Newspaper Page Text
MUI By MU IB STH AVERTS DEFEAT Tie Score and Then Battle Twelve Innings With Chatta nooga—Ends In a Draw. Associated Press. Mobile, Ala., May 18.—Billy Hart held Mobile to three hits until the ninth when a hit batsman, a fielder’s choice and two dbubles by Huelsmaa and Seitz, tied the score. Darkness ended the game at the end of the twelfth inning. Fielding by Dobbs and Berger and Meek’s hitting were the features. Meek got a home run and three singles in four times up. Mo bile’s hitting was hard but unluckv. Score: K. 11. E. Chattan'ga .000 100 100 000 —2 8 2 Mobile 000 000 002 000 —2 8 I Batteries: Hart and Meek; Bitrolff and Dunn. Atlanta, 3; Montgomery, 2. Montgomery, Ala., May 18.—Atlanta won a close game from the locals in the sixth inning yesterday. Up to that time but two hits had been scored by the visitors off Smith, but he weaken ed after two men were out and his wildness at this period lost the game. Two home runs were features. Score— R- H. E. Atlanta 000 012 000—3 4 1 Montgomery . ..002 000 000 —2 7 1 Batteries: Mayer and Matthews; Smith and Hart. Memphis, 4; Birmingham, 3. Birmingham, Ala., May IS. —Mem- phis defeated Birmingham yesterday afternoon in a pitchers’ battle between Coveleskie and Fritz. Each was hit twelve times. On two occasions the locals threw away opportunities to score by poor base running. Score — R. H. E. Birmingham . ..110 000 010—3 12 1 Memphis .. ....100 102 000—1 12 2 Batteries: Coveleskie and Elliott; Fritz and Rementer. Nashville, 2; New Orleans. 0. New Orleans, La.. May 18.—Viebahn had New Orleans under his thumb yes terday, allowing only two clean hits and one scratch. His work and the excellent fielding support given him en abled Nashville to take the game, 2 to 0. Score— R. H. E. Nashville 010 000 001—2 7 1 New Orleans 000 000 000—0 8 1 Batteries: Viebahn and Erloff; Maxwell, Page and LaFitte. BOWLING — ’ CITY BOWLING LEAGUE. Standing of Teams. Plyd. Won. Lost P. C Hawks 28 19 9 .679 Comanches 22 14 8 .636 Eagles ;.,22 12 10 .546 Missions 24 13 11 .542 Owls 24 12 12 .500 Beethovens 26 12 14 .423 Stars 26 10 16 .385 Socials 24 7 17 .217 HAWKS, 1; MISSIONS, 1. The Missions, by dividing the honors last night with the Hawks on the Bee thoven alleys, gave the Comanches a chance of landing the championship. The Hawks have finished their sched ule with 19 won out of 28 played, hav ing a lead of five games on their near est opponent, the Comanches, who still have six more games to roll. The first contest was a walkover for the Mis Bions, 54 pins separating the two teams. In the second contest the Mission? had secured a lead of 26 pins in the first inning. The Hawks came back strong in the next three innings and piled up a lead of 56, giving them an advantage of 30 pins. The fifth inning resulted in both rolling a tie, while in the sixth the Missions cut their lead on the game to 19 pins. The stars were Dullnig, Jud, Vinck, Bacon, Storm, Grasso, Patton, Huntress, Clemens. The Mores: Missions 48 48 55 78 43 45 —317 Hawks 27 35 56 34 50 51—263 Hawks 34 70 43 63 44 45—299 Missions 60 45 39 36 44 56—280 ST. JOSEPH BOWLING LEAGUE. Standing of the Teams. Plyd. Won. Lost. P.O. Pirates 6 5 1 .833 Highlanders .... 6 4 2 .667 Giants ....8 3 5 .375 Tigers . 