Newspaper Page Text
WEDNESDAY, Miss Lydia Moore entertained today at 1:30 o’clock with a buffet luncheon complimentary to Miss Inez Foster, Miss Mary Pancoast and Miss Clara May Brooks. The decorations were in the school colors, red and white and were carried out in every detail of the decorations, the plate favors and the different courses. The center piece on the table was a bowl of red oleanders and American beauty roses, while the platefavors were red carnations. An amusing guess ing contest was enjoyed by which the guests from a bit of verse guessed what the courses were to be. The guests included Misses Clara May Brooks, Mary Pancoast, Inez Fos- NEVER FAILS TO RESTORE GRAY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL COLOR and BEAUTY. S.H>h Yuntlf h Sniit N—f*r» SAMPLE BOTTLE FREE Cut thia adv. put aud mail with row Mm. and addrcaa and bm» uf raw Street. Newark. New Jersey, U. S. A. FOB SALE BY BEXAR DRUG COMPANY. The Wonder Mllllnoiy Miu Margaret Sanner, Png, Chie Walklag ami Drew Hats 113 1-2 Av*. C Imperial Millinery Shop. Mm*. Powell. 102 E. Com. Just at the brlda*. THE SHOP OF EXCLUSIVENESS. LEVYTANSKY S JEWELRY EMPORIUM «=S===3======S FOR ANYTHIN* IN THAT LINK Osr. Caalno and W. Comtnoroo M. Nose th. BHdao. CHLOROLIW Y for disinfecting and I I spring cleaning. Bn- I doraed by state health I W board, $l-60 per gal-*- V lon. 1 JUNGKIND DRUG STORE. 519 East Hourton St. Fischer's Drug Store GIBBS BUILDING. Best drugstore service in the elty. Headquarters San Antonio Graduate Nurses’ Association. Calls taken for phy sicians or nurses any hour, day or night. We have six quick delivery messengers. Open all nlaht Both ohones 284- Fruit of All Kinds Wholesale and Retail. FRANK TALERICO Established 1888. 101 Military Plaza. Old Phone 78. New Phone 1868. MISS FRIEDA ENQLBHARDT Successor to Mr*. OhM- .Dyvlta. * Direct Importer of hums} hair took. Ladle*' hair drewei and wig maker. Eherapoong parlora. manlounng, faoo SuuNngeT avals treatment. hair dyeing. Man u fact v rec of ha<r gooda Terrell Building, «» Aveuuo O. Naw Zbon. FRANGOIt Manage* EblTEb BY AMY CREJSWn r BELL ter, Amy Mayer, Morris, Maud Hughes,' Ruth Lipscomb, Susana Den man, Mary Louise Carter, Josephine Woodhull, Rowena Nye, Helen Rounds, Octavia Bullis, Dorothy Austin, Ruth Newell, Emilie Chapman, Zeleme Vance, Celestine Zilker, Mabel Lowe, Lucille Smith, Esther Hardie, Marie Burns, Helen Guenther, Helen Boltons, Ruth Ounyus. Marjorie and Annadelle Hicks. Mrs. Johnie A. Jones returned yes terday from a month’s stay at Suther land Springs. The Woman’s Home Mission society of the Government Hill Methodist church will hold its business meeting tomorrow aftwnoon at 3:30 o’clock in the parlors of the church. The Ancient Order of Hibernians will give a reception tonight at their hall in honor of Bishop J. W. Shaw. The program will consist of an address by P. E. O’QHara and vocal selections by Miss Gillett and Miss Pigott and E. B. Murphy and W. G. Tobin. Gilbert O’Shaugnessy and James Joyce will dance an Irish jig. Mrs. J. A. Ratcliffe and family, 301 East Dewey Place, left this morning to spend the summer at Franklin, Tenn. Mrs. Emma Paschal, Mrs. Josephine Frost and Miss Bettie Green Houston are expected home from abroad tomor row. They have been touring with a party through Egypt, the Holy Land and Germany for the past several months. Miss Carrie Loos leaves tomorrow for Houston and Galveston. A meeting of the ladies’ committee of the orphans automobile ride is called for tomorrow