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3 The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which has Deen in use fbr over 80 years, has borne the signature of _£ and has been made under his per* ■©“al supervision since its infancy* Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and“ Just-as-good” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment What Is CASTOR IA Osstoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare gorio. Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant, it contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic SUußtance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy *uid natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. vwr cr-.v. n ■vniuv awnr. errt. PUBLICITY LEAGUE WANTS $50,000 Plans to Raise That Amount This Year to Advertise City— Executive Committee Meets. To raise the sum of $50,000 with which to advertise San Antonio and put her in the lead of all southern cities in the way of population and progress, is the aim and object of the Publicity league for 1910. This action was taken Thursday aft ernoon at a meeting of the executive committee of the league in the rooms of the Chamber of Commerce. At the session plans were outlined for a cam paign to raise the fund, the campaign to begin immediately. The annual re port of the secretary, read at the meet ing, indicated the great amount of work accomplished during the year just dosed. The collections for April show the sum of $l2OO, which indicates that the members consider the league a good paying investment. April is the first month of the second year of the league’s existence. The financial report for the year end ing March 31, is as follows: Receipts: Total collected, $19,243.88; subscriptions not due, $1,114.50; sub icriptions due but not yet paid, 11798.54; definite refusals to complete payments, $1233.50; appropriated by Helps Baby’s Bowels Free I Any mother with a child given to constipation should send her name and address to Dr. Caldwell and secure a free sample bottle of a remedy especially adapted to the cure of this trouble in children. There is no remedy on the American market today more widely used for this purpose than Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin. It is in thousands of homes for just this purpose. It is the best child’s remedy obtainable, and any mother having trouble with liter children’s bowels owes it to herself and the child to make a free test to see for herself whether these claims are justified. Thousands say they are, but you should find out for yourself, so send your address today for a free sample bottle. Then, after having used it, if you are convinced it is the remedy you need, do as other mothers are doing and go to your druggist and buy it in the regular way at fifty cents and one dollar a bottle. The dollar bottle is for families. Every household should have such a remedy at hand, as one can never tell when some member of the family will suffer from contipatlon. Indigestion, liver trouble, sour stomach, sick headache, etc. Here you have a laxative that the youngest child can use with safety, and yet is effective on the strongest constitution. No child will refuse it, as it is very palatable, and it never gripes. Results are absolutely guaranteed or money will be refunded. You can see from the testimonials printed here and in other announcements how enthusiastic people are about this remedy. This should In itself prompt you to begin its use. but if you do not want to be put to any expense before being convinced then send to Dr. Caldwell for the free sample bottle. After that you will always have it at hand. Use Dr. Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin I am taking Syrup Pepsin and think It Is the grandest medicine I have ever taken for constipation and I have taken all others I could hear of. I cannot praise it enough for what it has done for me and also my children. May your great medicine be In every home. —MRS 8. A. BRANSTITTER, Chick asha. Okla. I must say that I am on the second bottle of Syrup Pepsin and it has done me more good than all of the medicine I ever took. I cannot speak too highly of it I feel thankful that I ever wrote you about the medicine. I can eat most anything and it don’t distress me — MR9 ELLEN DUNGAN. Muncie, Ind. * DR. CALDWELL PERSONALLY WILL BE PLEASED TO GIVE roc ANY MEDICAL ADVICE YOU MAY DESIRE FOR YOUR SELF OR FAMILY PERTAINING TO THE STOMACH. LIVER OR BOWELS, ABSOLUTELY TREE OF CHARGE. EXPLAIN YOUR CASE IN A LETTER AND HE WILL REPLY TO YOU IN DETAIL. FOR THE FREE SAMPLE SIMPLY SEND YOUB NAME AND AD- I DRESS ON A POSTAL CARD OR OTHERWISE. FOR EITHER RE QUEST THE DOCTOR'S ADDRESS IS DE W. B CALDWELL. RAI3 I CALDWELL BLDG., MONTICELLO. UI FRIDAY, railroads and paid by them direct for advertising, $3492.32. Disbursements: Advertising in mag azines and farm journals, $4430; adver tising in newspapers, jloint campaign, $3492.38; New York Tribune, $507.20; booklets—city booklet, $2637.90; farm booklet, $608.05; stationery and print ing, $845.06; petty advertising, ex penses. mats, cuts, etc., $339.83; sal aries, $2978.55; postage, $1211.08; office t'urnitu-e and fixtures, $385.18; petty expense, telegrams, express, etc, $44.32. The press bureau statement for the year also showed that that branch of the Publicity league was a very busy body, indeed, and that gratifying re sults were obtained: January to May, 1909, 15,500 lines; June, 14,543 lines; July, 17,368 lines; August. 