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2 BUY ANEW SUITNOW Extraordinary Sale—Trunks, Bags & Suit Cases FXTPA kft of genuine leather hand bags, sizes 10 and 18 *"■'* ' UVinL inches, good substantial bags. Regular F values up to $5. To close out the lot, choice fciwU Extra heavy brass trimmed, fiber-bound trunk, heavy leather straps and heavy Haney twits, two trays. A good sub stantially built trunk. Regular $l2 val ue. 30-inch, $9; 34 ■ inch, i’ll $8.50; 32-ineh »sW Steel.trimmed trunk, two heavy center ' bands, Excelsior spring brass loek, y, heavy' leather straps all around, two " straps and linen lined. A trunk built to stand the roughest kind of usage. Comes in sizes 32 to 38 inches. Regular price $12.50 to $l4. On sale now at— -38-inch, $11; 36-inch. $10.50; FjO. 34 inch, $lO. and 32-ineh... aAr Slatless trunk, made of best 3-ply hard wood veneer, linen lined, heavy straps and very heavy coppered trimming. A sightly, substantial trunk. A regular $17.50 value. On sale 12.50 MAIN PLAZA SAULWOLFSON dpygoodsco (Rita’s Debt of Gratitude “I threw my’ arms round him and cried, ‘mamma is upstairs, and will be I burned to death.’ Save her. Quietly taking off his coat, he soon ■climbed up the front of the house. “Every one held their breath, as he ■went up the front of the burning house, liis calmness was astounding, and as he reached the second balcony, he could be seen smoking a cigarette. The next moment he disappeared through the flames into the house. “In a few minutes he was seen car rying the form of my mother, and tying her in a sheet with a rope fastened at the four corners, he carefully lowered her to the cheering crowds below. “I rushed to my mother as soon as she reached the ground, but she had fainted and while she was recovering, I heard a INDIA TEA The Best An Inexpensive Luxury, for ONE TEASPOONFUL MAKES TWO CUPS Published by the Growers of India Tea BR ’ DGE SPEC,AL,ZED L j J | .j. > f One o f the Yale Dentists is a specialist WORK in - I .A / j $ wtW Crown, Bridge and Piate Work WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION—PAINLESS EXTRACTING. YALE DENTISTS,I2II HICKS BUILDING TUESDAY, Save Near 40 Per Cent ' We’ve knocked the bottom out of prices. Never before were such tremendous sacrifices made on high-grade clothing—every summer suit will go now. The sale includes our entire stock —the cleanest, snappiest, best made clothes money can buy. You’ll find all the most desirable summer fabrics here, in staple and fancy patterns—dozens and dozens of styles and a fit for every man. If you’re going to get a new suit it will pay you to buy now. Compare qualities and prices— figure the savings yourself. Take Unrestricted Choice of Our Entire Stock \35.00 M X““ 22.95 \ 30.00 u :119.50 \ \27.50 M ™2X 18.40 \ 16.50 \ \ \20.00 \ \18.50 "SIX 12.00\ \17.50 \ 16.50 10.80 \ \15.00 \12.50 8.00 \ \lO.OO ’xn ,, .7.35\ crash, and, looking round, saw that the balcony Guy had lowered my mother from, had given way, and he with it. “It was a sight I shall never for get, the women screamed and the men rushed to clear him from the debris, but wat taken out dreadfully hurt and unconscious. “He was laid on the ground, and the doctors quickly summoned; in a short time he regained consciousness, and tak ing my hand, asked with a faint smile , if my mother was safe; they took him to the hospital, where he died. “I was stricken with grief for I had learned to love him dearly as a brother. “He was buried in a quiet little church yard near the ranch that he loved so well. “And there on a rising hill, a white Suit case made of heavy genuine cow hide leather, heavy “D” bolt, “can’t pul! out’’ handle and straps all around, sliirt-fold and linen lined, sizes 24 and 2G im h. Regular $8.50 and $9 values. Priced special at $6.50 “T Aft and / >vU Extra heavy Keratol suit cases, with shirt fold, good locks and clasps, sole leather corners and extra stout handles. The regular $4.50 value F priced at WaOv Hand woven imported matting suit case, with straps and leather cor- <« F ners. Regular $2.50 value.. Matting hand bags, w’ell made and trim med, with good strong handles, lock and clasps. Sizes 14-inch and 16- 4 AQ inch. Very special value.. SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE A Thrilling Story of the Boer War marble cross marks the grave of one of the bravest men that ever landed in 1 America.” I “Have you any photos or papers be- 1 longing to him?” asked Lexington. “Yes,” said Rita. “He gave me a I ; photo some time before he died, and i |1 will show it to you.” 11 “Did the authorities notify hisi friends or relatives of the death?” “1 < think not. He said very little of htsj friends or relatives in England; buri I his manner and bearing led me to be- j , ! lieve that he came from a very good ; । family; and that he did not wish to j ] make it known. I ( “ I will get the photo he gave me, and j । ; perhaps you will be able to a lit tie light on the family.” Rita passed j inside the tent, and left