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TEETH o xL I । .h. Notice! We are not connected with any other dental office. When coming to us be sure you ar e in the rignt place, as our success has caused others to locate in our near vicinity. Save time and money, have less pain and discomfort and, above all, get better results by having your dental work done by men of experience and a reputation for fairness and reliability. Full Set of Teeth 93.00, >5.00 and >7.50 22-kt. Gold Crowns. A Superior Bridge Work, J- WK Fine Porcelain Work. ) Silver Fillings 50c. Gold Fillings >1 up. Teeth extracted without pain 50c. EXAMINATION ALWAYS FREE. HOURS DAILY 8 to x 7. SUNDAY 9 to 1 Union Painless Dentists (The Careful Dentists.) 322'/, West Commerce St. Over Blumenthal’s Jewelry Store. Remember, 322 ■/, W. Oom. ARCHER Official Photographer National Rail ways Mexico. Designing, Illustrating Photographing Ist Soledad St. Verameadl Blds. See us for Bargains Cady-Cotter Furniture Co. 327 E. Commerce St. DR. T. C. BELL Specialist Cancer and Diseases of the Skin Office, 401-403 Moore Bide Houri 10 to IS and I to i. San Antonio Printing Co. L. B. CLEGG, President and Treasurer. Office Furniture, Office Supplies, Sta tionery, Fine Book and Job Work. 130 Soledad St. Both Phones. IT’S THE BEST IN TOWN TRY ir The San Antonio Steam Laundry Co. 181 North St. Both Phonee 370 fBED C. GROOS AND JOHN M. NEWTOI WRITS Fire, Tornado, Hall, Automobile, Liability, Accident INSURANCE ANO SURETY BONDS. NO. 103 ALAMO BANK BLOB. Soth Phonee USB 201 H CENTURY PHARMACIES THE CUT RATE DRUO STORES 144 Weet Commerce Street. 222 East Houston Street, Arents tor Whitman's Caadtoa San Antonio Optical Co. Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Work Guaranteed. 308 W. Commerce St. SAN ANTONIO CARRIAGE CO. Fintdass carriage painting, trimming and ruobet tiring. Kcw Phone 880. 602 Market St R. SI ROHKEYER Regtered Plumber a I rain Laver* STEAM AND GAS FITTER. 704 St. Mary St. Old Phone 2947. New Phone 1138. GERLACH BROS. tailors and GENTS' FURNISHERS 117 W. Honeten St. Special atteu'-lcn given to cleaning, cressing and repairing. Work guaranteed. New Phone 1326. IHUKsDai, ALBANIA IS A SCENE OF DEVASTATION Rebels Massacre Men, Women and Chnldren, and Burn Turkish Villages, CARRY ON GUERRILLA WAR Government Troops Carry the Bodies of Children on Bayo nets to Incite Fanatics, Special Dispatch. Saloniea, May s.—Albania from Montenegro southward two hundred miles is a scene of devastation. Men, women and children have been massa cred by the rebels and Turkish vil lages are in ruins. Refugees are arriv ing hero hourly. Tbe rebels have attacked Keslovo and Sais and other towns and fierce fighting has resulted. The rebels are resorting to guerilla warfare and are burning tbe villages, which don’t support them. • The government troops are commit ting the worst horrors, carrying chil drens’ bodies on bayonets to lead the fanatical troops. GOES INTO BANKRUPTCY TO FORESTALL RUIN Brenham Merchant Alleges In Petition That Creditor Is Crushing Him to Wall. Special Dispatch. Austin, Tex., May 5. —A voluntary petition in bankruptcy, which alleges that the exactions of a creditor forced him into bankruptcy, was filed in the federal district court here yesterday by John Henry Quehe of Brenham. Queho states in his petition that one of his creditors is charging him 5 per cent on the amount owed for every month in which he fails to pay the bill and that this has forced him to file the petition to save himself from utter ruin. His assets are given at $11,615 and liabili ties at $8724. Was Only Member of Desperado Fam ily in Kansas to Escape Ven geance. Special Dispatch. San Francisco, May s.—Kate Bender, member of the famous Bender family of Cherryvale, Kansas,, and the only one who escaped vengeance for their numerous crimes, was found dead in her home at Rio Vista yesterday. It is sup posed she died about April 18. The wo man had lived practically alone for sev eral months and her death was discover ed accidentally. CHILD OF FORMER RESIDENTS OF CITY KILLED IN MEXICO Word was received Tuesday after noon of the death of William Thomp son, the two-year-old son of Frank E. Thompson, formerly of San Antonio, which occurred at Sabinas, Mexico. The tetter containing the news of the death of the little boy, who was born in-San Antonio, was from the mother, who in her letter said: “We are heart-broken over the death of our son, Will, who was killed yesterday, and we are burying him today. Will write full particulars later.’’ Mr. Thompson is well known in San Antonio, having for a number of years been connected with the E. F. Collins Machinery Supply company as a machinist. He is at pres ent conducting and owns a large pack ing house at Sabinas, Mexico. Special Dispatch. Austin, Tex., "May 5.—80 b Barker, of San Antonio, is here and an nounces that he is still in the race for comptroller. Mr. Barker has been west for treatment following an attack made on him three months ago by a negro who afterwards killed his cousin. Air. Barker was struck with an axe, and still wears the scar on bis forehead. KATE BENDER IS DEAD. BARKER STILL IN RACE. The BELL Jewe Iry Co. 227 West Commerce St. You must see our variety of Powder Puffsand the many new things for the chatelaine in ster ling silver, etc. These are all the rage. EVOLVES NEW SOCIETY STUNT The Baroness D'Erlanger, formerly Mias Sidell of New Orleans, who, with her sister, now the Countess de St. Romain, has started an inovation in Paris society, by ordering an immense number of photographs from an Amer ican photographer to be used as menu cards. On one side of the photograph is to be the list of dishes and on the other side groups of women, chateaux, interiors or pictures of the hostess her self. The new plan is already grow ing very popular as it serves in part to suggest topics of conversation at the formal dinners. BOTH ARNS BLOWN OFF BY TORPEDO Injured Man's First Thought Is for Others and Requests Celebration to Go on. Special Dispatch. Jourdanton, Tex., May s.—With both arms blown off near the elbows, his left eye badly injured and his right leg torn and bleeding, Anselmo Solis’ first thought was for the happiness of oth ers and his last request before lapsing into unconsciousness was that.his peo pie should not stop the Cinco de Mayo celebration because of the accident to him. Mr. Solis, who is one of the most re spected of the Mexican citizens of Jourdanton, was injured at 5 o’cletk this morning while setting off giant tor pedoes in opening the day’s celebration. Both arms were torn off above the wrists and were later amputated by sur geons. His left eye was almost blown out and his right leg was severely torn. Chances for his recovery are very slender. Solis is about 50 years of age and has a wife and large family. ChHdr» n Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A MOOSE TO BE FIRST ORDER TO HAVE BAND The first fraternal organization in San Antonio to have a full brass band of its own will be the Loyal Order of Moose, and the matter will be taken up at a regular meeting of the lodge Thursday night at the old Eagle hall on the corner of Navarro and Com merce street. O. F. Skinner, the local organizer, yesterday said he had many members who were musicians and it was their desire that the Loyal Order of Moose be the first in the city to have a musical organization of its own. Mr. Skinner will also take up the matter of organizing a fine drill team for the Moose and announces that the charter has been ordered to be held open until further orders and that all members who attend Thursday night will be pre sented with a “Call on the Moose.” * + PUT ‘MOTHER HUBBARDS’ ❖ ON PRISONERS IN JAIL. + Associated Press. 4- Rome, Ga., May 5. —As a pre ❖ vention of filth in the county ❖ jail, Chairman Gammon, of the ♦ board of the county commission ❖ ers, has put forward the sugges + tion that all prisoners be re •S 1 quired to wear “Mother Hub ❖ bards’’ as long as they are in ♦ jail. Chairman Gammon voiced ❖ this idea after hearing the re ❖ port of the county physician 4- that prisoners are infected with ❖ vermin when they enter the ♦ jail and that they refuse to 4> bathe. SAM ANTONIO LIGHT AMD GAZETTE KANSAS CITY SOAP FACTORY DESTROYED Loss Is $1,250,000, But Own ers Announce Plant Will Be Rebuilt Soon as Possible. Associated Free.. Kansas City, Mav s.