1 6 2 4 .333 PIRATES, 2; TIGERS, The Pirates increased their lead in the St. Joseph league by winning both games from the Tigers' last night 011 the St. Joseph alleys. The scores: Pirates 52 39 44 51 44 53 283 Tigers 49 17 38 42 56 51—253 Pirates 44 5 1 43 50 39 4 3 270 Tigers 47 43 25 51 36 55—257 The largest crowd that ever attended a baseball game in Buffalo turned out to greet Jimmy Collins and his Provi ■ dence team. Chalmers-Detroit “40” Touring $2750 Auto Sales & Supply Co. WEDNESDAY, These Advertisements form a Directory of Reliable and Modern Business Concerns With Whom IT WILL PAY YOU TO TRADE DIRECTORY Business OF 222 Interests’ * SAN ANTONIO ABSTRACTS. BAN AXTON IO ABSTRACT CO. (Incorporated) 204 206 -Washer Bldg. J. E. Walls, Mgr, New Phone 168. Old Phone 196 ACCOUNTANTS. H. B. SMITH Expert Accountant. Old Phone 3093. Room 323, Hicksßuilding. ARCHITECTS. New Phone 1832 Moora Bldg., Room 524. ARTHUR J. HERRMANN , _ Architect San Antonio, Texas. J. W. CHALMERS, ARCHITECT." All the latest ideas and styles. Office 538 Moore Bldg., San Antonio. J. FLOOD WALKER Architect Frost Building, Ssn Antonio, Texas. SANGUINET & STAATS. Architecta. L. Harrington, Manager. 201 Frost Bldg. O. Phone 3680. We hare bpen and are employed as architects, on many of the leading buildings of the south west. Our work and clients speak for us. Phones 61 CHAS. T. BOELHAUWE Architect. Office 317 Nolan St. San Antonio, Texas. ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. Old phone 191. W. N. HAGY Architect and Builder. Frost Building. San Antonio, Texas. H. C. JONES. Architect and Builder. Room 8, Appman Building. —Both Phones— E. B. LOVIN, Architect aud builder. Would be pleased to show you my modern plans of elegant resi dences. Office 201 West Houston street. Old Phone 1167-4 r. । ARCHlTECTS—Engineers’ Supplies. Blue Prints a miU long. S. A. BLUE PRINT & SUPPLY CO. 416 Navarro St. • . San Antonio, Texas. ASSAYER. Jos. G. M. Braun. New Phone 1226 blue aud 1393 SAN ANTONIO ASSAY OFFICE And School of Scientific Prospecting. Assaying and Mine Examining. 108 Burn Bt, tian Antonio, Texn. ATTORNEY-AT-lAW. ■ John H. Clark Don A Bhjs CLARK A BLISS Attorneys at Law San Antonio, Office 241 W. Commerce St. Texaa. Corner St. Mary's St. Old Phone 4090. New Phono H. B. LEONARD Attorney and Counsellor 224 U Doloross St. Ssn Antonio, Tex. A. C. BULLITT Attorney-at-Law. 418-419 Mackay Building Old Phone 316. T. M. PASCHAL Attorney-at-Law. Room 312 Book Building. West Houston St. San Antonio, Texas. AUTO REPAIRS. NOTTINGHAM A FRIEDRICH Repairs of all descriptions on any auto. Auto supplies of ill kinds. Our work is our guarantee. 131 North Flores. New Phone 3123. YOU AUTOMOBILIST! We are experts in the following branches- Broken frsmes. sxles, wheels, springs, clives brsces, lamps, brackets, straightening, ete. ’ H. R. GEYER, Are. D and Travis St. Hermsn Kress, Proprietor. N. Phone 1062. AUTOMOBILE Repsiring. Model Mschine Shops. 202 S. Press St. When your auto is in TROUBLE. Csll on I A. G. MEISTER. 450 North Flores. New Phone 3218. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. TEXAS AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. 530 one month's course. ‘‘We own our own Csrs.“ New and second hand cars bought and sold i New Phone 729. 614 Market Street. MAY REVIVE HORSE RACING IN MISSOURI Associated Presa. St. . Louis, Mo., May 18.—Barney Schreiber and associates are backing a movement t ■ re-establish horse racing in Missouri. They propose to submit to the voters of the state at the fall election a bill to legalize the pari-mu tuel system of betting. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. At Minneapolis: Louisville Milincap oils, rain. At St. Paul: Indianapolis-St. Paul rain. At. Milwaukee: Toledo, 3; Milwau kcc, 2. At Kansas City: Columbus, 3; Kan sus City, 2. AWNINGS, TENTS. AWNINGS, TENTS. AWNINGS San Antonio Tent and Awning Co. 117 South Florea St. / AWNINGS Upholsterer and Mattresa Maker. E. NOLLE 60S Market St. New Phon. 918. BAKERY. AVOLF BAKING CO. Wholesale and Retail Bakers. We make only the best. —Both Phones— -321 and 323 South Alamo. BICYCLES. BEN L. MILLER CO. DAYTON BICYCLES Guaranteed Five Years. Auto tubes vulcanized. Expert repairing. 714 East Houston Street. N. P. 993. BLACKSMITHS. THOS. McKAY New Phone 1302. Blacksmith and Wheelwright. Horseshoeing and clipping a specialty. Tires set while you wait. Rubber tires applied to carriages and baby carnages. 104 La Sall, atreet. Rear of 5U2 East Commerce. MARTIN WOLOKEN 915 Squth Flore.. General blacksmithing and horseshoe work. Manufscturing, repair and general woodwork. Drop me a card. HUGO VOIGTLANDEB V Blacksmith, wheelwright and automobile re pairing. Spring work a specialty. Business wagons made on short orders. Rubber tires, horseshoeing, etc. Both Phones. 406 Sixth Street. JOE GRAMER Wheelwright and Blacksmith. General repair work. Horseshoeing a specialty. Corner Lamar and Austin Streets. —New Phone 528— CABINET MAKERS. PHOENIX CABINET WORKS Upholstering, Repairing, Refinishing Of all *kinds of furniture and automobiles. Manufacturers of Store and Office Furniture. 323 Austin St. N. P. 1784 Black CANDIES. Try our Pure HOME MADE CANDIES. Soda fountain and ice cream parlor. Fruits, Cigars and Tobacco. W. W. POPE, 205% South Alamo Street. Use Munro’s Candies j They are the best by test. Made from pure goods. Ask jour dealer. CIVIL ENGINEEBS. BARTLETT & RANNEY Civil and Structural Engineer,. X Surreys, investigation, plans, specifications. Old Phone 2149. Building. Travis St. and Avenue C. CIVIL ENGINEEBS & SUBVEYOBS. ALEXANDER WALTON Civil Engineer and Surveyor. Room 300 Washer Building. Phone 2146. San Antonio, Texas. CLEANING, PBESSING, DYEING. home CLEANING AND DYE WORKS If you wish first-class pressing, see us. Ladies' Garments a Specialty. Our work will more than please you. New Phone 2024. ECONOMICAL TAILORING SYSTEM KELLY & TAYLOR. 215 Soledad St. Expert Cleaners and Pressers. Old Phone 805. dow F neV KUNKEL UOWNEY y BUILDING CONTRACTOBS AND BUILDEBb. BANSPACH BROS.. Contractors and Builders. 416 Conroy Building. Naw Phone 1093. ALAMO PLANING MILL SCREENS Old Phone 1680. New Phone 1990 I 319 Nacodochea St. P. C. McLEMORE Contractor and Builder, will be pleased to furnish you estimates. Plans and epecifi cation,. Your patronage solicited. Box 218, R. R. No. 2. RICKARD APPLIES FOR NEW FIGHT PERMIT Associated Press. , San Francisco, May 18.—After praeti i tally abandoning his plans to hold the । Jeffries-Johnson contest, in Emeryville > <>ii July 4, Promoter Rickard today held i a conference with John Herget, chair ’ man of the police committee of the local I board of supervisors, and Jack Griffin, phe prize fight promoter, who holds the July permit for a contest in this city. | rhe result has been the reopening of ne- I gotiations to hold the fight here instead ; of across the bay, and no difficulty in securing the permission to hold the fight here is anticipated by the promoters. The permit, it is expected, will be grant ed next Monday. ' Stove repairing, Dickerson, O. P. 3493. SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE Contractors and Builders—Continued. H. H. Knuth. Old Phone 2928. Geo. A. Moody, New Phone 3133. KNUTH & MOODY General Contractors. Special Attention to Job W’ork. WATKINS & AHR Carpenters, Cabinet Makers, General Contractors. Our specialty counter railing and screen? 