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(INO IV GLIDDEN MRS ARE PENALIZED IN SHORT DUN Autoists Have a Short Day's Run, But Distance Alone Favored the-Drivers, FIVE CARS SUFFER Motorists Have Sunday Run From Little Rock to Hot Springs. Associated Press. Hot Springs, Ark.. June 20. —Sun- day’s run of the Glidden tour was littlo more than a joy ride, the ears making the 65 miles from Little Rock to Hot Springs before lunchtime. The temper ature was about 100 and the roads were very dusty. That the day’s run was a terrible grind on the contesting ears was shown by the fact that even in so short a run five machines wert. penalized. The most serious mishaps were to Lexington 103, which has been the lead er for the Chicago trophy. About 30 miles out of Hot Springs this car broke its right frame. It is out of the con test as a result of the accident. Nine miles out of this city Carter— car 108 —broke its rear axle. Others to lose points were the OMo, 111, which took water six times on the short run and was penalized eighteen points therefor; Carter, car 8, which lost 13 points for tightening a spring seat and for work on its driving chain, and Cino, 15, which lost 16 points for tightening wheel bolts. The half day’s rest in this city is a welcome relief to the weary Glidden ites. The Hot Springs automobilists have given the tourists a very welcome brand of entertainment. In the first place bath tickets were furnished for all as the cars came in and it is doubt ful if a single man of the whole Glid den crew failed to take advantage of the famous baths and rubdowns. During the afternoon many of the tourists were taken over the govern ment. reservation and later a Dutch luneh and plenty to smoke and drink was served at the Essex Country club. 19-YEAR-OLD BOY MAKES BIKE RECORD Boston, June 20. —A new long dis tance bicycling record between New York and Boston was announced today. Alvin Loftes, a 19-year-old Providence (R. I.) boy, broke the old record yes terday doing the distance in 18 hours, 36 minutes. This is nearly two hours better than the record made by Joe Noe of New Jersey a year ago. SAN ANTONIO FURNITURE CO. W» BexA. Buy, Sail and Hxnhanga Funttara. 117 Maia Ave ao 12« K. Fiona Old Phono 1707. New Phone 9704 ( HOTEL LONGACRE 47th treat, Jost Off Broadway, NEW YORK CITY. EXCLUSIVELY BACHELOR. Convenient to Everything. ABSOLUTELY FIRE PROOF Library, billiard hall and restaurant in connection. All Rooms Handsomely Furnished. 75 ROOMS #1 PER DAY. 100 Rooms with private bath and shower. *1.50 PER DAY. 50 Rooms with private bath and shower. •3 PER DAY. I J. G. BOGGS, Manager. 15he St. Anthony ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF SAN ANTONIO’S NEWEST AND FINEST HOTEL MODERN IN EVERY DETAIL. No Better or More Complete Hotel of Ita SUe (430 rooms) in America Liberally Conducted on the EUROPEAN PLAN Special Attention Paid to Commercial Men. F. M. SWEARINGEN * SON. Managing Directors. Sabinal’s Leading Hotel THE MITCHELL HOUSE Special Attention to Traveling Men. Ciinrter’ The Leadin g Hotel of the Southwest EUROPEAN PLAN -s- SLSO AND UP 350 ROOMS 225 WITH tfATH Largest and most commodious rotunda in the South. In addition to ala carte servwe we specialize LUNCHEON, 12 to 2 p. m., 50 cents. ’ TABLE D’HOTE DINNER, 6 to 8 p. m., $l.OO i Orchestral Concerts. THE GUNTER HOTEL COMPANY. Astrological Data Points to Victory for Jeffries Pacific Coast Prophet Claims Signs De clare That Former Champion Will Defeat Johnson in 12 Rounds. What has #«trology got to do with the big fight? A great deal, it would seem, if you look at the birthdays of the two men. The signs of the zodiac are twelve in number, but there are only seven planets. The names of the planets are Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, Sun Moon, Venus and Saturn. Mars and Mercury are the fighting x signs, with Jupiter third in aggresiveness. The majority of the fighters of the world were born under these three signs, but best known of them were born under the first two. Strange t is it not? A man said the other day: “We have one fighter who has something lacking in his make-up, and they cannot tell what it is.’’ What is his birthday? January 12. That accounts for his failure. Hi's birthday is in the negative sign of the earth whose emotions are pity and fear, bis planet is Saturn—the unlucky one. This man, therefore, is apt to overtrain and overtax his strength. He will prob ably suffer with acute indigestion, so that he cannot depend upon his stom ach. He will get fits of the blues, and lack confidence in his own powers. Un der the sign of Mars, or its cusp, were born the following figliiers: Mars. James J. Jeffries, November 15, Mars. Thomas Sharkey, November 26, Mars and Jupiter. Joe Thomas, April 9, Mars. Charley Mitchell, November 24, Mars and Jupiter. Joe Gans, November 25, Mars and Jupiter. Jack Johnson, March 31, Jupiter and Mars. Frank Gotch, April 27, Mars and Venus. Mercury. Tommy Burns, June 17, Mercury and Venus. James J. Corbett, September 1, Mer cury. Robert Fitzsimmons, June 4, Mer cury. Stanley Kctcbel, September 4, Mer cury and Venus.. Battling Nelson, June 5, Mercury. Jack Sullivan, September 23, Mercury and Venus. Mercury people are energetic, aggres sive, hopeful, good judges of character, and are called the air people. Mars people are aggressive, born fighters and leaders of men, and are called the fire people. You will notice that both Jeffries and Johnson are born under the Mars sign, hut Jeffries has the best of it, because the sign that is next to him is a good one, while the one that Johnson is next to is a bad one. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MEN. Jeffries. Jeffries is a Mars man, with a strong love of home. He travels with his wife, and is deeply attached to her. His habits are good. The combination of Mars, the fire sign, with Taurus, the earth sign, serves to steady him, for fire and earth are together. He is quick in thought and action, secretive, a good planner, knows what he is go ing to do beforehand, counts the. cost before starting in, and is not afraid of Furnish Your House ON EASY PAYMENTS. Hendricks 4 Fenstermaker Furniture 4 House Furnishers SELLS FOB LESS. 113 and 119 Main Avenue HOTEL VAN CORTLAND WEST 49th ST., NEAR B’WAY. N. Y, CITY A high class fireproof hotel In the centre of the city and in the heart of the theatrical diatrict. Boonie, css of bath. *1.60 per day. Rooms with bath *2 per day. Alt rooms large, airy and hand somely furnished. Exceptionally cool in summer. HIGH CLASS RESTAURANT AT MODERATE RATES. BOOKLET DEON APPLICATION . Morales Transfer Co. Hauling and Storage PLACING SAFES A SPECIALTY Warehouse 8. A. P. Track. Old Phone 1594. New Phone 3149. 'buggies and wagons STms. PAIHTB, HAIPWAIE OVK PRICKS AKE LOWER BBMB*6EOB6E HAfiBWARE M. k AtM2l Military Han SAN aNiONIU t.l unT Ainu uAZLTfB results. He will drive his projects through to completion. In this fight he considers he has a principle at stake. He counts himself the champion of the whole white race. He feels that the negro has no right to place himself on an equality with any white man, and therefore he is the white champion, against a black usurp er. and he proposes to teach him a les son. With him there is no personality about it, only principle. And just be cause there is a principle he feels it his duty to fight for it. He long ago set a mark for himself —and that mark was victory and its goal was victory. There fore, watch how careful he is in regard to his habits, preparation for training and the men that he surrounds himself with. Only one thing can be said against him, that he has broken training, and that men who break training are apt not to get back into it again. Johnson. Johnson is a mixture of Mars and Jupiter, of Aries the'fire sign and Pis ces the water sign, a bad combination, for fire and water never mix; they are natural enemies. Instead of taking the best qualities of the sign, he seems to have chosen the worst of them. He is of a roving disposition, strongly opin ionative, selfish, jealous, hot-tempered, recklessly impetuous and fickle. He plunges recklessly into folly; he has lack of memory, is curious, unreason ably stubborn, is afraid of ridicule and really lacks confidence in his own pow er. He is filled with self esteem, has Ween arrlsted twelve times, mostly for recklessly endangering human life with the use of an automobile. He is fickle, has broken his contract twice with two theaters and has had his baggage at tached. He is careless of his physical condition and drinks continually. He is hot-tempered. Look at the Stanley Ketehel fight, where he rushed his man, knocked his teeth out and fell sprawl ing all over him. His great weakness is his stomach. He lacks judgment brutal force with him predominates. He lacks both the character and brains of bis white opponent. The Result. The fight will not last twelve rounds At first Jeffries will play with Joht son, continually telling him what