Elastic Belts
A big lot of Sommer belts in combin
ations of kid and clastic —black or
white—finished gilt trimmings and
sightly buckles. 50c kind
Joske’s “Summery Specials’’ for Outdoor Comfort
Joske’s Hammock Chairs
< The most convenient chair imaginable, suitable any v
< place you put it, folds flat when not in use, can be ?
I converted into four positions. Joske’s 4 ?
? Plain Figure Price • >
Joske’ Lawn Swing
: Made of hardwood, painted and var
' nished, choice of green or red, entire
frame bolted together and braced, stol
idly built. We have 5 ft.-6 ft. lengths;
also chairs and rockers to match.
Joske s Porch Swing
'•This is a new one.” Come and see it! Porch swing i
and divan combination, oak frame, painted forest green, S
National spring and mattress to fit. complete with '
chains and all appliances. Joske’s Plain 4 4 EE <
Figure Price * A awV ■
And Now Comes the Bi& May Shoe Sale! Seasonable Footwear
For Matron or Miss, For Man or Youth, for Boy or Girl—Shoes for All
Our $4.00 Oxfords for $2.75
And that headline means exactly what it
purports—s4X» Oxfords for $2.75. Wom
en's Oxfords made with patent vamp and
suede tops in blue, tan, white, green and
gray, finished with turn sole and Cuban
heel; fasten with three pearl w
buttons. Regularly $4.00. J / &
May Sale price, pair Mfaf
Silver fern dishes for table or tabour
ette —complete with earthenware lin
ing. 7 inch dish of ail- 4
ver in filigree style F’i. A lOw
Group A—sl.3s; Worth $1.75
Search San Antonio 'from end to end—look where you will and
try as you may, but you’ll find no such values under $1.75 pair.
Women’s Oxfords of jet don- Ankle strap Pumps of white
gola kid, in plain toe style, fin- canvas for‘‘big misses.” They’re
ished with Cuban or common-sense made with low Cuban heel and
heel. turn sole.
Women’s one-strap Sandals of Ankle strap Pumps of white
dongola kid. made with opera or canvas, in ‘‘big misses” sizes;
common-sense toe and finished finished with low Cuban heel and
with turn sole. turn sole.
Oxfords, Sandals and Pumps for spring and summer— 4 ft
you’d count them cheap at $1.75. May Shoe Sale at I
Group 8—51.85; Worth $2.50
Just another instance of the values that rule during this big an
nual event—sl.Bs for big $2.50 values! Think of it!
Women’s Blucher Oxfords of Ankle strap Pumps of dongola
vici kid, made with plain too or kid, made in plain toe style, for
patent tip and finished with turn ‘‘big misses” wear; with welt
sole and Cuban heel. sole and low Cuban heel.
A omen’s Oxfords of chocolate Women’s ankle strap Pumps of
kid, made in Blucher style, with dongola kid, made with the plain
tipped toe and finished with turn toe and finished with welt sole
sole and Cuban heel. and Cuban heel.
Oxfords of dongola kid, in Ankle strap Pumps of gun metal
Blucher style, made in ‘‘big calf in big misses sizes, finished
misses” sizes, finished with rat- with plain toe and Goodyear welt
ent tip and flexible sole. sole.
Women s Oxfords of dull kid, Women's ankle strap Pumps of
made m Blucher style, with pat patent colt in plain toe style set
ent tip, English welt sole and Cu- off with bow and finished with
ban beel - Cuban heels.