708 East Houston. N. P. 1755. DENTISTS. ‘ DR. H. M. HUNTER Dentist. Office 203 Alamo Plaza. Ban Antonio, Texas. DR. C. E. TINKHAM ■ Dentist. Suite 422-23 Moore Building. New phone 1540. £ DR. C. F. DUNLAP Dentist. 517 Moore Bldg. Old Phone 3037. s DRUGS. There is but one ANTI-GERMINE ’’ It destroys every known form of the germ kingdom. Cuppies Drug Co., W. Com merce St. F. W. Braubach, demonstrator. BOWDEN’S DRUG STORE 428 East Commerce Street. • Toilet Articles, Drugs, Patent Medicines, etc. । Patronage of colored people solicited. —Free Delivery— • New Phone 2517 Blue. Old Phone 1254-3 r. DRESSMAKING. SOLEDAD GUERRERO. p Dressmaker. Also fancy work. Room 321. Mackay Building. . ENGRAVERS. ■ MILLS ENGRAVING CO. Designers, Engravers General Illustrators * Daily Light Bldg. San Antonio, Texas. ' EYE AND NERVE SPECIALIST. DR.F.S. HAYES FISH (Wholesale), OYSTERS. A. JOWDY Wholesale Dealer Fish and Oyster,. We keep only the best at all times. Your patronage solicited. Both Phones 509. FLORIST. Floral Designs, Cut Flowers, Plants Old Phone 3156. New Phone 1906. Crockett & Bowie Streets. WALTER SCHUMANN Floral Designs and Bouquets made to order on short notice. New Phone 1744. Old Phone 1324. 215 N. Hackberry. FURNITURE, SECOND-HAND. New Phone 3040. Se e WESTERN SUPPLY CO. New and second hand furniture bought, sold and exchanged. Always have bargaina. 206 8-10 S. Flores Street. FURNITURE REPAIRED J. L. PAUL CO. Furniture Bought. Sold and Repaired. Upholstering and Ri-finishing. Cabinet Work and Mirror Plating. 921 925 Avenue D. Phone 3—9 HAIRDRESSING—MANICURING ' Hair dressing, manicuring and face massage. | A full line of hair gooda and hair ornaments. PARISIAN MII.LINERY. FRENCH SHOP. 215 Alamo Plaxa. Old Phone 648. HATS. RENOVATING CO. 103 East Houston. Old Phone 3698. Old hats made new. Ladies and gents' clothes cleaned, dyed and pressed. HORSESHOER. DAI/E LOUGH Scientific Horseshoer. 302 Nacogdoches St. New Phone 780. NO TRAINING WORK FOR JEFFRIES TODAY Associated Press. Ben Lomond. Cal.. May IS.—lnstead of the usual half holiday which Jeffries takes on Wednesday afternoons to break the week’s training grind, he will take an entire day off from work. The greater part,of the day is to be spent by Jeffries and his companions on a fishing exeursiop to the bay. FAMOUS JOCKEY SERIOUSLY ILL. Lexington, Ky., May 18. —A private cablegram received here announces that Lucien Lyne, of Islington, the fa mous American jockey, who has been riding in Belgium, has been stricken with appendicitis and is seriously ill in Brussels. ELECTR " We are not best because we are the largest We do absolutely anything in plating. Gold one ebe *r* SOUTHERN PLATIh 114 DWYER AVE. OPPOSITE - honey. SOUTHWESTERN BEE CO. ~ Be* keeper, supplies, honey bees and wax. — 420 So. Flores St. New Phons 720. _ HOTELS. BEXAR HOTEL The Travelers’ Resort Alfred Banner, Proprietor. THE ALTHA Mrs. L. Day, Prop. Dining room in connection. Room and Board. 1320-24% West Commerce St. New Phon* <Ol7. Mrs. M. E. Hawkins, Proprietress. GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL Rates $5 per week. Newly furnished rooms. First-class accommodations. 1410 W. Com merce St. 1 block f**om 1. & G. N. depot ~THE OMALA HOTEL _ Transients and Permanents Solicited. 