34.364 lines; September, 42,112 lines; October, 74,906 lines; November, 98,127 lines; Decem ber, 82,788 lines; March, 90.376 lines: April, lines; total for sixteen m0nth5,731,215 Jines. Those present wore: T. L. Conroy, president; J. B. Carrington, secretary, and Directors Jake Wolff, Dr. Freder ick Terrell, L. J. Hart, L. P. Peck, F. M. Swearingen and R. T. Pruitt. The election of officers will be heli next Thursday night and Ben M. Ham mond is spoken of as the next president of the league. EXPRESSES HIS THANKS. Associated Press. Brussels, April 29. —The Roosevelts left here at 7:30 o’clock this morning fjr Holland. Roosevelt in taking leave expressed his heany thanks for the cordial reception which he received. Next to France, the United States is the largest exporter of automobiles in the world. • SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE STIRS lIP A HORNETS’ NEST President Lowell of Harvard Questions Authenticity of Historic Show Places. Associated Proas. Cambridge, Mass., April 29.—Presi dent Lowell of Harvard university, has stirred up a hornet’s nest by ques tioning, in the most casual manner, the historic authenticity of Plymouth Roek and the Washington elm. Speaking last night to a gathering of Boston school teachers he touched upon the propos als tor entertaining President Taft and other visitors who will attend the con vention of the National Education as soeiation here in July. He said that the convention would be a failure if the en tertainment committee onlv showed the chief executive “places like Plymouth Rock—if there is a Plymouth Roek an’, the Washington elm—if indeed Wash ington had anything to do with the Washington elm.” HU ID SO 10 EWEMU Texas U. Graduate Says Cli matic Conditions in Mexico Not Best for His Tribe. Associated Press. New Orleans, La., April 29. —Ar- rangements are being made for the transfer of u large number of Indians from Mexico to Guatemala, according io “Little Bison,’’ an Indian chief, who arrived here yesterday from New York. His colony, he says, is composed of agriculturists who have been m Mexico for some time on lands secured by government grant. Climatic condi tions, he claims, are not favorable and he believes better conditions can be brought about in the Guatemalan repub lic. The tribe originally emigrated from South Dakota to Mexico. Little Bison is a graduate of the University of Texas and Carlisle- Indian school. IT S THE WORLD'S BEST No one has ever made a salve, oint men or baim to compare with Buck len’s Arnica Salve. It’s the one perfect healer of Cuts, Corns, Burns, Bruises, Sores, Scalds. Boils, Ulcers, Eczema, Salt Rheum. For Sore Eyes, Cold Sores, Chapped Hands or Sprains it’s su preme. Infallible for Piles. Only 25c, at the Bexar Drug Co. INVITE FRANCIS TO MAKE SUGGESTIONS Director General of St. Louis Exposition Asked to New Or leans to Give Advice, Associated Press. New Orleans, La., April 29.—DaFid Francis, who was director general ot the Louisiana Purchase exposition in St. Louis, has been asked to come to New Orleans to make suggestions as to hold ing a Panama canal exposition here in 1915. This invitation fallowed a meeting presided over by Governor! Sanders last night, at which it was an nounced the preliminary fund oil $1,000,000 is practically in sight. LUTHERAN SYNOD HEARS REPORTS OF MUCH WORK Reception This Evening to Vis iting Ministers at Parson age of Grace Church. ' This is another big day for the Luth eran synod. Reports are being made by the various officers and committees and spiritual work is being carried on. Kev. H. W. Mohrhoff of Monroe. Mich., has reached the city and his presence adds much to the interest that is being taken in the meetings. Tonight a recep tion will be tendered the visiting min isters at the parsonage of the Grace English Lutheran church on Avenue E, for which a splendid musical program has been arranged. At the session yesterday afternoon the proposition for the location of a high school at Seguin was taken un der consideration, after which it was, decided that the Texas district has no authority in the matter and it was sug-( gested that the Seguin people take the ( matter up to the next meeting of the ' general synod, which will be held at : Richmond, Ind., in August. During the session Rev. C. Lembke of Marion gave a work on “Illumina tion’’ in the conversion of the sinner , and showing that the work