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2 We’ll Open Your Eyes Special Furnishings Vaiues 25c Brighton garters specially •* A — priced at “ ** 50c Russia leather garters for g knee length drawers W V 50c wash stocks, full range solid A g — mlots and fancy stripes w 50c knit four-in-hands, in real — classy colorings “ ** Pure silk half hose in fancy FA »» dropstitch patterns, all colors.. 15c Mexican straw hats, extra A — large ones, at w SAUL WOLFSON DW goods a DRIVEN lONE BI POT LOVE Young Michigan Man Commits Suicide Through Groundless Jealousy of Wife. United Press. Detroit, Mich., June 11. —Driven al most insane by groundless jealousy of i his bride of three months, Basil Mason, 23, wrote his mother in his anguish and took poison. H<k died at home today before his young wife’s eyes, despite her frantic efforts to save him. Her genuine grief attests to the falsity of the youth's delusion. He wrote his mother in Toronto: “My own darling mother:—Forgive me when you get this letter for what I have done. 1 have done it because the girl I love has lost her love for me, from my own selfish, jealous disposition. I love her more than my own God and my love is just driving me mad. I have been so jealous of her I am thinking of killing her and for that reason I de- I cided to save her and take the leap that lays open to every man. Don’t blame her for she is to me what the Blessed Virgin was to Jesus Christ. “Goodbye, darling, I love you. “Your son, BASIL.’’ . There are 186 religious denominations in the United States. Fowler’s Pink Wafers A delightful laxative confection for the regu lation of the bowels. Tasles as Good as Candy At all Drug Stores at 25 a box. SUNDAY. We’ll show YOU the FULL meaning of the word “VALUE” as applied to Men’s Clothing and Furnishings—just as we’ve shown it to hun dreds of others. If you’re a good judge of ma terials and workmanship and are looking for the best there is in style and dependability—so much the better —it ’ll be a great deal easier for us to open your eyes. See These Summer Suits and Learn the Truth About Value Men’s High-Class Summer Suits The best of this season’s nobby styles —the popular blues and grays, and all the others. Brand new, classy stuff, from the shops of America’s foremost tailors. Originally priced 20 per cent below other stores — Marked Down flow for Quick Sale Those Marked $35.00 Are Now $28.50 Those Marked $30.00 Are Now $25.50 Those Marked $27.50 Are Now. . $24.50 Those Marked $25.00 Are Now .. $19.50 Those Marked $22.50 Are Now $18.50 Those Marked $20.00 Are Now $17.00 Those Marked $18.50 Are Now ,$16.50 Those Marked $17.50 Are Now $15.50 Those Marked $16.50 Are Now $14.50 Those Marked $15.00 Are Now $13.00 Those Marked $12.50 Are Now $ll.OO Those Marked $lO.OO Are Now $B.OO s 8 Panama Fine woven hand-made Ecuadorean Panama, light as a feather, 6.75 Hero’s a Snap Men’s white hemstitch ed initial handkerchiefs, 15c quality, 4 for 30c RAILROAD OFFICIALS VISIT AI AUSTIN Have Been Making Inspection of Granite and Mineral De posits at Llano, Special Dispatch. Austin, Tex., June 11. —Thornwell I Fajr, vice president of the Southern Pa- I cine, Gus Radctzky, general superin tendent of the Houston Texas Ceu- > tral, Julius Kruttschnitt, director of [ maintenance and operation of the Har- ■ ri man lines, were here this afternoon, ■ traveling in Fay's private car. They i came from Llano, where they have been | making an inspection of the develop- I ment of the granite industry and the ‘ possibilities of gold and other miner- | als. They called on Railroad Commis- | sioner Williams and the governor. Fay said the call was purely social, as they were passing through en route to San Antonio. They are making an inspec tion of the Central lines. SEN. BAILEY ACCEPTS. ‘Will Deliver Address at Decatur July 18 If Congress Is Not in Session. Special Dispatch. Washington, June 11- —Senator Bai ley said this afternoon that he has ac cepted an invitation an ad-1 dress at Decatur, Texas, July 18, the I occasion being the Wise Cotinty Old 1 Settlers’ leunion, provided congress is not in session. Plans of the commit tee include the possible appearance of both Senator Bailey and Cone Johnson I of Tyler, candidate for the democratic I .nomination for governor on the same I platform the same day and perhaps a joint debate between the two. JOHNSON 18 EVASIVE. Austin, Tex., June 11.—When asked (this afternoon whether he had accep -i Icd Gie invitation to deliver an address I at Decatur on the occasion of the Wise County Old Settlerg* reunion, July 18, Cone Johnson declined to make *“ ex-1 answer, saying: “It depends on my campaign manager, I may not have an oaen date.’’ Underwear, Shirts, Pajamas $1 shirts for boys, splendid pat- If terns in madras and percale.... ■OC pajamas are specially priced 89c $1.25 pajamas are specially pric- O ed at *7O C ♦1.50 pajamas are specially 4 *9*7 50c balbriggan undershirts or — drawers special at C 50c elastic web drawers, full — cut, well made garments U C 75c fine knit white lisle under shirts or drawers OSfC “What will be the result when women wear the trousers?’’ “They will be able to strike a match like a man.’’ Suits and Pants Made and Delivered in 24 to 48 Hours If Necessary COME AND SEE HOW THEY ARE MADE-OUR SHOPS ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC f -JUST TO KEEP OUR TAILORS BUSY: EXTRAORDINARY SPECIAL SALE SEE MONDAY AND TUESDAY ONLY! Extra Pants Our previous sales have met with great favor and suc- Free 'suit aCh cess — our work-room force requires many orders —— to keep them busy—we are pleasing hundreds with our unequalled made-to-measure suits, but this season of the year requires the stimulus of very low prices to keep our large tailoring department busy, so again WE OFFER FOR TWO DAYS, , MONDAY and TUESDAY— FREE CO Kft Wb Made lo Brdar for OIS O Ex{r a Ol ■ iJU *•* ** ■ ivU Very extensive and beautiful line of the season’s most desirable woolens to select from. Suits positively delivered when promised. Come early to get early delivery. 1 M M M A M • Successors to National Tailors SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE ‘STOREY SHIS CHAMBERS CM'I GO ON BALtOI No Provision In Law to Place an Appointive Officer Be fore the People. HILDEBRAND ALSO AVERSE County Chairman Says He Will Oppose Proposition Purely for the Party’s Good. The name of C. M. Chambers, assist ant district attorney, will apt appear on the official ballot of Bexa\county at the democratic primaries. State Chairman A. B. Storey', in an official communication to Mr. Chambers, uas ruled that his name cannot go upon the, ballot because the office he holds is an appointive one, and no matter what might be the attitude of the people of the county, it would have no effect on the appointment of a man for his position. Several days ago Mr. Chambers made [the statement that inasmuch as there were many who criticised him because [his office was an appointive one, j some even saying that he could never |be elected to an office in this county, he would put himself into the hands of the people and abide by’ what the majority said. If, at the primaries, he was defeated by another, he said [he would not be an applicant to suc ceed himself. In line with that, he | filed with County Chairman H. E. Hil iilebrand and at the same time wrote to State Chairman Storey and to the at torney general to asu their opiniom Has No Authority. County Chairman Hildebrand has written Mr. Chambers' that there “is no authority for placing the name on the ballot.” Only those holding elec tive office, says the chairman, are el -1 igible for position and the placing of the name “might cause the entire elec tion to be declared invalid.” For that reason Mr. Hildebrand says he will op pose the placing of Mr. Chamber’s | name on the ballot, although he cays jhe will pass it up To the executive ।committee, which meets June 20, for 'iinal action. | The chairman says he would do all Ihe could for Mr. Chambers, but bi a I matter of this kind his duty to the I party compels him to act counter to I his wishes. Mr. Chambers has not yet heard from the attorney’ general. Chairman Storey’s Latter. State Chairman Storey’s letter is self-explanatory, being as follows: Mr. C. M. Chambers, San Antonio, Texas, ... Dear Sir: Your favor of the 6th. inst., asking my’ opinion as to wheth er or not you could have your name printed upou the ticket to be voted ; upon at the next primary election as a candidate for the office of assist ant district attorney’ of this district, received. It is my opinion that your name cannot legally’ be printed upon the ticket, for the vote one way or I the other would be of no effect, as the position is an appointive one, and lit is left entirely with the governor as to who he will appoint; so that the will of the people cannot be expressed in a ijencral primary election upon such matters, which election is only for tire purpose of platform demands and the nomination of candidates. (Signed) A. B. STOREY; Chairman state democratic executive committee. DECISION IS AGAINST THE PULLMAN GD. United States Circuit Court De nied Its Application for an Injunction. UPHOLDS THE COMMISSION Decides Latter Has Power to Reduce Berth Rates and 'Shave Cost of “Uppers." United Press. y Chicago, Hl., June 11.—Assistant Attorney’ General Kenyon left here for Washington late this afternoon to take to his superior there news of the vic tory won by the interstate commerce commission over the Pullman company and the Great Northern railroad in the United States circuit court. Judges Grosscup, Seaman and Baker, by denying the application of the two companies for temporary injunction to restrain the commission from eu&ucing an order for reduction in sleeping car rates, established a principle of control of sleeping cars by the commission. The Pullman company contended that its business is not that of an interstate carrier, but that of a hotel keeper and refused to acknowledge the jurisdiction of the commission when on complaint of George Loftus of St. Paul it ordered a reduction of berth rates between St. Paul and other points. The two com panies appealed to the federal court to stay the order and enjoin the commis sion against further exercise of such control over sleeping car rates. Tty refusing to issue the injunction, in an interlocutory ruling and sending the company back to the commission for a hearing, if they wish to further op pose the order, the court recognized the right of the