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REWTION IS SET ran SUNDH ACROSS BORDER Authorities Have Matter Well In Hand, However, and Will Crush Any Uprising. DISoATISFACTION IS CAUSE Arms and Ammunition Seized By Government and Lead ers Placed Under Arrest. Special Dispatch Cananea, Mex., .Tune 21. —Repressive measures by the strong arm of Mex ico’s federal authority may render fu tile a revolutionary movement timed to occur iu this state and all along the border on next Sunday when the polls are supposedly opened to vote for pres ident and vice president of Mexico. So many arrests have already been made and so much arms and ammunition has been confiscated that the authorities believe they have the situation well in hand. As unearthed by the federal authori ties and secret service men, the upris ing was to occur simultaneously in all the border states. Particularly was the state of Nuevo Leon, that being the former stronghold of Bernardo Reyes, to take an active part. Sonora and Coahuila wire also to join, while Ta piaulipas was expected to send a fo ee. Sunday being election day and the feast Jay of .St. John likewise, is said to have made it the acceptable time. Gen. Luis Torres, the man who put down the Yaqui rebellion, has been giv en charge of the subjugation of the malcontents. Col. Emilio Kosterlitzky, another Yaqui veteran, is also shoul dering much authority and has brought his men to Cananea. They comp,iso two companies of the Twenty fifth in fantry and a company of rurales. Gen eral Torre.-; has assured him that he will send WJ men by special train if necessary to protect the company and the mines. Many rifles and much ammunition has been found here. At Villa Verde also the government spies located sev vial hundred rounds of ammunition and 'more than three score rifles. At Chi vecteria. forty five miles from Cananea, teetl. one hundred rifles with ammuni tion were found, in all adjacent vil luges the government forces are mak- THE CITY NATIONAL BANK x s ' COURTEOUS APPRECIATIVE PROMPT SAFE P F A H V Vou As i nLH D r Neyer Before । ICE! ICE! ICE! | Manufactured under double distilled process from pure artesian water NEW MACHINERY INCREASED CAPACITY J FULL WEIGHT POLITE AND COURTEOUS ATTENTION Old Phone 142 New Phone 401 I Factory 808 Dal’as Street ’ CITIZENS' ICE FACTORY! 80ISIMI1 B!SMFH is the result of using a set of teeth that do not tit. Oir Yito । rues lit pertectly. Satisfaction guarantee.!. SIX, YALE DENTISTS tTESDAY, GOLOEN HUIE FOR DRUNKS 111 CHICAGO I — By Terms of New Ordinance Cops Will Be Compelled to Take Them to Homes, Associated Press. Chicago, 111., June 21.—“ The golden rule’’ will be applied to intoxicated persons in Chicago if an ordinance now in the hands of the judiciary committee is passed by the city council. The city council judiciary committee yesterday decided that in the future ah “drunks” found on the street by po lice must be taken to their homes. It did this despite an opinion given by Assistant Corporation Counsel Hayes that it is illegal for a policeman to take an intoxicated person to his home in stead of a police station and after Judge McKenzie Cleland, the father of the proposed ordinance, had told the committee that he had gotten around the objections raised by the assistant corporation counsel by changing the words “found on the street in an iu toxicated condition” to “found on the street in a condition of physical help lessness.” ing house-to house searches. Something over two hundred arrests have been made in this immediate district. Several causes contribute to the pres ent agitation across the border. They may be summarized as follows: The refusal of Gen. Porfirio Diaz to vacate the presidential chair after say ing four yea. ago that if he accepted a term then it would be the la t one and that he would retire' when 191 U came. The banishment of all liberal leaders, including the enforced journey to Eu rope of Gen. Bernardo Reyes and the imprisonment of Francisco I. Madero, who is now in the penitentiary at Mon terey ostensibly on charges of having abetted in the escape of a man from justice. In reality, the man is in jail with him. The violated promises that tl.c Mexi cans would be given the ballot at this election. Mexico has no popular suf frage and the millions of lower < never have a word to say iu their own governmental affairs. The attitude of President Diaz in forcing Ramon Corral as a vice presi dential candidate when the people want a more militant man, a lighter of the caliber of Reyes. The promptitude with which the gov ernment squelches any attempt to have opposition meetings, or meeting of the nnti-rccleetionists. these being ridden into and dispersed, while adherents of the present regime arc permitted to do SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE