Kaufman’s Annual June Clearance Sale
Going On
Tomorrow is the
Second Da.y
Ladies’ and Misses’ Dresses
Ladies' and Misses' House Dresses 98c
A aplcndid How Dress. »mde of solid colored ginghams and fancy per- QO
eata; rsfula* SUS and $2 -values, priced for a quick cloee out ta this sale 7OV
Ladies' and Misses’ Gingham Dresses $1.48
and miaees’ good qwUtty gingham Droeses, plaids, stripes and pin] JO
uhtnWi and solid colors; regular $3 and $3.50 values, priced in this sale.... A »“O
Ladies* Pore Linen Dresses $4.79
Legkes’ — uhm all liaen Droeses in brown, blue, pink and white; regular A RIQ
$lO w»?ww priced special for tho Jhne Clearanoe Sale at x
Ladies* and Misses' $4 Lingerie Dresses $1.98
A wAwdid line of lingerie one-piece Dressen in al! colors, lace insertings and ] QO
trimmings; regular $4 values, special for June Clearance Sale only • ezaJ
Messalina Silk Dresses Worth $l5 to.slB at $7.98
A lares number of beautiful messaline Sift Droeses. princess style, trimmed re QO
with real Inee, $l5 and $l3 values, specially priced for this big sale 4 oZU
Xm Dramas and Princess Not Dresses Just the thing for June weddings.. About
twenty different. stvlea. worth from $22.50 to $35 each; your choice | | QO
during this sale $17.98, $19.48 and A A a XV
Ladies' Lingerie Dresses Worth $6 at $2.98 .
Lakes' Lingerie Dresses, made of nice quality lawn with lace and em re QO
broidery trimmings. in all colors; worth $6; special during June Clearance.. Ar.zU
Ladies' $7.50 Lingerie Dresses $3.98
A much better grade of Lingerie than is generally found in $7.50 Dresses'* QO
will be found in this lot specially marked for the June Clearance Hale J,7U
Ladies Lingerie Dresses Worth $lO
at $5.98
Hero’s » lot of beautiful Dreeses worth double what we
ask for them. They are made of sheer lingerie with Vai.
lace trimmings. Tunic effects. You should see g Oft
these, marked for the June Clearance Sale J,/O
All Lingerie Dresses Worth $l5
at $7.98
We have a very large assortment of styles in this lot.
They are made of the best of material and the Tunic
effort prevails, for tho June Clearance Sale, RI QO
your choice at .zU
One Piece Linen Dresses
at $2.98
We bought about 200 ladies’ linen Dresses at a bargain
last week. They arrived in time for this sale. They are
well made, Dutch collar effects. Your choice AO
while they last w.zG
Ladies’ Long Kimonos, a Bargain
25 dozen ladies’ Long Kimonos, 75c
values, splendid patterns; on sale
during this Juno Clear- 4 Q
anee Sale at “OL
20 dozen very fine Long Kimonos,
in excellent patterns, of light ma
terials, a splendid $2 value ape
ci ally priced for this sale 1.48
Linen Skirts Worth $4 at $1.69
Ladies’ Linen Skirts, made with
plaited effects, also plain with but
ton effects; regular $4 1.69
Linen Skirts Worth $6 at $1.98
Lad tee' pure Linen Skirts, made
same a* above, better quality
goods; worth np to $B, | QQ
special during this sale.... I*7o
$7 Emb. Linen Skirts at $3.98
Thin is the finest lot of ladies ’ Lin
en Skirts we ever sold; they are all
hand embroidered, made with Tunie
effect*; regular $7 value, O QQ
during the Clearance Sale. . J. 70
Ladies’ Shirt Waists
$1 Dutch Neck Waists 98c
Ladies’ Lingerie Shirtwaists. made
of excellent quality lingerie, lace
and. embroidery trimmed, Dutch
neck efforts; $2 values; priced dur
ing the June Clearance Salo QO
at only zOC
Ladies’ Hosiery Greatly Reduced
Kaufman’s Special Hosiery, fast colors; priced special during the
.big June Clearance Sale.
15c Ladies' Hose reduced to Bc.
25c Ladies’ Hose reduced to 19c.
50c Ladies' Hose reduced to 35c
A Bargain Event Worth Your While
Yesterday was a big day here. From the time our doors opened until
late at night our store was crowded with customers—and they bought too. Our entire stock is
marked at from %to less than regular prices. They got the benefit of our sacrifice of profits
—did you? Tomorrow is the second day of this great sale. Be one of the many to profit by it.
