Newspaper Page Text
12 Second-Hand Articles Can be Disposed of on This Page Classified Ads We take classified ads over prone or will Bend messenger for them when re quired to do so. One insertion, per word lc Four consecutive insertions, per word se Seven consecutive insertions, per word 4c Ten consecutive insertions or more each insertion, per word ..... l-2c No ad received for less than L>c. Classified ads for the Sunday Light and Gazette will not be received alter 10 o'clock Saturday mglit. ETHIER PHONE 176 FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE. Two three-room houses and baths. block from South Heights car line, back of Hern school, east front. $1200: »200 down, bal ance like rent, $lO per month. Inquire at Zlrkel's granite yard. EIGHT-ROOM new house, modern lot oOx 150; large shade trees, one block from corner* I »»aik to house, small cash payment* balance like rent. George L. Root, owner. 617 Moore building. Phone 3016. A BARGAIN Two lots 57 feet by 140 feet each. b« tneen South Press and Garden St. *l3° u SAN ANTONIO LOAN & TRLBI CO. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE In nice condition; bath. lights, clothes closets and pantry: screened, southeast front age: one block num car; on a fine corner lot 158x150: a nice variety of fruit and shade trees: will sell cheap. Inquire of own er, 231 Essex street. FOR SALE Two, t\ro story residences and Croom cot tare. near Madison Square. SAN ANTONIO LOAN & TRtbl CO. LAUREL HEIGHTS LOTS By owner. Facing south on Kurai avenue. Lots 50x117 feet. Ideal building site, ior terms apply Dr. E. O. Evans, 1026 Mam •renue. Both phones. A SNAP Two-story modern residence, on South I’ress St. Essy terms. -*ASuO. SAN ANTONIO LOAN ft Till ST CO. C R. EVANS, attorney at law and notary I public. 345 Moore Blds New phone 3110 EOR SALE—Beautiful new 3 room cottage. on car line. Only $l5O cash, balance like i rent. AUSTIN ft DUNN. 411 Gibbs Bldg. BEACON HILL HOME Highest point in city. An elegant new, modem 8-room 2-story residence, with up per and lower galleries, large living room, with fireplace, beautiful dining room, china cabinet, front and rear stair case, conven ientiy arranged kitchen, four bed rooms up Stairs, also modern bath room, first-class workmanship throughout, with best material, color* and all hartnoniie beautifully in this home. Unquestionably the best bargain in the ejty.f for a few days only. Terms to suit pwncr. phones 3183. JOHN H BOLTON—fleal Estate. Pen- •lea Claim Agent. Notary PuDllc. bL Janita Hotel. Houston street. FOUR-ROOM or 5-rooui house and lot for sale by owner. Rear S. P. depot. Apply 6ld North Center. S5OO CASH Balance monthly buys cottage of five rooms, hall and bath; modern, clothes closets, china closet and pantry; front and rear galleries; )»ouse screened throughout, also back gallery. South exposure, high location, cement walks and stable, block from car line. Price $3000.00. W. D. SYERS. Owner. N. P. 2570. 427 Navarro St. O. P. 562. LAGUNA VISTA. The seaside home, surrounded by the rich est land on the American continent. A re sort for boating, bathing, fishing, hunting, with fresh vegetables every month iu the years; oranges, lemons, figs, etc. Get a home with even temperature for $135. See S. E. Yates, general agent. (Agents wanted). No. 115 Avenue C. A BARGAIN One choice acre irrigated lasi in Edge wood addition, crop of cane almost ready to cut; price $500; can show property. Call mornings. 