Wednesday Night at 8 o’Clock The big special train will pull out of the Sunset Depot with hun dreds of people, all going to Port O’Connor—all going to have a big time on the coast —all going to buy lots in Port O’Connor and lands out of the sixty thousand acre tract—all going to make money. This is the initial sale and the price of lots and land will be lower at this sale than it will ever be again. People who buy lots or land at this sale are certain to make money. Many of them will make a profit before leaving the town and many more will resell at a profit before making the second payment. These lots and tracts of land will be sold at public auction. There is no price on any of it. You and your neighbors make the price. Get in on the ground floor and reap the benefit of fifty thousand dollars worth of advertising that is certain to raise the price and make you money. Train leaves Southern Pacific depot 8 p. m. sharp, Wednesday, June 22d. Fare for round trip, good returning on regular trains up to Sunday night, $3.25; sleeper $l.OO extra. A. D. POWERS & CO., Town Builders almost what they please 0:1 the streets and iu their assembly rooms. The confiscation of newspapers and printing plants at which newspapers are printed that contain matter inimical to the present administration. In the la t few days Mexico Nuevo. Ihe offi cial organ of Mexico City, lias been shut up and the authorities arc sear’’- ing for Juan Sanchez Azcona, its edi tor. The belief among the lower classes that the Dia.: government in giving the country to Americans ami foreigners through the mediun of concessions and other valuable properties. The fear inspired by General Diaz in appointing governors and subsidiary chiefs of states, and the non-allowanee of the natives to participate in naming them men over them. SKIN DISEASES kBaDTLY CURED BY A SIMPLE HOME TREATMEn I' Persons who arc suffering from blackheads, pimples, dandruff, eczema, tetter, ring worm or any form of skin disease. often ask the question, “is there a cure?” The Bexar Drug Co. says “yes. there is a cure.” ZEMO, a scientific, clean. liquid preparation for external use, gives prompt relief and peimaitent ly cures every form of skin ami sculp 41 .ease. ZEM » diaws the germ life and p.iisons from underneath the skin to the surface and destroys them and in this way affects a complete cure of any form of skin or scalp disease, whethc >■ infants or grown pe-sons. The Bexar Drug Co. will show y >u proof of many remarkable cures made by ZEMO and wiJ gladly explain *0 you how you can be cured by this clear, simple home treatment. FORGOT TO DECLARE IT New York Merchant Says All Was Ex citement on Roosevelt Chip and He Forgot Jewelry. Associate:'. Piets. New York. June 21. —Isaac Pollock, a cloak and suit linker of this city, who came over ou the same steamship ns did ex-President Roosevelt is under $lOOO cash bail pending examination b • fore the I'ritcd States commissioner in Hoboken, N. J., as to why $3OOO worth of jewelry found on his person by a nntonis inspector was not declared. Uis explanation is an unusual one. lie says that there were exciting times 0:1 the steamship all the way because of Roose volt’s presence on board ami being of on excitable tempernincut, he forget to decline I he jewelry. COMMITTEE HOLDS MEETING. Special Dispatch. Lockhart, Tex.. June 21.—The Cald well county democratic executive com n it tee met yesterday afternoon, in the district court room. Among other busi ness transacted was the pla< ing of can didates on the ticket by lot. Judges for the coming election were appointed and the amount to assess the candidates was decided on as $l5 for county can diates and $5 for precinct candidates. The convention chairmen wore also se lected. The committee will meet again on the second Monday in July, at .which time they will arrange for printing the official ball t. LOCKHAF.T NEGROES CELEBRATE. Special Dlspatcn. Lockhart, Tex., June 2L—The negro population celebrated the 19th with r big picnic nt Wither's Mott, item Lockhart, yesterday. At noon they paraded through the principal streets There Were ."2 vehicles in line, some very prettily decorated, and a num her of horsemen rode alongside th* 1 decorated wagons. Gay colors and fancy rigging "as spread on to perfection, as , the Jiipetecnth eciebrants know how t< : attaeli it. The mvsie lovinu publie should 5,0 j fail to call at 316 K. Houston stree | and take a look at Miko Gou"an‘s Jin .of the’ newest in piano building. BAIRD RECEIVES RECITAL DF TESTS Representative of Pennsylvania Lines Apprised of Methods Taken for Safety. C. A. Baird, southwestern representa tive of Hie Pennsylvania I’nes, has re turned from a tour of Mexico, where he was in search of business lor the sys tern he represents. Ou