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LAST EDITION -! I f 4 o’Clock VOLUME 31, No. 111 Roosevelt is Appointed Special Ambassador of U. S. to the Funeral of Kiiig Edward ROYALTY IS GATHERING TO ATTEND BURIAL Kin of British Royal Family Ar riving at London for Ed ward's Obsequies. MEETING OF PARLIAMENT Pays Tribute to Memory of the Dead King and Gives Wel come to George V. Associated Fress. London. May IL—Kin of the British royal family is arriving here to attend the funeral of- King Edward. The Em press Dowager Marie of Russia, a sis ter to Queen Mother Alexandra, reach ed here today, accompanied by Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovitch, a younger brother Of Emperor Nicholas, who will be the official representative of the Rusian government at the obse quies. The empress dowager and grand duke were met at the railroad station bv King George and Queen Mary, who drove with them to Buckingham pal ace. Parliament met this afternoon to pay a national tribute to the memory of King Edward and welcome his success or, King George. A mesage from the new monarch, in which he announced the death of his father and his own succession was read in both hquses, which subsequently adopted addresses of condolence and congratulations to the king. ROOSEVELT ID' REPRESENT 11. 5. Accepts Appointment of Pres ident Taft to Attend King Edward's Funeral. Aisoclated Pre»i. Washington. D. C., May 11. Iheo dore Roosevelt today accepted by ca ble the appointment by President Taft to be special ambassador to represent the United States at the funeral of King Edward in London, May 2V. To Re-Arrange Program. Associated Press. London, Mav 11.—While it will be impossible to carry out to completion the elaborate program arranged tor Roosevelt’s visit to London on May 61, it is probable that, subject to the con sent of the former president, an info.- mal reception will be held at Guild Hall, at which the honorary freedom of the city will be p'resented to the guest the address being contained in a gold casket. COMPLAINT*DEFECTIVE AND CASE DISMISSED Because the complaint failed to spec ify what kind of a storage tank Guy Simpson had placed beneath the side walk without a permit, the complaint was quashed this morning, when the case came up in the county court, bunp son hr.) been fined $5O in the corpora- , tion court and appealed to the county The original complaint set forth that Simpson had buried a tank under the sidewalk on lot 18. block 148, on West Crockett street. The complaint made do mention of the class of storage tank or what it was intended for, although counsel stated that it was for the pur pose of storing gasoline. The claim was set tip this morning in | the county court that inasmifeh as the specific kind of tank was not named, the complaint was bad. The court so ruled and the case was dismissed. WELL NOT ELECT BISHOPS. Augusta. Ga.. May IL—By a vote of, 122 to 113 the general conference of ( the colored M. E. church decided it would elect no bishops at this meeting. The contest was one of the hardest' fought parliamentary battles ever wag -i •d in the negro body. Local Forecast till 7 p. m. Thursday: C For San Antonio and vicinity: L Increasing cloudiness tonight. Thursday cloudy and colder. OTh* maximum temperature for the 24 honra ending at H o’clock this morning was 88 degrees and the minimum was 68 degrees. U Comparative temperatures for this year and last: D 1909 1910 1 n. m... 59 68 6 a. m.... 57 6* YS a. m ... 64 70 in a. m.... 70 74 12 noon .... 75 80 1 p. m...« 77 85 SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE Victory After Years of Fisht Comes to Thad Smith Supreme Court Passes on Five Cases F ro m Bexar, Among Them Litigation Over the. Elite Hotel on Main Plaza. The Appellate Court Had Reversed Smith, Fiv» Bexar county cases were acted upon in the supreme court at Austin today. In the case of J. M. Olivarri et al vs. Thad W. Smith, application for writ of error was dismissed for want of jurisdiction. This eflse involves the title to the Elite hotel building on Main plaza, and the decision of the su preme court is a victory for Smith. On a previous trial the case was decided the other way and a new trial was or dered. which resulted in favor of Smith. Motion for rehearing was overruled in tlie case of M. K. & T. Railway com pany vs. I. B. Stone. This was a per sonal injury damage suit, growing out of injuries sustained by Mrs. Stone at WILL NOT VOTE UNDER TERRELL ELECTION LAW The Commission Government League to Adopt Some Other Suitable Method.’ WITHOUT ANY AUTHORITY Only City Officials Can Call an Election Under Terms of That Law. WILL SECURE EXPRESSION Deciding that an election he’.d with an official attempt to comply with the provisions of the Terrell election law would have no legal effect, the executive committee of the Commission Government league at noon today adopted the report of the special election committee which was of the tenor noted. The executive committe, however, also; endorsed that section of the report’ which recommended that an expression, of the people be gained in some manner, and set .lune 7, the original date ehos en for the election, as the date by which such expression be had. In ef fect, the action of the executive com mittee simply stated that no election with open polls and open ballotting would be held June 7. The special election committe re ported to the executive committee as sembled at general headquarters, 22U East Houston street. The majority ot the executive committe were present, and after some discussion, the report as made was adopted. This report, in full, reads .as follows: Text of the Report. “To the executive committee of the Commission Government league: Your committee appointed for the purpose of considering tile most feasible manner of obtaining from the' citizens of San Antonio an expression on the question of a commission form of government for the city of San Antonio, respectfully represent that after a careful considera tion they are of the opinion that the most satisfactory and fairest manner of determining this question would be a general election called for this special purpose by the municipal authorities; and after a careful consideration and investigation of the legal phases they have no doubt that the city council ought to have called such an election, as was done by the city councils of the cities of Houston, Dallas, Austin and Fort Worth to secure the adoption of their present, commission form of gov-. ernnient. It is believed, however, that an election ordered by your committee! will have no legal effect and binding result. Your committee, therefore, rec ommends that as the mayor and city council have refused to call such an election and declined to notice the reso lution adopted at a public mass meet-} ing of several thousand of the citizens of San Antonio at Beethoven hall, that the executive committe of your organ- ( ization obtain all possible endorsement of this movement and continue an ag j gressive fight in favor of the adoption of the commission form of government. (Signed) “C. A. GOETH, “Chairman.’’ As explained by Chairman T. L. Con roy, the action of the executive com mittee, in adopting the report, does not at all indicate that an election of some sort will be held on or before June 7. All that it does mean, he says, is that there will be no open polls at which yoters will cast their ballot in accord ance with the Terrell election law. The legal aspects of the matter were such that the special election committee deemed such an election as without standing and without the legality tw make its demands felt and respected. “But by no means does it indicate that the people will not be asked to express their opinion.’’ continued Mr. Conroy. “This will be done by some other method. Just how it will be ac 16 PAGES .the Sunset passenger depot, and the ' supreme court decides in favor of Mrs. Stone. The case of the San Antonio Trac tion company vs. Annie Probandt. was decided in favor of the latter, motion [ for rehearing being overruled. This ' was a personal injury damage suit, i growing out of a street car accident. I in which Annie Probandt was injured. . In the case of Joe Sarro vs. Bascom I Bell a motion for a new trial was over- I ruled. This was a suit for trespass to j try title to a lot on Cassiano street. Motion for a new trial was overruled i in the ease of Austin vs. Jackson Trust and Savings bank. WOMEN’S HOPES ARE DASHED BY NONCONCURRENCE Committee on Revisals Does Not Want Them to Have the Rights of Laymen. REPORT ON ITINERARY Conference Votes Against Ex tension of Time for Pastors to Remain In One Charge. Associated Fress. Asheville, May 11.