more good American players than ara being pre duced today.—Now York 41