25 dozen ladies’ Ixtng Kimonos,
made of excellent materials, light
and dark patterns; 75e val- 4Q —
nes, special during this sale V/C
In all sizes, 32 to 58; we can fit the
largest or smalleet worn- 1 4Q
en; $2.50 values for 1 • sO
$5 Panama Skirts at $2.48
The Skirt* are made of good qual
ity chiffon and Panama, ribbon
folds; repilar $5 value, 4 0
during this sale at 4.“0
$8 Voile Skirts $4.98
Black Voile Skirt*, made of excel
lent quality voile, Tunie effect*:
worth $8; special during 4 QQ
Juno Clearance Sale T»zO
$l5 Black Voile Skirts $7.98
Black Voile Skirts, all braided
Tunic effects; worth regularly $l5;
priced special during June *7 QQ
Clearance Sale • .70
$4 Hand Emb. Waists $1.98
Ladies' fine hand-embroidered
Shirtwaists, made of the very best
quality lingerie; worth $4 regularly;
priced" as a very special bargain
during the June Clear- | £l9
cnee Sale at 1 • zO
$5 Tailored Ling. Waists $2.98
Ladies’ fine hand-tailored Shirt
waist*, made of sheer lingerie,
snappy styles, sold all over the city
for $5; priced special dur- J QQ
ing June Clearance Sale... 4,70
Misses’ Fancy Lawn Dresses
Worth $4.50 at $1.98
Misses’ fancy lawn Dresses in polka dots, stripes and
plaids, excellent. quality lawn; regular $4.50 1 QO
values, priced during June Clearance I»7U
Children’s Dresses 48c, 79c, 98c,
$1.48, $1.98
We have a big assortment of Children’s Dresses,
worth from 75c to $3.50, made of ginghams, lawns, etc.
The above prices are cheaper than the cost of raw
Children’s Co»Eds and Sailor Suits
Worth $5 to $7 at $2.98
We have about 200 Children's Co-Eds and Sailor
Suita, worth from $5 to $7.50, that will be a revela
tion to you for the price. You should see R QQ
these, priced for quick clearance at only w.zO
Every item in our
Millinery Department
including trimmed
Flowers, Etc.,
priced at
Fancy Parasols at 79c
350 fancy Parasols, worth up to
$2.50 each, special dur- e?Q
ing June Clearance Sale. . J 7U
Extra Special
200 pairs of children’s
white canvas Oxfords,
worth up to $1.50 pair,
special at
Dry Goods
10c Challottea Special at 5c a Yard—loo
pieces of Challotes, the new dress goods,
25 different patterns, worth 10c yard;
special during this sale, a yard, ff
at only *v
Lawns —In all the latest colors, pink, blue,
tan old rose, purple «nd lavender and in
all flowered effects. This is a 12c qual
ity of lawn, but we are selling it *9
at only • V
Seco Silk Mull—Another of the season's
hits in drees goods. We have the most
effective and prettiest patterns imagin
able in this new goods. All 1 Q
shades and colors; a 40c va1ue.... 17U
Suesenno Silk —Known the world over for
its beauty when made into a dress, can
be found here in all solid and fancy col
ors. This silk is a bargain for
05c, but can be bought here f0r.. .4 JU
White Victoria Lawn, worth 10c,
now, yard JU
White Lawn, worth 12 1 2e, now,
A big line of Seersucker in all cotors;
priced everywhere 10c a yard; our r
price Jv
Damasks, Napkins, Etc.
Table Damask, white, blue checks, guar
anteed fast colors; regular 50e
value; special during this sale 4JU
Red Table Damask, good patterns, fast
colors; regular 50c value, ape
ci al at 4jC
Fine Bleached Table Damask, regular 65c
values; beautiful designs; spe- 4Q
cial, this sale, at TOC
Bleached Table Damask, regular $1 val
ues, the fine satin finished kind, ZQ
25 styles to piek from; special.... U7C
cial at
Bed Spreads and
Lace Curtains
Bed Spread*. 90x81. extra, good fringe all
around; colors white, blue and QQ —
pink; $2 values; special this sale. . 7OC
Bed Spreads, out corners, white and col
ored. worth $2.50, during this | 4 0
sale for 1.40
Heavy Marseilles Bed Spreads, extra
size, all colors, $4 values, for 1 QQ
this sale at 1.70
Lace Curtains. 31-2 yards, handsome de
signs; $2 values; this sale, a pairQ Q —
for only “OC
Lace Curtains. 3 12 yards long. 48 inches
wide, sold everywhere at $4; 1 QQ
Lace Curtains, tan color, 3 3 4 yards wide,
value $4, during this sale a IQ
for 4»17
Ladies’ and Children’s
We are going to cut prices on these to
the quick. Drawers of cambric, longcloth
and nainsook, trimmed with good wash
laces, embroideries in eyelet or blind and
ribbons, tucks and ruffles.