—The hopes .if women of the Methodist Episcopal chureh south received a crushing blow toaay when the majority report of the committee on revisals non-concurred In several hundred petitions, memorials and resolutions asking laymen's rights in conference. Two minority reports were also presented by the committee. The women in attendance on the conference who worked faithfully for the passage of the measure, while they still hope the conference will vote in its favor, declare themselves williug to abide by the action of the conference. Another important question was set tled today when the conference voteif against extending the time of pastors to remain at one charge. The report of the committee on church relations recommended the adoption of the recommendation con taiued in a report of the commission on federation between the northern and southern churches. This commission rec ommended the creation of a federal council composed of 18 members to be divided equally between the two churches, six to be bishops, six travel ing preachers and six layment. This re port was adopted. COURTNEY NAMED TO SUCCEED KING | Announcement Xas made this mom '[ing by W. B. Turtle, vice president and general manager of the San Antonio |Traction company, of’the appointment 'of J. M. Courtney, to the position of 'superintendent of maintenance und way for that company. This appoint ment was made to fill the vacancy caused by the death of J. J. King. The new appointee, who is better known as “Doc’’ Courtney, has been with the traction company for twenty years and began his first service driv ling a mule ear under former Superin tendent J. W. Greer in 1890. He later [wonted under Superintendent W. W. Willis in the track department and on the appointment of the late J. J .King las superintendent was promoted to the [position of foreman of the track de partment, serving up to the time of his .most recent promotion. I Next to the late J. J. King. Mr. [Courtney is very popular with the em /oyes of the traction company in gen [eral and while deploring the death of Air. King, they welcomed the news that Mr. Courtney had been promoted and were accordingly offering their con gratulations to the new officials. The new appointee was associated with the J late superintendent in practically re-1 building all of the lines in the city I and constructing the new Jines and ex-1 tensions that have been accomplished during the past six years. He is an ex part in his track work and there are very few men in his Jine in the coun try who are his equal. • Mr. Courtney was born in . Clay county, Missouri, .in 1857. accomplished cannot now be given pub- Ktity, but every citizen who wants to express his wishes in the premises will be given every opportunity to do so. Of course, we believe that the mayor and council have the right to call an elec tion. but under the circumstances it us uscles to expect that the mayor or the council sit off tha lid.” SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 11 |Q|O. BUY LAMP, PUT IT ON YOUR BOGGY Otherwise You May Find Your self In the Clutches of the Police. INSTRUCTIONS TO F 0 R C E Chief of Police Issues Sweep ing Orders to Men on the Night Force. TO ENFORCE ORDINANCE No Favor Will Be Shown to Those Ignorant of the Law Recently Passed. Buy a lamp and put it on your buggy or wagon. By doing so at once and keeping it lighted after dark if you have business on the public streets, you will be exempt from arrest by the police. If you don't do so you will find yourself within the clutches of the law and subject to a fine be fore Judge Buckley in any sum not less than $5 nor more than J2OO. The edict went forth from the of fice of Chief of Police Van. Riper to day for the police to arrest all drivers of vehicles who have not a lighted lamp attached to their vehicle, whether it be an automobile, motor cycle, bug gy, carriage or wagon or in fact any description of vehicle. Chapter 25 of section 1, of the new traffic ordinance provides: Every automobile shall between one hour after sunset and one.hour before sunrise carry two lights, one on each side, of at least four candle power, to be set in front of a re flector, and one light near the left rear corner of the body of such vehicle which latter light shall throw a white light on the number of such vehicle an.l a nd light to the rear; every bicycle or motor cycle shall carry a white light in front of not less than two candle power, and every other vehicle shall carry one or more white lights in front or on the sides so as to be plainly visible at not less than fiftv feet. The members of the San Antonio Au tomobile club for some time have been complaining that the new traffic ordi nance has been enforced in this regard against the drivers of automobiles. ’lney say they were being discriminated against and that while they were ar rested on the instant for not carrying a light on their cars, the drivers of buggies, carriages