belongs to : the Holy Spirit. The various parochial reports were । read and in a general way showed fav orable progress during the past cal year. The reports covered the I Texas district, embracing Texas. Louis iana, Mississippi and Alabama. In the benevolent offerings the returns were] very satisfactory. The closing services of the meeting | will probably be held Monday night, conducted by Rev. Frank Theimer. j The sessions will continue during the , week without set program, the morning | services beginning at 9 o’clock and i lasting until 12, and the afternoon set ’ sious from 2:30 to 5 o'clock. CROKER GOES BACK TO ENGLISH HOME Richard Croker, the former Demi cratic leader of New York, who is now back at his home in England u' ter a visit of several weeks at his win ter place in Florida. Mr. Croker has spent the majority of his time for sev eral years abroad bitt recently announc ed that he eSpects' to be in America more in the future. memorialTservices. Are Held in Mobile at Graves of Father Ryan and Admiral Semmes by Association. Associated Press. Mobile, Ala., April 29.—Special me niorial services were held here today at tiie Catholic cemetiv’- at the giaves of Father Kyan, the poet-priest of the Confederacy, and Admiral Semmes by the Southern Confederate Memorial asso-'itiou of Memphis, tho Memphis Junior Confederate Drum and Fife corps and the Confederate Choirs of America participated. TO TAKE WEEK'S REST. Washington. April 29. —Secretary Franklin MacVeagh will leave Wash ington this .afternoon for a week’s rest at his summer home at Dublin, N. H. INSURANCE MEN TAKING NOTICE Our last Bulletin told how one of th# policy holders of the Prudential Insur knee Company living in Detroit, Mich., Mrs. D* R. Johnstone of 109 Jones street, was bedridden with Bright’s Disease and death was expected when she was put on the Renal Compound. She made a fine recovery and saved the payment of a loss. This resulted in another policy holder of the Prudential Ins. Co. in the same city, who was nearly down and out with Bright's Dis ease, being put on the treatment. At last advices this case, too, was going right. We now have a letter from a Sacra mento man in which he says: “I am in the life insurance business and once in a while the Doctor has to “pass up’’ a prospect. Since I know that your Compound is a wonder, why can *t T put these people on it and fit them for examination. I will say that I may present you with a hill for $6,000.00 for the praise I have given your Com pound.' ’ He is not the first party who ba, ! seen this opportunity. One of the । State officials of Nevada came to see ua and outlined a proposition to estab lish an insurance company to insure the lives of people having Bright 's Disease and Diabetes, charging double the or dinary rates and putting them on this I , treatment. Numbers have been fitted ( | for insurance, although some of them j were actually in extremis. For in- I j stance, in our pamphlet will be found 1 ! the case of Mrs. R. Lester Bell, of An : I ( burn, N. Y. who was in the Aubnrn Hos pital aud was expected to die during the week when put on Fulton’s Renal; Compound. One year from that time ’ she passed for life insurance. The ease of Chas. F. Wacker, the 6th J street merchant of San Franeiseo, also | I comes to mind in this connection. He j did not think he could live but a lew months, and was nearly down and out with diabetes when put on Fnlton ’ i Diabetic Compound. He later passed , for $5,000.00 life insurance. An interesting fact in Wacker’s case was that a bereavement set up a ner voua condition that caused the disease to reappear and he was very much dis eouraged. due to the fact that he ha<l । not been cured. However he went on the Compound again and made the sec- j ond recovery and now looks like an ath lete. And this was several years ago, showing that the results arc re:>l- | , We arc pleased to see the Insurance , people sitting up and taking notice. The ‘ large Insurance Companies will ulti ■ mately realize that they can save liun I dreda of thousands of dollars by having thoir ageuts advise policy holders who , have these disease# of the genuineness of this treatment. Moreover, it is hu mane. For Bright's Disease. Fulton s Renal Compound is the one used. For Dia betas. Fulton 'a Diabetes Compound. For sale at all drug stores. Druggists sup plied by San Antonio Drug Co. Lit erature mailed free. Address John J. Fulton Co.. 212 First St.. San Francisco. Cal. We desire to hear from and advise with every case not making the usual r»cov«ij. Cottolene Is Not a Substitute for Anything No animal product, such as hog lard, ever has afforded, or ever can afford a satis faction to compare with Cottolene. It is far superior to lard because it contains no hog fat, and its purity is unquestioned. It is more economical than butter for shortening and frying because, being richer, one-third less is required. Cottolene is made from cottonseed