morning at 10 o’clock at the residence of the chairman, Mrs. Frank Paschal. The Chows Chows, the boy’s frater nity of the high school, will give their annual dance tomorrow evening at Ca sino hall. Frank Paschal, who has been spend ing the year at the Johns Hopkins uni verity, in Baltimore, is expected home tomorrow. The Parish Aid society of the Laurel Heights Mission of St. Mark’s church will hold its last meeting the season at the home of Mrs. E. B. Chandler, French Place, tomorrow morning at 10 o’clock. The board of ‘directors of the Free Dispensary and Hospital association will meet tomorrow morning at 10:30 o’clock at the International elub. Miss Nellie Lytle will entertain to morrow evening complimentary to the supervisors of the various departments of the public schools. Invitations have just been received to the marriage of Miss Annie Bobbins Halbert of Corsicana and James Knox Carr of Hillsboro, June 14. Miss Hal bert was formerly chairman of the be restored to its original color, or, it bleached, made any shade Mil lm P flrial Ha,r Regenerator AiJcJ K the acknowledged STANDARD I? LnHAIR COLORING for Gray er eF i [mH I Bleached Hair. It ie clean, ab ' i I riw ' solutelr harmless. Permits cnrl -11411 (I' M Inc and shampooing, Color, ar. 1111 1111 ’ durable; detection when used 1 mJ VJ impossible. Sample of your hair 4 flT"n| colored and returned free. A ku ill Privacy aseured. Sole manuf'rs and patentees MPEtIAL MEM. MFQ.CO-.13S W. 23d St.. New Ywt FOR SALE BY BEXAR DRUG CO. H. C. REES OPTICAL CO. 242 W. Commerce St. "Want to See You.’ ALAMO BLEMD COFFEE The Bert 26c Coffee an Barth. Try Our Elgin Creamery Butter. Great Atlantic&PacificTea Co. EIKLE AUTOMOBILE CO. f 427 MAIN AVENUE Agents for ’She JACKSON Old Phone 1888 Dr. Chas. Rees OPTtPLAM. 330 W. Commerce Street TD OBIGIMAL BBSS Mert «e Bnlltvaa'. Mask. Mew PhaM 788. Old Plena lS6»er. PRESCRIPTIONS Will be carefully compounded if brought to us. KING t MaOMNTOOK. 614 E. Htxirtoi St. OU Phone 3541; Mew Phone 928. SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE music committee of the State Federa tion of Women’s clubs and is widely known throughout the state. She vis •ted in San Antonio during the spring as the guest of her cousin, Mrs. George Powell. 8 Mrs. M. J. Bliem, president of the Woman s club, returned last night from Cincinnati, where she attended the bien nial meeting of the National Federa tion of Women’s club and has since been visiting relatives.. The Ladies’ Aid society of the River side Park church will meet tomorrow afternoon at 3 o’clock at the resid’nee of Mrs. Herndon on McMullin avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Caldwell leave this week for their summer home ia lowa, and will be gone until December. En route they will visit Mr. Caldwell’s brothers in Indiana|mlis and Columbus, Ohio. The Beta Tau Zeta sororiety of the high school will give their annual dance tonight at Turner hall. The chaperones for the partv will be Prof, and Mrs. C. J. Lukin, Dr.'and Mrs. F. M. Hicks, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Guen ther, Mr. and Mrs. J. Armstrong, Mrs. H. Guenther, Mrs. C. A. Zilker and Mrs. E. Hooker. The grand march will be led by Miss Bettina James and Frank Hicks. Henry Eager entertained yesterday with a dinner complimentary to Warren Peabody of New York, wlio is on his return home from a tour through the west. Mr. Peabody was a guest of Mr. Eager last January. A pretty morning wedding was cele brated this morning at 6:30 o’clock with