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WEDNESDAY, ANTITOXIN FOR THE CURE OF CONSUMPTION OIflc« for Treatmont ot Pattanis. Hicks Building, San Antonio, Texas. POSITIVE EVIDENCE OF ITS MERITS. ’*• recently had the pleasure of anuounc ipf the establiahmeut of an office ot the w right-Duenng Antitoxin Company in ban Antonio for the purpose ot demonstrating what the treatment would no under the must favorable climatic iniluencei. The wisdom of this move has already been shown, as the action ot the treatment is more effective and resulu are apparent in much Has time than was found to be the case in the North ern climate. Ihe offices in the Hicks build ing have been visited by a great number and many cases have been placed under treatment while arrangements have been made for many more, some to be treated at their homes. We solicit the most rigid in ▼estigatiou of our methods as well as the testimonials which we publish herewith to day. It is true that all these testimonials are lium the North, but it must be remembered that all our demonstrations were made in Bt. Louis. Four years were given to demon stratiug before our Antitoxin was given to the profession. Read these testimonials, then Write to the people who gave them, EACH AND EVERY CASE WAb EXAmiNEu BY AN EXPERT AND HI3 REPORT WAS THAT TLBERCLLAR BACILLI WAS PRESENT IN LARGE QUANTITIES, each case was treated and before being discharged as cured was again examined by an expert wb reported THE TOTAL ABSENCE OF TUBERCULAR BACILLI. Each and every one was thoroughly cured—not patched up— and discharged from further treatment be fore a testimonial was accepted. We do not solicit testimonials, but use only those which are offered us by our grateful and cured patients. WRIGHT-DUERING ANTITOXIN COMPANY. Miss Tina Besebak, 902 Geyer aw., St. Louis. Mr W. P. James’ Son, 3422 St. Vincent. St. Louis. Mr. Henry Mueller, 329 Sidney st, St. Louis Miss Katie Mueller, 329 Sidney st., St. Louis Mr. Thos. Robinson, 1236 Oass aw., St Louis Mr. J. B. Marshal, Frisco Bldg., St. Louis. Mrs. Homer Bennett, 3710 N. 11th st. St Louis, Mo. Mrs. M. J. Martin, 1401 Granville place, St. Louis, Mo. Elizabeth Bird, Laurel, Maryland. Mr. Emil P. Wegener, Red Bud. XU. Mrs. SteUa Malaby, What Cherr, la. Mra. Etta Davenport, Granite City, lU. Mr. E. L. Bogers, Elsberry, Mo. Mrs. Zach D. Eaatln, Elsberry, Mo. Mrs. Susie Fleming, Cuba, Mo Mra. J. F. Mattingly, Silex, Mo. Mr. P. J. Martin, Lewisville, Ark. Mrs. Debbie Louise Gable, 157 Riverside Drive, New York, N. Y. Mr. C. P. Wilson. Mesilla Park, N. M. If your investigation proves satisfactory, come to us at once—don’t delay. Wnen we examine you we will tell you honestly and frankly just what your true condition* Is and what we can do for you. We certainly can do for you what we have done for others. Many put off coming until it is too late, for in Consumption the one who is afflict'd toon reaches the point where there is no hu* man aid. When you write to our references Inquire as to the merits cf our Antitoxin treatment, our ability, reliability, etc. These points art all of great importance to you. We wish to call your special attention to the fact that the Wright-Duering Antitoxin has stood the test of time —it having been uswd more than seven years before we began to give it publicity—and has many cures to its credit—some five, six and seven year! standing and many cured within the last two years. For further information, full particulars, free consultation, etc., call on, or write to WRIGHT-DUEBING ANTITOXIN CO. 524 625 Hicks Building. Dr. B. E. Woodird, Physician in Charfß San Antonio, Texas. CUPID IS SLOW, NO MARRIAGE LICENSES Dan Cupid has been loafing on the job the past two days. Not a mar riage license had been issued by the county clerk up to noon today sines Monday, all of which shows that the brides elect are waiting for the happy month of June, when it is expected that Marriage Clerk Huppertz wiil have to work overtime issuing the pra cious documents