opening his mail this morning, Mr. Baird found a circu lar letter giving a leview of the annual tests made on that system during the past year. These reports were not made public until as late as 1906, but in or der to show the patrons of the road as to what precautions were taken for their safety while traveling, the offi cials thought it advisable to make the annual report public. The circular let ter giving the report of tests made dur ing the past year is ns .'oliows; Some 300,1'00 efficiency tests were held last year by the f ennsylvunin ralroad and practically a perfect rec ord was made by flic employes. These figures arc shown in a report issued today by the railroad. The average minimi' of tests made each day was S2O and of the total for the year 99.65 per cent were perfect. Tn the twenty-fi'-o one liu idredths of one per cent of fail ores are included the eases where on gincmen passed signals by a few to, t before stooping their trains, and .imiln* '•uses, which, though violations, were not such i s would make possible an acei .lent to r tru'n. ' Effi-ienev tests ."re conducted by of- Free Sample hips Weak Wonw So many of the ills of women are lue to constipation that too much warning cannot be given them to keep he bowels well open. They have a nodesty and timidity about this that s positively dangerous to their health. It is a function tiiat is as necessary as air and food and should not be avoided. But it Is important to know the remedy vest suited to woman’s needs. Cathartic sills and tablets are too powerful and 'alts and purgative waters are both pow erful and nauseating. What Is wanted b something milder and better tasting, but which at the same time la promptly ef ectlve Dt Caldwell’s Syrup Pepsin fills :hese requirements and Is being taken by housands of Intelligent American women, i'hey not only use it themselves, but hay ng found it effective in their own case, :hey keep it in the house for other mera vers of the family, for wo are all called rpon at some time or other to use such i remedy. It is a safe and reliable laxative tonlo ind can bo conveniently obtained of any irugglst at fifty cents and one dollar a jottie Before buying a bottle of your irugglst the doctor invites you to make a :est of it nt his expense, and when you ire satisfied it is what you went you cap liuy it in the regular way, just as thou sands are doing So. If you will eond rour name and address to Dr. Caldwell io will send you a sample bottle free ct charge. Thousands of people owe ihe present rood health of their families to applylnc ’or a free cample bottle, for In this wry :hey learned of an effective ami inex« jenslvc cure for constipation. Indigestion, iver trouble, sick headache sour stomach ind troubles of that kind that come from i disordered stomach, liver or bowels, rhe family of Harry T. Recker. 20? w. Monroe street. Chicago, nr" among tbo eglons who highly praise this grand laxa- Jve and are glad to nubUclv say so. Dr. Caldwell personally will be pleased o give you any medical advlc-* yon mav Icsire for yourself or famit-- pertaining to he stomach, liver or bowels absolutely ree of charge. Explain your ease In k otter and he will reply to you in det iIL for the free .-ample simple send your r.wnia and address on a postal ••ard or - iherwlse. For either request the doctor’s cCdrons io Dr. W. B. Cnl-i’"dl, 11.613 W«1 “o-Ucdlo, BL ficials of the Pennsylvania railroad I who, at unusual times and places, set I signals at caution or danger, display ■ tusecs, or place torpedoes on the track I with a view to keeping all employes con- Ibtantly on the alert, for any and all sig nals.'Failure to observe any of the rules regard’ug the operation of trains is con sidered cause for discipline. The tests made in 1909 were divided into four classes, in which the following records were mrdc by the men: Block signal rules, 47,384, of which 99.6 per cent showed pei'oet observance on the part of the employes; rules governing flagmen, and the use of fusees, torpe does and other signals, 45,887 tests, with 99.6 per cent perfect; trains ahead of schedule time. 92.379 tests, with 99.4 per cent perfect, ami s’gnalmeu reliev ing each other. 99.9 per cent perfect out of 112 901 tests. Eight of the twenty-six divisions of the Pepnsviviii ia rrilro:id showinl per fei't reeorcls in all signal tests mmle <tur ing the year. On the Sunbury ami Shamokin divisions a total of 12.5-I9 block signal rule tests were made and in <>nlv nine nod rvas the observance imperfect. Twelve «l : vi.sions ha<l over 99 per cent of efficiency tests perfect, 19 divisions hml perfect records in triins checkeil for running ahead of schedule time, ami 9 divisions had pet feet records in signalmen relieving each oUier <>n time. In 1906 the Pennsylvania ra’lroad first mnde public the results of effi ■ ienei- tests. Sine" that time these test have be"n eo -dm* ' rc-mlarH' ami the results have been given to the public from time to time. The percentage of failures has been gradually decreasing and nt the nunc time the cumber of a" lidcnln on the Pci’nsylvnnia system has shown a far greater percentage of de .