and wagons are nev er molested for being on the streets after dark without lights on their vehicles. At a meeting last night by the San Antonio Automobile club a resolution was adopted providing that the club use its influence and take steps urging that the provisions of the traffic ordi nance be enforced without discrimina tion. It is because of the action by the club that Chief of Police Van Riper today announced . that he - would in struct the men under him to rigidly enforce the ordinance with respect to the lights on vehicles. Give Few Days’ Time. “Of course, I don’t propose to per mit. the oiricers to start out immediate ly and arrest every driver of a buggy, carriage or wagon because a lighted lamp is not attached to the vehicle,” said Chief Van Riper. “The ordinance in this respect has never been enforced and it would not be in justice to sud denly start in on a crusade. Everybody in the city who owns a vehicle would be arrested. It is for that reason that T want to issue a warning to the public that the ordinance will be enforced. A few days will be allowed in which the owners of vehicles may supply them selves with lamps. Next week the police will be instructed to arrest those who have not given heed to the warning. “The enforcement of this provision of the traffic law will cause a rush on ; the lamp supply in the city and will in । volve an expense." the chief continued, “but I believe that all vehicles should | have lights after dark. It will be a j benefit and a protection to those in ' such a vehicle and to n great extent [ will lessen the possibilities of col ■ lisions. ’ PARDON CAME TOO LATE Young Man in Prison for Thft Dies of ' Tuberculosis Before Document Arrives. Moundsville. W. Va.. May IL- —An unconditional pardon, granted by Gov- 1 ernor Glasscock to Wm. Roberts, aged i 28, who was serving a two year term in state prison for theft, arrived too late to secure him his freedom. When his counsel arrived with the pardon, Roberts was dead of tuberculosis, in the prison hospital. SHE WILL CHRISTEN FLORIDA, GREATEST OF U. S. BATTLESHIPS MISS ELIZABETH FLEMING. I Associated Press. . flags. It is expected 50,000 persons will New York. Mav IL—Everything was witness the launching. : i- _ . . ~ . . ’ ■ ■ Miss Elizabeth Leger Fleming, who in readmes? at the Brooklyn naw van: ... . . .. ... * . i • • the r londu, is the daughter this morning for the launching of the sO f. p Ffenxiug. who was governor of great battleship Florida tomorrow. Florida from 1899 to 190.3. The other Workmen had completed the erection of j representatives of the slate ot Honda platforms aud stagings ami the deem-- jl ll «<>***« Albert W ‘ B " Senators James P. laliaferro an.l Dun ators had finished their tasks nf drap-j,. an p Fletcher and Representatives ing the structures with bunting an I SparkmUn, Clark and Hayes. SURVIVOR OF LAST BATTLE OF WAR TELLS OF IT ON ANNIVERSARY O. H. Gregg of Guadalupe county, who is in attendance on the Federal l court now in session as a juryman, was a pleasant visitor to The Light and Ga [ zette offices this morning. Mr. Gregg I has been for several years deputy tax ; assessor for his county, and manv years lago was engaged in business on Com I merce street in San Antonio. He notes many changes since he lived । here. Where the handsome new 8. P. and 1. & G. N. depots now stand was then outside the city limits and was covered with mesquite brush. Mr. Gregg is one of the few Confed erate veterans left. He was at first with Gen. John R. Baylor's command, and at the close of the war was with Col. John 8. Ford's regiment, in the Army of the Rio Grande. He was at the last battle fought during the war, below Palo Alto, just forty-five years ago today, May 11, 1865. Speaking of this engagement, Mr. Gregg said: “Praini, the commander, had 500 men rank and file; the Federals, 2500 anil 800 negroes in Une fight. The Confed erates had one man wounded who now Jives in Bastrop county. The Federal* lost 300 prisoners, and had many killed and wounded.” Mr. Gregg stood quite near the gal lant and beloved -Col. John 8. Ford, when he said: “Boys, the war is over." Speaking of his beloved com manders he said: “Braver men than Col. Ford and Gen. John R. Baylor never lived. Thev were beloved by their men. Col. Ford used to call his men his boys. He was ! always in the lead, and knew that his [men would follow him throughjire.” Mr. Gregg, for a man of bis years, is hale and hearty, and has a valuable black land farm in the northeastern part of Guadalupe county. He says: “The Light, and