—Peet Bros, soap factory burned last night with a loss of a million and a quarter. The owners say the plant will be rebuilt but 500 men will be out of employment mean while. The fire started in the office and spread rapidly. Several monster glycerine tunks, containing thousands of gallons each, exploded with a deaf ening noise, driving the fireman back. One fireman was injured by a flying board. Peet Bros, started a small factory here thirty-eight years ago, and are now doing a $3,000,000 business yearly. FREIGHT HANDLERS NAY GO ON STRIKE Men Wil I Ballot Tonight on Whether to Refuse or Ac cept the Compromise. A.iocuUd Frets. Chicago, 111., May 5. —Whether 4000 freight handlers of seventy-three roads entering Chicago shall stand pat for the flat ten per cent increase in wages for hoar men and $5 a month for others and go on strike tomorrow, or accept the compromise terms offered by the roads will be determined by a vote to be taken tonight. More than 3000 of the men who quit work yesterday afternoon returned to work today pending the outcome of the balloting. The Chicago Great Western and Rock Island have accepted tbe terms presented by their employes. DURAND DENIES REPORT Estimates of Population of Cities Ac- Girding to New Census Are Not Official. Associated Press. Washington, May 5. —In denial of published stories giving what purported to be estimates of the population of some of the cities of the United States, as shown by the new census, C. Dana Durand, director of the census, declares emphatically that no official announce ment of the population of any city or state in the United States or the United States as a whole will be made for some time to come; further, that the exact returns have not been received and emphasizes the impossibility of any of ficial estimates being given at this time. AUSTIN W. C. T. U. TO ENDORSE CONE JOHNSON Special Dispatch. Austin, Tex., Mav s.—Fallowing Dr. Rankin’s open endorsement of Cone Johnson, the local W. C. T, U. will probably also endorse this candidate for governor at its meeting this after noon. Last week it was proposed to adopt a resolution of endorsement and the ladies thus let the “cat out of the bag’’ as to the political plans of the prohibitionists. CHARTER IS ISSUED TO THE FREE CLINIC The San Antonio Free Dispensary and Hospital association, better known as the “Free Clinic,” has been char tered with the secretary of state and the work of the erection of a building for the accommodation of indigent pa tients is now under consideration. The charter calls for no capital stock, and, as its name implies, the association is to be conducted for charitable and be nevolent purposes. A site for the build ing has already been selected and plans for the building are now under consideration. The directors of the as sociation are Mesdainea Anna Hertz berg, J. B. Cunningham, H. P. Drought, P. J. Lewis,' L. B. Clegg, F. Sharpe, J. N. Evans, W. Kelso, Dr. J. V. Spring, Nat Washer; Dr. Charles Venable, Frank Harris, F. A. Chapa and J. D. Guinn. Foley’s Kidney Pills are antiseptic, tonic and restorative and a prompt cor rective of all urinary irregularities. Re fuse substitutes. Bexar Drug Co. The greatest triumph in Type writer history is the New Vis ible Models of the REMINGTON TYPEWRITER Remington Typewriter Sales rooms, E. B. Reppert. Proprietor. D. S. Rudnick, District Mgr. 31 1 Navarro Street, San Antonio, Texas. May the San Antonio Gas Electric Company Give You a Suggestion? It is this: Cook With Gaus. You’ll save fuel bills, servant bills and doctor bills. Gas is cheaper than anv other fuel, not only for actual cooking pur poses but in labor saved in cleaning up afterwards. You can get a longer staying servant when you cook with Gas and you will thus save yourself money and trouble. And if you haven’t a servant, you’ll save your doctor bills by being able to keep cool and strong during the summer. Hadn’t you better call up 31J today and carry out our suggestion? It will benefit you materially. If you prefer we’ll send a representative to talk it over with you first. San Antonio Gas Electric Company 507 E. Houston Street 507 । J San Antonio _ J/? ROOSEVELT TALKS ON INTERNATIONAL PEACE He Delivers Nobel Lecture at Christiana and Gives Thanks for the Prize. POINTS WAY FOR ADVANCE Advocates Treaties of Arbitra tion and Development of The Hague Tribunal. Christiania, May 5. —Before the na tions of the world Theo. Roosevelt to day held up the