1916 Zavala street. MUST SELL—LEAVING CITt Four large lots, house eight rooms, all modern conveniences; large barn, cement walks, one block car Hue. Owner No. 4116, Light. FOR SALE—B-room 2-story modern, as good as new, 2-storv stable, lot 75 feet, east front, fine flowers and shade trees, half block from Sap car line. 129 Wickes street. FOR SALE—6I6 North Center street. Two four-room houses, cheap, near S. P. de pot, by owner. Lota 50x95 each, adjoining. FOR SHIE N 1 BARGAIN 32 ACRES. SUB DIVIDED INTO 4 ACRE BLOCKS, JUST ACROSS THE PLEASANTON ROAD FROM THE TERREL HOT WELL AND THE NEW TOWN OF SAN JOSE. CANNON REALTY COMPANY, Maverick Bank Bldg. Both Phones 1250. w KENDALL COUNTY RANCH 2500 acres within one mile of good rail road town, fronting one mile on Guadalupe river, over 300 acres tillable; good eight-room house, 100 acres now in cutivation, balance good pasture land, fine pecan bottom : no bet ter building aito anywhere. Can Kell for $7 an acre. Easy terms. Address Owner, p. o box 42, Comfort, Texas. FOR SALT Handsome San Pedro avenue corner lot 69x167 with one of the finest 9-room strict ly modern homes on the avenue. This should ba seen to be appreciated. Every modern •Mvanience. Large 2-story barn and garage building with fine servants’ quarters in sec ond story. Have been asking SH()OU. For uuick sale, non resident writes us to take $6500. CONROY A RICE. 224 W. Commerce Street. FOR SALE—I nave one five-room, oue six room and on® seven-room house, modern improvements and close to car. Must sell lh ” m ° nCe ‘ ZBy Hmith, new phone LET US SHOW YOU BONITO ADDITION Fine high lots on Zarzaaiora St. $4O to • 100. $5 down. $5 a month. No interest. No taxes until paid out. Call at office. We take foa ont. T. r k CO. Room 201 Hick, Bldg. TUESDAY, FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE TWO lots on Tread, near fair grounds, for $lOO cash down, balance monthly. Ad dress 7217, Light. SIX ROOM modern cottage, large lot. sewer and electric light, large 2-story barn. Price 33700, cash, balance easy terms. 119 f'amaron street. GOOD PROPOSITION. Investigate immediately. One of the best investments in San Antonio. A house and one large lot at 222 Leigh street. Easy terms. Address or call at 1620 Monkey street. $2OO GASH A bran new 4-room cottage, pantry, closets, bath, porcelain plumbing, large rooms and high ceilings; reasonably close in on Perez street, two blocks to car line. A nice new home. Price, $1700; only $2OO cash, balance $15.00 per month and interest. T. H. C. HYDE. Room 5, St. James Hotel. New F. 2747. MONTH OF JUNE Is When VOU find bargains In San An tonio. We have a new 8-room modern home, located in one of the best addi tions in the citv: out of dust and noise; has to be sacrificed this week; good terms. EMPIRE REALTY CO., Ground Floor. Mackay Building. SAN ANTONIO REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE Will buy, sell or trade your property. Write ns giving full particulars as to price, loca tion. etc. Address: P. O. box 439. Am in correspondence with party in Mex ico wanting 10 to 20 acres of land in or near the city. If you want to tell, list with me. This is not simply to get your property on my list but for an actual sale. Let me know what you have. T. H. C. HYDE. Room 5 St. James Hotel. New Phone 2747. Buys pretty little home of 5 room-, reception hall and bath, located on Dries® Hill, one of the highest and coolest points in the city and within 10 minutes’ of Joske's. Property is on a corner; frontage 132 feet, depth 135 to 15-ft. alley. Lawn is set in 20 young fruit and shade trees. House ha* electric lights, screens, awnings and is piped with gas for heating and rooking. A thoroughly modern home with large yard and outbuildings. $3150.00, cash