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DAVENPORTS AT THE HOUSEHOLD Compare our prices with others. Just received, the largest ship ment of Davenports ever display ed under one roof in the state. Davenport like cut, immitation Boston leather, very best steel construction, diamond sewed tuft ed, solid oak frame, with a large box beneath for bedding, a reg ular $25.00 value, this 18.50 Genuine Leather Davenport, the very best steel construction, makes a full sized bed. Has a large box' beneath for bedding. A special bargain for this weeak 63.50 HELD HIS COTTON NEARLY 40 TEARS Georgia Farmer Meant to Get Sixteen Cents a Pound for It, and He Did, Jackson, Ga., April 30.—“1 will get 16 cents for this bale of cotton or I will never sell it, was the declaration made by T. H. Greer thirty-eight years ago He kept his promise and got his price, but it took him thirty-eight years to do it. Back in 1872—December 19, to be exact —T. H. Greer, a prosperous farm er of Butts county, ginned a bale of cotton by water power, the gin being the Griswold, then in use, and the old hand lever press w»s used. The wet had not been over long at the time and cotton was high—higher than it has been since then, with one exception. The market was 16 cents that sea son, but as this bale was late in being Bring Us Your Lumber Bill. Good Lumber At the Right Price MODERN BUILDERS SUPPLY CO. "The New Lumber People** Both Phones 823 Lakeview Ave. DO YOU KNOW THAT FRANKLIN A MOTOR CARS ARE THE BEST J SOLD V INDEPENDENT AUTO CO. 101 STREET SUNDAY, THE ADVANTAGES OF BUYING FURNITURE, CARPETS, RUGS, ETC., ETC., AT THE HOUSEHOLD ARE MANIFOLD The immensity of stocks and the complete assortment of everything to make the home comfortable and cheerful, combined with low prices, has gained for us the confidence and good will of thousands of people in San Antonio and vicinity. Never were we better prepared to serve you than at the present time. This week's special offerings give you but a faint idea of the great money-saving values to be had here. DINING CHAIRS AT THE HOUSEHOLD 1 ■ ■* Hardwood Dining Chairs, like cut, nice ly carved, that usu ally sell at $l.O0 — Specially priced for X’k 75 c turned out from the press the market had slumped, and after loading the bale on his wagon Mr. Greer took it to Griffin, only to be refused 16 cents. Whereupon he would not sell for less than that figure. Accordingly he car ried the bale of cotton back home, where it had remained until last month. Mr. Greer drove to town and an offer of 16 cents a pound was made to him and he accepted it. The cotton was bought by Etheridge, Smith & Co., well known local buyers. They have placed the cotton in the front of their store, and it is being viewed by hundreds of persons. When first ginned the bale of cotton weighed 505 pounds. Only one time since it was first packed has it been repacked, and that was in 1905, when it was found to be perfectly sound. So far as known, this is the oldest bale of cotton on record. Local cotton buyers had their eyes on this bale of eotton for a long time. Durfng the Louisiana exposition at St. Louis Mr. Greer was offered a fancy price for his cotton, it being desired for exhibition purposes, but he would not part with it. During the Sully boom a few seasons ago cotton went above 16 cents, the first time since 1872, when the cotton was first ginned. At that Practical Plumbing in all its branches is our special work. Having a thorough knowledge of the modern practice o? Plumbing -e are fa miliar with the scientific and up-to date principles of the trade. Wo em ploy none but experienced help and use only the very best materials. Our work is careful and thorough and we do it promptly. We give thorough good work at very moderate prices. Southern Plumbing Company DRESSERS AT THE HOUSEHOLD An elegant and comprehen sive display of dressers of all kinds. Solid oak dresser like cut, French plate mirror 22X 28, finely carved and polish ed,a regular $14.50 value. This Week $12.50 Sewing Machines rented $2 per mo. Refrigerators AT THE HOUSEHOLD The warm weather will be piping hot before you know it. If you in tend to buy a refrigerator, don’t wait. Come in tomorrow and select one. Refrigerator like cut spe- AE A A daily priced this week at. ,fcw»UU The small sum of money you invest in a Kitchen Cabinet does not matter so much as the great satisfaction you get out of the right kind of a kitchen cabinet. Join our Hoosier Cabinet Club. All it takes is $5 down and $1 per week. Cab inet like cut this week specially AW E A priced at. * ■ HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE OU. Epigrams For Men and IVomen by the Countess De Talleyrand Special Diepatch. Paris, April 30.