Gazette reaches mo every dav by rural delivery and I could not do without it. For general infor mation and reading matter The Light and Gazette fills the bill in every re spect.” FREIGHT DEPOT TO SHUT DOWN HALF A DAY Through a mutual understanding of the railloads entering San Antonio, it was announced this morning that <-om ineneing next Saturday, no freight would be received .at the freight de pots of the city after the noon hour of that day. This practice, it was sta’- p.l. will be observed until the last Sat urday in July. This step was taken by the roads on account of tin- warm weather during the middle of May an.l through the months of June and July. It was therefore announced that com mencing next Saturday the employes of the freight depots of San Antonio would be given the half holiday on Sat urday by shutting down at the noon hour. to PAGES SHOCKS FELT I IT SIN JOSE ' San Jose. Costa Rica. May 11. — ! Heavy earthquakes were felt here to .day, and thousands of persons are leav ■ ing the city in alarm. A series of se vere shocks were experienced yester : day. San Domingo Shocked. Associated Fress. San Domingo, May 11. —A severe earthquake shock was felt here a> 3 o'clock this morning. There was no loss I of life or damage to property in the I citv but reports from the interior have [ [not been received. ORRICK PRESIDENT KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS [ Special Dispatch. Beaumont. Tex.. May IL—A. c. Or- . 1 rick of Fort Worth was elected presi 't dent of'the Knights of Clumbus in ses- [ sion here today and Waeo was selected i; as the next place of meeting, after' : which the meeting adjourned. I BOWS LIGHT AND MZEIIE The Mid-Week Marketer for Your Week-End Realty Bargains Is Thursday your “ Jonah Day? M Change it—advertise in The Light fc* Gazette and it will be your “ Lucky Day." CIRCULATION: THAT’S THE COMPLETE STORY Over 17.000 Paid Daily Get Copy in Early—Either Phone 176 for a Solicitor LAST EBITION ■ 4 o’Clook PRICE: FIVE CENTS. FIREMEN OF TEXAS ROAOS ASK INCREASE Meeting Called for May 16 to Consider Increased Pay Af fecting Thousands of Men. ARBITRATOR IS APPOINTED William L. Chambers of Wash ing Today Named as Third Arbitrator In Controversy. HEARING IS IN CHICAGO Fifty-nine Railroads Are Inter ested — Organization Puts Much Money In Local Banks. Increased pay for firemen on forty-nine railroads operating west of Chicago, and including the Tex as lines, will be the subject of a conference between the railroads and officers of the railroad em loyes’ organizations at Chicago next week. Everything is now in readiness for the meeting, accord ing to telegrams received by offi | cers of the Brotherhood of Locomo tive Firemen and Enginemen. I Hon. William L. < hambera of Wash iugtou. D. <’., was appointed the arbitrator in the wage controversy h# tween the firemen and the western roads according to ydweea today re ceived from \\. S. Cartel, president of the B. of L. F. and E. of the United States, ranada and Mexico, who is in Chicago, by Fred Bnrr. general chair man of the joint protective board B. of I*. I', ami E.. Atlantic systetu, ami member of Ilie board of directors rtf ! the grand lodge who resides at 323 1 Burleson street, this citv. The first hearing will be held in Chi cago May 16 and at that time the (Continued on Page Six) THIEF ENTERS HOME OF A. C. PANCOAST During the absence of the family, a thief entered the home of A. C. Pan coast, 102 Turner street, about 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon, ransacked ths place and made good his escape with about $5O in cash, a brooeh and a gold locket. One negro is under arrest and is being held on a temporary charge of vagrancy pending a further investiga tion. The burglary was not diseoveerd un til an hour later, upon the return of the family. The house was found to be in a topsy turvy condition, the dressers and bureaus having been ransacked and trunks rifled. Police headquarters were notified and the detectives detailed oa the ease. A negro was seen to enter the prem ises by neighbors, going through the front door. He remained in the house for some time and before he eould he intercepted, mysteriously disappeared. Xo trace of this negro has since been found. AMARILLO PROBABLE CHOICE. Spscitl Dispatch. Dallas. Tex.. May 11.—Over 700 hun dred are attending the Medical Associa tion of Texas second day's meeting here. Roustine business was taken up today, and entertainment will come this after noon and tonight. It is expected Ama rillo will secure the next meeting.