or payments. See Root at Joske's store or call 318 Powder House St. Take 8. P. depot car. BEACON HILI TRACT ‘High up where the breezes blow.” Consider Location FIRST. Don’t be misled by catchy advertising to select your building site away out in the country when you can do much better in beautiful BE A C O N H I L-L only two miles from city hall, 5c fare, trolley service always at your door, Macadamized Streets, Sewers, Electric Lights, Water and Telephones. We offer beautiful lots, 50 foot frontage, convenient to ear, $2OO up, on your won terms, or as low as $5.00 down and $5.00 monthly. Don't make your selection elsewhere until you see beautiful Beacou Hill. (The property is selling fast and unless you buy soon your opportunity will be gone. Au tomobile service to show prop erty. NICHOLSON, FURNISH & SMITH, 224 E. Houston St. Phones 2396 Owners and Promoters. HELP WANTED— C OVERNM EN T EMPLOYEEs"~'"wANTED. Write for San Antonio examination sched ule. Franklin Institute, Dept. 3381*. Roches ter. N. Y. WANTED—Lady or gentleman. $5 and $lO made daily. Ca 11.113 Montana street. TYPEWRITERS— TYPEWRITERS, all maken, sold, rented and । repaired. Oliver agency. M. J. Hewitt, 110 I Weal Commerce. WANTED FROM OWNER THE CUNNING TRAMP $5150 FOR SALE— Vehicles and Harnett. FOR SALE —Rubber tire surrey in good con dition. cheap. 304 Brooklyn avenue. WE TRADE BUGGIES AND WAGONS FOR HORSES. MULES OR CATTLE. WALLACE BROS. SOUTH SIDE MILITARY PLAZA. FOR SALE— Furniture and Planes. FOR SALE —Household furniture and new piano'; bargains, at 212 Uvalde street. Hot Wells car. FURNITURE and stoves repaired, bought, sold, exchanged. New phone 1204. Brown, 413 415 East Commerce. ICE boxes, refrigerators, gas and gasoline stoves, organs, folding bed, kitchen safes, wardrobe. Kubia. 232 8. Florea. HOUSEHOLD furniture for sale, 623 Mason street. NEW and second hand furniture bought, sold and exchanged. Eagle Furniture Co., 117 119 Soledad street. New phone 388. FOR SALE— Farms and Ranches. LAND for sale. 1000 acres, $2 per acre; improved. J. 11. Berry, 507 Grayson St. ROOMS AND BOARD- THREE down-stairs readily furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Electric lights, water, telephone and bath furnished. Only $2O per month to good tenant. KILL BED BUGS, roaches and ants with MICROBINE. Nonpoisor.ous. 25c all drug gists. FOK SALE— Live Stock and Pets, a -a - FOR SALE—A gentle, willing bay mare, worth $75 to anyone desiring a steady animal, $4O; leather top buggy $25; large express wagon $26. 614 Crosby street. FOR SALE —Fine family horse with or with uut phaeton; bargain. Phillips, old phone 1034. TEXAS RICE CO. are selling tin I X L mixed feed for horses and cows; nothing better for the price. 6'45 West Houston. New phone 3075, old 1212. NICE young row for calc. Inquire at 816 North Pine street. KILL FLEAS or mange on dogs with MI CROBINE. Nonpoisonous. 25c all drug gists. FOR SALE—Jersey Butter Dairy, 26 high grade Jersey cows .horses, route, etc. Opp. Steel Plant, South Press St. FOR SALE— Automobiles. FOR SALE—I have one 5-passenger Whit® Steamer, fully equipped, will Kell cheap or trade for real estate. Zay Smith, new phone 2602. FOR SALE —1910 Brush runabout. Rumble seat. Only used one month. P. H. Lung. 204 Seventh St. POULTRY— And Eggs for Hatching. SELL me your chickens. Best prices paid. Will call for them. New phon® 2438. FOR SALE—One good 3-inch farm wagon and one nice gentle mare and rubber tire buggy. Apply 500 South Flores. W. Osborn. WANTED —Some nice Brown Leghorn pul lets of early spring hatch. Clifton George, 203 Av*nue C. WHITE Plymouth Rock hens, corkrels and cocks at practically your own price. Some are direct from Fishel of Hope, Ind., and you can buy them from me at a third to a fifth of Fishel's prices. One or all at a bargain. See them any day. 318 Powder House St. Take S. P. depot ear. KILL CHICKEN LICE, red lice and ticks and sand fleas with MICROBINE. Non poisonous. 