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8 KAUFMAN’S ANNUAL JUNE CLEARANCE SALE THE BARGAIN EVENT THAT IS WORTH YOUR ATTENTION This sale has been the most successful one we have ever held and one that has proved conclusively to us, that the ladies of San Antonio APPRECIATE BARGAINS—EVERY ITEM QUOTED HERE IS A BARGAlN—Thousands of the Bar gains await you here—space wont permit us to quote them. We want you to come and see for yourself. Ladies’ and Misses’ Dresses LADIES' AND MISSES’ HOUSE DRESSES 98c A splendid house dress made of solid colored ging- jQ hams and fancy percales; regular 51.75 and $2 val ties; priced for a quick close out in this sale \Jv LADIES’ PURE LINEN DRESSES $4.79 Ladies' one-piece all linen dresses in.brown, blue, 4 /■Xfe pink and white; regular $lO values; priced special /M / for the June Clearance Sale at TT • v X LADIES’ AND MISSES’ $4.00 LINGERIE DRESSES $1.98 A splendid line of lingerie one-piece dresses in all 4 ZX colors, lace insertings and trimmings; regular S 4 I values; special for June Clearance Sale only JL • X MESSALINE SILK DRESSES WORTH $l5 TO $lB AT $7.98 A large number of beautiful messaline silk dresses, AM princess style, trimmed with real lace. Sl5 and $lB / values specially priced for this big sale. .....< • X >X Lace dresses and princess net dresses, just the thing for June weddings ; about twenty different styles; worth 4 4 ZX Z\ from $22.50 to $35.00 each. Your choice dur- I I ing this sale $17.98, $19.48 and X X • X kJ LADIES' 57.50 LINGERIE DRESSES $3.98 A much better grade of lingerie than is generally XX Q found in $7.50 dresses will be found in this lot spe cially marked for the June Clearance Sale VX • z Kz Child’s Dresses 48c, 79c, 98c, 1.48, 1.98 We have a big assortment of children's dresses worth from 75c to $3.50, made of ginghams, lawns, etc. The above prices are cheaper than the cost of raw materials. Children’s Co-Eds and Sailor Suits Worth $5 to $7,50 at $2.98 We have about two hundred children's Co-Eds and Sailor suits worth from $5 to $7.50 that will be a rev- XX ZX elation to you for the price. You should see 9 these, priced for quick clearance at only ■/* X kJ KAUFMAN’S DEPARTMENT STORE Cottier South Flores and Dolorosa Streets Opposite Southern Hotel Flag Day Draws Together Fifty Lineal Descendants of Revolutionary War Sires Nearly half a 'hundred women, lineal descendants of the men who participat ed in the stirring days of the American revolution, met this morning at the Wo man ’s club house and held patriotic ex ercises in commemoration of the hun dred and thirty-third anniversary of the adoption of the American flag by the continental congress. At this meeting of the San Antonio de Bexar chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Mrs. Georgina Kendall Fellows was hostess, and the assembly room of the club house was appropriately decorated with flags not only of the United States but with those of other nations whose history has been closely linked with that of /Ti When you can get \ a perfectly good shoe for less than rSfhe usual price, why not get it, Mr. V Man? The Men's Economy Week at the Guar antee offers you the following values: $5 and $6 “Hurleys” at $4.45 $4 and $4.50 “College Brand” at $3.65 $3 and $3.50 “Webers” at $2.85 THE GUARANTEE “The Men's Shoe-Shop on Alamo Plaza" * TUESDAY, I । the United States. There was the Mex - iean flag against which the hostess’ i father, George Wilkins Kendall, the founder of the New Orleans Picayune, fought in 1848; the tri-color of France, ■ that country which aided and abetted ■ l the United States in her struggle for > i liberty, and also the flag of tire hoa itess' mother country, the Union Jacx ' I of Great Britain; the Spanish flag, the 1 Philippine flag, the Honolulu flag, and i the Cuban flag, while over the rostrum i and in front of the club house, floated i Old Glory. The exercises opened with prayer led i by the chaplain, Plowed by the sing ’ ing of “America” bv the chapter. The feature of the exercises was the read- Ladies’ Long Kimonos, a Bargain 25 dozen ladies’ long kimonos, 75c values, splendid patterns; on sale during AQp thin June Clearance Sale at ■S'Ww# 2d dozen very tine long kimonos, in excellent patterns, of light materials, a splendid $2 lahie specially priced for this 4 Q sale at “ ■ 25 dozen ladies' long kimonos, made of excel lent materials, light and dark patterns; 75c values, special during this June Clearance Sale w LADIES’ WRAPPERS. In all sizes. 