that make lovers one. HUMANE SOCIETY MEETING. The regular meeting of the directors ®f the San Antonio Humane society will be held in the society's office, third floor Hicks building, Thursday evening. May 5, being the first Thurs* dav in the month. PILES “I have suffered with piles for thirty lix years. One year ago last April I be ran taking Cascarets for constipation. In die course of a week I noticed the piles legan to disappear and at the end of six reeks they did not trouble me at all. Cascarets have done wonders for me. I Im entirely cured and feel like a new ban.” George Kryder, Napoleon, O. Pleasant. Palatable. Potent, Taste Good.' Do Good. Never Sicken .Weaken or Gripe. 10c 25c, 50c. Never sold in bulk. The gen uine tablet stampedC CC. GuaranteedJo curs or your money back. 920 QUICK MEAL GAS RANGE Schultz Stove 4 Hdw. Co. 105 WEST COMMERCE STREET SAN ANTONIO CAPTURES PRIZE FOR FLOOR WORK Annual Covention of Fraternal Order of Eagles Twice Makes Its Bow to This City. San Antonio came in twice for favor Tuesday at the annual convention of the Fraternal Order of Eagles, which is now in session at Marlin, Tex., by the ' WILLIAM T. SOUTER, Who for the fifth time has been re elected state secretary ot the Fraternal Order of Eagles. re-election of William T. Souter as state secretary, and the San Antonio drill team capturing the first prize for the best floor work. This information was received in the city Tuesday after noon at 4 o ’clock by local members and the news was joyously hailed by the many friends of Mr. Souter and the members of the drill team, which has snatched the honors from the other Texas cities. This is the fifth time Mr. Souter is serving the Eagles as state secretary and the honor conferred on the San Antonio may again this year is a flattering mark of his ability in handling the affairs of the state aerie. Mr. Souter and the large delega tion from San Antonio, including the drill team, will return to San Antonio tonight and the local aerie is preparing a royal welcome home for the victors. COURT SAYS BROWNE CASE STAYS HERE After hearing arguments in a plea of privilege in the case of I. C. Baker ot al. vs. William I. Browne et al., suit for partition, Judge Dwyer, in the Thirty seventh District court, sustained the plea. This means that this noted case, which involves a large estate taking in a large part of the town of Browns ville, will be tried here. The defend ants wanted to have the case tried at Brownsville, but Judge Dwyer held that as parties to the suit are residents of San Antonio the plea of the plaintiffs was a proper procedure. The defendants demanded a jury. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION. Notice is hereby given that the Hob orable County Commissioners' Court of Bexar County, Texas, will convene and sit ns a Board of Equalization on the second Monday in May, A. D. 1910, same being 9th day of said month, for the purpose of receiving from the As sessor of Taxes of Bexar County all his ns innient lists, books, etc., for their inspection, correction, equalization and approval. Witness my hand and seal of office in San Antonio, Tex., this 28th day of April. A. D. 1910. (Seal) FRANK R. NEWTON, County Clerk, Bexar Co., Tex VICTIM OF HOUSTON TRAGEDY IDENTIFIED Houston, Tex., May 4. —Investigation by the police today revealed the fact that the man shot in a room at the Brazos hotel late last night, was Robert G. McArtor, a hotel barber. House De tective Scott, arrested following the shooting, says he fired in self defense, believing McArtor had drawn a revolv er. Scott had previously forced en trance to a room, finding McArtor and Mrs. Ed C. Learmont, and had ordered McArtor to leave. The woman’s husband, a Houston em balntcr, cared for McArtor’s body, learn ing afterwards it was his wife who was implicated in the tragedy. Genuine Opal Refrigerators— Four sizes. These refrigerators are opal, both on the in and out side are mineral wool lined, hav ing eight separate walls for air