constitution of the Uqited States and the supreme court as models which might well be followed in forming a federation of the world’s civilized nations to preserve interna tional peace and justice. He spoke before the Nobel prize committee on the theme, “Interna tional Peace.” “If I may venture the suggestion it would be well for the statesmen of the world, in planning for ,the erec tion of the world court, to study what has been done in the United States by the supreme court,” he said. “I can not help thinking that the constitution of the United States, notably in the es tablishment of the supreme court and in the methods adopted for securing peace and good relations among and be tween the different states, offers cer tain analogies to what should be striven for in order to secure, through the Hague courts and conferences, a species of world federation for inter national peace and justice. “The methods adopted in the Ameri can constitution to prevent hostilities between the states and to secure the supremacy of the federal court in cer tain classes of cases, are well worth the study of those who seek at the Hague to obtain the same results on a world scale.” The right kind of fighting held as much place in the address of Colonel Roosevelt as did the right kind of peacemaking. There are some kinds of peace that Roosevelt doesn’t like, and he told the committee so. “Peace is generally good in itself,” he said, “but it is never the highest good unless it comes as the handmaid of righteousness; and it becomes an evil thing if it serves merely as a mask for cowardice and sloth, or as an instrument to further the ends of des potism or anarchy. “We despise and abhor the bully, the brawler and the oppressor, whether in private or public life, and we de spise no less the coward and the volup tuary. “No man is worth calling a mau who will not fight rather than submit ti infamy or seo those that are dear to him suffer wrong. No nation de serves to exist if it permits ftself to lose the stern and virile virtues; and this without regard to whether tue loss is due to the growth of a heartless and all-absorbing commercialism, to prolonged indulgence in luxury and soft, effortless ease, or to the deifica tion of a warped and twisted senti mentality. “I feel that I have the right to have my words taken seriously when • I point out where, in my judgment, great advance ean be made in the cause of international peace. “First of all, there can bo treatles! of arbitration. There are, of course,: states so backward that a civilized; nation ought not to enter into an arbi-. tration treaty with them, at least un , til we have gone much further in se | curing some kind of international po I lice action. But ail really civilized | communities should have effective arbi 1 tration treaties among themselves. 11 believe that these treaties can cover al ■ most all questions liable to arise be- PEACE BY FORCE,” SAYS T. R. TO PEACE MEN. It would be a master stroke *■ if those great powers, honestly % bent on peace, would form a % league of peace, not only to S keep peace among themselves, *« but to prevent, by force, if nec- % essary, its being broken by oth- % ers. The combination might at % first be only to secure peace % within certain definite limits % and certain definite conditions; % but the ruler or statesman who % should bring about such a com- *• bination would have earned his % place in history for all time and Sj his title to the gratitude of all *■ mankind. % —THEO. ROOSEVELT. % S tween such nations, if they are drawn with the explicit agreement that each contracting party will respect the oth er’s territory and its absolute sovereiA ty within that territory and the equally explicit agreement that (aside from the very rare cases where the nation’s hon or is vitally concerned) all other pos sible subjects of controversy will be submitted to arbitration.” Mr. Roosevelt advocated a further development of the Hague tribunal and of the work of the conferences and courts at the Hague. “Something should be done to check the growth of armaments, especially of naval armaments, by international agreement,” said Colonel Roosevelt. “No power could or should act by it self, for it is eminently undesirable, from the standpoint of ♦he peace of