25c al! druggists. WANTED— Houin. BANDERA HOTEL. Bandera. Texas, is pleas antly situated un Medina river in attract iv® mountain section, con\mi®nt fishing, bath ing and drives: large shaded grounds, tele phune connection. SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE FOR RENT- Furnished Booms. TWO southeast rooms furnished or unfur nished, close in. No. 305 Martin atreet. Old phone 3709. CHEAPEST, coolest, cleanest rooms in town, close in; all modern conveniences free. 424 Main avenue. WE have the coolest house in the city. All we ask you, come and see. We have rooms with or without baths and we are giving special summer rates. Losoya Hotel. FOR RENT—Furnished rooms for light housekeeping; gas and electric lights; six blocks from town. Terms reasonable. Ap ply 616 Garden street. ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING FOR RENT—Southeast upstairs housekeep ing rooms; modern, cool and clean. On Tobin Hill. Old phone 3813. FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 117 West Falls avenue, S. Heights, without children. New phone 696. THREE down-stairs readily furnished rooms for light housekeeping. Electric lights, water, telephone and bath furnished. Only $2O per month to good tenant. 607 S. Flores. FOR RENT— Stores and Officer FOR RENT —Sture, 118 South Flores; also fixtures for sale. Apply 114 South Flores street. Store room at 704 South Flores street; good location for store and meat market qpm bined. John U. Mueller, health office. FOR RENT or lease, store room and cellar • • Wnslw Bldg., Markel Bt. v. l. James, 303 King William St. WANTED— Booms and Board. WANTED—By couple in private refined fam- ily, four unfurnished rooms suitable fur housekeeping; will be permanent; don’t re ply unless can furnish best uf references. R. Y. A.. No. 210 Mackay Bldg. ROOMING house at 412 Martin street, un der new management. All rooms newly furnished: private baths, excellent table board. Formal opening Wednesday, June 8. Public invited. 412 Martin street. END ROOM next to modern bath in private family, $2.25 a week. Old phone 775. WANTED— Miscellaneous. WANTED—Diamonds, old <otd and sil ver. Wm. N. Capurro, Jeweler, 502 H East Houston street (vp«*airs/. room 1. FILMS developed, 10c a roll. Brownie prints SHe each, up to 4x5. 3c each. Fox Studio. I have a good proposition to offer for put ting down a well. Clifton George, 203 Ave nue C. WANTED to buy second hand clothes both ladies and gents. Best prices paid. Orders attended by mnil or phone. New phone 3230. Address 712 West Commerce. WANTED— Animals and Vehicles. WANTED—A good work horsd in trade for furniture. Household Furniture Co., 214 and 216 West Commerce street. WANTED— Situation—Male A YOUNG man wishes to learn the English language in exchange for work in private family. Address 6103. Light office. WANTED —Position as clerk or bookkeeper in office, by man 26 years of age and ex perience. Write Marvin M. Freer, 1300 E. Commerce. HELP WANTED— EMBLEM motocycles $2OO to $260. Bicycles $5 Io $l5. Tires put un baby carriages, 25c per wheel. Key and lock work. Lawn mowers sharpened. First class bicycle repair ing Reliance Cycle Co. New phene 1998. 