circulation. The finest refriger ator made. Regular prices $ll2, $l4O, $l5O and SlBO. ioc per cent reduction makes the prices $lOO.BO $120.00 $135.00 $102.00 KEEP YOUR EYES ON OUR DISPLAY WINDOWS. VICTORY OURS, SAYS CHAIRMAN CONROY A luncheon was given this afternoon at the St. Anthony hotel in honor of Mayor H. Baldwin Rice of Houston. Mayor Lewis Fisher of Galveston and Mayor W. D. Davis of Fort Worth, by the San Antonio Commission Govern ment league. The luncheon was in the nature of an informal affair and fol lowing a bounteous repast, addresses were delivered. Thomas L. Conroy, chairman of the league, officiated as toastmaster. In opening he announced that the dinner was arranged this forenoon when -t was learned that the visiting majors would be able to remain in San Antonio until this evening. He paid a glowing tribute to the visitors for helping San Antonio in its campaign of education for a commission government. “The fight for a commission form of government for San Antonio is won and victory is perched high upon our banner,” said Chairman Conroy. Theodore Harris was the first speaker introduced at 2:30 o’clock this after noon. He dwelt upo* the vivid con trast qf ni-ties conducted by commission and aldermanic form of governments. Those present were J. H. Maile, Dr. The Best Always Proves The Cheapest NEVER FAILS TO RESTORE GRAY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL COLOR and BEAUTY. Ynmlf hMM SAMPLE BOTTLE FREE Cut thia adv. out ind mail with your name and address and name of your Druat island 10 cents for post PHILO HAY SPEC. CO.. 30 Clinton Street. Newark. Now Jersey, U. S. A. See FOB BALL BY BEXAB DRUG COMPANY. SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE Soo Refrigerator No. 12—Is a fine one for the home. Ice chamber is 11x12x18. This one will satisfy you. A good value at $10.50. 10 per cent discount makes the price /> J W only 9.45 Rhinelander Refrigerator No. 315 —Ice capacity 75 pounds, provision chamber white enam el, ice compartment opens in front. This one sells for $22.50. 10 per cent dis- A A Aff count makes it MviwJ Cambria Refrigerator No. 404 —Size of ice compartment 13X 13x20, provision compartment white enamel. Regular price $14.50. 10 per cent discount makes the price now X 3a U 3 G. A. STOWERS FURNITURE CU. AFTE Forced to Reduce Stock Never before so early in the season have we sold Refrigerators and Ice Boxes at a reduced price. Three Carloeds on Hand How Nearly One Hundred Samples on the Floor We must have room for cars now on the tracks. 10% Discount on any box or refrigerator in our store for three days. IL.J*- DamaL The only porch shades made that vuoor roren onados the hot sun—colors, green & brown—Sizes DHAae Put Q OK ATR R RO 6, Band 10 feet wide— 7-foot, 8-inch drop— FIIUCS UitUj Hi lUy UsUU Marathon Refrigerator No. 262 —A tall refrigerator, fine con struction, ice capacity 150 pounds, white enamel provision chamber, three nickel wire ad justable shelves. Sells for $2B. 10 per cent discount makes 25.20 Arcadia Refrigerator No. 746 — Is a beauty, three compart ments, two white enamel pro vision compartments, ice capa city 10 opounds. Regular price $27.50. 10 per cent discount makes the price JS Ice Box No. 62—Has a hard wood case, heavy zinc lining, single door. Size of inside is 14x18x22. Regular price $7.50, and 10 per cent off Z makes it 00/ 3 Refrigerator No. 0607— A large one that opens at top and in front, ice ca pacity 80 pounds, mineral wool lined, removable ice chamber, white enamel provision chamber, with adjustable shelves. Regular price $22.10 per cent dis count makes 1 Q QO the price 0n1y... 1 /•Ov W. B. Russ. P. C. Woods, C. S. Fowler, D. K. Furnish, Theo. Harris, George D. Robbins, William L. Hoefgen, C. A. Goeth, Louis Heuermann, Alber. Steves, E. R. Richardson, George Mc- Quaid, William Aubrey, D. J. Wood ward. J. N. Brown. B. T. Masterson, Phil McLaughlin. Thomas L. Conroy and Joseph P. Welsh. PROPOSALS FOR PRINTING. Of fice of Chief Quartermaster, Dept, of Texas, San Antonio, Texas April 5, 1910. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, for furnishing all the printing, ruling, paper and card board required for Headquarters Dept, of Texas, during fiscal year ending June 30th, 1911, will be received here until 11 o’ck;k a. m.. May sth, 1910, and then open ed. U. S. reserves right to reject or accept any or all bids or any part thereof. Information and blank pro posals furnished on application. En velopes containing proposals should be marked “Proposals for Printing.” and addressed to Col. Jno. L. Clem, C. Q. M. $75,250 VERDICT IS AGAINST SANTA FF A verdict for the plaintiff for $75.- 250 was rendered in the case of J. P. Nelson vs. the Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railwav company and the Atchiso:i, Topeka &’Santa Fe Railway company in the Forty-fifth district court yester day afternoon at 5:30 o'clock. This was a damage suit growing out of the delay of shipment of lumber for the building of a dam near Dei Rio Nelson had a government contract ano because of the lack of material was unable to complete it within a specified tim/ and had to pay the forfeit. He sued for over $114,000. JOS. DUFFY, HEAD OF BRICKLAYERS. IS IN CITY Joseph Duffy, third vice president of the Bricklayers' Union, with head quarters at San Francisco, is in the city aft-«r having visited Denison, Sher man, Dallas, Fort Worth and other cities in the state and will remain here . for some time. A big mass meeting of union and non-nnicn bricklayers will |be held tonight at the Trades Council Rhinelander Refrigerator No. 803 —With ice capacity of 100 pounds, extra large provision chamber, white enamel and strong wire shelves. Regular price $2O. 10 per cent discount Oft makes the price £ Xev V Gibson Refrigerator No. 80a —The finest that is made. Two large provision compartments, solid opal, ice capacity 200 pounds, sol id oak frame, nickel frame. $65.00 is the regular price. 10 per cent discount makes the SU price 3/a3U Notice—All of our ice boxes and refrigerators are lined with mineral wool and the cases are made of seasoned wood that will not warp. hall, where Mr. Duffy will address all present on the conditions as they exist in the country today. RESOLUTION OF CONDOLENCE. Whereas, the Grim Reaper has again stalked forth in our ranks and removed therefrom one of our most, promising and conscientious workers in the vine yard of unionism; and. Whereas, In the death of Arpold Mueller, 8. A. Painters’ union 172, and P. H. union 736, deeply feel the loss of a member of executive ability and sterling quality, therefore. Be It Resolved. That the Painters’ and Paperhangers’ unions acquiesce in the wishes of the all wise One in His actions, and deeply mourn the untime ly death of our fellow brother member, and Be It Further Resolved. That we ex tend our heartfelt sympathy to the be reaved family in the loss of a provident husband and a kindly father, and Resolved, further, That a copy of these resolutions be presented to the family, and the Weekly Dispatch and Painters’ Journal, and that the charter of the local be draped in mourning for thirty days and a copy of resolution be spread on the minutes F. F. Teel. E. T. Eaton. L. C. Lich, C. W. Cohn, Ed. Englebardt. OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUAR TERMASTER. Fort Sam Houston. Tex as. May 4, 1910. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received here till 11 a. m., June 4, 1910, and then opened, for the construction, etc., of a pumping, ice and ice storage plant, and of a post laundry, with all laundry machinery complete, at Fort Sam Houston, Texas., The U. S. reserves the right to reject) any or all bids. Bidders must state) names of manufacturers whose goods thev propose to furnish. Plans and specifications may be seen only in this, office; in office of the depot quarter master, St. Louis. Mo.; office of the de pot quartermaster, New York city, and in the office of the chief quartermaster. Dept, of the Lakes, Chicago. TH. Seal ■ cd envelopes containing proposals should be marked “Proposals for Pumping and) Tee Plant and Laundry,” and addressed to P. W. Guiney, Constructing Quarter master. Employer —What! You want an other raise! You are getting $4 a week now. Office Boy—Yes. sir; .but I’m en gaged now. and my gitf wants to be taken about. Radium Refrigerator No. 704% —Has a fine polished case. Ice chamber is 10x12x18, remov able, making it sanitary, pro vision chamber is white enamel, nickel wire shelves. Worth $15.00. 