A wonderful collection from which to choose one’s 4 XV W
summer footwear—not a pair but you’d count big val I X m
ue at $2.50. In the May Shoe Sale g
Shoes for YOU, Mr. Man
Men’s Blucher Oxfords of white duck, made in short *V
vamp style and finished'with Goodyear welt sole. .. A ■aO
Men's Blucher Oxfords of gray canvas, made in tipped 4 OE
style, finished with soft, flexible soles. Pair 1 IUU
Men's Blucher Oxfords of gunmetal calf, finished with
Goodyear welt sole. $3.50 values for, pair
Young men’s 2-eyelet pumps of patent colt, in new high Q g
toe and heel styie tor dress wear. $3.50 regularly, now Wi 1 3
Broken lines of men’s Oxfords, made of tan Russia calf, 4 QE
gunmetal calf and patent kid. $3.50 and $4 styles. . * iQU
Little men’s Blucher lace shoes of box calf, finished 4 /\E
with flexible soles, sizes 12 to 2, in the May Shoe Sale.. JL aVU
$4 and $5 Oxfords and Pumps $3.55
There’s no error of any kind about the headline. It means exactly
what it purports —$4 and $5 Oxfords and pumps for men $3.55.
They’re made of tan Russia, gunmetal calf, patent kid, patent colt
and vici kid, made over new and up to-date lasts— W w
styles that are the best we could find to sell at $4
and $5 go in the May Shoe Sale at •
Fern Dishes
Porch Rocker
For $1.25
The fraipe is made of solid oak,
painted green or red, seat made of
double strength cane. It’s worth
your while to inspect this rocker even
if you have some others. You can
always make use of an extra rocker.
Once a year, in May, the Joske store comes forward with this big shoe sale —an event so
broad that it includes practically every shoe in the house. Whether it be pump or oxford,
tie or slipper, every pair bears a new—a lowered—price. Many of the styles have been in the house less
than a fortnight—all are absolutely correct; identically the same in fashion that the best dressed English
and French women are wearing on the streets this spring.
Another point—in nearly every line there are all sizes and all widths. Where sizes are incomplete we
tell you here Three big windows on Alamo Street give a hint of the possibilities this sale holds
for you and every member of your household. Surely in all the 400 styles in this stock, there’s one for you.
Jbsfce Bros. Co,
Joske’s Lawn Settee
! This settee is 3 1-2 feet long, stoutly built and well <
’ braced, seat and back natural finish, frame work green (
)or red. If you want a good bench for little money )
J buy this one. Joske’s Plain Figure Price 4 OE J
J marks it at . • J
Joske’s Bentwood Bench
The very best swing you’ve seen in ,
San Antonio for the price. Made of I
white maple, bolted together, frame ;
painted red, seats and back natural fin- ;
Joske’s Lawn Swing
Entirely different from any other one. It’s made to S
fold flat without removing any nut or bolt, frame is of s
hard white maple, painted and finished. It’s a four- I
passenger size. Joske’s Plain Figure 4 4 CfeC '
Price • • ;■ • ■ *
Group C—52.35; Worth $3.00
When we say “worth s3.oo’’ we mean that no other store can
price you like Oxfords and Pumps under 53.00 —and they are good
big value at <53.00.
Women’s Blucher Oxfords of
patent pony colt in new short
vamp style, with tip and fin
ish-.d with Goodyear welt sole.
Women’s button Oxfords of
patent colt, made with plain toe
and li:gh arch, and finished with
Ci.ban heel and welt sole.
Button Oxfords of patent colt,
for ‘‘big misses,” made in tipped
style, with welt sole and low Cu
ban heels.
Women’s button Oxfords of vici
kid, in short vamp style, with pat
ent tip and finished with turn
sole and Cuban heel.
Group D—52.65; Worth $3.50
Oxfords and Pumps that are made right, shaped to hug the an
kle, that look well, fit and withal are comfortable. Styles that will
give a satisfactory account of themselves in time and service.
Women’s three hole Blucher Women’s four eyelet Blucher
Oxfords of patent kid, with black Oxfords of vici kid, with patent
cloth top, made in plain toe style or plain toe and finished with
and finished with turn sole and turn sole and Cuban heel.