604 W. Houston St. WANTED—Good boys with horse and cart to carry route. Apply Light and Gazette. RELIABLE middle aged single colored man to work around Louse. Call at 403 South Flo res street, between 4 and 5 p. m. BOY WANTED—Learn the baker trade, 402 Wyoming. Cor. Wyoming nnd Cherry. WANTED —Man about 21 years old who has had office experience. Must be good at figures and witling to work. Hours 7 a. in to 6 p. m. and seven days of week. $40.00 a month to begin. Address 7358 Light. HELP WANTED— Femmo. WANTED-*Two young ladies speaking Ger man to enter Kenney Sanatorium Train ing School for Nurses; permanent position and good salary. EXPERIENCED SHIRT MAKERS AJSD FIN- ISHERS WANTED ON FINE SHIRTS. JOHNSON S SHIRT FACTORY. 216 EAST COMMERCE. GERMAN woman or girl for general house work: no washing. Mrs. F. Reutzel, Lewis street. New phone 2859. COOK WANTED —I want a good cook. I don't care if she is white, black or colored, if she can cook good home fare, I have a place for her. A. D. Powers, 107 Avenue D. WANTED—German girl to do general house work. . WANTED—Eady solicitor to call on business firms. $5.00 week and commission. 344 Moore Bldg. WANTED —Bunch maker at Rosay's cigar fac tory, 203 W. Commerce St. WANTED —Midili® aged women to do gen eral housework. 121 W. Salinas. A WHITE GIRL to cook and du housework in small family. 602 E. Locust, Tobin Hill. WANTED—Alteration and saleslady at once Call at Hoyle & Rariek Clothing Co., 221 % E. Houston. WANTED—Good woman cook at Reinbard's ranch. Write or phone Jnu. Reinhard, Boerne, Tex. HELP wanted— Salesmen. WANTED —A representative in each town to take applications for loans for a company that make loans on real estate at 6 per cent interest; salary or commission; refer ences furnished in first letter. Address AGENCY DIRECTOR, 410 GUARANTY BANK BLDG., DALLAS, TEX. FOR RENT, WANTED—A WELL WANTED— - Situation—Female. WANTED —By a first grade state normal lady teacher a school; three years’ experi once. Address Box 15, Lovelady, Texas. Rei erences furnished. LOST, FOUND, STRAYED— LOST—GoId headed parasol on Army Post car about 3;30 o'clock. Initials on han dlo J. D. S. to D. J. Finder return to trac tion company and receive liberal reward. ONE shepard brindle dog, black collar with brass knobs; finder will please return to 642 E. Commerce street ami receive reward. LOST—Solid gold band ring on West End car or on Ruis St. between Medina and San Marcos Sts. Return to 612 Leal. Reward, $5.00. LOST—Reward for return of white bulldog. O. P. 3263, N. P. 2871. 645 8. Flores. LOST BILL POCKETBOOK June 11, con tabling $30.00 bills, $50.00 check issued by Southwest Cigar Co., Dallas; also Elk and Masonic lodge receipts. Lost on M., K. ft I’. train between Smithville, San Antonio and home. Leave at Light office and receive re ward. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE— FOR sale, rent or trade. Four rooms, hall and bath, lights and svweruge. Lot 75 by 15u. 128 Hicks avenue. FOR sale or trade, two large lots on South Presa cheap, by owner. Call between 6 and 7 any evening. Arthur Stenzel, 410 North Olive street. FINE 80 acres of land in Pratt county, Kan* sta, owner wants to trade for San Antonio residence property. Some one who has prop erty to exchange this is a good chance tu make a deal. Address 5646 Light. WANTED—To trade colt for work horse. 511 River avenue. WILL trade two lots on Presa near fair grounds for bank or industrial stock. Ad dress 7216. Light. FOR SALE OR TRADE—A five room house nnd an eight room house on Alamo Heights. Clifton George, 203 Avenue C. MONEY TO LOAN— MONEY advanced salaried people, lowest rates, business confidential. N. I’. 