507 % East Commerce St. Uid Phone 862-4. -'" the st. George High-class housekeeping apartments; also single rooms; open April 18th; completely — furnished; new and up-to-date. Corner Ave nue E and Seventh street. e. ICE CREAM MARKET. New Phone 890. Old Phone 446 2r. r. SAN ANTONIO ICE CREAM FACTORY “ J. L. Cunningham, Manager. Manufacturers of PURITY ICE CREAM. B Now Market House. INTERIOR DECORATORS. Paperhanging, painting, interior decorations. Manufacturer of I. X. L. roof paint. Roof re pairing a specialty. E. J. Womack, old phone 1004-1 ring. 326 Aransas avenue. KEY AND LOCKSMITH. For Key and Lock Repairing see A. L. PYTEL. 523 Market St. New Phone 711. ■ KIRO-PRACTIC (Masseur) DRS. STONE, Conroy Building. Klro-Practic Spinal Masseurs will remove । pressure from the nerves, which is the cause , of your trouble. Free clinic 11 to 12. LAUNDRY. ■ lor first class work aud guod service try MODEL LAUNDRY. ■ Also firat-class cleaning and pressing. New Phone 730. No. 228 8. Alamo. r LAWN MOWEBS SHARPENED. Work guaranteed. Free delivery. Full line ■ new muwers. Uid ones taken in exenauge. uardeu hose, sprinklers, grass shears, etc. becoud haua gas stoves repaired ana sold. ■ Ruck ana key work. KuuLiag. New 9UI, old phune 307. 3VI E. Commerce. LIQUORS (Wholesale), CIGARS. HUGO, bCHkUERIZEK & CO. - Alter April 1, Military Plaza. Rozskam, Geisueys a. Co. Vthiskies, Green Kiver, bauerbacn s imported itnein Wines, f upumu, Rawieuce Bartell, Walt and lum ih.eene Cigars. LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLES. GARDEN SI ABLES Boarding of Horses a Specialty. Best Livery. New and Up-to-date. 1 231-236 South Flore* St. Both Phones 212. LOANS. ' U. S. LOAN CO. 624 East Commerce St. ' Money loaned on Diamonds, p atches, Jewelry aud all articles, of value. Your Patronage Solicited. ‘ MATTRESS FACTORY. ’ ELECTRIC FELT MATTRESS FACTORY. Have moved from my property at 626-628 Main Ave to the rear of same, 627-629 ■ Soledad Street. J. W. KLECK, Prop. New Phone 1178. MECHANICAL—GAS ENGINEER GEO. F. CARLISLE. * Registered Chauffeur No. 149. Your business solicited. ’ । Old Phone 1456-1 ring. OSTEOPATHS. DR. CHARLOTTE STRUM Osteopath. Suite 611-612 Moure Building. Office hours 9—12 a. m. 2—6 p. m. ■ —Telephones— Southwestern 2702. Ssn Antonio 1799. ■ PACKING HOUSES. UNION MEAT COMPANY Beef and pork packers, lard refiners snd compound makers. Union Stock}ards. JOHNSON GRAMMAR SCHOOL WINS Johnson Grammar school defeated the Marshall school on the latter’s diamond yesterday by a score of 10 to 2. The feature of the game was the batting of Hendricks and Degasperies. The bat teries were Vanee and McAllister for Johnson and Louis and Chester for Mar shall street. COTTON STATES LEAGUE. At Greenwood: Greenwood, 6; Hat tiesburg', 1. At Yazoo City: Yazoo City, 4; Vicksburg, 2. At Jackson: Jackson, 8; Meridian, 7. (Eleven innings). Books beautifully bound in noze calf make appropriate commencement pres ents. Bee George Ro«> ELECTROPLATERS. lOPLATEKB. st, but we are largest because we are the best. Id, silver, brass, niekel, copper. Try us, every VG CO., »uccessors to Miller Plating Co. E COURT HOUSE. PAWNBROKER. JOHN C. YEATES & CO.. L Successors to Chas. Guerguin & Co. Eatab lished 25 years. Money to loan on all arti cles of value. Unredeemed pledges for sale at 14 value. Watches, diamonds, etc. 718 ■ IV est Commerce St. New phone 1032. ‘ PAINTING. F. P. RANKIN, House painting, kalaomining, wall tinting. Work the best. 616 West Marshall st. Old Phons 1790. - PHOTOGRAPHS. PUWELL’S STUDIO 511'A, 513, 515 East Houston Streat. Th* lateai production* in high-cl*** photography. ' PHYSICIANS. DR. J. 0. CASSITY L Stomach Diseases and Gensral Practic*. 