—The Countess Vera de Talleyrand, a well known social leader of Paris, has just circulated among her intimate personal frieds, a little printed book entitled “Thoughts and Remembrances.” It is from her own pen. Here are some of her epi grams: “To please women, one must adhere to only one.” “Women never come of age; reason time he could have sold the bale for 16 1-2 cents a pound, but he thought it would go to 20 cents a pound, and so missed his chance of selling, for the market soon went down. Mr. Greer is now an old man. He is a familiar and well known figure and belongs to the well known family of Greers, who have lived in this county since Robert Greer wrote his famous almanac, back in the first part of last century. TRAINING CROWN PRINCE German Kaiser’s Oldest Son to Be .Made Colonel and Put in Com mand of Garrison. Berlin, April 30.—Another notable step in the education of the German crown prince for his future duties as emperor is in prospect. Having acquired a thorough military training and taken a course of instruc tion in the various departments of civil government, the future emperor will now be given an opportunity to study intimately the life and habits of the people over whom he is destined to rule. To that end it is proposed that his imperial hignness shall take up his resi dence in the provinces for a prolonged period. There, far removed from the narrow prescriptions and prejudices of court and amv life, ho is to acquaint himself with the great German world which lies outside Berlin and Pots dam. A statement bearing the marks of of ficial inspiration intimates that the crown prince’s appointment to the com mand of a regiment at Breslau, Stet tin, Konigsburg. or somewhere in the Rhine valley will shortly be gazetted. The crown prince will be 28 in May. He has held the rank of major for three years. Both by temperament and train ing he is considered competent to as sume the command of a garrison as col onel, and to play the independent role in the community which such a rank would give him. SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE HAMMOCKS AT THE HOUSEHOLD Large size, full flounce hammock, with loose cush ion pillow. An attractive value this AEA week at QsOU MAIL ORDERS SOU HTED We pay the freight on all purchases aver $lO GAS RANGES AT THE HOUSEHOLD Direct Action Gas Range, like cut, with a large oven and broiler, the gas stove that lights without a pilot light, something entirely different, must be seen to be ap preciated. Special Value This Week irritates them; sentiment guides them.’’ “Woman is like dew. If this tear of dawn fall on pure alabaster, it is a pearl; if it fall to earth it is mud.’’ “When a woman loves she pardons every crime; when she ceases to love, she does rot forgi'.» even virtue.’’ These things come under the head of advice to men Here are some para graphs devoted to her own sex: “Tho coquette takes the desire to please for need to love.” “The first thing that a woman knows is that she is beautiful. The last thing she perceives is that jhe is old. ’’ “Never marry a music-maniac. Per petual harmony' in one incessant flow will lead you infallibly either to neu rasthenia or separation.” “A woman is like an army: She is irretrivably lost if she has no re serve. ’ ’ “Did you enjoy the meal, sirf” said the pleasant waiter after the dainty repast had been disposed of. “Yes,” moaned the dyspeptic, “I enjoyed it—before I ate it,” Up-to-Date Methods GUARANTEED SATISFACTION. Solid Gold or Porcelain Bridge work $5.00 Full Set of Teeth $5.00 Silver Fillings 50c up Gold Fillings $1 up PAINLESS EXTRACTING. Our Sanitary Bridgework is the very finest, made by a man of 30 years’ experience. Our famous Yale Plates are inadc of light, high-grade materia! and can’t be excelled at any price. We give you more and better work for your money than can be had any where. We offer you this for your prac tice. Can we have it! Child’s Bed AT THE HOUSEHOLD Child’s Iron Bed, like cut, with 20th Century Spring, high sides, let down on both sides, a regular $l2 value, at the Household A AE this week.../ $32.50 JOIN THELIGHT’S BIBLE STUDY CLASS TODAY Our Bible Question Local Club is looking up and wo are much encour aged. It is very remarkable how these questions interest, even the general public. It is a mistake to suppose, as some do, that this contest is confined exclusively to adults. Bright boys aud girls can take up these simple studies, and may comply with the conditions as well as their seniors, and are just as likely to win a solid gold medal or one of the other prizes. The prime object of this Bible Question Club is to get old and young to reading the Sunday School Lessons, and to ponder the Sug gestive Questions. It must not bo for gotten that in answering questions it is legitimate to get all the help which is necessary. Anybody can cut out and sign the coupon each week, and can read the lesson and the questions. This does not take skill, but it does take method, and it means the unspeakable benefit of reading these studies from week to week. You will find it to be a great benefit to join some Bible Class, and get the help and enthusiasm which comes from company. You will need the Light and Gazette in order to read the questions and get the necessary coupon; you had better , subscribe at once. If you are a sub scriber, then send the paper to some 1 person whom you thiuk this course of reading will help. Send in your sub scription now, aud get the benefit of i the special rate. Use the attached cou pon. i v 1 Copv't, 1910. by Rev. T. S. Linscott, D. D. , May 8, 1910. Temperance Lesson—Prov. xxiii:29-35. Golden Text.