It is delightfully cool at Ftenfield.
An ivnigorating breeze always makes the
days pleasant.
Fenfield is one of the coolest spots at
San Antonio.
An invitation is extended to you to visit
Fenfield this afternoon.
Fenfield should be seen by those who
want to garden for market.
To grow figs and fruits.
To own a delightful country home.
To safely invest $lO.OO per month.
In fact those who want to make the best
profit they ever made in their lives.
If you think you would like to consider
the purchase of an acre or so at Fenfield,
come out and see it today.
Come to end of San Fernando car line
from 2 to 4:30 p. m. today. Automobiles
will meet you.
C.S. Fowler Brother
B. D. Hatcher, Manager
Irrigated Land Dept. Second Floor Frost Bldg.
Automobile Service vxf nu Olio
During the Week • PhnnGS* Zkl,
From the Office. ’ 1 New3o43
Housewives, lookout for agents who
tome io your house representing them
selves as selling linen at a sacrifice.
Vhe police say that scores of women
have complained to them saying that
after they had washed the goods they
found it tn be hut cheap cotton highly
starched and ironed.
According to the police, it seems that
three or four jiersons have recently ar
rived in the city with a large supply of
the eotton got«Js and are making a
honee to house canvas® of the city. So
splendidly ha» the stuff been put up
that it lias not yet failed to fool the
public, say the police, judging from the
coinplaints.that continue to pour into
headquarters. (
It is sold by the bolt, it is said, and
$5 a bolt is asked. The price is seem
ingly insignificant compared to the ap
parent quality and for the quantity of
Fischer’s Drug Store
Rest drugslurc service In the city.
Headquarters San Antonio Graduate
Nurses' Association. Calls taken for phy
■lrtans or nurses ary hour, day or night
■». We have Six quick delivery tnessengera.
Onen all nljht Both ohanee 224.
Garden Stables
For Cabs
Uniformed DrirerK.
Might or Day—Best Service.
—PHONES 212—
Ws Rent, Jay, Rsß and Exchange
lit Main » 11S W. noma.
OU Phone IT9T. Rew Phon. 3708
the bogus linen offered. But later it is
discovered the cloth is nothing more
than a bolt of the cheapest cotton "doc
tored,” and the whole thing, it is claim
ed, could not be sold for a dollar and
a half. .
That a systematic canvass of the city
is being made, the police say is certain,
complaints coming in from every por
tion of San Antonio.
Children’* day will be celebrated
with appropriate exercises next Sunday
morning at the Laurel Heights Metho
dist church.
The Laurel Heights Junior Auxiliary
win meet at 10 o'clock Saturday morn
ing, with Mrs. Duval West, on’Mistle
toe avenne.
Germany is losing ground in China.
Fifteen years ago its exports to that
country exceeded those of the United
States aud Japan, combined. Today
they constitute only a little over 4 per
cent, whereas America has 9 pec cent,
Japan 14 and England about 50.
Keep ont the flies.
I sell everything
In screens.
E. L.
504 E. Hanston St.
Will save you 25 to
B 0 per cent on eack
gallon of whiskey,
wins or box ol dgurs
you buy from hla.
Both phonal
Before going elaewhnre consult ns for
prices, free of ch*r<e. We guarantee that our
dental work is without equal in appearance,
durability aud low price. Save time and
money and suffer no pain. Yon got better
results by having your work done by den
tists of long experience having a reputation
for fairness and reliability.
Full Set of Teeth 13.00, $5.00 and 17.50.
22-kt Gold Crowns $4.00.
Gold Bridge Work $4.00.
Stiver Fillings 50c. Gold Fillings $l.
Teeth extracted free without pain. Exami
nation always free. Hours, 8 to 7, Sunday
9 to 1.
National Painless
314 y a West Commerce’ St
Those Behind the Big Project
Do Not Want the City
to Waste Time.
Lifting the Veil of Secrecy, the
Council May Make Public
Detailed Reports.
Progress may be reported at the
meeting of the city couucil Monday af
ternoon, relative to the proposed wid
ening of Commarce street between
Main plaza and South Alamo street.
During the past week the owners’ com
mittee has been busy preparing deeds
and releases from tenants on the south
side and report that the $85,000 sub
scription fund from the north side own
ers, as requested by the mayor as a
guarantee fund to assist in the work,
will be available at any moment. The
committee expects to complete matters
and hafe everything in tangible shape
in the near future and this incident
may be brought up at the meeting or
the city fathers tomorrow afternoon, in
order that the ordinances calling for the
special bond election may be prepared
accordingly. This, it is said, may be
done in order that as little time as pos
sible will be lost in getting work ac
tively under headway.