219 Moor* Building. t Residence 123 West Myrti* Streak Bau Antonio, lox. DR. E. T. HUGHES’ , Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Infirmary. Doctor aud nurses in attendance day and night, bio charge for operating room. Every thing modern and up-to-dat*. 403 St. Mary St. ’ WALTER C. HIRZEL. M. D. 7 Momeopathio Physician ■ St. Jamea Hotel. San Antonio, Texas. GEO. R. BOWEN, M. D. Chronic Disease*. Homeopathic, Light aud Vibrator. N. P. 1070. O. P. 1317. Conroy Bldg. Room 314. Drs. R. H. and Nettie G. Gray homeoapathic Physicians General practice chronic disease. Obstetrics aud diseases of women. 5 i Both Phones 416 Hicks Bldg. DR. IV. D. HICKS , Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. 511% East Houston, old phone blu d rings, bau Antonio, Texas. PRINTING. ’ E. J. JACKSON CO. Printing of the higher grade. We dont , “Print Anything.’* \»e do uniy the very best Printing; printing that will be a credit to your business. <O2 hast Commerce streak 1 New phone 542. For Particular Work at Lowest Prices see W. L. WINTER. 1 115% Soledad St. 0. Phone 1106 2 rings. GUESS AZ & FERLET CO. Expert printers. Largest and most complete printing plant in San Antouio. Labels, fold* । ing boxes, booklets and anything in the print* ing line. Both phones 675. PRODUCE, ETO. Residence Old Phone 2876. Of lice New Phone 2304. SAN ANTONIO PRODUCE CO. J. L. Worsham, Mgr. 1 Wholesale dealers in poultry, eggs, butter. 418 W. Houston St. PLASTERERS " L. E. GREGORY, Contractor. Plain and Ornamental Plastering. 117 W. Houston. N. P. 1880. REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE—364-acre stock farm, 3 miles South of Crystal City, 1% miles from sta tion, big flowing well irrigates this rich farming land. 1 sell irrigated farm land. W. J. CHENEY, 621 East Commerce St. NO. 416 W. HOUSTON ST. 22x70 feet, one block from CLOWER'S skyscraper. Cheapest rent on street, space and location counted. $50.00 per month. CHAS. P. SMITU & SON, Both Phones. Room 110 Mackay Bldg. FARMS FOR SALE. 304 acres open prairie ready for plow, 4% miles from Victoria, from deep hog-wallow to black sandy, on good road. Price $38.50 per acre. Terms % cash. Crews Realty Co., 502% E. Houston St. San Antonio, Texas. RESTAURANTS. While in San Antonio eat at PATERSON'S Black Elephant Restaurant, 131*133 S. Flores Street. One block south of city hsll. BEST MEALS THE ClTY—lse* PAT’S RESTAURANT AND LUNCH ROOM J 112% South Flores St. Hot and Cold Lunch Fifteen Cents. P. H. CONRAD, Prop. San Antonio. Texas. THE MERCHANTS’ CAFE, Under new management. We serve the best. Our coffee will get you to come again. Try our merchants’ lunch, 25 cents. 107 West Houston street. New phone 1415. DELMONICO RESTAURANT 203-205 Soledad Street. Best 15c meal in the city. Neat, clean and quick service. Short Orders a Specialty. W. C. MEANS, Proprietor. TRIFLING ACCIDENT NEARLY PROVES FATAL Special Dispatch. Austin, Tex., May IS.—As a result of rutting his foot, with a rusty knife, George P. Assman, one of the oldest and best known citizens of Austin, de veloped blood poisoning and his left leg was amputated at the Austin sanitar ium late yesterday afternoon in an ef fort to save his life. Mr. Assman w»s reported improving last night. He had | planned a trip to Europe this summer i and was making preparations to leave ' when the trifling accident which near , ly cost his life occurred. Friends of , Sir. Assman are eagerly waiting for news of his recovery. Doctors Cirry S: Waganer, Dentists —Gibb* Building- MAY 18, 1910. _ HOOFING, CORNICE WORK. COOPER-STILLBON-RIEGEL 353 East Commerce Street. Galvanized Iron and Copper Corniee, Tia Roofing and Gutters. General Sheet Metal Work. New Phone 916. Old Phone 3137. _ RUBBER STAMPS. New Phone 437. J- ARMSTRONG le Rubber Stamp:, Seals and Stencila. y Dog License*. 