75c Drawers
$1.25 Drawers 8 9c
$1.50 Drawers 95c
Gowns of finest cambric, longcloth and
75c Gowns * Bc
81.25 Gowns 69 c
$1.76 Gowns 8115
$3.50 Gowns $l - 95
Skirts—Of fine cambric and lawn, deep
fancy flounces of embroidery and lace, or
wide flouncing.. Others trimmed with
tucking* and ruffling*. very best styles,
including new models to wear with prin
ces. and other close-fitting dresses.
$1.60 Skirts 88c
$3.00 Skirts 8148
$4.00 Skirts » 2 - 23
Corsst Covers— Handsomely trimmed
with three row. of lace. draw string, rib
bon, etc,
35c Ooreet Covers
0«c Corset Covers 4Sc
Children’* Hemstitched Drawer*.
25c values for thl* sale only . 14c
35a Drawers, ruffles, l»c« an< i env
broidery 19c
Men’s Clothing and Furnishings
Boys’ Knee Pants
A big line of boys’ 35c Pants in linen and cassi j Qp
meres, on sale during June Clearance for 17U
Fifty dozen bovg’ Knee Pants. 20 styles, regular 4Qp
75c values; special during this sale “OU
Twenty five dozen boys' Knickerbockers, all Re
sizes; $1.50 values, during this sale for J JU
Boys’ Hats at One«half Price
Men’s Hats
$2 Alpine Hata, black and brown, during June 1 OQ
$2.50 high and low crown Hats, wide and | QQ
medium brims, all colors, in this sple A.xO
$3 young men's fancy Hats, the very latest
shapes and styles, in this sale J
$3. 0 black, brown, gray, blue and green Hate. 4Q
priced In tbi* sale at tO
Boys’ Shirt Waists
200 dozen boys’ Shirtwaists and Shirts, regular * q
35c values; special during this sale 1 zC
2C) dozen boys’ 65c Shirtwaists and Shirts, in 'lQ
white and fancy colors; special for JzL
Ribbon Sale
All our all-silk ribbons, in all
shades, 15c. 20c and 25c | A
values, special at Jlvu
10c Lawns 5c
500 pieces of nice tjnality Lawns,
good patterns, worth 10c, g
special during this sale JU
Hair Goods Specials
Our new Hair Goods Depart
ment is teeming with good
things, switches of all human
hair, worth $5 to $7, A QQ
special 4.70
Turban rat Switches, worth 50c,
special during this sale
Sanitary Rats, with net, sold the
world over for 35c, of- 1 g
fered as a special at AJU
Handkerchiefs for Men and
AH JOc values 5p
All 7c values .2c
Extra Special
Tn ladies' or men's Linen Hand
kerchiefs. all <>f our 3'c 1 J
handkerchiefs * • U
Notion Specials
Best 10c pins 4c
Safety Pins 3c
Fine hairpins lc
Hooks and Eves 1C
Ladies' Belts
]5O dozen ladies’ Belts, bought
nt a big discount, some worth
up to 35c; your choice 1
at only a 4U
50c Dressing Sacques
Reduced to 25c
50c Drwsing Sncquos, worth ov
ary cent of original price, spsclnl
lv’ priced for thia big
See Our Window
Our Men's Department contains a better assortment of high-grade clothing,
furnishing goods and hats than ever before. The output of som* of the leading
manufacturers in this country will be found here and, best of all. at prices lower
than ever before.