•reuse. -s-e- LAUNDRY AND IDE PI AMT AT FORT SAM HOUSTON The quartermaster gencml has ac < entcil bills for the construction of a laundry and ice plant at I oit bain Houston and orde’e I that the work oust begin rof letcr than July 1. Ihe ’ ids are as follows: Ziegler Pros . pump and ice plant •ili’imr, 421.162. Pruden t t'NoiU Plumbin'’ and Beit >•» company, plumbing. $370. A. W. Lockett & «'o., boi’ers IV'ml •iter heater, etc.. $16,620; annro'ir a n for water and sewers, 1910, $. $, •o A. IL Shafer, electric wiring and fix- •ns. $4lO. Henry Port MrcHno mu inetv. absorption tvpc n'nnt and ox ■i ammonia pump and condenser, ’0 105. Zict’lcr Bros., laundry buihlinw. 12.735. IT. Shafer, electric wiring an l fix 'os. SS39. Trov I.aim '-• Machinery company, ~ .i,:,.„ v 4’3.*,s.■>. t'hnlkle.v Bros., plumbintr, $948: nr ■ooriation for regular supplies, 1910, 5.142. 'NTA FE MAN WITH WESTERN UNION Tex.. .Tine 21— A •om Tonok*\ Km ph., < H. ‘Hint <»f Tnncl-n. t general • r.n ,T er of th? Santa F° railwav *m. h »« been nnpoir»teJ general Hiner tentlcnt of the AVa«tcrn Lninn I elo rnph ronnan” tbp veat divi •oii of the Staton, with head quarter? in S’n Francisco. MISSIONARIES LEAVE YINGTAK PROVINCE V«rciat?'* Frets. Ho-i» Kong. lune 21. —There is con idi’"al 1- vnrcM nt Yinptnk on the NoHh river and uearlv all the Bantist missionaries nt that place hare arrived at Hung Kong. MANY IN RACE FOR LABOR DAY QUEEN Splendid Prizes Offered This Year for CoiPestants In An nual Eveni —Entries, Preparations for the Labor Day cele bration under the auspices of the San Antonio Trades t'oum il are coming on apace. The prizes which have been so cured for the winners in the great an nual contest this year are of mueii greater value th- those ever before of fered. The first prize is a Jot in Lake view addition, lot 13 block 59; the sec ond prize a Bush & Gertz piano from Wray brothers and the third prize a diamond ling valued at sB>o. t'ontcstantu who have entered iu the race for Labor Dav queen arc: Miss Bessie Collins, representing the gar- ment workers; Miss Agnes Schott, rep resenting the mnsiciai’s; Mr*. .1. G. M" son. paiH'iimnyers: Mrs. J. Johnson, B. 11. T. 369; Mrs. J. Anrdoby. Woninn's Auxiliary B. R. T. 3C9; Mis. G. W. Ramsu’. O. R. C.; Mrs. Fred Barr, B. of L. E. Grand Marshal J. J. Tucker Jr. an nounccd as his aides W. Hi"kox am Gcorm Js’mtiit. The boxes for the re ception of the ballots it: the voting coo test will be in place next week. A new boat, ilnimed bv the inventor to be unsinkable, is mnde by covering :i uerfor: ted steel shell with granulated eork. Wm A TW A liiijiA m iw/i The E everage That Satisfies Even Confirmed Coffee Drinkers ONE TEASPOONFUL MAKES TWO CUPS Published by the Growers of India Tetx ne Y. M. C A. GLEE CLUB ’ ■—a : ; Composed of twenty ol San Antonio’s best • singers, will give a musical concert on Mon* dav evening, June 2Uth at 8:30, in I The COOL Y. M. C. A AUDITORIUM j Yon can’t spend that Monday evening Admis- ; in a cooler or more delightful p'ace. s ‘ 3n Jvi Motors for All Purposes From lone to twenty-horsepower in stock. You will save time and money bv rsliiug on us. The must complete line of ( handelie s and Elec trie Supplies in rhe city. s:nl our prices a-e right. Personal attention given to all work. I Graham £ Collins 246 Sl - i JUNE 21, 1910. H BEAT PRICES FW POOR MM Prices on Cheaper Cuts Arc Re duced While Those on Expen sive Ones Are Raised, Associated Press. Chicago, 111., June 21. —Following predictions made last week, packer, yesterday circulated a new list of prices for dressed beef cuts whieis showed variations of interest to house wives. Most expensive cuts of beef were ad vanced half cent a pound, while ths cheaper cuts were reduced l-4c to Ic. The revision favored the poor Jian’s pocket book, while it called for h larger outlay to furnish the table of the ri-h. Retailcts said that they would lower their prices at oi:ec. Close on the heeln of the reduction in beef pi ices came the report that a consignment of 7000 drersed hogs have been received in San Francisco from Chinn. Thrs" hogs w-’re slid to have been import’,, by a St. I ouis wholesaler, who will distribute them to all parts of the country. ' •»— — A NEW KIND. A Irnincd nurs" "g'rbed in :- er Jo-’’ triple-cspe street uniform of cadet biue overheerd two children comment ing ea v.’hat it night mean, when one exclaimed confidently: “Oli. I know, she's a w’dow _ mail earrie .”—De ii'cator.