209 North Presa Street. SALOON. GREEN TREE SALOON Where the Wuertzburger Beer flow*. Gottlieb Zellweger, Prop. _ Corner South Alamo and Market Sts. ■ SEEDS. J. F, KIPPS, Seed and Paint Store. Garden, flower, field seeds. Paints, oils, varnishes. Brushes. Poultry supplies. Highest awards ■ last fair. Eggs for hatching *2 per 15. S. C. White Leghorns. Eggs for hatching $3, 15. * R. I. Reds. New phone 320. 528 Market Hl. G. W. HUTH SEED CO. Wholesale and Retail. 502. 504, 606 Market Street. Either Phon* 189. SIGNS, d " " ABBOTT SIGNS 111 Soledad St. I. —— . - THE SCHULER CO. 103 West Commerce. N. P. 908. SIGNS • STATIONERY & OFFICE SUPPLIES THE ZOELLER COMPANY. Smith-Premier Typewriters, Office Special ties, Stationery and all Typewriter Supplies. New Phone 3212. 205 Avenue O. A. O. ZOELLER, Mgr. STOVE REPAIRS. E. C. DICKERSON. The STOVE REPAIRER. Shop 201 E. Romana Street. Old Phone 3493. End of Soledad Street. SUPPLIES AND FIXTURES. Glass Front Grocery Ice Boxes, Comput -1 ing Cheese Cutters, Automatic Grocery and I Butcher Scales, and complete line of Butcher > Tools. Reasonable prices and terms. Ed • Friedrich, 802 E. Commerce Street. New Phone 955. , STORAGE ” JL. PAUL CO. : Packing, Shipping and Storage 921-925 Avenue D. New Phone 3229 TAILORS. M. LOBERT The latest fsbrics and styles. Best quality at lowest prices. 208 South Alamo. Now Phone 3144. TANKS. Best Cypress Tanks made at the , MANDRY TANK FACTORY, Corner Austin and Hays Streets. 1 Old Phone 2001. New Phon* 1695. TEAS AND COFFEE. , ALAMO TEA & COFFEE CO. If you wish the best at lowest prices tel*- phone us. Old Phone 347-4 r. New Phone 2926. TRUNK FACTORY. EXCELSIOR TRUNK FACTORY. 228 S. Alamo. New Phone 3228. . Trunks and cases made to order to suit you. Exchange your old Trunks for new ones. Repair work a Specialty. TYPEWRITERS. , OLIVER TYPEWRITER AGENCY. M. J. HEWITT, , 110 West Commerce St. All makes of typewriters repaired aud rented. Typewriter Supplies. VETERINARIANS. San Antonio Veterinary Hospital. DRS. HEARN & RHEA. Veterinarians. , Ample facilities for the treatment and care of horses and dogs. Old Phone 1073. New Phone 1234. Southeast corner of Carter-Mullaly Block. WOOD AND COAL. SUNSET WOOD CO. We are headquarters for grain, hay, coal, wood and salt. Get our prices. New Phone 81. Old Phuae 31. Brown’s Wood Yard Sells best oak stove wood 85.75 Mesquite wood go. 00 Blacksmith coal for sals. New Phone 319. Old Phon* 847 3. ROOFING, CORNICE WORK. BEGGING PROFITABLE. Beggar Arrested in New York Has $64 in Pockets as Result of Two Days’ Work. New York. May 18.—That begging in New York streets is frequently a very profitable profession was show.i by testimony in the night court her* early this morning. A beggar arrested at the instance of the Society for th* Prevention of Charity Imposture, was searched by the -police and $64 was i found in his pockets. The beggar testi । fled in court, that this was the result 'of two days’ work on a Fourteenth street corner. According to the agents of the so ciety which caused the arrest, there sro many beggars in Now York whose in com? front their activity in seeking alms averages from $5 to $l5 a day the year arcund. 10