nuptial mass at St. Mary’s church, when Miss Marie Braden and William T. Hanlon were married by Rev. Father J. H. Quinn. The bride wore a pretty white mes saline gown with a filmy veil and car ried a white ivory prayer book. She was attended by Miss Mary Hanlon, sister of the groom. The bridegroom was attended by Wal ter B. Fegan. As a prelude Miss Elsie Hanlon song “So Fair, So Sweet, So Holy,’’ and she also sang the “Ave Marie,’’ from “Cavalier Rustieano. ’’ A wedding breakfast was served at the Gunter hotel to the bridal party and the members of the immediate fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Hanlon left on the morning train for a month’s wedding trip through the north, and upon their return they will be at home at 1014 San Pedro avenue. Prof. A. G. Wuest has arraigned a musical program to be given by his class at Turner hall Saturday night. The program is planned with particular attention to detail and is an excellent one. It consists of fifty-four numbers and is as follows: Festival March, Gilbert Klaus and Alex Hicks: Basket of Roses, Shottish, Streabbog, Miss Helen Daniel and Mr. Wuest; Ruby Schottish, Rosewig, Mas ter Jack Flaherty; (a) Cleighride, Du celle; (b) Dance of the Dewdrops, Misses Luisa Wuest and Nine Staffel; Woodland waltzes, Metcalf, Miss Nellie Faulds; Narcissus, Nevin, Miss Mary McLane; (a) Forget Me Not Waltz, Martaine; (b) Friendship, March, Mar taine, Misses Lillian and Gladys Rosen mann; Auto Race, Wenrich, Master Ar thur Moede; Valse Arabesque, Lack, Mies Florence Lentz; Traviata, Fan tasie, arr Dorn, Miss Hazel Samuels; Dream Visions, waltzes by Losey, Mas ter Arthur Klaus; vocal, Zigeunerleben, Sehleiffarth, Miss Pearl Perry; Blushing Rose, Fantasie, Johnson, Miss Hattie Eickenroth; Naval Reserve, March, Grace, Master Harry Raybould; Idle Moments, waltz, Lichner, Miss Etelka Klaus; Valse in E flat, op. 83, Durand, Miss Florence Perry; Overture to “Freischuetz, ’’ Weber, first piano, Miss Nora Wuest; second piano, Miss Bernie* Kendall; Tyrolienne, Fantasie, Leybach, Mise Mabel Moriarty; A Dream of You, Reverie, Douglas, Mas ter John Faulds; iit’ermezzo Busse, Franke, first piano. Miss Florence Icke, Mr. Wuest; second piano. Miss Cecilia Wuest; Love and Passion, Pause’e pathetique, Messina, Miss Edith Ray bould; A Southern Rose, Fantasie, Kern, Master George Miller; vocal Tyroler Lied, Zeller, Miss Tillie Mulczvnski; Alpine Horn, Transcrip tion, Schirner. Miss Olga Molsberger; Blaze Away, two step, Holzmann. Misses Mabel and Tillie Nolan; Ca mellia, a new Flower song, Fieldhouse, Miss Valeska Klaus; At Full Tilt Polka Briliiante, Baaltc, Miss Lee holts and Mr. Wuest; Fleur de Lis, lantasie. Johanning, Miss Elvira Jordan; Celia, Maz, Caprice, Carbajal, Mus May Hicks; Silver Stars, Bahn. Miss Clara Dietzmann; Valse Caprice in E flat, Wallace, Miss Agnes Lockwood; Robins Call, Fantasie,’Holst, Miss Elsie Veyel; Fairy Barque, Fantasie, Smallwood, Miss Nina Staffel; Reverie Serenade, Losey, Miss Lillian Pfeiffer; The Whist ling Mountain Boy, Holt, Miss Edna Krueger; Hungary, Rapsodie Mignonn , Koelling, first piano. Misses Nora and Cecilia Wuest; second piano. Miss Josie Icke, Mr. Wuest; vocal. Friends, Hen nemann, Miss Valentine Coulon; flute obligato, Charles Coulon; piano, Mr. Wuest; Grand March de Concert, Vol lenhaupt. Miss Olga Moede; Under tle Tents, Galop, Daniel, Master Gilbert Klans; Polish Dance, Bardhzewska, Misses Helen Gregory, Florence Lentz; overture to Calif von Bagdad. Boiel dieu. Miss Bessie