The annual reports of the various
heads of the different departments of
the city government may be introduc
ed, although this has not been custo
mary with the administration. Of iate
for some reason, matters have neen
made public at thecouneil meetings that
for years have remained a secret in the
circle of a few executive officials. For
this reason, like the detailed statement
relative to the new financial budget,
the annual reports may be made pub
lic. It was intimated that such would
be the case.
Picture Show Ordinance.
Another matter that may com# up
before the meeting is the ordinance re
lating to the construction and operation
of moving picture shows. An ordinance
of this kind has occupied the attention
of the council for the hist six or eight
months, yet the measure has never
gone into effect. The original ordi
nance after pending before the coun
cil on its second reading for half a year
was revoked at the session held last
Monday, the reason given by its aw
thors being that the measure was so
faulty it was not deemed advisable to
pass it. For that reason, after per
mission was granted the committee to
withdraw it, they presented an amend
ed ordinance. This second ordinance
was placed on its first reading at. the
last meeting and laid over. With the
exception of a few technical terms the
measure is identical with the original
The assessment committee, Aiderman
Richter chairman, will report on a very
large batch of petitions for correction
of assessments, refund or reduction of
taxes. The chairman at the last meet
ing reported that the committee had
been unable to consider the petitions
an time for a report, but that the me
morials would be taken up during the
week and a report prepared. The com
mittee has been unable to get together
during the week, but will meet Monday
morning in the office of the city asses
sor. at which time the petitions in naad
will be compared with the records end
reports prepared accordingly.
A report may be bad from the city
attorney concerning the application of
the American District Telegraph com
pany, for a franchise to operate in San
Antonio. The petition of this company
presented to the council a couple of
wtieks ago was referred to the city at
torney at the last session for a report
in order that the committee might
make a recommendation to the coun
Statistician Figures Loss of 854 Millions
to Nation by Disease.
United Frees.
Chicago, 111., June 11.—" The loss to
the nation annually from occupational
diseases is $854,250,000, ’ was the as
sertion tonight of Frederick L. Hoffman,
statistician for the Prudential Life In
surance company, a delegate to the ad
ministrative council of the American
Association for Labor Legislation.
The national conference on industrial
disease is made the basis for represen
tation to congress for some remedial
legislation. John Mitchell of the New
York commission suggested that labor
unions urge the law makers in every
state to "raise the price of human life”
lost in industrial occupation to $20,000.
It is now $lO,OOO in most states and
SSOQO in a few others.
Edward L. Dignowitv yesterday re
ceived a telegram from his brother,
Henry L. Dignowity. that he would pass
through San Antonio today on hia way
to the mines at Naiea, state of Chi
huahua, Mexico, which he is managing
for the Bosto- owners' Mr. Dignow- y
is returning from Boston, where a meet
ing of the and directors
was held. \
A writer in the Lancet mentions
lurid incidents at a funer® A man
was supposed to have run dagger of be
ing buried alive; for when coffin
was moved a knocking sound w* heard
within. When it was openedWt was
found that a hammer had beenWft in
it, and had jolted so as to the
General Superintendent and
Southern Pacific Head Says
He Will Not Listen.
Crops In Excellent Condition
Wherever Visited on Tour
of Inspection.
Thornwell Fay, general superintend
ent of the Texas "Central lines; I. A.
Cottingham, general engineer, and G.
Radetzski. superintendent of the Hous
ton Texas lines, which are a part of the
Southern Pacific system, passed through
Ban' Antonio on an inspection tour of
the East Texas lines last night, remain
ing here for a few hours.
When asked what would be done in
regard to the strike of the section fore
men, Mr. Fay said:
"Why. nothing will be done. It is
not of enough importance. It is only n
local disturbance and will not affect
any line in the least.
"The crop® in the parts of Texas vis
ited by us are in excellent condition,”
continued Mr. Fay, "and there will be
a very good movement in a great many
lines, if I am not mistaken. There has
been no rain in east Texas for some
time, but the crops show no suffering in
the least.
"The lines in all parts of the state
we found in excellent condition. We in
spected a new dam at Marble Falls
which has just recently been built
across the Colorado river.”
The party spent Friday night in
Llano and came in last evening from
Justin, where the greater part of Sat
urday was spent. They left for Hous
ton at 10:45 o’clock last night after
about a week's inspection tour.
Public Invited to Hear Program
of Music and Addresses.
Institution Ranks High.