Cuban heel. ,
Women’s four pearl button Ox 8 ""k'" B, ™P 8 of
fords, with patent vamp and dull black eravenette made with the
kid quarters, made in high toe " ew h 'f h
style, with turn sole and Cuban t,,rn 80,e * Bd Cuban heel '
heel. Women’s ankle strap Pumps of
Women’s ankle strap Pumps of v ' c ' kid, made with the plain toe
all patent kid, set off with pat- finished with turn sole and
ent leather bow and finished with Cuban heel,
turn sole and Cuban heel. Women’s three hole Oxfords in
Women’s two-strap street Blucher style, made of vici kid,
Pumps of all patent pony colt, in with patent tip, Goodyear welt
plain toe style, with heavy edge, sole and Cuban heel. Built over
turn sole and high Cuban heel. straight last.
A wonderful aggregation here —the best of summer’s X av
shoe styles in all sizes. All widths; worth $3.50. May J MM
Sale price m/ • vx
Group E—52.75; Worth $3.50
Don't allow the small price to mislead you in regard to these
shoes. They’re equal i* any that you’ll find about town at $3.50 —
all brand new styles.
Women's instep strap street Women's ankle strap Pumps of
Pumps of patent kid, made with all patent pony colt, finished
plain toe and finished with turn with the welt sole and Cuban heel
sole and Cuban heel. —two styles.
Women’s three-hole Blucher Women’s three eyelet Oxfords
Oxfords of patent colt, with dull in Blucher style, made of choco
kid quarter, made in tipped style, late kid, with high toe, short
with welt sole and Cuban heel. vamp, welt sole and Cuban heel.
Here are five different models in all sizes and in all A MM
w j,jths—we can fit you perfectly and comfortably in 9 / M
any of them. Worth $3.50. May Sale price W*/
Women’s ankle strap Pumps of
all patent pony colt, in plain toe
and short vamp style, with welt
s >le and Cuban heel.
Ankle strap Pumps of all pat
ent leather, made in short vamp
style, with, turn sole and low .Cu
ban heel, for ‘‘big misses.” ' .
Women's two-hole ribbon Ties,
with patent vamp and dull kid
quarters; Blucher cut, with plain
toe, turn sole and high Cuban
Women’s street Pumps in two
strap style, made of chocolate kid,
in plain toe style, with turn sole
and Cuban heel.
250 Rolls of 33c Jap. Matting
To Be Sold Friday at Only 25c Per Yard LAID in Your Room
Good news, indeed, to the housekeeper. 250 rolls is a “good-sized"
carload, and just because the shipment came several weeks earlier than
was expected, and to effect prompt disposal, will close them out at 25c
per yard. This is LINEN warp Matting, renowned for its servicability,
pure white, inlaid with intermediate figures. Don't delay. Remember the
price! The time—Friday ONLY, the one day
$17.50 Axminster
6x9 rugs, light effects. These are
slightly soiled. The' lot will be
cleared out Friday at
the reduced price of. viWV
Swiss Ruffled Curtains, in pretty dot
ted and figured designs, full width,
3 yards long, $1 values,
tomorrow w
Couch Covers, 50-inch, Roman stripe,
3 yards long, long fringed —
end, $1 values, for O*rC
Features in the May Sale of Linens
18x36 Huck Towels, with dainty red 18-inch Napkins, full bleached, hem- Crocheted Red Spread, full size, pret
borders, an extra large and med, a splendid assortment of pat- ty Marseilles patterns, the regualr
strong towel, each terns, tomorrow a dozen CQp $1.73 grade tomorrow 4
72-inch Linen Damask, weighty and for C for only JL a“T ■
in several desirable patterns, full Bath Towels, extra good quality Ter- Scalloped Edge Spread, cut corners,
bleached, tomorrow a yard — ry cloth, unbleached, one 44a richly crocheted, in va- 4 49CM
for only *rvC case to be closed out at.. JL JL C rious styles, $2.50 value A ■
Attractions to the May Drapery Sale
Women’s Footwear 1.75, Instead of 2.50
A big lot here—styles the best—value unsurpassed—shoes such
as you'd count big values at $2.50!
Blucher Oxfords of vici kid, made with the patent tip.
Ankle strap pumps of patent colt made over a good last.