he thinks of him,‘and he will get him rat tled and really scared, for Johnson Is a coward at heart, for at last he will realize that his time has come. Final ly Jeffries will knock him out with a body blow. STAGG TO LECTURE ON JAPANESE BASEBALL Associated Press. Chicago, June 20. —Coach A. A. Stagg will deliver a lecture on “Japanese baseball” to his diamond candidates to morrow as a preliminary to the prep arations for the University of Chicago s invasion of Japan this fall. Before the club starts summer training for the games with Waseda and Keio universi ties, Stagg will admonish them against overconfidence, on the basis of news from Japan as to the native skill in baseball. He received a letter yester day from a former Chicago player who saw the Japanese team in action this vear and warns Coach Stagg against expecting too many honors in the se ries of ten games. VICTORY FOR NATIONAL JRS. | The Nationals defeated the Sap. Jrs. I vesterday by the score of 8 to 3. The | batteries' were: Scott and Young for ' the Nationals and McCarty, Christian., Lambert and young for the Saps. The Nationals would like to have a game with some fast team between the ages of 13 and 15 years. Anybody wishing a game, call Old Phone 3384. LULING SOCIALS. Special Dispatch. Luling, Tex.. June 20.—At a regu lar meeting held Saturday night Har deman lodge No. 179, A. F. and A. M., elected the following officers for the coming Masonic year: C. E. Lips comb, W. M.; A. Finck, 8. W.: Miles Moore, J. W.; A. C. Beversdorf, treas urer; M. 11. Dowell, secretary and O. Walkerwick Tiler. The installation of officers will take place on the night of July 2, 1910- Rev. Gaddy Callahan is meeting with great success in his meeting which he is holding in a lot one of the ?‘ty park lots. There have been over fifty conversions. The many friends of Mrs. W. C. Griffen nee Miss Bonney Pinchin, were pained to learn of her death, which occurred Friday at San Antonio. Mrs. Griffen leaves a large faftuly con nection to mourn a great loss. Contractor Hayes Tadlock is busily engaged in building the new high school building. Over 20 Luling citizens attended the barbecue at Harwood which was a suc cessful and enjoyable affair. Mrs. George V. French has been elected superintendent of the city pub lic schools and Mr. Fleetwood Richards, principal. M. O. McGaffey has returned from a business trip to north Texas. A. M. Brown of Waelder, father-in law to Mr. E. B- Hill, a l° ca * butcher, was stsuck by an automobile Saturday and received painful and serious in juries. The Caldwell county candidates are getting quite active and political af fairs are warming up. Wanted—Extra carrier boys with horse and cart. S. A. Light and Gazette. I TRAP SHOOTERS READY EOR HANDICAP SHOOT Three Hundred and Thirty-six Entries for G. A. H. Which Starts at Chicago Today. Associated Press. Chicago. June 20.—Trap shooters from all sections of the world are in Chicago ready to start practice today for the eleventh- annual grand Ameri can Handicap on the Chicago Gun club grounds. Three hundred and thirty-six entries have been filed for the trap classic and Secretary Shaner predicts a big batch of post entries to be made at the traps before tomorrow night. The program today includes four events of twenty single targets each and one event of ten double targets. Four events of twenty single targets each and one event of ten double targets will be shot. TELEPHONE TEAM BEAT W. O. W. In one of the cleanest played con tests of the season, the 8. W. Tel & Tel. Co. defeated the W. O. W. camp No. 41, by a score of 7 to 6. ' Score— B. 11. E. Telephone Co. ...210 000 202 —8 8 3 W. O. W 000 000 420—6 7 3 Batteries: Rotzler, Krause and Hei baum; Behrens and Swartz. SAN MARCOS NEGROES CELEBRATE ‘JUNETEENTH’ Special Dispatch. San Marcos, Tex.. June 20.—The col ored population has been on a great celebration of the “June Nineteenth’’ since Saturday night. Sunday was an occasion of much speech-making and general celebration at the old Bales grove a mile east of town. This grove is a favorite picnic ground with the colored race, and the neighboring towns were well represented in the turn-out for both days. The star feature of the celebrating for today was a parade through the town. If inexpensive the vehicles and other parts of this parade were numerous and original. More speech-making was indulged in today. THE FAMOUS Burdette Mineral Water AND BURDETTE SPLITS FOR SALE AT THE FOLLOWING PLACES; M. M. HEWGLEY, Offic» Bar, 216 East Houston Street. JIM STEVENS, Riverside Bar, E. Hous ton Street. C. R. BASSE. Bismarck Saloon, Alamo Plaza. M. L. MASSEY, 310 West Commerce St. ARTHUR J. GAUL, 122 West Commerce. F. BIANCHI, 128 South Peect Street. ANTON M. JUDMAIER, 217 Nacogdo dies Street. HENRY " ALTERSCHIELD, 1831 North Flores Street. J D. PULLIAM, li>2B Grayson Street. P. g’ LUCAS, .'ussion Drug Store, 737 ' South Alamo Street. lluil-L DAK MERGER HOTEL BAK. UEXAK HO ILL BAK. H O KING 531 ban Pedro At enue. \ u' ELLIbON, 733 buuth Alamo St. j ' O.