The fourteenth annual session of tho
San Antonio summer normal will be for
mally opened at the high school build
ing Wednesday morning, .lune 15, at 9
o 'clock.
An interesting program of music and
addresses will be rendered, and the
public is cordially invited.
The local normal has Always ranked
with the foremost in the state, not only
in point of attendance, but also on ac
count of the very large per cent of sue
cesaful applicants for teachers’ certifi
Last year 274 applicants, represent
ing about thirty-five counties, were en
rn ed. atd about 85 per cent of those
who took the state examinations secured
certificates. The prospects for another
successful session are very good.
July 23 will be the closing day of the
normal proper aud the examinations will
be held July 26 to 29.
Work leading to all grades of teach
ers’ certificates will be given. Primary
work and drawing will oe emphasized.
Classes will also be organized for high
school and eighth grade pupils who wish
to make up any deficiency or to
strengthen themselves. The faculty is
composed of the following instructors:
C. A. Arnold, principal Stephen F. Aus
tin school; W. D. Williams and Mar
shall M, Johnston of the high school,
Miss Adah Gibbons, principal W. T.
Harris school, and W..E. Madderra, su
perintendent Beeville schools.
J. D. Strauss left last night for St
Louis to be gone on a three weeks
visit to relatives.
If vour mirror reflects a complexion
that 'is sallow, lifeless or muddy,—a
skin that is rough, coarse pored, or
marred by wrinkles, fine lines or blem
ishes. ...
Cleanse the face and neck thorough
soft cloth, carefully removing any ex
cess cream; then apply a little of the
SAGE CREME, massaging with the
balls of the fingers, until the cream dU
appears. Then apply just a speck of
the E. BURNHAM ROUGE, spreading
it evenly over the ebceks. Then a dash
of E. BURNHAM powder (if the skin
is rough, omit the powder). Be care
ful to give the neck the same treat
ment that you do the face. Pass both
hands lightly over the entire face and
neck, so as to remove any stray parti
cle of powder remaining. The results
will bo AMAZING. This treatment will
protect the complexion from the ill et
focts of exposure to the sun and the
Our booklet. "HOW TO BE BEAU
TIFUL, ” contains a list of our full line
of Toilet Requisites. Ask your dealer
for one.
These preparations are for sale at
all first-class dealers; or if- your dealer
cannot supply, we will send direct upon
receipt of price. Dept. C-96.
70 & 72 State St, and
67 and 69 E. Washington St
All who wish to camp at Woodward to enjoy and use the health
properties of JW^ oodward Vichy will be cordially welcomed here. Before
starting, write us, so we may assist you in selecting your campsite.
S Where
I Go
□position in South
new town where
nd doebt that for " '
II Ftomach and kidney diseases it has no superior asywhere in the ctwn-
V try •’ n th’ s richy water will cleanse the human body of almost every
nX / I disease, and as a beverage it stands in a class alone. WOODWARD
V-V* - not alone has this great vichy water to back it up, bet perhaps the best
I track growing section in all Texas, and every dollar planted there now
■TO 1 ’ *lll will grow two in a short time. $$
m • I:
1 Residence Lots. 50x140 feet
PiQUQ AT lo* Business Lots. 25x140 feet
VI Uulu* $lO Cash—sl6 Per Month
The sale of Woodward town lots has just begun and we are daily receiving applications from
Houston. Galveston, Fort Worth and many of the Eastern and Northern States. If yon want
a choice lot in this fast building town choose now before the best are marketed.
This week we will receive a carload of five-gallon carboys of Woodward Vichy. We
have booked a number of orders and if yours is not received immediately the probabilities
are that we will be unable to supply your requirements. Order a carboy today.
The Building; of a New Cotton Qin with a daily capacity of 50
Bales is now under construction.
Crystal City and Uvalde railroad trains will be running Into
Woodward within a few months. Call at our
Office or Write for Booklet.
Exjferienced Townsite Salesmen and Agents Wanted.
509 Frost Bldg. Old Phone 949. itew Phone 883 San Antonio, TeX.
Many Departments, Including
Foreign Cotton Exhibit, In
Big Show at Galveston.
The second annual cotton carnival
end exposition will be held at Galves
ton, July 30 to August 15. It will be
an exposition not only of domestic but
also of ail foreign cottons, and every
product derived from tho cotton plant
or seed.
In addition to the cotton exposition, a !
special ieature will be the exposition of |
other materials, industries, trades, etc., i
such as exhibits of rice, poultry,
pigeons, textile goods, foreign imports,
art exhibits, like paintings, portraiture,
ceramics, school and e< ucational ex
hibits. fruit, plant and flower exhibits
—in fact, many of ths features of a
universal exposition.