32 to 58; we can fit the largest or smallest women; $2.50 values 1.48 Ladies’ Skirts Linen Skirts Worth $6 at $1.98. Ladies’ pure linen skirts, made same as above, better quality goods; worth up to 4 QQ sti, special during this sale • $8 Voile Skirts $4.98. Black voile skirts, made of excellent quality voile, tunic effects; worth $8; QGJ special during this sale Ladies' Shirt Waists $2 Dutch Neck Waists 98c. Ladies’ lingerie shirtwaists, made of excellent quality lingerie, lace and embroidery trimmed, Dutch neck effects; $2 values; pric- QQ ed during this sale at only k $4 Hand Embroidered Waists $1.98. Ladies’ fine hand embroidered shirtwaists, made of the very best quality lingerie; worth $4 regularly; priced as a very 4 fXQ special bargain during this sale.. X Special Millinery Every item in our Millinery Department, including trimmed hats, shapes, flowers, etc., priced at ONE-HALF. Fancy Parasols at 79c 150 fancy parasols, worth up to $2.50 each, special during this June Clear — ance Sale at ■ ing of a sketch entitled “Our Flag,’’ by Mrs. Fellows. » Miss Nellie Paschal sang beautifully “The Ladies of Cadiz,” and responded to an encore, with “The Star Spangled Banner,” by request. Miss Paschal was accompanied by Miss lo. Fuller. An amusing feature of the entertain ment was the cutting of the five-point ed star, with one slash of the scissors, as did Besty Ross, who cut the five pointed star for the flag instead of the six-pointed stars as was indicated by the design of George Washington, from which she fashioned the flog of the United States. A social session followed the exer cises at which the hostess served de- I licious tea frappe and cake. Flag Day will also be observed by the I ladies of the G. A. R. who will hold ap propriate exercises this afternoon at 3 o’clock at W. O. W. hall. The following program was given: “America,” audience; address, Com rade A. I. Lockwood; instrumental solo, Miss Pauline Curtis; recitation, Mrs. L. Lassant and Misses Dieekc; vocal selec tion, Mrs. George Owen Brown; original jpoem t “The Flag,” Mrs. David Colter; , flag drill, eight little girls, conducted by Mrs. F.llcn Mills; vocal soio, Miss i Edwina Bettor; instrumental selection, [Miss Jennie Garza; song, “Guard the I Flag, ” audience. At the conclusion of the program an informal reception was held. An ice course was served. WHAT A SUMMER^COLD MAY DO A summer cold if neglected is just as apt to develop into bronchitis or pneumonia as at any other season. Do not neglect it. Take Foley’s Honey and Tar promptly. It loosens the cough, soothes and heals the inflamed air passage, and expels the cold from the system.” Bexar Drug company. Garden Stables For Cabs Uniformed Drivers. Night or Day—Best Servic*. —PHONES 212— Frying-Size Chickens We want all you have. Best market price. Main Ave. Grocery Co. Poultry Department, 102-110 Garden St. SAN ANTONIO CARRIAGE CO. First class carriage painting, trimming and rubber tiring. New Phon* 880. 602 Market St SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE PITYING MOTHER This morning her attorneys succeeded in securing sureties. The four physi cians, knowing the unfortunate circum tances connected with the Obert case, volunteered to sign the bond so the young w-oman could be with her mother, who is yet ignorant of the charge hang ing over her daughter. With their sig natures and those of three others, the DRY GOODS SPECIALS 10c Challottes Special at 5c a Yard—lo( pieces of Challotes, the new dress goods, 2i different patterns, worth 10c yard; a specia bargain during this June Clearance g — bale, a yard at only wv Lawns—ln all the latest colors, pink, blue tan, old rose, purple and lavender and in al flowered effects. This is a 12c quality o lawn, but we are selling it during the W June Clearance Bale at only ■ V Seco Silk Mull—Another of the season’s hit in dress goods. We have the most effectiv and prettiest patterns imaginable in thi new goods. AH shades and colors; 4 . a4O value X C Sueseime Silk—Known the world over for it: beauty when made into a dress, ean be foupi here in al! solid and fancy colors. This sill is a bargain for 65c, but can be g" — bought here for dwC White Victoria lawn, worth 10c, now, g jr yard OC White lawn, worth 12 l-2c, now. ■* il- — yard 7'/2C A big line of seersucker in all colors; priee< everywhere at 10c a yard; our price E during this sale V Bed Spreads and Lace Curtains Bed spreads, 90x81, extra good fringe al around; colors white, blue and pink; $2 values, special this sale.. wOV Bed spreads, cut corners, white and colored worth $2.50, during this June 4 fl Clearance Sale for X i*tC Heavy Marseilles bed spreads, extra size, al colors, $4 values during this Juue 4 Qfl Clearance Sale at X «wG Lace curtains. 3 1-2 yards, handsome designs $2 values, during this sale a pair QO for only uOt Lace curtains. 