2100. 11G Alamo Bank Bldg. MONEY loaned on all articles or value. Bar gains in unredeemed pledges. Emerson A Co, pawnbrokers. 321 W. Commerce St. MONEY to loan on inside improved city real estate. Vendor's lien notes bought, .lames Routledge, law j er, room 13, French building. Both phones. Borrow Money at 5 Per Cent. To buy, build or lift mortgage. Long time, easy payments. Address G. A. N., Light and Gazette. MONEY loaned on all personal valuables at lowest interest; also cash paid for old gold and silver; also old coin. San Pedro Loan Co., 725-727 West Commerce. FIVE per cent money to build homes, buy farms and lift mortgages. Address W. F. M., care Light. MONEY to loan on diamonds, watches rings, musical instruments, typewriters, guns and suitcases. S. B. May, 101 W. Houston St. BUSINESS CHANCES— ICE CREAM I have the reputation of making th® best cream tn the south. A smooth, velvet cream made without eggs, gelatin or cooking only a few minutes to make at a cost of about 4U cents a gallon. Receipt $2. A. M. Brower, box 446, San Antonio. SHOES repaired by experienced workmen. Ue uso the best quality leather. G. Fritsch, 723 East Houston. FOR SALE—Meat market doing good busi n®M. 827 East Commerce street. KEFIR A specially fermented milk for a weak stomach. Mrs. A. Machnl, 424 West Salinas street. Old phone 1758. WANTED—A person with some money to join in an extremely profitable business in which large profits can bo made without risk. Investigate. 7171. care Light. TEXAS RICE CO. are soiling their rice at the right prices, saving you 25 per rent. 605 West Houston. New phono 3075, old 1212. FOR SALE—Meat market doing good busi ness. 827 East Commerce street. PERSONAL— HOME for ladle. Deter, and during con finement. Good doctors and nurse. In fents adopted. Confidential. P O. bo» 274. , WANTED LARGE CLEAN SOFT COTTON RAGS. . PAY t «Ree cents per pound, press ROOM, LIGHT AND GA 1 lE. I il la American Salvation Army. This organ** n w 1 furnish food, clothing or other 8 ‘ fe tho destitu ’« of Ban An* wnrV ; fter ,nveat *gation of their needs. The \f i. , ' l up l >Orted by free will offerings. Make all checks payable to Captain and Mrs. ?'•»/. 7 in charge, headquarter! 2la Daniel street. ARE I OU worried or sickt Con«nit Madam® Aniata. Psychologist, 229 E. Houston St., near Gunter hot? 3 . TEXAS Matrimonial and Correspondence Bu reau. Enclose lOc for particulars. 228 E. Commerce street. San Antonio. CITY UMBRELLA WORKS—Umbrellas and parasols covered and repaired. Maffi & Co., 210 East Houston. CONSULT Madam Corene, psychologist. She reveals with marvelous accuracy. At the Ohio, 224 ’A E. Houston street. FOR ADOPTION—Fino healthy baby boy 7314 Light and Gazette. watch. $6. thin model, ex pired loan, $l2 value. S. B. May, 104 W Houston St. KEY AND LOCKSMITHS— DOTH PHONES—Bicycle, on easy pay. menta: key and lock work: lawn low ers aharpenod. Emerion. the Bicycle Doctor SEED & POULTRY SUPPLIES FERD STAFFED. $l9 East Commerce. Hay and Kraln. carden and field seed, poultry supplies. Incubators and brooders FOR RENT— Houses. FOR RENT —Four-room house; hall, bath, electric lights, gas; will be papered and painted throughout; large yard. 1415 Buena Vista. $lB. S e H. C. Rees. 242 West Com merce street. lOR KENT —Braud new four-room and bath bungalow; all modern conveniences; one block Hot Wells car. Inquire Louis’ Book Store, Main plaza. FOR RENT —Three-room house andL bath. 1003 South Olive street, $lO. Inquire Otto Ziikel s Marble Yards, corner Wyoming St. and S. P. railroad track.!. FOR RENT —New house. Five rooms and hall. High location, eight minutes to car, city water. $l2 per month. Apply 1615 Ave nue B. FOR RENT—Four-room cottage; modern con veniences. 