During the twq weeks of festivities,
the name "Carnival” will be made a
truly descriptive one. There will be
public entertainments such as fireworks
display and masked parades, morning
anu a’iternoo# on the beach. Besides
these, various other forms of amuse
ment will be offered on the inside of
the carnival grounds, in the buildings
and halls. .
The Galveston Cotton carnival is a
permanent organizqtnn. It was origin
ated and is backed and operated by the
Galveston B isiness leagu-. This is prac- |
tically tho endorsement of tho entire '
business capital of Galveston.
The domestic cotton exhibit is un- I
der the management of Malcolm Gra
ham, director; the foreign eotton ex
hibit, P. G. Pauls; cottou by products, .
George Gyner; foreign imports, Capt. j
Alfred Bryde; rice, P. H. Wilson and |
Waters 8. Davis; manual training, B. <
Adouo and M. Lasker; fruit, R. H.
Bushway; county exhibits, M. P- Har- !
grave; plant and flower, J. D. Preuss- ।
ner; art department, J. H. Maurer; '
poultry aud pigeon, Frank James, i
Charles V. Keeler, W. Mann Selkerk; j
aequarium, H. P. Nettleton; automobile !
races Capt. J. W. Munn; amateur
sports, R. L. Wittig; grand civic pa
rade, Capt. O. Paget; harbor parade I
and motor boat races, Capt. 8. A. I s- ,
bey; home coming day, Sam J. " '1- I
John and Mary Clopton left yest-r |
day to spend two weeks with relatives |
at Waco- 1
Local Instructions Are Greater
Than Any Platform, He Tells
Bridgeport People.
Spectai Dispatch.
Bridgeport, Tex., June IL —O. B. Col
quitt. candidate for the democratic nom
ination for governor, addressed an audi
ence of upwards of a thousand tonight.
Many ladies were in the audience. The
Colquitt club was present seventy
strong. At first the speaker’s voice
showed evidence of wear, but as he
warmed to his subject of “local self
government ” his utterance became
Colquitt declared that he has no fear
of submission winning if it is placed on
the ticket, but said that if its support
ers manage to secure a majority tho
conditions at two years ago wilt prevail.
He declared that local instructions are
above any platform, and said that the
constitution provided tho only possible
wav to effect a change, that by a two
thirds vote of the legislature.
An experimental ozone plant will be
established at St. Petersburg to purify
the city's water supply, drawn from,
the River Neva.
Cockroach, Bed Bug, Ant and
Rat Exterminators.
For sale by druggists or sent prepaid
on receipt of price.
Contract* taken by the year to com
pletely exterminate Cockroaches, Bed
Bugs. Bats aud other vermin. We hare
contract- with all the leading hotels and
restaurants and large number of private
reaidenecs in San Antonio and other
। in the state.
Getz Co. kroach and Ant Ex term its.
tor: yellow label. 25c. 50c, 75c
and up.
Getz red label for Bed Buga. Flies,
Fleas. Moths, Chicken Lice. Moaqui
toes snd Garden Insects, 25c, 50c,
91.00 and up.
Huasung's Roach and Rate Paste. 25c
and $l.OO.
Getz Rat aud Mouse Embalmer, 1
pound can, 92.00.
General Office and Salesroom. 1141
and 1143 Pine St. St. Louis. Mo.
W. D. HUSSUNG. Mfg. ft Gen. Mgr.
Naberto PuxinL
Nuberto Pixxini. tha 1 yvxr-oIJ son at
Mr. and Mrs. V. Pusuzi, died yesterday
at the home of his parents, center Dur
ango aud San Saba streets. latermeat
takes place in the San Fernaado ceme
Francis P. Evans.
Francis P. Evans, 49 years old, die-1
Saturday of cerebral meningitis, after
an illness of about four months, at Its
home, 2314 West Commerce street. The
body will be shipped today by the Shel
ley Loring Undertaking company to
Alice, Tex., where interment will take
Markel Miwt. Between OmMB M*
Pnee Mreeto.
tf«n 9 a. bl te Mt m
Acme Cleaning & Dye Works
New Phone 2947. Old Phone 1804.
408 S. FLORES.
We Press Fouy Suits a Mouth
for $1.50
Work Culled for and Delivered.
Established 1878
We do not say our products are
“Just as Good ”
We assert there are
Money beck If act utlafisd.
The Holland Tea Store
22S W. Com. Si. Phrass 811.
Vehicles Harness
Rubber Tire*
215. 115. 217 st. Mr — ■