oil, a fluid extracted from the’ seed of purest cotton, /rom Cottonfield to Kitchen — hands never touch the oil from which Cottolene is made. * Pies, doughnuts and cakes cooked with Cottolene can be fearlessly enjoyed by the most determined dyspeptic, for Cottolene makes food digestible as well as palatable. There is no substitute for Cottolene, because there is no shorten mg as good as Cottolene. It is pure, clean, neutral in taste and flavor, and absolutely the purest and most healthful frying and shortening medium. COTTOLENE is Guaranteed Y " ur .er«-" »hereby authorized » ——— ” ——- refund your money in case you are not pleased, after having given Cottolene a fair test. Never Sold in Bulk '* P ac hed in paila with an air-tight top to ** aaaaa. ; t c | ean> f rrs h and wholesome, and prevent it from catching dust and absorbing disagreeable odors, such as fish, oil, etc. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY JOHNSON NAY WIN TEMPERANCE VOTE Austin W, C. T. U. Only Waits ‘ on Dr. Rankin Before Taking » Up Cudgels for Tyler Man i ,1 Special Dlspatcn. J Austin, Tex., April 29.—That the en f tire temperance vote may shortly be swung from Poindexter to the support of Coue Johnson for governor casted at a meeting of the local W. C. T. U. yesterday afternoon, when that organization was only prevented from voting unanimously to take up the cud gels for Johnson by a suggestion that I it wait until Dr. Rankin, head of the temperance cause in Texas, expresses - himself. A conference is shortly to be | held between Dr. Rankin and othsr temjH’rauee leaders, at which the move ; meat to centralize in support of John son. which has been quietly gaining ground, may come to a head. Repeated rumors that Judge Poindexter's recent ; abandonment of his campaign tempor iarily portends a complete change in cho ’gubernatorial outlook strengthens this belief. It may even happen that Poiu-1 (dexter will withdraw, and numerous | visitors from North Texas in Austin I have lately made this prediction with-, (out stating the grounds on which it I was based. At the local W. C. T. U. meetiag yesterday a letter from the state pres ident of the organization was read, (urging all local organizations to sup : port < one Johnson and was enthusias ticallv cheered. A proposition to line, up liehind .Johnson at once was also re - ceivod with much cheering. It was how ever decided to wait on Dr. Rankin’s, expression licfore taking final action. — ♦ .» GOOD PROGRAM FOR SCHOOL ENTERTAINMENT — A splendid program of music, singing i I and speaking was carried out at Beo- j ( thoven hall last night, the occasion be- ( I ing an entertainment given by tho ( West Texas Military academy aud the I I Lakeside Classical institute. Some , pretty drills were also executed. The exercises were opened with the | singing of “America’’ by both schools. “Good Fellowship.’’ an address by ( Bishop Johnston of the diocese of West : Texas, was unusually interesting and I greatly appreciated by those present. The zouave drill by both schools was one of the best features of the program | and elicited much applause. Orchestra selections were given by | both schools, which were fully appre ciated. Very pleasing declamations were I given by both schools. Regulation drills followed by both | schools, which secured their share of appreciation. A song by the Glee chili of West | Texas and a vocal solo By the Lakeside I were splendid features of the program. Tho program closed with declama tions and a voluntary by both schools. DOCTORS WILL ASK CITY FOR CHILDREN’S PLAYGROUND Some interesting and instructive pa-1 pers were read before the Bexar Couu ty Medical society at its regular meet- j ing last night in the rooms of the In- 1 ternational club. The society also en- I dorsed a petition to be sent to tho ( mayor and city council asking that a site for a playground for the children i be set aside. Among the papers that were rend was one by Dr. Mary Burnham on “Some Experiences, Medical and S> cial, in the Chinese Empire,’’ and one by Dr. Malone Duggan on “A Plea for the Sterilization of Women Under Certain Conditions.’’ An application for membership was ier. ved from Dr. W. D. Hicks and nas referred to the board of censors. There will be a called meeting of the society to be held in the secretary’s of- > fiee in the Hicks building just before j the state meeting, which will be held ; at Dallas on Maj- W | Little Girl Holds Up the Signing of Big Contract Austin. Tex., April 29. —A little nigh, school girl stopped a council meeting, , ]«>stponed the signing of the dain con-1 (tract which involves a million dollars,: and got away with it by winning the (hearts of the citv council the other day, |when the body met with Dumont to I sign the contract. The little girl had i a reason She was to write an essay (and came to soak the mayor's assist lance. Without waiting to be announced (she entered the mayor's office and be • gan