‘ HOVEL .V SONS, North Florea St. and Mistletoe Ave. _ v LAUREL HEloHlo PHARMACY, 133 La“kEL°HEIu IUS GROCERY CO, 133 SUNNY e, SOUni‘ ÜBAR. U BAR. corner Houston THE* tWENTIe’ih' “u'ENTURY DRUG 1 STORES, 22- H° ustuu St. and 144 W. Commerce. WM KALTEIEKS DRUG SIORE. Cor. Houston and Losoya Streets. 2 BROTHERS' BARS, 213 Crockett St. and 119 W Houston. i.HIR 645 East Commerce St. HENRY HOECKK 319 East Houston St. STEVE VACCAKEZZA, 2JG South Con- R 'J’OHN & co.. 908 W. Commerce St. ST. ANTHONY HOTEL. WIGNER'S DRUG olvius. RAY LAMBERT S SALOON. Sap Depot. Q. RENCHLIN. 1003 E. Commerce. t CAMP 402 Starr St. AUGUST LIMBURGER. 501 W. Com- SHARP k RIVERS, 102 WUson. KLAUS O. GROC. A SAL, —O2 New Braunfels Ave. MIKE KUBAN, saloon, >O9 E. Com St. Anton Kuban, Saloon. 41- W. Houston Str CHAS. E. BOSSHARDT, Branch Saloon, E. Houston Str. HENRY BTUECK, Farmers Ssloon, E. Com. Str. Finest Water in the World for Malaria, Indigestion, Kidney and Stomach Troubles - CIGARETTES _ It s the knowledge of knowing how and what kind of tobacco to \ select. But greatest of all is the f skill cf blending—of combining only x those leaves which will create an exceptional flavor. The result— Fatima Cigarettes. An inexpensive package gives I you ten extra smokes. Ml -Hiin Imiwl >' I! Pictures of populai actresses now < P‘kro'illl packed with Fatima Cigarettes. MX ””'l’A| I I l 1 I “ . U JBi Wl 11 gO for 15 cents 1 Z /■! | j i pi tmSl | ,z I ill J j 'll 1 DRY WEATHER IS INJURING CORN CROP Special Dispatch. San Marcos, June 20.—The contin ued/dry weather has worked much in jury to the corn crop and the German farmers west of town have in some in stances commenced to pull fodder. Still, notwithstanding the laek of rain, there will be a fair corn crop raised, but the failure to secure the bumper crop that seemed so certain a few weeks ago. has proved a considerable cause for disap pointment. The acreage of cotton is average, and the stand about the same. In many places the cotton has bean troubled by spring insects. The cotton will stand more dry weather. PEARSALL PERSONALS. Special Dispatch. Pearsall, Tex., June 20.—John L. Pranglin and Will Tyner went to Dilley Satu ray. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Huff and baby, Laura Leonora of New Orleans, are vis iting Mrs. Huff’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. 8. Fields. ’V. T. Wadzek has sold his livery bus iness to Dan Arnold. The following shipments 0" fat steers were made to St. Louis Saturday: Schreiner — Halff, 12 cars; J. M. Fuller, 10 cars. Sunday was children’s day at -the Methodist church. Appropriate music, songs, recitations and drills were fea tures of the program, and the service was very interesting throughout, a large crowd being present. Mrs. Josephine Frick, died at 9 q’cloek Saturday evening of heart fail fire. She had been in poor health sev eral weeks. She left a husband and eight children to moi rn the loss of wife and mother. Funeral services, conduct ed bv Rev. I. 8. Davenport, were held at 3:30 p. m. Sunday, and interment was made in the Pearsall cemetery. Rev. Theophilus Lee is assisting in a revival meeting at Frio Town. Rev. W. A. McDowell of San Anto nio, made a good address to the chil dren at the Presbyterian church Sun day afternoon. SMITHVILLE NEWS. Special DlspateX Smithville, Tex., June 20.—At the last regular meeting of Smithville lodge No. 92, Knights of Pythias, the follow ing officers were elected to serve the ensuing term: G. U. Behrens, C. C.; G. G. Lancey, V. C.; R. J. Saunders, pre late; E. H. Eaglesfbn, master of work; Otto Engel, M. at A.; Geo. McElroy, I. G.; W. D. Falconer, O. G.; J- N. Mohler, trustee. E. P. Cullen, a boilermaker, was found dead yesterday morning in a rooming house here. He was formerly in the employ of the Katy, but lately had been in the Southern Pacific shop in Houston. He was an Odd Fello • and Knight of Pvthias and his remains were taken to Flatona, where a wife and two children live. He had insurance in the Woodmen of the YY orld. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS MRS. WINSLOW’S SOOTHING SYRUP Has been « J ed for over FIFTY YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WHILE TEETHING, with PERFECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES the CHILD. SOFTENS the GUMS. ALLAYS all PAIN; CURES WIND COLIC, and is the best remedy for DIARRHOEA. Sold uy Drusirlsts in every part of the world Be sure and ask for “Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup,” and take no other kind. 26c. a bottle. DRUMMERS' JOKE OF DEVIL BABY RAISES BIG HUB BUB Started Rumor as a Hoax, But It Grew and Grew Until There Are Now Scores of Persons Wearing Out Shoe Leather on Quest to See Little Horned Messenger of Evil. Six weeks ago, when Halley's comet, according to hysterical prophets, threatened to destroy the world, a cei tain city drummer in order to add spiee to the situation, circulated a hair raising story to the effoet that a negro child had been born with horns ami a tail. He related the story to the effect that the negro babe could be >n the darkey settlement near the South ern Pacific passenger station, but was very careful not to give the exact lo- ’ cation. In relating the yarn about the little - black devil, the drummer stated that । the mother was an infidel and that tho j father was a devout Christian. One 1 evening when the father returned home] from work, his wife became angered at him for reading the Bible, and grab bing the holy book from his hands, threw it into the kitchen stove, where it was consumed by the flames. As the negro woman consigned the Bible to the fire she exclaimed: “I would rath er have the devil in the house than that Bible.” Several weeks later, according to the story of this knight of the grip, a baby boy was born to the woman and it was equipped in an up-to-date devil ish fashion with a pair of horns and a tail. Mr. Drummer stated that when the father attempted to kill the evil, omen that appeared at the home, the little imp spoke up and said that if he j was put to death there would be sfiveu | THE FIRST DAY OF JUNE MARKS THE BEGINNING OF DRAUGHON'S GREAT SUMMER OFFER IT IS UP TO YOU. 4- ..orilant oopoTtunily op«n io e«rv young man and woman In Sauthweat T»«»a TOSITIONB “enzSl. Ws could eazity^l by September lat. Your tern begins the day you enter. Your salary begins the d»r sfter you graduate w/ __ a-m you a poaiticn within 15 daya after you graduaW " S BACK GOBS YOUR MONBY. _ Yon had inti as well fsce the inevitable fact that a thorough knowtadge of Bookkeep ing or Shorthand or Telegraphy or, bettor still, all combined, is your only chance k> ijulclly *ei a airong lootb.-.ld in the commercial world. . . ■ ’ DRAUGHON'S PRACTICAL BUSINESS COLLEGES bare started more than a han deed thousand young men sod women on the rosd to success. Let us start you. Time to get busy ia BIGHT NOW. DRAUGHON’S S COLLEGE Bow Fhone 2994. Old Pboae 1099. ”Aland* Plaaa Orookott St., San Antonio. Texas. GOOD LUMBER Prompt Delivery Courteous Treatment Loans For Building Purposes i J t .N E 20, IUIO. more to 'eome just like him and who would take his place, and that he was to live seven years and that when he die', he would take the mother along with him. The hoax worked well among the ne gro population, and many little knots of men and women were seen nightly kneel ing in the middle of the street praying for salvation and that they might be i spared from the evil influences of the I Halley comet and the baby devil. The I practical joke of the drummer worked all right on the negro population, but 1 the jolly knight of the grip was not sat i isfied until he turned the attention of । the whites on the subject. In this ho ' succeeded from the fact that he would give the names of people who had seen the little devil. As a result of the re port hundreds of women hiked all over the east side of the city after dark in looking for the s'range visitor. Many were dubious over the report of the devil, but the majority are still wearing out shoe leather in hunting the joke and believe that, every word of that drum mer is the gospel truth. Mike Goggan, 316 E. Houston street, > is ready to see his friends and the i public, and introduce them to the hand- I somest and best line of pianos ever displayed in Texas. j Dr. O. E. Gwinn, 301-302 Hieks Bldg. ALBEIT UNE GEO. B. TALIAPEIIO GUS ZALMANZIO Albert Rirxe Lvimber Co. BOTH PHONES 3132 l-1817 S. Press St. “Sunset Crossing”