Ankle strap pumps of vici kid—soil, comfortable and
Pretty three-button Strap Pumps in ‘‘Big Misses” sizes
—full of durability.
Any of this lot—four of the best styles we could 4 Ml eV
buy for spring and summer wear. May Sale price I / £
onl y JL a /
At $2.95; Regularly $3.50
Women’s instep Pumps of Women’s ankle strap Pumps of
patent pony colt, in short vamp black suede, in short vamp style,
style, made with high toe and made with welt sole and Cuban
turn sole. h e< ].
Women’s all patent Pumps in
high toe and short vamp style; Women’s ankle strap Pumps of
made with two instep straps, \ black cravenette, in high toe
heavy edge, turn sole and Cuban \M.vle, with turn sole and Cuban
heel. • heel, for street wear.
A quartette of the new season’s prettiest effects in
women’s footwear—the best $3.50 esn buy—in the i*
May Shoe Sale
At $2.55; Regularly $3.00
A half dozen styles here for women, \ll fresh and new—all cor
rect—all in all widths and sizes. \
Women's Blucher Oxfords with Womens ankle strap Pumps of
patent vamp and inlaid top; fin all patent V>lt, finished with turn
ished with turn sole. sole and tA popular Cuban heel.
Wo m e n's three-hole Oxfords Women's cße strap streets Pumps
with patent vamp and dull kid of all pateim kid, finished with
quarter, made in Blucher style. heavy edge, Birn sole and Cuban
Women’s Oxfords, with patent heel.
vamp and dull kid quarter, that Women's tvß-strap street Pumps
fasten with three pearl buttons; made of patcW kid and finished
finished with turn sole and Cuban with Cuban h '«> Sightly and dur
heel. able.
Any of these shoes that sell day in and day ou««t W W
$3.00 — as good as your money can buy for $3.00 'Ao A*
in the May Shoe Sale, pair ‘.s . -
Women's Footwear $2.19, Vjbrth $3
And here’s another group teeming with big xWue. Put these
Oxfords and Pumps to the test of actual compai isoW You’ll award
the Big Store credit due. *
Woinen’s Button Oxfords of vici kid, with patent
finished with turn sole and Cuban heel. ■
Women's two-strap Street Pumps of chocoß* kid
finished with turn sole and Cuban heel. ■
Choice of these late spring and summer styles— aB 4 XV
sizes and all widths. In the May Shoe Sale priced atß- X I U
Corn Plasters
Dr. Kneip’s Corn Plasters—the pain
less never failing remedy for corns—
package of 4 plasters Friday W _
(Notion Department) a C
$5.50 Crex 6x9 rugs, in two colors —
red and blue. Too many y| 4 E
on hand. Friday at....
$8.25 Hodges’ fiber 6x9, variety of
patterns and colors. These will be
sold out in a hurry on X* 4
Friday at . wJb JL vx
We are agents for the best can
opy mosquito bar made, easily ad
justed and can be used on an iron
or wood bed; with a fine mesh net,
full size; and com-
plete, for *...
The swinging bar, in 3 sizes, at
$l.lO, $1.35 and $1.50, of a fine
net and complete; ready to hang.
MAY 5, 1910;.
Worth a hundred times its cost to
the home dressmaker. With this
gauge the even, correct skirt length
is greatly simplified. Friday —
6x9 rugs, just a few in the lot. to
close out Friday, for X» QE
thg one day, at
Fancy Figured Silkolines, including
an exceptionally nice line of patterns
for kimonos, regular 12 l-2c Q
value, for
Fancy Scrims, in all the new pat
terns, with cream grounds, 4 XV —
regular 25c yard value...
Broken Lines at
Women’s Oxfords of tan Russia calf, of gun
metal, of patent kid, of chocolate kid and of
wine calf —in Blucher lace ahd some in but
ton styles. Our best selling $3.50 and §14.00
lines—not all sizes, but if
yours is here, choice tomor- 9
row at, pair
Skirt Gauge
$8.50 Brussels