talkiug. Dumont dropped his pen . and the couneilmen. listened. “I have to write an essay ou the commission form of government, Mr. Wooldridge, and I xvant you to tell me 1 something about it. I really ought io , I TRACTION COMPANY TO BUILD THIRD TRACK . To save any delay while the sewer . system is being constructed on Pros-1 ! pect Hill, the traction company wiii i construct a third temporary track to keep traffic ou the move at all times [ on the West Commerce street line. NEGRO COOK DROPS DEAD. I Special Dispatch. ( Austin, Tex., April 29. —While in theij act of stooping over a stove, Howard ( White, a negro cook, dropped dead oi 1 heart failure in the residence of Judge j Z. T. Fullniorc yesterdaV afternoov. Ho > was about 40 years old aud unmarried , and is survived by an aged mother, i The negro had complained of pains in < his chi st but was not thought to beS ON CRUTCHES Suffering With Rheumatism ■v— — is smciy reuiuvcu oy ns internal use. Acnes. pains and soreness caused by Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Neuralgia and Kidney Troubles disappear as if by magic when “5-DROPS" is used. Rheumatism is a blood disease, and is caused by poisonous matter (lactic acid and uric acid) being retained in the blood. “5-DROPS” stops the pain caused by this dreadful malady by eliminating from the blood, these poisons and any other impurities which may prevent perfect circulation, thus removing the cause of the disease. With the blood pure, perfect circulation is assured, and disease is an impossibility. * GET 1 BOTTLE OF SWINSON’S “5-DROPS" TOO*T If you are suffering with Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Kidney Trouble, La Grippe, Colds, Coughs, Lumbago, Sciatica, Gout, Asthma, Catarrh, Neuralgic Headache or other kindred diseases- “5 "DROPS” is entirely free of opium, cocaine, alcohol, laudanum and other similar ingredients. QC&| T CR E E A Dial bottle will be mailed free of charge to even Wtril Fllt L a reader of this paper upon request. W rite today Large Size Bottle <3OO Doses' *l.OO. For Bale By Druggists. *»k Your Druggist tor the “SWANSON PILL.” a Cure for ComtiMt'Un. PRICE ?5 CIS. SWAHSOH RHEUMATIC CURE CO., (Dpt. 43) 114 take St., CHICIU For Sale By Bexar Drug Co. APRIL 20, 1910. .know, but have u&a paid much atten tiou to polities lately.” The mayor recovered from bis sur | prise, bowed with a courtesy that i touched female hearts 40 years ago and (told the young lady that the commrs sion was a big subject, but he would (try to explain it. Then after trying to !do so for several minutes he asked her !to come to see him every day until the I essav was finished, the girl left and the less important dam contract was i' signed. As this happened in executive session the mayor refused to give the ' name of tho yowg lady. This may be . accounted for his discovery that she ’ (was the daughter of one of Austin's ij prominent citizens. j in a serious condition. His death came (just after he had cooked dinner and । was preparing to serve it. The funeral ’' is being held today. BANQUET FOR FOWLER Plans Are Discussed As Soon Ab It Is Learned Texan Is to Return Seen From Nicaragua. Austin, Tex., April 29. —Col. Kees# I Fowler of Palestine, who figured prom inently in the late troubles in Nicara- Igua, will arrive in Austin about May 1 10, when a reception and banquet will be tendered him here. That he is com ing to Austin is announced in a letter received yesterday by his uncle, J. J. Arthur, rate expert of the railroad com mission, and plans for a banquet wer# discussed almost as soon as this fact ‘was made known. CURED BY the use of SWANSON’S “5-DROPS” Says BERNARD BENBE, Goodell, lowa. MR BENBE. writes:—"l have taken about one bottle of "5-DBOPS" and tt has cured me ot Rheumatism. I have had the Rheumatism tor three years: went on crutches for about two years and could not rest day or night. After taking one-halt bottle ot "S-DROPS" I was wall in a week and I will praise it as long as I live." TWO BOTTLES CURED HER. MRS. JAMES McCARTER 4W Edmund Street. St. Paul Minn., writes:—"Your "S-DROPS" is the best medicine I ever used. I was a cripple with Rheumatism for nine months. The sample bottle which you sent me gave me relief, and I procured two large else bottles of the remedy, and after using am entirely well." NO USE FOR HIB CRUTCHES. J. T. JOLLY. Juniata. Ky.. writes:-"! have bad Rhea ntatism for twenty years, and have been confined to my room for two years. In two weeks after I commenced using your "5-DROPS" I was up. and in one month I bad laid my crutches away, and I am able to work." GIVES QUICK RELIEF “5-DROPS” it both an internal and external remedy. Taken internally will dissolve the pois onous acid, remove it from the system and cleanse the blood of all poisons. An application of “5-DROPS" to the afflicted parts will stop the pain almost instantly, while the cause of the disease s being surely removed by its internal use. Aches.