1720 North Olive street. Apply 302 Carson street. Phone 1632-lr. FOR RENT. Six rooms, halls and new porcelain bath. House newly papered and painted. Corner V ance and Labor. $23 per month. CONROY & RICE. FOR RENT —Four rooms, bath. barn, sew ers and electricity, one block of S. P. car line, 1024 Paso Hondo street. SIG per month. Zay Smith, new phono 2602. FOR RENT. Nine rooms, hall, bath, strictly modern home, completely furnished. Close in, on San Pedro avenue, for private family only. CONROY & RICE. FOR RENT—4-room house, all conveniences. 320 Devine street. Inquire Nayfach’s Gro cery, 812 Presa. FOR RENT—4-room house with bath, 1323 Avenue B. one block from car line. $l6. Phones 2476. FOR RENT—Cottage of six rooms, bath and hall. 1012 Avenue D. Apply 602 Ave nue B. FOR RENT Six-room modern cottage, 909 East Hous ton St. $25. Seven-room modern cottage, close iu. $25. SAN ANTONIO LOAN A TRUST CO. FOR RENT—4-room house, hall and stable. 121 Rivas street. FOR RENT—S-room cottage, all modern con veniences. 835 Erie avenue, Tobin Hill. FOR RENT—Small four-room house. 610 S. Walnut. Call at 312 Nevada. FOR RENT. Strictly modem seven room two-story dwelling, on West Macon street, just off San Pedro avenue. Has nice lawn and flowers. $4O per •month. CONROY & RICE. FOR RENT—7 rooms nnd reception hall. 2* story, modern entrances, for two families, % block from South Flores street. Only $lB. Apply 2319 South Flores street. FOR RENT—Two rooms in small private fam ily for light housekeeping, $l2 a month. I would hoard party. New phone 1038. 914 Avenue- B. FOR RENT—Five-room house at 318 Burnet street, only five minutss’ walk from post office. SPECIAL NOTICES— AKCHITECTB L«o M. J. Dlelmann. >O6 East Commerce Street. BUIWEHS SUPPLIES. J. C. Dlelmann. Whuleule and lietail Building Material. WM, SCHMIDT, Manufacturing Clinician. 2075. Alamo; glasses fitted, lenses ground; oculists' prescriptions tilled; all work guaranteed. ARCHITECT AND BUILDER W. F. BROWN. Plans, specifications anu estimates furnish ed un application; also houses leveled up; repairs ana aauitions made. 2V2 Book uuuu ing. Uld phone 1578. SAN ANTONIO OIL WELL DRILLING CO. Cod true turn and drillers fur uii, gag and ariebi&a wells, any biz® ur depth. Modern methods. Work guarauieed. Kexerensca iui uished. Of lie® lv2 West Houstca street. HATS cleaned, blocked and retrimmed for SX.uO by Biuoiue, me liauex, dud Navarro •treeL DR. J. W. HARWELL, the noted Cancer Specialist, uf ban Antonio, is now located at Rockport. LUCCHBSE BROS., the celebrated cowboy buot manufacturer® ut San Antonio, make their announcemeut to their old nine mends and patrons. Owing to the large increase in our busi ness wo are compelled to add more machinery to meet the demands of our trade, and havu moved into uur new iactury on 224 Losoya street. We ar® now in a position to turn out our work equal to the best in America. Our fac tory is equipped with the very latest Good year machinery. Our shoe repairing depart ment is uow the most complete in tne south, and our customers will have that courteous and prompt attention that can uuly be hau in a firm-class shop. THE Busy Bec Restaurant will open Tues day, May 24th, at 408 Bowie street. E. H. Penn, proprietor. JOSEPH J. SWEENEY, lawyer. Specialty, personal injury damage suits. Will call. 502 East Huubton street. Lawn Mowers sold, repaired and sharpened. POTCHERNICK’S BRANCH, 125 Main Avenue. SHIRTS ORDERED AND NOT CALLED FOR AT HALF PRICE. JOHNSON’S SHIRT FACTORY. 