31-2 yards long, 48 inche wide, sold everywhere at $4, dur- 4 Ofi ing this sale at X ■ wG Lace curtains, tan color, 3 3-4 yards wide value $4, during this sale a pair 0 4 0 for only • • X w FOUR DOCTORS GO ON OBERT BONU (Continued from page 1.) The Only Real Painting is “White-Leading” k /CONSIDER the VyK, Vi subject of paint ing in its broad- er sense —* n i Permanent re- lation to your property. should not be based on "painting” merely, in which the paint used may be good or bad, but on "white leading,” which can only mean "painting with pure white lead and linseed oil.” Southern or Collier Pure White Lead (“Dutch Boy Painter” trade-mark) manifests its superiority not only in its non-cracking, non-chipping finish, but in holding colors fadeless and weather-proof. <J Nor do you have to double your next appropri ation for painting by paying for burning off the old paint, as is frequently the case with “painting,” for " white-leading ” gives an ideal foundation for subse quent painting. •J Specify "Dutch Boy Painter” Pure White Lead, the surest and most eco nomical paint for you, the fairest to your painter. To anyone interested, we will aend, free, valuable literature on white leading, includin ’ “Dutch Boy Paint Adviser Nc ]|fe National Lead Company 7’2 St. St, Lout., Mo. Ladies' Petticoats All silk $5.00 Petticoats A beautiful line of all silk petticoats all col- ors and shades, worth #5.00 special for June Clearance O A O , Sale 47.*4-0 Heatherbloom (or near •ilk) petticoats, worth $3.50, all colors, for June Clear- Q/| Q ance Sale. ... Sateen Petticoats, all colors, worth $1.75 to $2.00, special fur June Clearance Q Q Sale bond- proved acceptable, and Miss Obert’s release followed. Saw Mother Yesterday. Miss Obert was taken yesterday af ternoon to see her mother who is report ed critically ill at Kenney’s sanitarium. In charge of Deputy Sheriff J. H. Long, the young woman entered the institu tion and remained with her mother for half an hour. Deputy Long remained outside the door and did no’ hear what was said. Miss Obert will not discuss what she told her mother, but it is not believed she related anything of the shooting. This was the first time Miss Obert had seen her mother since she was placed in the county jail last Thursday evening. She was taken to the sani tarium in Deputy Long’s own buggy, there being no sort of restraint exer cised with her. When the interview with the mother was endo2 she re-en tered the buggy and was driven back to the county jail where she remained un til released today. Grand Jury Investigating. The grand jury yesterday took up its investigation of the sh.oting rf Sarah Littlefield. Miss Obert was before the body but, acting ou advice of counsel, .he refused to tell anything about the shooting. Attorney Todd this morning stated he had advised her to maintain reticence concerning the shooting, as she was not bound to tell the grand jury anything which might reflect on her own case. Except for her appear ance before that body the members of it are no wiser now than before con cerning the actual transactions sur rounding the shooting. Nevertheless, other witnesses have been examined whose testimony has been taken. They are those who gave evidence at the habeas corpus hearing on Saturday, and the story they told is said to vary not at all from the testi mony adduced at the hearing. Whether Miss Obert will be indicted is, of course speculative, but attorneys say they be lieve the grand jury has no other alter native in view of the silence maintain ed by the defendant when brought be fore it for examination. ■« Special Dispatch. *■ Washington, D. C., June 14.— S *■ Congressman Morris Sheppard *■ of Texas wants the postoffice % •« department to try aeroplanes for % ”• carrying the mail and today in- *■ ■« troduced a bill providing for the ■« ।■« use of aircraft from Washington ■« to some point at the discretion ■» '« of the postmaster general. S \ S *. •. \% s %s % % HIS PROOF. Gentleman (who has just picked up a sovereign, to tramp who lays claim ’o it) —“But how can yoq prove that it belonged to youf” Tramp—“ Why. guvnor, you can sec for verself, 1 ’vc got a ’ole in me poafc et.”— M. A. P. SUBMISSION 10 GO BEFORE IRE PEOPLE ! Special Dispatch. Dallas, Tex., June 14.—Submission is to go before the people for final ad judication. At yesterday’s, meeting of the state democratic executive commit tee a resolution was adopted whereby the people shall have the right at the July primaries to say w’hether or not the legislators shall present for ballot the question of suppressing the manu facture, sale or exchange of liquor within the state of Texas. The execu tive committee took this action in re sponse to petitions bearing 53,375 sig natures of qualified voters, the major ity being from north Texas. • The resolution was introduced by .T. M. Ed wards of Tyler, Cone Johnson’s campaign manager. Its adoption was briefly contested by W. B. Parker of Fort Worth, who had a written argu ment ready. Former Senator Emory C. Smith of Denton, a supporter of Poin dexter also spoke in advocacy of the petition. Chairman A. B. Storey ap pointed a committee consisting of Messrs. Bacon, O’Neal, Parker, Lane, Stubbs, Crawford and Hornsby, who passed on the signatures to the peti tion which had been sent in. Ten per cent of the voters of the state were required and more than this number were signed. BODIES OF ONLY THREE FOUND Associated Press. Montreal, June 14.