righteousness, that a power which real ly does believe in peace should place itself at the mercy of some rival which may, a“l bottom, have no such belief and no intention of acting on it. “But, granted sincerity qf purpose, the great powers of. the world should find no insurmountable difficulty in reaching an agreement which would put an end to the present costly and growing extravagance of expenditure on naval armaments. An agreement merely to limit the size of ships would have been very useful a few years ago and would still be of use; but the agree ment should go much further.” However, he concluded, each nation must keep well prepared to defend it self until the establishment of some form of international police power, competent and willing to prevent vio lence as between nations. STEAMER ROLAND FLOATED. Auociatod Praia. Norfolk, May s.—The North German Lloyd steamer Roland, from Galveston to Bremen with a cargo of cotton, which stranded Sunday night on Cur rituck Beach, N. C. fifty miles south of Cape Henry, was floated early today. She proceeded under her own steam for Newport News, where she will be dock ed for examination. INFANT FOOD Robinson’s Patent Barley. For INFANTS. INVALIDS and NURSING MOTHERS. Robinson’s Patent Barley used with freah cow's milk, la recom mended by leading physicians all over the civilized world. SOLD BY all D.ugglsts and Grocera. Send for Booklet "ADVICE to MO TH ERS”—Free. JAMES P. SMITH & COMPANY Sole Agents. New York. Chicago. 90-94 Hudson St. 57 S. Water St. MAY 5, 1910. NEW SOCIETY MAY RESULT Farmers and Federation of La bor Discuss Plans for'Co operation In Work. Aaaoeiated Press. St. Louis, Mo., May s.—Officers of the Amercan Federation of Labor and the different farmers’ organizations in convention here, continued today to dis cuss a plan of eo-operation. A new or ganization to be called the National Farmers’ Scientific Co-Operative so ciety will probably be the result of the deliberations. The new organization will endeavor to do away with middle men and speculation on farm products. Today’s program of the farmers* rally was devoted largely to the grain men. Representatives from grain and produce exchanges of the large cities at tended the meeting. Twenty speakers were on the day’s program. Skin Blotches i indicate (kin sickness. Sometimes it’s ( little colony of germs that are feasting on your skin. Sometimes it is the symp tom of a much more serious skin trouble to come. In any event, if you value your looks, comfort or future health, you should get rid of the trouble m once. Don’t risk Eczema, Erysipelas, Ringworm and other serious skin di* eases by letting any indication of skin sickness run on untreated, when Lit. tell’s Liquid Sulphur Compound (top* itching instantly and permanently ret lievee any and all forms of skin disease, no matter what it may be. Sample bob. tie sent postpaid to any address for lOe. Phnms-Sulnknr Co.. S’. Lnuh. Mo. 3 THE FAMOUS Burdette Mineral Water ANU BURDETTE SPLITS FOB SALE AT THE FOLLOWING PLACES: M. M. HEWGLEY, Office Bar. Hi Eaai Houston Street. JIM STEVENS, Riverside Bar, E. Hous ton Street. C. R. BASSE, Bismarck Saloon. Alamo Plata. M. L. MASSEY, 310 Went Commeree St ARTHUR J. GAUL. 133 West Commerce. F BIANCHI, 138 South Pecos Street ANTON M. JUDMAIER. 217 Nacogdo ches Street. HENRY WALTERSCHIELD. 1831 North Flores Street. N. O. ELLISON, 1528 Grayson Street. P. G LUCAS, Mission Druj Store, 737 South Alamo Street. GUNTER HOTEL BAK. MENGER HOTEL BAR. BEXAR HOTEL BAR. H. C. KING, 531 San Pedro Avenue. N. O. ELLISON, 733 South Alamo Street. J. C. HOVEL A SONS. North Flores St. and Mistletoe Ave. LAUREL HEIGHTS PHARMACY. 133 Mistletoe Avenue. LAUREL HEIGHTS GROCERY CO., 135 Mistletoe Avenue. SUNNY SOUTH BAR, Corner Houston and Navarro Streets. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY DRUG STORES. 222 E. Houston St. and 14* W. Commerce. 2 BROTHERS BAR, 313 Crockett Stand 119 W. Houston. KALTEYF.R S DRUG STORE. GEO. LEHR, 645 East Commerce St. HENRY HOECKE. 319 East Houston St. STEVE VACCAREZZA, 328 South Con cho St R. COHN & CO.. 908 Weet Commerce St. This Waler is an Absolute Cure for Stomach and Kidney Troubles and Indigestion. New Phone »??. M. & P. MACHINE SHOP Automobile Repair* Gasoline and Oils 603-605 Maio* Avenue. 11