216 EAST COMMERCE. MRS. DR. NORTON, specialist for diseases of women, home for ladies before and dur ing confinement. 610 West Laurel street. MOVING AND STORAGE— STORAGE fur furniture, pianos, buggies Separate stalls. 51.56 per month. Mov* ir.K. packing ahtpplng. L. VV. Culver. Ui banniu. Phonoa 2180. HARRISON MOVING CO. ' Storage, packing, snipping. New phon® 80n. Residence 107. GENERAL storage warehouse. Gas range, re frigeratur and gasoline stove for mJ®. 232 vf,, rM etrwat. HUfELb « RESTAURANT 6— GEM HOTEL Over 205 North Presa street, second door south Alamo bank, new building and furni tore, modern, transients aolicited. New phun® 2835. TABLE board. First class table board, $C per week. Everything uice and clean, best and cheapest in the city. Meal tickets good for 21 meals, $7. Victoria hotel. 319 St. Mary’s ®tr<et (opposite Gunter hotel). BEST board in city. Aransas not®i. Aransas Vass depot. per week. Old phone | 207 T. Try «•. MISCELLANEOUS— IMPORTANT!—Every doctor in Texas not a m.mbcr of tho State Medical aasoc-ation, I •end address to box 594, San Antonio. JUNE 14, 191 b. FOR SALE— MlsceUaneoiua, FULL cord of stove wood, $5.50. S. A. Wood Co. Old phone 156. Now phone 316. NICE furniture of five-room nous®; must b® sold at unce. 207 Pleasanton road. South Florea car. FOR SALE—Soda water fountain, show cases, glass ice box reasonable price. 916 West Commerc®. FULL CORD WOOD YARD Sells only the best post oak and mtaqulte wood, delivered in full cord wagons. Phones 1107. Frank Easala. LADIES —Mrs. Black’s Compound Regulator never fails: pnee $2. 201 Bowie, San An tonio. Tex. Cut this uut and keep same. FOR SALE—A safe, medium sue. Apply Mission City Laundry Co., 226 S. Flores street. FOR SALE —Second hand windows, doors and blinds, and tin. Cal! at 435 South Preaa street. FOR SALE—One 3-horsepower gasoline en gine, one 5-inth centrifugal pump, two por table forges. Fuller Machino Shops, 516 S. Alamo. 1000 CORDS WOOD FOR SALE. 1000 cords of wood, within the five-mile limit from city hall, on the Castroville pike, for sale ai $2 per cord, on ground. J. A. CLOPTON, 102 West Houston street. FOR SALE. UNCALLED I OR SHIRTS AT HALF PRICE. JOHNSON’S SHIRT FACTORY, 216 EAST COMMERCE Street UPSTAIRS. FOR SALE—Two large iron fireproof safes. Texas Title Co., 130 West Commerce St. TAILORS— PANCOAST & KOHLER. 104 E. Commerce street, have some bargains in woolens to close. WOODARD CARRIAGE CO. Vehicles Harness and Rubber Tires 215, 215, 217 St. Street CARNEGIE LIBRARY t£ark«e Btmt, Between OtMM aat Ppeee Steeetß. t®«® ff»m 9 a. 0. t» 9:31 p. •ONATIONS or BOOK® APPRECIATKD ALL PRIVILEGES EREC You're Pulling The Wrong Way for satisfaction if you <lo not have us supply you with ice. Our ica is pure and honest weight is assured. Corre spondence solicited with carload buyers. SOUTHERN ICE CO. Guenther Street. Furnish Your House ON EASY PAYMENTS. , Headricks 4 Fenstermaker Furniture 4 House Furnishers SELLS FOB LESS. 113 and 116 Mala Annu. FOB FUSE ABTESIAN ICE PHONE EITHEB PHONE. 22 and 146 THE ARTESIAN ICE CO. Este.blish»d 1878 We do not say our products are “Just as Good” We assert there are "NONE BETTER” »»«■■■■■■■■ Money back if net aatlsflsd. TEA. COFFEE. BAKING POWBEB, 'EXTRACTS AND SPICES. The Holland Tea Store s2# W. Com. St. Phon,, 311. Vacuum House Cleaning We elexn ear pet,, matting, rug, and upholitery without removal. Satisfaction guaranteed. San Antonio Vacuum Cleaning Work,. Ed Beere, Mgr., $O2 Matagorda St. New Phone 180 S. Old Phone MTS IT’S THE BEST kN TOWN TRY 11 The San Antonio Steam laundry Co. 131 North St. Both Phone, 870