10 per cent 8 Q gft discount makesit.. x3«3v Ice Box No. 382 —Has a hard wood case, with two lids, heavy zinc lining. Size inside is i6x 20x24. Worth $B.OO. 10 per cent discount makes W the price / • W v Lapland Refrigerator No. 6— One of the best on the market. Size of the removable ice cham ber 12x12x20. Regular value $20.00. 10 per cent discount makes the price IQ AA only 10.UU BREAKS ALL RECORDS more than two thousand tons of freight. I The train consisted - of twenty-seven FOR HEAVY HAUL | loaded cars, forty empties and one pri- I vate car, which was occupied by offi- Special Dispatch. ! cials interested in the train. The Katy Denison, Tex., May 4.—A1l records has been increasing the tonnage of for heavy hauls by single locomotives j freight trains going north for several wore broken today when the Missouri,' weeks following the completion of dou- Kansas & Texas sent a train north with . ble tracks. The Best Trade of the You Must Act Quickly Refrigerator No. 956—Five feet high, 30 inches wide, 100 pounds ice capacity, removable ice chamber, lower compart ment white enamel and lined with removable shelves, plate mirror in front. Regular cash price $25.00. 10 per cent dis count makes it 22.50 We will either sell or trade a 4000 acre ranch near Boerne, t<> gether with 1000 head of fine Angora goats, 6 room house with good improvements, fine well with windmill and tanks and other access ories, all in first-class condition. There is a great abundance of water on this tract, including springs and creeks of fine running water. This is hog-proof fenced and cross-fenced. Will trade for $lO,OOO in city property, balance on easy terms, or sell for $6 per acre. We have another ranch of 38,000 acres near New Braunfels, 100 acres of which is in cultivation, holding a good 5 room house, well, springs and creeks, together with 900 head of Merino go-tts. Four wire fenced and cross-fenced. The entire tract divided into five pastures, which we will sell for $6 per acre or trade for $lO,OOO in city property and balance on easy terms. This is the one best bar gain of the year and should have your immediate consideration. DITTMAR REALTY CO. 320 Mackay Building. Old Phone 1527. LUMBER Before building or making repairs on that house, porch, shed or barn it will pay you to drop in and inspect our immense stock of LUMBER MILL WORK DOORS SASH BLINDS CEILING SIDING FLOORING LATHS SHINGLES ETC. You’ll find our Lumber well seasoned, all under waterproof sheds and so easy to work. All woodworkerslikeour lumber. LET'S GET TOGETHER AND TALK IT OVER Petrich-saur lumber crv? Yda—Lamar and Cheatnut Phones 30-30 MAY 4, 1910. Befrigetator No. 73A is a fine one, hard wood, highly polished case, mitered joints, provision compartments are lin ed inside with opal, niekel wire shelves and nickel trimmings; ice capacity 100 pounds. Regular cash price $42.50, and the 10 per cent discount 38.25 makes it Rhinelander Refrigerator No. 10 —Good strong case, well fin ished, open top and front. Size of ice chamber is 10x10x15. Regular selling price $7.50. 10 per cent discount X makes the price De/ 3 Mascot Refrigerator No. 403 — Hardwood case, strong joints, highly finished, size of remov abje ice chamber is 10x10x15. Regular price $8.50. 10 per cent discount makes the W SS price / eO3 Cambria Refrigerator No. 302 —Hardwood case. Size of ice chamber is 11x12x19. Worth $7.25. 10 per cent discount makes it X only 0.33 New Phone 2718. 7 KEEP YOUR EYES ON OUR DISPLAY WINDOWS. Year