Miller and Mr. Wuest; Garden of Dreams, Reverie, Lincoln. Miss Lydia Covington; Over Hill and Dale. Engelmann, Misses Hazel Kitch en, Mary McLane; Angel’s Dream, Re verie, D’orso, Miss Odette Coulon; Thunder and Lightning, Loveland, Miss Lottie Burge and Mr. Wuest; vocal. Glow Worm (chorus) Lincke, Misses Margaret Faulds. Bernice Kendall. Vai entine Coulon, Valeska Klaus. Pearl ROSE-TRIMMED PICTURE HAT Broad-brimmed drooping hats slightly rolled somewhere about the brim nre especially becoming to girlish faces. This hat is of deep colored burned J’erry, Bessie Miller. Tillie Nora Wuest Leah Shottish, Eva Macey, Miss Stella Boubel; Vais des Orioles, Misses May and Carrie Hicks; Torea dor’s song, from Carmen, Bizet, Mrs. G. Sagary and Mr. Wuest; Rob-o-Link, Shottish, Becht, Master Max Melcher; Aragonaise, Massenet, Miss Anita Shan on; Zeta, overture, Fieldhouse, Miss Tillie Mulczynski; La Fete, des Fees, Warren, Miss Pearl Perry; Wayside Rose, Fisher, Miss Elsie Dietzmann. The Knights of Columbus will hold their weekly card party tomorrow even ing at their hall on North Persa street. Mrs. Kanning w’ill be the hostess for the evening. An ideal June wedding was celebrat ed this morning jat 7 o'clock when Miss Edna Erle Lindsey and Edward Buttler Wright, of Durango, were mar ried at the home of the bride’s par ents, Captain and Mrs. B. D. Lindsey, 430 Madison street. As a pretty bit of sentiment the marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. J. T. Hutcheson, who twenty-two years before had per formed the marriage ceremony for the parents of the bride. The house was decorated throughout with daisies and greens. Garlands of ivy arid yelk*w hearted daisies fes tooned the opening in the rooms, and were interwoven in the railings to the stairway. Palms and ferns were also used to outline the walls of the recep tion suite. As a prelude to the entrance of the bridal party Miss Flora Dilgarde sang “O Fair, O O Holy,’’ and to the strains of Lohengrin’s Wedding March, played by Miss Swanson, pre ceded by lier bridesmaid, Miss Maysie McLaughlin, the bride came down the stairs on the arm of her father. Un der the wedding bell fashioned of glowing hearted daisies, suspended be tween the parlor and the dining room, where the marriage ceremony was per formed, she was met the bride groom and his best man, S. F. Silver, of Durango, Mexico. The bride wore a handsome import ed going-away suit of hand-embroider ed blue aolian cloth, with hat and ac cessories to harmonize, and carried a white prayer book. Miss McLaughlin wore white satin with an overdress of lace and a white picture hat. She tarried a showez bouquet of white daisies. The Wednesday Study club, of which the bride w'as a member, served a delicious three-course buffet break fast. The tabic was adorned with a large basket filled with daisies and tied with maline bows, and brass can delabra with yellow shaded candles lighted'the board. Cut glass dishes filled with white and golden mints carried out the color scheme. A harp ist furnished music during the serving of fhe repast. Miss Octavia Graham presided over the bride’s book. Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey were assisted in receiving by Mrs. E. J. Druebert of r FREE > TOUB WOUBES 07 BED EUM, OOCnOACXES. BITS MICE WITH GETZ EXTERMINATORS. Contracts taken by th* year to com pletely ertennlnato Cockroaches, Bed Buys, Stats and other vermin. We have contracts with all the leading hotels and restaurants and large number of private residences In San Antonio and other cities In the State. Getz Cockroach and Ant Exter minator; yellow label.. 