commissioners to regulate all sleeping car rates and defined the Pullman company to be a carrier, amen able to the laws that govern railroads. Chairman Knapp and Commissioner Harlan dissented from the ruling of the commission. Tn the hope that these commissioners may influence others to change their minds, the company may ask for a rehearing before the commis sion. The court also decided that the point, that upper berths were less desirable than lowers w’as established by the gov ernment’s testimony and that the com mission had a right to enforce a lower rate for these less desirable accommo dations. SAMPLE BOTTLE FREE—To dem onstrate the value of Peruna in all ca tarrhal troubles we will send you a sam ple bottle absolutely free by mail. The merit and success of Peruna is so well known to the publie that our readers are advised to send for sample bottle. Address the Peruna Company, Columbus, Ohio. Don’t forget to men tion you read this generous offer in the Light and Gazette, San Antonio, Texas. If in need of advice write our Medi cal Department, stating your case fully. Our physician in charge will send you advice free, together with literature containing common sense rules for health, which you cannot afford to be without. Little Dot was on her first visit to her aunt’s, where fish was served every i Friday. At the end of three weeks she (went to her aunt and said: “Aunty, what makes all your Fridays down here smell so funny?” MMWIWAfWONAMAAM THIS ISd@l>WHO | (GUARDSwmMONEY i i THAT A q | Lot®® * z | I TJ .S» ■ B j NAT. ’BANK BfWkSLfVI W 11 -» niUl/Uff i k United States Government Supervision gives you assurance of * I SAFETY and conservative management—add to this our courteous, W L prompt and efficient service to all our patrons—and you have good W I reasons for depositing with us. L Come and talk it over. FOUR PER CENT interest on time de- W 9 posits. Safe deposit boxes at reasonable rates. W The CITY NATIONAL BANK | I COE. COMMERCE AND NAVARRO STS. 8 L Frederick Terrell, President. W. R. King, Vice President. W I A. H. Piper, Cashier. H. M. Hart, Assitant Cashier. ASK THAT RANGERS ’ BE OTWAY Citizens of Sanderson Sign a Petition Asking Governor to Withdraw Them. Sanderson, Tex., June 11. —Nearly ev ery citizen of Sanderson not connect ed with the railroad company, has sign ed a petition addressed to Governor Campbell, requesting that the state rangers placed here be withdrawn at once. The railroad company had them called out on the strength of a belief that their property needed protection. Sanderson peace officers are absolute ly able to cope with the situation and if necessary the law-abiding citizens will assist, but they do not take kindly to the insult that has been given in placing the rangers here. Today Rev. F. G. Cex, pastor of the Methodist church at this place, was for cibly ejected from th! company right of-way by a ranger, without any appar ent cause, and one of these officers made the remark that he would throw’ seven or eight men in jail to show that they had the authority to do so. A gang of non-union Mexicans are working here today, in charge of a Mexican foreman, and Jas. Shaugh nessy, who has been made an assistant loadmaster since the strike. He was formerly a section foreman and went out on the first call, but returned to work with the promotion. ——— When you're ailing and don’t know just what’s the matter with you, the safest thing to take is Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea, both because it’s the greatest all-round systemic regulator, and because it cannot work injury in any case, being purely vegetable. Lone Star Drug Store. JUNE 12, 1910. fits BPBISII6 111 NICARAGUA People In a State of Ferment and Only Strong Repressive Measures Will Avail. United Press. Managua, June 11, —Only the most barbarous repressive measures on the part of the Madriz government can pre vent an uprising in western Nicaragua. The jails are overflowing with political prisoners, wholesale arrests are being made and rumblings of discontent are heard on every side. Business is at a standstill and conditions are fast be coming intolerable. Many of the leading merchants and ranch owners have been impoverisheci by the heavy taxation for continuing the wir. Despite the official reports of the operations of the army, there is said t 4 be much disaffection among the soldiers who are worn to shreds by the recent disastrous campaign and in no condi tion to withstand the rigors of further fighting. The uprising at Rivas, which was sup pressed, is believed to be a forerunner of other outbreaks. Many of the more influential citizens are said to be con sidering measures which will enforce the interference of the United States or some other power. FOB OVER FIFTY YEARS MRS. WINSLOW’S SOOTHING SYRUP } Has bee.. ed for over FIFTY YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS! for their | CHILDREN’ WHILE TEETHING. With ! PERFECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES the CHILD. SOFTENS the GUMS. ALLAYS all PAIN: CURES WIND COLIC, and is th® best rcmedv for DIARRHOEA. Sold oy Druggists In every part of the world. Be sure and ask for “Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Sirup.” and take no other kind. Me. a bottle.