Lexington ( I alone for a few minutes. i Alone, Lexington thought over the whole affair. The description was that • of his cousin, who had left England I for America some years ago; he had ' always longed for ranch life, and had given up his commission in the guards I for that purpose, and had never been 1 heard of since. It was thought that his love of ad venture had led him to some far away spot where he would be lost to civiliza tion. Yet the name, the manner and circumstances led him to believe the) story only too true. In the case of his cousin dying with-j out leaving heirs, the title would fall to him, and he would become Earl of Dunbar. He truly hoped for Guy’s sake, that it was a mistake, although Guy could not wish to die a more honorable !death. Rita's conversation had aroused a , series of thoughts in his mind, that I had long been lying dormant in his ' heart. He pictured Guy as a bright boy at school, with a boy’s love of adven | ture inborn in him, and then wheu ; they were at the military college to- I gether, how he tried his best to pass , tor the Egyptian army against his father's wishes, and then, when the I war broke out, he resigned his com | mission because he was not allowed to I leave for the front. And while in Aus tralia he heard the news of his fath- I er’s death, and he became Earl of Dun ' bar Snaps Wednesday Only 50c Half Hose 55c Buy Sox Tomorrow—Take choice of our entire line of 50c sellers—silks, silk list’s, gauze lisles in drop stitch, solid colors and fancy. *> F — Sock up tomorrow at ww w 75c Underwear 59c Fine lisle undershirts and drawers, our regular 75c garments, a quality equal to most dollar grades. Cool, comfortable, finely finished and a snap for Wednesday at, FCb — each $2.50 Shirts $1.75 Wednesday you may’ buy any $2.50 shirt in our house at this price. White and colored negligees, pleated or plain; soft shirts with collars, etc. About a hundred different styles. The best $2.50 shirts money 4 can buy tomorrow at... • ■ ■ *4 8 BY MAJOR p. - GEORGE ST. CLAIR DOUGLAS J And now, if this be true, that he had ost his life in America, it would break lis mother's heart. Yes, he hoped to leaven it was a mistake. • Rita came out at that moment with he photo, her eyes were red with weep ng, and as she handed it to Lexington, le started to his feet and cried: “My God, it is only too true; my ■ousin, the Earl of Dunbar.’’ Yes. there before him was the photo >f that bright, eyed boy, whom he had mown and loved, the same frank, open ’ace. that the whole world could read; iow lying cold in death, among strang ers in a foreign land. Yet he had fol owed the footsteps of his noble ances :ors; he had given his life to save the ife of a fellow creature. What more ’ould one expect. (Continued Tomorrow) The Shoe Hospital at Your Service. st Ready to Repair Your Shoes To morrow. THE GUARANTEE Alamo Plaza MAIN PLAZA BEAVERS WILL HOLD REUNION 111 SAN ANIONIO National Organizer George C. Zimmer Here to Organize ‘ What They Call a Dam. RIVALRY FOR INSTALLATION All Dams In State Wanted to Organize In San Antonio, But It Is Given to Dallas- The Independent Order of Beavers of the United States is to build a “dam” in San Antonio, and for that purpose, Geo. U. Zimmer, the national organizer and one of the supreme rep resentatives, is in tjie city. “The ‘Beavers’ is not an insurance order, but strictly a social, fraternal and benevolent organization. It is fraternal in its highest conception,” said Mr. Zimmer. “We are organized in all the leading cities of the south, and a great many in the north. Flourishing dams are located in Houston, Dallas, Galveston and Fort Worth. Nearly all have elegant club quarters.” Mr. Zimmer is w’orking on a recom mended list of men for membership and has met many of the leading men of San Antonio. In three weeks he hopes to get the necessary number of mem bers for a charter granted by the su preme organization. There appears to be a rivalry between other Texas dams over who will have charge of the installation of the San Antonio dam, but it has been decided in favor of the Dallas dam. Mr. Zimmer has arranged for a re union of the Texas Beaver orders to be held in San Antonio at the time of the installation of the San Antonio order. Several hundred Beavers will cape for the occasion and it is expected to be one of the largest conventions held by an independent lodge for some time. One of the compulsory charities of the Order of Beavers is an annual pic nic or outing of the poor and orphan children of each city where a dam is located. It is expected soon after organiza tion to build handsome and adequate club quarters in San Antonio. At first rooms will be obtained and suitably furnished for the convenience and com fort of the members, as well as amply supplying room for the carrying on of the club work. “But very shortly a building is to be erected that will add one more mark to the beautiful build ings of San Antonio,” Mr. Zimmer said. Mr. Zimmer will remain here until the San Antonio dam is thoroughly or ganized. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S OAST O R I A PEONAGE CASES SET FOR JAM. 4 Special Dispatch. Austin, Tex., June 14.—The peonage cases in which W. S. Houston, R. S. Newsome. William McLeod and J. W. Wood, all of Burleson county, are charged with holding prisoners on a prison farm over their legal sentences, were today put over until the January term of federal court. Jan. 24 is the date set in accordance with an agree ment made a few weeks ago in San Antonio. GLAD TO RECOMMEND THEM Mr. E. Weakley.. Kokomo, Ind., says: “After taking Foley Kidney Pills, the severe backache left me, my kidneys became stronger, the secretions natural and my bladder no longer pained me. I am glad to recommend Foley Kid ney Tills.” In a yellow package. Bexar Drug company. When you drink—drink Woodward Vichy and you’ll be satisfied. Ou sale wherever drinks are served. ‘LORIMER MOHEf WHITE CALLS II Associated Press. Chicago, 111., June 14. —The trial of Lee Brown, charged with bribery in connection with the election of Senator Lorimer, was resumed here today. Chas. White continued his testimony with re gard to the bribe which he charges Brown gave him. Toward the end ot his direct testimony White said ho spent $2O of the “Lorimer money” to visit his parents in Tennessee. “Why do you call it Lorimer money!’ was asked. “Why, 1 mean the money I got to vote for Lorimer,” he answered. YOU NEVER CAN TELL just exactly the cause of your rheu , matism, but you know you have it. Do you know that Ballard’s Snow Lini ment will cure itf —relieves the pain— reduces the swelling and limberA the joints and muscles so that you will be las active and wel' as you ever were. I Price 25c, 50c and $l.OO. Sold by the | Bexar Drug company. Woodward Vichy is highly recom mended by physicians for all forms of stomach trouble. Try it today. “IT PA YS TO BRING THE MONEY" 1 Keep Your Eye On Thii Store- ■ « ■•- ■—•- •_-y • - ; ONE DAY ONLY— Wednesday, June 15th We will sell one big lot of REGULAR $1.25 PAJAMAS Made of fine Quality Madras in neat stripes and fig ures —a dandy cool garment for summer wear —we want to make this item the biggest seller of our one Day Special — and tomorrow while 3 Quit they last they go at OOU d JU 11 Or 2 Suits For $1.35 Aaron Frank Clothing Co. 509-511 East Houston St. NOT CONNECTED WITH OTHER STORES - MEXICAN OFFICER TO JAIL FOR ALLOWING AMERICAN TO ESCAPE Lieut. Juan Hermosillo Thrown Into a Dungeon for Letting Louis Fleischner Get Away After Being Arrested on a Charges of Smuggling. Associated Press. Nogales, Ariz., June 14. —Lieut. Juan Hermosillo, who was in charge of the guard when Louis Fleischner, the Amer ican blinker and land owner, made his ‘sensational escape from the Mexican prison across the border Thursday, was thrown into a dungeon last night to be gin his long punishment for allowing the American to get away. Fleischner was president of a cloth ing firm doing business across bor der in Nogales, Mexico. He was im prisoned on the charge of smuggling. After he escape he was arrested on this side at the request of the Mexican au thorities, who at once instituted extra dition proceedings. Judge Dean, o’f tho NEGRO ARRESTED BECAUSE HIS FEET ARE LARGEST IN AUSTIN Special Dispatch. Austin, Tex., June 14. —Because he has the biggest feet in Texas Harvey j Smith, a negro, was arrested this morn ing following the robbery of Pressler’s J „ DR. PRICE'S u I ALgralN Try this food and you will find it the best breakfast food ever eaten. It’s most nutritious, being made from Wheat, Rice, Oats, and Barley. Ask Your Grocer. Go Tomorrow’ and Get a Free Sample of AT PAUL MUELLER.. 104 West Commerce Street. BUILD IT THIS SUMMER ’** * • Have it ready to occupy or rent iu the early Fall. Vacant city lots only produce tin cans and rubbish. If you haven’t all or part of the money, consult us; maybe we can arrange it for you. Glad to see you at any time. 1 HILLYER, DEUTSCH-JARRATT CO. 1309 South Flores Street Both Phones 329 and 255 We are subscribers to the Publicity League and believe it has paid us and is vitally B necessary to the city’s continued prosperity i The Bell Jewelry Co. I 227 West Commerce Street JUNE 14, 1910. district court at Tombstone, granted a writ of habeas corpus, which gave tha American his freedom, and he left at once for California. The Big Head is of two kinds —conceit and the big head that comes from a sick headache. Does your head ever feel like a gourd and your brain feel loose and sore? You cau cure it in no time by acting on your liver with Ballaril's Herbine. Isn’t it worth trying for tho absolute and certain (Clief you’ll get? Sold by the Bexar Drug company. Woodward Vichy cures Bright's dis ease and dropsy and should be used in everv sickroom. garden of about $5 last night. After , the robbery the police found footprints which measured about 18 inches in | length. Smith, as the only man in the i state with feet that large, was im» :' mediately arrested.