25c, 50c, 75c and up. Getz red label for Bed Bugs. Flies, Fleas. Moths. Chicken Lice, Mosquitoes and Garden in sects, 850. 50c, 81.00 and up. Mussung’s Beach and Bat Pasto, SBo and SI.OO. Getz Bat and Monse Embalmer, 1 pound oan, 83.00. For sale by druggists or sent prepaid on receipt of price. General Office and Salesroom, 1141 and 11*3 Pine St., St. I>ouls, Mo. Or P. O. Box 299, San Antonio, Texas. W. D. HUBSUNG, Mfg. fc Gen. Mgr. Follow The Arrow—See Page 3 straw, trimmed with soft black satin folds and fluffy bow. Two rows of tiny shaded roses are placed about the crown. Austin, Mrs. Dan Healy of Monterey, Mexico, end Mrs. Janet Johnson. Among those present were: Rev. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hutcheson, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McCormick, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Robinson, Mrs. Frank Dillon, Miss Marguerite Dillon, Miss Sudie Belle Warren, Mrs. W. A. Harris, Miss Etta Schuetze, Mrs. Mabel Healy, Mrs. Frank Kring, Miss Rudolf Kring, Miss Fern Wueste, Miss Gertrude Wueste, Miss Loretta Picott, Miss Inez Damm, Miss Leia Riley, Mr. und Mrs. J. W. Cuff, Mr. Forrest Campbell, Mrs. W. Lowenthal, Mr. and Mrs. Max B. Mayer, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bras well, Joe Dwyer, Nathan Underwood, Mrs. E. J. Druebert of Austin, Roy Taylor, Mrs. Annie Ward, Miss Carne Ward, Herbert Ward, Captain and Mrs. J. W .Sansom, Miss Elizabeth Sansom, Miss Anna Meerscheidt, Miss Minna Huffmeyer, Miss Flora Dilgarde, Miss Merta Cunningham, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Crowning, Mrs. William Norris of Denver, Miss Octavia Graham, Miss Ora Hudson Jewel, Mrs. I. T. Smith, Miss A. J. Wilkenson, Miss Stella Bar bee, Miss Mazie McLaughlin of Du rango, Mex., Spencer Silver of Duran go, Mex., Dr. George Stoker of Duran go, Mex., 8. C. Lindsey of Hot Wells, Mrs. Janette Johnson, Harvey Joyce, W. Mitchell. Prof. Herbert Reed leaves this week for Chicago, where he will spend the summer in study. He will visit his old home in lowa before returning. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Wray will leave San Antonio for Memphis, Tenn., Sat urday, where they will spend the sum mer. While in Memphis Mr. Wray will look after his business interests in that city, returning home in October. Garden Academy summer schools opens June 6th. THE WOMAN BEAUTIFUL If yoa need edrlce writ* to me. I want all the readers ot The Light and Gazette to bring their troubles to mo. All letters enclosing stamped envelope will receive personal answer and alt eommunicationa will be held in coati deuce. MME. D’ANJOU. Very Troubled —If you have been go ing with a young man for four years and he has never spoken of marriage to you, why don’t you try going out with other young men? If he cares for you that might be the best way to bring him to time, if you want him. Doughty—lf you are but you are too young to attend an evening par ty. It would be perfectly proper, how ever, for you to accept an invitation for an afternoon affair. An appropri ate dress for such an occasion would be a simple thin white dress. Wear yonr hair braided down yoift back and tied with a ribbon bow. Dreamy Eyes—Whether or not you should receive callers in the evening depends on whether you are through school or not. Dutch collars and short sleeves will be worn this summer. Appreciative —Announcement cards