Men’s $B.OO Suits during June Clearance Sale $ 3.48
Men's $9.00 Suits during June Clearance Sale 6.98
Men’s $ll.OO Suits during June Clearance Sale 7.48
Men's $15.00 Suits during June Clearance Sal* 9.90
Men's $17.50 Suits during June Clearance Sale 12.48
Men's $22.00 Suits during June Clearance Sale 14.98
Men’s Separate Pants
Men's 32.50 Pants during June Clearance Sale $1.73
Men's $3.00 and $3.50 Pants during June Clearance Sale 2.48
Men’s $6.00 Fants during June Clearance Sale 3.48
Men’s $6.00 and $7.00 Pants during June Clearance Sale 4.48
Men's $2.00 White Linen,Pants 98
Men's 81-50 Home Industry Overalls 89
Boys’ Suits Greatly Reduced
Boys' Suita, made of the best of black and blue cheviot, highly tailored, 4 QQ
Knickerbocker pants, worth $7; special during June Cloirance Sale
Boys' fancy mixed suits, in cheviots and cassimcres, good styles; regu- * 7Q
Jar $5 values, now > vvJO
Youths' blue aud black serge suits, double or single breasted, pegged y QQ
legged, letest style, worth $l2, special for / •70
Special in Boys’ Linen Suits
Boy*’ linen suits, in solid brown, blue and tan; also in stripes and 1 4Q
checks; worth from $1 te $3; special for this Jupe Sale from 48c t 0... 1, TU
Men’s Furnishings
Men’s Underwear Neckwear
All 35c Balbriggan Shirts or Draw A big assortment of men’s Wash
ers on sale during this 1 Q Ties, regular 25c values, Q
All 50c values are cut for 4-y All 35c to 50c values in men's silk
the June Clearance Sale to.. JU Four-in-Hands, on sale at 1Q„
All 75c Shirts and Drawers, long "“O' *zC
or short lengths, go dur- 4Q AH 75c and $1 silk Four- 7Q —
ing this sale at ,/rOC in-Hands go ou sale at JZU
Men's Union Suits, worth $1.50, re-
duced during the June QQ Half Hose Reduced
Clearance Sale to .zOC * n a a- i iz n
All Loe or 2 tor 25c halt Hoae tn
Men a Elastic Seam Drawers Hacks or fancies, during
(Scrivens kind), sold this sale /C
over town or 50c ,\j7u op,, ha | f . n osf reduced during
Men’s Suspenders “ ..; ” . H C
200 dozen men's Suspenders, worth Ail 25c as-t 35c half Hose, beauti
from 25e to 40c per pair. 1 4 fo| assortment of colors, • Q
go on sale at ITC on sale at 1/C
Shoe Department
Our Shoe Department is one of ’be departments noon which we pride
ourselves. It is always up to the mirut" as to styles and the quality of
goods we sell is equal to any sold in the South.
Men’s Shoes and Oxfords Ladies’andMisses'Oxfords
All $3 Blucher and Oxfords, tans or Tans. Blacks. All Styles & Leathers
blacks, all colors, this *QQ AJ 75 vahl „ $1 .23
sa!e for 1.70 Ail $20(l va!ueg Si.lS
Men’s Blucher Work Shoes, good y
heavy shoes, $2 values. 1
special during this sale. . 1,4 J All $4.00 value* $2.98
A beautiful line of tan Oxfords. ru-u > j
$3.50 values, special dur- UDlluren S otioes 3DU
ing this sale... Sandals
$2.25 Blucher Oxtords. vici kid,
splendid value for the | 4Q values 49c
sale price of iO $l.OO values 69c
v «• • iki «4 r J $1.50 values 9Sc
Ladies’ White Canvas and |175 value , $llO
Kid Oxfords t o oo valnes ji.is
$2.00 values $ll7 $2.25 values $1.79
$2.50 values $l9B $2.50 values. SI 98
Great Reduction in Embroideries
AH 8c Embro.drrlee and Inserting AH 35e Embroidery Insertion* or
priced special during this 4 Edging, pri ed special dur- $Q_
sale at »C ing this sale at *' U
All IS Lge i.ro,dorr Insertion* or All 50c Emi roidery Insertion* or
Kriging., p.icd special dur- 7 Edging’, priced »p*cial dur- 4
ing tin. *a;O a. /C ing till, rale »* ■• ■ 1
All S 0«. Kubw aerie., Insertion, or AH $1 Embroidery Edgings ind In-
Edging*, priced ans«Ul du* ft .ertion* priced *peeial dur
llg thia .ale 1it,,,,,,,., zC ing ,h! * **'• U
Corner South Flores and Dolorosa Sts.
JUNE 1-2, 1910.
Going On
Tomorrow is the
Second Day'
All Straw Hats
All Straw Hats for men and youths at one third off
regular prices. We carry a full line of Panamas.
Men’s Furnishing Goods
Men's Pongee Shirts, worth 75c the world OQ
over, special during June Clearance Sale. \J7C
Men’s blue and brown Work Shirts, a etan- OQ
dard 75c value on sale during this event at... JzC
Men's Pongee Shirts, worth $2, special dur- QQ_
ing the June Clearance Sale at zOC
Men’s Pongee Silk Shirts, worth $3.50 to $5, QQ
on sale during June Clearance Sale at 4.70
i r 4
Men's Negligee Shirts, of good quality percale On
and madras, worth 75c, on sale at JzC
Men's fine dollar Shirts, all good patterns, /n
on sale at OzC
Ail our $1.50 Shirts in the very newest pat- QQ
terns, on sale at 70C