—An all night search of the ruins of the Herald build ing which was destroyed by fire yes terday brought to light but one addi tional victim, making in all three re covered up to 10 o’clock today. Relays of police and firemen are digging at the ruins and it will be at least thirty-six hours more before the basement, which is believed to contain the bodies of 26 additional victims, is reached. If you have stomach or bowel trouble, heart, liver or kidney disease, Hollis ter’s Rocky Mountain Tea will do you more good in less time than any other remedy—because it restores natural con ditions. At all druggists, 35c. Lone Star Drug Store. THAT’S ALL. “Where do you go for the sum mer?” “Into bankruptcy.” — Cleveland Leader. . Up-to-Date Methods GUARANTEED SATISFACTION. Solid Gold or Porcelain Bridgework $5.00 Full Set of Teeth $5.00 Silver Fillings 50c up Gold Fillings $1 up PAINLESS EXTRACTING. Our Sanitary Bridgework is the very finest, made by a man of 30 years’ experience. Our famous Yale Plates are made of light, high-grade material and can’t be excelled at any price. We give you more and better work for your money than can bo bad any where. We offer you this for your prac . tice. Can we have it 1 FRESCOING and DECORATING Theatres, Banks, Churches, Hotels, Cafes, Schools, As sembly Halls, Clubs, Etc. Now is the time to see us about sketches of interior fresco ing and decoratious. There is no time like summer time to have this work done. All of our contracts arc under the most competent authori ties, assisted by our special artists, who are Honor Graduates of the Schools of Art. These sketches arc free to our patrons. ( Nothing too large or too small for us to handle. i > Get in touch with this department at ouce. , Call on us or have opr artist call on you. 4 „ JUNE 14, 1910. WHEN YOU HAVE RHEUMATISM . YOU KNOW IT And If You Havo Had It You Will Recognizo This As a Truthful Des cription of an Aotual Caso. Every one who suffers from rheuma tism will recognize the description of a genuine case at sight. In the following brief statement are vividly described the symptoms which every patient will recognize and the means by which a cure was effected in this case is described with equal fidelity. If you are suffering from any form of rheumatism with loss of flesh and strength, and thinning of the blood, the remedy that was so effective here de serves a thorough trial. Mr. W. R. Harper, of Altoona, Kan., who was cured of rheumatism by Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, gives thia blood making medicine the following endorse ment; “My work has exposed me to all kinds of weather for years and led to my being a sufferex The pains affected my back mostly. When I would be walking along they would catch me suddenly and were so sharp that I would be nearly doubled up. I also had severe pains in the muscles of the legs. My kidneys were very weak and pained me constantly. My blood was thin and poor and my limbs often felt as though there was no circu'auon in them. Occasionally the pains were so severe that I had to re main in bed for a day or two. “I was treated by several doctors and tried many remedies and liniments but none of them gave me much relief. It was not until 1 tried Dr. Williams* Pink Pills that I began to improve. The pills gave me pure blood and entirely cured me. I have had no return of the trouble since. “Some time ago my daughter was all ran down, had no strength or ambition and not a particle of color. Her appe tite was poor and she was ver? nervous. She gave Dr. Williams’ Pink rills a trial and received great benefit. ’ ’ Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are also highly recommended for chlorosis or green sick ness, general debility, anaemia, stomach trouble, and after-effects of the grip and fevers. For further information about the treatment of rheumatism and the above diseases send for a free copy of our “Disea.-<es of the Blood.” Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are sold by all druggists, or will be sent, postpaid, on receipt of price, 50 cents per box: six boxes for $2.50, by the Dr. Williams Medicine Company. Schenectady, N. Y. Youngblood Automobilo Co. We have one of the most complete vulcan izing plants in the southwest for all kinds of tire repairs. All tire work called for and deliver* d free anywhere in the city. Jiut phone us. Youngblood Automobile Co. 4545 South Preis, Hot Wells Line. New Phone 459. THE CROSSETT SHOE STORE JOE Di CARLO, Prop. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE. GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. 203 W. HOUSTOH STREET NowE TO ORDER Lime, Cinder, Sand and Brick, Cheap. PHONES 419 Mission Wood&CoalCo. VACUUM CARPET CLEANING Your carpets, mattings, upholstered fur niture, etc., cleaned with or without re moval. We also sew and relay carpets and renovate mattresses. Hansen Bros, Established 1890. 831 Austin Street. Both Phones.