should be sent out on the day of a pri vate wedding. The bridegroom should by no means wear a full dress suit at a high noon wedding. SAN ANTONIANS LEAVE TONIGHT FOR EUROPE Dr. and Mrs. Clarence Warfield leave tonight for Europe, where they will । spend four months traveling. The will be in Faris possibly until August 27. Dr. L. L. Shropshire leaves tonight for an extended trip abroad. He will I spent several months traveling on the continent. ATTENTION OWLS. Assemble at Pearce-Robinson Under taking Co.’s chapel, 320 West Com merce street, Thursday afternoon, June 2, to attend funeral of our late brother, J. G. White. PAT E. O’HARA, Sec. JAS. STEVENS, Pres. When thirsty think of Woodward Vichy, the drink that satisfies. On sale everywhere FOR BOYS Bargain Thursday at Washer’s Choice of any of the items mentioned below for 17a z Values worth up to 35c —usual sale restrictions enforced. Nainsook Underwear I “Ideal” Undershirts /i WISER NEWS OF ALPINE. Special Diepatch. Alpine, Tex., June I.—The recital given by Mrs. T. C. Levingston’s pu pils at the Luthy hall was quite a suc cess and all the numbers were enoyed. This was the first public appearance of these pupils and they did fine work. The last number was a violin solo by Eugene C. Trester, with Mrs. Leving ston accompanying on the piano, which was fine. The supper given by the ladies- of the Presbyterian church was quite a success, and they netted about $3O, which will be used to light the new church building. The sale of the ladies of the Chris tian church netted them about $3O, and this fund will be used on the church debt. This is the third of a series of four sales which the ladies intend to put on. The fourth and last will be held next Saturday at the Palace Pharmacy. B. W.’ Mclntosh, section foreman at Altuda, was in Alpine on business this week. J. D. Jackson, his wife and son, Ford, and Mr. 8. D. Harmon, made a trip to Marfa Sunday afternoon, re turning Monday morning. They made ALAMO SPECIAL M One Notion Full Collapsible Go-Cart Extra strong reinforced steel frame, reclining back which may be raised or lowered for sleeping purpose, dark green color, complete with hood. CHILDS’ IRON BEDS, HIGH CHAIRS, ROCKERS, TRUNNEL BEDS, ETC. Alamo Furniture Co. 121-123 Main Ave--118-120 North Flore* St. A Dollar A Week Will Furnish A Happy Home For You Why Are So Many QUICK MEAL Gasoline Stoves SCHULTZE Stove & Hardware Co. 105 W. Commerce St. JUNE 1, 1910. the trip in the Jackson and Harmon auto. J. W. Burford has returned from a trip to Fort Worth and other eastern points on business. R. R. Youngblood from Valentine was in Alpine Monday on business. Frank Thomas, half brother of Judge B. C. Thomas of this place, is in the city. He has been gathering guayule near Fort Stockton for Messrs. Thomas & Derrick. R. 8. Mangum was in from his ranch, located about 15 miles southwest of Al pine. He is proving up on the land on this trip and says that he will move to town in about two months. Howell Johnson of Fort Stockton was in Alpine Monday on business. J. A. Anderson is home from a trip to the southern part qf the county. Debilitated and run-down constitu tions are often due to a failure of the stomach in performing its proper func tions. Correct this trouble at once by the use of Woodward Vichy. WHEN YOU LEAVE ON YOUR SUMMER TkIP LET THE LIGHT AND GAZETTE FOLLOW YOU. YOU WILL BE INTERESTED IN POUT ICAL DEVELOPMENTS AND CITY AFFAIRS WHiI . AWAY. PHONE 176, EITHER PHONE. M. 95 $l.OO xr In Use? For they Are the Best 9