—At the last, it biteth like a serpent, and atingeth like an adder. Prov. xxiii :32. Verse 32. —What is the general rule con cerning the first personal effects of bad. or good things, are they generally pleasant or otherwise? Give some examples.. Why is it that God has so arranged na ' turc, that some of the most dangerous things i look so pleasant, and taste so sweet? Verse 29.—-Why is it that none of us are exempt from trouble What is the difference in the effect of i trouble caused by our own sins, and trou ble which comes from providential cauaes? la » self inf lie tod wound worse than any other? Why, or why not? Verse 30.—What is the effect upon the individual, .hit family, and the community when a man tarriesiong at the wine? What is the effect when a man drinks wino in so called modera'ion ? Verse 31.—What proportion of the vic tims of drink, have deliberately started out to become drunkard.- ? What are the first steps to the life and destiny of « drunkard? (This question must be answered in writing by members of the club.) Which is the wiser, and stronger man and why—the on® who shuns the first approach of a temptation, or the one who carefully looks St it, and deliberately feels its charm, and then refuses its solicitation ? Is it, or not. always a legitimate source of pleasure to feast our eyes upon beautiful I sights, our ears upon pleasant sounds, and to inhale sweet odors? Why? 1 Give a reasoned answer as to whether ii ROCKERS AT THE HOUSEHOLD Birdseye Maple Rocker like cut, solid seat, with French legs, highly polished, chair to match, a $6.00 value This Week $5.00 WE TRADE, SELL AND EXCHANGE FURNITURE Suggestive Questions on the Sunday School Lesson by Rev. Dr. Linscott for the International Newspaper Bible Study Club. i it ever right to be governed by nir senses! > Verse 32.—Specify some of the things I which drink does for a man f Describe some of the horrors of delinum I tremens. In considering an act, or a habit, should we be governed by its present or its ulti mate results! Why! Verse 33.—1 s the drink habit generally or ever a single vice, tor does it always en gender other vices, and, if so, what are they 1 When any kind of sensual temptation as sails a man, or a woman, under the influ- I enee qf drink, what are the chances of its I being resisted or yielded to! How much confidence can you place in a ' promise or an opinion, or a sentiment,, ut tered by a man under the influence of drink! । Verse 34.—How does a man not a sailor, I feel on “the top of a mast," and what [ analogy is there between such feelings and ; the sensations of a drunkard! Verse 35.—Compare some conscious and ; unconscious hurts, either spiritual or phy- | sical, and say which are the more danger- j ous! FOR A NOON DAY LUNCH trya ;™boxlwoh Each box contains two kinds of« sandwiches, with pickle, -r" piece of pie, cake and fruit. ; Z A San Aritomo MjnkfoA ch “ ge ° T f m ? u daUy - . $ I nnv tn r \ These Lunche! ' are P ut U P “ /J , a lOahUpCp \ sanitary boxes HOURLY. W e \ I H tACH OU* \ use only the best. Our work- I 18-* I - A ® • \ room * 9 strictly sanitary and ’?• 3 _ , \ always open for inspection. I s A r।•v— — \ We are the Original Box 11 ’ j ■•.»« —c_....y Lunch People. Others have v tried and failed—but we are I here to stay. ~ ' r ~_ , No charge for delivery of ' one or more lunches to any part of the city. San Antonio Box Lunch Co. m E “Good Lumber is of Prime Importance in Building a Home. We regrade every car of lumiter we buy and therefore when you buy from us. your lum bcr is all carefully selected, cunsideking" I Hillyer-Deutsch-Jarratt Comparey 13Q9 South Hores Street. Both Phones 3» wd 256. MAY 1, 1910. BEDS An elegant showing of beds of every description. We have the bed you want and at a price that will please you. TWO SPECIAL OFFERINGS BRASS BEDS This beautiful four-poster brass bed, like cut, satin finish. 2-inch tubing, attractively *jE A A priced this week at VV«UU IRON BEDS Iron bed like cut, 2-inch tubing, with seven 5-8 inch fillers, in either white or Vemis Martin fin ish, an exceptionally |A EA good value this week atJ«’WW 214 and 210 WEST COMMEBCE ST. । What is the fascination, or the causa, | which influences drinkers to keep on in the । course which they know is ruining both body 1 and soul 1 Lesson for Sunday. May 15, 1910.—• i Growing Hatred to Jesus. Matt, xii .22 82, 38-43. The bluff old sea dog in the sea story raised his battered trumpet to his lips. ■ ‘Look alive, mum!” he shouted over I the roar of the gale. | But the beautiful girl only shook her head. I “How can. I!” she asked with pathos. “If the book were | not illustrated, I might; but as the I case stands, alas! I can only look as the artist makes me!’’ And walking to the taffrail, "he ; gazed wcodenly out over the yeasty 1 deep.—Puck.